Daily Times-Gazette, 27 Aug 1946, p. 9

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(or " se ' Pergen~op-Zoom and at Holten, 12 &) : \ KERS ENJOY ICNIC OUTING Duplate Glass Runs Off Sports Program At Lynbrook Park Picket line worries were { ten 008 Du~ , \ast Bature hey took their and the knowledge fcket duties were being by union members lants combined to make the outing a huge success, In the feature sports event of the afternoon the Plastic's: softhall team defeated the aggrogation from Ly Cilass section by a score of 14 8 In the scrambled shoe race for ladies the winner was Wanda Kel» th Donna Kellar second and Leveque third, Donna picks od up some added speed in the la» dies' high Fd and won the event, beating out Wanda who was second, and , Herne, third, Vern Gib= #on won the men's high jump, Rog er Planche came & and Alec Beaton, third, Vern Gibson also woriii's Bumping Charlie, followed . Buck, second and Roger anche, third, The winning team in the men's tug-of-war was G, Johansen, R. Boneham, G, Hudson, P, Mack, R. Buck, F, Seavers, W, James, J, Pate terson, Gi, Miller and Don Herne, Red Scott and 8, Yourkewich teams od up to win the Chargers Mounted and CG, Johamsen and 8y 'Lang came second, Don Herne and Mrs, Herne won the wheelbarrow mixed race, with R, Planche and Donna Kellar taking second place, Katherine Fogal won the race for tots under four, and Larry Fogal took first place over the boys and 1s from four to six, with Donna erne and Charles Buck finishing second and third, respectively, In the latter race, Girls, 7 to 9: Mare lyn Herne 1, Bernice Willlams 3, anet Stire 3, Boys, 10 to 12: Allen Stire 1, Robert Fogal 3, Ronald Fo- gal 3, Girls, 10 to 12: Helen Leve- sue 1, Barbara Willlams 2, Barbara Sager 3. Boys, 13 to 15: Harry Kel. lar 1, Alec Beaton 2, Don Manion 3, Girls, 13 to 15: Alice Stire I, Joan Sager 3, Girls, 16 to 20: Helen Leveque 1, Donna Kellar 3, Wanda Kellar 3, Boys, 16 to 20; Roger Planche 1, Sy Lang 3, Vern Gibson 3. Allen Stire and Robert Fogal won the three-legged race for boys and girls under 14, CANUGK GRAVES AMONG BEST-KEPT INWEST EUROPE 11,000 Servicemen Are Buried In Eight Cemeteries of 13,000 Oanadian soldiers Jost their lives in the long advance from Normandy into Germany now Ue buried 'The war graves organisation of the Oanadian y has carried out its task with great care and the ceme- teries are among the best kept in Of the 2000 other Canadian soldiers lost in the Western Front , 400 to 800 are still unao~ for and about 1500 are villan graveyards, Four of the Canadian cemeteries are in France, one in Belgium and in Holland, Gen, H, D, G\ , retired commander of the 1st Canadian Army, decided no Ca- manently in Germany, The finest cometery of the eight is probably near Beny-sur-Mer iff where the men killed on t battle for 08, There are 2, white metal crosses marking graves, each with a mound of | and two feet of green grass between the In the centre of the cemetery is @ 13-foot Cross of Sacrifice bearin & orusader 5:52 z 4 HT 5 i 2 i : : Bg i 1 i 25% permanent stone crosses, All the Canadian plots are to be- come Canadian territory , Belgium and Holland give ing the land as a tribute to the men who helped liberate their countries. Beside the Caen-Falalse road near Pretteville-sur-Lalse is another Canadian cemetery, The other two in France are on the hills behind Dieppe, and at Leubringe hen, between Calals and Boulogne, The cemetery in Belgium is at Adegem, between Ghent and Ose and than one mile from the Leopold Canal where one the tiercest Canadian actions near Nijmagen where the dead. freen the Relche sgwald and Hochwald forest battles are buried and where most of the Canadians killed in Germany are interred, The other two in Holland are at miles east of Deventer on the Ijssel river, ---- Banbury, Oxfordshire, Eng, - (CF) Banbury will have no darts Jeazue this winter because of the peer shortage. i you're having trouble getting your favorite model, you'll be interested in these 60 new French Renaults, first unloaded, to arrive in the U.S, Rene G, Balsier, examines them at Pler 88, New York, after they were THIN STEEL TOWER MARK GOLD STRIKE Tiny Veldt Village Appar- ently Undisturbed By Mining Boom Opendaalsrust, South Africa, Aug, 20 (OP)~--A spidery steel structure, no more impressive than the gantry that carries the ordinary farm windmill, and a small hut with a flock of sheep gazing nearby mark the site of the Geduld borehole, richest gold deposit in the world, Nearby are other spindly struece tures, each attended by a European superviser and a half-dozen natives, marking boreholes any one of which may revive the fever of specula- tion caused in the gold-mining world three months ago by an. nouncement of the assay result at the Cieduld core, Each represents an investment of millions--yet they give no hint to the layman of the potential riches lying beneath, In the centre of the new goldfield area, five miles north of the Ged- uld deposit, lies the tiny village of Odenaalsruat, sldepy and apparent= ly unaffected by the three-monthe old boom get off by the GCeduld strike, : Then speculators stepped in and the price of plots in the tiny vile Inge rose from about £5 ($30) apiece to £3,000 or £4,000, Up to £10,000 was offered for one plot facing on to the central market square, But today the speculators are silent in the bar of the wood-and- iron Commercial Hotel, with its seven rooms and dilapidated exter. for, For it may take five or 10 years before they can see any appreciable return for the big money they have invested in Odenaalsrust property, Today, Odendaalsrust is still the same aleepy backveld village it was & quarter of a century ago, peace- ful in the centre of a vast plain, Coming into Odendaalsrust, the motorist must drive over at least 30 | miley of unpaved road, from which rise great clouds of dust as long, ong convoys of trucks roll on wit elr supplies toward the village. If your eyes are good enough, you oan see Odendaalsrust from 100 miles away, a tawdry conglomer= ation of a half a dozen atorbs, a bank, an hotel and a Dutch Re- formed church, get plank in the middle of nothing, Odendaalsrust is very despond ent, Most of the population don't want gold--they are satisfied with their sheep, their dirt farming, They are all strong Nationalists in that part of the world, They were all anti-war, anti-Smuts, But they welcome the English with tradition. al Boer hospitality, Until recently, the village's only water supply was a solitary winde mill from which water was taken to the few householders by - donkey cart, There is no electricity and no railway. But now plans are booming for the develo, nt of the aren, Water will have be brought: from more than 50 miles away on the mighty Vaal River, Power will have to come from more than double that dist ance, Bome of the women in Odendaals~ rust-=the older women-=still wear a modern version of Voortrekker clothing, the long, full-skirted dress and the traditional "kapple," lke the poke bonnet of coverdd-wagon days, But many of the younger women stroll around the market square, and along the only street, in the most modern clothes, TULIP SKIRT IS HIGHEST FASHION British Styles Are Shown in Wide Fall Col. lection London, Aug, 31 -- (OP) == Bri. tains autumn collection of model dresses for export showed a marked crystallizing of styles, A definite feeling for rounder contours and more subtle cuts re- mains but the extravagant draping and highly accentuated hiplines of last season have settled down with Victor Stibel concentrating on tulip skirts for afternoon and evening droases, These are like an inverted tullp with two large overlapping petals owrving up to the walst on one side, There are several variations of this skirt which include the back dipping petal for day. On evening dresses this skirt produces swathed mummy-like drapery on a pencil alim garment, Mannequins had their hair brushed sleok, and colled high on thelr heads creating a Greclan effect, Bodlces are still elaborately draped on both day and evening dresses, Shoulder Radding is out an necklines generally low, One evening frock was in shine iy black satin, tight fitting with tullp skirt and tiny bolero over an orchid pink bodice embroidered with jet sequins, Another was In corn-colored orepe with double petal skirt sweeping up at the slides, cap sleeves and a trail of lvy leaves across the draped corsage, Suits have changed little, Jack. ots are still long and slightly flared from the waist, skirts are tailored GET THE FACTS IN THE GLOBE AND MAIL . HOW CAN WE END LABOR UNREST ? More Give-and-Take Spirit Needed ® IS SELECTIVE IMMIGRATION ESSENTIAL? Canada Has Room and Resources IS RUSSIA ON THE MAKE? Writers Analyze Outlook Not just today and tomorrow but every day The Globe and 1 brings such as those headlined h u the news facts on issues ere! Each edition of The Globe and Mail is alive with news of interest to all. Whatever your personal views on local and world affairs you'll find the news in The Globe and Mail fairly presents both sides of every question. Make arrangements npw to enjoy The Globe and Mail in your home every morning, The Globe and Mail FEARLESS POLICY - FIRST WITH THE NEWS QM-4é-9 and very smooth and straight with the opening at the back instead of the side, They fire made in tweeds of vermilllon and deep raisin, henna wtih grey, wine with oyster, blackberry and orchid pink. Black was the most popular for afternoon dresses but when colors were used they were strong bright purples, deep reds and greens or a delicate orchid pink, «+o for FURNITURE it's the LL J M. COLLI FURNITURE CO. «++ Of Course! BRUNETTE WINS BEAUTY CONTEST Helen Roach Talked Into Entering Event at Bowmanville Bowmanville, Aug, 24--Residents of Bowmanville district who report~ od hearing wolf calls last night, may rest assured that it was not an invasion by the four-footed, fur~ bearing species of the breed, but the naming of Miss West Dur~ am at the "Bowmanville Legion carnival held in the town park, Petite, dark Helen Roach, 18 year-old home~town beauty, who took top honors in a field of 32 con~ testants, doday wears the title, but is still not quite sure how she came to enter the contest, "They were all teasing me about entering the contest, but I wasn't going to," she admitted, "However, '| when we went to the carnival on Thursday night they talked me into Jutung in my entry, I had only a ew minutes to go, but I put it in anyway, and, Jos, 1 went through the semi-finals OK, and then on Friday night, I won,' Helen, who 15 at present the housekeeper at the Roach home on Wellington, 8t,, was thrilled, and al« 50 admitted she didn't mind the |, wolves so much at the contest--af« ter all, they were mostly local wol- ves, and she knows them, she pointe od out, : "Miss West Durham" is five feet, five inches, and tips the scales at 118 pounds, She is a brunette, with hair almost black, Becond place went to Lucille For« der, of Blackstock, while the judges 78-80-82 KING ST. W. Phone 1030 (STOVE OR NUT) Now Available! We have just received a large shipment ready for | IMMEDIATE 9 DELIVERY! ARMSTRONG FUELS 59 CHURCH PHONES 2727w -- 2726 were unable to make a decision for third place honors between Sally Cole and June Luffnan, both of Bowmanville, There was considerable agitation to have bathing suits declared as the official costume for the beauty contest, but the weatherman cast the deciding vote, and the contest THE TIMES-GAZETT ants paraded in street clothes. '- Becond feature of the carnival was | # popularity contest, which was won | §6F by Gladys King of Bowmanville, The two-night show, which was ably managed by M. Breslin with & committees. of ©. Samis, A, Hooper v "Dancing This Special! SUNDAY MID} SEPTEMBER 1 12:0 MONDAY, SEPTE REDUCED PR LADIES: 650c GE} "Eastern Ontario's Most Us, JUBILEE P Thrilled Thousands At Every Show Yesterday! In TLS, LAST TWO DAYS! TODAY and TOMORROW WHITE FEATHERS . . . . THE BRAND OF A More Bladng as Ever Held! ous E GORI Cast of -- THOUSANDS RALPH RICHARDSON C. AUBREY SMITH JUNE DUPREZ It's Hot and Torrid! High Speed Mualoal full of love, 'anghs and melody! ' Marjorle WOUDWORTH GEORGE GIVOT ADDED FEATURE! Coming THURSDAY! "DUFFY'S TAVERN" with 32 GREA COWARD I Thrills Than Any S pi "DARK MOUNTAIN" 1st Oshawa Showing, Big ~ RS Cast TODAY and TOMORROW THE SUPER-SNOCK SENSATION OF ALL TIME! on IT STARTE \ AND EN AR Together! AN Torvific). Bringing All MEW THRILLS! ---- » WITH DED IN The "GLASS A TA UOUS SHOW DAILY This Is Strictly ADULT Entortaloment! Regend "Always FIRST With The BEST" , TOMORROW Tere ) Wasn't A Thing About Love She Didn't Know! All London whis hi gend about the of the s, of the i ple rose to become the most scandal. 3 ous Duchess of the A Paramount Picture Starring why PAULETTE GODDA RAY MILLAND CECIL KELLAWAY © REGINALD OWEN London Court, ns RD PATRIC KNOWLES

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