Daily Times-Gazette, 20 Aug 1946, p. 5

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Legion Team Ousted By Ajax With 5-1 Win By NEIL MACCARL Ajax advanced into the Inter- ranch Legion playoffs last night they took a 5-1 win from Whitby the final game of thelr best-of- series, and ousted the local rom the playoff picture. With mmy Harold hurling a masterful two-hit game and fanning thirteen of the Whitby batters, it did not unearned variety, and not until the sixth frame were any Whitby bat- ters able to get to Harold for a hit, Ajax took the lead in the second with a single tally when Barefoot was safe on G, Allin's error, and he scored from first on McLelland's double and a delayed throw in from the -outfield, In the ' third, Ajax increased their margin to 3-0, Hood opened the inning with a single, and Naugler followed with a line drive double into centre-field cash- ing the run, Stewart grounded out with Naugler going to third on the play and he scored on Harold's fielder's choice. On'y Run In 4th Whitby got their lone unearned tally in the fourth, After G. Allin and Brown had been called on strikes, marking the fifth and sixth consecutive victims to Harold, Stew- art dropped the third strike on Knibb, and he got on base, ad- vanced on a stolen base and a pass- ed ball, and scored when Stewart tried to pick off Bragg who had walked, In the fifth, Ajax pushed across another pair to end the scoring. Harold contributed a timely. double in his own behalf following singles "ANNOUNCEMENT | Thursdays A Representative of The Singer Sewing Machine Co. will be in Whitby te sefvice all makes of sewing machines, Expert Workmanship Guaranteed If in need of service write or phone before the above days. SINGER SEWING " MACHINE CO. PHONE 696 -- OSHAWA 17-¢¢ RSSIS.--------GY by Hood and Naugler and it drove in both his mates, Whitby threatened strongly in the sixth, when Pearce and Allin beat out bunts for the first. two hits from Harold, and Brown drew a walk to fill the bases with none out, but the side was retired without any damage being done, Knibb pop- ped out to Koch, Bragg's attempt to bunt on the third strike was foul, and an attempted triple steal went haywire and Pearce was run down between third and home. In the seventh Harold fanned all three Whitby batters to end the game, Naugler Had 3 For 3 For the winners, Na 's perfect three for three made the lead ing batter, although Hood also con- tributed three singles, and Veitch also banged out a pair of singles. Ajax now advance into the finals against Bowmanville who won their | prize round against Oshawa in 'two straight games, AJAX: Koch, 2b; Ewd, ss; Naue gler, 3b; Stewart, ¢; Harold, p; Barefoot, 1b; McLelland, If; Veitch, cf; Morrison, rf. WHITBY: Dafoe, c; Pearce, 3b; G, Allin, ss; Brown, p: Knibb, 1b; Bragg, cf; Thorndyke, cf; Mec- Lean, If; Philips, 2b. Umplres--J. Heard, Wilde, ARRESTED WHILE ON BAIL Pickering, Aug. 19--Free on ball of $2,000 while awaiting trial on a housebreaking charge at Toronto, and also facing trial on nine other charges in three counties, Willlam Volvie, of Ajax, was taken into custody by Chief Constable John Irving, of Pickering, yesterday and charged with breaking into a Rose- bank Beach residence. BEES GO TO MARKET Norwich, England -- (CP) -- A swarm of bees from the Norwich Castle aplary "went to market." A Norwich beekeeper and his daugh- ter smoked them into a hive from a fruit stall, In Memoriam PRING--In loving memory .of Audrey Town Pring, who passed away August 10th, 1937, Two dear bright eyes a tender smile, A loving heart that knew no guile, Deep trust in God that all was right, Her joy to make some other bright. If sick or suffering one she knew, Bome gentle act of love she'd do; No thought of self, but of "the other," I know He sald "well done, dear rey." : u ~Lovingly bered by Grand 'own, WANTED TWO YOUNG WOMEN For PACKING EGGS and CHICKENS PART OR FULL TIME -- GOOD WAGES Apply PICKERING FARMS Kingston Rd. West, Whitby Phone 336 IVAN HESS CARTAGE SAND AND GRAVEL FOR SALE First class for plastering and con. crete work. Delivered anywhere. TELEPHONE 904 * WHITBY GIFTS PRESENTED T0 REGENT BRIDE Mrs T. Aikey Entertained (G. M, White, Correspondent) _Brooklin, Aug, ~19.--On Tuesday evening Mrs, Alfred Wilson enter tained in a shower for Mrs, Tom Arkey (nee Mary Burrell), when a large number from the community attended, Mrs, Frank Rogers was master of ceremonies and a very interesting program was given cone sisting of the following numbers, A reading, "How To Oook A Hus- band", Mrs. Rogers; a duet, 'Tom Was Seeing Mary Home", Mrs. K. Holliday and Mrs. O. Pengelly; a duet, "Doin' What Comes Naturale ly", Misses Ruth Heron and Evelyn Ormiston, Mrs, A, Wilson arranged a most interesting contest, "A Flow- er Romance", and Mrs. Arksey knew the answers, so she won the . The prize proved to be a shower of beautiful gifts which ine cluded an occasional chair from community 'friends. Little Dianne Wilson brought the gifts to Mr. and Mrs, Arkey in her decorated doll buggy and these were most grac- jously received and words of appre- clation spoken by both the bride and groom, A very lovely bouquet of sweet peas was also presented to Mrs, Arkey from one of Brooklin's fine gardens, The best wishes of all go with this very popular coup.e as they begin their new home in Whitby, : Little Donald Alves had the mis- fortune to fall beside a tractor at his farm home on Tuesday and re- ceived injury to his foot, The wheel of the tractor passed over one side but owing to soft ground the injury was not as serious as was at first feared, Miss Ross of New York is visiting with Miss Luella Mowbray this week, Mr, ©, 8, Thompson and Mr, K. Webber sang a very beputi/ul duet, "Despised and Rejected" at the morning service in the United Church on Sunday. Service in 8t. Thcmas' Anglican Church on Sunday, Aug. 25, at 11 am. The Young People's Union are taking a trip to Niagara Falls on Thursday, Aug, 22. : . Mr. Jas. Davidson of Rapid City, South Dakota, US.A, is with Mr, and Mrs, W. A, Dryden, Mrs. Cora Harshman and grand. daughter, Mics Sevilla Spreecher of Oregon, Ill, USA, are with Mr, and Mrs. M. Routley, New. Haven, Conn, US.A, are with Mrs, Wm. Smith, Mr. and Mrs, 8, Lockyer and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Jackson spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Brush at Essex, Baby Band Picnio The annual Baby Band picnic will be held on the church lawn on Wednesday, Aug. 21, at 3 pm, to which all mothers with small chil. dren are invited, The invitation is extended also to the Mission Band and C.G.IT, groups, Miss Chrissie Simpson will be guest speaker. The members of the W.M.S, are asked to meet in the basement of the church for a brief business meeting at 2.30 pm. "A Treasure House" Rev. P, L., Jull occupied his pulpit in the United Church on Sunday morning, following his month's va- cation, For his text he spoke from the words, "There was a man sent from God whose name was John". The Bible, he said, is an amazing book, coming as it does from the life of the Hebrew people, Today it is read and studied in over one thousand languages. It is a literary treasure house and a cross-section of human history, It contains the bed rock of every code of human conduct-and of human interest and above all, it is the word of God to the human heart. Each has a mis- sion in life to live as the son of God. The poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox formed a fitting climax for the sermon. "I' live for those who love me, For those who know me true - For the Heaven that smiles above me and the good that I can do For the cause that needs assistance, for the wrongs that need resistance For the future in the distance and the good that I can do." Three Ball Games The Brooklin Lions met the Northminster ball team in a game on Tuesday night at the park when Northminster were the winners, It Was a most exciting game with the Lions leading until the last innings when Northminster came ahead. The score was 10-8, On Thursday night the game was with Bathe Brooklin lost again with the acore 10-4. Next week this "Junior group of players will begin their playoff | series. By applying Alexander Murray's Protective Products to foundations, framing, flashinge brick work, and roofs, etc., you will eliminate fyture grief and costly repair bills, Wherever dampness attacks, Murray's have the right material for the right job. Give attention now to signs of worn and leaky spots in the roofs, drains, walls, window frames, etc., stops trouble before it happens. Let us give you full details--call us today. JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 RROCK ST. SOUTH * Phone Whitby 524 The Odd Fellows baseball teams Staged a ine game on Friday night in the park, in spite of the fact that the date for the game had to be ohanged. Port Perry were the win- ners which made them the cham- plons for the Odd Fellows' League and gave them the allver cup tro- phy as their reward, The Trall Rangers arrived home from camp at Lynbrook with their icader, John Medland, on Saturday, well and happy after their week's vacation. The Ontario County Junior Far. mers extend to you an invitation to take part in ir first annual open air church ice, to be held at Brooklin the United Church lawn, on Aug, 25 at 7.30 pm, DST. This service is for all denomina- tions in Ontario County, In case of cold or wet weather the service will be held in the church. The collec- tion over expenses are for charita- ble purposes. Rev. Ray McLeary of Toronto will be guest speaker, Dr. Charles VanValkenburgh and Dr. Martha VanValkenburgh of Utica, N.Y, were with Mr, and Mrs, Norman White this week. El Achar at Cairo is the oldest university in the world, founded in 972 AD. Mrs, mith and Miss Smith of | The good neighbor policy received an winsome Canadian girls shared equally in the honor of being queen for a day on the radio show emceed by Jack Balley. Joyce Hill, 21, of Newmarket, Ont, unexpected boost recently when two tn AUXILIARY HOLDS REUNION PIGNIC Mrs, Lereine Ballantyne To Address August Meeting Brougham Institute le -- ( Mrs. T. C. Brown, Corr.) Brougham, Aug. 19--Mr, and Mrs, Roy Moore who were recently mar- ried and are honeymooning at the home of Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Hamilton, had as week-end guests Mr. and Mrs, Earle McDonald of New Jersey and Mrs, Moore Sr, of Sarnia, \ Mr, and Mrs, C. Mullett of Wil- llamsport, Penn., were callers at thé home of their aunt, Mrs. T.-C. Brown, on Saturday, . The Ramsey family were week end visitors of Parry Sound rela- tives. Recent guests of Thomas Gam- mage were his sister Mrs, Everest and son, Ray, Mr, and Mrs. A. Gray had the pleasure of picking fine peaches from a tree of their own growing, grown from pit, The foundation of the Robert Miller building has now been com- pleted. A very pleasant afternoon was spent on Thursday, when the mem- bers and visitors of the Woman's Missionary Auxiliary held their ane The girls, and Margaret Smith, 20, from" Brampton, Ont, have been "thumbing" rides from their homeland to Mexico. The longest "lift" was a 1,000-mile ride from Chicago to Colorado Springs, Here Jack Bailey and hitchhikers Margaret, left, and Joyce ride a bicycle for three, When the girls expressed a wish that they would like to attend a fiesta at Santa Barbara, each was presented with a bicycle so that they could pedal their way, giving a pair of overworked "thumbs" a well deserved rest; g SEVEN PROPOSALS ARE SUBMITTED Report of House Commit: | tee on Labor Relations Is Tabled Ottawa, Aug. 18 -- (OP) -- Fol- | lowing are the seven proposals con- tained in the report of the House Committee on Labor Relations tab= led in the Commons Saturday. 1. That a proposed Dominlon- Provincial Labor Conference be call- ed at earliest possible moment to draft a Labor Code; that meantime closer contact be established be- tween the Prices Board and War Labor Boards, with expeditous handling of wage applications by War Labor Boards, 2, The committee said it was con- vinced "that continued price con- trol is only possible with a reason- able measure of wage control." 3. "A measure of union security" shculd follow certification of a une fon as bargaining representative of employees, 4. The committee condemned "the policy adopted by some unions and Some employer disregarding the legal machinery provided for ad- Justing wages and settling disputes" and "breaches of the law of Canada by the use of physical force or oth- erwise either by employer or union." 5. Study of picketing laws was urged with a view to its moderniza- tion and clarification and to make the legislation more effective, 6. On a strike vote it was propos- ed that the Labor Minister might, at the request of either party, if he saw fit, either before or after a strike, direct a vote under Govern- ment supervision to determine whether a majority of the workers desired a strike, 7. The committee recommended that the Qrder-in-Council appoint- ing a controller in the steel indus- try be implemented "with such modifications as the Government may determine." OLC, RESULTS (Continued fromsPage 4) Lit, 0; Geom, C; Bot, C; Zool, ©; Fr. Auth, ©. III; Zool, C; Bot. IT. MacDougal, P.--Eng, Comp, IT; os: it, C; Zool, rd ellson, S.--Eng, Comp., II; Eng. Lit, C; Hist, III; Bot. C. Phys. c: 'Auth, III; Fr. Comp, €; Zool, You may depend on us to arrange every detail efficiently and assist you in every way possible. When death occurs, come to us and be as- sured your every re- quest 'will be fulfilled. STROWGER'S Funeral Service 215 DUNDAS ST. EAST PHONE WHITBY 581 DAY OR NIGHT Eng. Lit, C; Alg, III; Trig, I; Geom, I; Phys, I, Chem, I; Lat. Auth, I; Lat. Comp, II. Sheppard, B.--Eng. Comp, II, 8ims, J--Eng. Comp, C; Eng Lit, ©; Hist, II; Bot, III; Zool- C; Lat, Auth, I; Lat. Comp, II; Fr. Auth, III; Fr. Comp, II. Skuteaky, E.--Eng, Lit, C; Fr, Auth, C; Fr, Comp, C; Ger, Auth, III; Ger. Comp. I. i Someerville, J--Eng, Comp, OC; Eng. Lit. III; Hist, C; Geom. OC; Bot, OC; Zool, C; Chem, III; Fr | Auth, C; Fr, Comp, C. re M.--Eng, Comp, C; Eng. | Wigston, M.-- Algebra, C. Woollings, D.--~Eng, Comp, OC; Eng. Lit, II; Bot, C; Zool, C; Fr. Auth, C. . Wylle, G.--Eng, Lit, III; Geom. C; Trig, OC; Bot, C; Zool, OC; Chem, C; Phys, C. London--(CP) -- Women police are to get their new uniforms in November, Some of the features of the few style include paddéd shoul- ders, two breast pockets in: the. tue nic and afsix-piece skirt instead of a two-piece, Try a "classified advertisement for quick results! nual r i pl at Greenwood Park, but the years have taken thelr toll of the old members, few old timers are lef of those who in past years met and enjoyed this re- unicn, Some of our older members were unable to be present this year through ili health but those who were present had «4 happy get-to- gether and tea and came home feel- ing it was a real outing, for farm- ing community t6 whom changes and holidays are impossible - in busy season , Mrs, Lereine Ballantyne, well- knéwn radio speaker will be the guest of Brougham branch Wo- men's Institute at the August meet- ing planned for the 27th at the Township Hall, Due to the demand for Mrs. Ballantyne, whose subject is "The Stcry of Handicrafts", this was the only date open until No. vember, and all members are re- minded to keep the date in mind s0 as not to miss this outstanding afternoon and speaker. Roll calli A warm weather hint. MARITIME BLUEBERRIES The cultivated blueberry has been under study at the Experimental Station, N.S, Experimental Farms Service, for 18 years, with the result that this fruit has been demons- trated to be a highly desirable kind for culture in the Maritime Prov- inces, It has been shown that most varieties of cultivated blueberries can be grown successfully under the soil and climatic conditions prevail ing in much of the Maritime Prov- inces, and that ylelds, size, and gen- eral quality of the fruit compare favourably with the best grown in the commercial blueberry areas elsewhere, THE TIMES-GAZETTE Tuesday, August 20, 1946 RS "Thanks to you, Grandpa Kruschen .. MY LUMBAGO IS A THING OF THE PAST" If oe have suffered you'll understand why this man wan 10 Pils.op the ood news as to how he found relief, He says: "I had a bad attack of lumbago. When 1 got into bed I had to stay in one position--I could not move for pain, I was given the tip to oy Kruschen and 1 am very grateful for it. For after taking a few doses I felt some relief: and after taking one large bottle I am glad to say that my lumbago has become a thing of the past, And there is no trace of it coming back." --E.A.V. There are many instances in which Kruschen saline treatment has from lumbago, | brought ha faithfully for as long thereby give Kruschen a chance to overcome conditions in which have probably taken months. . or even years, to develop, There is always a cause for lumbago and with many persons the pain can be traced to .toxins or poisons in the system. Kruschen's action is to help your organs of elimination and thereby bring you relief, Kruschen Salts are procurable at all drug stores: 25¢. and 75¢. J ...SUNBURN INSECT BITES and del Yel) SOLD AT ALL DRUGGISTS ~ IVY OLYMPENE THE ANTISEPTIC LINIMENT WATERPROOF Aquellh mon Brick and {s Used Effectively on FINISH For akage *Seepase The New and Amazing War Tested WET oAnd Dampness Are Th Co Rough Plaster, also Stucco. e. (} Basi Sole Distributors for Oshawa; Whitby, Pickering and Brooklin WOODLAND PRODUCTS 1224 Brock S. Whitby e Facts' ete, Masonr Aquella Has One \y Applied am Cellar ocks, Com- Vs Cinder Bl And ¢ Been Applied + + * (es Quickly! d D Into 8 Bright and Dry CELLARS

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