Daily Times-Gazette, 15 Aug 1946, p. 4

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} LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY: Whitby Editor, W, J. Duthie, Business Office, Miss G. Macpherson THE TIMES-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1946 » Phone 708, All Departments Problems of New Year Confront School Board School Will Open Septem. ber 3--Works Supervisor Hired--Architects' Fees Paid--Brock Street Boil er Cracked -- Coal for Sedson In 'The imminence of another school year, scheduled to begin September B, brought several problems before the Board of Education at thelr regular meeting last night, chief among them the breakdown of the neating system in the Brock Street Bchool, However this was some= what made up for by the informae tion that coal for the fall term had already been delivered to the schools, Other important business was the noceptance of the application of Stuart Threadgold for position of works supervisor for all Whitby schools, and the authorization of payment of the architect's first bill for drawing 3p Plans for the pro Sled, puto 00], the amount bes ng , Ask Manufacturer's Report Chairman Prancis J. McIntyre Informed the other trustees that a crack had developed in the Brook Street boiler, rendering the bofler useless until repaired, As it was patehaatd only last year, it was elt that either faulty manufacture or poor maintenance had caused the damage, and Trustee Clive Hatoh moved that the manufactur or be asked to examine the . holler and submit a written report as to reasons for the fault, He also mov- od that a new section be ordered Immediately, as deflvery would un- doubtedly be slow, and it must be obtained as soon as possi Installation of the necessitate tearing down the come plete boiler, a job estimated to take three to four days and to be quite expensive, As a result of a decision taken at a previous meeting, to hire a works supervisor who could look after all work being done in the schools, with a view to more systematic and main tusrt economic h d was hired for this ow His duties will in- ude supervi any work done in the ools, ©o: ting with the Property Gommities ate Shans heir maa, and obtain. prices for wor Jropdied. pre- ferably by tender, For this he will be paid 81 per hour while #0 em- oyed, plot. Vernon Rowe will be musio a a TE 0ols [) $1300, She Wil look after all four schools, or Bees ow aud ta on [1] SR he A ore equip- Tent have all been removed. 'The School Inspector, Arth has condemned the room as A a a paper ase an 0 ol nd space an: the traffic danger, The question of housing for new teachiers coming to Whitby was brought up but no suggestions were forthcoming from trustees about what could be done to improve the situation, as the teachers will only be a few of many in the same boat, ds diners NG ao * B, Par- , Who at presen up the complete plans and pir | - tions for the new Dundas Street Bast public school, amounted to one fifth of six per cent of an estimated cost of $140,000, the estimate being made for fee purposes only, or $1,680, An allowance for these fees was made in the $11,000 loan made to the Board of Education by the Council for the purchase of the site for the new school, find out when the plans would be complete, Mr, Bowman also report« ur Archibald, | lin Whitby News In Brief apni if colt ise ods' deparement © TELEPHONES 703 Judge D, B, and Mrs, -Coleman have returned from a pleasant holi~ day at Sharbot Lake, Ontario, Mr, and Mit horbe Hamers left on Tuesday for a holiday in the United States, Ly Mr, and Ma, $ focuyer, of Ille Perrot, Quebec, are in town for a short stay, Mr, and hs, * whiter MacQarl and Mr. and Mrs, Rich, MacCarl are on a motor trip to Montreal and other points, Mr, and Ms, Hethert Johnston and son have returned from A pleasant holiday, in Brockville and the Thousand Islands, " Miss awen *sthon, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, V, ®. Bmith, Brock street south, Mr, and Mh. Sel). Bradley, of Regina, Sask, are guests of Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Moore, Walnut street, LI BE ' Mrs, J, Fearon and day , Edith, spent the past ten "days hollgaying in Buffalo and Roches- ter, NY, Miss Evelyn' Thorndyke, of Port Hope, visited last week with her arents Mr, and Mrs, Russell orndike, Walnut street and with her sister in Oshawa, Mr, Robert "MaeNell, of Patter. son, New Jersey, visited last week with his daughter, Mrs, Craig Hutchison, . Balsam Ave, Toronto and also spent a short time in Whitby, visiting Mr, and Mrs, R, A, Hutchison, Bion sirgel north, As announced in June the 10D, E. will hold its annual Mile of being | Money, on Saturday, September 7, for the second World War 1.ODE, War Memorial, . * ee The Bradley picnic held recently, at Lynbrook Park, was very suc. cessful this year, with an attend. ance of 86. All were very pleased and were all, Offers elected for next year are: Mr, Lesle Thomp- son, of Tyrone, president; Mr, Ar. thur Bradley, Whitby, secretary. BDdward treasurer, and Bradley, land Creek; Jack MoOullough. awa; Luther Bradley, Brook- Hl oy, and Melville Bradley, Oshawa, ac on the sports committee, The picnic next year will be held at Lynbrook, on August 5th, and a large attend ance is hoped for, od the result of an enquiry made to the Fergus School Board as to the cost of the new school being erect od there, Their reply was that the contract was for $185,000 for four. teen rooms, not, as had been ru- mored, $165,000 for 32 rooms. For Windows The High School Principal's re- port for August asked for repairs to various rooms, and for soap oone tainers for the washrooms, He ale so mentioned the new backsteps at the High Sohoot and King Street Public School, and in reference ask- ed that screens be placed on several upstairs windows prevent dame- age, Screens already protect the lower windows, This rt was referred to the Property mittee for action and the meeting adjourned. pS Refreshingly Air Conditioned THURSDAY -« FRIDAY - SATURDAY Two Shows at 6:45 and 9:00, Saturday Matinee at 1:30 BENDIA NIE BLOND PLUS AN ADDED ATTRACTION Whitby Rotarians Guests of Alger Press Limited at Luncheon + At noon on Tuesday, on the invitation of 8. R. Alger, President of Alger Press Limited, the Whitby Rotary Club held its luncheon meeting at the company's plant when Mayor Deverell and members of th Town Council, the executives of the Chamber of Commorce, the Kinsmen Club and the Board of Education were Invited guests, Those facing the camers are: foreground, left to right, A. W. Bell, C. A. Bryans, Counolllor Fred Twist; second table, left to right, , W. Keown and Giamsby, Orono; T, L. Wison, The Times-Gazette, Oshawa; representative 0' The Montreal Standard; Robert Butt and Gordon Grobb; rear table, left to <ight, G. M. Goodfellow, 8. R, Alger, George W, James, of Bowmanville, who has 18 years perfect attendance in Rotary; A. A. Archibald, who presided; W. H, Wilson, '| Karn, President of the Oshawa Rotary Club; Ed. Bowman and Donald --Photo by R. Holden Jr. CNR. WILL SURVEY WHITBY FOR FIRM Large Concern: Asks Sur. vey With View to Locating Here The interest shown in Whitby as the possible site for a large manu- facturing concern is reported by William Davidson, President of the Chamber of Commerce, He states that this firm, which also support ed the recent brief about the hare bor presented at Ottawa, has asked the Canadian National Rallway of- ficlals to make a survey of Whitby as an Industrial location. They have also asked that the results of the survey he available by the end of the week. i " This firm is one of two that wrote letters supporting the Cham- ber of Commerce's request for a pw dredging program in the harbor and for the construction of a 600-foot slip, Promise of immedi- ate consideration was received from the government. The other concern, te Associated Manufacturers of Canada, of which ¥, G. Hoblitsel is president, is com= pleting arrangements for the pure chase of the town dump as well as for leasing additions property from Isaac Levine on which the storage tanks can be erected Indl. cations are that the firm will ex« pand ita original intentions and erecting a manufacturing plant here as well, The survey that is belng made ~~ | facilities, will give a rt on locations, rail transportation, wa- ter, hydro and gas rates. Addition al Information which is being supe plied by town authorities, in- clude availability of skilled labor in the area, as well as facts on the local housing situation, With this survey it is expected that an early decision will be reach. ed by the Interested company. Kinsmen Planning For Tag Day And Big Auction Sale Donations have already started to come in for the monster auction sale to be held September 7 by the Whitby Kinsmen Club as a part of their fund-raising campaign, An- other part of the campaign takes place hext Saturday when the Kins- men will hold a tag day to get money for the support of Kinsmen Memorial Park, Arrangements for the tag day are being made by Harry Curtis, and he will welcome the assistance of any volunteer t rs, so if you can help him phone 522 or 700 and offer your services, The og meeting of the Kins men Club was held last night at Heydenshore Park where the mem- bers enjoyed a pionic supper and conducted the business of the meet- ing In the fresh air, Most of the business consisted of plans for the forthcoming auction, which they ex ect to be a 'big thing", In addition 0 the auction they will have booths and bingo, and if possible a band. They promise quick pickup if'you Bho tad, Opts 1, are as or anythi in usable condition. In fact. iw will tutu Soop! Sinow au). 3 ve ough drawn the line at poisonous snakes, Wellington, N.Z--OP)--About 600 aplicants every week eal at the th ts of immigrating to New Zealand. To handle thers in. quiries two Axpests of the National Service Department have left New Sealand to act as immigration ad- Enjoy A Good Time DANCING ANY WED. FRI, SAT. NIGHT Rotarians Are Shown Offset Lithographing Stewart Alger Host to Local Businessmen and Shows Them Operations In Whitby Plant An extremely interesting explan- ation and demonstration of offset lithographing was given to mem- bers of the Whitby Rotary Club, the Town Council, Chamber of Com=- merce, Board of Education, Kins- men Olub and P.U.C, when Tues- day's meeting of the Rotarians was held In the Whitby plant of the Alger Press, All present at the luncheon meeting were guests of Btewart Alger, president of the firm, who explained that he had been looking forward to such a visit for several years, The guest of honor at the head table was George James, publisher of the Bowmanville Statesman, who was celebrating 18 years of perfect attendance at Rotary, The highlight, atter the luncheon, of the program was the four of the lithographing plant, where the in- terested Whitbyites saw how color printing was done, First they webe shown the artist's drawing of an advertising poster, then how a photograph is taken of the poster and trimmed by layout men. The image on the negative is then transferred to a press plate of sensitized metal, from which the actual printing is done in the presses, For color work the cardinal colors and black are used, and the various shades are obtained by the combin- ations of these colors in the presses. Each 'different color requires a sep- arate press plate, and the shades are obtained by the overlapping ef sections on the different plates. This: process is also used for printing books requiring many photographs and diagrams, and during the war the Alger Press printed instructional pamphlets and books for the armed forces, Looks Like House In welcoming his guests Mr, Alger explained that war work had made it impossible to Invite them previ ously and again thanked the muni cipal authoritid¥ for their assistance when he opened the Whitby plant eight years ago. Incidentally the lant looks less like a factory than ike a beautiful home, which it was originally, set on a vast expanse of well kept lawns on the north side of Dundas Street East, A noon hour downpour threaten- ed to disrupt the luncheon as tables had been placed on the lawn, How= ever a hasty reorganization moved the tables inside and the Rotar- fans and visitors sat down to a splendid meal prepared and served by the Woman's Auxiliary of Whit- by United Church, For their efforts the ladies received the thanks of Mr, Alger, Fred T. Rowe, and Ar- thur Archibald, President of the Whitby club, as well as of all those present, Flowers were presented to Mrs. Harold Boys for all the ladies. Among the guests at the lunch were Orme Gansby, of Orono, Wil- NOTICE OF POSTING VOTERS' LIST Notice is hereby given that I have posted up at my office at the Town of Whitby, on the 14th day of August, 1946, the list of all persons entitled to vote on Money By-laws at an Election to be held on Saturday, September 14th, 1946, and I hereby call upon all persons entitled so to do to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeals being the 31st day of August, 1948. Dated at Whitby, this 14th day of Aug. 1946. JOHN R., FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby. BUILDING CONTRACTORS and CARPENTER TRADESMEN 'of OSHAWA and ; WHITBY AREA Please Take Notice: As you will notice that the Dept. of Labour have advised you through the press that there is to be a conference held in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel on Thursday, August 15 at 8 p.m.. This is of vital importance to you. The rate for carpenters and the hours per week will be decided on at this meeting and will become law soon after. N. district, Newly decorat session, liam Karn, President of the Osh- awa Rotary Club, and T, L, Wilson, from Oshawa, as well as members of the Town Council, Sam Peake, Ken Lee, Fred Twist, and J. Wil- son, and William Davidson, Gordon Osborne, H. Li» Pringle, W, F. Har- den, F. J, Mcintyre, Gordon Hawes, Bert Donnelly, all from Whitby, and Neil Dorsey from Alberta. Plan to Control Plumbing Work In East Whitby East Whitby Townghip Council last night took steps to lay down regulations and provide for inspect fon of septic tank installations in the township, 'I see jobs being done in the township which are ridiculous-- Sewer Pipe Shortage P.U.C. Commissioners Con- cerned Over Delays Caused By Shortage of Sewer Pipe -- Can't Be Obtained--Two New In- dustries Affected The éxtreme shortage of sewer and water pipe was the main sub- Ject of discussion at Tuesday night's meeting of the Public Utility Coms= mission, as the commissioners ex- pressed concern about the effect that this shortage would have on the local building program. Said Commissioner Fred T. Rowe, "soon we'll. have two industries held up by the sewer shortage, not to men« tion the houses." Superihtendent H, L. Pringle ex- plained that he had tried y possible source, and had order since February, with no luck. A phone call to the main Toronto manufacturer of tile pipe brought the Commission the reply that there wasn't any available, and that every attempt was being made tO increase the upp. Priorities and Coal Shortage The manyjacturer explained that most of the pipe was taken by pri- ority building, wartime housing and veterans' housing, and that the lack of coal was handicapping produc tion, as the kilns require large quantities of soft coal, Mr, Pringle announced that work had started on Tuesday for the sewering of the new factory on Brock Street North, and explained that this was being done with six inch concrete pipe, all that could be obtained. This pipe is being made by the county and some has been purchased by the town, but the commissioners examined it, and Getting More Serious feel that it is at best only a make "APPLIANCES even plumbing in bulldings, I mean," Councillor W. B, Noble de- clared in introducing the subject. | While some members of council were of the opinion that inspection of such installations was already re- quired, Councillor Noble said that it was his information that it was | necessary for a complaint to be laid and then the health authorities would take action, The council was unanimous in the opinion also that the municipality should have full control over peo- ple emptying sanitary sewage into storm sewers and various of the members deplored the type of plumbing which they said existed i numerous instances in the towne ship, Instructions were given for a by- law to be prepared controlling the installation of sceptic tanks throughout the township, CLASS BY ITSELF The four-horned antelope is the only living wild-four.horned ani- mal, Duties of ancient Greek mid- wives included exposing the child on a hillside or temple steps if the family decided not to keep it. Whitby Classified FOR BSALE-TWO HOLSTEIN COWS, one four years and one 3 years; two Durham Cows, 3 years old, fresh six or seven weeks, ly John Kapus- cinsk!, R.R, No, 2, \ itby, __(Aug.17) FOR SALE--STERL BUNK BED, BABY onrringe, Also ' ladies two-piece blue striped suit, sime 16, all in first class condition, Apply 813 Centre atreet, north of CPR. track, FOR SALE--4" CEMENT WEEPING Tile for sale. Arp Whitby Tile, 210 Chestnut_street, Whitby, (Aug.34) FOR SALE--QIRL'S NEW OOM, Bl« cyole, race model, Apply 604 Dundas atreet_east, Whitby, ws FO) SALE) SUITE, 3. \ece, (modern) good as new, Also Bheaterfiold suite, three-piece, Vanity Dresser with full length mirror, Apply 400 Dundas street west, Tah BU 8' an, 4 new tires, serial 2453463, $100.00 as is. Apply 110 Ash street, Whitby, (Upstairs). FEMALE HELP WAN for Charis Ltd, age 30-45, part time work, conducted m own home, & month's Ln Hann Raaing while training, Apply Box 912, Times a) WANTED--WANTED TO BUY, POUL- try, highest market Juices paid, also fonthers and horse hair, Aply N. Jimberg. Brook street south, 3 Phone 644 or 902, Whitby, _______ WANTED TO BUY -- ALL KINDS OF Fou also new and old feathers, Highes' market prices, ApRLY J. Parker, 321 Brook St. N, Phone 486. WANTED, TO RENT---2 OR 3 ROOM unfurnished patient or small house by newly married couple, Phone 3145W, Oshawa, (17d) | FOR BALF--ONE 1a H.P, FL | upright boller, complete with atoxeL: on eo hot water or, stoker suitable for heating home, Phone 770, Whit Lh ON Sy FOR SALE--NEWLY BUILT HOUSE, five rooms and bath, year round glass. od in Sun h, hot air aoe, full sized basement, Immediate possession. Phone 2145, Whitby, ____ .____ WA , WIFE AND TWO school age onlldren, require three four rooms, furnish good alse by Dalry, ralshed or unfurnished, urgent. Write P.O, Box 234, hr WANTED TO RENT--IN BROOKLIN, one or two unfurnished rooms by els derly widow, (Urgent), Apply Box 85, Timos-QGasette, Whitby, : a APPLY Whithy, (Augl?) gi | shift job, very porous, and will have to A, replaced within a few youn They also felt that any contract= ors would be well advised to try and buy the pipe themselyes, wher~ ever possible. Tenders For Tower Foundation It was decided, on a motion by David Mowat and James Ross, that tenders should be called for the construction of foundations of the new water storage tower, tank is to be erected at Chestnut and Centre Streets, and plans and speci~ fications for the foundation were just received from W. B. Redfern, the town's consultant engineer, The tank itself has already been order~ ed, at a cost of $35,000. Specifications called for some 80 cubic yards of concrete for six abutments and a central section, and the P.U.C. hopes that a local contractor can do the job, ® As the buildings which formerly cupied the site of the pro PN.C. building are nearly demol« ished, and as the architect's plans are not yet complete, the commis« sioners decided that the lot should be fenced in to prevent accidents. Start Annuities Payments Among the accounts approved at" the meeting were the payment. of architect's fees ,of $600 to J. B. Parkin, who is planning their build- ing, This represents one fifth of six a! cent of a rough estimate of the uilding's cost at $50,000, To the Dominion 'Government Annuities branch goes $2,272.32, the first pays ment in the recently approved P. U.C. annuity program, to which both the employees and the P.U.C. contribute, Mr. Pringle also stated that the consultant engineer was at work on plans for changes to the sew disposal plant, but that meanw! no repairs save éleaning up have been going on at the plant. ELECTRICAL. CALL... OKE RADIO SERVICE REPAIRED 11g BROCK ST. SOUTH FOR ® TOASTER © IRON ® RADIO © WASHER SERVICE! RANTEED SERVICE . ® REASONABLE PRICE ® FAST SERVICE PH. 470 PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE % You Let Us Give _< PERMANENT WAVE a Natural Our trained operator will test your hair first, and then give you the permanent best suited to the texture of your hair, Cold Waves a Specialty ' SCHOOL GIRLS PERMANENT WAVES For [EERE ERE ELEN RN NNN) $3.50 Call us today for your appointment Mayfair. Beauty Salon 130 BYRON ST. N., WHITBY Phone 460 GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY WHITBY SERVICES AUG. 18 BAPTIST CHLIRCH Sunday 10 am.--THE BIBLE SCHOOL 11 am--REV. P. C. REED LINDSAY 7 p.m.--REV., P. C. REED : LINDSAY Don't fail to hear these inspiring messages The United Church will St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 11:00 a.m.--MORNING WORSHIP . during month of August. worship in St. Andrew's All Saints' Anglican Church SUMMER SCHEDULE Sunday services each week at 8:00 am. and 11:00 am, Holy Communion at 8:00 am, and on first and third Sundays of the month at 11:00 am, Matins on Second and Fourth Sundays at 11:00 am. FOR SALB--BOAT BA water cooled A trolled FOR SALE, 220 Brock Street North, hopper. Apply after 8 p.m. 308 Pe street, WHEY. © © To (Augidy oa Dad gH 15 614 By! A smi aby erib, Ton 8 south, Whitby, ry CV WANTED---TWO OR THREE UNFUR- nished housekeeping Joalns, by couple with baby nine months old, Apply Box 48, Times-Gasette, Whitby, tAug1?) TATE FOR SALE---6-ROOM house includ! furnishing, Byron st, , Bar) - C. H. French, phone 906. do FOR SALE--CEMENT MIXER, RECON. ditioned, like new, Dowels by oyl, 0 Full Gospel Meetings (Pentecostal) Po) 1 Ch PF Bt. B Pastor M. Almey 3 PM--ADULT BIBLE CLASS, CHILDREN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 P.M. --~EVANGELISTIC SERVICE, SPEAKER PASTOR ALMEY. f THE LORD 18 BLESSING, COME AND SEE. | | |

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