LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY Whitby Editor, W. J, Duthie, Business Office, Miss G. Macpherson THE TIMES-GAZETTE, TUESDAY, JULY 380, 1946 Phone 708, All Departments ACTION ON WHITBY HARBOR PROMISED BY OTTAWA Deputation Encouraging Reception Receives For Harbor Proposals Chamber of Commerce De- | putation Ma de Flying Trip To Capital -- Will Arrange For Sandsucker Dredge If Available A highly satisfactory and en- couraging interview with the Dep- uty Minister of Public Works at Ottawa was reported last evening by the deputation representing the Whitby Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Whitby, on their re- turn from the capital city of the Dominion, whither they journeyed |g on Monday morning to present a brief requesting the undertaking of certain public works at Whitby hare bor. The deputation, which con- sisted of Wm, Davidson, president of the Chamber of Commerce, May or R. M, Deverell, Gordon secretary, and M, Goodfellow, a director of Bk of Com- merce, travélled by airplane, leaving Oshawa Alyport at 830 am, and arriving at Ottawa Airport at 9.50 am, On the return journey they left Ottawa at 4.10 pm. and arrived at Oshawa at 5.45. The deputation was accompanied to the office of the Deputy Minis- ter by W. E, N, Sinclair, KO, MP. for Ontario Riding, and by F. OG. Hoblitzel, ex-M.P. for Eglinton Riding, Toronto, who is president of Associated Manufacturers of Canada, which controls Anglo Pe troleum Limited. Two Main Requests Mr. Davidson, presenting the brief of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that there were two main requests, First of these was that the contract recently awarded to the Consolidated Dredging Co. for the dredging of Whitby harbor, be re- vised to call for a sand-sucker type of dredging which would use the material to fill in the marsh ad- jacent to the town "dump" east of Brock Street, instead of towing it out by barge and depositing it in the lake. By this means consider- ably more useable land would be made available to accommodate the proposed storage tanks of the Asso« tiated Manufacturers, who will erect four large tanks for gasoline and fuel oll, 'with a total capacity of seven million gallons. The second request was for the dredging out of a ship channel in the marsh and bay west of Brock Street and south of Victoria Street, the filling in of a portion of the marsh, and the construction of wharfage facilities to provide ship- ping for a very large American manufacturing company which is about to locate & branch in Oana- da. A letter from the genera] man. ager of this concern, indicating its intention to locate at Whitby if the necessary Wwharfage can be cone structed, was read and filed with the Deputy Minister as an indica- tion of good faith. Reply Very Satisfactory Mr, Murphya the Deputy Minis ter, gave g very satisfactory reply to these requests, He undertook, if the equipment is available, to arrange for 'sandsucker dredging, 'and the filling In of the marsh east of Brotk Street up to the full amount of yardage of the present contract. | This will probably not be sufficient to ple the fill, but he also promised that the project of com- pletely filling in the marsh land will be kept in mind and that on future contracts the same type of dredging and filling will be speci- fied so as eventually to achieve the object desired, With regard to the request for a ship channel, filling in of the marsh and construction of dockage west of Brock Street, the Deputy Minies- ter pointed out that this would be the outlay of a very large sum, but he undertook to recommend this construction if the company re- quiring these facilities will guaran- tee an annual revenue from wharf age fess sufficient to cover the In- terest and amortization charges of the work. The project, he stated, would have to be carried out under the Department of Reconstruction, but he was prepared to recommend the work when the necessary guar antess from the company are se- cured. An engineer of the Department of Public Works, which has already submitted a report on the require- ments at Whitby harbor, was press ent In an advisory capacity. Gratified At Reception Members of the deputation were much gratified with the courteous Jeception accorded them by the Deputy Minister and his evident willingness to give them every con- sideration consistent with good bus. iness practice, and they have re- turned to Whitby well satisfied with their "flying" trip to Ottawwa, Following the meeting in Mr, Murphy's office, Mr \ Sinclair was host to the deputation at dinner in the Parliamentary Restaurant, and later conducted them on a tour of the buildings. "Only Way To Travel" The trip to Ottawa was made In ideal weather and travel by air- plane is now accepted as the ap- proved method for future trips abroad by the Chamber of Com- merce, Pilot of the plane CF-DBA of the Toronto Flying Club, which was chartered for the occasion, was E. L. Baxter, who has been flying since 1933, and for three years dur- ing the war was in the Ferry Com~ mand, flying bombers to Europe and Africa. trate, occupied the seat of honor beside the pllot and kept close check on the course, SHELVE SIDEWALK REPAIRS Work on Whitby's sidewalks has been stopped temporarily so that the towns gravel crusher can be manned, to supply gravel for road work to be done soon, Three separate sections .of road are on the schedule for the next few days. John Street East and Ash Street will be gravelled to provide a road into the factory being con- structed at the corner of John and Ash, and Elm and Pine Streets will be gravelled and surfaced. Refreshingly Air Conditioned TODAY AND WEDNESDAY Last Complete Show at 8.20 Sy MUCH FOV UY wot want 10 yor TRAE WONDERFUL / AoveNTures THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY "The Dalton Ride Again" - PLUS - AX A Rainbow" | a very expensive project, involving | Mayor Deverell, as Chief Magis-' MAYOR R. M. DEVERELL WILLIAM DAVIDSON Who yesterday journeyed to and returned from Ottawa and while there explained their requests to the Deputy Minister of Public Works. They' | journey. presented a brief on the expansion of Whitby's harbor, asking that further dredging be done and that a ping facilities for new industries in be built, to provide ship- cy heir speedy trip was made CORDON F. OSBORNE Chamber of Commerce Deputation Made Flying Trip To Ottawa GRAYDON M. GOODFELLOW possible by a Toronto Flying Club plane which they chartered for the Messrs. Davidson and Osborne, who have not flowr before, returned to Whitby convinced that they had discovered something very worthwhile, They did not admit hing nervous. Whitby News In Brief Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from the town are opreciaten by this department TELEPHONE 703 The Parish Guild, of All Saints Church, held a most successful Af- ternoon Tea and sale of Costume Jewelry, on Eriday afternoon, at the home of Mrs, Ross Vernon, Brock street north, Many came in during the afternoon to enjoy the tea, which was served on the lawn. Mrs, Lear and Mrs, James Sleight- holm poured tea and the junior girls from the Ohoir, served, The [table of Costume Jewelry was well patronized which netted the ladies a neat sum to add to the tea re- ceipts. * 0 At Sunday's service In Whitby United Church, Rev. Charles Mal- colm baptized Howard Bruce Siiver- sides, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Silversides, of Mary Street East. * + 0 A successful sale of home baking was held Saturday afternoon in St. Bernard's Separate School by the ladies of the Catholic Women's League. Conveners of the event were Mrs, F, Oliver and Mus, J. Sheridan, assisted by Mrs. Patrick O'Connor. Proceeds will be used for the League's church and school work, LER BN Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Goode and baby are enjoying a two weeks holl- day at Lake Simcce, L JE BR Mrs, E. Barber, of Toronto, vis- ited on Friday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ross Vernon, Brock street north, * » a Rev, F, and Mus, Darnell and children left on Monday to spend a month's holidays at Balsam Lake, * 0 Mrs, 8. Jardine and daughter Lola, are spending a holiday at Lake Simos. * & Miss J. M, cites, Reg. N. enter- tained ten elderly ladies on Satur- day afternoon at her home 135 Byron street south. After a pleasant afternoon spent in the lovely gar. den tea was served in the Sun Joom where Mrs, W. Hewson poured ea, * & » Mr. and Mrs, Wilfrid Moran of Whitby are spending a few holi- days with relatives and friends in Bulfalo and Rochester this week, * Pe Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Wutke, of Milwaukee, Wis, spent the past week at the home of Mr. George Whitelaw, Gllbert street. Mrs, Wutke was formerly Eva Clemence, of Whitby, who left here nearly forty years ago. Mrs. Wutke natur- ally sees many improvements and changes in ri L Mr. and ne. Sars Wilde and family have just returned after a week's fishing in Northern Ontario, Whitby Classified WANTED----WANTED TO BUY, POUL. try, highest marke: Fiices . Ps pald, also Fate ad kK Str t ARB N rock a OU Phone Bias or_992, Whitby ™ did FOR SAL oe as dr ial ASE new tires, good motor, oe appearance. Apply 10 Pine street, 'AIRS---SEWING MACHINE RE. Rants rs made to all kinds of machines pply Ed, Willlams, 1208 Dundas street east, Whitby. WANTED TO BUY-ALL KINDS OF Poultry, also new and old feathers Highest market prices, ro? Ny J, Parker, 321 Brock St N. Phone ¢ WANTED TO | refined couple, RENT--MOST URGENT, both ex-R.CA.F, of- ficers, desperately need ap fiat, ; furnished or unfurnished, by th, Box 85, 5 Vine -Gasette, V 0 BUY Ahh tay ave. A Roel ioe wie Brennan ving Co hitby, P Hi ATR THMEDT ATELY, RELIABLE Whitey caretaker. Apply Biuck Theatre, WA! ARET. ment house; Arabs. Apply B. Whitfield, WANTED HELP "WANTED for Hotel work. Phone 2207, Whitby, VIGORINE -- THE "PEP' TONIC FOR Hy 15-day treatment $1 | Drug Store. AL, men who are weak, nervous, exhausted, At Sneigrove's and plans immediate action, Whitby will be tremendous. When the Thamber of tions. they were successful. and plan further expansion, success in their work. | Editorial Comment A Suitable Occasion We think that the return of the Chamber of Conimerce deputation from Ottawa with what are reported as "highly satisfactory" results is a suitable occasion for a short re- view of the work done by this almost indefatigable group of men for the good and future of Whitby. This is the second time within a few months that President William Davidson and his cohorts have journeyed to Ottawa to urge federal consideration of the condition of the port, and indications are that the government has real- ized the possibilities offered by the expansion of the harbor, The importance to the town of a larger and better equipped harbor can hardly be over estimated. creased employment and revenue that it will bring to The in- Commerce was revived last October, after being dormant for several years, the executive committee immediately began an active campaign to sell 'Whitby to manufacturers as the site for their future opera- The feeling then was that Whitby needed more industries in the town for a balanced municipal economy, or in other words, to keep the taxes down to a reasonable level, and to provide employment and opportunity for all. The first endeavor of this group was to persuade the Stokely-Van Camp firm to expand their plant here. They have also been successful in persuading four other industrial concerns to settle here, and they promise that they have others who are showing extreme interest in Whitby's possibilties. Not the least reason why these men deserve the grati- tude of all Whitby citizens is that those firms will provide employment for at least 800 men and women to start with, In this There are many other reasons why they are to be com- mended, but we feel that almost the outstanding one is the growth and stature of Whitby. zeal that they have shown in their efforts to add to the May they have continued Two Youngsters In Car Accident When they ran io the right hand fender of the car driven by Thomas Callaghan, of 69 Bolton Avenue, Toronto, on Saturday af- ternoon, two little girls, aged five and nine years, escaped serious in- juries. The accident happened when they came out from behind a park- ed car on the east side of Brock Street North, just as the car driven by Callaghan was turning north on- to Brock Street from' Dundas Street West. The driver of the car took the two children to the offices of Dr. J. O, Ruddy, and one, suffering from cuts and bruises, was taken to Oshawa General Hospital for examination. Injuries were not seri ous and both are now out and about again, No charge was laid by police. Dorothy Underwood Weds John Slack A quiet wedding took place on Saturday afternoon at the United Church parsonage, when Rev. Charles Malcolm, united in mar- riage, Dorothy May, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, R. J. Underwood, Whitby, and John M. Slack, son of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Slack, Wind- sor, Ontario, The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a street-length gown. of white crepe, white acces. sorles, corsage of small red roses and a string of pearls, She was at- tended by Miss Snowy Marlow, of | Oshawa, who wore a gown of light blue ¢ and corsage of red roses. | Mr. G. Underwood, brother of the | bride, was groomsman. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs G. 'Campbell, Oshawa. The young couple left "later on a trip to Western' Ontario. | They will reside in Windsor, YOUNG LADIES SOFTBALL The return game--Ajax Ladies vs. Whitby Ladies--will be played at the High School Grounds, Whitby, on either of these nights this week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, providing the weatherman does not send rain, The hour of the game will be 7 p.m. sharp. Look at the bulletin board at the entrance to the Post-Office on Brock St. South for the announcement of day. LE A The manager of the local team is in Pickering today making final arrangements for home-and-home games with the young ladies of that town. He will visit Toronto to-morrow to contact the John Inglis Company's manager of the Young Ladies Team representing that firm in the hope of arranging home-and-home games between the two teams. Here's hoping the Weatherman will keep his hands off 115 GILBERT EAST Arrives in Whitby ROSEMARY MARGARET McIVOR of Wadhurst, Sussex England wife of Pte. Thos. Molvor, Whitby, who arrived on the "Aquitania" and was met in Toronto on arrival of train Tuesday AM. by her husband and relatives, Cards of Thanks Mr, Ray Wilkin and Mrs, James Wil. kin wish to express sincere precia- tion to their many friends And nelghe bors who have shown kindness, help, and Sympathy in their very asad be- reavement, in the death of a beloved wife and daughter-in-law. You may depend on us to arrange every detail efficiently and assist you in every way possible. When death occurs, come to us and be as- sured your every re- quest will be fulfilled. STROWGER'S Funeral Service 215 DUNDAS ST. EAST PHONE WHITBY 581 DAY OR NIGHT Text Of C. of C. Brief Shows Scope Of Plans For Whitby's Future Printed In Full Is Text of | Brief Presented In Ot- tawa Yesterday By a De- putation From: Chamber of Commerce The Honourable Alphonse Fournler, Minister. of Public Works, Ottawa, Ontario, Sir: We the you certain facts respecting the proposed repair and improvement of the harbour at Whitby, For many years the harbour at Whitby, which is one of the finest natural harbours on the north shore of Lake Ontario, was allowed to fill with sand and silt and the docks and breakwater fell into a state of disrepair, In reply to our many requests for dredging and repairs we were met with the answer, "Show us where reasonable revenue from the harbour may be derived and that industries which will give employment will be established and we will carry out the necessary work." Argo Was First Step As a first step we obtained from the Argo Petroleum Co, Ltd, an undertaking to erect a gasoline storage plant at the harbour and as a result in the year 1039 the mouth of the harbour was dredged with a sand-sucker dredge, the sand being used to fill adjacent marsh land, and the Argo Company ®rected large storage tanks which have been in operation ever since with the exception of several war years when the tanks were requisitioned by the Government and removed to Whitby Ohamber of | Commerce beg leave to place before | | such a site which the Company Ap= another site for war purposes, New tanks have now been installed by the Argo Ccmpany and they are in operation again and, in addition, are now preparing to erect several extra tanks to take care gf' their expanding business. Recently an expenditure for dredging and repairs to this hare bour was approved and a contract let to the Consolidated Dredging Company for this work, Since that time we have arranged with another industry to locate in the harbour area provided a suite able site can be located, The Cham ber of Commerce has arranged for proves providing that dredging operations he extended and that a sand-sucker dredge instead of A dipper dredge can be used and the material from such operation be used to fill the marsh land on the proposed site, Want Marine Terminal The new industry is the Assocle ated Manufacturers of Canada Ltd. which will erect a marine tefminal for the handling of Petroleum pro- ducts and wil] have a capacity of 8,000,000 gallons which / will be brought in by water, This will produce considerable revenue to the Federal Government from harbor tolls and other sources, The pro ducts of this company will be dig tributed all over the Province of Ontario, In addition to the above indus trial development in this area a large American firm is negotiating with the Town of Whitby for cere taln harbour lands of approximate ly 42 acres with a view of estabe lishing their Canadian factory which would handle their entire Canadian production, In order to make the proposed WHITBY ©, OF OC. (Oontinued on Page 9) (C1 Tae Protection for Your Family |) 1 pleasantly surprised iife insurance analysis for youl OSHAWA--W. M. Keane, R. 'The surest way to provide for the future security of your family is by life insurance, An insurance policy. tailored to your needs, at a cost with in your means, will make it possible for your family to live in comfort--in the event that anything should happen to youl!--for your ehildren to go through college. at how| easy it is to provide adequate protection for your family, Oonsult us today for s personalized EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO. GORDON F. OSBORNE C.L.U. BRANCH MGR. REPRESENTATIVES: WHITBY---W. H. Curtis, R, Munro, P, Burkhart, T, Puckrin.; Ohristie; CLAREMONT---K. Ward, NEW ADDRESS! You will be Gulliver; SUNDERLAND--D, WAIT FOR!.. WATCH FOR!.. OPENING DANGE TELEPHONE 473 ({ TAYLOR'S ARENA )