Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Jul 1946, p. 6

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IMES-GAZETTE Jur ? Thursday, July 25, 1946 Personals Accounts of social events and oF meaty 7 are 7 this department TELEPHONES Miss Ada E. Ross, Social Editor REAR BREBI AEE EERERBELE 'Mr, and Mrs, James Huxtable and Joyce spent last week-end in Marmora. » bb Miss Muriel Lindsay, Simcoe Street South, is spending her holl- days at Willowdale, li ited Mr, and Mrs, N. Eddystone, Otley Jay Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Harris with Mr, snd Mr, and Mrs, Fred Lean and Bob : visited Mr, and Mrs, Prank McCul- arwood, over last week-end. *» Ww » Mr, and Mrs, W, H. Gamble spent Jast week-end with Mr, and Mrs, J. Gutteridge, Cobourg, Donald Mafia spent last we:k- end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Mann, Baltimore, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. "prank and Mrs, Fred Lean are visiting Mr, and Mrs, Ross Davidson in Ottawa. Mr, and Mit, pd Haight and daughter, Brenda, spent the week- end at Hiram Haight's in Victoria Road, Ont Miss Kathleen Btiflson is spend- ing 'her holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Stinson, Yel- yerton, Larry and *pavid Weldon are spending a holiday at the home of their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Weldon, East Woodville, : LAN 3 Miss Evelyn Boddy, Bagot Street, spent last week-end at the home of | Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Balti- more, Ont. "* Mr, and ME, Albert Bagleson, | King Street West, spent last week- end at the home of Mr, and Mrs Harold Staples, Baltimore, Ont. , Mr, and MIS, Frudert Mann and Misses Marian and Carolyn, Buck- ingham Avenue, are visiting Mrs, Mann's mother, Mrs, C, Noble of Baltimore, Ont, oh oa Mr, and Mrs, Witham Myer yere among the out-of-town guesfs at the Wright-Ferguson wedding, which took place recently in Graf- ton. Mr, and MI, 3 & Luke and children, Oshawa Blvd, spent ¢wo weeks at the Pines Lodge, Del- monte, Sparrow Lake, Mr. and Mis. Robert Argo and daughter, Simcoe Street North, are spending three weeks in Riverside, New Brunswick. Miss phynls %egke, Colborne Street West, has returned home af- ter spending her holidays with Miss June Alichin, Bowmanville, Quebec Street, are back home af 8 pleasant two weeks' holliday their camp at Brewers' Mills, * Mrs E. J. Yoana of Cleve- land, Ohio, is visiting her Mrs. I. Duizendra, King East. Miss Jo Coulter and Miss \Audrey Fair are enjoying a holiday Humberstone, Ont., Falls, N.Y, La Mr, and Mrs, Sam Braiden have returned to Winnipeg after spend- Ing two weeks with relatives ia Oshawa. Mrs, Roy Howitt! London, . is spending a week's vacation with her brother-in-law and his wife, Mr, and Mrs, George Howitt, 103 Alma Street. LE N Mrs. H, L. Barker (Dorothy), wife of Lt. H L. Barker, 213 Arthur Street, and Mrs, W, A, Bone (Maria C.), wife of Pte. W. A. Bone, 92 young friends. formerly resided here. on +Smith's sister, Mrs. Thomas Ba- Oshawa Man and His Dutch Bride SGT, and MRS, WILLIAM EVANS who were married in the Roman Catholic Church in Velp, Holland, May 15, 1946, The bride, the former Meta M. Segers, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Segers of Velp, Holland, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, William Evans, Olive Avenue. Sgt. Evans has been overseas for four years and is now stationed in Hollapd. Brock Street West, are among the passengers from Britain on _ the Aquitania due in Halifax on or about Saturday, July 27. LE I Wilbert Newman, and son, Elwood, Elgin Street East ,and Howard and | Edward Allin and Mrs, Harold Stewart, Ritson Road North, are spending two weeks at their Ont. & bb Mrs, Milton Conrad, Halifax, N.S. is returning to her home by plane after spending her vacation with her sister, Miss Elsie Graham, 242 Bruce Street. a ob . Mrs, E. Jones, Toronto, and Mrs, * | M, Chapman, Cobourg, were visitors here last Saturday when they at- tended the Palmer-Chapman wed- ding in Holy Trinity Church, be ! Mrs, John Buta and daughter, John Street, have returned home after a holiday in Kingston, Miss them to visit Barbara and other The Bartlett family Miss June Fu* overt and Cal. vin Hill are spending the summer holidays with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. E. 8, Maracle and Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Hill, Mohawk Reserve, Ont, J Mr. and Mis. *Donald EH. Rice, Patricia and Robin, Hillcroft Street, have returned from a trip to Gaspe, where they spent two weeks at Perce, P.Q. Mrs. W. A. Ent ahd her daugh- ter, Susan, of London, Ont., arrived | Tuesday for a visit with Mrs, singer, and Mr. Basinger, Park Road South, Mr. Smith is expect~ ed to arrive here today for his holiday. Of the 70 BAN returned last week from the C.GIT. Camp at Oak Lake, one girl, Miss Adamae Mills, was particularly happy be- cause her fellow-campers had elect her Chief Camper, which means that they considered her an ideal per, a member of the camp sthif tells this paper. To mark the casion, the Chief Camper was pre= ted with a copy of "From Dawn to wn." aw MIST A. Thad' sohn Street, was hostess this week at. a miscellan- eous shower for Miss Joan Baxter, a bride-elect of August. were wheeled in, doll pram, by little Miss Sandra- lynn Taylor. Games were played by the 16 guests were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs, Willlam Taylor and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson, The gifts in a decorated and refreshments The Business din' Club of King ME ves LLL EEL ELE TT TT TT 4 / UU EEE EE OED TEETH TTT TT A 4 Meptholuum uic . fteves stutty nostrils : ; Clears head Brags again, aad tbes 30c, NTHOLATUM COMFORT Daily Rn ELLERY End of the Season Clearance of LAWN or COTTAGE CHAIRS Complete as illustrated. Delivered in any part of ity. the ZELLERS' EEO TT EEE REA Street United Church held an in- formal picnic meeting Tuesday evening in Alexandra Park, Miss Mary Moodicliff conducted the business and worship periods. Miss June Alichin, Bowmanville, who Is visiting Miss Phyllis Legge, Col- (borne Street West, was a welcome guest. The next meeting will be held August 27. * bP Mrs. Herbert W. Starr, Lloyd Street, entertained at a trousseau tea on Tuesday evening in honor of her daughter, Rose Jean, a bride- to-be of this week, The rooms were decorated with pink and white LIMITED bl. ltteer LLL TT TTT TTT streamers and silver baskets of snap- | dragons, Mrs, Starr received, wear- | ine a printed silk jersey dress and | was assisted by the mother of the | bridegroom-elect, Mrs. Kasimierz Checho, also in printed jersey. Mrs. George Kinsman poured tea. The assist- | ants were Misses Dorothy Starr, respective homes in Victoria Road, | Mary and Sophia Yourkevich and | Laura Kinsman, Miss Rene Galt $ntertained at the home of her parents, Mr, and | Mrs, Clarence Galt, North Oshawa, {last Thursddy evening with a mis- | cellaneous shower for her sister, | Miss Vivial\Edith Galt, whose mar- | riage to Stanley John Fice takes place Saturday, August 3. Those | present were friends from the Coulter Mfg, Company and Alger Printing Press Company. The even. ing was spent in dancing, after which refreshments were served, ; Bo de ob The Ever Ready Bible Class of Shirley Bartlett has come back with | Simcoe Street United Church held an enjoyable picnic at Lakeview Park on Tuesday afternoon, The | members of the class were glad to | have present Rev. Dr. and Mrs, A. | D, Cornett; Rev. J. 8. I. Wilson, | their teacher, and Mrs. Wilson, and | Mrs, Thomas Basinger, the presi- dent of the class, Mrs, Basinger brought along her daugh ~. Mrs. W. E, Hill, who with her) husband and baby, Shirley Anne, Have late- ly arrived from England make their home here, The absence of sick members was regretted. Con- tests with prizes were enjoyed and tables were laid for a bountiful pice nic supper. Sgt. Billie Evans Weds in Holland Meta M. Segers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Segers of Velp, Hol- land, became the bride of Sgt. Wil- liam (Billie) Evans, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Evans, Olive Avenue, May 15 of this year. The mar- riage took place in the Roman Catholic Church in Velp. The bride wore the wedding gown and veil of the bridegroom's sister, Mrs, William Milne, which had been sent to her by air. With the gown of net over white satin, the bride wore an ermine cape and carried a bouquet of roses. Her white shoes, she wrote to the Oshawa friends, were the first she had bought in four years. The bride was attended by her two cousins, Misses Tess and Lucy Segers, wearing gowns of pale green sheer, The best man was Lieut. Tom Raven of the Royal Dutch Navy, and the usher, Yoop Halberchts, After a reception held at the bride's home and attended by 60 guests, the bridal couple left for a wedding trip to The Hague and Volendam. The bride wore for travelling a two-piece turquoise dress sent her from Canada. The bridegroom's parents are ex- pecting a cable any day announcing that their son who has been over- seas for four years and is now stationed in Holland, is sailing for home, ® '| Palmer, son of Mrs. Eugene Palmer Social Notices Mi Ann i» Results of Draws 10c a Line Engs t A $1.00 ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, C, W, Crandell an- ounce the engagement of their daughter, Yvonne Rose Marie, to Matthew Willlam Dick, son of Mr. and Mrs, M. J, Dick. The wed- ding will take place on Saturday, August 17, at 3 pm. in the chapel of St. Andrew's United Church. RJ # Mr. and Mrs, A: Léousis, Toronto, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Koula, to Nicholas George Lakas, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lakas, Oshawa. The date of the wedding will be announced later. FRESH WHITEFISH FILLETS SIMCOE & ATHOL STS. Doris Chapman Bride Of George A. Palmer Last Saturday afternoon in Holy Cha; and the late Mr. Palmer. Rev. E. Hugh McLellan performed the ceremony and the wedding music was played by Albert Rowden. The church was decorated with snap- dragons for the occasion. The bride, escorted by her father, wore a floor-length gown of white Jersey with matching elbow-length gloves and a fingertip veil. Her was a cross which ven to her by her mo- carried a bouquet of red bouvardia, Eleanor Chapman was for her sister and was gowned in floor-length blue jersey with pink accessories, Her bouquet was of pink roses and bouvardia. Palmer was best man for brother. . For the reception held at the e's home, Miss Emma Chap- man, sister of the bride, wore a dress of beige butcher linen. She ope. _ The couple left later on a wed.- ding trip to Kingston, for which the bride donned a dress of pink Ditener linen with white accessor- es. On their return, the couple will reside on Barrie Avenue, Sisters Reunited In Maternity Ward Waukegan, Ill, July 22--(AP.)-- Two sisters who had not seen each other since they were babies were reunited when they themselves gave birth to baby daughters two hours apart, Mrs, Antoinette J. Griggins, wife of Anthony Griggins, and Mrs, Mary Hibel, wife of August Hibel, both residents of North Chicago, had been living seven blocks apart without either knowing the other was practically a neighbor, Antoin. ette was adopted when she was three by Mrs, Jennie Petrovic of Waukegan, Mary was adopted at | the age of six months by Mr, and | Mrs, Jacob Kutzler, North Chicago. | A floor-pacing conversation in Nos- pital by the two prospective fathers { led to the discovery they were bro- | thers-in-law. A Giving More News About Meat Coupons "Where, oh where have our meat | coupons gone?" asked this depart- | ment on hearing from the Local Ration Board this morning that since last Monday night only TWO unused valid meat coupons have been turned in. Several Answers suggest them- selves: The coupons have been used; they have been thrown away; they have been given to neighbors who wanted more meat than their coupons allowed. But there is still another answer--the needy people of Europe have been forgotten. Unused valid meat coupons, it will be recalled, when handed in to | the Local Ration Board office at 66 Simcoe Street North, are immed- fately forwarded to Ottawa and thereupon the Government releases a corresponding amount of meat-- which we might have used--for shipment to Europe, over and above Canada's regular commitment, The Local Ration Board office is open from 9 to 12 and from 1.30 to 5 daily for receiving coupons, but they may also be dropped into the letter box at the door at any time if put in an envelope with the name and a s of the giver, so that the necessary recelpt may be mailed back to the donor, Special envelopes may be secured from the Ration Board office and sent back to it post free through the mhils with the coupons. Let's not forget Europe. Have you read the story on the back cov- er of the August number of Read- er's Digest? This department read it while eating lunch the other day aut it wasn't good for the diges- FOOD FOR GERMANY Melbourne--(OP)--Australia re- cently received information that Great Britain will purchase 8,000,- 000 pounds of dehydrated potatoes and carrots to help maintain Ger- man people in the British zone of occupation in Germany. FiLM SCARCITY Demands You Receive The Best Economical Service in PHOTO FINISHING Our Exclusive MIRROR TRUE PROCESS Assures You the Best Regular 8-Negative Films ' Developed and One Print of Each 42 TAMBLY 8 King St. E. Ph. 760 1b, 3c Ib. 36- FRESH COD FILLETS = 35- Little Covent Market -- PHONE 1507 Four Generations at Wedding #, MRS. ROBERT VERNON OF PORT PERRY who is pictured above with three generations of her descendants. Twin great-grandchildren, Mary Lou and Robert John Taylor, are sitting be- side Mrs, Vernon in the front row. At the back at the left is Mrs. Vernon's daughter, Mrs, L. E. Wales of 140 Elgin Street East, and at the right is Mrs. Vernon's granddaughter, Mrs, Percy Taylor of 17 West- moreland Avenue, the mother of the twins, Mrs. Vernon is also the mother of twins, Frank Vernon of Port Perry Courtland, N.Y. She is 86 years old and has 17 livin, and Mrs, Scott Gillette of grandchildren and 20 living great-grandchildren. She attended recently the marriage of her eldest great-grandson, Douglas Wales, to Miss Anne Gerace, ~Photo by Hornsby Studio' More Than One A \ re Going 'To Gay St. Ives Today ST. IVES, Cornwall, England, July 23--(AP)-- i "Knill commands and all obey, Lads and lassies haste away; Aunts and uncles, maids and wives, All are gay, at gay St. Ives." The centuries-old tune is being | hummed around the sitting kitch- ens in this old Cornish settlement these days as the seamen, the fish- ermen and the tinners make ready for their quinquennial celebration of the Feast of St. James and the spending of another £44 ($176) from Johannes Knill's legacy. . Knlill, once mayor, of the bor- ough, created in his will a pétpe- tual annuity so that from the year 1801 onward every fifth anniver- sary of the feast day should find "no tongue is mute or foot is still, but one and all are on the hill." This year the feast day falls July 25. Ancient Ceremony Early that morning the three great locks on the ancient iron chest holding the XKnill festival funds will be unfastened by the St. Ives mayor, customs collector and vicar, each of whom 1s the tradi- tional keeper of one key, Between 10 am. and moon, 10 little girls, all under the age of 10 and the daughters of seamen, fish- ermen or tinners, will report to the committee. Each will receive a white hair ribbon and the sum of two shillings (40 cents) for which "to music furnished by a fiddler," they will dance for 15 minutes around a 50-foot granite pyramid erected to Knill"s memory on Wor- vas Hill. After the dance the chil. dren must recite the 100th Psalm. The fiddler will be paid £1 ($4), ! and two widows, 64 or older, will be given a pound each for supervising the dancing and certifying that the terms of the request have been car- ried out, Another pound must be spent for the girls' ribbons and a cockade for the fiddler's hat. The St. Ives parent or parents who have reared to the age of 10 or older the gre number of. ~» dren without parochial assistance will be given another £5 of the day's expenditures. Some wife, between the age of 26 and 36 who since last Dec, 31 has been deemed by the trustees to be "most worthy because of her duty and kindnss to her parents or her friends" will be awarded an- other £10. Five pounds will be awarded the St. Ives woman deem- ed to be the best knitter of fishing nets and to the best packer or cur- er of fish. Topping off the festival, the three trustees, each accompanied by two guests, will spend the final £10 on a feast for themselves at a village tavern. eo \ SALADA poz Iva Everson Wed To Wesley Salter Yesterday at "Gilmour Place", 171 King Street East, Oshawa, the mar- riage was solemnized of Iva Gwen- dolyn, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, T. H. Everson, of Oshawa, to Wesley J. Salter of St. Catharines, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Salter of Oshawa. ' The couple were attended by the bride's sister, Mrs. R. H. Hall of Montreal, and George Sherwood of 8t, Catharines, The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. D. Cornett, DD, assisted by Rev. Dean T, Wearing of Rochester, NY. Miss Mary Bray, niece of the bride, play. ed the wedding march and during the signing of the register Miss Marion Salter, niece of the bride gon, sang "I'll Walk Beside You, v Following a motor trip through Quebec, Mr. and Mrs, Salter will make their home in St. Catharines. ANCIENT Bats are among the most ancient of mammals, USE GAS . ... CHEAPER . , . FASTER MORE EFFICIENT Ontario Shore Gas 0. 15 KING ST. EB. PHONE 3300 re is still an Opportun- ity to Get These Summer Wardrobe Additions at Our Sale Prices! Simcoe North Ladies Wear 7 Beach Coats Chenille Pink, Yellow, White. Small, Med. Lge. Reg. 4.95 sue 2.99 -- Pullovers IN COTTON Reg. 1592.49 sae 1.00 NOT the regular thing at Consequently you may be PEARL'S. assured of real saving bargains. advertised are genuinely cut at least 1/3 in price. We must make room for fall stock. This assures you of a real opportunity to fill out your summer wardrobe! GROUP CLEARANCE OF 2 PIECE : Reg. 3.98 ! sme 2.49 Also Reg. 7.95--8.95 swe 4.49 SALES are definitely All the goods -- ALPINE SLACK SUITS gniifpaingintngeo 3 3 %% eg. - - 12.95, ' LES PLAY SUITS! 3 Piece Floral Silk reg. 4.95 ........ SALE 3.39 3 Piece Seersucker reg. 6.95 ........ SALE 4.59 3 Piece Floral Cotton reg. 3.95 ...... SALE 2.95 2 Piece Plaid American Cotton (lace trimmed bra top. Flared skirt) reg. 5.95 ° SALE 3.89 2 Piece Seersucker (bra top and shorts) reg. 2.98 .......c000... SALE 1.98 1 Piece Chintz reg. 5.95 ............ SALE 3.69 1 Piece Seersucker (draw string in neckline-- red or blue stripe) reg. 3.98 ...... SALE 2.49 SWIM SUITS Floral Cottons Reg. 1.98--2.98. Sale 1.35 - 1.95 SEERSUCKER Reg. 2.95--3.95. Sale 1.95 - 2.50 Jumper Shorts Red, Powder Blue, Beige, Rose, Green, Brown, Ete. Sizes 12-18. Reg. 4.95 SALE 3.39 -- NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS PURSES! White Plastic Zipper and Clasp Tops sale 2.49 White Plastic With Shoulder Strap sae 4.69 a FABRIC e LEATHER STRAW PURSES Reg, 3.50-8.95 saz 1.00 "HOBO" BAGS In Fabric. Reg. 3.69 cesar 5 0c -- SHORTS | Reg. 125 89¢ "Reg. 195 1.35 J Phone 3518 SPORTSWEAR SHOPPE" IRR 33 Simcoe N. "OSHAWA'S LEADING amass HE - pes

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