NEWS OF WHITBY AND THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT: Whitby and District - H. S. Entrance Results Yenc List of Public| School Pupils Who Pass- ed Entrance Exams Or Who Were Recommend- ed By Their Teachers The { list contains the South, who successfully passed their entrance examinations either by re- commendation or by written test. The list was released for publica- tion by A. Archibald, Public School Inspector for the district. lone Pe were See the ' recommendations: Frances Brown, Ronald Brown, Elma Broyden, Douglas Burrows, Wayne Childley, Donald Crawford, Patricia Deeth, Ruth "Groves, Don- ald Henderson, Lois Patricia Horne, William Kellogg, Guy LaHaye, MoNevin, Alvin Pettit, Carol Shan- non, Joyce Sharpe, Jack Simons, 1 Tokrud, Thomas Tokrud. e following passed the final writen examinations: Colin Ariss, Daniel Collihs (Honours) Gordon Deeth, Willlam Godfrey, Mildred Kennedy, Lucille MacMillian, Doro- thy Morgan, Elizabeth O'Hare, Jane Raymer, Gerald Rowland, Margar- et Simpson, Freda Thompson, Are- lene Woods. Brooklin Centre The following pupils were grant- ed High School Entrance standing on the teachers' recommendations: Jean Conner, Barbara Fogal, John Schell, Eleanor Stanyer, James Childs, William "Mitchell, Jack Olesen, Marion Ormiston, Lorne Bray, Ronald Bryant. The following passed the final written examinations: Mary Broth- erwood, Joan Evans, Douglas Farn- dale. (Honours), Jean Gimblett, Beulah Graves, William Lamb, Bruce Mackey, Bruce McNenly, Harvey Mark, William, Mitchell (Honours), Phyllis Mowbray (Hon- ours) Roy Nesbitt, Marion Ormi- ston (Honours), Howard Richard- son, Ralpn Rudkin, Mabel Spencer, Jean Sproul (Honours), Jean Sweeney, Betty Thomson, Louise Vernon. Claremont Centre * The following pupils were granted High School Entrance standing on the teachers' recommendations: Bruce Annis, Eleanor Anthony, Orval Beelby, Violet. Doreen Bin- sted, Mary Carter, Jack Davies, Elizabeth Jane Denby, June Olive Elson, Margaret Ann Farr, David Hayward, Marean Jamieson, Keith Johnston, Erla Jones, Edmund Mason, Marion Melrose, Jean Pas- coe, Ruth Phillips, Betty Ralne, Yvonne Luella Grace Redman, Sad- ie Joye ed Redshaw, Ivy Schneider, Willys Turner. The following passed the final written examinations: Dorothy Bay- les, Kenneth Brooks, Marion Cart- er, June Daley (Honours), Leonard Davies, Evelyn Disney, Marion Evans, Barry MacKay (Honours), Betty Mason, James McLean, June Raine, Flossie Spang, Kathleen Thompson, Margaret Tweedie, Ron- ald Walmsley, Peter White, Paul Whitehead (Honours). Pickering Centre The following pupils were granted High School Entrance standing on the teachers' recommendations: Helen Ash, Jacqueline Bentley, Helen Butt, Joyce Christensen, Charles Coats, Jean Conner, Alex- ander Gordon, Charles Hobbs, Ruth Mabley, James Reading, June Sea- wright, Lydia Shumovich, Douglas Smith, Mendal Smith, Kathleen Stroud, Lois Valleau, June Waiz- John | gonley, Galbraith, Helen Goralcsyk, Ronald Hilborn, Harry Holmes, Arthur Ja- cobs, Agnes Jordan, Robert Lindsay, Ruth' Michell, Irene Salter, Lillian Underwood, Veronica Wasylyk, (Honours), Nettie Wionzek, Bette McCallum (Aegrotat). Port Perry The follo pupils were granted High School trance standing on the teachers' recommendations: Fay Bonnell, Robert Brinkman, Alan Cawker, Joan Collins, Helen Cook, Patrick Donnelly, Thelma Marilyn Gibson, Goode, John Griffen, William Har- rison, Dawne Heayn, Stella Heayn, Jean' Holdershaw, Mary Howsam, Robert George Howsam, Ross Jemi- son, John MacMillan, Peter Osa- duke, Pauline Prentice, May Fern Robinson, Elsie Scheiderbauer, Don- ald Scott, Ruth Snowdon, Robert Peter Sulman, Eleanor Sweetman, Norene Sweetman, Joan Walker. The following passed the final written examinations: Bruce Boy- ington, Arthur Cawker, Isabel Clements (Honours), Greta Corner, Haze] Corner, Annie Dzenekoj, Nor- ma Fines, David Gammon, Anne Goode, Ross Graham, Barbara Jackson (Honours), Robert John- ston (Honours), Lorne Jones, Grant Michell, Norman Parry, William Peel, Jessie Powell, Kay Prentice, Kenneth Pryke, Carol Sweetman, Frances Phyllis~ Tetlow, Joan Till, Joseph Waldinsperger, Frank Wal- ler, Minnie Warren, Barbara Woods (Honours). Wray. Whitby Centre The following pupils were granted High School Entrance standing on the teachers' recommendations: Mac Adair, Ronald Aldous, Mar- fon Archibald, Mary Ellen Berlett, William Bouckley, Helen Bowman, Robert Channen, Rosevena Church, Robert Clarke, Jack Cormack, Chri- stine Cowie, Betty Davis, A Joyce Davis, Patricia Davis, Anne Didych, Donald Fleming, Nancy Fleming, Orma Fleming, Joan Gahan, Vir- ginia Goodfellow, Jackeileen Gor- don, Allan Gouldburn, Heather Gra- ham, Walter Harlow, Norma Harris, Thompson Henderson, Mary Kal- man, Mike Gassian, Bernice King, Elmer Lick, Joyce Lindley, Mary Lowe, George Manak, Sandra Mar- tin, Helen Maynard, Ronald Moran, Arthur Munroe, Jean Ostrowski, Clive Parsons, Thelma Pindar, John Rousseau, Willlami Rowley, Norma Shearer, Joyce Simpson, Betty Sleightholm, Janet Thomson, Grant Townsend, Gloria Thomson, Shirley Tucker, Jacqueline Tyndall, Marg- aret Vorvis, Madaline White, Kay Willett. The following passed the written examinations: Peter Agg, Glenda Allin, Betty Anderson (Honours), Edward Angrove, Marian Archibald, (Honours), Jacqueline Black, Ro- bert Brown, Annabelle Campbell, John Colley, Raymond Collins, Ka- thleen Corner, Carole Louise Dakins (Honours), Carl Disney, Lawrence Disney, Jean Foster, Shirley Harm- er, Margaret Henderson, Virginia Hill, Garth Hines, Kathleen Lang- maid, Charles Love, Barbara Lovells Jean McMinn, Charlotte Maguire, Clarence Moore, Terence O'Connor, Florence Ostrowski, Margaret Par- nell, Eileen Pascoe, Anthea Platt (Honours), David Rea, Lyle Swit zer, Thomas , Arthur Pow- ell (Aegrotat). Oshawa Missionary College The following passed the final written examinations: Marion Levy, Loretta Lofthouse, Pauline Nadeau, minutes time. - Your loan of from arrange your loan by Company in Canada. G Come in. How 81 People Secured $14, 000 in 30 Minutes "Time During a recent month 81 new customers came to one of our Household "Finance offices and received the money they desired in 30 Soi (ria is a otal tuliontion 3 ili fact that at Household Finance you get the - money you need when you need it. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Household is Canada's largest and oldest Small Loans Company. arranged simply and promptly at any one of our convenient offices. Tell us how mich you need and how you want to repay. It's helpful to bring some identification: with you. There's little else to do. Most times you can even And remember, your loan at Household Finance costs you less than at any other Small Loans We'll be pleased to help you at any time. $20 to $1000 can be phone if you prefer. Burness Wray, Robert! Whitby's Darlene Hodgson is the fourth girl from the right in this long line of beauties. They are the contestants in the Hamilton Centennial Beauty Contest competing for the title of Miss Canada. Miss Hodgson who was acclaimed "Miss Whitby" 'on June 26 at the Kinsmen Karnival Local Girl Takes Part In Hamilton Contest held in Whitby was accompanied to Hamilton by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnum and Kinsman Bill Fala, Darlene claims that she wasn't a bit nervous during the contest, but just relayed and enjoyed herself. She had the privilege of speaking over a Hamilton radio station, Vera Robson, Stewart Shankel, Sherman Zemke, Oshawa Centre The following pupils were granted High School Entrance standing on the teachers' recommendations: David Adams, Betty Joan Alex- ander, John Alexander, Elva Lor- raine Ashby, Gordon Baker, Ronald Baker, June Veronica "Blewett, Joan Bowen, Helen Kathleen Butt, Collenn Colleran, Jack Connell, Raymond Connell, Reginald Craggs, Nancy Day, John Dunn, Joan Elane Fice, Heidi Geisberger, Cecil Gibson, Joan Gilliland, Marian Hayes, Viola Hopps, Lillian Lees, Leo Lindberg, Lillian Lindberg, Lois Inroy, Nancy Parks, Shirley Patter- son, Erlene Peeling, Elinore Pierson, Anna Ponicky, Donna Price, Ruth Anne Reader, Donna Robinson, Lorne Seeley, John Shetler, Harry Short, Albert Taylor, Eleanor Trot- ter, Jean Virgin, Colin Wilson, Donald Charles Wilson, Helen Zmi- jowski. Sport's Schedule Will Be Decided At Wed. Meeting There will be a meeting of the Town Parks Commission with re- presentatives of 'the Whitby Minor Athletic Association, the Legion and the Wolves softball teams, and the Junior, Juvenile and Bantam base- ball teams, and the Whitby Young Ladies Softball team, in the Coun- cil Chambers on Wednesday eve- ning, at 9.00 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to iron out present difficulties between the teams with regards to the nights when the teams may use the softball and baseball diamonds, in order to pre- vent any confliction between the various teams, and to see if some- thing further may be done to put the softball diamond into a play- able condition. At present the sur- face of the diamond is in bad shape, and considerable work must be done before it will be fit to use. Marie Seymour Weds Joseph Calderone Summer flowers and ferns decked St. John's Catholic Church, for the wedding of Marie Annietta Sey- mour, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seymour of Pembroke, and Joseph Anthony Calderone son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Calderone, of Whitby, The ceremony was solem- nized by the Rev. Father Hickey. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore white satin with a net cape veil halo, and carried an arm bouquet of red roses and baby's breath. The bridesmaid was gowned in pink satin with net, and a pink flowered beanie with pink shoulder length veil and carried pink and yellow roses and baby's breath. The dinner was held at the Brooklin Hotel and the reception at the Le- gion Hall, Whitby. The bride's mother was gowned in Nile green with black accessories and wore a corsage of yellow roses. The groom's mother wore a floral green dress with black accessories and a corsage of pink roses. For her wedding trip to Niagara and points west, the br wore a travelling costume of and turquoise, after the honéymoon trip the couple will live in Whitby, Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs, John Cucci, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, L. Pentaleo, of To- Tomio, Mrs. V. Sabino, of Toronto, Mr. and' Married | | Lockwood, Elenor Loucks, Marie Mc- Recently Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westlake who were married in Whitby United Church on Saturday, June 29. The bride was the former Thelma Marie Foster; daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Carman Foster, Whitby, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Edward Westlake of Belleville, Ont, ~Photo by Campbell's Studio Sport Shorts ~ From Britain By JACK SULLIVAN Canadian "Press Staff Writer London, July 5--(CP)--The old- timers among the cock-fighting communities of Cumberland, West- morland and North Lancashire aren't very happy these days. The is dying out and they miss also the excitement of keeping one step ahead of the police. The sport was dealt a severe if not mortal, blow by the ration- ing of feeding stuffs in the last two years of the war and, in ¢om- mon with pigeon fanciers, cock- fighters were compelled to reduce their stock of birds. On top of this setback, mourned an old-timer, the youngsters now are following the greyhounds and find "it too much bother to breed the cocks, to feed them and to teach them (after they have had boxing gloves put on them) to fight in barns and such-like places." The old-timer, who believes he "and the missus" are the last of te old brigade, sald the' business is "too. finicky" for the youngsters, "Even the excitement of keeping out of the clutches of the police doesn't attract them. I don't know hm our young people are coming He recalled that "half the plea- sure in the old days was in laying a false trail for the police." Tom Waugh, well-known New- market racehorse trainer, died re- cently in hospital at this famous Tasetmek town. He was RyRy old. J. TRH Sport enthusiasts mn the Lake- land district of Lancashire are up- TENDERS set. They charge that bookmakers one declaring he saw bets "being taken on an egg and spoon race." The . question came, into promin- ence when a 14-year-old hoy, race ing under an assuméd name, won a professional cross-country race at Kendal sports, where bookmakers were offering 20 to 1 against him, S. G. Lewis, headmaster of Win- dermere Grammar School reported the incident and said he "condem- ned the organization of proféssion- al races for children." The boy con- cerned was upset about what he had done and "it is only fair to him to say he was not aware of its wide implications," Lewis said. "I wonder if the public realizes that those children running in pro- fessional sports are treated as horses or dogs? The whole business is a matter of grave public conce! Try a classified advertisement for quick results! You may depend on us to efficiently ar- range every detail and assist you in every way possible, When death occurs, come to us and be as- sured your every re- Wife Preservers As 800N 88 you see worn spots on the elbows of a garment or in other places that get get hard west, do 2 ne preventive to make the garment wear longer daring save yourself more mending later on. Use matching thread, weaving it in and out to look as mich 2s poss le like J SERVE BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE 130 Brock St. N., Whitby Tel. 707 Xu: TIMES-GAZETTE Tuceday, July 9, 1048 GIRL BUGLER NOW DRUM MAJORETTE Winnipeg, July. --(CP)=-- It took two parades with drum-n from the United States strutting their way down packed streets to make Winnipegers realize they have own in the person of Dorothy Dav- jes--show stealer at the recent In- ternational War Veterans Alliance convention here. Three years ago she was a bug- band of the Canadian Legion. But she decided she wanted to be out in front, so she practised by her- self, watched movies of other drum- majorettes and twirled a baton un- til her fingers were sore. Her per- sistence was rewarded--spectators pronounced her perfect. SOUTH AFRICAN BOOM IN OSTRICH FEATHERS Capetown, July --(OP)-- Remini- scent of the days preceding the First Great War, South Africa is experiencing yet another large boom in ostrich feathers. Fortunes are being made upon the feathered finery as prices of feathers sky- rocket. Farmers in the Little Karoo area of the Cape are going in for ex- tensive breeding. It is estimated that in the Oudtshoorn, Calitzdorp and Ladysmith districts there are about. 20,000 birds, compared with about 2.000 or less a few years ago. This number is increasing rapidly each month. ajorettes | a rst-rate drum-majorette of their | ler in the Prince Edward Branch Gunshot Victim VICTOR BILCOX who. died of wounds received from a 12 gauge shotgun, which he had borrowed to kill skunks, CAR MISSING Vernon Rowe, 314 Pitt Street, re- ported to Chief of Police, Wm. Hi. liott today that his '41 black sedan, License No. 71327, was missing. It is believed that it was rolled out of his garage early this morning. The keys were not in the car, ~~ * 808 Euclid St. Construction and Alterations J.M. GORDON (formerly of Underwood and Gordon) Wishes to announce that he is now in business for himself. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Phone 2145 Whitby, Ont. VY 4 You GET MORE SERVICE AT THE SIG N OF THE BIG B-A CAR manufacturers say it will be some time yet before new cars will be available for all. So it's still important to take the best possible care of your present car. It's a fact that this is a job your B-A dealer can really help you with, because your B-A dealer leaves nothing to chance. He's trained and equipped to do the thorough kind of a service job that will keep your car running longer. That's why thousands of motorists all over Canada have come to rely on B-A's friendly service and quality products. You, too, can always buy with confidence at the sign of the big B-A. > HOUSEHOLD FINANCE BACKED BY 68 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Canede's lorgest and oldest Small Loans Compony with 41 offices in 34 cities D.C. Moore, Manager ok 15 Simcoe $t. South (Over Kresge's) ' WA, ONT. Phone Oshawa 3601 Nowrs 9 10 5 of by appointment -- Loans mode fo farmers and residents of nearby 'lows THATS! WHY PEERLESS LASTS LONGER Tenders Will Be Recetved By the Undersigned Until - 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 17th, 1946, for the purchase and removal of the frame building ? uated on the north west corner of Brock and Dethorhe Streets, Whitby, known as 136 Brock Street South, tend lude undert. to remove building completely not later = August 15th, 1946, after which date right to remove building shall be ted without refund of any part of price. Highest or any tender not E. HELENA RICHARBSON, . t, Whitby, Ontario, P.O. Box 655. quest will be fulfilled, STROWGER'S Funeral Service 215 DUNDAS ST. EAST PHONE WHITBY 3581 DAY OR NIGHT TR RR 8 RR RR A a RR © BTS BT 3G SINGING 36 XE 3 NN NE BE XE RE BE NINERS NN BIN NN N00 RR TR 3 XE 11 Pye] ily R143 WR 141 Pine St Beit 8 8 8 4% 8 8 4 48 4% 4 8 5 a8 XR ERE