ba Late sENBNNeT.. : v ; $0 THE TIMES-GAZETTE = + = By lack Sords Tuesday, July 9, 1946 BReoKLYA TRY BASEMAN, TRACED 10 THE Boston BRAVES FOR CATCHER SEW HorreRTi ARRNING 30 MINUTES . GEFore OMe TIME 11 Lis INTIAL APPEARANCE WiTid BoSTa ths RuA-PRopUCING SINGLE HELPED "TIE BRAVES BEAT CINCINNAT: 276 PORT 3. NAPSHOTS Compbet Well, we figure we've seen almost everything now. We saw an outfielder catch a ball last night and hold it "momentarily" as the book insists must be done--then he dropped it while starting his motion and so help us, hannah--there was no protest. 'The fact that it meant the winning run in the last half of the 11th ifining of course added to the excitement and the chagrin of the losing team may have been so great that none of the players or manager had the heart to argue. U.AWA. finally won a game last night, defeating Mayfair Lanes 4-3 in the last half of the 11th inning, with two men out. Fine pitching by Dick Rollo and Doug. Keeler featured the game--neither hurler deserved to lose but Rollo issued fewer hits. Misjudged fly-balls by rival outfielders accounted for most of the scoring. Then came the 11th with a couple of errors on one play, a fumbled catch and bad throw, followed by two easy infleld outs--then the fly to centre, which Jack Fair caught a little too casually and then as he started to swing into motion to throw the ball in, the ball slipped out and fell to the ground. Néturally the U.A.W.A. yunner had gone home from 2nd base and when the ball dropped the Union team leaped into the.air in shouts of joy and the disconsolate Mayfairs merely g-up their gear and shoved off. The player who made the mistake was so chagrined he apparently didnt think to ask for a ruling on the catch and the entire incident appeared to go by, unnoticed. Of course--that's just our opinion of the play, no doubt others thought it was an every-day error--but it would have been interesting to see what would have happened had the umpires been asked for a ruling on the catch or no-catch, instead of both teams 's, win, might upset "Lefty" Thomson's Legionnaires There's a game at Alexandra Park (Inter, "A") every might this week, including Thursday. » » » » Oshawa GM-Colts defeated 30th Battery Bombers 3-2 in another Beaches Fastball League thriller here on Saturday afternoon. The Colts have played five home games and won four of them and so far the local fans have been treated to classy softball battles each time. Incidentally, Oshawa has played 30th Battery five times and won four of them. If they had only taken a couple more from Bowles AC. in- stead of losing four-straight in Toronto to the Lunchers, the Oshawa boys would be in 3rd place in the Fastball race. As it is, the official records issued today, show that GM-Colts are 3rd in team batting, only a small percentage behind Tip Tops and Peoples, who are 2nd and 1st respectively. Colts also have 4 batters in the top 15 hitters of the league, with Norm. Magee in second place and Johnny Kitchen and "Dib" Little well up with the leaders, over the .300 mark. At the present time, Colts are just one win behind Bowles A.C. in the race for 3rd place and the Oshawa gang haven't yet given up hope of finishing in 3rd place--but of course, they still have to make sure of 4th place and a playoff berth yet, also. They earned Saturday's win here on good defensive infield play and nice pitching by both Meulemester and Mc- Laughlin, although were inclined to wildness and issued walks--which was what got Meulemester into trouble. He wasn't being hit hard but he couldn't find the plate. Colts take on Tip Tops tomorrow night and on Saturday afternoon, they get their chance to create a 2-way tie for 3rd place, when Bowles A.C. visits Oshawa. L LJ 2 LJ In the Junior baseball (Lakeshore League) Saturday night's game at Alexandra Park was just as we predicted, "the best of the season." With Art Clemence of Bowmanville pitching no-hit ball, it was a 0-0 deadlock for the full 7 innings, for Jack Langmaid was equally stingy with runs, even though he was nicked for the odd hit. The game ended in an extra inning, last half of the 8th when Bill Dell singled, moved to 2nd on a passed ball and scored when "Bunny" Legree got Oshawa's second hit of the game, with one man out. It was a drive into right that got away from the fielder and was good for three bases but Dell crossed the plate with the only run needed to win the game 1-0. Oshawa B'Nai B'rith are now tied with Bowmanville for first place as the result of that sensational victory. ' Oshawa Hunters took an 8-1 lacing down in Cobourg on Sat. afternoon, where those Kiwanis Juniors appear to be mighty hot stuff on their home diamond. Oshawa Hunters and Oshawa B'Nai B'rith tangle again in an Inter-City game to- morrow night at Alexandra Park. Take in this game if you want to see some Junior baseball acti The "Hunters" will be rain' to go--for they've got their new uniforms. % » 3 » In the Junior softball ranks, Harmony dropped a 9-1 decision to the Oshawa Aces at Bathe Park last night and Brooklin Dodgers on their home diamond, took a 9-3 defeat at the hinds of Oshawa Pete's Place ~--who still lead the league by a margin of one run, Tonight, North Oshawa visits Whitby Wolves. 'Tomofrow night, Brooklin comes to Westmount diamond to tangle with the Knights of Pythias (look out for an upset) and Harmony visits Pete's Place down at Cowan's Park. : LJ LJ LJ * " "Ziggy" sends us a reminder of his wrestling show at the Oshawa Arena tonight. It feat fdr t" he points out-- with AL "Bunny" Dunlop and Billy Stack of Bowmanyille meeting in the main bout. Fans who saw these two tangle about a month. ago will remember the wild action as "Bold, Bad Bunny" resorted to his rough and illegal tactics to subdue Stack. I¢ll be lively tonight, too! In the semi-final bout, "Ziggy" is taking on Max Von Bruckner of Baltimore and that one should be a hot go too. In the preliminary, Oshawa's Frankie Keleman meets the one and only "Irish Michael" O'Toole and while the fans 'may not know which ye to cheer and which to jeer--they'll have a lot of interest in this bout. , » % 5 » In the final of the Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin, Trophy at the Oshawa Golf and Country Club, played on Sunday, Jessie Coulthurst, perennial champ was defeated in a thrilling final match by Innis Pipher, at the: GM-COLTS NIP 30th BATTERY, HELP PLAYOFF HOP Oshawa Fastball Squad Wins Another On Home Diamond To Tighten Grip On Fourth Place Only 1. Error in Well Played Game Featured by Sparkling Play in Infield --McLaughlin Halts 30th Battery and Drives. in Tying Run -- Colts Out- Hitters Oshawa's entry in the Toronto Beaches Major Fastball Leggue continued their supremacy over nosed out Ted Reeve's snappy fast- ball squad 3-2 here on Saturday afternoon, before a fair-sized crowd that saw a peppery, game that had only one error in it. It was the fourth win of the sea- son for GM-Colts on their home diamond, out of five games played so far in Oshawa and it was also their 4th victory in five games with 30th Battery Bombers. Big Day For Infielders It was a busy day for the rival infielders, with the pitchers mixing their slants nicely to keep them out of the centre but getting very few strikeouts. "Nosey" Atanaoff walk- ed five batters and struck out only three Oshawans and yet his mates 'only had three putouts, both in only had three putouts, in the out- field Oshawa had only two outfield . putouts both in centre, and Meulesmester struck out two batters in five innings and Mc- Laughlin, who hurled the last four frames, didn't strike out anybody, but he allowed only one hit. GM-Colts outhit the Bombers by double, ten against five, but: they left a lot of runners stranded on the bases, and so did the visitors. Oshawa opened the scoring in the first, when Little singled with two out. Kitchen singled to right putting Little to 3rd. Then Juben- ville walked to fill the bases and Hall drew a walk as Atananoff couldn't find the plate, forcing in Little with the first run. Colts threatened every inning after that too but didn't score again until the 6th. Meanwhile, 30th Battery couldn't break through Meulemester's pitch- ing to score. They threatened in the second, when Gordoneer singled with two out and Ferguson doubled to left. McKenzie was deliberately passed to fill the bases and Atanan- off grounded'to short, forcing Mc- Kenzie to end the inning. il many. hits but his wildness proved his undoing in the 6th. He walked Alexander at the start and then Stanley singled to right. Krycia was passed deliberately to fill the bases. Then Meulemester pitched two successive balls to Cox, where- upon McLaughlin was called to the mound, He took Cox to the full count and then Cox flied to centre with Alexander scoring after the catch Gordoneer grounded to Kit- chen at 3rd and as he threw the batter out at 1st, Stanley sprinted home, to make it 2-1. Ferguson popped up a foul to Bidgood to end the inning. Oshawa came right back in their own half of the 6th inning to re- take a 1-run lead and as it proved, that concluded the scoring. Juben- ville opened with a single and Hall beat out a perfectly laid bunt. Young sacrificed nicely to advance his two mates. Bidgood drew a walk, filling the bases. Dean Mc- Laughlin then singled through 2nd to score Jubenville and keep the bases filled. Dalton flied out to short left and Hall sprinted home after the catch, just sliding in un- der Gordoneer's throw to the plate. Nelson grounded out to end the in- ning. Several Tight Spots Colts threatened lightly in the Tth when Little singled but he was nipped trying to reach 2nd on a passed ball. Kitchen singled and Romaniski flied out to centre. In the 9th, Oshawa loaded the bases on the only error of the game, at 1st base, and walks to Daton and Nelson with two out, but Little's bid was snagged by Atanasoff and the throw to 1st was an easy out. 30th Battery Bombers collected only one hit off Dean McLaughlin GPORT SNAPSHOTS (Continued from Page 10) * trophy winner, who has made steady improvement since losing a "coke" in a famous one-hole match several years ago at Downsview. Miss Pipher is now favored to win the Club championship later this summer, LIB IR J Oshawa's representatives in the annual Nelson, British Columbia summer ¢ bonspiel, have car- ried off a portion of the honors. His Worship, Mayor Frank McCal- lum wired home Monday morning to state that the Oshawa rink had captured "The Kootenay Trophy." Don't know what the trophy win- ning signifies yet, but at least, the boys are going to bring a piece of the available silverware back East. The Oshawa ririk in B.C. is com- prised of Frank McCallum, Lew Beaton, Fred Garrard and Bert White. Today, no doubt, they are taking "In the f. 1 Cal- gary Stampede, a . Tom Barber, eibier of the Courtice soccer team, suffered a broken leg about two weeks ago, in a Durham County League match. They are playing an exhibition "benefit" game down at the Court- ice pitch on Saturday night, 6.30 o'clock, between Solina and Court- ice, proceeds to help Barber settle his injury bills. Oshawa sport fans who would like to take in this 36th hole, 4 up-and 3 to play. Congratulations are in order for the A game and "lend a hand" will be very welcome, hit Visitors But Runs Are |G Scarce--Little and Kitch- | Fe 30th Battery Bombers when they Liets Ire a 30TH BATTER Kozancheno, 3b Alexander, cf . Stanley, 3b Krycla, ss . xX, Ib... on - 3 BOOM HOOH AS HY - " Bidg Meulemester, B % (c) McLaughlin, ig) Romaniski, 'otals (a) Batted for Fe (b) Playing right (c) Pitched in 6th (d) ef in Tth Score by Innings wooooco~~o~oON Nocooocoo~~oIM Bommococonuwcony 10 27 n in 8th eld in 8th ~ The Summary Runs batted in: Cox, Gordonier; Dalton and McLaughlin; 2b hits: Koz- anchenko, Ferguson, Nelson; Sacrifices: Atanasoff, Kitchen, Bidgood, Young; Stolen bases: Kitchen; Struck out by: A fT 4, it 3, McLaugh- lin 0; Bases on balls off: Atanasoff 5, Meulemester 4, McLaughlin 2; Left on bases: 30th Battery 7, GM-Colts 7; Innings Pitched by: Atanasoff 9, Meule- mester 5, McLaughlin 4; Runs off: t ff, 3, Meul 2, McLaugh- lin 0; Hits off: Atanasoff 10, Meule- mester 4, McLaughlin 1; Winning pit- cher, McLaughlin; Losing pitcher: At- anasoff; Passed ball: Nelson, McKenzie; Earned runs: 30th Battery 2, GM-Colts "Reg." Fair (plate): John both of Oshawa; Time of 45 min. 3: Umpires: Brady (bases) game: 1 hr. GM-Colts Are Only 1 Game Out 3rd Place BEACHES MAJOR FASTBALL LEAGUE STANDING Won Lost 13 3 11 4 11 13 pressing Peoples for top honors while 30th, Battery Bombers are still very much in the running for that fourth place play- off berth. Bowles seem to have taken over third place but Oshawa Colts are only one game , Those batting over .300 are: Jerry Evans, Peoples, 390; Norm Magee, Oshawa, .388; Red Heron, Peoples, 383; Art Upper, Tip Tops, 373; Colin Cranham, Tip Tops, .367; John Kitchen, Oshawa, 362; Suz Turner, Peoples, .333; Herb Baker, Bowles, .321; Les Benson, Peoples, 308; Mike Thorn, Bowles, .307; Herb Stricker, Peoples, 304; Little, Oshawa, .302;; Ecclestone, Tip Tops, 273; Len Gaul, Tip Tops, 273; Ray Pulfer, Peoples, 270; Ed Geraldi, Tip Tops, 260; Ron Nelson, Oshawa, .257; Bill Alexand- er, 3Qth Battery Bombers, .243. Runs batted in: Heron 17; Upper 11; Kitchen 10. Home runs: Heron 4; Upper, Kitchen and Adam, three each. Leading pitchers: Grant, Peoples, 5-0; Ecclestone, Tip Tops, 8-1; Benson, Peoples, 5-1. Team batting: Peoples, 240; Tip Tops, .235; Oshawa, .226; Bowles, 207, and 30th. Battery, .178. J (The above averages do not in- clude Saturday's game in Oshawa). but he too was wild in spots and they were in scoring position in each of the last three frames. Koz- enchenko doubled in the 7th with two out and Alexander then popped out to Dalton, In the 8th, Krycia and Cox both drew walks in suc- cession with one out but Gordon- eer popped out foul to Kitchen and then pinch-hitter Cliff King slam- med one straight out from the plate which McLaughlin snared with one hand and easily made the throw-out to 1st, In the 9th, Mec- Kenzie opened with a walk and Atanasoff sacrificed him to 2nd. Kozancheko fouled out to Kitchen to relieve the tension. Alexander drew a walk and then Stanley fli- ed out to Romaniski in short cen- tre, who came in to make the catch and so end the game. Little and Kitchen . "Dib" Little with "three hits in five trips to the plate and Johnny Kitchen with two singles in three official trips, were the best at the plate for Oshawa. Kozanchenko had two of the visitors' 'five safeties. NORTHMINSTER BOYS WIN BANTAM FIRST PLAYGROUND OPENER Runners-up in the first half-sche- dule in June, Northminster "Nail- ers" Monday evening took the cur- tain raiser of the July campaign from the "Ramblers" of Ritson Playground, 25-4. There were many and various kinds of softball, good, bad and indifferent. Northminster "Nailers" showed the benefit of their tough campaign in June when they were runners-up to Courtice Baptist lads but their manager was ver ycomplimentary to Ritson "Ramblers" with his comment-- "These players have the makings of first-class performers ;they will give a good account of thmselves when they have worked together another week." This evening, Ritson "Ramblers" are at home to St. Andrew's Ban- tam Boys, while Courtice Baptist Boys visit Northminster on Sim- coe North Campus. Wednésday at 6 pm. Centre "Wild Cats" are at (Continued on Page 2) "Beatin' the Gun" News of Shamrock A.C. Shamrock Athletic Club Runner Earns Preliminary Olympic Try-out Bud. Wilson, our young 880 yd. (Y%-mile) star will go to Montreal on Aug. 3rd to participate in a series of meets between the Can- adian Eastern Sea-board and the American Eastern Sea-board Ath- letic clubs in preparation for the selection of Canada's Olympic teams that will be picked next summer. Bud will go down with all expenses paid, and have the best of attention and coaching that Canadian track and field experts can produce. It was a marvelloug boost for the club, amongst the older and more experienced clubs of Ontario, as it really makes them raise an eye- brow and come to the decision that the "Shamrock" were putting in an early bid for recognition in the athletic field in Ontario and Canada. It wasn't so much where Bud ° placed in that championship match in Hamilton last Saturday, but the manner in which he did it, as a much younger and inexperienced . | runner. Bud had a spot of bad luck from the start in picking the out- side lane in a field of 12 starters. He took the alternative of starting behind the field, on the inside lane, which wasn't a great deal better when the race got under way. In the first lap he trailed the field try- ing to spot an opening an the inside which wasn't to be had, so he had to do it the hard way and pass the whole field on the outside at a ter- rific pace which left him with very little reserve for the sprint at the finish. It was a close finish with little to choose between the first and second men and Bud running up their backs to take the "honours" in third place. It was Bud's manner in choosing to pass a field of older experienced runners, his dogged determination to place at the finish, that won the approval of the selection board, to go to Montreal. So with another years training, expert coaching, ironing out his few mistakes, we all look on Bud to represent our club and city on Canada's Olympic team for 1948, Our old standby wasn't to be out- done by any means when it came to the field events. Ben went into a field of tough competition for the 16lb. Hammer Throw and emerged with a third place for the club, It was terrifically hot out there in the centre infield, and the footing was loose sand that Ben didn't appreci- ate at all, making it very hard to get away a good throw. So he had to be content to do his best under the circumstances and come out third best. In practice, Ben has measured 10 ft, better than the throw that won the event on Sat- urday. All in all, the Shamrock A.C. showed well in their first post-war start. With two entries (Wimp Crawford was scratched) placing third we haven't a hitch, and we have plenty to hope for. So keep a line on these fellows when they make a showing in our own meet that is scheduled for July 27th when some of Canada's crack ath- letes will be on hand to show just | how it is to be done, Jr. Red Raiders To Be Measured For Grid Unies An important meeting of the |8-6 Junior Red Raider football club will be held in the Genosha Hotel on Thursday evening, July 11, at 9 o'clock. ' The meeting is being called in order to get the measurements for the new uniforms which are to be ordered immediately. All players desirous of playing for Oshawa's Junior team (under 21 by Sept. 1st) are urged to be on hand and the following players are specifically asked to attend "-- Dell, Reddock, Zavitsky, Patte, Bathe, Mazewsky, | Rorabeck, Marshall, Wales, Tyson, McComb, Luke, Taylor, Ainsworth, Morgan, Murdoch, Pete Wilson, Bud Wilson, Powless, McDonald, Taylor, Lindsay, Mounce, Filip owicz, Lowe Bros., and Harden from Whitby and MacIllveen from Bow- manville, While the management of the club has been busy buying some equipment, it is necessary to have the proper sizes for shoes, pants, and sweaters, and all players are asked to be on hand. Practises will be started in. less than a month's time, and the club would like to have all their equipment on hand | youngsters might falter and | out but they took the next two Cec. Dodwell And 'Sam' Barker Win Doubles Tourney Defeating their club opponents, Ken Andison and Bill Blight 6-2, 3-6 and 6-3 in the final round, "Cec." Dodwell and "Sam" Barker of the Oshawa Tennis Club came through to win the Men's Doubles Tournament, which was rained out on July 1 and was concluded this week-end. The tourney, open to pairs from Oshawa and district, was the first Dcminion Day event held by the local club since 1940. In an all-Oshawa semi-final round, the winners downed Jack Langmaid and Bob Stewart 6-1 in the first set with the latter team coming back strongly, as they had in the first round on July 1, to win the second set 6-2. The third set was nerve-racking with the veter- aps, Dodwell and Barker, hanging on by keeping a one-game lead all the way until at 4-4 they broke through to win 6-4. Seeded Pair Upset The semi-finals saw the young, up-and-coming team of Ken Andi- son and Bill Blight pull a real up- set when they defeated the No. 1 seeded team of the tournament, Len Corn and Russ. Learmonth, by a score of 9-11, 7-5, 6-2. The bril- liant net play of Blight, the hard- hitting from the base line by Andi- son and the perfect lobbing by both players was the downfall of the seeded team. After a gruelling first set won 11-9 by Corn and Learmonth, Andison and Blight ran up a lead of 5-1 in the second only to have the match tied up at 5-5. At this point most of the many spectators expected the lose games to win 7-5 and then went on to romp through an easy 6-2 set to win the match. In the finals, Andison and Blight again used their perfect lobbing as their main offensive, winers to make errors and making numerous points by placements. 'One lob back-fired which was a de- cisive point in the match, With the set score, 4-3 for Dodwell and Bar- ker and the game score 40-30 for Andison and Blight a perfect lob was placed over Barker's head. Dodwell, who was at the net, raced to the fence, however, to make a sensational return that tied the game score and momentarily shat- tered the steady and brilliant play- ing of the two young stars. The game then went to Dodwell and Barker to make the set 5-3 and Dodwel] came through on his serv- ice to win the set 6-3. Winners Teamed Well For the winners, Barker's steady placement services that kept the opposing team on the defensive and Dodwell's brilliant court play that saw him running to all corners of the court to make recoveries and scintillating plays were the high- lights. " - It can be expected from the play of the new younger stars of the Oshawa Tennis Club that the club championships will be keenly play- ed and some interesting matches are in store. The executive of the Club ex- presses its appreciation to the fol- lowing local merchants who don- ated prizes for the tournament: Don Kinloch, Canning Bros., The Man's Shop, Berg's and Johnston's Men's Wear. Results of the matches were as follows: First Round rn and Learmonth, O.T.C., de- Walker and Lindsay, St. George's -0. ison and Blight, O.T.C. defeated ingh and uch, Belleville, 6-3, 6-0. rthur and Bull, Whitby, defeated Wo and G n 81.0. 6-2, 6-3. Langmaid and Stewart defeated Par- ish and Parish, St. George's, 2-6, 6-3, Barker and Dodwell, bye. Second Round Corn and Learmonth, bye. Andison and Blight defeated Mc- Arthur and Bull by default. Langmaid and Stewart, bye. Barker and Dodwell, O.T.C., defeated Ross and tz, St. George's, 6-1, 6-2. @ Bhat OTC. detested Andison an ght, O.T.C., defea Corn and Learmonth, O.T.O., 9-11, 7-5, -2. Dodwell and Barker, O.T.C., defeated Jangmaa and Stewart, O.T.C., 6-1, » Final Dodwell and Barker, O.T.C., defeated Andon and Blight, O.T.C., 6-3, 2-6 and 6-3. Tarpaulins REPAIRED... RENOVATED Also Manufactured! TENTS RENTED PHONE 1345M DeWilde & Penhale 160 KING ST. W. tet. EK Tonight--Wrestling Wed. Aft.--Roller Skating Wed. Nite--Roller Skating Fri. Nite--Roller Skating SATURDAY NIGHT Monster Foothall Dance OSHAWA ARENA He Goes Tonight FRANKIE KELEMAN Hi Osh grappler who goes .tonight in the .preliminary bout of the wrestling show at the Oshawa ..Arena, .against ."Irish Michael" O'Toole, a truly wocthy opponent, Both are very popular with the local mat fans, and it should be an interesting bout. ST. JOHN'S SWAMPED BY CEDARDALE 19-4 Cedardale's superior hitting pow- er told in the 7th, and 8th innings when they took Bloor Street St. John's 19-4. The only threat to Ce- dardale's supremacy was in the 5th, | when St. John's collected two runs | from Boneham, The Dale boys tal- ! lied often after the 4th inning and scored 6 runs in the 8th. -~ 8ST JOHN'S--Tureski, ¢; Takarow, causing the | ; Rudka, lb; R. Zilinsky, 2b; I. Zilinsky, 3b; Kunway, ss; Zarco, If; | Wodnisky, cf; and Artim, rf. CEDARDALE--Artim, rl; G. Sutton, ¢; B. Boneham, p; D. Pal- | lister, 1b; D. Marshal, 2b; R. Jones, ss; B. Mazurki, 3b; H. Welsh, cf; T. Stone, If; and R. Brown, rf. Oshawa Businessmen Blast C.O.F. Softballers Without the services of their star pitcher "Arn" Greene, the Forresters proved an easy set-up for the Osh- awa Business Men in the return game played at Bathe Park on Wed- nesday night last. The Business Men swamped their rivals by a score of 18 to 4 and evened up the series at one game each. Len Wilson had 4 for 5 to head the hitters and Frank Mec- Garry smashed a terrific home-run in the 4th to supply the batting punch for the Business Men. "Ed" Henderson in the out-field for the Forresters made several fine catches. Line-ups: BUSINESS MEN--Elliott, Braun, Cayley, Wilson, McGarry, Walker, Heffer, Wetmore, Powell and Marks. FORRESTERS--Pen. Wright, E. Henderson, C. Keent, B. Skinner, B. Smith, G. Hurst, B. Fergus, B. Cor- bitt, Wes Richards. Try a classified 'advertisement for quick results! Oshawa Eleven Loses At Wicket In Dentonia Park | The Oshawa Cricket Club was defeated in its first "a league fixture at Dentonias Park, Toronto by 110 to 85. Dentonia batted first and when Oshawa got as far as 70 for 3 wic= kets, the game seemed within grasp. What happened after that was just one of those things. It was a bats- man's wicket. Jack Fuller, formerly of Oshawa, was high man (35) for the winners. "Rube" Waddell, for '| merly of Dentonia, scored 40 for the locals in sparkling and convine cing form. Next best man was Howe arth with 16. Next Saturday Toronto, B. will play at Lakeview Park. W. Love, ¢ Bennet. b Tim D. Gansgher Sup ons NMOHy .... Fuller, ¢ A, . Gallagher, ¢ . Back 17 PUNE» vooSonseunill = ° Craig b Boyds Waddell 5 c . Howarth, b Boyden .. Timothy, b Boyden .. . Minett, b D. Gallaghe . Healey, not out ...... . J. Sargant, b Gallggher Bennet, lbw, b D.*Ga Seeley, b Gallagher xtras 8! socovoniaSe a. a) ous-g0srR Bowling Analyse, Boyde) PSO! | " D. Gallagher 5 for 17 ---------- NEWCASTLE - ORONO | | SOFTBALLERS READY | FOR THEIR PLAYOFFS | Orono, July 9--Orono was defeat ed 7-6 by Newcastle in a close game in the non-league softball: This H ends this schedule for the season. ! With neutral umpires, the first | game for the cup will be played } Friday night at Newcastle and the | second game will be in Orono om. Monday night. TONIGHT'S MAT CARD ® MAIN BOUT 2 Out of 3 Falls 60 Minutes Limit AL "Bunny Dunlop, Toronto vs. Bill Stack, Bowmanville ® SEMI-FINAL © 2 Out of 3 Falls 45 Minutes Limit Jim Szikszay, Oshawa VS, Max Von Bruckner, Baltimore ® PRELIMINARY © 1 Fall, 30 Minute Limit "Handsome" Frankie Keleman, Oshawa vs, "Irish" Michael O'Toole, Toronto Starting Time 8:30 IS NO TFTINER is the registered trade-mark in Canida of Pepsi (oF. 3:02 .} Cola C Thrills! Action! IN A RETURN GRUDGE MATCH! TORONTO --Y Main Bout 2 OUT OF 3 FALLS 60 Minute Limit "BUNNY DUNLOP BILL STACK BOWMANVILLE Semi-Final 2 OUT OF 3 FALLS 45 Minute Limit oR Jim Szikszay OSHAWA VS Yon Bruckner BALTIMORE . PRELIMINARY--1 Fall--30 Min, Limit "Handsome" Slrishs - FRANKIE KELEMAN ve. MICHAEL O'TOOLE Tickets on Sale at Bill's Pl May be Exchanged at Bill's P! - General Admission 76¢--Children 25¢--Ringside $1.00 (TAX_INCLUDED) a coe St. South. Courtesy Tickets ¢ or Arena on Night of Show! OSH nder Auspices of Oshawa Wrestling Club AWA AREN A