TTE THE TIMES-GA e 6, 1046 ai Saturday, July TaTATaa" " Per | Accounts of ] of city are apprecia de ts and an] Miss Ada E. Ross. Social Editor als "Archie Cochrane was a recent visi- tor with Tom Westlake, Solina. LR IR. R. B. O'Brien, William Street, is vacationing at Fenelon Falls. ', La John Ballantyne, Arthur Street, is enjoying a vacation at Young's Point. a > * Mrs. Matthew Love, Jarvis Street, Is enjoying a_hgliday in St. Thom= as. : * PP Mr. South, have left for - and Ritso their cottage 3 L'Amable, Ontario. Lo Mrs. D. N. Storie, Masson Su 3 Is spending the summer mon Cedar Grove Lodge, Huntsville. La . Mrs. Ken Conlin, Rowe Street, holidaying at Presqu'lle Poin Brighton LR \ Mrs, Edgar Bt Athol Street East, is enjoying a vacation at South Bay. > + % Miss Hazel Wright, Greenwood Avenue, was a recent visitor at her home in Blackstock. LS s. Norman Stinson, Enfield, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. James Stark, Gibbons Street. LR Miss Greta Hunking, Kingston Road t, recently visited Mrs. R. W. Marlowe, Nestleton. LEAR Miss Velma Bick, Oshawa Blvd, spent the holiday week-end with r pare in_Bcbeaveson. Harol ey was a recent guest ,of Mr. Mrs. Robert Wright, Yelverton, Ont. 4 Miss Patricia the holiday week-end wit] ther, Mrs. H. R. Peaxce MF, S. Lean and Bob- bie, wa Blvd. ent the holi- day week-end with relatives in Harwood. TP Mr and Mrs. AwDomagala and daughter, Marjorie, were guests at the Lachowski-Johnson wedding in Toronto recently. +» Mr. and Mis. * garold Pierson, Gibbons Street, will be leaving soon tor their cottage, "Machrimore", at Bowmanville Beach. EE I The Honorable and Mrs. Gordon Conant are among the guests at Bedgwick House on the Trent River. ok Miss Sylvia Johnston is visiting ."her cousin, Miss Beatrice Kellar, Arden, Ont. * + Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ayling, Mary Btreet, and Phillip Ayling were re- cent visitors with Mrs. L. C. Snow- den, Maple Grove, " oe Mr, and Mrs. H. Miss Louise Foley, RN. attended the Hall-Johnston wedding in Brampton last Saturday. BB Mr. and Mrs Donald Carnochan and family, Drew Street, were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Czrmodian, Burketon. og ok Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright ald Joyce, Wood Street, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin, Burketon. ood oR sy Mrs. Frank Crossman, Westmore- fand Avenue, visited her sister, Mrs.' William Sammels, Nestleton, re- cently. * > ® Mrs. T. C. Grigg, 542 Simcoe Street North, has returned home from the hospital and is impr slowly. ; LIE 3 3 Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Montgomery, Aylmer Road, Hull, Que., were hol- iday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Peever, Quebec Street. a Mr. and MTs. Becht Pugsiey and daughter Eleanor, Washington, D. C., and 'Mrs. Pugsley, Windsor, Ont., are visiting Mrs. John Dyer, 155 Brock Street East. id Miss Eleanor Satan and Miss Blanche Taylor spent the week-end with friends at Newcastle and at- tended the Decoration Service at _ Orono Cemetery. + bb ; Miss Geraldine Norris and Miss Helen Polak leave today for a two- weeks' holiday at Birch Haven Lodge, Wasaga Beach, Ontario. a PB Mr. 'and. Mrs. Leonard Hill and family, Prince -Street, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Mar- acle and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill, Mohawk Reserve, Ont. 2 ob Miss Edith Beech of Cornwall has been appointed to the staff of the Oshawa General Hospital as assis- tant dietitian. She is a graduate of the OL.C., Whitby. " Mr. and Mis, 'Wiibert Barrett, Toronto, and Miss Emma Barrett, Hamilton, visited their . sister-in- law, Mrs. Wentford Barrett, Ross- lant Road East, on Friday. * a Mrs, Alfred Kellett, Port Hope, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, David Mor- rison, Bond Street, and Mr. and Jantigen wp Y FEVER A + ob Pearce, R.N,, spent her mo- ewcastle. £ Foley ana i i A hh Sided Church. The bride is the former Charles Bartichi MR. and MRS. EDWARD LO whose marriage took place 'Saturday, June" 22; Greta and the late Mrs, Barti She son of Mrs. George Logeman and the la! --Photo Ry Mrs. Warden Brown, Arlington Avenue. » re Rev. Edna Bowyer, of the Unity Church of Truth in Winnipeg, is a t at Adelaide House for a fort- night while visiting friends in town. * Bw Mr. and Mrs/A. E. Hornick, Miss Kay Hornick {and 'Mrs. James Ma- gee are spending a vacation at Sunrise Cottage Resort, Haliburton. &* + a Among the guests at Cedar Isle' on the Trent River are Mr. and Mrs. wight Myers and Shirley, Richmond Street East. LE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheffield, Mary Street, spent the holiday week-end in Athens, Ont., with re- latives. * bP The girls of the City Hall staff were entertained at a garden tea on Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hall, Laude Road. ' ha SS Mrs. Rachel Hornick, Hamilton, Ont., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Liza Kelly, Toronto, after a month's vis- it with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Hornick, Agnes Street. + Guests with MT, and Mrs. K. M. Hutchinson, 161 King Street East, over the holiday week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Longnecker, Detroit, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Mc- Intosh, Port Credit. Fred Douglas yo son Ronnie, Richmond Street East, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Douglas, 'Markdale. Ronnie re- mained with his grandparents for a longer visit. : o* BB The 53rd anniversary of their marriage was quietly celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. William Glover, North Oshawa, on Friday of last week. They are the parents of Mrs. T. H. Solomon, Burk Street. + The Ladies Airy to the Ca- det Corps decided at its meeting in the Armouries last week to' meet the last Friday of every month throughout July, August and Sep- tember, Mrs. Harold Jackson pre- sided at the meeting. LA 4 : Miss Viona Bartlett, who will be on the teaching staff of the Osh- awa Public Schools this coming September, left Tuesday to enrol in an arts and crafts course at sum- mer school in Toronto. Miss Mary Bovene" Miss Eugenie Stuart and Miss Jane Cole were in Toronto attending the biennial con- vention of the Canadian Nurses As- sociation. Miss Bourne is now vis- iting in Copper Cliff and Miss Cole in Wi Tr. *> > e Among the out-of-town guests at the Morton-Snelgrove wedding last Saturday were Mrs, J. Morton, Misses Ilean and Linda Morton, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Harkness, Mr. and Mrs, A. Rousseau and John McCarl, all of Whitby. * bb Miss Bessie Fraser, Miss Beth Gordon and Miss Hilda Peterson of the Oshawa General Hospital staff have left for the west on their hol- idays. Miss Fraser and Miss Gor- don are visiting in Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. Doug. Sac n was enter- tained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Percy Mercer, Elgin Street East, before her departure for Hamilton where Mr. Jackson is entering the taxi business. Mrs, Warner Willlams presented a pot- tery vase to Mrs. Jackson on be- half of her friends and tea was served by the hostess. a bb R. G. Geen was elected president of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association at its Annual Meeting held at the King Edward Hotel, in Toronto last Monday. Wallace Young, who was the retir- ing vice-president, presided in the absence of the retiring president, Miss Cora B. Jens Stratford. * Among the out-of-town guests attending the Leslie-Nichols wed- ding in Toronto last Saturday were the following from Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Nichols and fam.' ily, Miss May Nichols, Miss Ada Nichols and Mr. and Mrs, James Nichols and baby Sandria; also Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Aldsworth and family, Ajax, and Mr. and Mrs. Norval Leslie, Elmira, > + The Primary and Beginners' teachers of Simcoe BStreet United Church Sunday ®chool held their annual picnic at the Ansley sume mer cottage, Rossland Road West, on Thursday evening. Miss Marion Burns, primary superintendent, con- ed the picnic." At seven o'clock an appetising picnic supper was ny served, I vir BiSacd by games in charge of Miss Burns and Miss Evelyn Gay, superintendent of the Beginners' Department. hath BE. On Thursday and Friday even- ings, July 4 and 5, Bennington Col- lege, Bennington, Vermont, presen- ted a dance workshop which includ- ed among the student compositions, projects of seniors majoring in dance. One of these projects fea- tured "Remembering," composed (and danced) by Miss Brenda Bri- den, daughte; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briden, 188 Dorset Street, Port Hope, Ontario. a db a Mrs. John McPhee was hostess at a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Glenda Ward, a bried-eleet-of next week, at the home of the hostess' mother, Mrs. T. H. Solomon, on Tuesday evening. Miss Hazel War- ing gave the bride-to-be a lovely bride's hook which she' had made, and the message it contained was read by Mrs. Harry Knox. The color scheme of decoration for the rooms and the basket holding the gifts was mauve and white, Miss Ward acknowledged the gifts with a brief speech. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Ray Bennett, Mrs. Clifford Solomon and Mrs. T. H. Solomon, served lunch, Fifteen guests were present. i * ed V. Perrie Hunt, Belleville, one of R. G. Geen's first music teachers, was one of the two guests of honor at the luncheon of the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers' As- sociations last Tuesday at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. The Feder- ation was honoring two members of the first Ontario Music Teachers' Association, founded in 1880. Mr. Hunt is proud of his pupil's ac- complishments, * + & On Thursday afternoon, 23 mem- bers of Mrs. W. E, Snowden's group of Simcoe Street United Church Woman's Association held a picnic meeting at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harper, Pine Point. A bountiful picnic supper was served on the verandah and, as the weather was ideal, everyone en- joyed herself. Mrs. J. Boddy thank- ed Mr. and Mrs. Harper for their hospitality. - + ; The Senior Woman's: Association of Albert Street United Church, meeting on Thursday afternoon with the" president, Mrs. Clayton Lee, in charge, decided to spomsor a play, "Susan Steps Out", to be given by Maple Grove young people in Albert Street Church Sunday school rooms next Thursday, July 11. A rummage sale is planned for next Monday, July 8, and the an- nual picnic at Greenwood Park on July 25. Mrs, Howard Stacey and Mrs. F. Walker took part in the worship service. Bb Bb At the meeting of the Young Wo- men's Counsel held in the library of Adelaide House on Thursday evening, elections conducted by Miss Yvonne Hutchinson resulted as fol- lows: President, Mrs. Stanley Will- son; secretary--Miss Betty Met- calfe; treasurer--Miss Barbara Mc- Larty, The new \ president, Mrs. Willson, took the \chair and plans were. made for holding an invitation tea on Saturday, Sept. 7. * BS » At the meeting of the Red Shield W.A. on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. H. J Gentry was in charge of the devotional period and Mrs. Alfred Simester led in prayer. Mrs. D. Owen read the following list -of re- turned articles: Mrs. Holder, one pair socks; Mrs, Marshall, four sweaters; Mrs, E. Joanston, four sweater coats; Mrs, Mewett, two quilts; Mrs. W. Stonebridge, two sweaters; Mrs. W, Saunders, one sweater; Mrs, Payne, one pair mitts, two pairs % socks; Mrs. Voysey, two pairs socks; Happy Gang, six baby blankets, four boy's suits, five girl's dresses, four pairs'socks, one sweater and one pair pyjamas. The jor meeting will be held Septem- r 5. *> PP Mrs. A. A, Crowle, Mrs. Evelyn Bateman, Mrs. L. W. Parrott, Mrs. George E, Fleming, Mrs, J. H, Wilk- ins, Mrs. J. A. Kerr, Miss Ida Arnott, Miss Jean Ramsey, R. G. Geen and Wallace Young attended the sixth biennial convention of the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers' Associations and the An- nual 'Meeting of the Ontario Reg- istered Music Teachers' Association in Toronto this week. Mrs, E. 8. Ferguson of Bowmanville was also in attendance. William Wickett from Sault Ste. Marie and Edouard Bartlett of Timmins were present at- the convention. Mr, Wickett, whose home was formerly in Port Hope, was. organ-accompanist for the Motor City Choir before he went to the Soo. Mr. Bartlett, form- erly of Oshawa, succeeded Wallace Young as music supervisor in the Timmins High School. man. 'mpbell's id Margaret Snelgrove Wed To John Morton | Pink and white peonies the altar of St. Gregory's Roman - olic Church, Oshawa, formed dhe background for an early summer wedding at 10 o'clock last Saturday g when Margaret Gertrude Snelgiove, daughter of Arthur Lyal Snelgrave of Oshawa and the late Mrs. Snelgrove was united' in mar- satin buttons outline the back of double net was floon-length. heart-shaped headdress\of net held the finger-tip veil. Her jewellery was a strand of pearls and she car- ried a cascade of American Beauty 0ses, : ~. A Miss Betty Snelgrove was maid of onor for her sister and wore a floor-length frock of blossom pink made with crepe. bodice, with sweet- heart neckline and short sleeves, '| and bouffant skirt of net. A flower headdress and shoulder-length veil completed her costume. Miss Alice Normoyle, the bride's cousin, was bridesmaid, and was frocked in yellow taffeta, made with fitted bodice, cap sleeves and long full skirt, Her headdress was made of the same material as her gown. Both, the attendants wore strands of pearls and carried large nosegays cousin of the , and John Mc- b and Donald Mc- Cormick were ushers. Peonies, roses and sweetpeas dec- orated the home of the bride on Hillcroft 8 t for the reception. Mrs. Arthur Petrie, aunt of the bride, received the fifty guests, and wore a fuchsia sheer street- length dress, white hat and. acces- sories and a corsage of summer wers. The bridegroom's mother also received, wearing a figured crepe gown, black hat and acces- sories and a corsage of summer flowers. Grebory Normoyle propos- ed the toast to the bride, Later the bride and bridegroom left for a trip to Toronto and wgst- ern points, going on later to a cot- tage in Eastern Ontario. For travel- ling the bride chose a navy alpine suit with white and powder blue accessories, On their return they will reside in Oshawa. Dorothy Nichols Is Bride of Toronto Man The wedding of Dorothy Ruth Nichols, daughter of James Nich- ols of Oshawa and the late Mrs. Nichols, and Harry Norval Leslie, son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Leslie, 'Toronto, took place last Saturday afternoon in St. John's Anglican Church, Norway, Toronto. Rev. Frederick 'Nicholson performed the ceremony in a setting of peonies and red roses, The wedding music was played by W. H. Mould, Toron- to, and Miss Pearl Leslie, Toronto, was soloist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in white mousseline de soie and wore a long veil caught to a sweetheart halo. She carried a white Bible, bound with white satin streamers and trimmed with red roses. Miss Ada Nichols was maid of honor and wore baby blue jersey and a matching cap of blue daisies. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses. Miss Bernice Leslie, Toron- to, gowned in yellow sheer with a matching cap of: yellow dalsiés, and Miss Dorothy Shields, Toronto, wearing pjnk sheer and a matching cap of pink daisies, were brides- maids. Each carried a bouquet of red roses. H., E. Shields, Toronto, was best man and the ushers were Bertram Nichols and Edward Malcolm Nichols, M.M., both of Oshawa, For the reception held at the home of George Leslie, First Ave- nue, Toronto, the bride's mother wore a navy blue dress with white accessories and a corsage of red roses, She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother, who wore a black dress with white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. For the wedding trip to Trenton, Perth and Montreal, the bride chose a baby blue suit with white acces- sories, three-strand pearl necklace and a corsage of red roses. The couple will reside in Toronto. Sapphires and rubies are used in meters and delicate instruments in airplanes and tanks, - ot Sn the gown and the bou{fant skirt of ! Wed In / Simcoe St. United Hi MR. and MRS. BI BALUK who were married last Saturday in SimCoe Street bride is the former Ethel Marguerite Vermoen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Vermoen. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Baluk. ny United Church. The --Photo by Campbell's Studio -- whose wedding Wedding of Saturday Last + MR. and MRS. GORDON MADDOCK took place last Saturday in St. George's Anglican Church. The bride, the former Mary Darlene Hobbs, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Henry Hobbs and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Freder- ick Maddock and the late Mr. Maddock. --Photo by Campbell's Studio Church Holds First Anniversary Supper The first anniversary supper of Westmount United Church was held in the church last Wednesday. After grace was pronounced by Merle Thompson, 40 members and guests sat down to the -tables dec- orated with red roses and 'orange blossoms. Six young girls from the Sunday Schoo] served and Mrs. en Parks cut the birthday cake. Rev. J. 8, I. Wilson brought greetings from the Oshawa Mission Board and promised its support in preparing the new site for the church. Mr. Thompson reviewed the year's activities' and thanked Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owen, Mrs. John Morri- son, Mrs. T. D. Thomas and the Sunday School teachers for their loyal support and tireless efforts during the past year. Their cause would, prosper, he asserted, if the members would uphold their slogan, "Together". Miss Amelia Lear, who is always to A v A BRAN-NEW APPLE SPICE ALL-BRAN MUFFINS 2 wops Beloas's teaspoon salt teaspoons cinna= 1 egg, beaten mon bd teaspoon ginger slices raw apple 1 cup sifted flour 1 soda or other frult mixture Add Al-Bran to molasses and milk and let soak for 15 minutes. Add egg. Sift flour, soda, salt and spices to- gether; combine with All-Bran mix- Muffin Treat -- spicy and sweet, but takes no sugar! ture. Fill greased muffin pans two- thirds full. Dip apple slices in cinna- mon-sugar mixture and Dlacs on top. Bake in moderate oven (400°F.) about 20 minutes, Makes 15 muffins. What a heavenly spicy fragrance! What a tender, soft-as-cake texture! 'What a luscious flavor of apple, spices, and toasted nut-sweet All-Bran! Get Kellogg's All-Bran and try these nd muffins tomorrow. P.S.--Don't Saturday is muffin day! © interested in Westmount commun- ity welfare, made a few brief re- marks. The Doxology was sung with Mrs, John Morrison at the piano. Next Week's Program At Adelaide House TUESDAY Junior Gym WEDNESDAY Senior Teen-Centre Dance THURSDAY Intermediate Gym FRIDAY Junior Teen-Centre Dance SATURDAY Over-Twenty Club Dance SUBMERSIBLE MAGGOT, .. The rat-tailed maggot, living un- der water, breathes air by extending ! its tail to the surface, like a diver's airline. . 'Social Notices Marriage Announcements $1.00 Results of Draws 10c a Line Engagement Announcements $1.00 ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Verna Norine, elder daughter of Mr. Donald Rutledge and the late Mrs. Rutledge, to William Frank Thom, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Thom, Carleton Place. The wedding will take place early in August in Oshawa. Mr. and Mo) Terwillegar wish to announce the engagement of their second daughter, Orma Joan, to Harold Russell Andrews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Andrews, all of Oshawa. The marriage will 'take place quietly on July 18 at King Street United Church at 7 pm, LR BR . Mr. and Mrs, C. E, Kemp wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Velma, to Robert Beatty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Beatty. The wedding will take place August 3, ode oa Mrs. E. Goulding wishes to an- nounce the engagement of her youngest daughter Cecilia Irene to Edward Shrigley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rqy Shrigley, Oshawa. The marriage will take place July 19 at St. George's Anglican Church. + The engagement is announced of Wilma Jean MacLaughlin, Reg. N., youngest daughter of Mrs, Hugh D. | MacLaughlin and the late Mr. MacLaughlin, to Lieut. John Dales Black, R.C.AM.C., son of Rey. and Mrs. A E. Black, Guelph, Ont. The wedding will take place on Satur- day, July 20, at three o'clock in St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa. a Edward Brown Weds Miss Molly Prest "The wed of Gladys Ann (Molly) Prest, jjdaughter of Mr. and Mrs, Merle , Oshawa, and Ed- ward W. B: , son of Mrs. Harry Céuch, Newcaigtle, k place June 15 in . the 50] of Simcoe Street United Church. The bride is a former member of the C.W.A, C. and the bridegroom served with the Ontario Tank . Rev. A. D. Cornett, D.D., 'ormed . the CeremOITy. =m 7 The e wore a green summer suit wi corsage 'of American Beauty roses. Her attendant was Miss Violet Northcott, who wore a pale blue suit with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Douglas Gibbs, who served with the bridegroom in the Ontario Tank Corps, was best man, Roses, peonies and snapdragons decorated the home of the bride's mother where the reception was held. The bride's mother wore a light green suit with a corsage £2 pink roses and was assisted by the bridegroom's mother, who wore a dark mauve suit and a corsage of red roses. For travelling to Montreal and other eastern points, the bride chose a cream wool suit. The couple will reside in Oshawa. New Pictures Come To Adelaide House Miss Doris McCarthy, whose oil | paintings are being shown at Ade- laide House during July and August, is not altogether a stranger to Osh- awa, On several occasions she has aided in the local work of the C.G. IT. and several years ago she di- rected the C.G.I.T. camp at Beau Rivage which a number of Oshawa girls attended. and an art teacher. Her endeavors in the latter field now are confined largely to Central Technical School in Toronto where she is on the staff of the Art Department. A number of years ago, however, Miss Mc- Carthy was a charter member on tse staff of the children's art clas- ses at the Toronto Art Gallery which have become famous throughout the British Empire. She is herself a scholarship graduate of the On- tario College of Art and has done post-graduate work in art in Lon- don, England. As an artist, Miss McCarthy has earned membership the Ontario Society of Artists. She also exhibits with the Royal Canadian Academy, the Cailadian Society of Graphic Art and the Canadian Society of Painters in Water-Color, However, it is not necessarily for any of these reasons that the pic- tures now on exhibit at the Y.W.C. A. will find a ready reception in Oshawa, but rather because Miss McCarthy paints pictures which, for the most part," are decidedly "liveable." One feels this as one looks at such canvases as "Grey Weather on Lake Haliburton" and "January Thaw." As for the small : sketches, any one of them would : be welcome in one's living room, as | their subject matter ranges from Georgian Bay to Haliburton to the | Gaspe. Miss McCarthy has painted 'across Canada. She has camped above the treeline in the Rockies and has pitched her tent on the Gaspe coast. In addition to this Oshawa show- ing, Miss McCarthy has had one- man shows in Toronto and in Sud- bury, All her paintings now on 'dis- play at Adelaide House are for sale. Presentations Made At Fittings Limited ° Mrs. Lloyd Tonkin who has re- signed from the Order Department of Fittings Limited was honored by her co-workers on Friday afternoon with the gift of two crystal vases in the cornflower pattern. Mrs. Tonkin left for St. Catharines last evening to join her husband who is employed in that city. Miss Jean Patterson, a bride-to- be of this month, was also present- ed with a crystal rose bowl in the cornflower pattern and 'a Silex cof- fee maker. i Mrs, Earl Lince of the Invoicing Department who has:also resigned was the recipient of a farewell gift in the form of two crystal - vases from her co-workers. No other leather can be dyed in as many diverse colors as kid skin. Miss McCarthy is both an .artist Ni" Local Maid of Honor At Toronto Wedding American Beduty roses formed the setting in St. Stanislaus Church, Dennison Avenue, Toronto, for a pretty wedding last Saturday when Rev. Father Puchniak united in marriage Catharine Mary Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. John- son of Ald Lachowski, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. Lachowski of Toronto. The wedding music was played by the church ore ganist. The bride, given in marriage by white accessories and her father, was dressed in white satin and net, designed with sweet- heart neckline, long sleeves pointed at the wrists, tiny satin buttons out lining the back of the gown to the waistline, and floor-length net skirt, Her finger-tip veil was held by a satin and net coronet, She wore two strands of pearls and matching earrings, the gift of the bridegroom, and carried a cascade of Talisman roses. Miss Marjorie magala of Osh- awa, niece of the bride, was maid of honor, and wore pale pink chiffon, styled with lace insets, sweetheart neckline and floor-length skirt, Her headdress was made of pink braided velvet. A 4 Miss Helen Stoynoff was S= maid and wore a long f of orchid taffeta, on princesy lines, accented with frilling en'the skirt, and matching headdress. Miss Min. erva Riggs, an bridesmaid. wore azure-blue figlired sheer and blue headdress. Miss Alexandra Lackowski, third bridesmaf, wore pink satin and crepe, made with fitted' bodice and long crepp, skirt. All the attendants wore long white baby's breath. ank Lachowski was best man for his brother, and the ushers were Walter Lachowski, Stanley Pezyna and Steve Johnson. The reception was held at Shap's restaurant. The bride's mother re- ceived the guests and wore seafoam green, white accessories and corsage of red roses, The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing rust.crepe and corsage of red roses. Others in the receiving line were Mrs. H. Johnson, Mrs. A. Brunet and Miss M. Johnson. p Later the bride and bridegroom left for a trip to Montfeal, and on their return will reside in 'Toronto. FOR BABY We have warmh- weather needs for Baby designed to keep him cooing made especially for his comfort, « health and happi- ness, GRAHAM'S DRY GOODS 154 SIMCOE 8S. Ph, 4420W DR. R. COLWILL Wishes to Announce That He Will Be In His Office Only MONDAY ,and FRIDAY Afternoon and Evenings WokEN who SUFFE, MONTHLY Fl should try this very effective medicine to relieve pain and tired, mervous, cranky feelings, of such days -- when due to female functional monthly i bances. Worth trying! LYDIA E PINKHAN VEGETABLE COMPOUND PREVENT BABY RASH Help prevent irritations, keep baby's skin healthier. Buy this highly advised, medi- cated oil today! Economical. Big value! CUTICUR ANTISEPTIC BABY OIL , Ont, to Edward - LH JURY & King B® SHE WALKS IN FRAGRANCE COSMETIC DEPT. Through strenuous days --gala evenings--let the sweet fragrance of a re- freshing cologne be your escort. Harriet Hubbard Ayer has captured the perfume of your favorite flowers in sparkling col- ognes of lasting quality. PINK CLOVER--fresh and gay as a dawn breeze over clover fields. $1.10; 1.25 HONEYSUCKLE = gentle, endearing frag. rance of the romantic flower. $1.10; L.75 HUBBARD LOVELL 'Phone 68 Simcoe St. 8. . i a SOOT ARG gloves and carried pink roses and Vad Re rT i et wi ATP ee re