Daily Times-Gazette, 6 Jul 1946, p. 10

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A EE -- THE TIMES. 10 ' 4 Use Teo Guat AZETTE y, July 6, 1946 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Classification No Auditors v Automobile tunities Busin " + 1--Auditors - BT. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- Fi accountant, 24. Alger Bldg. King St. East. Phone 2127. Consulting ac- and _ al suing 4 8etan-sio0eo0 AND COMP jes') Le " ¥ 2 { > ¥ 7, * ie Holland Pettit, Fon: Bore Bowman Boyter. C.A: ; land Dowis, Jr., C.A. 199 Bay St, Toronto. (Aug?) 2-- Barristers AND AN B 73 Simcoe: St. S. Oshawa, Phone . FP. Annis, BA. LL.B. EC. (Augl) A W. 8 . GREER. K.C BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc. King Str East. Phone 3160. "iesigince 3914 Resident 1 C. Pollard, K.C.. ibe Commerce . GRIEREON CREIGHTON & FRASER Barristers, © 1413 King St. 445. etc. Bank of Building. te EN AND C! RB 1" loan Office 31 King Street East. ___(Augl) Boltcitor ete. RAR 'Sim Phones: Office 814; Money _to loan, LOUIS § HYMAN, BARRISTER LO 25 Siméoe™St North Office Thome 67, residence 3051. _ (July20) ®R MacBRIEN, i. BARRISTER im Solicitor Suite 201 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Julyld) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, , KO. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office East Oshawa. Phone Phone 837. (Augl) ~ BARRISTER, SOLI- residence 3297 (Augl) AND Res. Pho ERNBST MARKS, ~ eitor, 11 King E. Room 2 Office 55, Residence 368TR._ A. J. PARKHILL, mortgage loans. National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. (July?) Anderson, a 'Montreal Building. MANNING FP. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Dolicitor, Notary. Money to loan Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone = Ba . ug 3--Dentints htt DR. 8. J PHILLIPS, 12}; SIMCOE ST. South, Phone 959, house 1312 (Augl) So Physicians "and Surgeons WalTin BAPTY, 183 KING 8ST. } (July23) 5--Optometrists " ©. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone 1516. _(Augs) 7--Veterinarians G. R. small animal 'West, Oshawa. 8--Funeral Directors paLoN BURIAL COMPANY PUNERAL -- Ambulance Service, 75 Charles Soreet. "Established 1889. Phone 401 (July20) .9--Money To Loan MONEY TO TON ON REAL ESTATE, BOOTH. surgery. 323 Phone 21. (Augl) . Agreements, Lien purchased. nick Real Estate, Phone 535 Gut) CLIENTS MONIES AVAILABLE first morigages, Apply M. P. Swan pastisser. Block, suite (uiy20) Personal Wanted Exchange SEECSgcevevey woe ices Nursing Service .. re Li d ening. an Supplies" .... aking Repairs .... 17 TWO INSERTIONS THREE INSERTIONS INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Classification No Real Estate Agents 19 Business Oppore ess Oppur- tunities Wanted .. Lost and Pound Women's Column 23 Real Estate Por a uD Real Estate sieesess 30. Real Estate Wanted . 30a Wanted to Rent .. 31 CLASSIFIED AD RATES (Effective From May 1st, 1946) - ONE INSERTION ....cco0000e0veeee EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION .. Classification No. Automobiles Por Sale Automobiles Wanted ..... .. 3 Pets and Livestock 34 Wearing Apparel . 35 Articles Por Sale . 30 Articles Wanted .. 37 Pemale Help Wanted ........ 38 Male Help Wanted .. ..... ® Male or Female Help Wanted ... 39s ts Wanted ... 40 ployment Wanted Legal Notices Auction Sales Repairs 19 2 2 ol] er NW senses 81 ees 42 nes 83 20 Words Each Addl or Less Word 0 iad 0134 26--Real Estate Wanted MODERN FOUR ROOMED BUNGALOW, Fe locality, Early ton." J. h, 2 a1 Gl adstone Ave. (2b) 29--Rooms For Rent FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, GEN- tlemen or single woman preferred; aiso a garage to rent. Apply 218 Dear- borne. Le . (3a) 2 ROOMED NEW APARTMENT, PRI- Abstalners (3a) val married couple ob lady, only. Phone 4143J, __ (3a) BEDROOMS, CEN- continoous hot water, Bar located, (3a) Phone 1950M. oo FURNISHED "TO RENT. AP- ply 550 Masson no Ms 2764W. _ (3c) 2 BRIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL conveniences; ae] LM) Teen, REA (3b) ROO! TMENT UNFURN- ished, 3 roomed apartment partly fur- nished. Adults. Say Reference, ab SHED BEDROOM, GOOD LOCA. Hy Phone 1004W, 202 Arthur 8 3 UNFURN] ROOMS UPSTAIRS, Non-drinkers Bl Too Apply 243 Conant. (3b) 3 ROOMED A APARTMENT | AVAILABLE Aug. 1st. No preferred. Phone 3903) VES (Above rates apply only to ordered at a later date order. 9 1 order) and 20 words or less, 15¢ additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation full word. Box charged 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office Hours: Dally 8 - 6; Saturday 8 - 5. a new tings--$3.00 per month for and ¢ sign, figure count as a 11--Building Trades 25--Real Estate For Sale 28--Houses For Rent 4 ROOMED BUNGALOW FOR RENT for 5 months. Elgin West. Phone 3541W, (3a) 29a--For Rent OFFICE TO RENT OVER ONTARIO Shore Gas Co, Aug. 1st. Phone 118. ih (2b) FOR RENT 'CEMENT WORK OF ALL KINDS, NO ob too small or large. M. Tee) | lawn hone 4264W1, ~~ DECORATING OUR PAINTING AND DEX Window cleaning and odd specialty. Jobs Sone Phone 46! SAND, RA VEL VEL, OCINDERS, LOAM and general haulage. Robert Muir, Courtice, Phone Oshawa 289J4_(Julyl4) | 8 CEMENT MIXER FOR RENT. APPLY H., C. Wilson, 375 Gibbon St. Phone 3091R. (July28) OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL, BARN. yard loam, fill and cinders, Apply 163 Rit: son Rd. 8. Phone 2063W. _(July®) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR ing, satisfaction guaranteed. Ap Carter, 188 J Bruce Street. Phon! FAINT. APEiow (J1y27) EXCAVATING & GRADING 8Y TRACTOR DAVE MITCHELL 89 Burke St. - Phone 3149J [<] setters. Variety of colors. Free mates. Pio collect 653, Bowman. ville, Bromley and Son, -- (Julyl4) SAND, GRAVEL, LOAM FILL. GEN- eral cartage. Fleet of trucks. Efficient reliable service. W. P. . Phone 3470. (July30) CONCRETE--DO 1T YOURSH. >: NEW forms for rent. Mixer, Call A. Teno, 74 Alexander Blvd. (Juiyl) BRUSH OR SPRAY PAINTING, IN- terior or Exterior. Houses, barns and roofs, by e: ienced men, P. M. Simp- son, 39 On! St. Phon o 30 aly2s) CARPENTRY -- -- HOME ATTERATIONS and general evenin A Boyd. 16 W am B. Chon 234 (Julyl4) FOR ban in fd DECORATING, Phone W. EK. Leavitt, 3730M. 118 Tylor 12--Personal Services (June28) J. CORNISH, EXPERT WATCH RE- poisine. 20 Bond Bt. West. see Rt VICE CLEANERS -- 16A Ontario St., Phone 707. (July20) T SWISS shop at Te King treet West. _ Your- patronage soneied, uly20) 14--Household Repairs upholstered. See recovering. D. W. Dalton, 75 Charles, Phone 401. (July8) 15--Gardening and Supplies LANDSCAPING AND GARDENING. ES- timates and plans, drawn free. Lawns our apeciality, A."W. Rundle. Phone 1457). (65a) AA Free estimates, (Auge) 8 ROOM BRICK HOUSE ON bs ACRE lawn and Epiece' all conveniences, 4 -plece bath, furnace, heavy -- RADIOS, VACUUM sun lamps, Circulex Thera- peutic machines, electric heaters, floor lizhtza, reco players. Mengh er's, imcoe N, Phone 4600. (July9) wiring, 3 storm w ns. yin or old walnut, Mrs. Box 261, Uxbridge, Ont. 5 ROOM HOUSE ON BALLARD ST, Eanty possession. Apply 290 Balad pe 'ROOM "HOUSE, . MUST BE MOVED by purchaser, Apply 165 Verdun Rd. front entrance. (2¢) Srrang ed, also Ww. 8, "Grintston, (3c) 6 Room Brick House, Lunch Room, good location. Price, the best offer. mediate possession, 5-Room Frame House, carpenter shop with tools and machinery. Price, the best offer, $3 50 --6 room insul brick house. All conveniences, Simcoe St. South, $450 $550 --6 Room Brick House. All _Soyvertiences, --5 5, Room New Brick Mouse. conv: Half 29b--Summer Resorts GREEN POINT FARM, 1 MILE LOVE- ly water front, good meals, sandy beach, boats, bathing and fishing, $15 weekly. Mrs, F. Richardson, Bolte 6, Picton, (31) FURNISHED COTTAGES, WITH HY- dro and boats for rent on Trent River. Write Box 194, Norwood. (7 30--Room and Board FOR TWO MEN, ALL CONVENIENCES, near Motors. Phone 3953J. (2b) 30a--Room & Board Wanted THE CHILDREN AID'S SOCIETY ARE urgently in need of both Catholic and Protestant boarding homes for babies, in -Ocghawa. Apply 300 Centre-Street; Oshawa, Ont. Phone 336, (3c) YOUNG BUSINESS MAN DESIRES room and board in modern home. Car space. Box 633, Times-Gazette., (3b) Rate for Advertising under this heading--3c per word each inser- tion. Minimum charge 45 cents. AVALON DANCING EVERY WEDNES. day, Friday and Saturday. (July30) RUMMAGE SALE MONDAY, JULY 8, 2 o'clock, Albert St. United Church basement. (3a) COME! SEE! HEAR! "SUSAN STges Out,"' 3-act comedy, Maple Young People, sponsored by Br. Sa Albert St. United Chueh, Thursday, July 11, 8:30 p.m ults a5 children 15c. ANNUAL ORANGE CHURCH PARADE to Centre St. United, Sunday, HE 7. Members requested to meet 10 Orange Hall, Bruce St. Visitors well come, Brighton, England -- (CP) -- The amalgamation of the five Sussex ast towns of Brighton, Hove, ortslade, Southwick and Shoreham ipto one town 11 miles long was dis= ed at Brighton recently. London-- (CP) -- Tribal represen- tatives from East Africa as guests of the Port of London Authority were taken on a tour of London docks, 36--Articles For Sale 36--Articles For Sale 38--Female Help Wanted WANT TO EXCHANGE MODERN 60- cycle electric refrigerator (Frigidaire) for a 25-cycle in similar condition, otherwise would sell immediately, Phone 876, Whitby. (3a) 2 KITCHEN CHAIRS AND D TABLE, 8- plece dining room suite, walnut, two cardboard wardrobes. Phone 146W, ) a SIZE DOUBLE WINDOW LARGE complete. 'Phone 923W or apply 205 French St. after 5. (3b) HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, MOF fat electric range, ice box, chesterfield | suite, etc. Apply 267 Mary St. (3a) {| BLUR LE. HALF price. 635 . Albert 8t. (3a) "PRINCESS BETH" COOK STOVE with hot water front, in good condi- tion. Phone 2842M. (3a) LADY'S GOLF SET, PRACTICALLY new. Phone 1221W. (3a) 150 FEET NEW #34 INCH BLACK pipe, some 2" used. Ave J. Carter, Thornton's Corners Road North. Phons 202J5, 3a) PRAM FOR SA Perfect condition, --17 3, Soo) New Brick House. conveniences. Good "loo Acres of Farm, nine miles from Oshawa with insul brick house. All con- ll will exchange for Osh- REENS, SHRUBS, F "FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY we a MORTGam AX AND North Shop Realty na Led, PHONE 81, OSHAWA (Aug1) Do you require a PERSONAL LOAN fo pay your Vacation Expenses or for any other useful purpose? Apply 10 nearest branch of THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. Monthly Deposits provide for repayment, --Low Rates -- ° Life Insurance arranged and paid for by the Bank covers all loans in good standing. sR LAWNS, fruit trees, landscape ardening a ity. Es free. . Marsh, (J1y20) plants, perennials, shrubs 1150 Simcoe North. Phone ; (J1y8) 16--Dressmaking UP - TO - DATE DRESSMAKING AT $670 --6 Room Insul Brick House. $500 down payment, House. Vacant now. $420 Ritson Road South. $1,000 $3 70 room' insul brick house, $550 $650 room Frame House 442 BIMCOE ST, SOUTH (2b) (76e) d with Iron Fireman Pp maker, Ave., phone 1775R. 18--Automobile Repairs MOREY'S GARAGE, CORNER VERTL.OR and Glidden. Sapatt te rs too and Chrysler Produ one ny reasonable rates, an a Westmoreland (J1y20) 22--Lost and Found LADY'S BLACK ZIPPER PURSE Los? between Simcoe and Wilson Road seh. East bus. Finder please phone PAIR PLASTIC RIM, DOUBLE in brown leather Cae: Phone LOST brown snvelope, downtown Thursday afternoon. aluable keepsake. Re- ward. Phone 1500 or 156 Elgin E. (3a) LOST--PAIR OF SHELL FRAMED lasses, semi-hollowquin in a brown eather case Monday night around Conant and Ritson 8. Phone 304 Reward. (2b) PERSON TAKING BLUE JACKET from Arena Saturday night by mis- take, leaving 2k pin stripe Jacks, please phone Brooklin 15R32. ooklin 15R32. (2b) 23--Women's Column = JUST A CORSET MEANS SO LITTLE, a "Spirelia" anes so much, For in- h] A '10--Instruction REGISTER NOW. CLASSES mence each Monday. Shonand, Typ- 1 40913. ((6Aug) CHARIS. GORSETIERE_ TRENE CUD- dahle, 391; Simcoe (North: Mrs. Mills, rey, ;' Mrs. Beard, 2511. (Auge) Ing, Bookkeeping and College, 18 Simcoe Fy North. Phone bron 24--Personal [ : WANTED 1 OR PASSENGERS GO- Aug?) 11--Building Trades fl. MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK Agents for New Idea and Pease Fur- paces. Also humidifiers and Samper a 1 to 12, orarning in August. Phone sink, y (3a ANYONE "Gor TO BELLEVILLE July 12 and could accommodate two kindly _call_3967W., (3b) controls. - Alr-condi Phone 1616). a Augdtf) ) NOW'S THE TIME TME FOR GLAZI] GLAZING AND ant Phone 3606M. . ay. (wi ) PAINTING AND DECORATING, , IN- terior, exterior. Graining a specialty. General repairs, neatly done. John Huider. Phone __(July16) SHAW AND KETTELA FOR CON- crete work or cement mixer for hire. sand, gravel, loam, cinders, and and enema cartage. Any Bours Phone Apply 22 Jackson Street. __(July23) SCREENED SAND, GRAVEL, FILL. loam, 'manure. Finders, Cartage, RR. 3, Oshawa. Phone "123313, uiy2s) SAND, GRAVEL, LOAM, ns trucking, feliable service. Sawdon Haulage, 382 indsor Ave. = Phone 4645W. (Av PAINTER AND FIRST-CLASS DFCORA- tor, P. Danniels, Phone 2718R. (Julyl6) H. B. ymanville, ' GENERAL BUILDING. ALTERATIONS, roofin 8, L. MacKinnon, 307 RY Bivd., Fo Awa. Phone 4335) after 6. (June28) Pd 2) | Times DOUGLAS BRYCE, 384 RITSON South, Rawleigh's Good Health Products. De- livery under $1 Phone 217R. (July?) PROFESSIONAL CARD READING AT 89 Nassau St. Mrs. Elliote, Pn - ul $700075%F Room Brick House, Bond East. location. Hat cash, $4 50 $500 down payment, $350 --6 Room New Insul Brick House. All conveniences. $3 500 Room Brick Bungalow, Ritson Road South. $250 --5 Room Insul Brick $520 --&6 Room Brick House. All conveniences. --4 Room Brick down payment. $3 50 --T7 Room Frame House, one acre of land. $1,000 down payment. --2 Acres of land with 6- barn, chicken coop. $42 --10 Acres Land, 6 Room Frame House. Close to Oshawa. 5-room veniences, awa prope: ~--100- Acres of Farm 2 7- creek, Or will exchange for Xe property. All property immediate M. HENNICK REAL ESTATE LOT FOR BALE, 43 X 333. ly to Motors field, Ritson Rd. Nort! Apply T. Needham, 171 Nassau ry 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, NEWLY shingled, 112 acres land with three gres 18x50, hot water heated stoker, hydro throughout. Cold frames, 8 e and storage barn, good well, pportunity for the right man. fle south of Port Perry with bus agivice to Olas. Near school and Shute. a ply Wm. Ettey, Prince Albe; one Port Perry i 3b) 1 TO 5 ACRE BUILDING LOTS HALPF- way between Oshawa and Spitby; Ap- ply Willi Garrard. Phone 416J3. $800 --10 Room Brick House, Brock St. district, could easily be duplexed into 3 apartments. Owner's quarters would have 5 rooms, one 3 room apartment and one 2 room apartment. This home would show good returns on an investment basis. Priced to sell, owner leaving town. POSSESSION AUGUST 15 See this by appointment only, through Everett G. Disney (formerly Lew V. Disney & Son) 82 Simcde South Oshawa (NO PHONE ENQUIRIES) (20) SMALL MODERN APARTMENT THREE suites, 5 rooms each. Hot water heat- "ed, good location. Splendid value and investment. Box 636, TunesoMate a) FIVE ROOM HOUSE, GARAGE AND chicken house, 3); acres land. Apple, pear, plum trees. "Berry, black currant and gooseberries. Good b crop. Also growing business, 35 mile from Osh Apply Box 637, Times-Gaz- 25--Real Estate For Sale OWNER'S LOVELY HOME 8 large rooraed bungalow on Cadillac South, $8,000. Terms. Hot water heating, all modern 30 days. PHONE 3002W (2b) FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 6- outers don A A e. 2, Fs a pply oF 2) HOUSE FOR SALE. APPLY 46 BLOOR. East. (3¢) Bo DOUBLE HOUSE, 5 ROOMS, ALL $2000 cash. Aly 479 Bt. Lawrence (3a) ette. (3a) Half acre, acre, two acre and larger lots on Bloor St. E., Ritson Rd. 8., Harbour Rd. Gifford Rd, and Lakeview Park Ave. REASONABLE PRICES EASY TERMS Apply to G. D. CONANT 1050 SIMCOE ST. 8. ; OSHAWA SCHOFIELD INS. AGCY. . 6 SIMCOE ST. N. : OSHAWA (Sat) 6 ROOM BRIOK HOUSE, HARDWOOD floors, 3 plece bath.. Good condition. 270 Ritson Road 8. 30) 31--Wanted To Rent 6 OR 7 ROOMED HOUSE WANTED by July 18th if possible, reliable ten- ants, good reference, man, wife and 4 children, youngest ten years. Phone 3308 or apply Box 638 Times-Gazette. (30) SMALL APARTMENT DESIRED BY young business man. No children, and abstainers, Apply Box 634, Times- Gazette (3c) [* STUDENT (E (EX R.CAF. OFFICER) and wife, seek quiet furnished or un- furmshed Sooms for occupancy after Aug, 1. Box 85 Whitby. (3a) GARAGE WANTED TO RENT NEAR Ontario and Bond Sts. Phone 4467W. a ---- ee (3b) FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOM fear Hospital 5 Wow, i 2 quiet ome, pply rs. arles ackson, Box 542, (3c) 3 OR 4 ROOMS UNFURJ) ent or flat. (Quiet Zoupls. no 3 ildren). Apply Box 618, Times- Gazette. 6 OR 7 ROOM HOUSE. | tenants. Good reference. RELIABLE Phone 2493W. LL (2c) 8 OR 7 ROOM HOUSE WANTED, RE- lable tenants. Steadily employed, by if possible. D. Jackson. Phone 924R. (2c) SMALL APARTMENT FOR YOUNG couple. No children. Wanted imme- diately. Please phone 3761M. 32--Automobiles For Sale 31 PONTIAC SEDAN, EXCELLENT condition. Serial No, 152571, $275.00. H. Williams, 26 Alexandra Blvd. Phone BO irises is ORY '33 CHEVROLET ROADSTER, SERIAL No. 601709. Four new tires, $250, ply_T. Otway, 220 Olive Ave. ak |= '20 OLDSMOBILE COACH, SERIAL No. 26468, $225.00. Apply C. Wright, oS Buena Vista. CABIN TRAILER FOR SALE. Ld 1088RA. (3a) 34 FORD COACH, ALSO '28 PONTIAC sedi Apply Naiman's Garage, 181 rt Bt. (2b OTORCYCLE, HARLEY *74"" NEED- ing slight repairs. 299 Vimy Ave, (2b) 33--Automobiles Wanted GOOD USED D CAR WA WANTED. WILL pay- cash up to $600. Phone ie nel $200-3600 IN CASH WILL BE PAID BY private party for used car from 31-39, any make. Phone _2155W. (21) Dodd's car lot Park Rd. 8. Phone 3344M. ____(Julyistr) WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE USED cars and trucks. Cash or terms he est cash prices pald Any make or model. Naiman's Garage, 181 Albert. hone 4468. _____(July2s) RE AUTO WRECKERS -- Cars wanted for wrecking. prices pald. Phone 3362; evenings 3 (July1s) CARS WANTED Cash for your Car A. H. BRAMLEY 1272 Simcoe St. N. PHONE 3194W (July28tt) LIGHT DELIVERY OR 1; TON PICKUP truck wanted. Phone 3760J, or see Thomas, Biltmore Theatre. (75t1) 34--Pets and Livestock SPRINGER SPANIELS, BLACK AND white, $10 and $15. Registered cocker spaniels bl black and blondes. Bernard ling, Nelson St., Bowmanville. (3a) SIX MALE FOX ROUND PUPS FROM excellent stock. Lloyd P Lot 9, Concession 6, Pickating "Howaship: Phone Claremont 10 YOI a OR E ak " weeks old. Phone 908RA4. (3c) DUCHESS OF WESTMOUNT, 8 SECOND Doberman Pinscher female, age 3 y Bait: disposition. Apply Jublles vilion. a Se 3 PURE BRED ANGORA RABBI sale; good pet. Phone 3370J2. all PURE BRED COCKER SPANIEL PUPS, Apply Jean Patterson, Brooklin. (2b) REGISTERED COCKER PUPPIES. AP- ply_1002 Simcoe St. S. _ (2p) WE CAN SUPPLY BARRED ROCK New Hamp X Barred, Light Sussex X New Hamp. Hybrids in day old and started chicks Also Barred Rock and New Hampshire pullets, 5 months old, Write or phone Eyers Poultry Farm, Myrtle Station, Ontario. (714) SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CARS AT |g WALNUT DRESSER, LARGE Es dt coal and wood stove 226 Athol . | acon x KHAKI TENT, 10x12x3, A 203 Nossau St., aster'6 p.m. RADIO, BED CHESTERFI studio couch and two en tables, vanity table and bench and mirror, and a number of household ardicles, Apply 52 Buckingham Ave. (3b) MAN'S, BICYCLE, $18, AND PORCE- lain top table for sale. Phone dha) i good | food oven, BATTERY RADIOS, IDEAL FOR SUM- mer ors es, also mosquito and in- sect bs, contain D.D.T. Phone 249, Hh fl Radio and Electric, = Simcoe St. 8S. BUCK RAKE, GOOD CONDITION, $275. Apply Jack Crawford, RR No. 1, Whit 20" TIRES - AND TUBES THREE . Phone 4121J, . (3b) CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE A AT- mixer, rope leat table and two chairs, RK. Gilroy, Myrtle 3 (3b) FREE STANDING HAY. MAY HAVE for cutting. 15 acres in vicinity of Fickering, Apply Herb Moodle, Tudor St, Ajax. , BABY CPEs, ._ AND CONVERTIBLE carriages, L..any styles and colors. See our large selection. Wilson's Furniture Co., 20 Church St. (Julyl4) OIL BURNERS PLUS A complete, Reliable Out-of- town customers solicit Borrow- dale, Phone 3575W12. Huinie) 9 PIECE OAK DINING ROOM in good condition. Phone THe vie R. R. LITZ, ULTRY STATION, 117 Bioor St. East, Oshawa. We guarantee fresh killed poultry, delivered If we recelve order before Thursday "SALES, | Service, w. WOMEN TO DO SIMPLE SEWING | machine contract work at home, | Steady émployment. Box 631, Times- | Gazette. (3b) ! EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID. GOOD hours and pay. Experience necessary. Apply Mrs. Lancaster, Commercial ) STENOGRAPHER, EXPERIENCE NOT Toquired, Apply Box 639, ries 820 (3b) TN FO FOR CLEANING WANTED, 2 half days a week. 118 Division. (2b) EXPERIENCED GIRL OR WOMAN for position of cashier and to answer telephones. Must have pleasing per- sonality, Apply Miss Johnstone, Chris- tian's Electric and Hardware. (21) 39---Male Help p Wanted GRAVEL SAND, STONE Phone 3744J2 F. F. Welch North Oshawa | J FLOOR SANDING! Will be out of city until July 8th M. LEGGETTE Phone 3744wl COOK FOR BOY SCOUT CAMP OF 20 boys at Camp Samac for week com- mencing July 27. Apply stating wages Gaze experience to Box No, 635, Th (3b) week. Broilers, r hens. Phone 2064. a (Julyé) COAL RANGES BOTH NEW AND used, very large stock to ch from EXPERIENCED DUMP-TRUCK DRIV- er wantod , Steady position, Apply oo Meagher's, 92 Simcoe St. N. ___ (July20) KRISCH VENETIAN BLINDS. AN entirely new Venetian blind. We can now our order for future deliv- ery. We will measure your windows without Qougayion. George M. Reid, 66 Bond Wes ne 2104. (July23) BICYCLES, Or MAN'S 'ONE GIRL'S, good condition, $20 each. Apply M. R. uckland, 51 Argyle St., Toronto. (1c) BABIES SPECIAL! CRIBS, MANY styles, steel or wood; bassinettes, high chairs, play pens, walkers, rockers. prams, tricycles, kindergarden sets, crib mattresses, toys, etc. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent: Furniture Co., 20 (Julyl4) SILENT GLOW OIL BURNERS FOR cookstove, jacket heaters, etc Cooks Electric. Phone 4108J. (July21tf) BRADLEYS FURNITURE 40 King Street West. 1lson's 2 ELECTRIC WALL BRAC- kets, Sapa matting 5'x10°, almost new. (3a) 4-INCH JOINTER, A-1 CONDITION. gis. Gibbs BY, R_ELECTRIC USED 3 BURNER Tor used Eureka vacuum, complete with attachments; record player. used gas stove, new space heaters and oil burn- ers for stoves, for immediate Servers: VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS. ESTI- mates furnished without obligation. George Reid, phone 2104. 68 Bond St West. (July20) CARRIER SALESMAN (Boy or Girl) WANTED FOR CEDARDALE LAKEVIEW GDNS. Apply Circulation Dept. Times-Gazette Phone 35 INTELLIGENT, WELL-EDUCATED BOY 16 to 18, wanted to learn Af uRe trade, Good opportunity. be good speller, Apply Times-Gazette, CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Prepare now for Spring and Fall ex- WRINGER ROLLS KEPT IN STOCK for all makes of washers. Jack Bid- dulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (July28) 37--Articles Wanted Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Clerk I & II, Customs Clerk, etc. Full particulars upon request to M.C.C. Civil Service School, Toronto LL Ontario. Oldest in Canada. No ROOFING ® Asphalt Shingling ® Built-up ; Flat Roofing Materials and Workman- ship Guar:-teed! FREE ESTIMATES! PHONE 3628] OSHAWA Stirtevant 33 Hab St. Phones 2714) or 2063 Pitts and Cowan Electrical A i Phone 3287. (3b) "PEACE' PIPE FUR- , in good condition. One only four years old. May be seen, at Newcastle Public School, Highest tender not necessarily ac= cepted. Apply E. Fisher, Newcastle Board of ucation, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 4411. . __ (3c) "CIRCULAR BAW, STEEL TILT table. Call between é and 3 Apply 317 Celina. MASSEY-HARRIS CREAM SEPARA- tor for sale. 995 Lakeview Gardens, ) FOR SALE--2 naces, 24" fire pot, BED CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR 19M Tsieh SY ne). Nearly new. App ONE _ ay y COAL RANGE, QUE- bec heater, hove | pipes. Mr. Wet) 222 Nassau 3 AND CHAIR, 1 NE CHESTERFIELD modérn, kitchen suite, condition. Phone 2336. ~__ _ ( 1 FINLEY COAL AND GAS RANGE, green and black enamel, in good con- dition. Apply Jean Goodell, 19 Nas- sau St. (2¢) JACKET HEATER, NEX STOVE, 1 circular saw 8. 1G HP motor, Jig saw, " throat, la HP. motor. all 133 Patricia St. N. (2b) GOOD ROAD GRAVEL, A "NUMBER of acres, good sittin for stone crush- er, near creek, g road At Lot 3, Concession 8. 171R31, Port Perry. F. Ballard, wl, RR LADIES' PRE-WAR WRIST WATCH, 17: jewel Swiss movement in Yery food condition. Keeps good time. all at 392 St. Julien St., or phone 3593J, after 1pm. (3a) No. 812 CHARBOS SET OF DRAFTS- man's drawing instruments. Unused, $10.00. Phone 2856W. (2b) 3 PIBCE BEDROOM SUITE. _ CASH only. Analy 80 Westmoreland Ave, Phone 2. (2c) QUEBEC COOK "STOVE FOR SALE. Apply 73_Celina St. (2b) 7 ACRES OF STANDING HAY, , TWO good house doors. Phone 3903J. an) FOR SALE "DAISY" BOILER No. 225-W, for hot water heating. Capacity 675 sq. ft. APPLY MILLER ALLOWAY TIMES-GAZETTE (75¢1) 1 BI OF P COVERS, CHESTER- field and one 0 green with white piping. One chalr maroon. Extra eavy material. Almost new. Phone 2328M, (pn) sons, Good condition. Price $225.00, James Wright, Newcastle. Phone BO Os CYCLES, L112 ED ED QUANTITY, All In good | Wri 2b) BOY'S BICYCLE, 16" OR 18" FRAME, in good condition. Phone J. Wright, a3, ooo = _ (3b) 1 GATCH STILE JOSEITAL BED AND mattress. y. Phone 2423W, 22 Frank Bt. (2c) DO NOT THROW YOUR MATTRESS- es, ToEE, paper away; just call 2423M, 222 Annis St. (Julyll) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. ice Boxes. radios and stoves. 38 King West. Phone3326W, PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WIL- son & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. ._Open_ev. evenings. (7381) CASH FOR BICYCLES OR PARTS, WE need 100, any nei on also tricycles all sizes. Phone 2620W. K - Kingsway aves) | 1 FEATHERS AND FEATHER BEDS OF all Qesoriptions Highest prices pald.| Queen City Feather Co. 23 Baldwin St, T (July21ts) __ (Aug) | 39a--Male or Female Help AN EXPFRIENCED BOOKKEEPER wanted, male or female. Apply 35 King St. East, (3b) 40--Agents Wanted BUILD UP A BUSINESS | of your own, with schools, factories, institutions, d property owners, with an exclusive line of waterproofing ma- terials. Become one of Presco"s AQUA- CRA Capable man can earn real money. Your future assured, you are your own boss. Investment low. Write for information to the Presco Company Limited, Toronto, Water- proofing specialists for 25 years, and we will show you now. 2b) 41--Employment Wanted GIRL DESIRES POSITION CLERKING in store. Age 20. Phone 375, hb? ( SPOT CASR PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. _(July13) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR IRON metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Metals, back CNR Station. (Augl) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDES, fats and bones. Phone 304W. Peter Le- vine, 42 Jackson St., Wa. (July23tf) 38--Female Help Wanted w AIRDRESSER EXPERIENCED, APPLY Lynence Beauty Shop. T51W. (7781) WAITRESS, EXPERIENCED, GOOD hours and money. Steady employment. Apply Commercial Hotel, Osnagy GIRL, EIGHTEEN YEARS OR OVER, for work on invoices and cost sheets. Permanent position. Apply Saune n uallf 5 Box 626, Times-Gazette. (20) IENCED," GOOD WAITRESS, hours and money. employ- ment, Apply Gommercial a Hotel shy awa. SALESCLERK, EXPERIENCED BL ferred, for 'permanent position in China and Gift Department. Apply Mrs. Mitchell, Christian's Electric and Hardware. (21) SECRETARY WANTED Excellent opening for bright young woman who is good stenographer and has some knowledge of ac- counting. Assistant to executive. Good chance to learn Interesting business. Please give full particulars. BOX 433, TIMES-GAZETTE AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. 2 adults. Close in. Phone 140. . (2p) ba s and d wiry also built to a Kingsway Oyele, Shone EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME! Chesterfield suites, bedroom suites, suites, studio couches, Sim- 35--Wearing Apparel 1 MAN'S GRAY SUIT, 2 PAIR TROUS- ers, size 36-37, llke new. Apply 361 Richmond E. (3a) FLOWER GIRLS' DRESS, BLUE, SIZE 8 'years. Phone 2038J. (3a BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING. High prices paid for used clothing. Ster! cleaned and pressed like new. We buy and sell used shoes. Large stock suits, spring coats, pants, windbreakers, single jackets and vests all sizes and colors. Also new goods; large stock to choose from. A call will convince you. 21 Bond West. Samuel Schwarta, (Aug) mon's beds, spring filled mattresses, wardrobes, chest of drawers, lamps, oc- casional tables, chairs, floor coveringr. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district. Wilson's Furniture Co., C. K. CAMERON ELECTRIC ; (Founded in 1913 ®y C. Cameron susgTRiCAL CONSTRUCTION IRING and REPAIRS HAY FOR SALE! 20 Acres cf Standing Hay. Barn can be used for storage or whole farm rented. APPLY PHONE 1476 FOR YOUR - WIRING AND APPLIANC . REPAIRS CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC & HARDWARE PHONE 1000 PART TIME HOUSEWORK WANTED. Phone 3692R. (3a) EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL NURSE, now _avallable, Phone 1526. (2c) 41a--Lawn Mower Service YOUR LAWN MOWER--LET US PICK it up now for sharpening and recon- ditioning, machine ground. We buy old lawn mowers. Stan Fudge, 236 Eulalie Ave. Phone 3030M. (Aug?) LAWNMOWERS ~~ S8HARPENED AND serviced. Workmanship guaranteed. A. Simmons, 95 Patricia. Phone 3168R. : _____(Juy27) LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED AND RE- paired. Pick-up and delivery: H Wil- son. 375 Gibbon. Phone 309 YOUR LAWN MOWER--LET US PICK it up now for sharpening and recon- ditioning, round. Lawn ornaments for tan Fudge, 236 Eulalie Ave. Phone 3030M. July?) (HOUSE WIRING Electrical Repairs 2146w Frank Sullivan 222 Tresane St. MACKIE "THE MOVER" AND STORAGE @® ocal and Long Distance Moving @® Lowest Rates Teleniione 678 Quick, Safe Service All loads insured free! Attention Motorists! CORNER KING E 437 SIMCOE BOWER'S SERVICE STATION WEATHERILT'S IMPERIAL STATION | CORNER KING & CENTRE STS. HARRY DOVE, SUPERTEST McLELLAN'S WHITE ROSE CORNER PRINCE & BOND STS. THE FOLLOWING OSHAWA SERVICE STATIONS WILL BE OPEN mis WEEKEND 4 & RITSON RD. ST. SOUTH AANA AAAI, og ad Saturday HOURS! 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday HOURS! 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

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