THE TIMES-GAZETTE [ Tuesday, July 9, 1946 Nuptials Are Held For Dorothy Cox The wedding of Dorothy Edith Cox, eldest daughter of- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Cox, and Arthur JYouis Bilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bilton, took place last Sat- urday evening in the manse of Knox Presbyterian Chur Rev. Hugh Davidson officiated. The bride was given in marriage Wy her father and wore a navy tropical suit with shell-pink acces- sories, a pink flowered - hat with shoulder-length veil and a corsage of American Beauty roses. Her pearls were the gift of the bride- groom. Her attendant was Mrs. Larry Hood, who wore a street-length dress of pink sheer, a pink flowered hat with shoulder-length'\ yell, matching accessories and a corsage "of AmericAn Beauty roses. Larry Hood was best man. The reception, held at the home of the- bride's parents, Buckingham Avenue, was attended 'by the im- mediate relatives and close friends of the bridal couple. The bride's mother received in an all-white en- semble with a corsage of mixed "carnations, After their return from the wid- ding trip to Muskoka and points west, the 'couple will reside on Dearborn Avenue. Muriel Scott Wed "To Victor Dingley Red and white peonies and del- "phiniums formed a lovely setting last Saturday-afternoon in Picker- ing United Church for the wedding of Muriel Marie Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Louis G. Scott, Pick= ering, and Victor Percival Dingley, Toronto, son of Mrs. V. P.-'Dingley, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Dingley. Rev. M. Jenkinson officiated. Miss Gracie White played the wedding music and Miss Mary Martin sang "0 Perfect Love." i The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of brocade ed organza over satin and a floor- length veil caught to a halo of orange blossoms Her only jewellery was a gold locket set with diamonds and she carried a cascade bouquet red roses. The bridesmaids, Miss Audrey Scott, sister of the bride, and Miss Ella MacRae, were dressed alike in gowns of pink sheer and with shoulder-length veils caught to ha- los of pink flowers. Each carried an arm bouquet of white carnations. Miss Donna Scott, youngest sister of the bride, was flower girl and was dressed in blue silk trimmed with pink with a matching poke bonnet. She carried a nésegay of pink carnations. Len Lister was best man and the ushers were Len Brennan and Bill McCall. 'Roses and delphiniums decorated the home of the bride's parents where the reception was held. The bride's mother, gowned in blue flowered silk with white aoccessor- jes and a corsage 'of pink roses, was assisted in welcoming the I pW Mrs. G. Mann, the bride- Eroom's sis who wore a turquoise suit with brown s and a eh silk and a For the wedding ter,\N.Y., the bride Jersey white sorsage of pink roses. The couple will reside in Toronto. NON.STOP LANGUAGE Punctuation is not required Social Notices Marriage Announcements $1.00 o Results of Draws 10c a ne ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scorgie, Pres- tonvale, wish to announce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter, Myrtle. Irene Patricia, to Earl Fred- erick Snudden, son of Fred Snud- den, Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Snudden. The wedding will take _ place July 27 at 3 p.m. at the home of the bride's Jaronte J Mr, and Mrs, Warner Brown, Car- rying Place, Ont., formerly of Osh- awa, wish to announce the Engage. ment of their only daughter, Barb- ara Joy, to William Finley Scrim- shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Scrimshaw, Trenton, Ont... The wedding will take place July. 23 at 2:30 p.m. at the home of the bride's parents, ; BP Mrs, E. Goulding wishes to an- nounce the en t of her - youngest daughter, Cecelia Irene, to 'Edward Shrigley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shrigley, Oshawa. The marriage will take place July 19 at 8t. George's Anglican Ch DR. R. COLWILL Wishes to Announce That He Will Be In His Office Only MONDAY and FRIDAY . Afternoon and Evenings i. LOOK! CUT PRICE PERMANENTS! _ BLACK'S PERMANENT WAVE. SHOP 23 Athol Street Ph. 2580 GENESCO Oil Permanent 1.50 WAVE-RITE : OIL PERMANENT . . 2.50 NESTYL or MACHINELESS PERMANENT in McKinlay, Plainville, "| Jim, Burke Street, left Tuesday for \ Personals Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from the city are appreciated by this department TELEPHONES® Miss Ada E. Ross, Social Editor Mrs. Wentford Barrett, Rossland Road East, is visiting her uncle Charles Bates, Port Hope. : a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan, Ritson Road South, spent last week- end at Blairton, Crowe Lake. * a bo : Mrs. Eric Dean, Rose Hill Blvd, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bray, Marmora. hal Miss Mary Cayley spent the holi- | day week-end as the guest of Mr.' and Mrs. Jim Stat, Owen Sound. ot i Mr. and Mrs. Leo Howard, Burk Street, spent the holiday week-end in Watertown, N.Y. - BR The Young Women's Counsel of the Y.W.C.A. will meet tonight at 7.30 at Adelaide House. i LO Miss Joan Dalby, Rowe Stxeet, spent the holiday week-end in Co- bourg. ge oh | Miss Jean Newell," Brock Street East, left last week for a trip to the Pacific coast. She expects to be away six weeks. "> > Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace, | Ontario Street, spent the holiday week-end with Mr. a rs. Lin- coln Elliott in Tweed, bs Mr. and Mrs. *w! (A. Baker of Rochester, N.Y., were the guests of W. R. Learmonth, Edward Apart- ments, over the holiday. « B Miss Genevieve Shannon, Celina Street, is visiting her sister, 5 Michael O'Connor, and Mr. O'Con- nor, Marmora. a \ LJ » oo Mr. and Mrs. John Fox and daughter, Mary Ann, 170 Division Street, are spending three weeks at Caesarea. A Mr. and Mrs, Fiward Sills, Front Street, and daughter, Shirley, spent the holiday week-end with Mrs. Sills' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Poste, Napanee. LIE 2% Out-of-town guests at the Ladd- Glover wedding on Saturday, June 22, were Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Plitz, Frenchman's Bay, and E. Olinstead, Hamilton. of of Mr, and Mrs Joseph B. Thomp- son of Winnipeg were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ogden, 154 Bruce Street, last Tuesday evening. og % Mr, and Mrs. Fred Graham, Gib- bons Street, were in Kingston last Saturday where they attended the Graham-Greenlees wedding in St. Luke's Anglican Church. ooo Be " Guests with Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Hutchison, Sommerville Avenue, over the holiday week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Longnecker, Detroit, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Mc- Intosh, Port Credit. fe oe James Milgate, Olive Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Milgate, Court Street, spent last Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Tom Milgate, Centreton. LE JE Mr. and Mrs. William Hayes and Miss Barbara Hayes, Nassau Street, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert on Sunday, June 23. La a Mr. and\Mrs. Ray Smith, Hill- croft Street; and Miss Lottie Lennox were recent' visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Black, Wark- worth. LE Mr. and Mrs. James Foy and son, their summer home at the Thirty Thousand Islands, Parry Sound, Mrs. Foy and Jim will remain for the summer months. ow Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wellman and children, Sharon and Paul, Lauder Road, spent the holiday week-end in Orillia with Mr. Wellman"s par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Wellman. LA OR The Oshawa No. 3 Rebekah Lodge picnic held at Mrs, Rex Harper's cottage, Pine Point, was an enjoy- able outing. Games were enjoyed and a tasty supper served. La Mr. and Mrs, Joseph B. Thomp- son, Winnipeg, Man., formerly of Kendal, Ont, motored down from the West and are enjoying a plea- sant holiday with relatives and | friends in and around Oshawa, af- ter an absence of 28 years. ode 2 ee Among the out-of-town guests at the Kroll-Kozak wedding last Mon- day were Mrs. F. J. Reddin and her daughter, Miss Mary Lou Reddin, Mrs. J. Solofsky and her daughter, Miss Longina Solofsky, all of Tor- onto. <p * i Out-of-town guests attending the Clysdale-Carnrike wedding in Con- secon on June 26 were Mr. and Mrs, Glen Hancock, Orono; Mr, and Mrs, Edward Goodman, Athol Street East, and Miss Madge Durno, Frank Street. * +P 1 Among the out-of-town guests at the, BalukVernioen wedding last Sat y were the following: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Finkle, Mrs. and Mrs. Leonard Turner, Kansas City, Kansas, US.A.; Mr. and Mrs. Greg- ori and D. Gregori of Niagara Falls, and M, Gerard, Welland. N.Y.; John Merm, Wiliam Merza | 1 MR. and MES. ®) whose marriage ing place in L-atternoon. The bride, formerly B Mr. and Mrs, K. C. Haskill. The C. R. Elliott. YMOND ELLIOTT ' Street United Church last Saturday ty Jane Haskill, is the dajghter of ridegroom is the son of Mr.) and Mrs. --Photo by Hornsby Studios personal gifts as going-away pres- ents. Mr. Holmes has been in Wind- sor for the past three months. a db -Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson, Sim- coe Street South; 'Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. J. D. Cushing and their two children, Whitby, attended the or- dination of Rev. Leo J. Cushing, CR. which was held in London, and the First Solemn Mass and re- ceptioy in Kitchener. POE Mr: and Mis, Dorland Windover, Buena Vista St., were spending hol- and Mrs. Herbert Windover, Napa- nee, when Mr. Windover, who is fer with officials of the C.N.R. and of the Oshawa Bus Union. - RF bd - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flintoff, Rich- mond Street East, were honored on Friday evening, when a number of friends and relatives called to hon- or their twenty-fifth wedding an- niversary. During the evening a witty address was read and the bride and bridegroom of twenty- five years ago were presented with wall mirror, * a bP The monthly meeting of the Jun- jor Woman's Association of Albert Street United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Jones, Bloor Street East. Mrs. Donovan Jones took charge of the devotional opening period. A tea was planned for August. The next meeting will be held outdoors at the home of | Mrs. Alfred Rundle, Kingston Road East. A lunch was served by the committee in charge. ha Miss Viona Bartlett who was ap- pointed on May 20 to the teaching staff of the Oshawa Public Schools, was guest of honor last week at a farewell party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 'Walker, Marmora. About 40 guests were present. An address was read by Mrs. Russell wills and little Priscilla Ball, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Ball, presented Miss Bartlett with a purse of money. Miss Bartlett will commence her teaching duties in Oshawa this coming September. La aE Among those arriving on the Queen 'Mary, which left England "June 30, are the following: Mrs. Bryan, 181 Tresane Avenue, with "her daughter Fay, aged one year, 3 months; Mrs. Joy Charlton, wife of Cfn. R. J. Charlton, 1165 Kingston Road; Mrs. Isabel Gordon, Wife of Pte. W. J. Gordon, 344 Buena Vista; Mrs. Hilda M. Potter, wife of Gnr. G. W. Potter, 305 Gibbon Street and Mrs. Willy Povinsky, wife of Tpr. N. J. Povinsky, 29 Cochrane Street North, Whitby. LE J Members of the Ladies' Auxil- iary, Canadian Legion 43, who wish to attend the Zone Rally at Whitby tomorrow are asked to be at the Legion Hall at 5:30 p.m. sharp. Buses have been chartered and will leave promptiy at that time, A re- port of the Zone Rally will be given at the meeting next Tuesday, July 9, at 8 pm. Final arrangements will be made for the outing to Crys- tal Beach. All members are urged to be present, RO Mrs. J. H. Thomson, King Street East, was entertainéd last Wednes- day evening at the Y.W.C.A. by the members of the bridge club, of which she is a member, and by her t, Mrs. J. F. Farrell presented her with a gift. Bridge was played in the library and favors were won by oe Mr. and Mr. %iatence Holmes, 119 Ritson Road South, left Mon- | day for Windsor where they will! make their new nome. Mrs. Holmes, | who has been widely entertained by | her friends, received many lovely LADY IN WAITING! You'd never sus- and fresh, CRAHAM'S DRY GOObS H20wW 154 STMCOE 8 Mrs. 8. J. Nobbin and Mrs. Dora Palmer. Mr. and Mrs.- Thomson and family now have left to make their ' home in Hamilton, - + The annual picnic of the Women's Christian Temperance Union was held last Priday at Lakeside Park with 15 members in attendance and under ideal weather conditions. The following games were played: relay tea towel race----1, Mrs. John Saw- yer; 2. Mrs, Charles Langfield; spotlight race--Mrs. Leonard Hager- man; slipper kicking. contest--Mrs| | Leonard Hagerman. After the sumptuous picnic supper, the presi- dent urged the members to remem- ber the bazaar in the fall and, to work on their projects e summer until the méetings are re- sumed in September. Th : Mrs. Robert Heaslip was hostess last. Thursday to the members of |-idays with the former's parents, Mr. | president of the Oshawa Bus Un. | ion, was called to Toronto to con- | Hetty Bryan, wife of Pte. W. J. friends. On behalf of those pres- |. the North Oshawa Woman's Asso- clation. The meeting opened with a devotional period and the Scrip- ture was read by Mrs. James Stred- | wick. The secretary, Mrs. Norman | Gilbert, gave the minutes of the George King and son, Mill Street; | last meeting and the treasurer's re- George Forrester Sr. and Mr. and | port was submitted by Mrs. Oscag, Burgoyne. Plans were made for a | picnic to be held July 19 at Lake. "side Park. It was decided to hold | the meetings on Wednesday, com- mencing next September. The pro- | gram consisted of a reading by Mrs, | Charles Holland and a vocal solo by Mrs. Frank Crawford. Lunch/was group. ® >on ' The 4th Oshawa Scout and Cub Mothers Auxiliary held a get together last Thursday for the last meeting of the season. The hus- bands were invited and a group of 50 spent an enjoyable time at the new cabin of the 4th Oshawa on the Richard Luke farm. On the way to the cabin, they stopped to inspect Camp Samac. The women held a short business 'meeting, the main itemeof which was the fall bazaar. The men, meanwhile, played ball and looked over the new cabin. A picnic lunch was served. The next meeting of the Auxillary will be held in St. Andrew's United Church on the fourth Thursday of Septem- ber at 8 pm. LIK IK J Mrs, James McNally and Mrs. Lloyd Sabins were hostesses at a linen shower at the former's home on Oshawa Boulevard on Tuesday evening, The guest of honor was Mrs. Helen Miller Arnold, a July bride-to-be. The decorations were carried out with pink and white streamérs and bouquets of roses. On arrival, the bride-elect was present- ed with a corsage of summer flow- ers and a decorated basket filled with gifts. After the opening of the gayly wrapped parcels a number of contests were enjoyed and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Wm. Miller, Mrs. E. Boyce and Mrs.-John Gray. The hostesses served a dainty lunch. LE Mrs. Percy , 7% Elgin Street East, entertained recently for Miss Betty Reynolds. The party was in the form of a china shower with the gifts arranged in a decorated basket. The decorations were pink and white streamers and a decor- ated watering can. A number of contests were enjoyed and prizes were awarded to Miss Marguerite Healey and Miss Rose Healey, The guests also wrote to the bride-to-be letters to be opened on the first wedding anniversary, The hostess served lunch assisted by Mrs. D, A. Brown and Miss Betty Flintoff. Very young children have little re- sistance to germs, 'and Child apd Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, point out that Canada loses far too many infants through pneumonia and influenza. They urge mothers to keep children away from anyone with a cold, cough or sore throat, and, if afflict- ed themselves, to wear gauze masks when around the baby. served by Mrs. Gerald Lang and her Maternal Hygiene authorities, in the | - 0 o Rebekah Degree Is Exemplified At the recent meeting of Oshawa No. 3 Rebekah Lodge, the Rebekah degree was exemplified by the Past Noble Grands; their Work was dig- bnified and the charges well de- livered. Noble Grand Sister Alice Hinds conducted the business assisted by Vice Grand Sister Gola Couch; all '| officers were present except Sister Isobel McDonald who is ill in the Oshawa General Hospital. Sister Corby resigned as convener of the bazaar because of ill health and Sister M. Smith was nominated tor take her place. The members were urged to bring in th-". dona- tions for the bazaar to be held at the first meeting in September. A bus was chartered for the picnic to be held at Mrs. Harper's cottage, | Pine Point. The visitors welcomed were Sister Violet Pearce, Assembly secretary; Sister Allard of Thamesville; Sister '| Anderson of Saskatchewan and members from Sunshine lodges of Whitby and Bowmanville, Sister Eva Hastings gave a good report of the Grand Lodge sessions held in Toronto recently, A report covering t district meeting was submitted Sister Ella Bone. After the closing of lodge, a buffet lunch was § Belfast Girl Bride Of Michael Rudka The marriage of Miss Maureen Kennedy and Michael Rudka took place last Saturday in St. George's Roman Catholic Church, Albert Street. Rev. J. C. Pereyma offi- ciated and Peter Holowaky sang. The bride, who came here recently from Belfast, Ireland, i$ the daugh ter of Mrs. Ambrose Kennedy of Belfast and the late Mr. Kennedy. The bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rudka of Oshawa. The church was decorated with pink and white peonies. Given in marriage by Michael Jacula; the bride wore a gown with a white satin bodice and a silk net skirt. The bodice had a sweetheart neckline, long sleeves pointed at the wrists and small buttons down the back. She had a long veil of em. broidered silk net attached to a star- shaped coronet ot orange blossoms. er only ornament was a single strand of pearls, gift of the bride- oom. She carried a bouquet of 'alisman roses and Pharaoh car- nations. The bride's attendants were Miss Olga Usaty of Rouge Hills and Miss Julia Hercia of Oshawa. They were dressed alike in_gowns having white silk jersey skirts. White hats and gloves and pleted their costumes. Yourkevich acted as usher, At the reception held at the Ukrainian Hall, Bloor Street East, the bridegroom's mother wearing a printed navy blue shesr dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses, received 'with the bridal couple. Peonies decorated the hall for the occasion. Mr!and Mrs. Rudka left by motor on a trip to Ohio and New York States. For travelling, the bride wore blue jersey with white acces- sories and a corsage of gardenias. Guests at the wedding came from Toronto, Hamilton, Guelph, Port Colborne and Taunton. On her wedding day, the bride received several cables of good wishes from relatives and friends in Belfast. PUZZLE FOR POSTMEN Chatham Street, Boston, is num- bered up one side and down the ALBUM CABINET Leather finished Record and Album Cabinet with $10.00 worth of $45.00 Records . Pe CHRISTIANS Electrical, & Hardware dressing. eese and eg8 Slings 1001) / It's the mustard that makes the difference a sandwich--a salad--a saucel QUICK DRESSING A "delicious salad 4 thsps. French's 2 thsps. light cream 2 thsps, sugar 2 tbsps. vinegar ¥, tsp. salt An enticing nip to flavour . cooked & or THE FLAVOUR"S DIFFERENT! ces and white net | bouquets of pink carnations com- | Peter Rudka, brother of the brides | groom, was best man and' Michael | 0 were married last Thi ents, Mr, and Mrs. Alexan bride is the former Pearl Sto MR. and MRS, JULIUS PETERSON y afternoon at the home of the bride's eorge Storie, Simcoe Street' North. The and the bridegroom Mr, and Mrs, P. A, Peterson, Brainerd, Minn, photo by Campbell's Studio is the son of t Pre-Nuptial Events - For Mrs. Clysdale Several entertained at their homes in Oshawa in honor of Miss Nina Carnike previous to her mar- riage. Mrs. J. Ethier, assisted by Mrs S. Gomme, Mrs. M. Smitn, was hostess at a shower where the bride-to-be was presented with a pressure cooker. After the presentation, a contest and refreshments were en- Joyed. Mrs. Roy Hopps, Bruce Street, en- tertained at a miscellaneous shower. The girls of the Loblaw staff of which the bride®was an employee entertained at a | shower at the home of Mrs. Good- man, Athol Street; A mock wedding {| was performed and refreshments were served. . : Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hancock and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wragg, enter. GIRLS 'BALLERINA' CHIC HALTER-TOP that will add a touch of glamour to a Junior Miss' Sun-Wardrobe. El- astic shirred walst that fits snugly. Sizes 8 to 14 in colorful cotton $1 49 . Prints cese.eeccoecens. miscellaneous | NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM soothes and cools burned or irritated skin instantly--promotes rapid healing tained at the former's home, Orono. Several ' couples' were present. A presentation of a Duncan Phyfe end-table was made. The evening was spent in dancing and refresh- ments were served. The Loblaw staff of which the bridegroom is assistant manager presented the couple with a table lamp and reflector. ---- Few Meat Coupons Given In This Week . Perhaps it is the after-holiday spirit which has led housewives to relax in the last two days. What. ever the cause, the Local Ration Board were able to report only 89 | coupons turned in during this time. | These have already been forwarded | to Ottawa. so that the government may count on sending an equivalent | amount of meat to Europe above its regular commitments, SUCH STYLE-RIGHTNESS TO CHOOSE FROM: Bathing Suits fitted to your taste! Of smartly-durable Spuns, brocaded Poplins, Bengalines, end other gay materials. Sizes 12 to 18. Zeller-Thrift-Priced. 'BATHING CAPS of sixty per cent natural rub. ber in White only. Semi head shaped--chin strap with plastic : 1 5 ¢ button 17¢"39¢ .| satin, | | | | Peter Kroll Weds = ~ Miss Ann Kozak' 4 Roses, bluebells and peonies forme ed the setting in Holy Cross Church last Monday merning for the wede ding of Ann Veronica Kozak, daughter of Mrs. William Kozak and the late Fred Wiwchar, and Peter Paul Kroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kroll. Rev, Father: P. Ooffey performed the ceremony and the wedding music was play y Miss Dorothy Craddock. The bride, given in marriage by Peter Porayko, her brother-in-law, wore a gown of blush pink slipper styled with a sweetheart kline trimmed with seed pearls. Three-quarter-length sleeves - were gathered at the elbow, and the full- length skirt on torso lines had a short train, Her three-quarter- length veil fell from a halo of match! : satin trimmed with white sequins, She carried her prayer book bound with white satin ribbon and had a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath. Miss Olga Porayko, niece of the bride, was maid of honor- and wore a coral gown with lace top and net skirt, a matching Dutch: cap trim- med with sequins; net mitts and a gold necklace, She carried a boue quet of pink carnations and baby's breath, ; Chester J. Kroll, brother of the bridegroom from Toronto, was best man. . Garden flowers decorated the home of the bridegroom's parents where the reception was held. The bride's mother received. the guests and wore a navy suit, white blouse and a corsage of red roses, She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother who wore a navy sheer dress with a corsage of white and pink carna=- tions. : For going away, the bride chose a pastel green suit with dark brown accessories and a corsage of white carnations. : The couple will take up residence in Oshawa. WILDROOT CREAM-OIL CONTAINS LANOLIN Grooms the Hair Relieves Dryness 4 J 4 r THE STORE FOR SWIM TOGS SKOL Prevents Painful Sunburn -- Allows "Tanning--Contains no Qil Or Grease : 53¢ v ZELLER'S LIMITED