fi (Con from Page 4) method of syment adopted by the fepartment in other localities where » Joint t is in use, was on a per capita . By it, he said, the town would float the debenture and the department would pay its per capita share of the annual operat- ing and debenture costs. In rough figures - it would cost the depart- ment $5 per man per year, which would be about four times as much ps the cost in the other municl- * palities. y For this reason he felt that the t plant would not be accept~ able to the department, particular- ly as the hospital's present plant sould be repaired a a much small- or cost. : $150,000 For Town Plant The approximate estimate for re- pairing and enlarging the town's plant, and for piping the effluent down to the lake, was given as $150,000, again very approximate, and the opinion of both Dr. Berry and Mr. Redfern was that such a plant, with such an outlet, would be efficient and. suitable, even allow- ing for the future growth of the town. Part of this cost would be for piping the" effluént some 4,000 feet from the plant {o.-the lake, in order to avoid the present difficulty of the small and sluggish creek. . The inspection of the Town's plant revealed that a part of the roof had fallen in on one of the filters, and that none of the three filtering plants was rotating, there- by considerably reducing the effici- ency of the system. The inspection also revealed that the effluent gave off a decidely unpleasant smell, and that the creek was far from clean. On return to the meeting, Wil- lam Pringle, ' chairman of the P.UC. said, "I have to admit that there has been negligence some- where. The plant should not have been allowed to get into its present condition." Part of the condition, according to the town engineer and to Dr. Berry, is due to the war years, and When In Need of Drugs POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY the difficulty of getting anything done at all. - Although no decision was reach- ed on future action, general opin- ion was that the best plan Ior the town would be to repair and en- large the present plant and pipe the effluent into the lake, taking care that it did not come in too close e town's water supply Dr. Cuddy"s request for an im- mediate remedy for the stench, which, he stated, might have bear- ing on health but was chiefly un- pleasant, brought the suggestion that chloride of lime be applied at regular intervals, - Said Mr. Redfern, when queried about dredging the two pools, "Dredging those pools would chuse an awful stink, much worse than the present one." Almonds News Almonds annual Sunday school anniversary was held at the church on June 30, with Walter Brown, su- lossoms of Summer" was sung by the Seniors, Francis Brown, Nickey Dennis, Harvey Robefts in- cluding a trio by Shirley Moss, Eil- een Pascoe, Caroline Colley, A duet, "The Lord's Prayer" was rendered by ed Gilbert and Margaret Crawforth. . The Senior girls, Ruth Lowe, Mil- dred Gilbert, Margaret Crawforth, Marion Colley, Heather Graham, Doris Pascoe, assisted the Sunday School children in singing "Birds Are Singing Etc." Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. Newton, on behalf of the Sun- day School, presented Bibles for best attendance to Beverley Pascoe, Doris Pascoe; Juniors, Francis Brown, Ronald Kime, Each child received a plaque or hook mark, -------------- Oxford, England-- (CP) -- Accom= modation for students coming into residence at Oxford next October is so scarce that Worcester College and Ruskin College bid for tenancy of a council-owned house. The council awarded it to Worcester. x TRAVEL SYSTEM RUNS SMOOTHLY By WILLIAM STEWART (Canadian Press Staff Writer) The problem of communication in New Zealand between the Domine fon's two islands which share the population of 1,600,000 is no greater than the Canadian problem of con- nection with Prince Edward Island. 'There is air travel between the North and South Islands, a from six-day weekly ferry ces, and good telephone and telegraph communication, Large ferries with oabins and sleeping accommodation make overnight trips between Wel lington, capital on the North Island, and the South Isand ports of Nel- son, Picton and Lyttelton, which 1% city with a population of For inland travel on the islands, perintendent, in the chair. We were fortunate in securing the Rev. Don- ovan Jones from Oshawa. He spoke to the children in his very pleasing and inspiring manner, on "Waste and Destruction", encouraging them to make the most of their time and their talents. The church was taste- fully decorated by Mrs. Newton with large baskets of pink peonies and delphiniums. The children and young pépple of- fered a very fine musical program under the direction of Miss Bever- ley Pascoe, pianist, who was highly complimented on her excellent work and in the music of the church by the guest speaker. "The Lord Is My Shepherd" was sung by Mary Norman Gillespie Brick layer contractor and cement block work. Phone 677 Whitby PEARL'S Oshawa's Leading Sportswear T 7 Shoppe 83 Simcoe N. Phone 3518 HARDWOOD ® Laid eo Sanded MIRRORS @ Remodeled ® Polished ® Drilling ® Bevelling Designs cut on Door Glass Mirrors, Photo-Frames, etc. SALCO ART GLASS 141 Alexander Blvd. Ph. 123TM An Electric Portable SEWING MACHINE in Your Own Per Home $5 Month SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 16 Ontario St. Phone 696 CECIL H. (Successor to B. W. KARN'S DRUG STORE FOR PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 78-79 NEXT P 0. 70 ROSSLAND RD. Old Floors Made Like New} New Floors Made Like Glass! Estimates Free - Guaranteed Work! FLOORS ® Finished! LEVY Haynes) PHONE 2455M USE GAS. ... CHEAPER . . . FASTER MORE EFFICIENT Ontario Shore Gas 18 KING ST. B "PHONE 3300 Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED Phone 1246 BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS Terms in Accordance With War- Time Prices & Trade Regulations. 32 King St. W. OsHawa Phone 389 Let us get your car -eady for summer We Specialize in GASOLINE - GREASING OIL CHANGING BATTERIES NEW & USED TIRES VULCANIZING 226 Celina St. Phone "39 PHONE 3820 for Rental Battery! Agents for ; Monarch Batteries WEST END -BATTERY SERVICE 87 WARREN AVE. CEMENT W ALL KINDS! No Job Too Small or Large! PHONE 4264W1 M. TRIMBL ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOOR SANDERS © FLOORS LAID ® SANDED © FINISHED! ® OLD FLOORS REFINISHED Phone FOR PROM All Machines are Vacuum Equipped! PHONES 3434] - 4277) 51 Harmony Rd. S. AND DELIVERY Ps 707 . PT PICK-UP A. F. COX & SON Cars Bought and Sold Specializing in Motor Tune-up 3 Genuine FORD PARTS AND SERVICE! 168 KING ST. W. PHONE 666 Batteries re-charged @® rent. ed ©. repaired! Over 200 rentals! : 35 GIBB ST. PHONE 960 | TENTS, Tarpaulins REPAIRED .- RENOVATED w e Also Manufactured! TENTS RENTED PHONE 1349M DeWilde & Penhale 160 KING ST. W. and SERVICE ® Washers © Ironers ® Cleaners Ete." JACK BIDDULPH 68 Simcoe N. Phone 3800W "Look for the store with the h nt a PLUNBING and ~~ IRWIN AUTO PARTS "Oshawa's Largest Tire Doctors" 25 Alexander Blvd. -- Phone 1094 (D) 9) Other Tire Repairs! mre. Bgents FOT sem DUNLOP The World's Finest Headquarters For ® Vulcanizing! ® Recapping! ! AND ALL ' HOT WATER HEATING ® New or 020 Repair AUT! With DUOL GLASS INSTALLED ITE and ARMOURLITE SAFETY GLASS! We'll instal it the Same Day as You Leave Your Car! Have That, 3 Work! G. BRR 8 am. MONDAY OPEN DAILY! to 6 pm. TO SATURDAY yellow front" 349 Louisa St. Ph. 4296 £ Wellington, N.Z.,, July 4--(CP)-- serves Christchurch, most important' NEW SERVICE CLEANERS "WILL BE "OPEN ALL THIS WEEK Ox =HZEQP =EDROEm® each of which is about 500 miles long, besides air services which are heavily booked, there are good rail and bus lines, one of them boasting its organization is back to pre-war standards. : Government-operated railways that seem to be a combination of European and North American de- sign are slow but first-class accom- modation is comfortable. The 400- There are sleeping cars on Auckland-Wellington line thre -| available space have to be mad well in advance. WORTH THEIR SALT their pay in the form of salt. mile overnight trip between Auck- land and Wellington takes 18 Dodis. Hi % ! nights a week and reservations for Roman soldiers received part of YE THE TIMES-GABETTE Tuesday July9, 1948 | PRESCRIPTIONS: Quickly and Accurately Filed, MITCHELL'S FINE WATCH REPAIRING , Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886, 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | r WITHOUT WARNING! vd Did you know that a supplementary _ contract in your Fire Policy will cover accidents such as this! See ... = - 3 \| T. H. McMurtry & Son BELL'S ro Sales & Service 21 King W. Phone 1676 '182 Simeoe St. S. Phone 2959W I ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR REPAIRS! | Fast Guaranteed Repairs to All Makes! WE ARE AGENTS FOR Display Counters @ °Walk-in Boxes Reach-in Boxes Milk Coolers Quick Freezers @ Washing Machines "Authorized Gilson Dealer" SHOW MAHSELF T'HER,ON ACCOUNT AH 1S SECH A REPUL SIVE LI'L RAT-- BUT AH'LL NEVAH LEAVE HER, ON ACCOUNT AH 1S SECH A LIL RATS? Af WHAR MISS FORTUNE GOES | AN FOLLYS ! -- AW'LL NEVAH CAINT UNNERSTAN" WHY FOLKS SAY HE BRINGS BAD LUCK -- HE NEVAH BR of J : . LUCK T'ME #7 NO ONE HERE KNOWS THAT. BECAUSE OF SOME HORRIBLE JINX, THE LAST THREE BOYS ) WAS ENGAGED TO MET WITH SUDDEN DEATH 7" (*1'LL BE A PAUPER- UNLESS ) MARRY BEFORE "MY 19th BIRTHDAY #-") GAS REZTE Ce HE'S SO MASCULINE - SUCH A CHANGE FROM THOSE COLLEGE BOYS = AND-+ ---SOMEHOW, | FEEL SUAT JINX HAS WILL YOU HOLD THIS UR DEAR, WHILE I RUSH OVER TO IT'S LOVELY. TOOTSIE, CAN SS UPSTAIRS, DEAR, TAKE THIS BAR OF SOAP UP WITH YOU B=oZ00CW AH! Now I KNOW IM DOWN THE RIVER AGAN...I USED T0 SQUIRM ON THAT LUMPY JAIL MATTRESS AND DREAM OF THIS MOMENT! > §/ HERE YARE, i LNER-LIPS.. YOUR SILK PAJAMAS, JUST LIKE YOU WROTE 9A FOR, FROM THE i. BiG STIR! I WANT ONE OF YOU GOONS T0 WAKE ME UP EVERY TWO HOURS, JUST $0 I CAN HAVE 1 1 DREAMED ABOUT THE - WARDEN, ALL NIGHT... HE KEPT GRINNING AND SAVING, 'ILL BE SEEING YOU.! DECIDED THAT THEY . . COULDN'T MAKE IT... & -l WHOLE WHEAT helps build to hit, study position of opposing infielders. See where best gap is, and | i i | | 15 | : I . ! Formerly a star athlete, now Canada's "PICK THE GAPS 1 top coachif expen, Lace" says; Fant When at the plate waiting | Softball pit i right training, part to right eating, Part to rein md tricks. H another way to improve your h place your hit there. See | ball. Cure: Mdm CLR PI al RA . 4 HIT DOWN comes at upward angle. Most hitters miss or make weak hit by hiting r old bat high, Professionals use it, Now you try diagram for usual gaps. hit slightly down at ball. & SD SI NED NE SP SU SR SND SD SUN SE SIR GP BE SI SU SN SN SI SS SD SS SS 1 * With milk it mokes a great team! Kellogg's All- Wheat is whole wheat in its most delici- ous form--flaked, toasted, ready- to-eatt It tastes super! All-Wheat is af your grocers now! SR ch usually In hardball, most hitters miss or "top" ball for eas roller because they hit overball. Cure: Bend knees a little to lower your swin| as your bat comes aroun + A we 4 ph ¥ . wi BJ oR { Tr Pray : hs ac