THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1940 Women's Activities KNOX CHURCH WMS. STALL NEW OFFICERS The monthly meeting of the W. MS. of Knox Church was held at 'the home of Mrs. R. McIntosh, King street east. 'The Scripture was taken by Mrs. Beamish and the opening prayer 'py Mrs. Kirkpatrick. The annual } reports were given by the various | secretaries and the installation of "the new officers took place with Bev. W. H, Reid in charge. At the close of the meeting the hostess served tea and a social half E hour was spent. | yicToR1A L.T.B. NO. 55 ELECT ] NEW OFFICERS "Victoria LT.B. No. 55 met on {Monday evening in the Orange Hall 'on Bruce street to elect new offi- { cers for the year 1941. These are as 'follows: W.M., Mrs. Toms; DM, { Mrs. Combers; recording secretary, { Mrs. Eva B. Foote; financial secre- | tary, Mrs. Howard; treasurer, Mrs. { Philips; chaplain, Mrs. Short, Sr. ! director of ceremonies, Mrs. West; convener of ceremonies, Mrs. Hur- 'rie; inside tyler, Mrs. Morton; out- gide tyler, Mrs. Reid; investigating committee, Mrs. Hartman, Mrs. Weddup, Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Rich- i ardson and Mr. Cuthbert; audit- | "ors, Mr. {Eagleson and Mr. Glide; 'juvenile mistress, Mrs. Holmes; | trustees, Mr. W. Short, Mr. Glide, { Mr. Eagleson; Gibson Degree Cap- ! tain, Mr. Short; pianist, Mrs. Hen- ! derson. After the election a ticket | was drawn on a quilt, No. 20 being * the lucky number. Many visitors ! from Re Echo were present. | SUNBEAM CHAPTER OES. : SENDS DONATION TO EVACUEES i The regular meeting of Sunbeam | il chapter No. 713, O.ES., was held in| * the Masonic Temple on Thursday | { evening, Dec. 6, Sister E. Holds- | worth, Worthy Matron, presiding. Bro. N. R. Weir, Grand Sentinel, ! OES. was given a sincere wel- ! come. Sister Wight, W.M. Durham Chapter, Bro. Found, W.P. Durham Chapter, were welcomed, also Visit- ors from Bowmanville and Beaver- ton. Sister N. Charlan very kindly { donated $10 to be sent to her Ma- i jesty Queen Elizabeth for comforts § for evacuee mothers and children. ! The Chapter donated $10 for the { same purpose. This is one part of i the war work of Districts 10, 11, 19. O.E.S., who have for their objective for 1941, $5000, along with the com- 'forts for the members of the Can- | adian Engineers, which was also part of war work this year. The . Altar was draped in loving memory 'of Bro. Jack McConkey, P.W. Grand Patron. The officers elected 4 for 1941 were as follows: W. Ma- : tron, Sister Marion Griggs; W. Pa- tron, Bro. Harry Shelley; Assoc. Matron, Sister Nellie Charlton; | . Assoc. Patron, Bro. Karl Cliff; sec- | retary, Sister Laura Stewart; trea- | surer, Sister Margaret Purdie; con- ductress, Sister Edna Jones; Assoc. Conductress, Sister Thamison Med- land; trustees for three years, Sis- * | ter Inda Johnson; auditors, Sisters i H. Duncan, J. Reid, M. Dunlop: ! scrutineers, Sisters A. Creighton, B. | Wight, Bro. Found; pages, Sisters | Found and Hunt, AUXILIARY OF LEGION the Provincial President Comrade M. Norley, expressed her apprecia- tion of work done by the Auxiliary during the past year. She urges all to "carry on" and says we have no finer example of courage and steadfastness as the displayed by their Majesties our beloved Kihg and Queen. They are "carrying on" and giving of their best every- low their lead. The Annual Christmas Tree for the members' children is to be held on December 20th with Comrade P. Carter of the Men's Branch as chairman. cently was given by President M Rollo. The comrades started work- ing for this last April and it was 5 decided success financially. The Convenor, President Rollo, is to pe congratulated on her fine work and leadership and thanks were ex- tended to her and the hard work- ing committees. Next Tuesday, December 17, is ex- change of gifts night and raost im- portant of all Election night, so an attendance of all 'members is re- quested. was such a success that it was decided to hold one each month | The next one will be in January, the date to be announced later. The meeting closed with the sing- ing of the National Anthem and the benediction. Bingo and a social time followed. James-Spires | House Wedding | i On Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock Ruby Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Spires. of Osh- awa, was united in marriage with Mr. Kenneth Herbert James, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. James, of Brad- ford. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents on King Street West. The ceremony was conducted by the Reverend Dew, of Mimico, Ontarip The house was decorated with chrysanthemums, and wedding music was played by Master Gor- | don James, the groom's brother. Mrs. Myrtle Rusnell, of Oshawa, sang for the guests. The bride, given in marriage by her; father, wore a gown of white brocaded satin embroidered with crystals, cut in princess style, with long sleeves and a flowing train. Her net finger- tip veil hung from a coronet of seed pearls, and she carried a shower bouquet of pale pink roses Her only ornament was a gold necklace, set with diamonds and pearls. The bride's attendant was her sister, Miss Dorraine Spires. who wore a hoop-skirt style gown | in heavenly blue and old rose, with a jacket of white crepe, with crys- tals. She wore pale pink and yellow roses in her hair to match her bouquet. Elaine Spires, the bride's niece was flower girl. She wore a long rose taffeta dress and carried a nosegay of small yellow mums and pink roses. Mr. Clarence James | MARRIED 63 YEARS where and we shall do well to fol- | | group of about forty friends and Last Saturday evening's soclal | Personals (Social Editor -- Phone 35) Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkin have been the guests of the lafter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dewell, Kingsdale Ave. Mr. and | Mrs. Parkin (nee Jean Haight of | Lindsay) were married in Lindsay on Saturday and after their honey- moon trip will reside in Cameron, Ontario. | * + + | Mrs. David O'Meara, Miss Eleanor O'Meara and Mr. Ralph McCreath left Toronto by plane on Monday | | for Vancouver, where Miss O'Meara A report of the Bazaar held re- | and Mr. McCreath will skate in the Rotary Carnival, held in aid of the Red Cross. LE Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Plancke, Gib- | bon street, were pleasantly surpris- ed on Saturday evening when a neighbors "dropped in," and pre- sented them with a china dinner | | service, in honor of their 20th wed- | ding anniversary. Mr. Plancke, al- | though taken by surprise, ably re- sponded to the address given by | Mrs. Northcott, ending her remark with the wish that the bonds of friendship between those present could last forever. The evening was | spent in playing games and in dancing. Mrs. Burton and her ccm- | mittee served a lovely lunch toward the latter part of the evening. LER The former Evalyne Johnston and her husband, Sergt. Walte: | Branch, of Oshawa, were interested spectators at "Lady in Waiting,' rollicking comedy starring Gladys | George, at the Royal Alex. Monday | night. It was Mrs. Branch's father Bert Johnston, well-known magi- | cian, who befriended Gladys George and her parents. Sir Arthur Clare and Alice Clare, when they were stranded with their troupe in On- tario, years ago. The man with th medicine show took the whole troupe to his home in Cobourg for a couple of weeks until things were ironed out. "We had such fun/ says Mrs. Branch, "my brother and I and Miss George, doing play together at the house." She had sent snapshots of those olden day: to the star and had a chat with her back stage. * + + Members and guests of the ing Club enjoyed a pleasant : f evening last night at the Oshawa Arena. Mrs. Gordon Thompson, the club's instructress, performed a solo number with great skill and grace She wore a vivid costume of s ] satin, trimmed with sequins that glittered as she darted and su C over the ice. Many skaters too! in the Paul Jones and Walt' bers. The club executive greatly 1 grets that Mr. and Mrs. Er who were to skate for the gu were forced to return home sooner than had been anticipated. Noticed among those present were Mrs..Ja W. McClellan, Miss Kay MacLeod Mrs. John J. English, Miss Eleanor Fleming, Miss Florence Flintoff, Miss Minerva Sinclair, Mrs. Evelyn Bateman, Mrs. C. Ewart McLaugh- lin and Mrs. Howard Hiscock Down the isle at the theatre there's a procession of wool even- ing wraps. A lovely full-length cape is of white woollen with gold and SOCIAL CIRCLES r Morey. and Mrs. Llovd E. Butler who wers married ints, Miss Agatha Morey and Mr. Cloyd | was formerly Velma Elizabeth Morey, --Photo by Campbell, WOMEN AND WAR NY GARMENTS BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS HARD WORKERS IN LOCAL RED CROSS Have you visited the Red Cross Workrooms on Simcoe street north lately? The writer did, and was greatly impressed with the vast | amount of work being sent out by the Oshawa workers, Did you know that there. are over 1200 workers in this city? And that there are 48 different groups assisting in 'this valuable work? The Oshawa Red Cross has the highest quota of work of any branch in Ontario. Reports advise that the packers here send fn the best packed work received ny headquarters in Toronto. Inci- dentally, the railroads send the garments, etc, free of charge, as | (Continued on Page 9, Col. 2) Cash Prices On Credit 32 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 389 HBB IID OF COURSE SHE. WANTS PERMANENT of Perfect Beauty Oakleigh Lodge Plan Birthday Celebration The regular meeting of the Oak- leigh Lodge of L.O.B.A. was held on Thursday night, with Sister A. Love and Sister B. Hurst in charge. A good attendance of members was present, and a great deal of busi- ness was looked after. The annual election took place, and the follow- ing are the officers for 1941: Worthy Mistress, Sister B. Hurst; Deputy Mistress, Sister A. Love; Chaplain, Sister O. Harrison; Re- porting Secretary, Sister R. Maiel, Financial Secretary, Sister A. Den- nis; Treasurer, Sister E. Hastings: Direclor of Ceremonies, Sister F Turner; Guard, Sister D. Johnson; | | bers the activities covered in her Guardian, Sister I. Black. Sister E. Haistings was asked to' be the in- stalling officer for the next meet- y ing. At the meeting of December 19 the Lodge will celebrate its 27th (Continued on Page 9, Col. 8) King Street H. & S. Ass'n. Hear of Child Dental Care "Preventive Dentistry" was the subject chosen by Dr. W. J. Lang- maid, who addressed members of King Street Home and School As- sociation at the December meeting held last evening. Dr. 8. J, Phil- lips, who assisted Dr. Langmaid showed lantern slides, which gave a clear and interesting description of the develepment and 'proper care of children's teeth. Miss J. Rus- sell, public health nurse, outlined the work of the Health Department in Oshawa, and explained to mem- daily routine, Mrs. W. Carnwith presided during the meeting. It The association will purchase ten copies of "The Review" and these will be distributed among the members. Announcement was made | by Mrs. C. Sadler, convener of the Home Education committee of a series of lectures on child training to be given by Dr. Karl Bernhardt of Torento at Centre street school, It was decided to discontinue light | ing of the school rink for this year. Miss F. Hawkes' room won the | Mothers' Attendance prize. Mrs. |W. Stuart entertained with two |solos, and led in the singing of | Christmas carols. Mrs, W. V, Pea- was decided to raise the lantern | cock accompanied at the piano, fund to $80 which will be used to purchase war savings certificates. | Refreshments were served by mem« bers of the executive, Three Day Special Thars. - Fri. - Three Day Special Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Small, A Shades of Tearose and Blue. \ and Large. ny Cotton Chenille 32.74 Darks and Pastels. Sizes: Small, Medium and Large. Sizes: Medium Reg. value, ay Special--Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Quilted Satin Bed Jackels | Pastel shades. $3.00. 52.87 THREE 3-Day Special -- Thurs. - 3 . HANDBAGS | 2 ul 51.39 Reg. Value $1.60 7 Fri. - Sat. Ye A PULLOVERS DAYS ONLY Fine Botany Wool 31.69 Reg. $2.00. permanent wave you 'choose certainly All Shades and Sizes braid forming a scroll decoration A a difference. There just isn't any sub- | i PA) i down either side' and making a a stitute for the thrill of knowing that / ! . : : EL Eh A ! small stand-up collar. ; meney couldn't buy a finer permanent ------------------------------ than Haarringel Steam Permanent Wave. That's why our patrons have the com- plete satisfaction that means so much. HEARS ANNUAL REPORTS The Ladies Auxiliary of the Can- adian Legion, Branch 43, met Tues- day evening with president M. / YY, Rollo in the chair. The Charter | 7 / i 3 | was draped in memory of a dear | j { and valued comrade, the late Com- --] I A SL A guard has been invented to | hold a person's fingers rigid and Es will remain ever bright with her comrades for she was loved by all for her quiet and happy disposition. The Auxiliary has lost a wonderful member and the deepest sympathy was expressed for her husband and family. Letters continue to arrive from the boys overseas expressing their sppreciation for the fine parcels re- ceived. * The Annual Reports from the rade W. Thompson. Her memory | MR. AND MRS. CHAS. SPENCER Venerable Brooklin couple who last week celebrated quietly the 63rd separated after liquid polish has been applied to the nails until the polish dries. ra brother of the groom, Bradford, | was groomsman, At the reception held at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's mother received in a wine gown of transparent velvet, with black accessories, and a corsage of roses and 'mums. The mother of the groom wore a crepe gown in| 98 KING ST. EAST -:- PHONE 308 HUYCK' HAIRSTYLING STUDIO TO A A BS SE A ON ON RON BI p-- IR Provincial Command were read, and | anniversary of their marriage, soldier-blue, with - accessories * to | | match, and a corsage of "mums . . mixed with roses. Mrs. Gruther, of > 4 . -- | Kitchener, also assisted receiving. ET aR NIE ------ i i A SV Wea The bride and groom left on their | wedding trip to Niagara Falls, the former wearing a turquoise blue | dress with black accessories. Upon | their return they will reside in Woodbridge, Ontario. Out-of-town guests included Miss R. Poitha, Toronto; Miss B. Bickle, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. A. Tibbutt, Woodbridge; Miss W. Cross, Brad- | ford; Mrs. Gruther, Kitchener, and Miss B. Dales, Bradford. TAYYEVY ¢ 2), <<] A 2), < SOCIAL NOTICES Engagement, Marriage and Receiving Notices, 50c Results of Draws, 10c a line. Announcements or postpone- ments of meetings, 10c a line Accounts of weddings printed. free of charge. 7 b) = BUY NOW AND SAVE THE 259% INCREASE Don Christian Electric offer their present stock of Electric Refrigerators, Radios, Electric Washers, Electric Ranges and small appliances at pre-budget prices while they last. 2 NE = 28.22) N To Greet St. Nicholas . . You'll wagt to look even prettier than usual for all the fuss anid fun that goes on during this gay season, so why nt make it a point to come to Collette Beauty Expertly trained operators are ve you and to enhance your natural love- 2 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, W. H. McMillan, Norwood, Ontario, announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Evelyn Anna Lillian, Registered Nurse, to Sergt. Gerald Henry Ed- mondson, R.C.AF., only son of Mrs. H. G. Edmondson and the late Mr Edmondson, of Oshawa. The mar- riage will take place on Thursday, December 26, in Norwood United Church. 8& 24 IA 2 RRERR DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 SIMCOE ST. N. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS PHONES 84 - 744 HR ERR R RR RRR RR ERR ER RERUN x OG [ATR IEA LE A