The Oshawa B VOL. 27--NO. 114 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1940 ON a N 7 / Z > oom 2 / NANONONNNNNNNNNNN IIS } {Xs SA A ER ERRRRKITTTTRRRRRRIRTTERGERSRRSINCNNINS CHRISTMAS WITH all its beautiful thoughts and senti- ments is here again, a reminder of that greatest of all events which took place in Bethlehem, and of the message then given to the world, "Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Men!" It is a time for showing goodwill toward our fellowmen, renewing our flagging spirits, re-establishing hope and putting aside all angry and uncharitable thoughts IT IS a time of giving and receiving and in this special Christmas Edition will be found scores and scores of suggestions which will assist the giver in making selections which will gladden the hearts of the receivers. BUT THE thing that really counts is the spirit behind the Christmas Festival, the spirit of Peace and Goodwill towards men. In that spirit we present to our readers this Christmas Shopping Guide, in the hope that it may help to make your Christmas and that of your dear ones, a brighter and a happier one. ' It is truly more blessed to give than to receive. So let us enjoy the Saviour's Birthday by making others happy and thus be happy ourselves. WE, AS Canadians are proud of our origin and heritage as members of the Great British Commonwealth of nations, de- voted to the principles inherent in democracy. Weare confident that the cause of right and justice will prevail against aggres- sion and tyranny. We will continue to give our loyal support to the Empire until the first Divine Message of "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men" will prevail. AS THE glad bells ring out may it find an echo in your heart and ours." It is the one time when purse strings and the heart strings are in tune. May the harmony reach to greater numbers. Buy in Oshawa -- Buy British -- Help Win the War > NAN AANNANNNNNY MAAN ' AWWW ; RE I SS San //// LLL ESSN AAI NNN L727 070 702277 742 ANAARR , AAA LER EEL TEAR GAAS \\ SHOPPING EDITION a AN) -~ 7, fae or 707074 gee rye SASS SAILS < « San ( AST 07 =A = J -- PE A P2222?