tHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1940 PAGE ELEVEN THROW AWAY THE RENT CARD -- USE A RENTAL AD BELOW In Memoriam LOVELOCK--In loving memory of our little girl Lily Dianne Love- lock who passed away 3 years ago today. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps her near. Sadly missed by Mummy and Daddy. (105a) -- LOVELOCK--In loving memory of Lily Dianne Lovelock who passed away Nov. 28, 1937. 'Up beside the silvery moon, Gleams a little star May its soft light shine on you No matter where you are. Ever remembered by Grandma, and Grandad, Harry and Frank Lovelock. (105a) Card of Thanks GOW Mr. Peter Gow and family wish to express their deepest thanks to the General Motors for the loan of cars and to the friends, neighbors and relatives. Also the Tuesday afternoon friends for their kind ex- pressions of sympathy and floral tributes shown to us during our recent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving wife and mother. (1052) Legal LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary, etc. Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 67, Residence 3051. A W. 8S. GREER, BARRISTER, SoNcitor, etc., 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- dent partner W. C. Pollard, K.C, Uxbridge, Ontario. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fraser, Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters, 7% Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa. Phone 4. Allin FP. Annis, BA, LL.B. Ernest Marks. B.A. R. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER; Sohator, etc, 24% Simcoe North. Phones office 814; residence 3207. 'Monev to loan. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KC. BAR- rister, Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone #45. Residence phone 837. Articles for Sale CHRISTMAS GIFTS SUGGES- tions, hand-made trimmed linen towels, tray .cloths, pillow cases, handkershiefs and other articles. Special low prices on dresses. A call will convince you. The Pierrette Dress Shoppe, 154 Simcoe St. S. (104a) ONE EMERALD COAL AND wood range, deep fire box, thor- oughly reconditioned. Reg. $19.50. To clear at $15.50. MEAGHER'S 92 Simcoe N. CANARIES, BEAUTIFUL SING- ers, English Rollers and Noraich, ready for Christmas, Phone 1113W, 197 Church. (20Dec.c) BRADLEY'S NEW FURNITURE store opening specials in all new Chesterfield, breakfast, and bed- room «suites, studio couches, day beds, bed outfits, inner spring mattresses, . wardrobes, bookcases, Direct from factory show rooms. We invite you to visit our new store at 156 Simzoe St. South (30Nov.c) "THE BETTER Apples," also Red Wing Apple Juice, delivered to your door twice weekly. Phone before 5 p.m. Monday or Thursday for delivery the following day. . Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Oshawa 1665. (26Dec.c) FURNITURE FOR CHRISTMAS, the supreme gift of all is furniture. A gift that will add charm to your home. A gift that will add to vour comfort and hers. A gift of furni- ture from The Topp Furniture Co. is a reminder for years to come of your good taste and thoughtfulness, Select from chesterfield, studio, dining room, dinette and kitchen suites, cedar chests, lamps, smokers, (103¢) RED WING fons, occasional chairs, bedding and other lasting gifts. A small deposit will hold any article until Christ- mas. Our location saves you money Topp Funiture Co. 10 Bond West. Phone 686. (14Dec.c) ONE ONLY, WESTINGHOUSE vacuum cleaner. Standard model. Reg. $52.50 complete, with all attachments. Used 1 month, to clear at $39. Terms $1 per week. MEAGHER'S 92 Simcoe N. (103¢) W. B. N. SINCLAIR, BA. LLB, K.C, and J. CO. Anderson, K.C.,, Barristers, etc. Bank of Montreal Building, 20 Simcoe St. North. Phone 99. MANNING FP. SWARTZ. BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King St. East. Phone 282. Residence 3071J. 'A. J. PARKHILL, SARRISTER, etv. Mortgage loans 5% %, Nation- a) Housing Act, 56%. 2€ Simcoe 8t. North. (4Dec.c) i Auditors OSCAR HUDSON AND COM- pany, Chartered Accountants. MOFFAT HUDSON AND COM- pany, Trustees and Liquidators Conant and Annis Chamber, 7% Simcoe Street South. Telephone 4. Head Office, Toronto. Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SER- vice. Consult us for any of your Insuranee needs. Successors to G. L. Nolan, 22% King Street East Phone 2686, residence 145. J. C. YOUNG, GENERAL INSUR- ance. Office phone 793, residence phone 2805. 4% Prince Street. Typing Wanted STATEMENTS, ACCOUNTS, manuscripts, etc, typed, envelopes addressed, for prices Phone 1323W, 187 Simcoe S. (21Dec.c) . Expert Watch Repairing P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT. Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited. tn Cartage MOVING AND DUMP TRUCKS, sand, cinders, wood, coal, etc. 70 Colborne Street West." Phone 605. (18Dec.c) Money To/Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service. Oshawa Real Estate Co. Phone 25, Oshawa. (12Dec.c) Found COLLIE DOG, WEARING DAR- lington tag, No. 102, 1940. Strayed on the premises of J. D. Remmer, lot' 13, con. 3, Pickering. Owner may have same by paying expenses. (1058) Lost: DOUBLE STRING PEARLS ON Victoria St. between Post Office and Crowell's Station, Wedding gift. Reward. '1020J. "\ (105a) IN OSHAWA POST OFFICE, WED- nesday noon, a large, black purse sontaining registratiol card and um of money. Finder please notify Times Office. (1052) Dancing Instruction h 'DANCE FOR HEALTH", h. Weyms, Masonic Temple, Satur A lots, children, adults, Latest New York dances, all types. Free Health Class, . (20Dec.c) / LINOLEUM AND COMNGOLEUM rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store 156 Simcoe South. (25Dec.c) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS. Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. Gearge Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (8Dec.c) POR SALE -- BAXTERS, SPIES, Snows, McIntosh Apples. Good Aomestic. Phone 631. F. Shaw, T4 Park Rd. South. (4Dec.c) Wilson's Furniture Co. Studio Couches 50 beautiful studio couches to thoose from. Very attractive cov- erings. $1895 up. You can save 40%. Mattresses New spring filled mattresses, gen- uine damask ticking, all sizes, extra special, $9.95. Also felt mattresses, rolled edges, well filled. Wonder- ful Value, all sizes, $4.49. New Chesterfield Suites Luxurious suites, in the latest styles and most attractive cover- ings, fully guaranteed construction. Sale price $40 up. Liberal allow- ance on trade-ins. Bedroom Suites Thrillingly new, smart waterfall design, lovely selection. Sale price $39 up. Save 40%. Breakfast Suites Choose from a grand selection, all styles and colours. .Sale $18.95 up. Cedar Chests No matter how much or how little you care to spend, we have just what you want, at YOUR price! And each lovely CHEST, regardless of price, has full tennes- see red cedar lining! Sale price $1295 up. walnut tables, hassocks, rugs, cush- | fied Section. AI I IIXIIIIIIrIIrI rr rr rx rIIIrIImIrImIrIxaIIIIxIIIIxxixxx DOUBLE THE RESULTS by placing your Want Ads in the Daily Times Classi- Try them and see for yourself, Phone 35 and Ask for an Ad-taker. bb < 1 0000000000000 00000000000050000000006000000¢4 IX Xr rIrrrrIrxrrxrxrxIrxrrrrxrrrIrXIrrxrxxxxrxxxxxxxxxxx Articles For Sale 2 BURNER MOFFAT HEAVY duty range. Very small size. High speed range. Suitable for an apartment. To clear at $29, MEAGHER'S 92 Simcoe N. SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, COAL, Coke, Wood, lowest prices. Dump truck Service. Essery Bros. Phone 2572R. (27Dec.c) HOUSEHOLD "EFFECTS, chen chairs, and table, kitchen cabinet, 4 single beds, washing machine, etc. Phone 1729R. (104c) (104b) KIT- USED COAL RANGES WITH new lining in fire boxes. Prices from $10 to $25. Terms as low as $1 per week. 30 to choose from. MEAGHER'S 92 Simcoe N. (104b) LADY'S COAT, NEW, SIZE 40-42, trimmed. Phone 1244J. TWO CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS; oil drum with tap; tube skates size 3; Dalsy air rifle... 1470 Simcoe S. (105a) MISSES' WINTER COAT, 14-16. Dresses. Toddler's complete winter outfit, pink, 2-3 years. Hardly worn, Cheap, 1386R. 106 Oshawa Blvd. (105a) BABY'S WHITE FUR CARRIAGE robe, half price. 182 Athol St. E. (105a) NEW BROWN $400. Phone (105a) (105b) BEAUTIFUL crepe dress, size 16. | 3062, | 1 CAR RADIO COMPLETE; 1 CC. | M. Bicycle, Phone 2483W after 6:30 p.m. (105b) french Boucle, black persian lamb | Articles for Sale 2 COOK STOVES NEARLY NEW with high shelves and water fronts, $31.50, $45. Robert Simpson Co., Oshawa Store. (105a) 3 USED COAL BLOWERS WITH thermostats, all in first class order. LIBBY PLUMBING CO. 23 Celina St. Phone 281 (105a) 1 BOY'S LEATHER COAT, 10 YRS, 1 Boy's grey suit, 8-10 years, 1 pair of girl's C.C.M. skates, size 6. Phone 2021W, (1052) 17 COOK STOVES, ALL RECON- ditioned, some with high shelves and warming closets, $2.50. $6.00, $7.90, $9.50, $15, $2250. Also rang- ette, $6.50. Robert Simpson Co. Oshawa Store, (105a) Real Estate Wanted 4 OR 5 ROOM COTTAGE, BURK | or Nassau district. All information | in reply to Box 216 Times. (105a) | 2 OR 3 ROOMS, UNFURNISHED, | with or without garage. Phone 2037J. (1052) PARTLY FURNISHED ROOM, suit business woman. Phone 2692J. (105a) 242 EULALIE AVE, 6 ROOM house, hardwood floors, connection hot water and furnace. Apply 135 | Summer St. (105b) ROOM FOR RENT, PRIVATE home, continuous hot water. Phone 1665. (105¢) SEAL COAT, PRINCESS STYLE, fitch trim, size 16-18, nearly new. | Mrs. R. Pearn, 287 Courcelette, (105a) ONE 6 PIECE DINETTE SUITE for sale, in excellent condition. 140 Tyler Cres. (105a) "TREASURE" COOK STOVE with oil burners, perfect condition. Phone 2092M. (105¢) BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT size 36. 97 Richmond West. After- noons. (105b) SMALL SHORT HAIRED TER- riers, pure bred, ideal for children. Apply 2790J. (1058) 100 BARRED ROCK HENS. AP- ply 181 Tresane St. (105a) BOY'S 3-PIECE WINTER OUTFIT, size 6-8. Also black coat, size 42. 367 Centre St. (105a) QUEBEC COOK STOVE, QUEBEC heater, reservoir, high back for stove, dresser. Phone 1384J. (105a) GIRL'S WINE WINTER COAT, fur trimmed, size 14, good condi- tion, reasonable price. Phone 2822. (105a) Floor Covering Special Inlaids, congoleums, feltols, heavy lindleums in all widths. Visit our very large floor coverings, rugs and carpet dept. Save 40%. Xmas Gift Suggestions Cedar chests, mattresses, lamps, cushions, smokers, walnut tables, Lassocks, sewing cabinets, rugs, comforters, bedspreads, occasional chairs, mirrors, studio couch, ches- terfield suite, bedroom suite. din- ette suite, 1001 lasting gifts to select from our 2 large stores. A small deposit will hold your article until Xmas. Ask about our easy Xmas budget plan. Our lower prices positively save you money, Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 KING W. 20 CHURCH ST. BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, complete, dropside couches, beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's, 156 Simcoe Bouth, (11Dec.¢) ONE ONLY, BEACH ELEC- tric range, 3 burner, under oven model. = All enamelled. Used only a short time. To clear at $50. Terms $5 per month, MEAGHER'S 92 Simcoe N. (103¢) PRAM, GOOD CONDITION, Cheap. 120 Colborne E. (1052) HORSEHIDE LEATHER COAT, sheep skin lining, beaver collar, size 42. Like new. Half price, $10. 75 Gibb St. (1058) BLACK COAT TRIMMED WITH Persian lamb, size 16. Phone 285. (1052) BOY'S NAVY CHINCHILLA COAT and helmet, 5 years; 1 single bed, mattress. 120 Louisa St. (105a) NEWCOMBE UPRIGHT PIANO. Price reasonable. also a pair of girl's skates and boots; size 5 (white) used only a few times, Apply 87 John Street. (1052) LEATHER COAT. 14-16, SMALL pool table, Quebec heater, dresser, fumed oak dining suite. Tele, 2582W, : (105a) PAIR 8 FOOT SKIS, HARNESS and poles, new. Cheap, Phone 2002W. (105a) BEAUTIFUL LARGE DOLL CAR- riage, like new, cheap. Phone 2517. (105a) HALL FIXTURE AND 3 LIGHT living room fixture and sun lamp for sale. 188 Tyler Cres. Phone 3211W. (105) BABY'S CRIB AND A MOVIE projector. 298 Celina St. (105a) APPLES FOR SALE, MACINTOSH, Snow, Spy. J. Pallock, on mile North of Whitby P.O. (2 Jan.c) BOY'S FAWN OVERCOAT, 13-15, Reasonable, 58 Kenneth, 1395R. (1058) 2 PARTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. All conveniences, east side, for couple. Phone 1412M. (105a) FIVE ROOMED HOUSE FOR rent, modern conveniences. Im- mediate possession. Apply 1518 Brock St. South, Whitby. (1050) TWO. BRIGHT ROOMS, PARTLY furnished, heated. Use of washing machine. Centrally located. Suit young couple, 2992M. (105b) FOR RENT---2 NICELY FURNISH- ed bedrooms, near Pedlar's. 8 Jackson St., Phone 2460M. (104b) OFFICES WELL LIGHTED, NICE- ly decorated, hardwood floors, hot water heated, well located in mod- ern office building, attractive ent- rance. Bradley Bros. (290ct.t1) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 5 ROOM- ed apartment, all modern conveni- ences. Phone 1718. (10Nov tf) MODERN HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, garage, hot-air heating. Connaught St. Available Dec. 1. Phone 532J. (21Dee.c) 7 ROOMED HOUSE, HIGHWAY. Possession Jan, 1, Phone 1588W. (104b) 2 WARM FRONT ROOMS, SUIT- able for light housekeeping for couple. Unfurnished. 146 Elgin St. E. (27Dec.c) 7 ROOMED HOUSE, SIMCOE N, Phone 2581R. (105a) Motor Cars For Sale 1935 CHEV. STANDARD COACH, good condition, new tires. 27 Orch- ard Ave., Harmony. (104¢) 1937 OLDSMOBILE 'SEDAN, $235, Body damaged. 281 Simcoe S. Apt. 5. Evenings. (104c) 1931 CHEV. COUPE. CASH. GOOD condition. Hot water heater. Apartment 8, over Ward's. (105b) SPECIAL--'31 PONTIAC SEDAN, good tires and upholstery, recondi- tioned motor. Cox Used Car Lot, 168 King West. (1062) Female Help Wanted YOUNG GIRL FOR MOTHER'S help. Must be good with children. Sléep out. 16 Ritson N. (105a) CAPABLE GENERAL, PLAIN cooking, 2 children, Reference. BX 208 Times. (104b) Lumber ROUGH DRESSED MAHOGANY, also 3 ply and other odd wood. 22 Warren Ave. Phone 1546W. (1052) Women, Girls Wanted Notice Wanted to Rent MAKE FROM $10 TO $15 A WEEK by selling to an established clien- tele, relatives, and friends, well- known Familex products. Everyone spends money for toilet articles, cooking requisites, cleaners, ete. Every Familex customer is a satis- fied customer! Work 5 or 6 hours a day, benefit by our experience and you will succeed. No risk-- profits assured by working. Let us help you. Write at once without obligation, for our illustrated free catalogue to Miss St. George, 570 St. Clement Street, Montreal. (97a) Male Help Wanted BOY WITH BICYCLE FOR GROC- ery delivery. Apply Sands' Grocery, 28 Buckingham Ave. (103c) REAL ESTATE SALESMAN wanted, part or full time, with car. Bradley Bros. (20Nov.c) Room and Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY gentleman in private family. Box 204 Times. (103c) WORKING MAN WISHES SINGLE room. Must be central. State terms, with or without board. Box 215 Times, (105¢) FURNISHED BED SITTING room. Board optional, also room and board for 2 gentlemen, 314 Arthur St. (105a) BOARD AND ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 gentlemen. Phone 894M, (105a) Wanted WANTED, POSITION IN STORE or office. Ten years' experience in sales work and office routine. An able correspondent. Box 213 Times. (105a) MIDDLE AGED COUPLE TO work farm by year. Apply noon or night. 355 Athol St. E. (105a) WANTED HAIRDRESSER first class, to take charge of Mulli- gan's Beauty Shoppe, Port Perry, Ont., Phone 175, between 7 and 9 p.m. (103¢c) WELFARE SALVAGE DEPART- ment donations wanted. Beds, stoves, furniture, anything useful for needy families. Paper, rags, etc. Colleg@ied." Please phone 639. | Estate For Sale SPROTAL $2600. NEW SIX ROOMS Rug Bick, Burk St.--only $350 cash. Balance $27 per month pays Inter- est, Taxes and Principal. $2800. NEW RUG BRICK, SIX rooms, Rosedale Ave. $400 cash, $28 per month pays all carrying charges. JONES REAL ESTATE. rr (14Dec.c) BRADLEY BROS. 29% Simcoe 8. Phone 169 $3500--An gittractive home, Oshawa Blvd. value. $2500 8t., just off Simcoe. Houge be divided. A real buy. $4300--Simcoe St. North. Built for owner, $2400--S8 bert St. d residence on Al- le garage. (104c) 213 ACR! exchange, . 9 roomed house, hardwood down stairs,, hard and 'soft water In house, large barn: 20 acres fall grain, 70 acres hay, 10 acres bush. Best buy in Durham. Bradley Bros. 20% B8imcoe 8. (104c) ARLINGTON AVE, § ROOM brick bungalow, snap at $2500. CELINA STREET, 8 ROOM HOUSE all conveniences, $1,700 with $200 down. balance as rent. BURK STREET, 6 ROOM MOD- ern brick, garage, large lot, $2600. Small down payment. BURK STREET, 6 ROOM MOD- ern frame house, garage, low taxes. See this. FOR RENT, MODERN HOME, also lunch room with apartment. C. H. FRENCH, 19 Ontario St. . (1058) 2 HOUSES FOR SALE, 1 ON COL- lege Ave, 1 on Montrave. Apply W. R. Mortor, R.R. 4, Cobourg. (105a) 8 ROOMED BRICK, OAK FLOORS, new furnace. All conveniences. Easy terms. 574 Simcoe St. N. (1058) FARM FOR SALE, 85 ACRES ON Lakeshore front. Good duck hunting in season, bank barn, frame house, 2% miles from Oshawa. Apply to Conant & Annis, 7% Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. nn) LOT 19 x 70, VERY CENTRALLY located, Simcoe N. Assessed for $2270. Must sell to close estate. Make an offer. Apply J. H. R. Luke. (105a) HOUSES BUILT TO ORDER UN- der National Housing Act. For information see Mr. Reinholdt af- ternoons at 97 Arlington Ave. (105e) CENTRE ST. 5 ROOMED HOUSE, well located at $1400 and $300 down. SIMCOE ST. N, 7 ROOMED brick house, extra large lot, at $3,000, $ oOoMED MODERN HOUSE, north, only $2,300 and $300 down. C. H. FRENCH; Ontario St. (1058) 8 ACRES AND BUILDINGS, OSH- awa 2 miles, berries, etc. $3,200, $1000 cash, Murdoch, 27 Warren Ave. (108a) 6 ROOM BRICK, MODERN, $2500, $500 cash, Drew St: 6 room brick, modern, Burk gt. $3200, $1000 cash; 6 room brick, modern, Burk St. $2700; 82 Lloyq gt, 4 room frame, 81500; Many others, Murdoch, 27 Warren. ,(1058) NOTICE OF PROPOSED BY-LAW TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY BY-LAW NO, -------- A By-Law for the closing and stopping up and for selling the soil and freehold of Raymond Street and a forty-five foot strip of land, as shown on regi- stered Plan No. 303 for the Township of East Whitby. WHEREAS access to the shore of Lake Ontario from Stone Street has for some years been along, across and over the lands to the East of Stone Street; AND WHEREAS W. D. Robertson has agreed to sell and convey to the Township as an extension of Stone Street a strip of land one hundred (100') feet in width and extending from the Easterly projec- tion to the Northerly limit of Stone Street to the water's edge of Lake Ontario, and what is described as a forty-five foot right of way ex- tending Easterly from the Easterly limit of Raymond Street along the water's edge of Lake Ontario to the Southerly production of the Easter- ly limit of Lot Twelve all as shown on registered Plan No. 303. And in consideration therefore has re- quested the Council of the Town- ship of East Whitby to stop and close up and to sell and convey to him the soil and freehold of what is known as Raymond Street ac- cording to registered Plan No. 303; NOW THEREFORE THE COUN- CIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That all the highway known as Raymond Street extending Southerly from the production of the Southerly limit of Stone Street to the water's edge of Lake Ontario, and what is described as a forty- five foot right of way extending Easterly from the East limit of Raymond Street along the water's edge of Lake Ontario to the South- erly production of the Fasterly limit of Lot Twelve, all as shown on regi- stered Plan 303, be and the same is hereby stopped up and closed. 2. That the soil and freehold of the sald Raymond Street and the said forty-five (45') foot right of way so stopped up and closed be sold and conveyed to W. D. Robert- son. NOTICE is hereby given that the above is a true copy of the By-law proposed to be passed by the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town- ship of East Whitby after the ex- piration of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice. The said Council will hear in person, or by his counsel, solici- tor or agent any person who claims that this land will be prejudicially affected by the said by-laws and who applies to be heard. This by-law was first published on the 28th day of November, 1940. DATED AT COLUMBUS, this 27th day of April, 1940. P. G. PURVES, Clerk. (105, 109, 118, 117) VACUUM CLEANERS REBUILT good as new. Parts for all makes. Phone 406W, Oshawa. (102e) FIVE ROOMED HOUSE OR 3 UN- furnished rooms by Dec. 1. Phone 1344J, mornings. (103c) COUPLE DESIRE THREE OR four unfurnished rooms in private home or apartment, heated, all con- veniences, take over January first. Box 205 Times. (103d) '6 OR 7T ROOM, MODERN HOUSE in good residential district. Re- sponsible tenant. Please give par- dculars to Box 102 Times ( RELIABLE TENANT WANTS 3 OR 4 rooms with bath, heated, by De- cember 5. Phone 2700. (105b) A SMALL HOUSE. APPLY BOX 214 Times. (1052) HOUSE IN SOUTH END DIS- trict, as soon as possible, 29 Jack- son St. (105a) Bought and Sold USED CLOTHING STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed. We carry a big stock of gentlemen's suits, pants, men's fall and winter coats, ladies' fall and winter coats. Sold very reasonably. Samuel Schwartz, 21 Bond West. (18Dec.c) Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing. Estimates free. J. Pigden, 54 William St. Fast. Phone 3148. (4Dec.c) Hardwood Floors B. W. HAYNES, BUILDER, Hardwood floors laid, sanded, finished by experts. Latest equip- ment. Phone for prices. 199 Nas- sau atreet, (tn Undertaking MEAGHER'S FUNERAL HOME. Prcmpt day and night service. PF. J. Meagher, Manager, 8. J. Strow- ger. Funeral Director. 117 King St. E. Phone 907. (19Dec.c) DALTON BURIAL COMPANY Funeral Home - Ambulance Service 75 Charles Street Established 1889 Phone 401 (25Dec.c) LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East. Ambulance. Residence 60 King St. BE Phone 210. M. P. ARMSTRONG AND SON, proprietors Oshawa Burial Co. Funeral and Ambulance Service. Day and night. Phone 2700. 124 King East. Mattresses and Comforters INNER-SPRING AND FELT MAT- tresses rebuilt just like new, Feather beds stripped, made into comforters. Eiderdowns recovered. Phone 2371J. (27Dec.c) Caulking and Weatherstriping bd we TAP DANCING INSTRUCTION, private lessons. Also available for parties. Phone 1530M. (105a) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--HAVING BEEN instructed to sell at 17 Arlington Ave, Oshawa, on Saturday, Nov. 30, 1940, the household effects of the estate of the late Alfred Hardy, ine cluding 8 plece chesterfield suite like new; radio, bed, dresser, tables and chairs, electric cook stove, and many other useful articles too numerous to mention. Sale at 3 p.m. (D.S.T.) Terms cash. W. Sul- ley, Auctioneer, (105a, F.P.) HAVE YOUR HOUSE CAULKED and equipped with metal weather- strip. Guaranteed to stop drafts and leakage; including casement wind- cws. Phone 454. T. A. Morgan, (11Dec.c) Pets and Livestock FIRST CLASS BORDER FANCY Canaries. All singers, guaranteed. Also Hens for breeding. G. Rob- bins, 269 Court St. (14Dec.c) MALE PUPS FOR SALE. COR. of Cordova and Park Rd. 8. (105a) Dental AUCTION SALE--HAVING BEEN instructed to sell for Mr. H. C. Ben- nett at 34 Fairbanks st., Oshawa, a quantity of household furniture and other articles too numerous to men- tion on Saturday, Nov. 30, 1940, at 1:30 pm, (D.8.T.) Terms Cash. W. J. 8ulley, Auctioneer, (105a F.P.) AUCTION SALE ON FRIDAY, NO- vember 20, 1940, at 98 Brock West, Oshawa, household effects belong- ing to the estate of the late Mrs. Gerry, consisting of fancy tables and chairs, dining room suite, beds, dressers, organ, rugs and carpets, kitchen table and chairs, coal range, electric range, dishes and cooking utensils, bedding and many other articles too numerous to men- tion. Sale at 1:30 pm. (DST) Terms, Cash. W. J. Sulley, Auc- tioneer. (104b) Wanted To Buy HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station. (18Dec.c) DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1312 WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPER- ance Union, Simcoe St. Church, Tuesday, Dec. 3. 3 o'clock. Everybody welcome. (105a) THORNTON'S CORNERS HOME school Annual Sale of Work and Hot supper. Thornton's Corners Sunday School, Nav. 29, 3 o'clock. supper commencing 5. 25c. (105a) DANCE AT AVALON THURSDAY, under auspices of Sunshine Re- bekah Lodge No. 222, (105a) EXTRA SPECIAL PROPERTY owners meeting in Genosha Hotel, Friday night. (105a) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BA- zaar Tuesday, Dec. 3. Davidson's Store, Bond St. (1052) HOLY TRINITY CHURCH BA- zaar, Tuesday, Dec, 3rd, 3 o'clock. (105a) RUMMAGE SALE ST. ANDREW'S Church, November 29, 1:30. (105a) CHRIST CHURCH SALE OF work and home cooking Priday, Dec. 6, 3-6. Tea 25c. © (105a) BAZAAR, CEDARDALE CHURCH, Friday, Nov. 29, 2:30 p.m. Booths. Tea served. (105a) WESTMOUNT HOME AND School Bazaar at School, Sat., Nov. 30. Programme, booths, tea Toom opened by Mrs. R. 8S. Mec- Laughlin, 2 p.m. sharp. (105b) BAZAAR, SALE OF HOME COOK- ing, afternoon tea, at St. Andrew's United Church, Friday, November 29th Irom three o'clock. . (1058) BAZAAR, AUSPICES OF ALBERT Street Home and School Associa tion, Saturday, Nov. 30, at two- thirty, in the school. (105a) DON'T FORGET U.A.W.A. LADIES' Auxiliary Bazaar to be held in Union Hall, Sat., Nov. 30, at 2:30 Pam. Many hooths and tea served. (105a) BAZAAR AND AFTERNOON TEA, auspices Centre St. Home and School Association to be opened by Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin at 2:30 pm, Friday, Nov. 29. (1052) MOVIES IN TECHNICOLOR OF birds, rose garden and Royal visit taken and shown by Mr. Walter Moorhouse of Toronto, sponsored by Oshawa Horticultural Society, Centre Street School, Tuesday, December 3. 8 o'clock. (1052) MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, 106 Elgin Fast, Wed., Thurs., Fri, of next week. (1058) EUCHRE, ORANGE HALL, EVERY Tuesday night, 8:30. 25c. Six prizes. (105a) RUMMAGE SALE, SIMCOE ST. United Church, Tuesday, Dec. 3, at 2 o'clock. (105a) SALE OF FANCY WORK, HOME Cooking, afternoon tea to be held at the Salvation Army, and to be opened by Mrs. A. D. Cornett at 2:30, on Dec, 3rd. (105a) BINGO, ORANGE TEMPLE, MON- day 2:30. 10c. L. Thompson. (105a) BINGO, EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT, over Burn's. 14 Prizes. 15c. (1058) BINGO, ORANGE TEMPLE, FRI- day, 2:30. 10c. E. Youds. (105a) BINGO, CCF. HALL, FRIDAY, 2:45. M. White. (105a) RUMMAGE SALE, FRIDAY, 2 P.M. corner King and Celina, 8th Oshe awa Mothers' Auxiliary. (1058) PLAY BINGO, COME AND HELP the boys "Over There" Tuesday night. Over Burns', 15¢. Vouch- ers. ( 105a) ORANGE TEMPLE BING oO, every Saturday night, 8:30. 1§ prizes, 25c. (tN) BINGO, SATURDAY NIGHT, over Burns, Army and Navy Vet erans. Voucher prizes. 15 games for 25¢. 8:45. (tn USUAL ~ BINGO, - THURSDAY night, over Burns, 8:45. Good prizes and vouchers. tn) DR. C. L. KELL, DENTIST, 26 Simcoe North. X-Ray. Phone 1316. Residence 1462W. (1Dec.c) Meals MEALS SERVED TO GENERAL Motors men, 62 Division St., 8 min. walk to any part of Motors. (20Dec.c) Radio Service WE SPECIALIZE IN RADIO RE- pairs. For reliable efficient service phone Charles Wales, 3350J. Tubes tested free. (4Dec.c) Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢, WITH rental $1.00. Called for and de- livered. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St Phone 960 Shoe Repairing A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE, invisible half soling, cleaning, dye- ing, etc. Fast Service, Phone 362, We Call and Deliver. Modern Shoe Repalr, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe Street North. (4Dec.c) LADIES' INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- ing. All work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Phone 28673R. W. Allison, 9 Athol West. (2Dec.c) When in Need of Drugs Call POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY .. WE PAY HIGR PRICES FOR rags, scrap metal and iron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M, (5Dec.c) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store, 56 King West. Phone 1030. (5Dec.c) CHILD'S PEDDLE AUTOMOBILE, must be in excellent condition. Phone 1440W. (105b) For Sale or Rent 7 ROOMED HOUSE, GOOD CON- dition, modern conveniences, large lot, garage. Phone 128R4, Port Perry. (1052) Karn's Drug Store FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 NEXT P, O. fet WATCH REPAIRING us repair your Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, 3 Lhe ery, ete, Work D. J. BROWN THE JEWELLER 20 Simcoe St. 5. « Phone 189 ~ Brantford Roofin and Builders' Suppli McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED PHONE 1246 Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Male or Female Help Wanted SALES HELP WANTED, MALE OR female, to sell special advertising offer. Apply mornings only, Myers Studio, 30 Simcoe 8, (105b) BASSETT'S JEWELERS ON OSHAWA'S MAIN CORNER Armstrong Fuels Coal - Coke - Wood or IONE TW ICK: 59 CHURCH ST. We Treat You [] The Year O