Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Nov 1940, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1940 ON THE AIR WAVES 7:45 P.M. CFRB, Easy Aces. CBY, CBL, The Engineer in War- time CKCL, Musical Word Squares. CANADIAN STATIONS CFRB, 690k. CBL., 840k. CKCL, 580k. CBY, 1.420k CFOC, 1.120k en. U. S. NETWORK WEAF, (Red) WJZ (Blue) WABC (CBS) U. S. STATIONS WLW Cincinnati ............ SHORT-WAVE FREQUENCIES 2RO Italy .... EAR Spain .. RAN Russia ... PCI Holland ... PRF5 Brazil ... W2XAF Schenee WIXK Boston ... W3XAU Phila. 5.30 P.M. CFRB, Variety Corner. CBL, CBY, Allen Roth Orch. WBEN, WEAF. Lorenzo Jones, WABC, WKBW, Hilltop House 5.45 P.M. CFRB, Young Canada Club. WBEN, WEAF, Young Widder Brown. CBL, CBY, Who Visits Uncle, 6.00 P.M. WABC, CFRB, The Goldbergs CKCL, News Flashes. WEAF, WBEN, Girl Alone 6.15 P.M. CFRB, Claire Wallace, CKCL, Supper Serenade. CBL, Relax and Enjoy. CBY, WKBW, News Flashes, 6.30 P.M. CFRB, News. WBEN, Jack Armstrong. CBL, Pauline Rennie. 6.40 P.M. CFRB, Wes McKnight. CKCL, Birth Notices. 6.45 P.M. WBEN, WEAF, Life can be Beauti- ful. ' HBJ Geneva ON SHORT WAVES TULSDAY (Daylight Saving Time.) BBC London transmissions beam- ed to Canada at 11.75 meg, 25 m, 9.58 meg. 31 m., and 6.11 meg. 49 m.: News, Topical Talks and Com- mentaries at 6:45 p.m, 9:00 pm, 9:45 pm. 12:30 am. London Calling at 6:42 p.m. Can- ada Calls from London at 8:15 pm Britain Speaks at 9:30 pm. and 12:15 a.m. Radio Newsreel at 11:30 pm. Feature Programs at 7:15 pm, 8:45 pm, 9:15 pm, 10:00 pm, 10:30 p.m. 10:45 pm, 11:00 p.m, 1115 p.m, 12:00 midnight. Australia (VLQ): Beamed to Americas from 7:30 am. to 8:39 am, and 11:30 am. 9.61 meg, 3 Im. Madrid (EAQ): Programs at 2:00 pm. and at 7:00 pm. 30 m. band. Moscow: Beamed to Americas at 7:00 am. 11:00 am. 5:00 pm, 8:00. p.m., 4:00 am. Uses 19 and 25 m. bands. Guatemala: 12:00 midnight-- Hawalian Music. 968 meg, 31 m. band. TUESDAY RADIO PROGRAMS 5:00 PM. CPRB, Musicale WBEN, WEAF, Backstage Wife. WABC, WKBW, Portia Blake Faces Life . CBL, CBY, School of Air 3.13 P.M. CFRB, Road of Life WBEN, WEAF, Stella Dallas PECL, Prelude to Dinner. WKBW, Cats 'n' Jammers. to 12:30 p.m. | CKCL, Breezy Rhythms. CBL, CBY, BBC News. | WGR, WABC, Scattergocd Baines 6.50 P.M. | CFRB, Did I Say That? { 7.00 P.M. | CFRB, Eventide Melodies {| WBEN, WKBW, News Flashes. CKCL. Let's Go Formal | CBL, CBY, Questions of the Hour. 7.15 PM. CFRB Light Up and Listen. CBL, Red Foster. 7.30 P.M. CFRB, Program. !| CKCL, Musical Contrasts CBL, CBY, Recital Series | WABC, WKBW, News Flashes. ! 745 P.M. CKCL, Choral Cameos. CBL, CBY, To be announced. WGR, News Flashes. , WJZ, WBEN., Lowell Thomas. 8.95 P.M. | CFRB. Amos 'n' Andy | CBL, CBY, Music You Like to Hear. CKCL, O'Callahan Orch. WKBW, Fulton Lewis, Jr 8.30 P.M. CFRB, The Shadow WGR, WABC. Election Returns. CKCL, Tune O. | CBL, Today's Music. ! 8:45 P.M. CKCL, Book Talk 8.00 P.M. CFRB, Add a Line. CBL, John and Judy CKCL, Ben Bernie Orch. WABC, WGR, Court of Heirs. | WBEN, WEAF, Johnnie Presents, 9.50 P.M. CFRB, Treasure Trail. WABC. WGR, First Nighter CBL, CKCL, Good Luck Show { 10.00 P.M, | BL Old Observer. Missing THE OLD HOME TOWN DAILY CROSSWORD 29. 30. 31. ACROSS 1. Speck 4. Endured 9. Anger 10. French river 11, Title of respect 12. Shouts 13. Squander 15. Weakens 17. Wine cask 18. Exelama- 4. Foxy 5. Digit 6. Anoints 7. City in Florida 8. Plunder 13. Pierce 14. Name 19. A meat dish 20. Skein of yarn 27. Near tion 28. Short for 21. Word ex- hobo 34. Fleets of . 16. Let it stand! 35. University 38. Hill 44. Title of 46. Competent Touch Armadillo Paint again 32. Snake 33. Measures of distance ships Zoo Ree ER [TY] i Yesterday's Answer 48. Eggs 49, Snare Im] officer (So. Afr,) respect pressing > negation 12 3 516 |T |& 22. Siamese coin 23. Snake 9 24. Perish 25. Egyptian god 26. Open 28. Apt to balk 30. Spanish 8:00 P. 1. CKCL, Tim O'Callahan"s Orch. CFRB, Amos 'n' Andy CBL, CBY, Little Review WBEN, WEAF, Pleasure Time WKBW, Fulton Lewis 830 P. CBL, CBY, Serenade for Strings CFRB, Fun Parade WGR, WABC, Meet Mister Meek WBEN, Int. House Party 9:00 P.M. CFRB, Edward G. Robinson WBEN, WEAF, Battle of Sexes. CKCL, Jack Fans Orch, WABC, WGR, Election Returns and Music, CFRB, Queer Qirks 10.30 P.M. CBL, WEAF, McGee and Molly CKCL, News Flashes. 10.45 P.M. CFRB, Talk. 11.00 P.M. CFRB, On Wings of Song. CBL, CBY, News Flashes, 11:15 P.M, CKCL, Dainty at Console WBEN, WEAF, Hollywood Play- house CBL, CBY, Send for Paul Temple WJZ, Quiz Kids 9:30 ".M. CKCL, Eddie Stroud Orch, CBL, Ici L'on Chante CFRB, The Family Man. WJZ, Manhattan at Midnight 10:00 P.M. CFRB, Theatre of Air; CBL, Melodies for You WJZ, The Political Front WBEN, WEAF, Fddir¢ Cantor 10:30 P.M. Fred Allen WEAF, WBEN, Mr. District Attor~) "KCI, News Flashes; Bands and CKCL, News Flasaes CBL, CBY, Question Box 10:45 P.M. WHAM, Wendell Willkie. 11:00 P.M. CFRB, CBL, CBY, News WBEN, Sen. R. Wagner. WJZ, Story Dramas 11:15 P.M. CFRB, On Wings of Songs CBL, CBY, Britain Speaks CKCL, Rendezvous 1" 30 P.M CBL, CBY, B.B.C. Newsreel WJZ, Time and Tempo | Ballads HEAVIER MALE CHICKS A study of chick and egg weights by the Poultry Division, Dominion Department of Agriculture, has disclcsed the fact that male chicks hatch slightly heavier than female, even when they come from eggs of equal size. A further study has shown that part of this larger size in males is accounted for by the | fact that they draw more calcium out of the shell than do the fe- males. This probably results in larger bon2s and correspendingly larger viscera. CANADIAN FURS FOR U.S. Canada was the chief source of supply in the imports into the United States in 1939 of furs of sile ver and black fox, badger, beaver, marten, fox (other than silver), muskrat, mink, black fox pelts alone was $1,466,- 870 out of the total import valued at $2,468,164. Imports of silver and black fox furs into the United States for 1939 from Norway were valued at $770,280; from the United Kingdom, $178,151: from Finland, $17,685, and from Russia, $12,904. -------------- GUARANTEED SALB Bangalore. India--(CP)--An air- craft factory to be built here will sell 50 planes a year to the Govern= ment of India. OBL, CBY, Britain Speaks. 11:45 P.M. CBL, CBY, U.S. Elections. POLLY AND HER PALS THE MAN OF THE HOUR. CFRB, Hockey Summaries. ESS DEVELOPED ASWELL PITCHER 1 GOT ©' ASH AT TH' HEIGHT OF LAST WEEK'S GAME ! ON SHORT WAVES WEDNESDAY (Daylight Saving Time) BBC London transmissions beam- ed to Canada at 11.75 meg, 25 m,, 9.58 meg., 31 m.; and 6.11 meg. 49 | m.: News, Topical Talks and Com- | mentaries at 6:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m, | 9:45 p.m, 12:30 a.m. | London Calling at 6:42 p.m. Can- | | ada Calls from London at 8:30 p.m. | Britain Speaks at 9:30 p.m. and 12:15 a.m. Scots Abroad at 8:45 p.m. Radio | Newsreel at 11:30 p.m. Cpe 1940 King Pests Syndicate Ine World rights eaerd Military Band at 7:15 pm. Re- ligious Period at 8:15 p.m. Feature Programs at 9:15 p.m, 10:00 p.m, | 10:30 p.m. 11:00 pm. 11:15 p.m, 12:00 midnight. Australia (VLQ): Beamed to Am- POLLY AND HER PALS ericas from 7:30 am. to 8:30 am. | and 11:30 am, to 12:30 p.m. 961 TH' COACH SAID IF ASH HADNT BIN JESS WHERE HE WUZ AT TH TIME WE'D A LOST SURE / 2% Nou MEAN THAT SPORTS JACKET OF YOUR FATHER'S meg. 31 m. Madrid (EAQ): Programs at 2:00 p.m. and at 7:00 pm. 30 m. band Moscow: Beamed to Americas at 7:00 am. 11:00 am. 5:00 pm. 8:00 pm. 4:00 am. Uses 19 and 25 m bands You WORE TO THE WHY, PoLLY /! WEDNESDAY RADIO PROGRAMS | 5:00 P.M. WKBW. WABC, Portia Blake | CBL, CBY. Flame Burns, pianist. | WBEN, WEAF, Backstage Wife | 5:1 PM. OUTING YESTERDAY 2 ABSOLUTELY. I LOSTIT/ ISNT IT AWFUL, ASNES I? WELL, TLL JUST BE HONEST AND FACE THE MUSIC/ SIMPLY fl BEST WAY, ; TELL HIM. ITS THE POLLY -- 1 BUT ISN'T / IT TOO 4 TERRIBLE 7) | / WELL, HERE GOES---BOB?Z... YES, BOB ~ YOUR FRAT PIN UNS OF T'DAY J" 4 YY GOTTA HAND TT TH YOUNG, AT THAT / | CFRB, Road of Life WBEN, WEAF, Stella Dallas 3:30 PM. | CFRB, Variety Corner | WBEN, WEAF, Lorenzo Jone* SECRET AGENT X9 ~ES,ON A JACKET I WORE ~YES, ITS LOST! | CBL, CBY, Al Roth Orch 5:45 P.M. CFRB. Young Canaaa Club BACK AT HEADQUARTERS, X-9 HAS DEVELOPED |THE PHOTO OF "MANICURIST NUMBER FIVE CBL, CBY, Make Fear Count WBEN, WEAF, Young Widder Brown PARLOR CASE | CHIEF * THE 6:00 P.M. PICTURES MATCH uP! CKCL, News | CFRB, Golchergs | 6:15 P.M. {| CBL, Relax and Enjoy. | CFRB, Claire Wallace } cKCL, Supper Serenade. 6:30 P.M. | CFRB, News | CBL, Virginia Fair | WBEN, WEAF, Jack Armstrong | 6:40 P.M. | CFRB, Wes. McKnight, | CKCL, Birth Notices. 6:45 P.M REMEMBER THE "SHIP'S BEAUTY ROOM 410 AT THE YEAH... AND THEY DIDN'T GO BACK. TO THE BARBER SHOP ! I TAGGED THEM AND THEY WENT INTO OKAY, | BILL.LETS GET 'EM! MAYBE IM CRAZY, LEON, BUT THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT THAT MAJOR STEVENS THAT BOTHERS ME! I THINK HE'S A PLANT! : HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE A BIG SHOT IN THE FLIGHT AIRCRAFT CORPORATION OF SANDY POINT, CALIFORNIA! CBL., CBY, News | WBEN, Life Can Be Beautiful WABC, Scattergood Baines By Wally Bishop WKBW, Little Orphan Annie | 6:50 P.M. | CFRB, Did I Say That? 7:00 P.M. CKCL, Wilson Ames. CBL, Topical Talk | CFRB, Eventide Melodies WABC, WKBW, News 7: PM. CFRB, Light Up and Listen. CKCL, It's Dancetime WKBW, WABC, Hedda Hopper WBEN, Musical Party CBY( Songs of To-day 7:50 P.M CKCL, Al Leary, Sports CFRB, World of To-day CBL, CBY. Recital 4 AM To CARRY A YIP PAPER ROUTE" pil what o'va MEAN. WABC, WKBW, News N x DONALD DUCK ROMEO GOES WOOING. YouR ROVTE"? TiLFORD PROMISED ME THAT LT CoulD TAKE OVER HIS PAPER WELL, You DIDNT SHOW UP... SO HE GAVE \T "WAIT A MOMENT, CLARENCE , T CANT HEAR A THING VI... . I CARRIED PAPERS WHEN I "ol WAS A BoY!! \ Tose DISHES! WHY. MA , CARRY I' PAPERS 18 ONE OF THE HERITAGES OF AN YOUTH! LooK AT GET ON By Walt Disney Fv kNow WHAT, \/ NEXT DOOR IS UNCA DONALD?Z QUT IN HER BACK YARD = PLANTIN' FLOWERS! ney Productions LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY otter, skunk, and . lynx. The value of the silver and -. - weight 33. Youth 36. Edible seed 37. English river 39. Before 40. Likely SORRY TO INTRUDE, MISS... BUT J, THE HOUSEKEEPER WANTS EVERYTHING CLEANED UP BEFORE YOUR AUNT QUICK , ANNIE, HIDE UNDER MY BED. THE MAID 1S COMING UP TO CLEAN "THIS CLOSET -- IF T DON'T OPEN IT SHE MAY SUSPECT SOMETHING ! OH, YES, I REMEMBER 1 LOCKED IT THIS MORNING -- ILL GO UP AND OPEN THE 7 EXCUSE ME, MI55 .. I'VE BEEN CLEANING YOUR ROOM . THE OF YOUR CLOTHES 41. Tiiomas (abbr.) 42, Wine receptacle 43. Rodents 45. Heathen 47. Ancient Troy 50. Undeveloped shoot 51. Audacity (siang) 52. Meadow 53. Care for medically 54. Letter 8 DOWN Si "1. Wrangle 2. Acquaints 53 3. Gull-like bird Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc. I= DOOR CLOSET IS LOCKED' v b Capt. 1940, King Features Syndicil. Inc, World nights reserved CLOSET ~-- SB y

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