PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1940 LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS TO WIN-THE-WAR DRIVE Corrections Three corrections and two omis- sions have occurred in the recent lists of names of those contributing to the Win-the-War and Commu- nity Fund. In the list on Tuesday evening the amount after the name of Andrew Kish should have been $5.00, not $1.00; in the list on Wed- nesday amounts of $2.00 appeared after the names of B. Farewell and ME. Hannah, these donations should each have appeared as $2.50. The names of J. C. McGill whose donation was $6.73, and C. G. Luke who donated $25.00, were omitted in yesterday's list. John M, Dafoe ........ cers Lleyd C. Cochrane Arthur L. Bryant Chas. Bradley John A. Gray Roy S. Stovin ...... " Carl F. Fice Francis W. Sheridan Kennsth L. W.>Glide Harry J. Bennett Frank J Ostrowski ... John J. Luke ... Cleveland C. Knight Jezeph Muzik Rey G. Cliff James E. Williams Kennsth T. H. Abbott .... Lloyd W. Dafoe Thos'L. Peel ...... Sriovrine Andrew M. Wood Wm, G. Walker John T. Gow Earl S. Hoy Kenneth G. Robinson .... Eugene Kalnay John L. Hell Anonymous Albert C. Branton Herbert Stone Thcs. H. Grigg Elmer G. Tapping Gerald J. Q'Regan Thos, E. Pugh Albert E. Holbrook Elgin J. Hutchison John J. March . . Sandford R. McNeil .. Paul Butka iets Alexander Sobanski .. James P. Griffin Roy W. Duncan John Grieve James W. Hickey Peter G. Muir Harold W, Clark Wm. J. Leggott ........ Fue Wm. A. Fleming Joseph L. DeGray F. A. O'Connor Frederick A. Bolton Everard McGrath Francis W. C. Nash ........ Francis J. McGarry Lorenzo A, Legault Frederick C. Merrill James Armstrong Carman F. Thomrson James J. Wesley Norman D. Love Michael J. Hickey . (Albert D. Marks ... Ross E. Mosley ..... Wm. H Wilson ........... Cyril R. Breen Carman W. Robertson James T. Wiltshire Herbert McLaughlin . Alexander G. Fleming Chas. W. Carter Robert J. Gulliver ... James Oldfield Frederick J. Perry ... Wm. P. Kinlin ..... Geo. J. Flegg Geo. W. Bellis Frederick H. Smith Milton D. Burnett ... Ralph R. Mowbray .. Clifford A. Puffer Frederick A. Wood ..... evs Oscar V. Shawa .... v John Walker Carman P. Patton ... Boris Kinnell Wm. H. Steer ....ove00.00 Wm. Holland ........ ries Frederick R. Lowe ........ Peter D. Millar James B. Frost Albert H. Porter 'Wm. J. P. Hooey ...... 5.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 7.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 9.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 4.00 4.90 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 Lily Jchnstone ... Mey Brooking .....s...... E. F. Cawker Ralph Butt ........ Clifford Butt W. F. Essery Mee Storie ........ W. A. Telford Betty Pollard .. Barbara Bell Nurses in Training, Oshawa Gen. Hosp. *.... N. K. Goodman .. sesvsassne 10.00 | M 675 | 25.00 10.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 2.50 4.84 C. D. Lyons .. Mrs. C. D. Lyons . G. S. Duncan ... C. T. O'Neill T. R. Hardcastle . E. D. Friend ... 00040... C. J. Johnson ..e..euse. J. Holick P. Kochany ... J. Pawlison .. S. Mrocek .. J. Kaczur .... F. Psutka FP. Pietryka .... M. Bohun W. Hrapek .. J. Bueek ... J. Gerdynik S. Libera W. Pankhurst . H. W. Brown .. G. Greer E. Spires P. Krupa .... C. Willis T. Jameoz T. Ramsdale .. A. Nemiscz .... W. Holick H. Chapman R. Chapman B. DeGuerre D. Fraser D. Griffiths £. Smeigal J. Ealenko .... J Storykowski ... wilson ..... . Loople . Bligdon .... . Mepham . Muzik E. W. Hemnyter .......... Phyllis Langford Eileen Langford ... Dorothy McMillan suse... Hazel E. Scott ..... vile Marjorie Noble Violet McMillan Josephine McClennan Mary Walker ........... "on Amy Sargeant ... . Mary Barker .. Bessie Knox .. Edna Knox .... L. Barnes Clara Wilkins Myrtle Robinson Teresa Davis ....... 'es Bessie Barker ............ Doris Gibbs ..... FE . Marie Taillon . Jean Muzik Gertrude Robinson .. Maude Sargeant ..... Erline Hopkins .... Reta Service ..... . Laura Bell , cesessssrseneae { Edna Greenaway . A. E Etchells ............. . Marion Nichols Elsie Logeman . William Holyk Peter Hrehoruk Michael Gnorik M. Barris ...ce0.00..0. Clayton Foster . Earl Follest Frank O'Reilly ...... sesainn M. Kolinko 50 I. C. Waterbury 10.00 H. A. Sparkes . 10.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 Nora M. Lowery K. Buckley .. J. Cooke W. Alford .. F. Shultz Bill Horehoruk Morley Rorabeck ...... John Gingeriski Ray Parfitt ... Geo. H. Tate | Schofield Woollen Co. .... A. 1. Bouckley .......... ave Harold Bouckley ...ooevves. R. S. McLaughlin ... As much-needed feed for stock this winter, a campaign has been started & \ & George Arthur Phillips, Cornwall lawyer, got an idea to help Britain down Nazi bombers. Lawyer Phil- lips has a 10-year-old son, also George, who started a fund with $10 of his own money to buy a Hurricane. Now the "Georges" fuad is growing daily to the slogan "Let George do it." Group Captain R. W. Ryan has been appointed director of 00 1.00 | | Services. A a Jackie Coogan, "The Kid" of the movie industry a decade ago, is leaving Hollywood for Trenton | where he will become an instructor | in the R.C.A.F. Coogan, an experi- | caced flier, will retain his American | citizenship, one method of conserving | in the United Kingdom designed to | ensile all possible - aftermath. A | staff of over 600 agricultural ad- | visors has been touring the country and it now seems likely that the objective, a million tons of grass silage, will be reached. The weekly crop report, issued by the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture, states that the farmers of On- tario County are extremely busy with fall work. With ideal weather silo filling and potato digging have been general. The yield of potatoes will be considerably below the average. Mrs. Pat Tuckett, Canadian nurse, is #a charge of one of the two Maple Leaf club buildings run by the Can- adian Red Cross for Canadian troops in London. When a building was struck by a bomb, she directed removal of injured, and helped set up an emergency station for treat- ing casualties. the | Royal Canadiana Air Force Medical | | received from the doctor, | that he would accept no less than $100 for his services rendered the | village during the last four months FINE REGORD OF FIRE DRILL IN WHITBY SCHOOL Fire Department Officials Pleased With Work of Pupils and' Teachers October 9. -- Whitby, Ontario, Pupils and teachers of Whitby schools and the Ontario Ladies Col- lege take seriously the important matiers of fire prevention and pre- paredness for emergencies. This was proven to the satisfaction of Fire Chief William Heard and Secretary L. Northam who visited these edu- cational institutions a few days ago in connection with Fire Prevention. Week, and watched fire drill exer- cises. Without any previous warn- ing fire alarms were given, and in each school the buildings were emp- tied in quick order without the slightest confusion. The officers were more pleased with what they saw, and congratulated both teach- ers and pupils. Here is the story in figures: School Pupils Teachers Time Brock St... 68 2 23sec. King St... 230 6 1 min. 2 sec. High Sch'l. 243 9 1 min. 2 sec. St. Bern... 45 2 24sec. Dundas St. 150 4 40sec. College .... 100 20 2 min. The drill tests were the best on record, it was stated by Secretary L. Northam. MORE NEW NAMES ON LIBRARY ROLL | 26 Added in September -- Library Given Gift of Books Whitby, Ontario, October 9. -- Twenty-six new members were added to Whitby Public Library during the month of September, ac- cording to a report presented by the lbrarian M at the October meeting ol Board on Wednesday evening. For over a year, now, there has been a substantial increase in- the | membership each month, so that | today it is the highest on record. The Board was advised by the | Librarian of a splendid gift of many volumes of historical Toronto, who has a summer home in Whitby. These have now been edded to the shelves. The secre- tary was Instructed to forward a letter of appreciation to Miss Fotheringham, i Salary Dispute Is Aired Again 10--A salary dis- pute between Havelock and its M.OH, Dr. D. J. Holdcroft, in pro- gress since last spring, was again discussed at the October session of council, when a communication was stating Havelock, Oct. of 1939. Last spring council, working on the basis of his yearly salary of $120, set the amount at one-third that or $40. At g later meeting this offer was raised to $60, but the doc- tor still refused to acgept this as adequate compensation, Council finally notified Dr. Hold- croft that it belleved $60 had been a liberal offer, and asked him to re- consider. "B" Company Midland Regiment was granted use of the town hall for a dance on Friday, Oct. 11. The clerk was instructed to notify Capt. T. W. Quinn. Permission to form a Board of Education was granted the Have- lock Public and High School Boards, who were represented by D. F. Miller. Relief Expenses Reduced By Half Picton, Oct. 10--The continued downward trend in relief costs was revealed at the town council meet- ing Tuesday night. The report of THEY GO WITH ANY SPREAD s Gertrude PR 0 t, | the | works | from Miss Helen Fotheringham, of | the relief administrator, L. R. Brown, showed that expenditures in September totalled $243, compared with $486 for September, 1939. The number of persons receiving relief is also reduced materially, there being 37 on the rolls last | month compared with 77 a year ago. The estimated expenditure for October was $400. A letter from the Department of Public Welfare asked that, due to the reduction of num- ber of persons on relief, there be a corresponding reduction in adminis- tration costs. Council pointed out that, since the entire work is in charge of one person, costs could hardly be lowered further. It was decided to continue gar- bage collection until the end of the year. Members. claim that, with a cost of $4 weekly for this service. Picton is setting a record equalled by few other towns. Put EDDY'S WHITE SWAN on your shopping list today! bi y 7 mGH QU Ang sicloln, TL erhouse sirloin Ru S STORES CLOSED THANKSGIVING Monday, Oct. 14th. TIGER COHOE Fancy SALMON 2: 29¢ Tin 2 5 c ALITY GUARANTEED grEsH RO Chicken whole of |b shank " LARD Sunnyfield OLD CHEESE MILD CHEESE Chateau Cheese CHATEA CHEES RAISINS sui PUMPKIN Choice MEATS | eNg! ry 5 ¢ »19: 5 » 29: 1b 27 : Yace, Porterhouse ND steak or 1b. 25 ' JAM LARGE FRESH FOWL i Ha , Cube mp ©! Roas! ROUT BLACK TEA SHORTENIN QUAKER OATS PEARS MAYONNAISE STRAWBERRIES MARMALAD JUICE re vou di: Peanut Butter CORNED BEEF x= - I5: Tomato Juice + 22 15 TOMATOES Aylme) Cholice 2 3 Tins 25. ar 25 ir 2952 49e 2 23- w 18. or 17 sr 3e ey 14- iz Ale 2]: 15 wr Dl Colour and Pectin White Clover STANDARD QUALITY 2 Ann Page Aylmer Faney Iona, Orange and Grapefruit Ann Page Ib 8 Ib 23 ib. 19¢ hr 19e Econo-way 2-b. 55¢ 4: 33 Chzese Bnx 2165. 19c ONIONS YAMS Gruigere Swiss : Fresh Fruits & Vegetables ) : GRAPES PRE, ' CRANBERRIES CELERY HEART ORANGES APPLES ...wu%... AAAI NANA 4 Paix. 29: w2dSe = 23: Bunch 5: 3 bs. 17 b Doz. 2.9 nk 29. on rio No. 1 Side ellow C ng Fresh Crisp Potatoes" California Valencia 24's 4 Tin c Canada 6-oz. BOKAR 8 0'CLOCK A «P COFFEE wr 39e 1-1b. Bag RED CIRCLE =: 31: LOBSTER <u « 27- PICKLES... 1 17+ SOUPS... =. 2: 15: Wax Beans: 2 %:13- Iona Cut Green Beans 2 13 35: Sliced or Unsliced 24-01. Wrapped Loaves 2 RAISIN BREAD POUND CAKE FRUIT CAKE park FRUIT CAKE ne. A«P BREAD ANN PAGE WHITE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT 15: 17-02. Loaf ay 1. F: CHELSEA BUNS rn 13 1-1b. Cake 2-1b. Cake PEAS x: 3x 2) NIBLETS:. »2 1: 23 COCKTAIL wz: 2l BEETS ==: 24x 19. LUSHUS x7 3 pis: 19- Tuna Fish =: « 17. OLIVES 12. = 23- wir 3 Ann Page Stuff. Manzanilla 4-02. Aylmer 1$-oz, 9 11-07. Jar BLENDED INDIA NECTAR TEA +29: 30: BULK GOODS 1-1b, Pkg. RANGOON RICE 21s.11: MAC. or SPAG.31:14: ROLLED OATS 3:10: 19: | OLIVES «14- 25: | POWDER 'zr 2 GINGER ALE r=: 3 »= 23- Pancake Flour mo |g MAPLE SYRUP =. 24. CHERRIES owe wr 126 CORNFLAKES Quaker 3 ea: 20 Puffed Wheat co 27.130 RICE KRISPIES pho. | Do PORK : BEANS » i 34:23: TISSUE zx: 0 21 2 2: 17 A<P SELF-SERVICE FOOD STORES Owned & Operated by the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Ltd. Aunt Jemima 16-0z. Btl. EVAP. MILK +a» 2 7. BEANS ia 190 DRESSING Poultry 2 snaxens] 5c MAC. & SPAG. cn: 2 22 17 PLUM JAM... 5 ca 22" 19c CRISCO 18: 3: 47 PRUNES 2» 13 LICORICE All Sorts Ib. 16 CAKE FLOUR :sv-nssown rie. 23c TOM. SOUP conor 2 5:17 PLUMS 'sue 3 23 APRICOTS »vice: cnotee 52% Je PINEAPPLE 'utmiue ison I4e SANDWICH comix 2 we. 27 CHRISTIES RITZ 14 JELLO re. Be SALMON covet, i: 20 SALMON ..covias,, 2: 36 ROBIN HOOD OATS 4: 18- SARDINES cc of ruzey 1a lle SPAGHETTI "or le SHRIMP 2%229¢ CHICKEN 24. SOLEX LAMP 20- TISSUE dc AMMONIA ser 3 rie 136 JUNKET nest ix, ee2 vues. 190 Libby's Deep Brown Save Labels 1's Tin 70-80's Pkg. Ass't, Catelll Fancy Small 7-0z, Ay'mer Tin Boneless 25-40-60 Watt ea; Sp ing alg roll