Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1940, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, PAGE ELEVEN A Want Ad Will Tell It - Sell It - Trade It or Rent It. Try it! ----- -- Undertaking Articles for Sale 'DALTON BURIAL COMPANY "Funeral Home - Ambulance Service 3 75 Charles Street ov gp d 1889 Phone 401 Nstaptishe (230ct.c) 'MEAUHER'S FUNERAL HOML .«prempt day and night service: F ~J. Meagher, Manager, S. J. Strow- r. - Funeral Director: 117 King St. E. Phone 907. (170ct.c) . LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East: Ambulance Residence 69 King St. E Phone 210. M. 0. ARMSTRONG AND SON proprietors Oshawa Burial Co Funeral and Ambulance Service pay and night. Phone 2700. 124 King East. Auditors OSCAR HUDSON aND COM- pany, Chartered Accguntants MOFFAT HUDSON AND coM- pany, Trustees and Liquidators Conant and Annis Chamber, % Simcoe Street South. Telephone 4 Heaa Office. Torunto Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢ WITH' tental $1.00. Callec for and de- livered. Stan Bligdon. 20 Mill st Phone 960 ot Dental DR. 8 J. PHILLIPS OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1812 DR. R. E. COX, DENTAL SUR- gean, 9 Simcoe N. Phone 233 Hours nine-twelve, one--five-tbirty, evenings by appointment. (110ct.c) C. L. KELL, DENTIST, 26 Focoe North. X-Ray. Phone 1316. Residence 1462W. (INov.c) Hardwood Floors BW. HAYNES, BUILDER. Hardwood floors laid, sanded, by experts. Latest equip- ment. Phone for prices. 109 Nas- sau street. (n Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SER- vice. Consult us for any of your Insuranee needs. Successors to G. L. Nolan, 33% King Street East. Phone 2686, residence 145. ° GRIERSON, OREIGHTON AND Fraser, Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. 'A. W. 8. GREER, BARRISTER, SoMcitor, etc, 6 King Street East Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- dent partner W. C. Pollard, K.C. Uxbridge, Ontario. CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters, 7% Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa Phone 4. Allin PF. Annis, BA, LLB. Emest Marks, B.A. RB. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER, Sohicitor, ete, 24% Simcoe North: Phone office 814; residence 3207. 'Money to loan, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KC, BAR- rister, Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. W. BE. N. SINCLAIR, BA. LLB, K.C, and J. C. Anderson, KC. Barristers, etc. Bank of Montreal Building, 20 Simcoe St. North. Phone 99. MANNING PF. SWARTZ. BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King St. East. Phone 282 Residence 3071J. A. J. PARKHILL, J3ARRISTER etn. Mortgage loans 5% %, Nation- a) Housing Act, 5%. 20 Simcoe St. North. (2Nov.c) Cartage MOVING AND DUMP TRUCKS. sand cinders, wood, coal, etc. 70 Colburne Street West. Phone 605 (130ct.c) Expert Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT. Swiss watchmaker, repair. shdp at 46 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited. (th TT. Ratio Service WE SPECIALIZE IN RADIO RE- 'patrs. For reliable efficient service phone Charles Wales, 3350J. Tubes tested free. (INov.c) -: Shoe Repairing A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE. invisible nalf soling. cleaning, dye- ing, etc. Fast Service, Phone 362. We Call and Deliver. Modern Shoe Repair, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe Street North (1Nov.c) LADIES' INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- | ing." All work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Phone 2673R. W Alliszn, 9 Athol West. (1Nov.c) Bought and Sold USED CLOTHING STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed. We carry a big . stock of gentlemen's suits. Pants, men's fall and winter coats, ladies' fall and winter coats. Sold very reasonably. Samuel Schwartz, 21 Bond West. ; (90ct.c) ONE USED TRIPLE MULLION wv:ndow frame and sash, and cup- soard doors, also some used sash. Apply 472 Masson Street. (70¢) ONE LARGE QUEBEC HEATER, also Berkel meat slicer. Dot's Lunch, Harmony. Phone 2235. (70c) FERRETS, APPLY STAN PRE- vost, Orchard View Blvd, North Oshawa. (69¢) GREY PRAM IN GOOD CONDI- tion, reasonable... Apply 270 Burk St., Rhone 1513M. (68¢) RED WING: "THE BETTER Apples," also Red Wing Apple Juice, delivered t> your door twice weekly. Phone before 5 p.m. Monday or Thursday for delivery the following day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Oshawa 1665. (250ct.c) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS. Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. George Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond' West. (60ct.c) ONE GENDRON PRAM, EXCEL- lent condition, 521 Simcoe Street North. Phone 2022W. (27Oct.c) LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store. 156 Simcoe South. (220ct.c) BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, complete, dropside couches, beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's, 156 Simcoe South. (8Nov.c) STUDIO COUCHES OF QUALITY in velour and heavy repp, featuring walnut on chromium arms, inside spring construction throughout, back support, and large wardrobe compartment. Direct from factory show room. Easy payments if de- sired. Save 20% at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. South. (220ct.c) Motor Cars For Sale 128 CHEV. COUPE, TIRES NEAR- ly new. Cheap for cash. 66 Wilson Road South, (69b) Today's Times has great values on its Classified Page. Use them yourself for best results in the shortest time. Auction Sale BRIGHT, COMFORTABLE FUR- nished rooms with all conveniences. Board if desired, Very central. 134 Celina Street. (70¢) 6 ROOMED HOUSE AT 178 AL- bert St. Possession November 1st. Apply 96 Connaught St. (70c) 3 ROOM APARTMENT, ALL CON- veniences, possession Nov. 7, also single room, possession October 16. Apply 35 Lloyd St. (70¢) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, adults only. Apply 20 Glad- stone. Phone 878W, (60b) I WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUC- tion on Monday, October 14th, for Glaser Bros, Lots 20 and 30, Con. 2, Darlington, (formerly Wm. Nich- { ols' farm one mile south of Cour- tice), all their farm stock, imple- ments, grain, poultry, harness, pigs, etc. One of the largest sales of the season. Sale 12:30 Standard Time. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer, (70¢) Male Help Wanted DELIVERY BOY WITH WHEEL. Apply 42 Simcoe St. N. (68¢c) 3 ROOM APARTMENT, HARD- wood floors, fire place. Immediate i Phone 1821W. (68¢c) pe CHEVROLET TRUCK PANEL, "33, excellent condition $125. Apply 29 Orchard Drive, Harmony. See Pat Kelly. (210ct.e) NEW HOME GWNERS! LAWNS, trees, shrubs, bulbs, flag walks, etc Fall fertilizing of trees and lawns, Phone 2178J. (100ct.c) Real Estate For Sale BARGAIN -- $2800 BUYS NEWLY built, almost completed, 5 room imi- tation brick bungalow. Must be sold. 101 Westmoreland Ave, (70c) JAMES LUCAS ESTATE OFFER the family residence for sale. Beau- tiful horhe, modern, substantial. 2 car garage. Terms reasonable. Ap- ply at once to Mrs. George Rennie, Phone 12RA4.. Port Perry. (69¢) $2250--FIVE ROOMS, RUG BRICK bungalow, $225 cash, balance six- teen dollars monthly, and taxes, £2500--Six rooms, Church Street, $300 cash, balance $20 monthly, and taxes. Listings wanted. Jones Real Estate, Ten Prince St. (3Nov.c) $2700, A REAL BUY, NORTH Ward, terms; House on Masson St. $2500. Terms; House on Mary St, $2600, Terms. Bradley Bros. Phone 169. (68c) Help Wanted Male or Female UNFURNISHED rooms near Motors, also electric cable for sale. Call after five. 340 Ritson Rd. N. (INov.c) SINGLE, FURNISHED, 476 AL- bert Street. Apply Princess Res- taurant, King Street West. y (270ct.c) 3 ROOM, STEAM HEATED apartment, light housekeeping, all conveniences. Possession October 15. 1502W. 728 Simcoe 8. (240ct.c) WHY NOT MOVE INTO AN apartment now and save the ex- pense of heating and keeping up a house, as well as the work of looking after it. See Bradley Brothers for apartments. 2 BRIGHT (240ct.c) SIMCOE MANOR, LOVELY apartment building, 1 4-roomed and 1 S-roomed, newly decorated, everything modern. See caretaker or phone 169. (5Sept.tf) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 4 AND § room apartments, all modern con- veniences. Phone 1718. (9Sept.tl) VICTORIA APARTMENTS, ONE four roomed, immediately. Apply caretaker on premises, or Bradley Bros. 169. (TNov.c) Board and Room NOW 18 THE TIME TO QUALIFY for a Government job as Clerk, Postman, Custéms Clerk, Steno., etc. Four Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free Booklet. MC.C. Schools Ltd, Toronto 10. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. (Wed. Pri. tf) Female Help Wanted YOUNG WIVES! chance: to do plessant, profitable work while "HUBBY" is "OVER THERE"! Make from $1500 $20.00 a week "extra" money by doing a REAL SERVICE to your friends and neighbours supplying them with FAMILEX HIGH QUALITY HOUSEHOLD NECES- SITIES. Write for FREE booklet today. FAMILEX, 570 St. Clement Street, Montreal. 4) DOMESTIC HELP WANTED. Apply between 2 and 3 p.m. Super- intendent Oshawa General Hospi- tal. (68¢c) Saddle Horses CEDAR WILD RIDING ACAD- amy, Rossland Road and Mary St. Trained horses for begimhers and children. Phone 375J. (90ct.c) Wanted To Buy ROOM AND BOARD, CENTRAL. Phone 2055. (TNov.c) Personal MEN! WANT NORMAL PEP, VIM? Try OSTREX TONIC tablets. Stimulants and oyster concentrates aid to normal pep. Results with first package or maker returns low price. Call, write Jury & Lovell in Oshawa and all uther good drug stores. (6Novc) Dancing Instruction "DANCE FOR HEALTH". BETH Weyms, Masonic Temple, Satur- days. Tots, children, adults. Latest New York dances. Free health class. Dramatic club. (160ct.c) Laundry SEND YOUR WASHING TO Beatty Laundry and have it done the modern way by the best equip- ment- on the market--which pro- longs the life of your clothes--saves you money and worry. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery. Phone 2043J. (160ct,c) Notice FRANK GRIMSHAW TAKE NO- tice--Furniture left at 175 Oshawa Blvd., will be sold for storage if not called for by October 17th. (70¢) Painting and Decorating PHONE R. LITTLE, 2717TW FOR painting and decorating needs. Prices reasonable. Estimates free. (210ct.c) Money To Loan MONEY - TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service. Oshawa Real Estate Co, ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN- tlemen. Every convenience, central, garage. 114 Elgin East." Phone 1943W. (70¢) Lumber DON'T WAIT UNTIL COLD weather for storm, sash, and com- bination doors. Everything in lum- ber. W. Victor Peacock, 341 Rich- mond East. Phone 3310. (120ct.c) Wanted to Rent BY NOVEMBER 1ST, 6 OR 1 roomed house, by business couple. No children. Will lease. Phone 2653 or 536J. (69¢) 3 PARTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, preferably ground floor, or small cottage. Phone 741 between 6 and ji A (69b) BED-SITTING ROOM FOR BUSI- ness girl. Box 910 Times. (70¢) FOUR OR FIVE ROOMED HOUSE, all conveniences, November 1, cen- tral. 105 Cromwell Ave. Phone 1536. (70¢) Lost WHITE KITTEN LOST MONDAY, north' Mary Street district. Finder please phone 319. Reward. (70c) Wanted WELFARE SALVAGE DEPART- ment donations wanted. Beds, stoves, furniture, anything useful for needy families. Paper, rags, ete. Collected. Please phone 639. (1Nov.c) Psychic Reading SCIENTIFIC PALMIST, TEA LEAF interpretation, and cards, by Elsie. Phone 25, Oshawa, (100ct.c) 46 Kenneth, 2595. '90ct.c) ONE USED STOVE OIL BURN- er, 7 or 8 inch preferred. Box 908 Times. (68¢) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR iron, 'metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station. (160ct.c) WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR rags, scrap metal and iron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (TNov.c) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store, 56 King West. Phone 1030. (4Nov.c) FURNITURE AND STOVES wanted, cash paid, or will accept trade-in on new furniture. Brad- ley"s Furniture Store, 140 Simcoe South. (260ct.c) Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing. Estimates free. J. Pigden, 54 Willlam St. East. Phone 3148. (1Nov.c) Dressmaking DRESSMAKING AND ALTERA- tions done at 110 Alice St. (3Nov.c) Caulking and Weatherstriping HAVE YOUR HOUSE CAULKED and equipped with metel weather- strip. Guaranteed to stop drafts and leakage; including casement wind- ows. Phone 454. T. A. Morgan, (90ct.c) Brantford, Oct: 9--The Inter-City Bowling' League, ladies' section, op- ened its season with the Brantford Arcadians taking a 9-0 licking from Galt. Galt won all three games. C. Weir of Brantford was high lady with a 647 triple. H. Thomson, Galt, scored a triple of 640. HERE 18 YOUR | to | | was a splendid attendance. |-new rector, PT. PERRY LIONS PRESENT GIFT 10 PASTOR MEMBER Rev. J. C. Clough Given Pen and Pencil Set at Farewell (M. Cockburn, Corr.) Port Perry, Oct. 65.~Miss May Cockburn, and Miss Nellie Porter spent Sunday with the former's father, Mr, J. C. Cockburn. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pickard have purchased the house on the Avenue occupied by Mr. Gordon Bentley. Rev. J. C. Clough and Rev. T. Huaythorne of Toronto, were guests at Cricklewood Lodge on Sunday night. Mr. Clough conducted the services at the Anglican Church at Fenelon Falls for the past two Sun- days. Read--Patten On Saturday, Sept. 28, a petty wedding took place at the home of the Rev. Joseph Denny of Prince Albert, Ont, when Nora Lucy, daughter of Sgt.-Major and Mrs. Charles Patten of Oshawa, became the bride of Mr. James Read, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Read Sr., of Port Perry. Miss Grace Read, sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaid and Mr. R. Stewart of Uxbridge was groomsman. After a honeymoon trip I to various eastern points, the happy | rouple will make their home in Port Perry. hower for Florence in Oshawa, previous to her marriage. Honor Cobourg Teacher Enlisted In Army Cobourg, Oct. 9.~--Captain Gor- don King, member of the Cobourg Collegiate staft until the mobili- zation of the 3rd-47th Battery, was presented with. a portable radio Monday. The presentation was made by Constance O'Connor on behalf of the. pypils and staff. Mrs. King, wife of the teacher, was presented with a bowl.of flowers and a silver sandwich plate, . WINS LOW NET Brantford, Oct. 9.--Mary Crouch- er won the low net prize in a field day conducted by ladies of the Ar- rowdale Golf Club here. Gladys Shepherd was in second place. Hid- den hole prizes were won by Lorene Martin and Dorothy Freunt, MAIL BACK DOOR TO NAZI AREAS CLOSED BY US Order Forces Letters For Germany and Poland to Face British Blockade Washington, Oct. 9.--The United | States post office department has halted the trans-Pacific shipment of mail for Germany and Poland, which has been handled via Japan | and Asiatic Russia, and ordered it sent through New York and across the Atlantic, The order said mail, "whether or | not specially addressed for dispatch | by some other route," would be sent through, New York. or On September 3, a postal order directed that regular and registered mail for Germany and Poland be "dispatched via Japan and the trans-Siberian Railway," on stégim- ships sailing from San FranciSeo and Seattle. g J An order made public by the de- partment on Monday announced that the September 3 instructions were recinded, effective immediaste- ly. Henceforth, the surface mail for two countries, which are within the confines of the British bleck- ade and censorship, will travel over Atlantic courses. . ory Ep .: Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 7 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH' wi ti RE EI TAT TT A Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunk of Ed- monton, are guests at the home of | | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Boundy (nee Frances Gra- ham) on their marriage on Wednes. | day. On their return from a honey- moon trip they will live in the house | formerly occupied by Mrs. Hughes | on Scugog street, Mr. Ray Henshaw has bought the Harrison house on Crandell street. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Willard have moved into the house on Cochrane street formerly owned by the late willlam Willard. Rev, W. J. H. Smythe has return- ed home after his vacation during which he attended the general council of the United Church at Winnipeg. ! Mrs. M. Murys has returned to | her home in Toronto after spending | about three months with Miss Dea- con, i Mrs. Geo. Kent of Lindsay, was | a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gerrow. | Miss Muriel Cook of Toronto, | spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook. The Church of the Ascension was beautifully decorated for the Har- vest Festival last Sunday. Special music was given by the choir with | solos by Mrs. Frank Mann. There The Rev. Wm. '8tocks, | preached a most helpful sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr and family have moved into the house on Rose | street recently. vacated by Mr. and | Mrs. 8. Thompson. | Mr. and Mrs. Orval Boe and Mrs. M. Boe of Bowmanville*visited | friends in town on Sunday. | Miss Dora Reesor, Toronto, spent | Sunday with her parents, Mr. and | Mrs, F. Reesor. | Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. | Milton Butson on the arrival of a | daughter. | Messrs. Stanley Foster, Glarence | and Burgess Beare, Oscar Bradley, | Keith Hooey, Ted and Cleve Kight | are among those who haves found | work in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, H. Durkin were guests of friends in Port Hope on Sunday. Miss Eva Todd, Mr. Reg. Howitt and Miss Melva Campbell, of To- ronto, visited in Port Perry on Mon. day. . Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Beatty have moved into the Dix house on Queen street. Maple Grove (By Staff Correspondent) MAPLE GROVE, Oct 17.--Beoth services were well attended here on Sunday, in spite of the rainy wca- ther. Our pastor, Rev. W, C. Smith, preached a very helpful sermon and the choir assisted with an anthem. Next Sunday, a Thanksgiving serv- ice will be held here. Our community was shocked on Thursday to hear of the death of Mr. James Hooey, after' only a week's {llnass. The funeral service was held at the church on Saturday afternoon, with his pastor. Rev. W. C. Smith, officiating. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. The sympatiy of the community is ex- tended to his sister, Miss M. Hooey, and other relatives. > Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday and daughter, Greia, visited their son, Elgin, and his family at Siirling, on Sunday. Dr, and Mrs. I. H. Coates and son, Danny, Brantford, spent the week-end with Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. C. D Rogers, Var= couver, and Miss Ileanor Shep- herd, Toronto, visited at C. H. Snowden's, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Laird enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls, on Sunday. A number of our young people were in Oshawa over the week-end attending the Young People's' Con- vention there, Congratulations to Miss Florence Evans on her recent marriage. Sev- eral of her girl friends attended a OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO OSHAWA SUBSCRIBERS OR some years the subscription price of The Oshawa Daily Times, delivered to the homes of subscribers in Oshawa and suburbs, has been maintained at a very low rate. In fact, the pri is, we believe, at present the lowest rate for a daily newspaper in the province of Ontario. It now becomes necessary, owing to generally increased costs or publication, to revise this rate and in doing so, it has been decided in response to many requests to adopt an every-other-week system of col lection instead of the weekly payment basis. COMMENCING WITH MONDAY, OCT. 21st, THE RATE FOR HOME DELIVERY WILL BE FOR TWO WEEKS ce of 10c per week ee Hid A every other week, or by the year. CIRCULATION DEPT., THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, OSHAWA, ONT. I would like to pay my subscription to The Times (to be de- livered by carrier) for one year in advance, at a cost of $5.20. Will you please have your representative call on me, Name ........ Address The first collection under this new arrangement will be made by our carrier boys on November 2nd. This is really only a slight increase over the present rate and still continues to our subscribers a lower rate than those generally in effect throughout the province. the size of Oshawa, daily newspapers are: delivered to homes at a rate of 8c per week, and in some cases 20c per week. the usual rate is 25¢ per week. In order to give present subscribers who desire to do so the op- portunity of taking advantage of the present low rate of 10c per week for a longer period, The Tinces will accept subscriptions_ if paid in ad- vance for one year, up to and including Saturday, October 19th, a $5.20 -- the present rate. After the date mentioned, the new rate will be in effect to new and old subscribers and will apply whether paid to the carrier boy The yearly rate will then be $6.50, so that those paying $5.20 now in advance for one year will save $1.30. In line with the current trend toward the "five-day-week," The Times will continue to publish each week day, except Saturday, and . will endeavour to give its readers a good all round newspaper, giving first consideration to local news and pictures. Subscribers who desire to take advantage of the above offer aie _asked to send or bring their subscriptions to The Times' office, or tele- phone the Circulation Department, or fill out the coupon below and a representative will call. (Mail to Times Office or Give to Your Carrier Boy) OSHAWA, otros 1980: In many cities In western Canada, AMA 0 tt a tt 8 8 A JO or EA 1 000 RRR A

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