Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Oct 1940, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1940 PAGE ELEVEN A Want Ad Will Tell It - Sell It - Trade It or Rent It. Try It! ratios ts Undertaking Articles for Sale "DALTON BURIAL COMPANY Funeral Home - Ambulance Service 75 Charles Street d 1889 Phone 401 Established (230¢t.0) . MEAGHER'S FUNERAL HOME. Prempt day -and nigat service. FP . J. Meagher, Manager, S. J. Strow- Funeral - Director. 117 King st. E. Phone 907. (170ct.c) LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST ; Ambutance Residence 69 King St. E. Phone 210. "M. P. ARMSTRONG AND SON. "proprietors 'Oshawa DBurtal Co Funeral and Ambulance Service "pay and right. Phone 2700. 124 King East. Auditors OSCAR HUDSON AND COM- pany, Chartered Accountants MOFFAT HUDSON AND COM- pany. Trustees and Liquidators Conant and Annis Chamber, T% Simcue Street South. Telephone 4 Head Office. Toronto. Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢. WITH rental $1.00. Called for and de- " livered. Stan Bligdon. 20 Mill St Phone 960 Dental DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS OVER BAS- " gstt's. Special attenuon to X-ray work. Gas extractiun. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1312 DR. R. E. COX, DENTAL SUR- gean, 9 Simcoe N. Phone 233 Hours nine-twelve, one--five-tblirty, evenings by appointment. AN (110ct.c) . C. L. KELL, DENTIST, 26 hy North, X-Ray. Phone 1316. Residence 1462W. (1Nov.c) ment. Photle for prices. 199 Nas- sau street. (tn Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SER- vice. Consult us for any of your Insuranee needs. Successors to G. L. Nélan, 22% King Street East Phone 2686, residence 145. : J. C. YOUNG, GENERAL INSUR- ance. Office ne residence phone ed Phen Street. Legal A. W. 8. GREER, BARRISTER, SoNcitor, ete, 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- dent partner W. OC. Pollard, K.C,, Usbridge, Ontario. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fraser, Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. CONANT AND 'ANNIS, BARRIS- ters, 7% Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa. Phote 4. Allin FP, Annis, BA, LLY. Emest, Marks, B.A. / RD. H : Sohiator, 24% Simcoe North. Phone office 814; residence 3207. "Money to loan. : JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KC. BAR- rister," Solicitor. ' Office 14% King 8t. East, Oshawa. Phone 445 Residence phone 837. = W. EN. SINCLAIR, BA. LLB, KC, and J. C. Anderson, KC, Barristers, etc. Bank of Montreal Building, 20 Simcoe St. North Phone 99. MANNING F. SWARTZ BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King Si. East. Phone 282 Residence 3071J. A. J. PARKHILL, J3ARRISTER etu. Mortgage loans 5% %. Nation- a) Housing Act, 5%. 2¢ Simcoe St. North. (2Nov.c) Cartage MOVING AND DUMP I'RUCKE sand cinders, wood, coal, etc. 70 Colburne Street West. Phone 605 : (130ct.c) Expert Watch Repairing FP. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT. Swiss watchmaker. repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited (th) Radio Service WE SPECIALIZE IN RADIO RE- pairs For reliable efficient service phone Charles Wales, 3350) Tubes tested free. (1Nov.c) Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing, Estimates free. J Piglen. 54 William St East [Phone 3148. (1Nov.c) Shoe Repairing. Loe A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE. 2 aalf soling. cleaning, dye-' 2. etc . Fast Service, Phone 362 We Cell and Deliver. Modern 'Shoe "" r. Jack Read, 83 SimeHe Streat No:th, (1Nov.c) -- LADIES INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- ing All work guaranteed. Call ar? del'ver Phone 2673R. W licen, 9 Athol West, (1Nov.c) QUEBEC HEATER IN.GOOD CON- dition. Apply 51 Burk St. upstairs, (66¢) LADY'S C.C.M. BICYCLE AND Muskrat coat, size fourteen-sixteen, cheap. Both in Al condition. Nassau St. 8 56 (66a) | 3 HEAVY DUTY 30 x 5 TRUCK tires, small mileage. Powell's Super= test, North Oshawa. (66a) QUEBEC stove, sideboard. dining room table, medicine cabinet, bread mixer, bed room stove. Cheap for quick sale. Apply 636 Sommerville Ave. 6 PIECE BREAKFAST SUITE, and kitchen oabinet. COOK STOVE, ALMOST NEW, Apply after 5 to 155 Brock St. East, '| overcoats, size 38, $5 each; 2 steel 8, "BARRISTER, || ene-'al opening offer, everything in studio 'drovside couches. beds, tubula? steel cols, dronback dav couches, rivng, South. NEW FURNITURE STORE, HEATER, KITCHEN crockery, tent, coleman (66a) Apply 168 Arthur St. (66a) (66a) 1 BOY'S OVERCOAT, ALMOST new, size 12, Apply 318 Colborne St. E. (66a) FOR SALE -- C.CM. BICYCLE, used only one year. $17.50. Hut- chison Auto Parts, 102 William E. (65¢) 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, washer, electric stove, folding go- cart, kitchen table, enamel top. 172 Park Rd. S. (66b) ONE THREE BURNER COAL-OIL stove, one coal heater, one single barrel shot gun. Apply 751 Gif- ford St. (65¢) RED WING "THE BETTER Apples", delivered to your door twice weekly. Phone before 5 p.m. Monday or Thursday for delivery the following day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Oshawa 1665. (250¢ct.c) DON'T SUFFER FROM RHEUMA- tism, constipatirn, and minor kidney troubles. Use Karn's Ah- Are you letting business escape? Why not do what other alert Oshawa merchants do -- catch more of it with Daily Times Classified Ads! more customers at little cost. fied with the results you get. self! Call 35 and ask for an Ad-taker! Articles For Sale CLOTHING, Size (66b) GIRLS' WINTER sweaters, in good condition, 12-14. Phone 1962J. PIANO, MASON RISCH, 37" high, slightly used. Special low price. 80 Simcoe St. North. Charles H. Peacock. (66a) Wa-Go Herbs--the remedy that has brought relief to many. 235c pack- age. At Thompson's Drug Store. (51t1) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS. Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. Gearge Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. : ONE GENDRON PRAM, EXCEL- lent condition, 521 Simcoe Street North. Phone 2022W. (270ct.c) ONE KITCHEN CABINET, $15; bed complete, $4; drop leaf table, $2. Apply 315 Leslie Ave. (66a) ONE WALNUT FINISH DOUBLE bed, $7; one child's green coat, ten years, $1; two men's raglan style suitcases, "8 each: 72 Rigen Rd. SC DINING ROOM TABLE wrta leaves, very cheap. Mack, 33 Ar- lington Ave, (66a) T80Ct.e) Fgentieman, (66a)-4 Hillside Ave. Phone 104TW. PIANO, NEWCOMBE WALNUT, good condition. Price $25. 80 Simcoe St. North, Charles H. Peacock. (66a) For Rent FOUR ROOMS, VACANT OCT. 5th, also fodder corn for Phone 975J. FOR RENT --- house. Rent reasonable. 863. SINGLE ROOM FOR BUSINESS comfortable, garage. Apply 184 Elgin St. E. (85h) ROOM DOWNSTAIR FLAT, hot and cold water. Apply 217 65¢) (66c) SIX ROOMED Phone (65¢) FIVE ROOMED HOUSE WITH garage, all conveniences, 461 Jarvis Apply 122 Barrie Ave, evenings. on Oct. 186. (85¢) TWO GQODYEAR AUTO TIRES, 525 x 19, in good shape--$4.50 pair. 72 Buckingham Ayenue. (66a) Pc LARGE floor room, conven} BRIGHT GROUND also single room, Central, 43 Elgin ONE MOFFATT ELECTRIC range, four burner. Apply Bint's Foundry, King St. West. Phone 3078. (668) LAWN ROLLER, GAR HEAFER | with defroster. Apply 213 Arthur St. Phone 2021J. < (66b)' MUSKRAT COAT: ALSO BLACK cloth: coat fur colfam, 2 light fix+ 'tures. All in good 'cendition. Cheap. Phone 2857W. (86a) TRADE IN SPECIALS! COME early for these bargains. Chester» field suite, $3; Couch, $2; Cup=- board, $2; Heater, $8; Divenette, $4; Beds, $1; Dresser, $3; Chesterfield suite, $9; Chesterfield, suite, $15; kitchen cabinet, $9; dining room suite, $29. Like new. Wilson Fur- niture Co., 20 Church. (66b) GREY ' BROADTAIL COAT, SIZE 40. Brown caracul, 18; black tweed, 40; 3 piece girl's blue set, size 2. Sell cheap. 38 Elgin West. (66a) CLARINET FOR SALE, B FLAT, Beohm-system, good condition, cheap. Phone 1146M after 6:30. (66a) STUDIO COUCHES OF QUALITY in velour and heavy repp, featuring walnut on chromium arms, inside spring construction throughout, back support, and large wardrobe compartment. Dire¢t from factory show room. Easy payments if de- sired. Save 207 at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. South. Y SINGFR SEWING MACHINE, 212 Gibb Street. (66a) LINOL OLEUM AND CONGQLEUM rugs. Select yours from. over 300 ratterns actually in stock. You ~rn invited to view these at PRADILEY"S New Furniture Slore. 155 Simcoe South. (220ct.c) 1 MASON RISCH "BABY GRAND pisne, bzautiful burl French wal- nut. Will sell for less than half, Apply 287 Arthur Street. (66a) BEDDING SHOP PR ADT. EY' "gS bedding, inner spring mattresses; couches, . cribs, complete; angle iron. high riser. and all blade bed Bradley's, 136 = S'mcos (60ct 0), : Tigard Ho R.: Luke. or phone 169. veniences, Phone 1718. '2 UNFURNISHED, ROOMS, BATH- room flat, 612 Christie St. Rs AEE SE 6° ROOMED HOUSE, ences, by Nov, 1. Apply 450 Stirling Ave. St. E (64c) NOVEMBER 1ST, HOT WATER heated six room duplex, hardwood re, electric stove and Kendal Ave. near Collegiate. Adults only. APY 3; (64¢) GHT WARM ROOMS, light housekeeping. 146 (1Nove) UNFURNISHED rooms near Motors, also electric cable for sale. Call after five. 340 Ritson Rd, N.. (INov.c) SINGLE, PURNISHED, 476 AL- bert 'Street. Apply Princess Res- faurant; King Street West. (270ct.c) TWO BR suitable Ic Hist St. E. 2, BRIGHT COSY UPPER DUPLEX, 4 ROOMS heated, separate entrance and cellar, for moderately quiet people, no children, 93 Alexandra Street, (270ct.c) ELECTRIC small Ap- (66a) ELECTRIC STOVE, washer, child's cot, dresser, tables, etc. Privately owned. ply 196 'Athol St. E. 3 ROOM, STEAM HEATED apartment, light housekeeping, all conveniences. ' Possession October 15. 1502W. 728 Simcoe 8. (240ct.c) WHY NOT 'MOVE INTO AN apartment now and save the ex- pense" of heating and keeping up a house, as well as the work of looking after it. See Bradley Brothers for apartments. (240ct.c) FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, FUR- nished, unfurnished, ground floor, lawn, children welcome, Phone Whitby 350. (66a) SIMCOE MANOR, LOVELY apartment building, 1 4-roomed and 1 5-roomed, newly decorated, everything 'modern. See caretaker g (5Sept.tf) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 4 AND 35 room apartments; all modern con- (9Sept.tf) enclosed $25 monthly, (66a) CONVENI- Large garden. (66¢) 156 Simcoe St. South. (220¢cte) CHOICE MILK FED ROASTING Chickens. a entraiice. after 6. ROOMED - FLAT, SEPARATE Appy * 286 'Nassau St. (66¢) Phone 823R2. (86a), PIANO, modern, geod condition' 80° Simcoe St. North. ENNIS MAROGANY, Price $3 FURNISHED. BEDROOM, PRIV- ete. home, 'business district, 32400. Phone (66c) Charles H. Peacock. (66a) FOUR ROOMS, GROUND FLOOR, garage, Aply 309 Gibbon St. (66b) sale. | | veniences, { ONE all | | mons Bed for sale. It's a simple way to get You'll be more than satis- Why not prove it for your- For Rent 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS IN | quiet private home, pleasant sur- roundings, suit gentlemen. Board if desired. 46 Kenneth. (66¢) | four roomed, for October 1. Apply | caretaker on premises, or Bradley Bros. 169, 3 ROOM BATH FLAT, 325 CELINA St, heat, light and water included. Continuous hot water. $18 month. (66¢) COMFORTABLE gentleman, Phone 1935W. 2 UNFURNISHED "ROOMS, CON- washer, no objection to Vacant. Phone 2152W. (66b) ROOM breakfast if desired. . (66a) one child. 2 OR 3 PURNISHED OR PARTLY furnished rooms, for light house- keeping, central. Adults. Garage. 134 Alice St. LARGE FURNISHED breakfast heating "ROOM, ~ Phone 19627. OR 2 UNFURNISHED rooms, heat, light, water, Phone (66a) ! BUTL, DING, SUITABLE FOR workshop, double garage, storage, can be heated. 73 Division Street. Phone 978M. (66a) For Sale or Rent SMALL BRICK HOUSE, $2200, $500 down, balance as. rent Vacant October 15. Apply Box 906 Times (66c) Board and Room ' | youna VICTORIA APARTMENTS, ONE | (50ct.c) | FOR | (66a) | if desired. Hot water | (66D) |; Help Wanted Male or Female NOW IS THE TIME TO QUALIFY for a Government job as Clerk, Postman, Customs' Clerk, Steno., etc. Four Deminjon-wide éxams held since war began. Free Booklet, M.C.C. Schools Ltd, Toronto 10. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. (Wed. Fri. tf) Female Help Wanted RELIABLE COOK, GENERAL, 22- 40. Wages $35 per month, Apply Mrs. R. R. McLaughlin, R.R. 1, Osh=- awa. (66b) WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 271 Simcoe St. N. (65b) EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL. Apply 231 King St. E. (65¢) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, ONE who will consider good home to high wages. All conveniences, A real home, out of town. Urgent. Box 830 Times. (63d) Male Help Wanted | young GENTLEMAN, STEADY work in Shoe Store, also boy for Saturdays. Box aa after school and on | | Apply giving experience if any. [i 832 Times. 1 [| | Work Wanted | W. MH. "CAMPIN, FOR 22 YEARS gardener and caretaker to F. W. in need of | take job as | ete Cowan, is desperately employment. Would Janitor, Caretaker, Watchman, | Moderate wages. St., Oshawa. | | Wanted COUPLE to share home Phone 1604W. OR wanted with sol- | dier's wife. i WELF FARE ¢ ment donations stoves, furniture, anything useful | for needy families. Paper, rags, etc. | Collected, Please phone 638 SAL VAGE DEPART- wanted. (INov.c) | Wanted To Buy ~ TRICYCLE, © LARGE be in good condition (66a) CHILD'S size. Must Phone 1272W, TRUCK WANTED, AT ONCE, TON | or ton and half, stake body, about '35 or '36, Will pay cash. Phone 629. (66¢) | USED GRAMOPHONE OR VIC- trola in good condition. This must be very reasonable. . Phone 1721R. (66a) 12 GAUGE SHOT-GUN, PUMP OR Apply 93 Louisa St (66a) double barrel. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, C.N.R. Station. WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR rags, scrap metal and fron. Annis./ Phone 2423M. for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store, 56 King West. Phone 1030. (30ct.c) FURNITURE AND DOUBLE OR SINGLE ROOM with board, gentlemen preferred. Box 835 Times. (685¢) ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home. Home privileges. 10 min- utes to Four Corners. Apply Box 902 Times. (66a) ONE LARGE ROOM WITH board for two young men close to Motors. Also 3 piece double Sim- Phone 2678W. (65¢) ONE OR 2 BOARDERS WANTED, in private 'home, all conveniences, 134 Ritson South, (66a) ROOM "AND BOARD FOR 2 gentlemen. Phone 1468J. (66a) Motor Cars For Sale 1930 BUICK SEDAN, CHEAP. Second Ave. LATE "29 BUICK COUPE, GOOD condition. $65. 62 Emma St. (64c) 1934 LIGHT SIX STUDEBAKER sedan, perfect condition, tires, motor, etc. Apply 97 Buckingham Ave, (64c) CHEVROLET TRUCK PANEL, "33, excellent condition $125. Apply 29 Orchard Drive, Harmony. See Pat Kelly. (210ct.c) '35 FORD TWO TON TRUCK, stake body for sale or exchange Good condition. 225 Fourth Ave. (64c) 238 65¢c) 31 M MAPLE LEAF TRUCK, DUAL wheels, dump. Cheap for cash, Powell's Supertest, North Oshawa. (66¢c) STUDEBAKER _ SEDAN, Price $65. (66b) 1931 good tires and motor. R. H. Miles, 36 Gibbon St. 32 FORD V8 COACH, RADIO AND Discount for cash, (66a) heater. $225. Phone 2625W, REE San EN ------ 3¢ PLYMOUTH good condition, accept cheaper car as part payment. Apply 316 Haig Street. Phone 1968R. . (66a) Landscape Designing oh NEW HOME OWNERS! LAWNS, trees, shrubs, 'bulbs, flag walks, etc. Pall fertilizing of trees and lawns. Phone 2178). (100ct.c) ~ OABRIOLET, trade-in on new furniture. Brad- ley's Furniture Store, 140 Simcoe South. Beds, | | | Auction Sale HAVING BEEN INSTRUCTED to sell by public auction on Satur- day, Oct. 5, 1940, at 77 Drew St. Oshawa, the household goods of the Estate of the late Richard Bennett, consisting of Chesterfield suite, din- ing room suite, 2 couches, sewing machine, 2 bedroom suites, electric stove and annex, kitchen table and chairs, dishes and cooking utensils, bedding, rugs and mats. Other articles too numerous to mention, Sale at 1:30 pm. Terms. cash. W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer, (66a) For Sale or Exchange 5 ROOMED COTTAGE FOR SALE, 62 Rose Hill Blvd. Price $1000 Cash. Garage. Will give posses- sion on completion of sale. Double house in Port Perry, 12 rooms, rented at $18.00 a month. Cellar, good well. Price $800, half cash. 68 Acres in Reach Township, 7 roomed house, 2 storey, stone cellar, well and cistern. Barn 50 x 45, stone stable, implement barn, 30 x 20, all workable level land. Owner will consider house in Oshawa. Free from encumberance. Farm clear. Price $4000. Possession at once. 65 Acres in Whitby Twp., 60 acres workable clay loam, well fenced. Barn, straw and hay barn, stone stable, good well, drive house, lum- ber and material to build house. Price $2800, will take clear house in Oshawa. About 5 acres bush. 2 Acres in village of Blackstock, good frame house, stable and drive | house, well and cistern. Price $1000, half cash. Address, 87 John | House and barn 1 acre on paved (64c) | road near Blackstock, $800, $500 I'eash, | 66a) | { [ | { | | | - | bungalow, | teen dollars monthly, | SPLENDID back | (i80ct.c) | house 202 | (70ct oc) | HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID | | estate, [large | 1473W or 1882W. STOVES | wanted, cash paid, or will accept |. | SCIENTIFIC PALMIST, TEA LEAF (260ct.c) | General Store, Myrtle, will change for house in Oshawa. "GIRL | W. J. Cook, Box 47, Myrtle Station, Ont. Phone 120R2, Port Perry. (66a) Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE -- SMALL ply 216 Park Rd. N. Phone 962. (84c) 3 SMALL HOUSES, NORTH END of Montrave. 3, 4 and 5 rooms. 1 cottage, 'Park Rd, near King, rooms. 1 workman's home, Fair- leigh Ave, 4 rooms, sun room, and plastered rear porch. These houses are chean, 50 why pay rent? Aoply | (66a) $225 --FIVE "ROOMS, RUG BRICK $225 cash, balance six- and taxes. £2500--S8ix rooms, Church Street, $300 cash, balance $20 monthly, and taxes. Listings wanted Jones Real Estate, Ten Prince St. r Watkinson, 92 Church St. (3Nov.e) | "BRICK 6 ROOM house on Arthur Street, throughout. $3200--terms oak floors 100 Acres, basement barn, 7 roomed furnace, bush, creek. Ex- change on Oshawa house. We still have a number of good buys in houses C. H. French, Ontario Street. BURKE STREET, TO CLOSE 7 rooms, hot air heated, metal garage. Telephone (57,61) 184 Psychic Reading interpretation, and cards, by Elsie 46 Kenneth, 2595. (90ct.c) Wanted to Rent { couple with one child by Nov. | Box 903 Times. (66a) | l7 OR 8 ROOMED HOUSE, ALL conveniences, central, will | Phone 1340W, (66a) LARGE BED-SITTING ROOM, rorth-east district. Apply Box 901 | Times. (66b) 3 OR 4 ROOMED APARTMENT or flat by young couple, by Nov. 1. Must be clean, hardwood 'floors, electric stove, situated away from trains. Full particulars Box 839 Times. (85¢) SMALL HOUSE FOR NOVEMBER 1st by young couple, clean, reliable tenants. Phone 3074J. (85¢) 6 OR i; 7 ROOMED HOUSE, "ALL conveniences by Nov. 1. Phone 1934W, (85b) Dancing Instruction "DANCE FOR HEALTH". BETH Weyms, Masonic Temple, Satur- days. Tots, children, adults. Latest New York dances. Free health class. Dramatic club. (160ct.c) Caulking and Weatherstriping HAVE YOUR HOUSE CAULKED and equipped with metal weather- strip. Guaranteed to stop drafts and leakage; including casement wind- Cws. Phone 454. T. A. Morgan. (90¢ct.c) Painting and Decorating PHONE ER 1] LITTLE, 271T"W FOR painting and decorating needs. Prices reasonable. Estimates free. (210ct.c) Financial WE PURCHASE MORTGAGES and agreements secured by suburb- 2n and rural property Phone North Shore Realty Co., 80. Osh- awa, A (60cte) 3 OR' 4 ROOMED HOUSE, BY SEND YOUR WASHING TO 1. | Beatty Laundry and have it lease. | Laundry done the modern way by the best equip- ment on the market--which pro- longs the life of your clothes--saves vou money and worry. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery. Phone 2043J. (160ct.c) Radio Licenses | RADIO LICENCES 1! MAY BE OB- 136 Elgin (66a) tained from N. J. Stocks, St. E. Dressmaking DRESSMAKING AND ALTERA- tions done at 110 Alice St. (3Nov.c) Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service. Oshawa Real Estate Co. Phone 25, Oshawa, (100ct.c) Personal MEN! WANT NORMAL PEP, VIM? Try OSTREX TONIC tablets. Stimulants and oyster concentrates aid to normal pep. Results with first package or maker returns low price. 'Call, write Jury & Lovell in Oshawa and all other good drug stores. (6Nove) Saddle Horses CEDAR WILD RiDING ACAD- amy, Rossland Road and Mary St. Trained horses for beginners and children. Phone 375J. (90ct ¢) Lumber DON'T WAIT UNTIL COLD weather for storm, sash, and com- binaticn doors. Everything in lum- ber., W. Victor Peacock, 341 Rich- mond East. Phone 3310. (120ct.c) Lost LADY'S BLACK PURSE, TUES- day evening,' vicinity four corners. Please return to 80 Church St. or 9 King St. E. Reward. (65b) HOUSE | with rarage. Buckingham Ave. Ap- | 4 (86a) | Bought and Sold USED CLOTHING STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed. We carry a big stock of gentlemen's suits. pants, men's fall and winter coats, ladies' fall and winter coats. Sold very reasonably. Samuel Schwartz, 21 Bond West. (90ct.c) ENGLISH LETTERS BRITISH SCIENTISTS AT CANADA'S SERVICE An English scientific laboratory offers Canadian farmers a unique service without charge. Any farmer in Canada can now post to Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, England, speci- mens of 3 crop failure for examin- ation. In due course he will receive a report indicating with mathe- matical precision the chemical defi~ ciencies that resulted in failure, Experiments have proved that failure is often due to the presence or absence of minor elements of the soil, some gocd for growth, some bad. For example, a lack of minute amounts of boron has been found to produce the swede and turnip disease known as "brown heart" in Canada and "mottle heart" in New Zealand. Tn South Australia a dis- ease like 'grey speck" has affected barley crops deficient in mangan- ese. Plants sent to Rothamsted for diagnosis gre burned and the ash is made incandescent. The spectro- scope then records photographical- ly the chemical constituents of the ash. These photographs reveal the presence or absence of minor ele- growth. From the report, which comes back to him, the farmer will know | what steps hs must take to rectify | the condition of his soil, . WORLD'S LONGEST JOURNEY The longest journey in the world | has been covered by the Cashmir goods sent during the last six | months from Scotland to the Ar-| gentine. It began In the Tibet. Chinese merchants still. trav- | el by camel from Tientsin to Tibet | over the road once trod by Marco | Polo, the Venetian merchant ad | venturer of the thirteenth century. | | They go to buy from mountain herdsmen the fleece of the Tibetan | goat It is the lightest wool in the | world. From Tientsln the wool is ship- | ped in bales to Scotland. In Ha- | wick it is spun and knitted into garments which are then shipped to Buenos Aires. The en"ire journey, | by camel, ship, and railway train covers 15,000 miles. In the last six months the Ar- gentine has taken from Scotland | more Cashmir goods than in. the previous twelve, Today smart women in Buenos | Aires can amuse themselves as did | the great ladies of the 8th century with their vast shawls of Indian | silk. "ing ring: one of the most popular [of these jumpers welghs only 2% oz. A few years ago the demand In the Argentine was for the heavier weights. Central heating has chang- ed that, and lightweights are today the vogue. The stand collar, intro- duced three years ago, is standard now and this season's popular shades are bottle or tartan green, jade wine, marina, Royal blue and mauve. --Robert Williamson. ANOTHER AIRPORT 10 GOUNCIL MEET Whitby Township Cotmndil Assures Winter Road to Site on fario, Township Whitby, Whitby October Council 8 -- port at Ottawa an undertaking to maintain a winter road to an air- port site which was discussed at the Council's last meeting at Brook- lin, the location of which, however, was not disclosed by the Council, although Two representatives of the De- partment of Transport addressed the Council, and after listening to co-operation was pledged. Council authorized the clerk to notify the Department at Ottawa to this effect. received. It was revealed that the Council { might also consider closing a por- [tion of the road in question, said to be in the vicinity of the Base Line. The matter may be further dealt with at the next meeting of Council, The only announcement coming from the meeting at Brooklin' was contained in one of the minutes which read as follows: "Two offi- clals of the Transport Department hed certain information presented to the Counoil in regard to the es- tablishment of an airport municinality. The clerk was auth- has | given to the Department of Trans- | in this | mountains of | They can take a Braemar | Jumper and draw it through a wed- | PRESAGED BY VISIT | it was admitted that it was in the Township* of Whitby. | what thet had to say. the Council's | and acknowledge- | ment of this letter has now been | orized to notify these officials that | the Council was willing to co-oper- | ate as far as possible in keeping ' the road to the proposed airport in proper condition." , Change Tax Collection System The Township Council at the same meeting in Brooklin discussed the question of making tax collec. tions twice a year, instead of once as at present, and it is expected that at the next meeting more definite action will be taken. Two collections instead of one would benefit both the taxpayers and the township. TWINS AT DRAPER HOUSE Toronto, Oct. 3.--~Jack Draper, veteran defense stalwart for last season's Toronto Goodyears Hockey Club, and a well-known figure in local snorts circles, became the father of twin boys Wednesday. The Draper lads arrived at St. Michael's College Iiospital Wednes- day morning. Mother and father were reported doing fine, according to a communique from Moose Ec- clestone, former Goodyears marae ger. DOUBLE GREAT WAR OUTPUT' "In 1941 Canada will be producing rxplcsives at an annual rate more than twice as great as the enti» production of this country in the Great War."--Hon. C. D. Howe. €00D STORE FOR RENT Cor. RITSON RD. & KING E. Vacant Now APPLY MR. J. SAMMUT | 148 Simcoe St. S. Phone 2294 oo | ments that assist or retard healthy | » Eyesight Specidliss. ORTHOPTYIC TREATMENTS Dismey Bldg. Opp. P.O. @uhawa, Phone 1516 - Residences, BRA When in Need of Drugs Call FOWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY ro, ce 4a We re Let us r Save the pleces! broken lenses, broken frames. Bassclts JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Main Corner WATCH REPAIRING Let us repair your Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, etc. Work Guaranteed. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELLER 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 189 Karn's Drug Store FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 NEXT P, O. Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED PHONE 1246 Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Armstrong Fuels Coal - Coke - Wood PHONE 272TW OFFICE: 59 CHURCH ST. We Treat You [] The Year O T0 A MARRIED MAN WHO WANTS T0 BUY A HOME Would you like to bes able to buy a home for your wife and family? Do you want a responsille income, with security, in work that compensatss you directly for the results you ol't:in? We are providing such an oppo:-tunity for someone. We need an amb tious salesman to sell new and used cars. We provide rales training ani otherwise co-operate with cur men to insure their su::e-s. Apply to the Sales Manager, Ontario Motor Saies Ltd. Oshawa, Ont.

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