DSHA VES , FRIDAY JULY 12, dud [IVEY RAL = 3 Led od SX 0d 18 ETE INR NN =X SS dd SR YL BE NY. Sd Articles for Sale "OSCAR HUDSON AND COM- pany, Chartered Accountants "MOFFAT HUDSON AND COM- "pany. Trustees and Liquidators Conant and Annis Chamber. 7% Simcoe Street South. Telephone 4 Head Office, Toronto. 9. PE [PS OVER BAS- MSpetar-attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction Nurse in attendapce. Phone 959. House 1312 'DR. R. EE COX, DENTAL SUR- igean, § Simcoe N. Phone 233 {Hours nine-twelve, one--five-thirty _ Jevenings by appointment. Ly (11Aug.c) / DR. C. L. KELL, DENTIST, 26 : Simcoe North, X-Ray. Phone 1316. "Residence 1462W. (28Julyc) Hardwood Floors °B. W. HAYNES, BUILDER, "Hardwood floors laid, sanded, finished by experts Latest equip- ment. Phone for prices. 199 Nas- sau street. tn Insurance PEACOCK"S INSURANCE SER- vice. Consult us for any of yow * Insuranee needs. Successors to G L. Nolan, 22% King Street East _ Phone 2686, residence 145. I 3. 0. YOUNG, GENERAL INSUR- CASH OR CREDIT Ollstoves, lawn movers, ice boxes, dining and breakfast suites, werd- robes, kitchen cabinets, desks, dressers, porcelain tables, carpets, also summer cottage furniture and boat. BRADLEY'S FURNITURE STORE, 140 Simcoe South. (4Aug.c) USED JOHNSON OUTBOARD motors. Ontario Motor Sales, Phone 900. (22Julye) SAVE ON PAINT AND WALL- paper at Nelson's, 14 Bond St. West. Phone 841. Free estimates on house decorating. (26Julyc) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. George Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (6Auge) LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S Furniture Store, 140 Simcoe South. (22Julyc) BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP. special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, complete, dropside couches beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's. 140 Simcoe South, (6Aug.c) COOK STOVE FOR SALE, CHEAP for cash. New last Fall. 1423M. (134¢c) 15 FOOT BOAT; 3 BURNER GAS- oline stove, like new; oil stove, um- brella tent; hospital bed; fireplace and screen; Eatonia sewing ma- chine; electric rangette. 140 Sim- coe South. : (134c) ance: Office phone 793, resid * phone 2895. 4% Prince Street. Legal A W. 8. GREER, BARRISTER. Solicitor, etc, 6 King Street East Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- dent partner W. C. Pollard, K.C. Uszbridge, Ontario, MANNING FPF. SWARTZ. BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to Joan. 11 King St. East. Phone 282. Residence 3071J. A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, etc. Mortgage loans 5% %, Nation- a) Housing Act, 5%. 2¢ Simcoe §8t. North. (1Aug.c) AUTOMATIC new guarantee. Was $169., sacrifice WESTINGHOUSE electric -. range, Slightly used. frigerators, 5% and 7 cubic foot size, have original guarantee. Less than 1, price. Don Christian Electric, 38 Simcoe St. North. (135e) PIANO, DOMINION, WALNUT, upright style, good condition. $30. Don Christian Electric, 38 Simcoe St. North. (135e) 50 QUEBEC COOK STOVES FROM $495 up. Some of our cook stoves have been used only a few months. Don Christian Electric, 38 Simcoe St. North. (135e) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND or, Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- 'ters, 7% Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa. 'Phone 4. Allin P. Annis, BA, LLB. Emest Marks, BA. JR. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER, 'Sohaitor, etc, 24% Simcoe North. iPhone office 814; residence 3297. pMoney to loan. JOSEPH P, MANGAN, KC, BAR- 'yister, Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone #45. Building, 20 Simcoe St. North. Phone 99. Undertaking MEAGHER'S FUNERAL HOME. Prompt day and night service. F. J. Meagher, , 8. J. Strow- ger, Funeral Director. 117 King St. E. Phone 907. (17Julye) . M. FP. ARMSTRONG AND SON, © proprietors Oshawa Burial Co. Funeral and Ambulance Service. Day and night. Phone 2700. 124 King East. LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance. Residence 60 King St. E. Phone 210. Cartage MOVING AND DUMP TRUCKS, sand, cinders, wood, coal, etc. 70 Colborne Street West. Phone 605. (13Julyc) Mortgages MONEY TO LOAN ON OSHAWA _or other property. Mortgages now in force purchased. H. C. Higgin- botham. 19 Ontario St. Phone 328. (28Julyc) 'Expert Watch Repairing PF. A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT - Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited. tn * Lawn Mowers Sharpened ' LAWN MOWERS, CALLED FOR and delivered by J. W. Minard, 104 Celina Street. Phone 1048). Work guaranteed. (26Julyc) Lawn Mowers LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED hollow ground for long service 75c. Work guaranteed. Parts and re- . pairs. Called for and delivered. ~ Biater Brothers, Oshawa. Phone G11. (2Aug.c) SOLID WALNUT HALL CLOCK, height six feet, perfect time-keeper. Real bargain. Phone 2725J, 5 to 7. (136a) TWO BEATTY WASHERS FROM $15.00. Don Christian Electric, 38 Simcoe St. North, (135e) Work Wanted STUCCO AND Phore 1412M. (18Julyc) PLASTERING, General repairs. WELLS DUG, PUMPS REPAIRED, chimneys, sidewalks built. Charles Dean, 138 Albert. Phone 3241W. (12Julye) COOK GENERAL DESIRES POSI- tion immediately. References. Christian home preferred. Gladys Woodgate, Box 308, Oshawa Mis- sionary College. (136a) EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER, thorough knowledge of bookkeeping, desires work. Temporary or per- manent. Box 404 Times. (136b) Real Estate For Sale $500, 3 ROOMED HOUSE, GIBBON St.; $650, 3 Roomed House, Division St.; 6 rooms, Church St. for rent. Jones. 10 Prince, (25Julyc) HOME, CENTRAL, GOOD CON- dition, 2nd floor always rented, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, no incumbrances, taxes paid, chance for someone. Apply Box 236 Times. (18Julye) $3200, BURK ST., 7 ROOMS, large lot, five hundred cash. Bal- ance easy; $2,150, 5 room bungalow, Summerville; $2,500, five room bun- galow, Warren Ave.; $2,250, six rooms, brick, Church St. Jones, Ten Prince. (27Julye) 5 ROOMED BRICK BUNGALOW, north end of city, newly decorated, hardwood floors, garage. Phone 1467J. (132e¢) LARGE BUNGALOW, NORTH end, hardwood floors throughout, must be sold. Bradley Bros. Phone 169. (135¢) Business Opportunities EXCELLENT BUTCHER BUSI- ness in prosperous city out of Osh- awa. Sickness compels retirement. Apply Box 340 Times. (135¢) Phone | -- at $89. Westinghouse electric re- | Times Want Ads?" "We've been living in a tent since May 1st! ARE you going to start looking for a flat for us in the When For Rent FOR RENT--RADIOS, ELECTRIC fans, electric washers, electric re- frigerators, floor polishers, vacuum cleaners. Don Christian Electric, 38 Simcoe St. North. (135e) OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN the Bradley Block, hot water heat- ing, hardwood floors, nicely decor- ated, well lighted. Bradley Bros. (4Aug.c) | ROOMS BY DAY OR . WEEK; unfurnished light 207 Simcoe (3Aug.c) | furnished or house-keeping rooms. South, between 5 and 7. BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 4 AND j§ room apartments, all modern con- veniences. Phone 1718. (9Julytf) SIMCOE MANOR, LOVELY apartment building, 1 4-roomed and 1 S5-roomed, newly decorated, everything modern. See caretaker or phone 169. (5Julytf) APARTMENT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, bright modern three roomed, private cellar, laundry conveniences, adults only. Rent $25 unfurnished. Phone A. N. Sharp. (16Julye) FURNISHED ROOMS; BED SIT- ting room, ground floor; large front room, twin beds; single rooms. Continuous hot water. 39 Bond West. (12Julye) SMALL SHOP SUITABLE FOR store or office. King St. East, Bow- manville. Mrs. Mary D. Knight, Phone 448, Bowmanville, (133d) 3 ROOMED HOUSE, $11 A MONTH. Vacant now. Apply Box 338 Times. (133d) NORTH OSHAWA, DUPLEX, modern conveniences, electric, new- ly decorated inside and out, double garage, chicken house, large acre- age garden land. N, F. Tonkin, 75 Louisa St. (135b) APARTMENT, 3 ROOMS, BATH, hardwood, laundry, continuous hot water. Central location. Summer months $22. August 1st. Oshawa Real Estate Co. Ltd., Phone 25. (134c) APARTMENT FOR TWO, CEN- tral, built-in cupboards, electric stove. All conveniences. Bradley Bros. Phone 169. (135¢) 86 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, ONE mile north of Oshawa on highway. Possession August 1st. All conveni- ences. Phone 1903. (1350) 2 APARTMENTS TO RENT. HEAT- ed, electric range supplied. $18 per month. Don Christian Electric, 38 Simcoe St. North. (135e) 2 ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE, oak floors, furnished or unfurnish- ed. - $25. { July fifteenth to end August. Phone 3244, (136a) 2 OR 3 ROOM APARTMENTS, unheated. All conveniences. $15. and $20. Phone 3244. (136a) 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED COM- plete,. all conveniences, including phone and frigidaire. Phone 3144W. (136a) Summer Cottages AIRY, WELL FURNISHED, SIX roomed cottages, with boats, good beach. Apply George Savinac. Viewlake, Ont. (136¢) FURNISHED COTTAGES WITH boat, $10. and $12 a week. Phone 2745W. (136b) STORE FOR RENT, BOWMAN- ville, suitable for selling auto parts, repairing bicycles and motorcycles. Suitable place for auto wreckers. Practically no opposition. W. J. Martyn, Bowmanville. (136b) Real Estate Money To Loan BT TO LOAN ON FIRST Mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt © Setvice, Oshawa Real Estate Co, 'Phone 25, Oshawa, (10Aug.0) FOR RENT, SALE, OR EX- change, lovely 10 roomed solid brick home, up-to-date in every way. Rented two car garage. Im- mediate possession. Oshawa Real Estate Co. Ltd., Phone 25, (134¢c) Male Help Wanted CARPENTERS FOR CONCRETE form work at General Motors, Osh- awa. Apply H. A, Wickett Co, Contractors, General Motors. (134e) Accounts Collected CENTRAL ONTARIO CREDIT EXCHANGE--"The Home of Col- lections". 3 Simcoe St. South. Accounts coilected; Credit reports. Phone 2330. (4Aug.c) ~4-C.NR. Station. Shoe Repairing LADIES' INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- ing. All work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Phone 2673R. W Allison, 9 Athol West. (28Julyc) A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE, invisible half soling, cleaning, dye- ing, etc. Fast Service, Phone 362. We Call and Deliver. Modern Shoe Repair, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe Street North. (30Julye) Tenders Wanted ing, excavating and School 8. 8. No. 4, Whitby. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply Secretary, J. A. Grant, Myrtle. (135¢) Spraying PAINT -- WHITE WASH Oshawa Spraying Service. Phone 1855. (3Aug.c) . Wanted To Buy HIGHEST PRICES PAI' FOR iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back (16Julyc) WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR rags, scrap metal and fron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (TAugce) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store, 56 King West. Phone 1030. (3Aug.c) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN- tlemen. Nice locality. Every con- venience. Central. Phone 1943W. (10Aug.c) BOARDERS WANTED, CENTRAL All conveniences. Phone 2055. (3Aug.c) DIAMOND WRIST watch, between Golf Links and Buckingham Manor. Reward. 15 Buckingham Apartments. (135b) ANYONE KNOWING THE whereabouts of a cream flat bottom boat missing from Corbett's Point, kindly communicate with C. A. Lamon, 13 John 8t., Oshawa. Re- ward, (136a) LADY'S Personal NOTICE TO OWNERS OF ELECTROLUX CLEANERS BEFORE HAVING REPAIRS OR parts supplied to your Electrolux machine, be sure the repair man is a representative of the Electrolux Company and demand full Electro- lux credentials. Certain persons not connected with our Company have solicited such repair work, charging exorbitant prices. The Electrolux Cleaner and Air Purifier does not need greasing. For repairs or service, call 33 or write Alger Building, Oshawa. (136a) MADAM NEVADA, FALMIST Psychologist, Phrenologist. Hours 11-9. 98 Albert St. (29Julye) MEN! WANT NORMAL PEP, VIM? Try Ostrex tablets. Their tonics, stimulants, oyster elements are aids to normal pep after 40! If not delighted with results first package, maker refunds its low price. Call, write, Jury and Lovell, in Oshawa and all good drug stores. (31Julye) Motors Cars For Sale '35 CHEV. MASTER COACH, WILL consider '20 or '30 as part payment, Apply 247 Quebec. (133¢) Female Help Wanted CAPABLE "HOUSEKEEPER wanted, plain cooking, two adults, Apply to Box 20, Gazette and Chronicle, Whitby. (136a) Financial PERSONAL LOANS For Any Useful Purpose Including Fuel Requirements ONE YEAR TO REPAY APPLY TO NEAREST BRANCH OF The Canadian Bank of Commerce MONTHLY DEPOSITS PROVIDE YOu 12 MO! RECEIVE DEPOSITS OF OTHER AMOUNTS AT PROPORTIONATELY LOW RATE YOUR ESTATE 18 PROTECTED LIFE INSURANCE, WHICH THE BANK ARRANGES WE PURCHASE MORTGAGES and agreements secured by suburb- an and rural property. Phone North Shore Realty Co. 80, Osh- awa. (BAug.c) Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing. Estimates free. J Pigden, 54 William St. East. Phone 3148. (11A4g.c) Room and Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD WANTED for two young men. In private home. Central. to Box 405 Times. Business Course SHORTHAND, SECRETARIAL, accountancy, comptometer, dicta- phone. Classes commencing Tues- day, September 3. Oshawa Business | College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone | Office 1314W, residence 399. TENDERS WANTED FOR RAIS- | remodelling | (9Aug.c) Male and Female Help Wanted NOW IS THE TIME TO QUALIFY for a Government job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc Three Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free Booklet M.C.C. Schools Ltd, Toronto 10 Oldest in Canada. No agents. (Wed. Fri. tf) FRENCH WRANGLE ~ OVER WAR GUILT Fiery Accusations Throw, Assembly. Into Uproar Vichy, France, July 12.--Accus- ations of responsibility for France's defeat threw the national assembly into &n uproar as it voted approval for Prémier Petain to form an au- thoritarian regime for what is left of France. The vote of both Houses was an- nounced &s 569 to 80 with 15 ab- stentions. France thus will shortly have a new totalitarian constitu- tion modeled after those of the axis powers which conquered and ended the Third Republic. Petain was absent and was repre- sented by Pierre Laval, former for- eign minister and proponent in years past of close Franco-Italian relations. Laval sald the constitution would be presented to the people for ap- proval in a nations referendum, but hes did not say how the vote would be conducted in divided, im- poverished France. Germans occupy half the country, France's soldiers are in concentra- tion camps or on the march to them, and most of the French navy is in British possession. Members in both Parlismentary groups sought to place the blame .for France's heavy defeat, and the roots of bitterness were deep, Paul Reynaud, the premier who succeeded Daladler, and who was pushed out of office when he want- ed to continue the war egainst Germany from North Africa, sat impassively, his head turbaned with bandages due to an automobile accident. Tired And Discouraged In a Chamber meeting preceding the national assembly, Herriot, looking tired and discouraged, re- mained silent when an Extreme Rightist, Tixier-Vignancourt, shout- ed: "And you! You let yourself be an accomplice of those who care- lessly brought their country under the heavy heel of their (Germany's) boots. "I accuse you of permitting Paul Reynaud to return here." It was a straage setting where the Third Republic died in this city famous for its mineral water but efforts were made to present hte same pomp as if the meeting was held in the Palais Bourbon in Paris, Faded blue curtains covered most of the cream snd gold room of the casino which less than a year ago was a gaming palace for weal- thy visitors to the rich and power: ful republic. Outside a unit of the Republican State particulars | (136a) | EE dGmm map Ea Guard sounded drums as senators and 'deputies arrived. Few came by automobile, most of them afoot, Most were dressed in formal black. Jules Jeanneney, Senate president, wore a top-hat. Leon Blum, Socialist premier of the Popular Front Government in 1936, whom many extreme Right- ists hold partly responsible for Fremce's defeat, walked up the graveled path to the Casino -- an outstanding figure with his big hat and heavy spectacles. Most of the members wore the little red buttons of the Legion of Honor bestowed on them by the Third Republic which they voted out of existence. Although the number of nega- tive cotes cast were heavier than yesterday's separate meeting of both Houses in which only four voices were raised against the totalitarian measure, the outcome of today's meeting was never in doubt. The correspondent of the Gren- oble newspaper Le Petit Deruphi- notis summed it up thus: "It is no longer an affair of good sense, but simply a procedure -- as one anonymous voice called out 'al! that goes on here is a farce'." Defends Daladier A dramatic defence of former Premier Edouard Daladier and other absent leaders by the elder states- man Edouard Herriot interrupted procedings of the National Assem- bly. Boos and catcalls had greeted the reading of a list of senators and de- puties who had offered excuses for not attending the proceedings. Herriot, former premier and presi- dent of the Chamber of Deputies, ran to the Speaker's rostrum and shouted out a defence of his former colleagues The list included Daladler, Georges Mandel, Cesar Campincht | and séveral others previously re- ported to have sailed aboard the liner Massilia for North Africa. Until today's session their names had not been once mentioned of- ficially since their departure nor was it explained whence their sup- posed messages came, nor where they were now supposed to be. (Late reports were that the Mas- silia, refused a landing at Casa. blanca, still was at sea.) HUN GHAINS DRAW TIGHT ON FRENCH Petain Regime Ignored As Nazis Crack Whip Over People London, July 12.--The Press Asso- ciation said today that British auth- orities are in possession of docu- ments giving evidence that difficul- ties have arisen between the French | government and German forces of occupation. It 'said one document showed the French government had protested an order by German authorities that «il banks make returns of valuables, including gold coin, precious stones, stocks and shares in their keeping and in safe deposit vaults, The French government, it was sald, claimed the order was contrary to the armistice clause holding the French government responsible for administration in occupied terri- tories. An authoritative British statement also charged that Germany is strip- ping occupied territories of virtually all food stocks and raw materials and, as a result, food shortages, pos- sibly fermine, were likely this winter. The statement described strict food rationing established in the German-occupied territories while food was being poured into Ger- many from those regions. The statement said that the use of the little stocks of raw materials left in the occupied territories was se- verely restricted. Many industries particularly those consuming irom, rubber and cotton, needed German permission to operate. In what was an apparent warning to the United States to disregard pleas for food from the occupied countries, the statement said: "Germany will be responsible for the feeding of the territories she oc- cupies. Pleas which may come from the occupied territories almost cer- tainly will be made at the instiga- tion of the German government and if food is allowed there it will be poured into Germany." Greenwood (May E. Brown, Corr. ) Greenwood, July 8--The Women's Association were the guests of the Mt. Zion Association lest Wednes- day afternoon when a very enjoy- able time was spent by all present. Rev. R. W. and Mrs. McVey and daughters, Marion, Evelyn and Carol, and Miss Minnie McVey are holidaying near Enterprise, Ont. The community welcomes Mr, and Mrs. Whalen and family who re- cently moved to the farm lately oc- cupied by the Carter family. Misses Zorah Gee and Mildred Corbett left on Monday to attend summer courses in Toronto. Congratulations on passing their examination for a high.r form in the Whitby High School to Misses Doreen Pegg. Mildred Brown, Mar- ion McVey, Eileen Sadler, Lawrette Pegg, Helen Devitt; and Bob Mc- Vey, Fred Brown and Allan Clark. Last Tuesday afternoon and eve- ning, Mrs. Jane Boyer received many happy returns of her birth- day. Mrs. Boyer was ninety-six years young and enjoys all her fac- ulties and good health for one of her age. Some thirty-five of her nieces and nephews and friends had a birthday supper with her at her own home. Mr. end Mrs. Bordman and grandson spent the week-end with Miss Dyson. The Woman's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Victor Par- kin of Kinsale last Thursday after- noon. Another stewardship study was taken up with Mrs. J. L. Pegg, the president, as leader. Elmer Mutton has enlisted in the R.CAF. He visited friends in the village on Sunday. Miss Jane Miller of Pickering, spent a few days last week with her grandparents, W. W. and Mrs. Gee. The following is the Greenwood Public School report: Grade II-- Marion Carter; to Grade III--Wil- liam Brown, David Hayward, Law- rence Knapps, James McLean, Ken- neth Short; Grade IV--John Devitt, Douglas Knapp; Grade V--Milton Campbell, Ronald Clarke; Grade VI --Edward Knapp, Tom Maguire; Grade VII--Carol McVey; Grade VIII--Earl Campbell, Gerald Clarke, Harold Clarke; Grade IX--(Recom- mended) Evelyn McVey, William Devitt and Melton Walls. Teacher--- William Mef(fey. Most of the farmers are busy with a good hay crop. The sympathy of the community is extended to Freddie Elliott in his loss by death of his uncle the late Thomas Elliott, who died sud- denly after a lingering illness of old age last Tuesday. Defence Minister Approves Movies' War Stamp Drive | Toronto, July 12.--In san official letter to N. L. Nathanson, national chairman of the Win-the-War cam- paign of the Motion Picture Indus- try which has organized special shows in all theatres Monday eve- ning, July 15, to which admission is obtained by the purchase of War Savings Stamps, Hon. J. L. Ralston, C.M.G, D.8.O, Minister of National Defence, has endorsed the drive in the following words: "On 'behalf of the Government, I should like to express to you, and through you to the Motion Picture Industry, our warm appreciation of the effort now being put forward by the Industry to contribute to the success of the Wer Savings Cam- paign. The special film showings which are to be held throughout Canada on Monday evening, July 15, will have, I am sure, a very wide appeal and will serve In a striking way to focus sitention on the campaign. The proceeds from th» showings themselves will be a most helpful contribution, As the project will involve a great deal of work and sacrifice on the Zoi. whITfiNeTon RADIO Sales and Service Oshawa 1438 Night HOW TO OVERCOME ITCHING PILES If you are annoyed with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not neg- lect the same or run the risk of an operation. Any itching, soreness or painful passage of stool, is nature's warning- and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get from Jury & Lovell or any. druggist, a package of Hemroid and use as directed. This formula, which is used internally, quickly re- lieves the itching and soreness and aids in healing the sore, tender spots. Hemrold is highly recom- mended, is easy to use and it seems the height of folly for anyone to risk an operation when a simple remedy, which is so pleasant to use ay be had at such a reasonable cost. ' sense of obligation to them." part of a large number; "of people, 1 should be grateful if you vaaple convey to all concerned, both in Canadas and the United Stetes, our SAD DRA TIME ai TRAIN AND > BUS § CANADIAN NATIO CANADIAN PAGIFIC RA Dally Bool. Sat. Y only' Pool. except Sat. - oun Poo Daily, oh Sunday only. NOB a~~s ETHIE TF 3 PUTED pa West bound Dally. Pool, Dally. Pool, Daily. Pool, except Saf. 355388 oe LIE) TTTTE 11.57 p.m 5.53 a.m. Dally, Pool TORONTO-OSHAWA BUS LINE ve ty (Stand ard, Time) . JAltive Toronto Boiidays 1:10 a.m. Botidays 7:48 pm. 1038 am 11:88 bi Leave Vspawa 545 a m. Daily excel days and . Daily exce, ays and ly am, pan, Daily ' " Saturda Sunday he Holiday Dally . Saturday, Sunds: and Holidays Dail EASTBOUND Leave Toronto Arrive Oshaws 6:30 a.m. Daily except Sun day ana ldays os 83 FR] 38 ne £4 : fi gdEngiss Satusdey only Dail © ©O00ooe Dally -except day and Holidays Da TH ¥ FRE BREREEE ei GMa WN. Ad gg # Dally doy, Sunday , #5 and onder 2 Lm. Dally HE ou ONTO-GANANOQUE BUS LINE (Collacutt Coach Li ov oma Sua CON PP 'UY TTu UDUUEADS 8B 3 o88 2 Armstrong Fuels Coal - Coke» Wood: o rr cu st We Treat "Youd The Year Ld WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF CIGARETTE LIGHTERS Bassotts JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Main Cores * Brantford Roo and Builders' Supp McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, PHONE 1246 WATCH REPAIRING Eli ATT, Waithen D. J. BROWN Guaranteed. WELLER THE JEW 20 Simcoe St. 5. - Phone 189 Fine Watch Repairing "Qur Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Karn's Drug Store FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 NEXT P..0, OLD CAR BARNS |. (CORNER SIMCOE & ATHOL STS.) 19 2" and 3" Planks -- 0,000HaRD. © , 7.00 PER M -- CLEANED BARN TIMBER or rg SIZES 2" x4" any Loos. _ APPLY SALESMAN ON THE JOB -- TEPERMAN N & SONS