Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jul 1940, p. 7

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ES 1 " a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1940 BEAR EES WANE TEE GAR mE a DSCAR HUDSON AND COM- pany, Chartered Accountants MOFFAT HUDSON AND COM- pany, Trustees and Liquidators Oonant and Annis Chamber, 7% Simcoe Street Svuth. Telephone 4 Heaa Office, Toronto. Surveying _P. J. DONEVAN, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor and Civil Engineer, 365 King Street East. Phone 1981. : (10Julye) Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢ WITH rental $1.00. Calle for and de- livered. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St Phone 960 Dental DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS OVER BAS- sott's. Special attention to X-ray work. . Gas extraction Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1312 DR. R. E. COX, DENTAL SUR- gean, 9 Simcoe N. Phene 233 Hours nine-twelve, one--five-thirty, evenings by appointment. (11Julye) DR. C. L. KELL, DENTIST, 26 Simcce North. X-Ray. Phone 1316. Residence 1462W. . (28Julyc) Hardwood Floors B. W. HAYNES, BUILDER, Hardwood flours laid, sanded, finished by experts Latest equip- sient. Phone for 'prices. 199 Nas- sau street. (tf) Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SER- vice. Consult us for any of your Insuranee needs. Successors to G L. Nolan, 22% King Street East Phone 2686, residence 145. J. C. YOUNG, GENERAL INSUR- ance. Office phone 793, residence phone 2895. 4% Prince Street. Articles for Sale TENT, DINETTE SET, PARLOUR || set, child's go-cart, play wagon. Cheap if sold at once. Phone 307J. (131c) PIGS, 6 WEEKS OLD. APPLY, || Pratt, Park Road North, near Ross- || land Road. (131c) CASH OR CREDIT Oilstoves, lawn movers, ice boxes, dining and breakfast suites, ward- | robes, kitchen cabinets, desks. | dressers, porcelain tables, carpets, also summer cottage furniture and |! beat. BRADLEY'S FURNITURE STORE, || 140 Simcoe South. (4Aug.0) USED JOHNSON OUTBOARD motors. Ontario Motor Sales, Phone 900. (22Julye) | SAVE ON PAINT AND WALL- | paper at Nelson's, 14 Bond St. West. | Phone 841. Free estimates on | horse decorating. (26Julye) | PIANO, WALNUT, NEWCOMBE. geod condition. Special July price, | $20. Chas. H. Peaceck, 80 Simcoe North, (1332) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS Estimates furnished without obliga- || tion. George Reid. Phone 2104, 68 Bond West. (6Augc) LEUM AND CONGOLEUM Sefdct yours frem over 500 || pattergs Actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S Furniture Store, 140 Simcoe South. (22Julyc) BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP special cpening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses from $7.95, studio couches, 'cribs, complete, dropside- couches beds Nubular steel cots, oropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's 140 Simcoe South. (6Aug.c) PIANO, MOHOGANY, ENNIS, modern, almost like new. Special July price, $45. Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe North. (133c) BABY'S HIGH CHAIR, IN EXCEL- | LIN rugs. | Immediate possession. | phone 83. | ing room, kitchenette. dry. WOULD YOU TRUST YOUR FUTURE TO A MEDICINE MAN? Not in this day and age you wouldn't. Be confident of the future by making use of the TIMES WANT ADS. | They will help you through difficuliies as they have helped For Rent 6 ROOM HOUSE, NEWLY DE- corated, central location. Apply B. W. Haynes, 199 Nassau St. (131c) MODERN 4 ROOM APARTMENT, 107 Simcoe St. South. Central. Adults only. Tele- (131¢) Also one large room for rent. NEW EXTRA LARGE BED LIV- Adults only. All conveniences. Hot water. Laun- Central. Furnished. 96 Centre. (131c) lent condition. Also go-cart. Apply to 785 Albert St. 1320) : Legal A W. 5. GREER, BARRISTER SoMNcitor, etc, 6 King Street East Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- dent partner W. O. Pollard, K.C. Uxbridge, Ontario. SWARTZ. BAR- rister, Soligitor, Notary. Money tg '10an. 11 King Si. East. Phone 282. ! Residence 3071J. 1 'A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, etc. Mortgage loans 5% %, Nation- a) Housing Act, 5%. 2€ Simcoe St. North. (1Aug.c) CREIGHTON AND etc. Bank of ' GRIERSON, Fraser, Barristers, °* Commerce Building. CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters, 7% Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa. Phone 4. Allin F. Annis, BA, LL.B. Emmest Marks, B.A. R. D. FUMPHREYS, BARRISTER, | So..utor, etc, 24% Simcue North. Phone office 814; residence 3207. Yioney to loan. PINE, OAK, ELM, SLABS AND cord wood. E. R, Walker, 2 miles east of Pontypool. (132b) PIANO, MOHOGANY, MASSON & | Risch, Henry Hetbert console model, | brand new. Special . price this month, $185. Chas. H. Peacock, 80 | $15. kitchen, TWO ROOMS AND BACK unheated, conveniences. Reduction for small services. . Box 334 Times, (131c) | OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN the Bradley Block, hot water heat- ing, hardwood floors, nicely decor- ated, well lighted. ' Bradley Bros. * (4Aug.e) Simcoe North. (1330) | Wanted To Buy | CASH - REGISTER, SUITABLE for service statipn. Box 335 Times. | (131c) HIGHEST PRICES PAIT FOR | iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardalg, Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station. (16Julyc) WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR rags, scrap 'metal and iron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (TAugce) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used {urniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store, 56 King West. Phone 1030 d (3Aug.c) | Shoe Repairing JOSEPH P, MANGAN, KC, BAR- yister, Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phcne 445 Residence phone 837. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, BA. LL.B, KC, and J. C. Anderson, K.C. Barristers, etc. Bank of Montreal Building, 29 Simcoe St. North Fhone 99. Undertaking MEAGHER"S FUNERAL HOME. Prompt day and nigat service. F. J. Meagher, Manager, 8. J. Strow- ger... Funeral Director. 117 Kiag St. E. Phone 907. (17Julye) M. F. ARMSTRONG AND SON, proprietors Oshawa Burial Co Funeral and Ambulance Service Day and night. Phone 2700, 124 King East. LUKE BURIAL ©O. 67 KING ST East. Ambulance. Residence 09 King St. E. Phone 210, Cartage MOVING AND DUMP IRUCKS sand cinders, wood, coal, etc. T0 Colborne Street Wast. Phone 605 (13Julyc) Mortgages MONEY TO LOAN ON OSHAWA or other 'property. Mortgages now in force purchased. H. C. Higgin- botham. 19 Ontario £t. Phone 328 (28Julyc) LADIES' INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- ing. All work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Phone 2673R. W. Allison, 9 Athol West. (28Julye) , A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE, ing, etc. Fast Service, Phone 362. We Call and Deliver. Modern Shoe | Repair, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe Street North. €30Julye) Work Wanted PLASTERING, General repairs. STUCCO AND Phore 1412M. (16Julyc) | WELLS DUG, PUMPS REPAIRED chimneys, sidewalks built. Charles Dean, 138 Albert. Phone 3241W. - (12Julye) WORK WANTED-~HOUSEWORK experienced, day or hour at 20c per | hour. Phone 2798J. (132b) | Personal MADAM NEVADA, FALMIST Psychologist, Phienologist. Hours 11-9. 98 Albert St. (29Julyc) MEN! WANT NORMAL PEP, furniched "or - unfurnished SIMCOE 9 rooms, pleasant surroundiggs. invisible half soling, cleaning, dye- | Simcoe S. Apply 27 Gibbs St. | 5 wood floors, washer, hot wafer supplied. central. Disney. SMALL SHOP SUITABLE FOR store or office. King St. East, Bow- manville. Phone 448, Bowmanville. ROOMS BY DAY OR WEEK, light 207 Simcoe (3Aug.c) heuse-keeping rooms. South, between 5 and 7. MANOR, LOVELY apartment building, 1 4-roomed and 1 5-roomed, newly decorated everything modern. See caretaker or phone 169 (3Junetf) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 4 AND § room apartments, all modern con- veniences. Phone 1718. (9Julytf) APARTMENT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, bright modern three roomed, private cellar, laundry conveniences, adults only. Rent $25 unfurnished. Phone A. N Sharp. (16Julye) FURNISHED ROOMS; BED SIT- ting room, ground floor; large front room, twin beds; singe rooms Continuous hot water. 39 Bond West. i (12Julyc) ADJOINING UNFURNISHED 284 (132b) MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. Apply 56 Warren Ave. (132b) ROOM APARTMENT, HARD- electric rangs and Very L. V. Dis- (133¢) Vacant now. ney. | GEORGE APARTMENTS, 3 MOD- | ern apariments for rent. All con- L.V. (133¢) veniences. Reasonable rent. Mrs. Mary D. Knight, (133d) | -- | 3 ROOMED HOUSE, $11 A MONTH. Vacant now. Apply Box 238 Times. (133d) Wanted To Rent Notice AUCTIONEER, E. J. POMERY, 65 Park Rd. 8, Phone Park Rd, Car- tage. After date I will charge 8% on all household effects in Oshawa. $2.50 on mortgage sales if not sold. if sold 27%. Farm stock and imple- ments sales 1'2%. I solicit your patronage. All phone calls will re- ceive prompt attention. ~(129e) Room and Board . AND BOARD FOR GEN- Nice locality. Every con- Central. Phone 1943W. (10Julyc) BOARDERS WANTED, CENTRAL Al conveniences. Phone 2055. (3Aug.c) ROOM tlemen. venience. Real Estate For Sale $500, 3 ROOMED HOUSE, GIBBON St.; $650, 3 Roomed House, Division St.; 6 rooms, Church St. for rent Jones. 10 Prince. .. .... (28Julyc) HQME, CENTRAL, GOOD CON- dition, 2nd floor always rented, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, no incumbrances, taxes paid, chance for someone. Apply Box 236 Times (18Julyc) $3200, BURK ST, 7 ROOMS, large lot, five hundred cash. Bal- ance easy; $2,150, 5 room bungalow, Summerville; $2,500, five room bun- galow, Warren Ave.; $2,250, six rooms, brick, Church St. Jones, Ten Prince. (27Julye) 5 ROOMED BRICK BUNGALOW, north end of city, newly decorated, hardwood floors, garage. Phong | 1467J. (132e) | LOT ON PARK ROAD NORTH, | near King West. Cheap. Box 8 Richvale, Ont. (133a) Music FIANO ACCORDEON LESSONS given under expert supervision. Lesson fees reasonable. Individual instruction. Apply Mrs. Davidson, 367 Mary St. (131¢) Male Help Wanted { { | | | HES MARRIED MAN TO [ | | | do janitor work night and morning in return for heated apartment, Utilities included. tions. Box 332 Times. pr Ts Female Help Wanted GOOD EXPERIENCED GENERAL servant, one able to wait on table. | Need not apply unless experienced. Phone 72. (133b) State qualifica- (130e) Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service. Oshawa Real Estate Co, Phone 25, Oshawa. (10Julyc) " VIM? Try Osirex tablets. 'Their tonics, stimulants, oyster elements are aids to normal pep after 40! If not delighted with results first package, maker refunds its low price. Call, write, Jury and Lovell, in Oshawa and all good drug stores. (31Julye) Financial DJ small apartment, east end. Box 337 Times. TWO screened verandah, on creek. sonable. Apply Mrs. Fred Good- man, Columbus, OR 6 ROOMED HOUSE, OR (132¢) Summer Cottages SMALL (131c) Expert Watch Repairing FPF A VON GUNTEN. EXPERT Swiss watchmaker. repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited. N tf) Lawn Mowers LAWN "MOWERS SHARPENEL hollow ground for long service 75¢ Work guaranteed. Parts and re- pairs. Called for and delivered Slater Brothers, Oshawa. = Phone 611w. y (2Aug.0) Lawn Mowers Sharpened LAWN MOWERS, CALLED FOR and czl.vered by J W Minard, 104 Celina Street. Phone 1048). Work guaranteed. (26Julyc) WE PURCHASE MORTGAGES 2nd agreements secured by suburb- ean and rural property... Phone North Shore Realty Co. 80. Osh- awa. (6Aug.c) HALIBURTON, FURNISHED CO'T- tages, keach, wood, boat, ice. $12 weekly. Phone 4612, or write Winnet Austin, Haliburton, Ont. screened verandahs, sandy (133a) Notice Pets and Livestock ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, July 9, 1940, IT will nzi he r- tle for any debts contracted in my SIX YORKSHIRE SOWS, last of July. Ont. DUE E. B. Hogle, Columbus, Phone 1655R11. (132¢) name signed, Austin J, West, Spraying (1332) Azcounts Collzcted Phene 1853. PAINT -- WHITE WASH Oshawa Spraying Service. (3Aug.c) CENTRAL, ONTARIO CREDIT | 12ctiong", 3 Simcoe St. South. Accounts collected; Credit reports Phone 2330. (4Aug.c) EXCHANGE "The Home cf Col- | __ Motors Cars For Sale 35 CHEV. MASTER COACH, WILL consider '29 or '30 as part payment. Apply 247 Quebec. (133c) COTTAGES, | Rea- | Electric Service FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC WIR- ing and repairing motors anfl appl:- ances. Call DeGuerre, 1012W. (TJulye) Business Course SHORTHAND, SECRETARIAL, | accountancy, comptometer, dicta. | phone. Classes commencing Tues- day, September 3. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone Office. 1314W, residence 309, (9Aug.c) Notice of Sale BY ORDER OF AN EXECUTION issued out cf the 8th Division Court in the County of Ontario against the goods and chattels of C. A. Miller, Raglan, there will be offered for gale by Public Auction at the Merket Building, Richmond St. W, Oshawa, on Saturday, July 13th, at 11:00 am. D.ST. 11630 Olds. Cabriolet. Terms Cash, W. J. sully, Auctioneer, Percy H. Jobb, Bailiff. (1333) | onto Bridge street west at the Lower ENGLISH MOTHER DETAILS HORROR OF NAZI BOMBING (Continued from Page 1) dren at such time. We soon won't know what our beds sre for, Now that Hitler has got half of Freace he wants to smash our Empire, Our air force is good but we haven't enough war materials, That was the trouble with France and now that we herve to fight this war alone it will be hard and we have to suffer but it's wicked to see the children suffer under the strain. We have to make the children sleep through the day when they should be out in the beautiful sunshine, "Our windows are stuck up with strips of brown paper to stop flying glass and there are heavy fines for the least bit of: light showing. Ds'a is with us. This has put years on him. I'm afraid he won't last long in this. It's a dreadful sensation, Bill. You hear the bombs whistling through the air and wonder whose house it's come to. Your tongue sticks to the roof of your mouth You can't speak. It's like waiting for your doom. We gre all told not to leave our homes but it frightens you so, "We are threatened with invasion, All sign posts have been removed and we are all warned with pam- phlets, We have a pile of different ones, giving instructions. they would give us a gun we'd show them what when they do come. These troops ete dropped from the air like they were in Holland. We can't settle our mind on anything, especially now that the Germans have got France. Too many spies in their government, Bill. We have been let down badly in everything we have done. Not much luck so far but there will be 2 turning point before long tad the end will be in cur favor, Well, Bill, think it over and let me know immediately as there are a lot of formalities to go through. Dad wishes he could be with you at such times. It's as bad for the old as for the young. Your loving sister, NELL. KING ANNOUNCES CABINET LINFLP OF 15 WEWBERS (Continued from Page 1) for External Affairs--Rt, Hon W. L. Mackenzie King. Minister Without Portfolio--Hon. Raoul Dandurand. Minister of Justice and Attorney- Genéral of Canada--Rt. Hon. Ern- est Lapointe. Minister of Public Works and Transport--Hon. P. J. A. Cardin. Minister of National Defense-- Hon. J. L. Ralston. Minister of Pensions and Nation- al Health--Hon. Ian Mackenzie. Minister of National Defense for | 'Alr--Hon, C, G. Power. Minister of Pinance--Hon. J. L. Ilsley. Minister of Pisheries--Hon. J. E. Michaud. ' Minister of Munitions and Sup- If only | ply and Transport--Hon, C. D. Howe. : Minister of Agriculture and Na- | tional War Services--Hon. J. G. | Gardiner. & Minister of Labar--Hon. N. A. | McLarty. | Minister of Trade and Commerce --Hon, J. A. MacKinnon, | Minister of Mines and Natural Rescurces--Hon, T. A. Crerar. Secretary of State for Canada-- Hon. P. F, Casgrain, Minister of National | Hon, C. W. Gibson. | Minister of National Defense for | Naval Affairs--Hon. A. L. Macdon- | ald. | Postmaster-General--Hon, 'W, P. | Mulock. i PROPOSE ROAD FOR TRUCKERS AT BELLEVILLE Name Committee to Plan Route for Transport Traf- fic Through City Belleville, ywy 8 -- Meeting for their last scheduled committes meet- ing of the season, City Council ap- pointed gf special committee to pre- sent the particulars of the proposed highway diversion for transport traffic through the city to the De- partment of Highways. The comit- tee consists of Mayor Glencoe Thompson, Ald, Hary Rolling, Ald. McLean Haig and City Engineer Charles Mott. The proncced diversion would continue -e.¢ ord from tis sherp turn on Dutd:s £. 2. Wei, Ci &h incline down tl:e Devil's Elbow Hill connecting with tha preoart Belle- ville-Picton High: and continu- Ing along Colemcn street south and Revenue-- Bridge. To construct the new truck- wey, it would be necessary to fill in the area immediately east of the cliff along West Dundas street. The proposed new roadway would be approximately six hundred feet long and thirty feet wide, with a 6.5 per cent. grade. Stone and gravel fill would be used under a waterbound macadam road, surfe:e treated. A level grade one hundred and fifty feet long at the top of the incline is to be provided to give trucks an opportunity of stop- ing safely before entering the regu- lar through highway. The new route will also necessitate widening of the corner ¢. West Bridge cttreet ana Coleman street. An estimate of the cost of the en- tire diversion Ras been presented to Council, and it is believed the scheme could be completed for ap- proximately $13,000, of which nearly two-thirds of the cost would be for the fill, The entire matier has been taken up at the repeated requests of resi- dents of West Bridge street and Highland :/enue. A petition bear- ing the names of virtually every householder on the section involved was recently presented to Council asking for the diversion of truck traffic through the city. During the meeting Council em- powered the regional planning com- mittee chairmen and the chairman of street lighting to erect four light standards on the proposed roadway along the east bank of the Moira River. The new lights will be added to the street lighting systemn of the city. BRITAIN CALLS MEN OF 00 CLASS FOR ARMY DUTY { PREMIER INVITES OPPONENTS TO SIT WITHHIS CABINET Proposal Would Give Them | Insight Without Curtail- ing Right to Criticize Ottawa, July 9.--Prime Minister | Mackenzie King, in a surprise mcve | yesterday, invited the Leaders of | the Opposition groups to sit in as | associate members of the War Com- | mittee of the Cabinet, and at the same time retain their right to eri- ticize--a proposal which Mr. Kinz | himself admitted gave "a share of | responsibility without an equivalent | share of power." The offer, which amazed the House of Commons, cam2 after My. King had confessed his failure to induce leading citizens to enter his | Cabinet. It immediately preceded | the naming of three staunch Lib- erals to Cabinet posts. There was no rush on the part of the Opposition Leaders to accept. | Conservative Leader R. B. Hanson sald that such an invitation could be neither lightly refused nor quick- | ly accepted. All three groups will | caucus on the proposals. Wider Offer Conditicaal | The invitation was extended first | to Mr. Hanson and his seat-mate, Hon. Grote Stirling, former Minis- | ter of Militia in the Bennett Goy- | ernment. Conditional upon their | acceptance Mr. King said he might | extend the same invitation to M. | J. Coldwell, Acting C.C.F. Leader and Social Credit Leader J. H | Blackmore. Though, Mr. King insisted that | members of the Opposition groups | would continue free to criticize the Administration as they saw fit even | London, July 8 -- Britain called if the Leaders took an active part. 300,000 men of the bringing the total of men called to more than 3,000,000. For the defense of the British Isles, 1,250,000 men were already | under arms, almost 3,000,000 were training in "broomstick" armies and 5,000,000 in all will be ready to fight by the end of July if the faciories can give them guns. An undisclcsed number of New- foundland heavy artillerymen ar rived in England to-day. A defense zone 20 miles deep had been thrown around the entire east- ern and southern ccasts and 12 regional commissioners had been given absolute powers over the roads to keep them clear of refu- gees and open for troops. Every economic resource was thrown into | actions and the considerations on the fight against any attempt at a | Which those actions were based." starvation blockade. | | [ | | { | | | i 1909 class to | in all discussions of the War Cabi- register for army duty on Saturday | net, there was an obvious reluct- | li ance in the corridors to take any step short of Union Government which might threaten the complete | independence of the Opposition. Mezting this criticism in advance, | Mr. King offered a second proposal | which he hoped "would not occa- | sion the slightest embarrassment" and which would be "essentially | helpful at this time." { He proposed weekly conferences between the War Committee and the Opposition Leaders while Par- liament was in session and similar conferences at intervals during the recess. The Government was pre- pared at these conferences, he said, "to disclose, in confidence, full and detailed information, both as to its The Prime Minister argued that, Still a serious problem here was | far from tying their hands, the ef- | Eire's neu'rality and the Daily Mir- fectiveness of the Opposition groups ror to-day reflected the increasingly | "will be greatly increased by the | popular view: "Are we going to take | knowledge gained by their Leaders | the lead in Ireland? Or are we to | by such conferences." | be too late again? What's the gov- ernment's policy?" It strong action and said the nation "won't tolerate another through lack of foresight and initie ative." GLASS REFUGEES AS DEPENDENTS (Continued from Page 1) indicate what allowance would be made, nor how many refugees would be covered by the exemptions as dependents. The Minister was not so respon- sive to requests from other meii- bers, both Liberal and Conservative, that all men enlisted in Canada's defense forces be exempted from both the income tax and national defense levy. He recalled that, near the end of the last war; exemption from in- come tax was provided for this class, but it was not long operatiyg Britain was not giving exemptions in She present war, he said, and he was not strongly in favor of the exemptions now, even though Con- servative Leader R. B. Hanson de- clared it wou)d be a 'generous ges- ture" and would have an important psychological we Mr. Ilsley re€eived an ovation when he took his feat as Finance Minister to pilot the Budget resolu- tions through Committee of the Whole. He was sworn in as Finan- ce Minister at noon. Mr. Hanson said a large group of people in the medium-income group whose incomes are derived from trust fugds and invested capi- tal would have a difficult time to maintain their accustomed standard of living. He told of one man whose im- mediate reaction to the increased tax was that he would have to dis- miss his chauffeur. That sort of thing, if general, would mean add- ing greatly to the unemployed. Some 22,000 taxpayers in the $5,000 to $15,000 salary class would have to pay up to five times the present tax. That was not equality' of sacrifice, said Mr. Hanson. Mr. Ilsley sald it.was "useless for us to expect that all Canadians will "a able to keep up their standard of living during this war." He had. hoped people would meet th's situaticn by-cutting down on non-cssentials, Th:y would have to come to it sooner or later, "and probably sooner," he said. r | demanded | proposes that the Opposition chiefs disaster | War Cabinet and offer their coun- In other words, Mr. King first take part in deliberations of the sel, experience and advice. The associate members would sit at all meetings of the inner Cabinet, but | the "Government would retain the responsibility of the direction of Canada's war effort with which it has been charged." The second choice gives the Op- position Leaders the inside knowl edge of what is taking place with- out having their advice or counsel asked. The second plan whould be a continuation on a regular basis of conferences that have already taken place at intervals between the Opposition chiefs and the War Committee. The first plan has already arous- ed bitter attack as an effective means of stopping opposition, as the associate members of the War is. Then from the iittle lad in the back seat I heard: "My word! What a rotten waste of petrol. LAE om NOT MAPLE SYRUP oy For an infraction of Sestion 4 the Maple Sugar Industry Act by Ss elling adultered maple syrup Granby. P.Q., producer was $10. at Sweetburg, P.Q., on June 3 ER IEP 11.57 p.m | 553 am 5 | 6.20 am oy Leave Toronto 6:30 am 7:40 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. ---- --- COW Ma Aue WN NOC A ----D N32Rdes Poconos 3333838 TIME TABLES TRAIN AND BUS SCHEDULFS CANADIAN NATIONAL. ANIM 7% CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS ao Effective Now - At C.N.R. Station tr Eastbound iz Pool. Daily Lom Pool, Sat. Ouly . Pool, except Sat. 4 Pool. Dally, Daily. lid Sunday orly. Pool. Dally. Westbound & Sua. Ir] [=~ "acces Pool. Sunday only. Ponl. Daily At C.P.R. Station Eastbound Daily Pool. Westbound Daily. Pool. vTToES® E88383 - TORONTO-OSHAW/ZA BUS LINE eave Oshawa 45 am days and Daily exce; days and y . Saturday only 4 Sun- days Dally exce days and . Dail fr 8 Dally except Sun- day and lida y hs Saturday, Sun and Holidays . Daily 85 bi --- . Saturday, Sunday and Holidays ally Sun. & Holidays 11: 11 12 i 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8% Bk Bk B tg EASTBOUND Arrive Dally except Sun- : day ana Holidays 7: Dally Cally Daily aturday only Deity y aturday onl Dally 2 BabsE ¢ aa FFb SFEBIGER G0 Wh BR eh het Daily Except Sun- Say eq olidays ally Daily Saturday, Sunday and Holidays Daily Saturday, Sunda; and Holidays . Dally Daily -- TORONTO-GANANOQUE BUS LINE. (Collacutt Coach Lines) Daylight Saving Time Ea d from 53% 8% gos pee pad 88 88 Lay gyses TS UY UYuy TUTTE Bd B83 23h 8B3s3 oe Coal - Coke - Wood - PHONE 2"1W SEEN OFFICE: 59 CHURCH ST, .. We Treat You [] The Year 0, WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OP. CIGARETTE LIGHTERS _ On Oshawa's Main Cormer ry | Brantford R: and Builders' sting McLAUGHLIN COAL &§ SUPPLIES, LIMITED PHONE 1246 Committee would, it is believed, be bound by the Cabinet pledge of secrecy. Opposition members are already saying that this plan en- tails all the disabilities of Union Government with none of the ad- vantages. There is so far no objec- tion raised to Mr. King's second WATCH REPAIRING Let us re tches, Clocks, ra To Watches Guaranteed. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELLER / 20 Simcoe St. S. - Phones 189 proposal, but more questions will be asked before either proposal is ac- cepted or rejected. Guest Children Use Butter Thin Torontd, July 8. -- Conditions in Britain and Canada differ widely, judging by the conversation and conduct of the youthful newcomers Fine Watch Repairing i Our Specialty FELT BROS. |! 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH j from abroad, now enjoying Cana- dian hospitality and safety. "It's pitiful to see our little guests spread their butter and jam so thin, as, of course, they are compelled to do at home," remarked one hostess. "Driving cut to make a call with Karn's Drug Store FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 NEXT P. O. them the other day I was unable to park and said we shoudd drive around the bleck--you know how it y// wy baci wHITfiNeTon RADIO Sales and Service Oshawa 1438 Nights H Sunday ydays *

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