uu ant ac 14 cron | (17 feb tf) "ANN!S BARRIF Notaries Pablic yancing - and. general {a Law. Office 7% Sim- th,, Oshawa. Phone . D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. Annis, B.A. LL.B. N. SINCLAIX, K.C.,, BANK me! Building, 'H P. MANGAN, LE. BAR: 2, Solicitor, Notary Public Rn va ucer. Moaey to loan Of } 14% Fing St. Pas, Oshawa . 440. Residence phone 837 JSON, CREIGHTON & per. Barristers, Ete. Bank of Bldg. "® HONPHREYS, BAR Solicitors, Ftc. 341 Sim- ,'N. Phcue 8160. Residence Money te loan. BENN , B.A., BAR RIS Sone St. South. Tes (*8 spt tI * Undertaking [UKE BURIA: CO. 6i KING Fast. Arebulance. Residence 9 Simcoe utreet North. Phone 105 and 210W SHAWA BCRIAL CO., M. FP strong & Son, Proprietors eral and Ambulance Service ly and night. [Phone Celina Auctioneer JHONE 7160. W J SULLEY. uctioneer, 348 Simcoe St. S. wa. Special attention eiven bp household furniture sales and pn stock aad {mplements Your tronace solicited Watch Repairing * A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT watchmaker, repair shop a 8 King Street West. Your trenace 1s solicited - Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE pleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- lists in furniture moving. Stor- jé warehouse and moving vap fpment Phone 52. Insurance VIS AND SO INSURANCE. 9 King St. Wee:, Oshawa. The bidest Fire Agercy 'n Oshawa. 30 putable Fire Companies Battery Service TTERIES CHARGED 76¢ h rental $1.00. Called for and livered Batteries $2.75 and pp. Stan. Bligdon. 20 Mili St Phone 960, Radios Repaired a RUSSELL WICKS, KS, CERTIFIED dio-Trician, servicing and re- pair, work guaranteed. Highest huality tubes sold. Phone 1148M. 4 Mary St. (ste) (25 jan ¢) MAKES OF RADIOS RE d." Prices reasonable. Jas d: 276 Grooms Ave. Phone a08aWL © (6 jan ©) )ShAWA RADIO SERVICE, EX- service on all makes of _ Prices reasonable Tubes "4n your home. Charles ~ Phone 3350J. (5 jan ¢) Dental 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- t's. Special attention to X-ray Gas extraction. Nurses in 1 "hone 959 Touse 312 Slates and Boots for Sale [LY USED SKATES, ts, "complete outfits, one fifty ge for your old out- '12 Richmond East. Open enings. (20 jan c) Auto Loans AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE- Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering a period up to twelve months to RA while you drive your car. Campbell Auto Finance Co. Ltd. Disney Bloek, King St. E. Ha MacDonald, r e p r e sentative Branches throughout ig ft 0 an C Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED GENERAL mayged, Apply Box 30. Tim 4 " (1480) N, FER, ROOF- Ing, caulking, Ea repairing. inspection and estimates. Phone 1643W, (May 21 83) LLEGETT, REINFORCED a te structural design and Ee Mechanical and struc- draughting, Phone 103W. (30 dec c) Salesmen Wanted MBN WANTED TO CONDUCT renowned Rawleigh Home Ser- vice business. Rellable hustler ean start eéarninz $35 weekly and, iperease. rapidly. Write im- ately. Rawleigh Co., Dept. CN--40--8, Montreal, Canada. (146, 147, 151, 152) 5 Notice (IF "THE PARTY THAT TOOK : clgarette cage, Sheaffer pen and cil set from players dressing at Arena last night, returns same to 231 Arthur Street be- fore 6 p.m. Saturday night, no questions will be asked. If not, Police will be notified. . (151a) Lg 1082W | _ For Rent HBATED BACHELOR APART- ment, furnished, clean, private. Apply Bo: Box 21 Times. (140tf) BATHROOM FLAT AND GAR- ages for business men or bank- ers. Phone 1281W, Apply 108 Colborne East. (149¢) SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, DEC- orated, hardwood floors, cement drive, paved street, Close to General Motors office. Apply 118 Oshawa Blvd. (149¢) CHOICE RESIDENCE, 17 JOHN Street, opposite Central Park, nine rooms Booster, hot water heating, electric range and boil- er, stationary laundry, costly electric fixtures, two fireplaces, nominal rent to choice tenant. Apply Dr. Belt next door. (150¢) ON CHURCH ST. 6 ROOMS. Newly decorated. All conveni- ences. Phone 967J. (150¢) FIVE ROOMED BRICK, HARD- wood floors, modern convenl- ences, low rent. § roomed house, modern, central, garage, posses- sion now, Phone 1408W. 31 EI- gin Past. (150¢) FRONT APARTMENT, GOOD business location for hairdress- ing, professional, ete, 4 rooms, bath and Murphy bed. Box 102 Times. (150tf) GENOSI{A HATRODRESSING EX perts--on all kinds of beauty culture. Permanent waves our specialty. r.nger wave and shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, 506¢ Facials, scalp treatments and manicaring. Coffea Shop eu trance. Phone 1978. (8 July 1 mo) PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON. speciaiizes in permanent waving, finger waving, marcelling, at low- est prices, 10 Prince. Phone 688 : (19 jan e¢) PEMBER'S BRANCI! HAIlk dressing and Beauly Tu.ture No 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 2%, Osh awa, Ontario. (23 nov t*: JOHNSON, HAIR- 92 Church St. Finger wave 50c. marcel 25¢. Phone 2188J. (8 jan ¢) REDUCED PRICE3 FOR HAIR: dressing and beauty culture at your home or 156 Roxborough Phone Violet McKenna 1230F. (30 dec ¢) DAFFODIL HAIRDRESSING | Shoppe, 311 Athol East. Finger wave 50c¢, marcel 40c. Mrs. Bell, 1442). (1 jan c) WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Parlor. Marcel 50¢. Fing- er wave 50c. Ladies' and child- ren's haircut 25¢. We specialize in permanent waving. LLORENE dresser, : (20 jan ©) ~ Wanted to o Rent or Exchange =| FARM UP TO 50 ACRES WITH option to buy. Must have good buildings, near Oshawa or Bow- manville. Box 103 Times, "Mortgage Sale "UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produc- ed at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by pub- lic auction on Tuesday, Janu- ary 3rd, 1938, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at the premises at 480 Cubert Street in the City of Oshawa, by Willlam J. Sulley, Auctioneer, the follow- ing property, viz: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, and being composed of the Northerly Forty Feet (40°) of the Southerly Eighty Feet (80') of Lots Num- bers Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) as marked on Registered Plan Numbe: TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY-EIGHT (248) for the County of Ontario. On said premises is said to be a frame house in a reasonable state of repair. TERMS--Ten per cent. of the purchase price to be paid at the time of sale, and the balance to be paid within thirty days from the date of sale. The property will be sold sub- ject to a reserve bid. For further particulars conditions of sale apply to w. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., Bank of Montreal Bldz., Oshawa. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simeone St. 8, Oshawa. PACTS IN FORCE ON JANUARY 2ND Canada-Irish and Canada Rhodesian Treaties Ap- proved by Order and Articles for Sale BODY HARDWOOD $3, ALSO softwood. Guaranteed full meas- ure. A, Wall, £92 Courcellette Ave. Phone 2491F, (17 jan e) ALU KINDS OF WOOD, PRICES right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert, Phone 1079). (16 jan c) BLACK'S FUEL--BODY HARD- wood, $3 3% cord. Coke $9.0 ton. Slabs $2.25 34 cord. All fuel under cover. Phone 233J. (29 jan ¢) DRY HARD BODYWOOD 7% cord $2.75, mixed 34 cord, $2. Johns phone 1993M. a9 jan ¢) HARDWOOD $3 3 CORD, kindling $2.25 3 cord Reduction on larger orders. Corson's. Phone 1941M, (1 jan e¢) READY MIXED MUSHROOM manure, also fresh and well rot- ted. Some at $1.76 per load, also fresh spawn. Phone 53W, (3 jan ¢) BODY WOOD SLABS, $3. Mize. $2.75. Coke $9.50, Phone 2428W, Frank McQuaid, Cedar- dale, (8 jan c) DID YOU FEVER BUY AT 148 Simcoe South? They sell suits, overcoats, ladies' coats, practic- ally new. Lowest prices. Also Yuy clothing, (17 jan c¢) DRY BODY HARDWOOD, Maple $3, Softwood and Coke. Everything under co e-. Phone 1779W. Robert Christy. (13 jan ¢) CEDARDALE COAL AND COKE Company. Coke $98.50 per ton. Guaranteed dry, stored in our warehouse since September. We | invite you to call and inspect! this Coke before placing order. | Dav. cor- Also all kinds coal, wood. G. idson, manager. Phone 1107, ner Conant and Annis St. (15 fan ¢) | BODY HARDWOOD 3; CORD $3 Hardwood limbs 3; cord $2.50. Softwool {i cord $2.25 strong, phone 2727TW, . L. Arm- | (16 jan ec) | HARLEY-DAVIDSON cycle. Al condition. est offer. Apply 174 Ritson Rd. South. iS | Causes { Crime Commission. TONG CRIMINAL 1S REAL PROBLEM ~MOTOR- | $40 or near- | | | | | | Tendency Between 16 and] 21 Years is to Serious Crime *ew York.--Condemnation justice In relation to the erimes of youthful offenders between 16 and 21, is voiced in a report. "The Youthful Offender," mad public by the Sub-Commission on of the New York State | | | serves ot | 10 existing structure of criminal | tidote for grown-ups i vides an | The report sharply disapproves | of the failure of legislatures to modernize the procedure of cri- minal justice for this age group, | in view of the ill success of the existing criminal code as a deter- rent to crime. fender, over 16 and under 21, disclosed as a serious soclal prob- lem because of his tendency to } commit the most serious types of crime. Half of all arrests for auto theft, more than 30 percent of all burglaries, 25 percent of all robberies and one-third of all sex offences against girls between 14 and 18 here in 1929 and were within this age group. Contrary to the policy In N York State 'in recent years, enact more drastic laws for control of crime, the sub-comn sion pleads for less punitive crime laws and more humanity In the judicial handling of this age group. As a step toward a more hu- mane treatment of the youthful offender, the sub-commission re- commends sharp curtailment of the powers of the adult criminal | I' ol courts over youths, describing ag | The remaining The youthful of- i ed out of his window at sun-un 1950 | i bor | néighborhood, A. 8S. McLEESE The above are three of the candidates for the city council for 1933. A, 8. McLeese and A. J. Park- hill are the nominees of the Oshawa Property Own ers' secure a place on the 1932 council a year ago, but was defeated in that contest. A. J. PARKHILL Association. B. HUTCHESON J. B. Hutcheson endeavored to "arbitrary and capricious" the sharp separation at 16 of chil- dren benefitting from the protec- tions ofthe Children's Court Act from those over 16 who are ex- posed to all the rigors of the adult criminal courts. YULE TREES LIKE RAZOR BIADES Disposal When Used Is! Problem to Many Householders What is to be done in a week r s0 with the ex-Christmas tree? en the gifts are spread, the lights out and the tinseled trim- mings shorn, whence goes the tree---stripped and bereft, but still a young evergreen tree. Survival of Tree Worship On a conservative estimate trom 200,000 to 300,00 balsam, | spruce cedar andd pine striplings | mbark in Canada every year on he hrief but brilliant career o he Christmas tree. Much has een written of the ravaging of potential forests, but the custom | its ancient and modern | purposes and will doubtless con- tinue. It is the gurvival of the tree worship of centuries ago. It | giv's joy to the kiddies, is an an- and pro- established, seasonably | short, but helpful industry. In these days of applied con ervation the salvazing of the Christmas has become gus Forestry ext i t muni free thout very tan- | occasion the | :n a he ng gible result ordinary « with spec Incident just a few days Toronto a year or tw after C ago, is | tie "Reforestation" A suburban householder look Yes, in fron* voung for- . Therr | and rubbed hig eves of him was a veritable est gprung up in the ni they were, cedars and various age feet high. had posed a spruce or two, of s and sizes up to 10 An enterprising neigh- gathered up all the de- Christmas trees in the stuck them about flower pots and boxes himself a plantation. It} spring, pleasure to | striking example of | instantaneous reforestation. Th n there is the housewife | who clips the halsam and cedar branchlets after Christmas and stows the greenery in pillows or cushions to preserve the tangy fragrance of the great outdoors. stick, carefully in large and made stood till the eye and ¢ | debts, | con a lot of balsams and |° trimmed; may if long enough, do duty as a clothesline prop or as support tp the towering holly- hock negt"summer. Perhaps two | dual miseries. or more discarded trees can be worked into a rustic seat, No Commercial Value But the problem in general re- maing--where can the tree end its days? Woody say the trees at their stage | | | | i strong appeal to life tions, debts payments, morator- fums, insolvencies, economic and financial interests or of indivi- SOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE "Let the only those those of world no longer hear notes, but instead ; high spiriuality and and the in- [ | lerests of the soul." of | srowth have no commercial value. | 'sually they are tied to 'the gar- | age wagon for an ignominious {rip to the municipal dump, {| there of late years they een salvaged az firewood have ly. No trces of any size are now left to be buried. They are seized immediately by men and boys "in the business." The trees are car- ried away and the fnto convenient lengths for kit- chen stove or living-room grate POPE SENDS OUT HIS YOLE MESSAGE | Proclaims Holy Year and Hopes World Will Turn to Expiation Vatican City, Dec. ---Pope Pius XI in a Christmas ssage to the universe had proclaimed a holy year during which be hoped the world would benefit 'by cessa- tion of reparations, z isarmament, , and turn expiation" and rection, Pope spoke 22 cardinals xing him grectings from the | e church. hut through them | spoke to the world. In his message the pressed best Christmas for "peace, tranquility, mutual fidence, friendly relations sgistance wherever the d is greater, suflicient and re- rative work and less unfa- and uncertain general 3 of life." oke of the "many divi- and conflicts among people tes, not excluding the hor- [ war and civil war and the tant continuance and wor- sening of a universal financial and economic crisis without pre- cedent in history. Announcement of Holy Year In his announcement of the holy year the ponti sserted: "It will ha po 11 the world should hot sneak of conflicts, erences, lack of confidence, rm nts; disarmament, damages, repara- Lo he pontiff ex- wishes 'reater a ne une vorable conditl He sions cons-q Het But | this our days to | much greater extent than former- | | of pleasure trunks cut up | | tom the pontiff enumerated observance for al full year, he explained, in order that it might have '"'the greatest possible value through prayer, ex- piatiom, "propitiation, holy indul- zence and reform of life, Of all have particular! need in the midst of so many tri- bulations 80 much forgetfulness of eternity so much paganism which pervades life, such pursuit by the worldly and ot money which is so much abused." Joys and Sorrows In keeping with He made the ancient cus- his | Joys and sorrows of the last year. Among the joys were the spread of 'missions, Catholic action and the eucharistic congress. Among his sorrows were "the very sad conditions" jun Russia, Mexico and Spain. The dean of the Sacred College, fCardinal Pignatellide Belmonte, 81 years old, In presenting greet- ings to the pontiff, referred to the Pope's previous messages. "Unfortunately," the cardinal said, "those holy words have not yet had the effect cf budging the obstinacy of the minds and hearts of some of thosé men, who placed in positions of rule over the destinies of peoples, make themselves practically responsi- ble directly or indirectly for so many evils, without having a sin- cere and efficacious desire to cut them short at least in part, by collective sacrifices.' 1 t benefit that | honey bees went forward recent- | or | SREMATN AMATEUR" Is ADVICE OF FORME WORLD'S CHAMP Gene Tunney helped hold me in the ranks of the amateurs once w hen I had about decided to go : id now I've won, I'm a er of the New York bar, I think of what might have as very good amateur must in any field of sport. Bul when such phantoms as million-dollar cates and the roar .of the crowd persist in bedeviling me, into my mind flash vignettes of lonely bat- tiles I fought and won, and ¥ am comforted. 1 am a lawyer from npw or.--Eddie Eagan, former world's amateur heavyweight bhox-' ing champion, in the .December Rotarian. SOME CHIN AMAN IS LIKELY TO GET STUNG Moantireal.--Some Chinaman {is likely tp get stung by a Canadian bee, Nearly 5,000,000 Canadian ly from an aplary at Taber, Al- berta, to China, according to the Agricultural Department of the (Canadian National Railways. LEAVE OSHAWA AM. ab.45 si=Dally scent unday clidays only; d--Daily except Sundays and holida and East 5.29 a.m. Daily f=Flag 10.30 Sunday. x For Ottawa Montreal aud East Flag | 'estbound m8.55 p.m. Daily. @ Toronto and Wes! anlv--flag, TIMETABLES | Eastern Standard Time) (Bllectivs wa rod alter May de 4, 1 td your ate: is not ana make 1 it teh the the time D. . 3. snows THR JEWELER | Conadian Ratton wad i wa Raflroads 20 Simcoe St. 6, Phone 180 7.45 P.i mn 9.30 1, 1100 pom. (Eastern Standard Time) Going West Arrives Leave Arrive 8.30 a.m, 1045 a. 215 pom. 6.15 p.m. Our FELT BROS. Established 188¢ 12. 5 pu! m Fon. 7.45 p.m. 11.10 p.m. 7.3) p.m. 10.55 p.m 1140pm GRAY COACH LINES (Effective Sept. 25, 1932) One new Terraplane Coach One new Terraplane Sedan At greatly reduced prices ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE Hudson---Essex (Eastern Standard Time) LEAVE TORONTO .30 Sunday; b-- Boys' and Girls' HOCKEY OUTFITS, $2.69 Guaranteed Boots and Skates I. COLLIS & SONS CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Tram Service Effective December 5, 1532 tern Standard Ti EASTBOUND 5 a.m. Daily. pm Daily. except Sunday. 9.45 1.59 4.4 We buy Old Gold and Silver We repair anything bought fn a Jewelry Store || On Oshawa's Main Corner J 2 Pr Daily, i 10.22 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. i " 11.03 p.m. (Sunday only), - 12.20 a.m. Daily, i---Stops on flag to pick up for Montreal WESTBOUND 1. Daily, except' daily. stop only, Sunday, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective December 5, 1932 10 Simcoe St. 8. PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS (Standard Time) Eastbound 9.45 a.m. Daily. a.m. Trenton Local Daily, except 4.18 p.m. Daily, 2.22 a.m. Daily. 6.35 a.m. Daily | 3.12 p.m Daily. 6.40 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, THE NEW BURTOL PROCESS Have You Tried OF DRY CLEANING PHONE 707 We Call and Deliver hole Appeared, head "came up. The park-keeper, crawling cautiously along a lad- der reached the edge of the ica. "and I'll help you out." "I can't swim." "* "Can't swim,' euer. * SAFE SPOT The. ice gave way and a great Then a man's "Come closer!" he shouted, "Not much," said the victim. ' gnheered the res- "Why it's only up to your i | Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. aT 2° VIGORO For House Plants Tinnerial Lime Rickey A Real Drink Sc and 10c Bottles At Your Grocers or Druggist at all Superior Stores 12 oz. pkg. 15¢ tort. deep. who broke the ice!" -- Tit Bits. "Oly no, it isn't," was the re "It's about' seven feet I'm standing on the ¢hap TILLIE THE TOILER- "TILLIE 1S OING » LITLE DETEC ~ Te WORK OF HER] OWN - SHE "THINKS PLENTY IF SHE A SHOW DOWN | 'M GONNA TELL HER | CAME [ | SUPPOSE You KNOW AIH, Eom, SHY UELL, IF IT WAS TO FIND OUT _{F WI SEEN YOUR BOY FRIEND, [IW BOLE, I DION'T oe HERE FOR THAT ~ You HAVE MACS VUATCH AND | WANT EVEN HAVE = WHAT | BUSINESS §] IT OF Yours] SISTER 7 ©1913, King Fen TS, Inc, Great Britain rights teserved. (5 wii] MENTION THINK | By Russ. Westover GOSH, WHY OD\D \ EVER ABOUT My WATCH BEING GONE T SHIRLEY WILL SURELY SuUS- Ottawa, Dec. 28,--The Canada- Irish Free State and Canada-Sou~ thern Rhodesia Imperial Confer- ence trade agreements are being brought into force on January 2. Official announcement of the ap- proval of orders-in-Council to this effect was made by Rt. Hon. Sir George Perley, acting prime minister. Proclamations bringing the two pacts into operation on Janu- ary 2 will be issued simultaneous- ly by the countries concerned. The date has been fixed as a result of correspondence hetween the three governments. The tariff changes set out in the two agreements are already in operation. While of a formal nature, the effect of the proclama- tions, now authorized by order- in-Council, is to brinz all clauses in the agreements into operation, as specified in provisions in boik, pacts. GING UP FATHER ES TAKE THIS BILL RIGHT OVER TO MR- HARD CRACKERS OFFICE - TELL HIM THIS 1D DUE AN WE INSIST UPON IT BEIN' PAID - WELL- YES-MR-JIGLD, rLL GO RIGHT OVER-~ WHAT ) YOU WANT? R-MARDCRACKER. |] SP A BILL HERE AGAINST YOU FOR fy HUNDRED DOLLARS - WHAT SAY YOou-EHM? ©1932, King Features Syndicate. fnc,, Great' Britain rights reserved GEE =~) WANT TO GIT RID OF THAT GUY THAT MAGGIE PICKED TO BE MY SECRETARY BUT \ SHOULDNT HAVE SENT Him TO MR: HARDCRACK ER: ME'LL KILL HIM IF WE TRIES TO [Rm NINETY DOLLARS-S01 WATCH FOR THE. BALANCE ~ ARDCRACKER ONLY HAD ONE HUNDRED AND MADE +IIM GIVE ME HID