Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1932, p. 9

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a 4 paired. Prices reasonable tested In your~ home Mcate trouble on any set. Lipid y » a 1 ad | ; "Section er -Gth WHER 1AWA DA ¥ Ficieid gud ae E BUYER § SELLER Y TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1932 wari aud J ection TF. WAL (2, BARRIS: ¢, 'Nolary Money to Elog st. East, Phone 798 (17 feb if) INN'S BARKIY: 'Notaries Pablte. cing and general eee Phone Soul shawa. Phone nt, B.A, LL.B; A. LL.B NK NGAN, L.A., BAR- " Notary Public. sney to loan. Of- | . wa $40. Residencé phone 837. : CRE.GHTON & Barristers, Bic. Bank of - Bldg i HUMPHR (0 Ey. -Sollsitors, Bite. n- N. Phene 3160. Reddence sey ta loan. NICK, B.A.,, BAF RIS- Simcoe St. South, Tee 3038565. «*$ sant th) Undertaking " FOR RENT--12 BURKE, WAT- er heated. 5 bedrooms, hardwood, fireplace, decorated, garage, vaéant, Murdoch, 27 Warren, : (1401) HEATED BACHELOR APART- ment, furnished, clean, private. Apply Box 21 Times. (140tf) ONE OR TWO FURNISHED bedrooms to rent, clean, heated. Phone 1586J. (147¢) GENO31IA HATRORESSING EX: perts--on all kinds of beauty culture. Permanent waves our specialty, Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, 50¢ Facials, scalp treatments and manicuring. Coffee Shop en: trance. Phone 1973. (8 Jul; 1 mo) PRINCELLA - BEAUTY SALON, specializes in permanent waving, finger waving, marcelling, at low- est prices. 10 Prince. Phone 688. (19 jan c) PEMBER'S BRANCH HAIR. dressing and Beanty Tu.ture No 9 Bradley Bldg. Phone 2%, Osh: awa, Ontarlo. (33 nov t* LUKE BURIA: Co. 67 KING oe East. Arebulance, Residence $43 Simcoe treet North. Phone 2103 -- 210W. oF OSHAWA BURIAL CU., M. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Foneral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W £7 Celina. i (at Architects C. STENHOUSE. GENERAL Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Residence phonz 909J. Auctioneer PHONE 7160. W J SULLEY. Auctioneer, 348 Simcce StS. wa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and {mplements Your "patronace solicited LORENE dresser, JOHNSON, HAIR- 92 Church St. Finger wave 50c. marcel 25¢c. Phone 2188). (8 jan c¢) REDUCED PRICES FOR HAIR- dressing and beauty culture at vour home or 156 Roxborough Phone Violet McKenna 1230F. (30 dee c) Shoppe, 311 Athol ast. Finger wave 60¢, marcel 40c, Mrs. Bell, 1442. (1 jan c¢) WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Parlor. Marcel 50¢. Fing- er wave 50c. Ladies' and child- ren's haircut 25¢. We specialize in permanent waving. (20 jan ¢) Engineering H. V. ELLEGETT, REINFORCED concrete structural design and Watch Repairing detailing. Mechanical and struc- tural draughting, Phone 103W. F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop ar 48 King Street West. Your patrcnaze te solicited. T tion AGE AND STORAGE Coleman's, 85 Bond Wesi. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehonse and moving van equipment Phone © os. { nce DAVIS AND SON, (NSURANCE, 19 King St. Weet, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency !n Oshawa. 30 reputable Fire Companies Battery Service ERIES CHARCED 7b¢ with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered Batteries $2.75 and up. Stan. Bligdon. 20 Mil St Phone 960 Rill dpny Radios Repaired ALL MAKES OF RADIOS RE as Adams, 276 Grooms Ave. Phone 1098W. (6 jan ¢) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, EX- pert service on all makes of radios. Prices reasonable Tubes Charles Wales. Phone 3350J (5 an ¢) PHONE NATIONAL RADIO Service, 2803M. equipped to lo- Work guaranteed. Tubes sold. (26 dec ¢) Palmist $EE MADAME BROWN FOR pacup and hand reading Busi- ess private. 93 Louisa St, Phone 636F. 428 dec ¢) Dental BR. 8. J PHILLIPS. OVER BAS: tt's. Special attention to X-ray k. Gas extraction. Nurse in fitendance hone 959. House 2 IGHTLY USED SKATES, ots, complete outfits, one fifty . Exchange for your old ont- §. 12 Richmond East, Open lenings. (20 jan c) Auto Loans IDTO LOANS' AND CARS RE- pced. Can be arranged at est prevailing rates, covering fiperiod up to twelve months to ly while you drive your car. @mpbell Auto Finance Co. Ltd. ney Block, King St, BE. H, A. cDonald, r e p r e sentative nches throughout Ontario, (6 jan ¢) jo ; Business Opportunities | CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR opportunity: Get into business for yourself, make a sure living, a Food, Fish and Chip equip- latest, new. Hundred dol- "No balance. Complete oper- Bg instructions, Hills and Son, twood Ave., Toronto 13. (147¢) Aucilon Sale DAY, DEC. 30--AUCTION of furniture, the property of ¥etbert Reeson, lot 7, con. 6, I4t Whithy. Sale at one o'clock. ms cash. See bills. Elmer Wil- Auctioneer, (147a) Male Help Wanted V TO GET A GOVERNMENT Free Booklet. The M. C. C: Toronto (10), (129, 135, 141, 145, 151) WANTED TO CONDUCT ned Rawleigh Home Ser- business. Reliable hustler rt earning $35 weekly crease rapidly. Write im- ely, Rawleigh Co.. Dept. ~8, Montreal, Canada. 2, 88, 87, 88, 93, 94, 98, 99), 4 pl ] 0 . | tess and host for the enjoyable (30 dec c) Roofing HAYTON, THE ROOFER, ROOF- ing, caulking, chimney repairing. Free inspection and estimates. Phone 1643W. (May 21 33) Real Estate for Sale ATTRACTIVE NEW 5 ROOM brick, oak up and down, modey choice location. Owner's home at bargain. Box 26 Times. (146¢) HUNDREDS OF | CHILDREN AT GHRISTHAS TREF (Continued from nare 1) DAFFODIL HAIRDRESSING | rerything under co e- Articles for Sale BODY HARDWOOD $8, ALSO softwood. Guaranteed full. meas- ure, A. Wall, 292 Courcellette Ave. Phone 2491F, A ea a eg nC dane) ALL KINDS OF WOOD, PRICES right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert, Phone 1079J. (16 jan c) BLACK'S FUEL--BODY HARD- wood, $3 3% cord. Coke $9.50 ton. Slabs $2.26" 3 "cord. All fuel under cover, Phone 233J. co. ~(28 dee c) DRY HARD BODYWOOD % cord $2.75, mixed 1; cord, $2. Johns phone 1993M. (19 jan ¢) HARDWOOD $3 34 CORD, kindling $2.25 3 cord Reduction on larger orders. Corson's, Phone 941M, (1 jan ¢) READY MIXED MUSHROOM manure, also fresh and well rot- ted. Some at $1.75 per load, also fresh spawn. Phone 53W, x (3 jan ¢) BODY WOOD SLABS, $3. Mixe.. $2.75. Coke -$9.50, Phone 2423W, Frank McQuaid, Cedar dale. (6 jan c) CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES, reasonable prices, Phone orders now, W., Borrowdale, Phone 2712. (24 dee ¢) DID YOU EVER BUY AT 148 Simcoe South? They sell suits, overcoats, ladies' coats, practie- ally new, Lowest prices. Aldo buy clothing. (17 jan e) DRY BODY HARDWOOD, Maple $3, Softwood and Coke. Phone 1279W. Robert Christy, (13 jan ¢) CEDARDALE COAL AND COKE Company. Coke $9.50 per ton. Guaranteed dry, stored In our warehouse since September. 'We invite you to call and inspect this Coke before placing order. Also all kinds coal, wood. G. Dav- idson, manager. Phone 1107, cor- ner Conant and Annis St, " (15 fan ¢) HOUSE FURNISHINGS ON THE Percival plan, small down pay- ments. Balance monthly, Phone our representative at 1348M, (29 dec ¢) BODY HARDWOOD 3; CORD $3. Hardwood limbs 3 cord $2.50. Softwood 1 eord £2.25, L. Arm- strong, phone 2727TW, (16 jan ¢) Mr. Marwood Heard of Wood- ville, is visiting at Mr. W. N. Hoskin's. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee visit. ed at Mr. A. T. Stainton's, Zion, on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Lorraine and Grant visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Wal- ton Pascoe, Bowmanville. Miss Laura Cawker, of Osh- awa, is visiting at Mr, H. T. Cole's. Miss Elleen Stainton, Zion, spent a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. Ross Lee. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Love and James, Mr. Clarence Miss Marie McDonnell, of Osn- awa, Mr. Norval Crossman, of North Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. J. MoGregor were dinner guests of sion, and became children again fun of the affair, Santa Caused Thrill After the children had played for an hour, the musicians struck | up the music for the Santa Claus ; parade, and the old saint appear- ed in all his customary rezalia, led by a toytown policeman, and followed by a pardae of clowns and other costumed character. The parade went round and round the Armories, and the children were thrilled by the geniality of Santa Claus, who carried little babies on his broad shoulders, his face wreathed with smiles as he received the applause of the little folk. Gifts For All Then the hundreds of child- ren lined up to receive their gifts from the huge Christmas tree at one end of the bhuildinz, The drawing of special prizes, gecured in the Buckingham Boosters' Contest, was the next | feature, and about twenty child- iren. were made especially happy jas their names were read out and {they marched up to receive the splendid toys which they hed won. Supper was served to the children by the Ladies' Auxiliary, and at nine o'clock the hig party was over, and the happy child- ren, tired from the exertions and | excitement of the eveninc, wed- ed their way homewards, The committee in, charge, under the chairmanship of Captain W J. Lock, and assisted by the enter. , tainment committee, with Arthur Tierney as chairman, was warm- ly congratulated on the success lot the party, while thanks were expressed to the president of |the branch, M. McIntyre Hood, for his characterization of Santa Claus. Kedron News KEDRON NEWS----- ... «s,s ose (Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Cor- respondent) KEDRON, Dec. 19. -- The reg- ular meeting of the 'United Links Class' was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee on Wednesday evening, Decem- ber 14th, After the husiness was transacted we had election £. officers for the coming year: President, Florence Love! Vice President, Will Smyth; Secrer tary, Florence Rahme; Treasur- r, Ralph Davis; Pianist, Gordon Davis; aseistant, Lorraine Love. The rest. of the evening was spent in games and contests, af- ter which lunch was served and enjoyed by all. A vote of thanks wag tendered to the hos- evening that was spent together. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Conlin, on Sut. themselves as they joined in the | day in honor of Mr. Conlin's 75th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hepburn and family and Miss Beatriea Mountjoy visited at Mr. Wm. J. Mountjoy's, Columbus. Mrs. 8. Conlin ard Ms Kath. leen Conlin visited with frienas i | n Toronto on Saturday. Her father met the you as he was leaving the house. called to him. "Young man," he said, "are you intentions serious?" The suitor looked a trifle nervous. "Er-e-r, noo, sir," he replied, Her father grimaced, "H'm." he murmured, "I'm sorry about that, but I admire a voun~ fellow with so much common sense. A United States heiress, who confessed that she "doted on" her father's chauffeur. has been' disinherited. The antidote. Davidson, | SeeTseee To You and Yours aS wou IBV 2 3 X gE 3 -] Lt ] FISHIN OPIN OI SH CRIMI IIIS Fis Rae 2 i 1932 wo% Jack Cotter MEN'S WEAR Phone 361 Dundas St. West LISELI EF LIS RIVED TLR WNW YOUR TREAT It's a treat for everybody + « « the family's dessert; the evening refreshmént for your guests. Pure, de- licious, zestful, nourishing. Country Club ICE CREAM FOR Christmas Dinner Individual Cups . . Sizes We have a delicious. Ice Cream Cake to serve, 4--40c; 6---60c; 8--80c. Special Assortment of Bricks at special prices, Single--30c; Two for--60c Three -- 80c; Four -- $1. Single gallons bulk, Vanil. la--$1.40 Flavored--8§1.43 Sc and 10c All of these are made from fresh rich cream and pure fruit, or nut flavoring. Delivered Sunday or Mon- day in time for Dinner. PHONE 700 No special delivery Monday afternoon and store will be closed from 12 o'clock noon. BEATON'S DAIRY PRODUCTS , | SEER IER OES | TIMETABLES | beard," he explained, "she said: 'Now I know why I never liked youl'" (Eastern Standard Time) (Effective on rod afters May 1, ost TT re GOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY ue) Arvive Hoopital FOREIGN LEGION PROVES WORRY TO COMMANDER Paris -- The French Foreign Legion may spell romance and glamor to restless young men of North and South America, but to the French War Ministry is is an unending. source of woe and tribu- lation. i Even gimlet-eyed Gen. Rollet, in. spector and commander of the 101. year-old. military body, is tired of requests from abroad to release dis- SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE (Bastern Standard Time) Going West in joned young recruits, e recent cases of Orval Chen- oweth, a Des Moines, Towa, youth, whose mother asked for his uncon- ditional Wahlberg, parents have asked the War Min- freedom and of Harry of Milwaukee, whose May Your Happiness REepessenss nes Christmas be one of Health, and Contentment. : fireside be a scene of Family Felicity may your shining Star be joy. May. your and New Service Cleaners & Dy : SIMCOE AND BOND STS. a TE pape Ir Arrive Hospits) REPAIRIN Fine Watch Repalring Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1880 " GRAY COACH LINES (Effective Sept. 25, 1932 (Eastern Standard Tone) LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM. P.M. AM, PM. ! One new Terraplane Coach One new Terraplane Sedan At greatly reduced prices ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE Hudson--Essex | | | L9.30 10.30 Daily except Sunda b--Saturda a-Dally H] ay, Sunday and bolideys Ys ties pect d--Daily except Sundays and holidays. ------ CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Tram Service Effective December 5, 1532 Eastern Standard EASTBOUND Boys' and Girls' HOCKEY OUTFITS. $2.69 Guaranteed Boots and Skates I. COLLIS & SONS 10.22 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. 11.03 p.m. (Sunday only), 12.20 a.m. Daily, OT on flag to pick up for Mcntrea) and st WESTBOUND 5.29 a.m. Daily. 3 05 a.m. Daily, 16.21 a.m. Daily, 4.12 p.m. Daly i 6.58 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. 917 n.m. daily {--Flag stop only, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective December 5, 1932 (Standard Time) Eastbound 9.45 a.m. Daily, 10.30 a.m. Trenton Local Daily, except sunday, 4.18 p.m. Daily, 12.22 a.m. Daily x For Ottawa Montreal and East Flag 7 Westbound 6.35 a.m. Daily. 3.12 p.m Daily 6.40 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, mA.53 p.m. Dailr. : om Torontc and Wea! aglv--flag, The Rugger referee gave great dissatisfaction to the home team |! and supporters by reason of a Imperial Lime Rickey A Real Drink Sc and 10c Bottles At Your Grocers or Droggist at all Superior Stores HOMPS DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY 0 Simcoe St, 8. We Deliver number of decisions in favor of the visiting side. The home skipper, a bugly for- ward, meditated revenge): He waited unt'l the referee had got on the fringe of a struggle for ' cn, then tackled him heartily, grassed him, and rub- oed his face in the mud. The official rose, spluttering Insure Your House and Con- tents in Strong Companies through J. H. R. LUKE Ask about Burglary Insure. ance. You should carry ft. Phone 871 or 687W angrily. "What the deuce do you mean by it?" "Oh," said the culprit, in bland apology, "it's quite fair. You're on the other side, aren't you?" A man who had shaved off his beard confided to a friend that his wife had left him. Pratt's Regulator Makes Hens Lay 85¢ & Lytle, Ltd. Phone 203 Hogg are only two of scores of similar troubles confronting Gen. Rollet. He believes that Hollywood and a long list of "irresponsibl. writers" are to blame for romanticizing the background and regime of the five regiments which = comprise "the legicn. : "The youthful romantic-minded Americans who are brought up' on lurid movies generally make poor soldiers unless they enlist ni the legion for g serious carger," Gen. Rollett said. Times' Classified Ads. Get Results. : : ; Cheerio, dear friends. season of gorgeous holidays. Roger L. Corbett ATHOL STREET WEST ROI UIS FH UIIZLIIING SURES IER SIDES DES RE OR © Extending Our Greetings We wish you a "When she saw me without my May Christmas bring the fulfillment of your fond- est dreams, the achievement of your highest ambitions. During the past year we have enjoyed a splendid patronage, and we hope to merit a continus ance of this patronage during the New Year and years to come. Home Dairy Co. 24 Simcce St. S.--Phone 737 BR RR RE GL REAP ANT POTENT 8 GE ST LT GL 4 BORN OI GRIM IIR SIN TILLIE THE TOILER- By Russ. Westoves BECAUSE | [V'LL HAE TO TAKE TILLIE HOME BROUGHT HER To THE PARTY AND YOU'LL. HAVE To TAKE "THAT SHIRLEY GIRL HOME BEcausE T'S GONG TO HAVE WELL, SHIRLEY. | DUCKED My DATE SO \ CAN Take YoU Home Sorry, BiLL = tM AFRAID HURT Mac's FEELINGS SOLONG, BLL I'VE HIRED A GENTLEMAN TO TEACH YOU HOW TO EAT-TOUR TABLE MANNERS ARE SINCE WHEN 15 BEATIN A TRADE ? © ne Of HERE HE COMES NOW: BY GOLLY HE DOESNT LOOK AS IF HE NOW | WiLL TAKE YOU TO A FRENCH CAFE AND WE WILL HAVE A DINNER * A LA CARTE- ARE WE GON TO EAT WN A WAGON? {i HELLO® 1D THIS THE CHIEF OF POLICE ? WELL HAVE A CELL READY FER ME: I'M GONNA GIT IN A FIGHT AN | M GONNA ©1932, King Features Syndicate, Inc,

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