nt a Section 3 {37 feb tf) RIS RELGH TO Barristers. Bte. Bank of ER HU 8 § A tors, Solleftars, Mie. 843 Siu. 'St N.-Phepe $160. Redeance 4. Money ta loan. * i ' } jo N > LJ Ll) 5. " - { gt. 3outh. Tee o ig Mra! . "3 gant Undertaking 5 OKRE BURI cu., &i RIN East. Arsbuiance. Residence $ Simcoe uftreet North Phone 03 and 310W +AU ' 0., M nd Son, Proprietors ne! sous & Ambulance Service y snd oleht Phone 1082W Celine (an C. STENHOUSE. GENERAL | ral work. Secon eo Building. Phone 6. Residence phous 908) Auctioneer SHOE 7160 W J SULLEY. oneer, 34¢ Simcoe £t, 8. awa. Special attention riven household furniture sales and p stock aad {mplements Your tronare eolicited o Watch Repairing , A. VON GUNTEN., EXPERT watchmaker, cepair "ep > 6 King Street West trcnave 1s solicited T NeDOoOration RTAGK AND STOR F C0 nas, 85 Bond West. Spec: lists in furniture moving. Stor ge warehouse and moving vap ufpment Phone $2. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, (NSURANCE. 19 King St. Weet, Oshawa. The Fire Agency in Oshawa $f table Fire Companies. Service RIES HAF js) 3 rental $1.00. Called fos and ivered Batteries $3.75 and gp. Stap. Bligdon. 20 Min St Phone ; BJ RY SBRVICE, YOU CAN depend upon, won't freeze, quick expert service, night and day, First class re. builds. Unique Battery Service, Ontario St., Oshawa. (141¢) EET IIE Re a -- Radios Repaired RUSSELL WICKS. CERTIFIED Radio-Trician, servicing and re pair, work guaranteed. Flizhest quality tubes sold. Phone 1148M 44 Mary St. (23 dec ©) Le] B. For Rent DISNEY FOR RE to | In Lewallyp, George, Rdward. ¢ roomed modern apartments. Houses, flats, rooms. List with Dis ay. ite Post Office, Phone 1550 pres o (136te) FOR NENT~17 BURKE. WAT- er heated. 5 bedrooms, hardwood, fireplace, decorated, garage, vacant. Murdoch, 27 Warren, : (1400) AWATED BACHBLOR APART: ment, furnished. clean, private. Apply Box 31 Times, (140tf) ONE OR TWO FURNISHED bedrooms to rent, clean, heated. Phone 14867. g (142¢) HEATED GARAGE. LIGHT, CAR washing facilities. Reasonable. 146 Simcoe St. N, Phone 224. (143b) OP TO DATE RESTRICTED § roomed house, very cheap, See this, West end, Oshawa. Box 27 Times, (148b) APARTMENT TO LET-287 Division Bt, Newly decorated and heated. Apply at above address er R. Helden, 92 Simcoe No COMFORTABLE BED-SITTING room, with fireplace and board for two gentlemen or two ladies. $6 week. Phone 833M. (143¢) TROOMED BRICK HOUSE FOR rent. 82 Allce Street. All con- veniences, inelnding garage Will decorate to suit tenant. Apply V.ouis Hyman, Barrister, Phone 67. (143¢) ER I I Tr uty Parlors GENOSIA HATRDRERRING EX perts--on all kinds of beanty enltnre. Permanent waves aut wnecialty. Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00: Marcell 350¢ Facials, scalp treatments anc manfieuring Coffee Shop en trance Phone 1973 (8 Jus 1 mo) PRINCELLA REAUTY SALON sneciaifzes in permanent waving, finger waving. marcelling, at low. est prices, 10 Prince. Phone 888 (19 jan ©) PEMBER'S BRANCI! HAIR Aressing and Beauly "n.ture No 9 Bradley Bidg., Phone 2%, Osh 1ws, Ontario. 33 nov t* TORENE JOHNSON, HAIR- dresser. 92 Church St. Finger wave 50c. 'marcel 25¢ Phone 21887, (8 jan ¢) REDUCED PRICES FOR HAIR- dressing and beauty culture at your home or 158 Roxhoronch Phone Violet McKenna 1230F. (30 dee ©) DAFFODIL HAIRDRESSING Shoppe, 311 Athol! Fast. Finger wave 50c, marce! 40c Mrs Bell. 1442). (1 jan ¢) WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Parlor. Marcel 50c. Finz- er wave B0c. Ladies' and child- ren's hajrent 25¢. We specialize in permanent waving, (20 jan ¢) H. V. ELLEGETT. REINFORCED concrete structural design and detajling. Mechanica) and strue- tural drauzhtinz. Phone 103W. : (30 dec c) Music VOICE PRODUCTION AND niannforte, Horner Smyth. 'rom London. Enclaid "choo! of Opera, now teaching at Harris' Music Store. 11 Simcoe St. South Free Interview and advice given Tuesdays, 7 to 9. Phone 1490 (21 dec c¢) ALL MAKES OF RADIOS RE paired. Prices reasonable. Jas Adams, 276 Grooms Ave. Phone 1098W, (6 jan c) 10 5 oF. = service on all makes Of vad . Prices Sedsonable Tues ifn your home. aries Yo. Phone 33503. V (5 fan ¢) PHONE NATIONAL RADIO Service, 2803M. equipped to lo- cate froutle Tg ta. Work nteed. sold. nr (26 dec ¢) I SES MADAME BROWN FOR teacup end hand reading Busi- ness private. 93 Louisa St. Phone L636¥F. (28 dec ¢) a ---------------- a_i DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- | sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in "hone 989. House WANTED--LARGE BED ROOM and garage, north, private fame ily. State terms, Permanent, Box 25 Times. (142¢) a -- _-- Male Help Wanted BARBER WANTED -- APPLY 180 Celina St. (1432) Pets and Livestock PUPPIES FOR SALE, HOUSE broken, black or white, Spitz. Poms, Ideal Christmas gifts. Ap- ply 106 Willlam East, 11450) , c TR. - Skates and Boots for Sale SLIGHTLY USED SKATES. boots, complete outfits, one fifty + up, Exchange for your old out- fit. 13 Richmond East, Open . evenings, A (20 jan ¢) = ae 3 | Agents Wanted AGENT RESIDING AND WELL kpown in Oshawa and district to take charge of Sales Distribution of an advertised line of Home Remedies. No Investment re- quired. Full stock supplied. Ap- plicant must furnish security. Particulars of experience by let- * ter to Tndian Herbal Remedy Co., "422 Wellington £t. W., Toronto. RR ------_---- Roofing HAYTON. THE ROOFER, ROOF- ing. caulking. chimney renairing. Free inspection and estimates. Phone 1643W, (May 21 33) Auto Loans AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE- financed. Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering a period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your car. Campbell Auto Finance Co. Ltd. Nisnev Block, King St. E. H. A MacDonald, r e p r e sentative Branches throughout Ontario. (6 jan ¢) SUNDAY PROGRAM FOR UNEMPLOYED Edmonton.--A series of Sun- day afternoon musical programs will be put on by city churches for unemployed men and women in Edmonton. Local chairs and musical organizations of the city will provide the programs, which will be made up of vocal and instrumental numbers, with op- portunity for sing-songs by the audience in some -hymns on the screen. There will be no address- es, An Inter-church committee, representing McDougall United, First Preshyterian and First Pan. tist Churches. and the Salvation Army, is undertaking this new effort. and singers from these various bodies will assist during the winter. Notices are posted in various places where the unem- nlored can best be reached. and the invitation is to all to whom such an opportunity apneals. The Committee announces that there are "absolutely no strings to it." Largely resnonsible - for the joint effort thus being made toward the relief of men's empty hours in Edmonton fs a suezces- tion recently made in an address before the Board of McDoural church by Premier Brownlee, who then said that in some such way as this the churches might render valuahle assistance in meeting a soclal problem of In- creasing seriousness, -------------- The =choo] tasprhap gant a nate to Willie's moth-r to say that he was naitivel~ dirty. (141c) Willie's mother sent back a re. "Articles for Sale BODY HARDWOOD 83, ALSO softwood. Guaranteed full meas- gre. A. Well, $92 Courcelletie Ave. Phone 2401F. (17 jan ¢) BODY MAPLE, HARD AND soft slabs, body aemlock, goed measure, prompt delivery, low prices. Phone 1716F. (21 dec ¢) ALL KINDS OF WOOD, PRICES right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert, Phone 1079J. (16 jan e) BUACK'S FUBL--HODY HARD- wood, $3 ¥% cord Coke $0.50 ton, Slabs $3.35 3% cord. Al fuel under cover. Phone 383). " (38 dee 7 DRY "HARD BODYWOOD cord $3, mixed 3 cord $3. Johns phone 19938M. (19 jan c) HARDWOOD $3 3% CORD, kindling $2.25 % cord Reduction on larger orders. Corson's. Phone 1941M (1 jan ¢) 'READY WIRED MUSHROOM manure, also fresh and well rot- ted. Some at $1.75 per load, also fresh spawn. Phone 53W. (3 jap co) BODY Wo0OD SLABS, $3. Mixe. $2.75. Coke $90.50, Phone 2423W. Frank McQuaid, Cedar- dale. (8 jan ¢) CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES, reasonable prices. Plone orders now, W, Borrowdale, Phone 2712. (24 dec ¢) DID YOU EVER BUY AT 148 Simcoe South? They sell suits, overcoats, ladies* coats, practic. allv new. Lowest prices. Also buy clothing. (17 jan ¢) BOD™ MAP'™, HAFD AND soft slabs, body hemlock. Phone 1716F. Mixed body wood $7 cord. (21 dec ¢! DRY BODY HARDWOOD, Maple $3, Softwood and Coke. Everythinz under co e-. Phone ""79W. Robert Christy, (13 jan ©) CEDARDALE COAL AND COKE Company. Coke $9.50 per ton. Guaranteed dry, stored in our warehouse since September. We invite you to call and inspect this Coke hefore placing order. Also all kinds eoal, wood. G. Dav. jdson, manager, Phone 1107, cor. ner Conant and Annis St, (15 fan ¢) HOUSE FURNISHINGS ON THE Percival plan, small down bpay- ments, Balance monthly, Phone our representative at 1248M. (29 dec ¢) RODY HARDWOO 4 CORN $3 Hardwood limbs 3 cord $2.50. Softwood 14 cord 22.25 L. Arm. strong, phone 2727TW, (18 jan ¢) RLECTRIC MOTOR. 1-f H.P, Real chean. Avoply 32 Arlinetan Ave. or 170M, (143d) ATTRACTIVE NEW 5 ROOM brick, oak un and down, modern, rhoice location. Owner's home at hargain. Box 26 Times. (143¢) BEAUTIFUL CANARIES, A gsongster for mother or friend, a bargain, 197 Church £t. Phone 1113W, (143c) ply, which said: "Dere teacher, I knows as Wil- lie's no rose, but T gent him to be teached, not smelled." XMAS GIFTS IN FORM OF RAILWAY TICKETS Montreal.--Adding to the long list of Christmas gifts of which Santa Claus must take notice. th- Canadian National Rallways sold a California-Montreal-and- return ticket, which the Com- nany sent to the recipient on be- half of the donor. Several fnquir- fes for Christmas presents of the same natur- have been received and evidently many Canadians are planning family re-union by giving transportation for Christ mas, De luxe car salesman: "That car costs 2,500 pocnds sterling. It will do absolutely anythine." Prospect: "Er--haven"t yon something little--or----more reluctant." a JAPANESE REJECT BRITAH PROPOSAL Geneva Delegate Declines Plan for International Commission Tokio.~~Disregarding friendly advice of Great Britain, Japan in- structed its delegations at Gen~va to reject the proposal that a-) In- t*rnational conciliation commis. sion be created to attempt a set- tlement of the Sino-Japanese con- troversy over Manchuria. Financial quarters considered the British manner of approach in making this proposal to Japan (before the League had taken definite action) as a diplomatir reverse for Japan and there were Sharp declines in the stock mar- ot. Resumption of diplematic rela- tions betwe:sn China and Russia, announced recently at: Geneva. also contributed to the market decline. A Government spokes- man said this action by what he described as the nations '"'most disturbing to the peace of the world" was "indirectly threaten ing" Japan. It was learned Great Britain had acted alone in proposing that Japan accept the commission con- ciliation scheme and that other nowers were not associated with its suggestion. Great Britain pointed out that if Japan refused conciliation ef- forts under Paragraph 3 of Arti- cle 15 of the League Covenant, it nrobably would be unavoidable that the League would proceed with application of Paragraph 4, (Paragraph 3 provides that the League Council endeavor to effect a settloment of disputes, Para- sraph 4 provides that If this fails. the Council by majority vote shall publish a report of the facts and recommendations "in regard ther-to." Great Brita'n hoped such action would be unnecessary, Commenting on resumption of Sino-Japanese relations, a Gaqv- ernment spokesman gaid the pos- ibility of completion of a8 Ruseo- Japanese non-aggressjon pact now was gr-atly diminished. He challenged the statement of Maxim Litvinoff, Russian Foreign Commissar, that lack of diplomat- ie relations between 'some na- tions" bordering on the Pacific were to blame for present trou- bles in Manchuria. An~ling for Recognition "Evidently meaning that the United States and Russia could have checked Japan's course in the continent of Asia, M. Litvi. noff, it appears, is angling for Am rican recognition and simul- taneously indirectly threatening Japan," the spokesman said. "If th's is Russia's 'frame of mind, thinking of possible alir- ments of powers against Japan, what is the use of a non-aggres- sion pact?" Meanwhile Japanese officials consid' red the information that General Su Ping-Wen, defeated Chinese Manchurian leader, was beinz deta'ned at Omsk, Siberia, wag an indirect compliance by Russia with Japanese demands. APPLES AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS Montreal. -- The apple as a Christmas gift from Canadians to relatives and friends in the Brit. ish Isles and Enrope continues to grow in popularity. Many thous- ands of individual Christmas gift boxes of Canad'an apples from various parts of the Dominion have been collected by Canadian National Railway Express Servie~ for #:'livery at Christmas to all narts of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State as well as to points in Europe. "I can't give you a job, I can't afford any extra help just now." "That's all rizht. I shan't be much help." We've given up taking cold showers every morning? We go down to the bank and ask for a loan instead. before retirin CANADIAN LINERS AT THE. YULETIDE C.N.S. Flag, Stimulating Trade, Waves in Car- ibbean Ses, and in Antipodes Montreal.~A slight increase in intra-Empire trade, made . possi- ble in many cass by the steame; service of the Canadien National Steamships, is one present from Canada to various parts of the Empire. And the gift is reciprocal, tor it offers an outlet that Canpa- dian merchandise ne:ds, The C.N.S. Lady Rodney, with passengers and freight from the ritish West Indies and Bermuda, will reach Halifax two days. be- fore Clristmas and a day later her sister ship, the Lady Somers, will reach Jamaica with passen- gers and cargo from Canada, via Joston and Bermuda. The Lady Nelson ig due at Boston en route to Halifax the day after Christ. mas with passengers and éarzo for Halifax from Bermuda, the Leescr Antilles, Trinidad and Bri- tish Gelana. The 8.8. Lady Drake leaves St. Kitts the day af- ter Christmas, covering the same route, but southbound and the Lady Hawkins reaches British Gufana Christmas Day. The freighters Colborne and Chomedy, carrying 'vagabond eruise" passengers from Halifax via Bermuda will be, respectively northbound from Trinidad and preparing to sail from Halifax, when Christmas chimes are ring- ing. The frcighter Canadian Chal- lenger will reach Halifax from Australia the day after Christmas The Canadian Constructor will be in mid-Pacific Christmas Day eastbound from the Antipodes for Halifax, the Canadian Conqueror will be nearing New Zealand from Canadian ports, the Cana- dian Cruiser will he loading at ports of the Antipodes for Cana- GOURNETS ABROAD HAVE XMAS FEAST C.N. Liners Offer Meal That Eclipses Finest Yule Dinners at Home Montreal. Passengers tak- ing C.N.8. Cruises from Halifax or Boston to such delightful win- ter paradises as Trinidad, Ja- maica and Bermuda, will have no cause to regret that they are not at home for the annual Christ- mag dinner. Witness the follow- ing Canadian Natjonal Steym- ships menu for Christmas, 1932. Frivolities, National; Hearts of Orange a la Menthe; Green Turtle, - Amontillado; Deloute, Royale; Silver Smelts, Richelieu; Medallions of Salmon, Mousse line; Supreme of Lobster au hampagne; Partridge on 'Cass. arole; Asparagus, Melba; Sorbet Neige, Dame Blanche; Baron of Beef au jus; Haricows Verts; Braised Celery; Parisienne Yo tatoes; Roast lurkey, Tranherry Jelly; Cream af Chestnuts, Ro- maine & la Vinaigretta; Christ. mas Pudding; Mince Pie; Biscuit Glace, Montebello; Petits Fours; Troutes, Andrew; Fruils; Des. sert; Demi Tasse, Axemen Go To Bush To Help Santa Claus Montreal. All through Canada axemen have been busy helping Santa Claus prepare for Christmas, According to the Natural Resources Department of the Canadian National Railways at least 4,000,000 trees were 2ut to meet this year's demand for Christmas trees, Many of these are'sent to domestic markets out New York and other cities in the eastern States use the bulk of the cut in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, New York alone orders about 850,000 trees from Canada every Decemuer. In Eastern Canada the favor- ite trees are young firs or sprice about ten feet in heigiat. Mm British Columbia and on the I'a- cific 'Coast the choice runs to young Douglas firs. Cedar, hel lock, juniper and pine of tender growth find ready markets when the more favored species are not available. The epicy odor of balsam fir, with its flat lacquered leaves of dark green which are easy to decorate, make It pai- ticularly suitable for use as a Christmas tree, The origin of the use of trees for decorative purposes at Christmas time ig lost in an- tiquity but it is only in compar atively recent years that tue Christmas tree has become thor. oughly popular in North Amerfes and the British isies. Conservationists are agreed that the cutting Christmas trees Is not wasteful as the majority of these treeg would have a snall chance of reaching marketable size as timber. The cutting of Such trees also assists the larger frees |n attaining bigger growths since most of the trees uged for decorative purposes may he des- cribed as undergrowth which sap a lot of strength from ue ground and hinder the growth ci the more sturdy trees. A Detroit pedestrian was struck by a motor-car on the day he wes to have left for Chicago. Who rays there are no gnardian angels? Insure Yoor House and Con- tents In Strong Companies through J. H. R. LUKE Ask ahout Burglary Insur- ance. You should carry it. Phone 871 or 687W | TIME TABLES | RE La Oe Ss cts © Ween Day Going West Ushaws r) Arrive Tin 0 gh T BROS, - Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South Sends oUDDOUREad 8 RRRRRRRAPE Anes o3 FH 5 -% is | EBM aier BSnssNs PPPTPPP asgpage i f ee 23 L15 pon, Spupy oP 3333 838 215 pm. Re Wotches OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not gi satisfaction we can iid make it tell the corres: ime D. J. BROWN Official Watch, Inspector for at Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 20 $imcoe 6t. 8. Phone 189 Leave 1200 p.1a 10 p.m. 3 p.m. . 1055om (.iCom 1L4MDm GRAY COACH LINES Effective S 3, $ ve Sent i One 1928 Chevrolet Coach. | Ome 1928 Chevrolet Coupe, Rose, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON----ESSEX 135 King 8t. W. Phone 1100 J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE Office I'hone 793 Res, Phone 2898 4"; Prince St, Oshawa OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO i P.M. AM, PM. 6.45 2.30 6.90 3.30 07.30 b3.30 a7.30 830 8.30 43 bs.38 9.30 6.30 b7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 cl ze a=Dally except Sunday and holidays d--Daily except § b2.30 11.30 Sunday; b-Saturday, July; co tinds nday only: a The New Burtol Process Gives ULTRA-RAPID SERVICE IN DRY CLEANING PHONE 707 We Call and Deliver CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS ram Service Tective December , 1932 tern Stan TH EASTBOUND 9.45 a.m. Dairy 1.59 p.m Daily except Sunday. 4.42 p.m Daily. 10.22 p.m Daily, except Sunday. 1103 p.m. (Sunday enly), 12.20 a.m. Daily, t~Stops on flag to pick up for Mentreal Ladies' JERSEY DRESSES $1.95 IL COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King St. W.. Oshaws and East WESTBOUND 5.29 a.m. Daily. »J5 a.m Daily, 6.21 a.m. Daily. 1.12 p.m. Daly i 6.58 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. 9.17 nm. daily {--Flag stop only, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective December §, 1932 (Standard Time) Eastbound 9.45 a.m. Daily. 10.30 am, Trenton Local Daily, except 'unda wif nm Daily. 12.22 a.m. Daily. s For Otiawa Montreal and East Flag Westbound 6.35 a.m. Daily, uz p.m Jain -40 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. ry gli Pate. ul " m Torontc and West aplv--flag, Imperial Lime Rickey A Real Drink Sc and 10c Bottles At Your Grocers or Druggist at all Superior Stores When it comes to marrying there is every evidence that the Prince of Wales {s another of those fellows who are willing to 1"t George do it. a, FOR QUALITY, I mn -- EE NO. 1 POTATOES 90 1b. bag 80c Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. Phone 208 WORKMANSHIP - AND SATISFACTION Send your clothes to the OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED Tres n 4 10 Simcoe St. 8. PRUGC STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY We Delives - | | Mill St. Phone 2520 i OSHAWA "Golfer stuns a sheep," puns a headline. Some of those jazz pulle overs are rather terrifying. TILLIE THE TOILER- By Russ. Westover HEY, 'M AETTING HUNGRY « WHY war For MAC . HE ISN'T GONNA SHow uP { i) cme mp y DONT BE SILLY, WALLY - THIS OWNER] You FEEL "THAT WAY AB0LT OKAY. WELL WAIT For Mac WF HIM * DON'T START CRYING pr] wk ¥ amas OUT To FIND MAC AND Bilt HAasSn'T come 1 SENT Bill. BACK YET BRINGING UP FATHER TAKE A SANDWICH . AND NOT A HANDFUL IF YOU DISGRACE ME AT THIS PARTY: I'LL. ATTEND TO YOU~- WHATS ny 'EM? BIRD TEA- SIR - AND A BiIsCuiT- OH* MR-JIGGS- YOU MUST HAVE AN OLIVE AND SOME CELERY: