Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Dec 1932, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMB fy a [want ion WHERE BUYER & SELLER MEER ER 16, 1932 For Rent NIN. F. SWA:T2, BARRIS - Solicitor, Notary Money to a. 11 Eing gi Phone : de 7 I Resaois (17 feb tf) ¢ & ANN!s BAPRIf gk hol Notaries Panlic he Conveyancing and general ctice fn Law. Office 7% Sim sStreer South,, Oshawa. Phone G. D. Conant, B. LL.B; A. Annis. B.A, LL. . E. N. SINCLAI'L, K.C., BANK Commerce Building. ' OSE "MANGAN, L.A, BAR : ee ir St Notary Public bopvavancer. Money to loan Of 14% Fitz St. Bam, Ozbhawa pne 440. Residence phone 837 RSON, CRE:GHTOM gaser Barristers. EC. Bank of Bommerce Bldg PHREYS, BAR FREER «& HUM dot Solicitors, Ftc. 241% Sim- oe St. N. Phene 3160. Residence 14 Money to loan. EJ HENNICh. B.A. ARRIS e. 12 Simcoe St. South. Te:e: fcne 3038--565. A. B *s sont th Undertaking 7 © Co. 61 KIIG BURIA Residence rth. Phone LUKE St. East. Arshuiance. 42 Simcoe Street No 2105 and 210W hd ATRL LAA \ & Son, 0 yond Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W R7 Celina (ate Architects DISNEY FOR RENTALS In Lewellyn, George, Edward. 4 roomed modern apartments, Houses, flats, rooms. List with Dis ay. Opposite Post Office. Phone 1550 \ (136t0) BATHROOM FLAT AND GAR- ages for businesi men or bank- ers, Phone 1281W, Apply 108 Colborne Bast. 8 (187) 9 ACRE FRUIT AND GE- table farm. Good house : and stable. Close to Oshawa, Apply W. J. Sulley, 346 Simcoe S.%Phone 718. 139m 4 ROOMED APARTMENT, ALL conveniences, ready Yor, decuna- tion January 1st. Apply 442 Sim- coe South, a8 (189¢) WE HAVE FOR RENT TWO new warm well built, two-storey brick houses on Sommerville Avenue, which we will decorate to suit tenant, all modern con- veniences, rent $15 per month or if tenant prefers to take horses as thev are will rent for $12 a month, These houses would make a fine home for any- one and can be hed for the rent which the City Re'lef Denarts ment will pay. Apply Farris & Harris. 'Phone days--Mise Caw, 7X9. Evenings, Mr, Tom Horris, 32567. (139h) FOR RENT--12 BURKE, WAT- er heated. 5 bedrooms, hardwood, fireplace. decorated. garage, vacant. Murdoch, 27 Warren. (140f HEATED BACHELOR APART. ment. furnished, clean, nrivete. Apply Pox 21 Times. _(140tt) C. C. STENHOUSE. GENERAL Architectural woric. Second floor Roya! Bank Building. Phone 1496. Residence phon. 909). Auctioneer PHONE 7162. W J SULLEY. Auctioneer, 348 Simece St. 8 Oshawa. Special attention riven to household furniture sales and farm stock and (mplements Your patrona~e solicited Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN. EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, cepa'r shop a 46 King Street West. Your patrcnave 1's solicited . Transportation TAGE AND STORAG Coleman's, 85 Bond Wesi. Sper {alists in furniture moving. Stor ags warehouse and moving van eanioment Phone 22 Insurance : DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 Kips St. Wert, Oshawa. The oldést Fire Agerey 'n Oshawa. 30 reputah'e Fire Companies Battery Service BATTERIES CHARCED 75 with rental $1.00. Called for and | delivered Batteries $2.75 and up. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mil St - Phone 960 . Radios Repezired RUSSELL WICKS, CERTIFIED Radio-Trician, servicing and re pair. work guaranteed. Hizhest quality tubes sold. Phone 1148M 44 Mary St. { (23 dec c¢) ALY. MAKES OF RADIOS RE paired. Prices reasonable. Jae Adams. 276 Grooms Ave. Phone 1098W. (8 jan ©) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, EX- pert service on all makes of radios, Prices reasonable Tubes tested in your. home. Charles Wales. Phone 3350] (5 ian ©) PHONE NATIONAL RADIO Service, 2803M.- equipped to lo- cate trouble on any set. Work guarantced. Tubes sold. (26 dec ¢) Shoe Repairing Beauty Parlors CENG3A HATRDRESSING EX perts--on all kinds of heanty culture. Permanent waves suv enecialty. Finger wave an' shampoo, $100: Maree!l, &f¢ Facials, scalp treatments and maniruring. Coffea Shop en trance. Phone 1973 (8 Jnl 1 mo PRINCELLA REAUTY SALON sneciaiizes In permanent waving, finger waving. mareelling, at nw. est prices. 10 Prince. Phone 688 (18 dec ¢) Articles for Sale BODY HARDWOOD $3, ALSO softwood, Guaranteed full meas- ure. A. Wall, $92 'Courcellette Ave. Phone 2491F. (16 dee ¢) WE SELL SLIGHTLY WORN suits and overcoats, also ladles' goods, at 148 Simcoe S.uth, We also buy clothing. (18 dec ¢) BODY MAPLF, HARD AND soft slabs, body aiemlock, good measure, prompt delivery, low prices. Phone 1716F. (21 dec ¢) ALL KINDS OF WOOD, PRICES right. Clande McQuaid, 54 Albert. Phone 1079J. (18 jah ¢) BLACK'S FUEL --BODY HARD: wood, $8 % cord Coke §9.00 ton. Slabs $2.28 4 cord." All fuel uncer covey. Phone 233J. ar (28 dec ¢! ORY HARD BODYWOOD % cord $3..mi-ed 3' cord $2. Johns phone 1993M. % 7 » (18 dec ¢) HARDWOOD 43 % CORD, kindling $2.25 3%:cord Redrction on larger orders. Corson's. Plone 1941M w (1 jan e) READY MIXED MUSHROOM manure, also fresh and well rot. ted. Some at $1.76 per load, also fresh spawn. Pholle 53W, (3 jan ¢) BODY WOOD . SLABS, $3. Mixe. $2.75. Coke $9.50, Phone 2423W, Frank MeQuaid, Cedar- dale. : (8 jan ¢) CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES, reasonable prices, , Phone orders now. W. Borrowdale. Phone 2712. J (24 dec co) BOD MAPLE, ZJHAFD AND soft slabs, body rinloct Pons 17187, Mixed body"wood $7 cord. (21 dee © DRY BODY @SHARDWOOD, Maple $3, Softw and Coke. Everythinz under go e-. Phone {79W. Robert Clfisty. J as "an ¢) 1929 CHEVROLET COACH. Al condition, Will gefl' cheap." Apply Elwood Wilber, Tpunton Black. smith Shop. (139h) COFFIELD ELECTRIC COPPFR Tub Washer, for quick sale. $25. Apply Box 17 Times. (139¢) PEMBEFR'S BRANCI! HAIR: dressing and Reaaly "n.ture No 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 2%, Osh ws, Ontario. (23 nov t* TORENE JOHNSON. HATR- dresser, = 92 Church St. Finger wave 50c. marcel 25¢c. Phone 21887. (8 jan ©) INTRODUCING ---~ BARROW'S Permanent wave shop 25 Burk St. Croauinole Waves $2.75 up Finger wave and shamnono 50e. & (16 dee ©) NORMA"S REAUTY PARLOR 31 King St. Tast Marcel Monday and Tnesdav. 35¢ bnalance of weeks 50¢. Finver wavinr 50 with shampoo 75¢, Phone 2525. (17 dec REDUCED PRICE3 FOR HAIR- dressing and beantv enlture at vour home or 158 Roxhoronch Phone Violet McKenna 1230F. (30 dec Shoppe, 311 Athol Fast, Finrer wave 50c, marcel 40¢c Mrs Bell. 1442) 7 41 jan "Engineering H. V. ELLEGETT. REINFORCED concrete structural desizn and tural draughting, Phone 103W. . Music Lessons VOICE PRODUCTION nianniorte, Horner Smyth, from T.ondon Ennlaad school of Onera, now teaching at Harris' Music Store. 11 Simeoe St. Sonth Tree interview and advice riven Tuesdays, 7 to 9. Phone 1490 (21 dec ¢) "AND Cleaning and Dyeing FIRST CLASS SERVICE ON ALL THE CHAMPION SHOE RE pair does particnlar vork (nr particular people. Skates sharp ened a new and better way. ne | stick. Goloshes repaired. We col- lect and deliver. Phone 1216, 17 Bond East. (19 dec ©) " Female Help Wanted WANTED--WOMEN AND GIRLS to decorate greeting cards at home. $5 ~ hundred. No =-ll- ing. Montreal Art Shop, Box 363, Staton B". = (1361) Palmist : SEE MADAME BROWN FOR teacup and nand reading Busi- ness private. 93 Louisa St, Phone 2636F. (28 dec ¢) Dental : Medal Cleaners, our work. Fur coats cleaned and relined. Ask for prices, Gold 21 Bond E Phone 38%. (19 dec ¢) DAFFODIL, "HAIRDRESSING | CEDARDALF. COAT, AND COKE Company, Coke $9.50 per ton. Guaranteed dry, stored in our warehouse since September. We invite yon to call and insnect this Co¥%e before placine order. Also all kinds coal. wood. G, Dav. | idson. mana~er. Phore 1107, cor- ner Conant and Annis St. (15 fan ¢) WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY to buy brand new nianos at half nrice. We are sales azents in Oshawa for pianos now being fin. ished by the Oshawa Piann & Mabinet Company. Fxtraordinary "arrain while they last. Sea our window. The Johne Plano S'nre 80 Simeoe St. North. (159¢) HOUSY FURNISHINGS ON THE Percival nlan, small down nay. | | { Hardwood 1 ments. Balance monthlv, Phote our representative at 12/8\, (29 dee ¢) "ODY HARNDWOON 1, cO™N 83 Himhs 1% enrd $2.50. 'wftwoed V. ear? 2° 25, LI. Arm- Lrong, phone 2727W, (18 fan ¢) i "ANCY LINENS EDGED WITH | | "The Pierretta Dress Shopr- { detailing. Mechanical and strne. |. (30 dee ¢) | Tmeos North. handmada Orfentsl make snita™la lace, Christmae gifte 153 (140t1) PW GAS RANGE, 2 BURNED, 12. Prreain. John Meagher, 92 (140a) 'imena forth, are varieties of coarse orosseg and edness u-on which the hers of :aribou feed during their no-thern migration. Part of this reeion is ~hown on the Hunter B-y-Conper- mine: River map sheet just ised by the Topographce! Survev, De- s»rtment of the Inter'or, Canada. The line of demarcation between 'he wooded and tree'~ss aress ~~osses the resion manned akhon~h Ws line is ve-v irre~ul~r desend'n~ -st only on climate but on 5-1 and 'rainage conditions and local shelt- Win | quality. Cor. Conant and Annis St. COKE !! Positively Dry This Coke was placed in our sheds in ber and theres fore has not been exposed to rain or snow, so that our Cus tomers are assured of absolutely Cedardale Coal & Comovany G. DAVIDSON, »dry Coke of the very finest } ¥ Coke * : i psi, Tong 107 .. Mortgage Sale, UNDER AND BY VIRTPE OF the' Power of Sale contained in a cert¢in Mortgage, which will be produced at the time o' the sale, thépe will be offered for sale by Pulpic Auction, at 19 "Bond Stréet West in the City Osh- a by W. J. Sulley, Aucfi@neer, on PRIDAY. DECEMBER: 23rd, 1932, at the hour of 2 o'cMck 1 the" alternoon, the following pro| , namely: --The + lanls and 'premises 'in the City of Dsh- awatkhown ds part of Lotz8 on the th side of Bond Streef ac- cordifg to J, B. Warren's @ien On thf premises are sald t& be erected« blocks of stores gbu lt . 2 storeys highgione _stofs on Prince Weer n ,as Nos. 1821, 2§ and &5 ince Street, eon: sifting gf 4 ores and ar- atg apa@gments over the si@ro« | fai state of repair, andighe offler block Bond Street #nrd kifpwn as Nok 19 and 21 Bond Stheet West, consisting of 2 stapes and separate apartments ovey the stogés in first class shape. Each block of stores will be sold senarately or both blocky will te gold én bloc. The proper will. be sold subject to a reseroff bid * TERMS: --Ten percent of the purchase money is to he pa down at the time of the «nig, and the balance to be paid with: in thirty dave thegeafter ¥hr ¢urther particulars 8nd informa- tion apply to Loufs §. Hyman. 18 Simcoe -Strect North, Osh. awa, Ontario, Solicitor for the M agee, Dre (128. 134, 140) MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of | of the club is Migs Yelmn Prn=hna. } »* 4 "] = . he Ld Courtice News (Mrs. W. R. Courtich, Corres. 5 pondent) COURTICE, Dec. 12.--Rev, H. Leaderg, No. 8 Mission Band: Misg Sadig Muir, Miss Marion Tre- nih ; L C. Wolfrdfm wag in Toronto last week attanding' the meetings of th~ "Oxfo#d Movemest." #Mrs. Fred Flintoff, Mrs. Steve Flintoff, Misses Jean: and Doro- thy and Mrs. Sid Horn, ¢® Osha. wa, were guests of Mrs. Howard Flintoff last week. The girls of No. 4 school have formed a sewing club ealled the "Sunshine Club", the object of which Is to learn to sew, do f2n- cy worl §nd knit. The president secretary, Miss Jupe Marshall, affld treasurer, Miss Goslin. hey arg to m-et In one of the homes onte a month when Mrs. Rose Rgarce will be their instructress In ency work, Mrs. Will Mar- shall in sewing &nd Mrs. Goslin 'n knitting. They held thelr first meeting on Friday afternoon af- ter school in the home of Mrs. Will Marshall 8nd wcre much nleated vith their success. Mrs, 'farshall entertained the zirls to tea and it wag a pleasant time. Friday evening choir R. Can ance." After a fine rehearsal of the music for Christmeos, re'resh- "ent were served by Mrz, Cours tice and a socfal hour enjoy d. Thursday afternoon th~ last -meeting of the year for W.M.S, wag held at the home of Mrs, Frank Worden with her group in chdrge, The devotional period the powers contained in a certain mortecaze, which will ba produe- ed at the time of the sale, there will be offered for gala by pub- | wlic auction on Inremises at 482 Cgbert Street in ithe City of Oshawa, by William 1. Sulley, Auctiondep, the follow- ing' pronerty, viz: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer. i tain parcel or treet of land and {nremises gifvate, lying and being {in the City of Oshawa, In the !~ornty of Ontar'n, and being | composed of the Northerly Fortv | "nnt (40') of the Southerly Wishty Feet (80') of J.ote Num- Fifteen (15) an? Sixteen { (16) as marked on Re~istared Plan. Nnmba: TWN HUNDRED | AND FORTY-E'GHT (248) for "he County of Ontario, On s2i1 nrem'~ss is eafd ta ha a frame honse In a reasonable | steta of veprir, TIFRMS--Ten per cent. of the surchr"g nrica tn ha rid at the 'ima of gole, gn the halonra to "a paid within thirty days from 'ha dnote of sale. The groperty will he sold sub- 'ent toga reserve bid. ES part'enlars 2onMiti@n: of sale arnly tn W. FE: N. SINCLAIR, XC, Rank of Mortrenl Bldg, > f Orhawa. W..J. SUTLEY, Avetianeer, y ¥ 346 Simcoe St. S,, DATED AT OSHAWA, this 4th day of Decemhor, AD, 1932, (140, 146, 151) | harsg and Taesday, Janus | ary Srd. 1933, at the hour of 3 | lo'clock in #he afternoon. at the | { the study book: a plano duet was | Aura Os' orne;: 8 led by Mizs Aura Osborn', who read the Bibl» lesson. The 2 was bringing gilts to Je- Christmas hymns were sung 1d the program was: as follows: chorus by the group; Mrs. Bert \Wikins took up tha chapter in us. «n]"ndidly rencered by Mrs. Co: cil Worden and Mrs. Frank Wor- den; Mrs. H. C. Wolfraim gave a nice Chrictthas story, | The ofMcdrs for the coming year | we.e electél as follows: pres., Mrs.. Blake®.Courtice; 1st wice- ores, Mrs.iFrank Word n: 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. Frank Rundle; ord vice-prés., Mrs. R. E. Os- orne; rec. age'y.,, Mrs. Blake Oke; ass't. rege. sec'y., Mrs. Wal- ter Snider; ¢or. sec'y., Mrs. Esli Oke; tr as, Mrs. Russ:] Gay; s:¢. Christian Stewardship, Miss Stranger's sce, R. C. Pearce; Literature Mrs. A. J. Gay; Temperance Mrs, G. F. Annis; Supply Mrs. A. E;. Rundle; M's. W. R. Courtice: Mis- ry Mcnthly sec, Mrs. J. n; Paby Bgnd supt., Mrs, Marshall, 4 Leeders, No. # Mission Pand: "less Hattie Osbofme, Mrs. Chas. Found. Mrs, ee. sec., 7ee., 36. sions Brow Ww, i A -- WOOD PRESERVATION PROBLEMS Ottawa.--W:th the Increasing nse |! v & treated under pressure by sev- cra i' wood preservatives in extending 'he life of weod stroztures, prob- ems are constantly beine encoun- tered the importance of which could t be foreseen in t¥e early days f the development of this practice. | (Effyctivs en Sunday and holidays only; ¢--S d--Daily except Sundays and boll practice J. was held in the home of Mrs, W, i riice with a good att nd-§- One such problem is the "bleeding" of timbers after impregnation with creoscte, surfece of the timber, rendering it profe |g. wearing apparel or the work. [ ence. Stories of Cana Department of the interior, are ifi- |1 vestigating cd to be able from these exneri- ments to determine the treagments mest effective in preventing ing", Ge AWA § rd Time after May Ween Pay Schedule asgaga apps ak ad Ls ha PoBPEY sronk i SS 3 ITH oP uo Lie 8 & ~Ro®up a ) B wiley to S Foray Dy ea! Feasanspe 87 IP GRAY COACH LINES (Effegtive Sept 25, 1932) (Eastern Standard Time) LEAVE OSHAWA AM. PM, 2.30 3.30 4.30 £5.30 6.30 b7.30 2.30 b3.30 10.30 11.20 2.20 except Sunday; b--Ssturday, y only; .. c! a~Daily CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Tram Service Effective December 5. 1937), rn Standard Time Y EASTBOUND 45 am. Dairy. 59 p.m Daily. except Sunday. 42 p.m. Daily 10.22 p.m. Daily, 1 o 9. 1. 12.20 a.m. D. #-Stops on and East. aly, flag to pick up for Mentreal WESTBOUND 5.29 a.m. Daily. vJ5 a.m Daily. 6.21 a.m. Daily. 112 pom. 0.58 p.m. 117 nm {~Flag Daiy . Daily, except Sunday, daily stop only, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective December §, 1932 (Standard Time) Eastbound : 9.45 a.m. Daily, 10.30 am, Trenton Local Daily, exc Cay 3 | 418 nm Paily. ne 42.22 a.m. Daily ; : = For Ottawa Montreal and East Flag Westbound k KJ 6.35 a.m. Daily. 3.12 pm Daily : il cept Sunday. West nglv-flag, By "bleeding" is meant he exultztion of creosote to the iifficult to handle, and a menace to 1 or others coming in contact 1 it. In the case of telephone | oles © city streets "bleeding" may be a sou.ce oftko.. 'derable annoy- The Forest Products Labor- Forest Service, this problem, and at number of . These resent have a large oles under obscrvation. different methods, and it is hop- 0 C 30d AE V' Men' Shoes -- $2.00 $2.65 $3.00 $3.65 $4.00 - $4.65 M n' House Slippers-- $100 $1.25 $145 $1.75 $1.95 $2.75 : r-- WINDOW DISPLAY GEE LEAVE TORONTO | = AM, P.M. Baltimo'? Mrs. Johnson--Her husband done JMected three wash bills dat was ue.an' evaporated to Baltimo', Mrs. Jackson--How's he doin' in starvin. He done sent her 2 picture postal sayin', "I wish you were cre Mrs. Johnson--She recgpns he's | Times" Classified Ads, Get Results. f The New Burtol Process f Gives ULTRA-RAPIID SERVICE IN DRY CLEANING PHONE 707 We Call and Deliver BASSETT'S We buy Old Gold anc Silver We repair anything bought | in a Jewelry Store | On Oshawa's Main Corner | = 4 REPAIRING. Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1880 12 Simcoe St. South J Ladies' JERSEY DRESSES . $185 I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King St. W., Oshawa - Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY {t your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Rallroads £0 Simcoe St. 8. 'hone 189 . a i A Lime Rickey '. A Real Drink + Ec and 10c Bottles At Your Grocers op Druggist at al Superior Stores , EE ------ *bleed- 3 POP CORN South American Yellow 10c¢ per Ib, 3 Rosr, Ames & Gart:hore HUDSON--ESSEX 13 Phone 1160 J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE Office Phone 703 Res. Phone 2805 4; Prince £t., Oshawa PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY 10 Simcoe St. 8. We 5 Roofing '"HAYTON. THE ROOVER, ROOF- ing, caulking, chimney renairine, Free inspection and estimates. Phone 1643W, (May 21 33) Auto Loans AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE- financed. Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering nay while yon drive 'your car. Campbell Auto Finance Co. Ltd. Nisney Block, King St, E. H, A. MacDonald, r e p r e sentative Branches throughout Ontario. DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray werk. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance "hone 059. House Wanted to Buy i2 OR 16 GAUGE DOUBLE OR tingle shotgun. Apply 111 Col- borne St. East. Phone 608W. (18%) Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED TO SELL made to measure clothes direct. Good money to be made for ag- gressive men. Box 18 Times, (139¢) - Room and Board WARM FURNISHED BEDROOM to rent, with or without board. 152 Colborne St. Fast. Phone 608M. (140a) Female Help Wanted WANTED--GIRL FOR HOUSE: (6 jan c) Lost containinz small sum of money, driver's license, etc. Kindly re- turn to Star Taxi or phone 300. Reward. (140c) ; LOST-- THIS MORNING BE- tween El~in St. and Police Sta. tion, leather key case with two car keys, to be left at Police Sta- tion, (140a) CANADA'S NORTHERN PLAINS Ottawa.--Much of Northern Can- ada is within the treeless region known as the Northern Plains, This country is for the -*~st part cover- ed with a low growth of Labrador tea, ground bireh. and willows and a thick soft carpet of various mozses and lichens. During the short summer season: there are in addition many snec'es of flowering olants, mosti+ brilliantly coloured ond in great profusion, forminz a I'ndscare of wonderlul bearty. work. Sleep at home. Box 20 Times, ; (140b) Completing the summer vegetation a period up to twelve months to' | i i TILLIE THE TOILER- | UNDER STAND Ui WELL, You De. (V) SIVING YOU A BANQUET cur TOMORROW NEHT, MAC. [= \ By Russ, Westover AS THE REAT SCOTT. YOU MEAN ouV HONOR \MON'T BE HERE 2 TELL TILLIE GUEST OF WHAT'S THIS ABOLT MAC NOT COMING' SH! HELL RE THERE ALL R\GHT: Lt. EXPLAIN TO YOU Hw BUBBLES AND = » GOOD NIGHT, MAC = \LL BE SEEING "YoU AT THE BANQUET "TOMORROW, - 1 BHOULD AAGQIE 1 AM AN TO SEND THINKS 1M WORSE THAN NT HAVE TCLD WUZ SICK SHE | SHES LIABLE FER A DOCTOR: ® 1532. King Features Syndicaze, Iney Great Britain nights reserved ARE YOU A DOCTOR? NO! 'M A CARPENTER MRS-IIGEDS WANTS ME TO Fix THE DOOR =

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