Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Dec 1932, p. 1

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a Bail Succeeding The Oshawa Reformer y Ti ptr VOL. 11--NO. 139 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1 932 PRICE THREE CENTS CIVIC IMPROVEMENT LEAGUE FORMED New 1933 McLaughlin-Buick Out Saturday vi Modish Windstream De.| 'sign, Setting the Style for 1933, Is Outstanding Characteristic of New Product of General Mo- tors of Canada MANY MECHANICAL ADVANCES MADE Models of 1933 McLaugh- lin-Buick Expected to be on Display at Showrooms of Moffatt Motor Sales A long, low car of modish windstream design, setting the style for 1933, will roll along Automobile Row on Saturday. It is the 1933 McLaughljn-Buick, the same substantial and luxuri- ous Straight Eight of other years, but with a new dress and | with new qualities of roadability and mechanical smoothness. Dealers here and throughout Canada, where the 1933 Mc Laughlin-Buick is being present- ed to the public on Saturday are proclaiming this car as "the fin- est McLaughlin-Buick ever built", Certainly the engineers have turned out an unusually. beautiful automobile, utilizing new wind- stream lines made possible by partly widening the treads an inch and a half. Skirted fenders add a mew touch that harmon- izes with the long flowine lines. Thé entire chassis with the ex- geption of the wheels fs conceal- ed. The new 1933 McLaughlin: Buick will be on display in' Osh. awa at the showrooms of the 'Moffat Motor Sales, 53 Simcoe Street North, who are making a strong effort to secure models for the introductory showing on Saturday. Many Advances y Most interesting of the ad- Laughlin-Buick for 1933 is the vancements disclosed by the Mc- new Fisher system of closed car no-draft ventilation, individually controlled. This feature is cited as one of the most imnortant contributions to car comfort since closed cars themselves arrived on the scene. It is not an acces- sory, but a built-in bodv feature, comnletely sunnlantinz the make- shifts on which motorists have had to depend for ventilation of their cars in the past. Front door windows and the rear quarter windows in the four-door sedans are composed of glass sections split vertically. The front norts swing on a vertical pivot, either outward to drain smoke or im- pure air, or inward to scoon cool- ing breezes inside. Swirling drafts are actually abolished. Instead. incoming air is deflect- ed against the windshield and instrument panel so that it dif- fuses throughout the car, Inci- dentally, the raising and lowering device for rear auarter windows is eliminated, giving inches more width to the rear seat in sedan : _ (Continued on page 5) The longer a coach stays a' one place the moré familiar the alumni get with him. They wa"! to name his assistan, coaches and even want to pick the team ~--len Scobey ("Pop") Warner, resigning as foot™all coach at Stanford University, Statesmen must he big men. Little men couldn't co-operate nicely after each had called the other a liar. -- Robert Quillen IANY NEW FEATURES | HAVE BEEN EMBODIED IN OSHAWA-BUILT CAR PLANS COMPLETE FOR DRAWING OF Officers of Civic Improvement League WELFARE PRIZEY To Be in Conjunction With Concert at O.C.V.L Audi- torium Friday Night Plans have been perrected for the big event at the Collegiate and Vocational Institute Audi- torium tomorrow evening, when the draw will bo made for the Chevrolet Coupe and other prizes which are being awarded ia con- nection with the Public Welfare Campaign. The draw is to be made in conjunction with a splendid concert which is being given by the Ukrainian Dancing Club of this city, under the di- rection of Nick JTazar and musi- clans and singers from the Uk- rainfan Greek Orthodox Church. The concert program is one of exceptional merit, and should Le J. W. BORSBERRY, Second Vice-President, Above are the three main officers elected by the ganization meeting in the Hotel Genogha last night, themselves together in the interests of rescuing Oshaw:. t (EDWIN HORNER 1S FOUND NOT GUILTY ON THEFT CHARGES GEORGE HART, E. A. LOVELL, President. Vice resident, Civic Improvement League of Oshawa, at its or. when about 230 representative citizens banded from its present. position. Tangle Over Oshawa Mort- gages Is Unravelled by highly colorful, and that ia Jr- self should attract a large audi- ence. Mayor Hawker will draw winning tickets from the dn and ic each cause an alter at nember will he draw, in case the | holdér of the first ticket does not appear to ~laim his prize. Th» numbers will be announced The Times on Saturday and wic- ners will be allowed until non on Wednesday mext to claim their awards at Welfare Com- paign Headquarters, 326 King Street East. Should any je un- claimed then. the alternative numbers will be announced. and a further three days allowed for claiming the awards. Another feature of the even: ing will be the sale, by auton, of a splendid puiding lot at the corner of Colborne and Roxbor ough Streets, to the highes: bid- tae | » in | | Almeda Flindall Juigment 128 now been hand- pod!» Hall by Mi ¢{ in the ease 0 ad va. C. Ww »~tin~s e: al Tollowing' trinl I» ty on Thursday of last we : iavolved tire e-uil! situated 8 ham Avenue, Oshe intiff being Mrs. Chor of this city, CASS in property the pn Weatherhead, wa, les Hastings of Hamnton, Mrs, meda Spencer of Wellington and Arthur J, Gay of Oshawa. Judgment reads as foilc "I find that the mortgage by plaint'ff and her husband (now Almeda Spencer) was intended to be first mortza~e. The moneys ad- vanced were paid by Al™=da Flin- | all to the mori ing the Brat nor de to | a (Continued on page 2) | POULTRY SHOW | GREAT SUCCESS Unemployed Admitted Free This Afternoon and Evening A splendid exhibiiton of poul- try and pet stock under the aus- pices of the Oshawa Poultry and Pet Stock Association, is in progress in a vacant store on King Street West, just west of Simcoe Street. The show was opened yesterday afternoon, and those who visited it were de- lighted with the splendid quality of the birds on exhibition, Wil- liam Carter, of Lonsboro, On- tario, was present as judge, and complimented the local Associ- ation on the excellence of the exhibition. The show is to be open until ten o'clock this evening, and the citizens of Oshawa are invited to attend, the admission fee being ten cents, with four prizes offer- ed for the holders of lucky ad- mission tickets. The assocla tion arranged today that any un- employed citizens could. be ad- mitted free simply by showing their relief identification card. it being felt that many of them might like to attend the show, but 'might be unable to pay the admission fee, To The Citizens of Oshawa, -- * There is a Coupe?" but it will be torium. that there are 44 other prizes, splendid evening of entertainme of it with blank pieces of paper, volving drum and picks out If you are wonderin are wondering about gz jective. Who Will Win the Chevrolet Coupe? - Is Big Question Now Oshawa, Decentber 13, 1932, question that is perplexing the minds of the citie zens of Oshawa today--"who is going to get the Chevrolet Unfortunately that question cannot be answered tomorrow night at the Do not let this matter worry you, real good ones, too. We are proud of them, and you would be proud to win any one of rill Our Ukrainian friends are working real hard to give you 3 nt. It is rumoured that His Wors just the size of the ticket stubs, 50 that there will be no mistakes when he takes charge of the re- the winners, g about the car and the other prizes, we etting that $35,000.00, you have, the better your chances will be to prizes and the better our chances will be to re answered today, Collegiate Audi- however, remember You will enjoy every minute hip the Mayor is practising The more tickets get some of the ach the new ob- Let's See It Through, Flindall isas our ity rrior mortgace given by the rleintif and her husband to Hastings an Bick. 1 find that the defendant, Hastinzs, took an assignment ¢ Mrs. Flindall's mortgage know- Ing that, ag to $2,300 of the 32 .- 500 secured thereby, Mrs. Flindall under her deceased | husband's will of $2,300, and | that she had no right or power to asign such mortgage to Hast- ings. Hastings, therefore, should | assign the said mortgage to Al- media Spencer and the plaintiff, and deliver the sa™a ta her (Continued on page 3) ces eer FIRE DESTROYS AN AUTOMOBILE Considerable Damage Also Done to G-~-~» by Blaze A short circuit in a car In the garage of W. Rahme, 381 King Street West in the early hours of Wednesday morning created a blaze which gave the fire depart- ment ouite a fizht before it waw subdued. Damage to the car and the pronerty is estimated tn le in the neighbourhood of $300. The fire apparently started in the car while no one was in the garage and spread' from the ear to the roof of the garage before it was discovered by a nascerby, who telenhoned the fire dapart- ment. When. the fire denartment arrived the car was blazing wmer- rily and was almost comnietely destroyed. Other cars in the gar- age wera removed bv the depsrt- ment. The loss to the ndroperty was entirely covered by insvrance but no insnrance was carried on the contents, TWO CARS STOIEN ONE RECOVERED Two automobiles were stolen in the city yesterday, only one of which has been recovered as yet, Yesterday morning Elmer Glover, 137 Gladstone Avenue reported that his ear had besn stolen from Division Street. The car was later found abandoned in the city, Last night a car owned by W. Booth of Whitby was. left parked on Bond Street East, When Mr. Booth returned to get his car at ten o'clock he found that it had disanneared. The car which has not he recovered is Is MORLEY R. JACODI, described as a Buick Sedan bear- ing license No, E7813, JUDGHENT GIVEN IN EQUITY CASE Tucked away in a sealed en- [over the sum of $217 to pay the | while the defendants were C. W | Al-} {Jua e hry. made y document the MoM. | ;5.t re: gage was an investment made hy |; { pul blishe d to she | Ey Arbitration Award] is s Withheld And as no one is at pr red pay judg | velope in the office of the regis- {trar of the court at the Whithy | | Court House is document of | much value and importance to { many citizens of Oshawa, but so (interested will {far as they are at present con-'ance as to the result cerned, it might as well not be | bitration, there ut nll, This document is As one awerl of Judge Thomnson in to The arbitrs proceed- { "There is ween the Canadian Na- | for ave ny nroperty- | in that envelope, Af who had ! nrepared to pay $2 in connection | 1. authority Street South o 1 very 1 arbitration hearin~, judge hind adopted the right 'ars, took place here nrocedure in his method of fi)- for weeks ago, and the ing the award, and said the mat- Tis decision. ter would probably be foughf out | in an envelope, and filed jalong that line, trar, { Dnt in the meantime, it award ix a dark secret, on light ean only be shed by one handing over $217 the judge's fees, judge's fees, present fe es, the "sealed, to a ment remain in ignor- of the ar- interested party Times this morning, tion a Christmas present it they are 7 for it, "One this morning much wheth Simeng nestion three cr ! sealed it with the court rogl But that ls es far No one can find out contains, until some the which some- to pay it as gos the what the what t he {award is, Lody hands IST OF NEW LEAGUE MEMBERS IS REPRESENTATIVE OF COMMUNITY L. V. Grifiin, G, Gum- D, . Halli, M. Hal, FE. W. D. Hambly, 1, Lic vo FD, «3 M. £5. Hea- Hodg- Hood, D. res He lan, Hop pps, . phre R * Jan "dward Jacobs, ature of the. f 1 : n F. Annis, I, C, Anderson, | ys i wr A. Alli 0 $ 1 'H ww Js OV, H-} Beato ve, Berry, J. A. Bickel L. Bird, R. G.' Bir ¥, VEL fo . . 1a | W. Borsbersv, H. M, I Bre adbent, B., ). Brown, " Brown, H. W. Brown, \V. Brown, bok k. Stes. Joye, \W. J. Brownlee. | A. V. Cameron, 1. HH. Campbell, oo WW. ( S, G. Carnell, |. F. Carnwith, thers, E Cawker, H. wker, C. Cay, J. Chapman, E. Clarke, F. Cochrane, S. J. Collacutt, J. A. Coleman, S, B. Collis Pr. H.- M. ri 'ooke 3 " 3. 'ope | Mc laggart, Cooke, B. C. Colpus,, B +9 {| Ernest Parker, W. 1F. 1. Perry. 1. WV. Perry, and A. F. Cox. Plullips, R. D. Preston, F. Proctor, ¥. C. Davidson, Dr. D, R. Davies, GW. Detenbeck, LV. Dishey, A. George Buse, Edward Rodway, F, J. Reddin, B Reed, A. Ree- Douglas A. J. Drew, W. R. Emsley, J Le on, C. P. Eveleigh, 1 Ww Ferguson, C | son. Thomas lo Gi. Richards, br. E. EF. Richardson, D. J. Rior- Ww. Finley, C, P. Foster, Bonds, Gale dan, A. IL hinson, W. Hy Ross, IO N. D. Rutherford, \W. I. Rowden. Se H, B. Samels, W. J. Sargent, H. (Continued on page 2) G. 7. Kaiser, 13man, . A. Langmaid, , Fred Langma ak A. in Libby, W, T Willis an i uxtor. Medland, R. W. W. G J. 8 R. . 4, Bligdon, | Bowden, AN Jrooks, J. . WW. J. La i J. Lewing \ T L. Mas Vv, J: Miller, Mitchell, Morrier, Norman Morris, ; W, H. Moyse, C. M. Gia «J. McCormick, * 1. A. . W. McLaughlin, L. F. A. 8S, McLeese, F. M, McTaggart, GW. Dr, arr, WwW. H. WwW, J McL aug hlin, McLellan, 7. lL. ' V. Peacock, Se. 5S, W. R. N Gerntond, bert. Charles Giles, T. A. J. Graves, R' IL. Geikie, O. A: W..M. Gil-}J. R. Gormley, Gray, W. J. Pending Payment of Judge's Fee there | will remain | and local citizens who are | said | a number of Oshawa people ;° A. Jones, ! Thomas | Le rishm: wn, | D.| How the Prizes Can be Claimed dressed a letter to the editor, under the misapprehension that it will be necessary for the win- other prizes to be in the audience at the 0.C.V.I. auditorium tomor- row 'night in order to quality to receive them. This impression ig, of course, not correct. The system to be followed is (hat winning tickets and alternatives will be drawn for all the prizes. The winning numbers. will be announced, and the holders of these tickets will have until noon of Wednesday of next week to claim their prizes. Shouia any prizes remain unclaimed, the al- ternative numbers for these will be announced, and the holders of the alternative numbers will be allowed until noon on Saturday of next week to claim the prizes. Any prizes remaining unclaimed after that time will he handed 'for disposals 'over to the Public Welfare Poard A reader of The Times has ad- | ACTION ARISES OUT OF ACCIDENT | Toronto Globe Involved in ners of the Chevrolet Coupe and | Action for $25,000 Damages Peterboro, Dec. 15.--The firm of Gordon and Elliott, Peterboro, on behalf of Roy F. McLean nav2 sued the Globe Printing Com- pany, Toronto, for $25,000 dam- ages, for injuries cansed to him, when the Globe truck collided with the car of Horace Walkey, which Mr. McLean was driving on November 7th, i932 Mr. McLean is still in tho hospital, It is also understood that writ has been issued by the Globe against Mr. McLean, The mishap occurred on the Port Hope-Peterboro Highway at Bailiebero, and in it Herman HAa- gen, of Oshawa and Horace Valkey, of Peterboro, were kill- cde at County Court Brings in Verdict for Acquittal | | | | I | Whitby, Dec. HA ter ra | for an hour over the cvidence. sub- | mitt ed in the hearing of a charge | of thelt against Edwin Horner in { County Court here today, the jury | this evening returned a verdict ol 10 guilty and the prisoner was dis- | "harged from the dock by His Hon- ur Judge Ruddy. A, W. S. arcd for the accused, while the r the Crown was conducted rown Attorney J. A. McGib- arged that in t October 25 of stolen two bags of | (ide a store oper- Fleming, 18 Me- 1, Oshawa, bee n laid against of the ac- Juilt y in police | placed on od of was ch the early urs of had s from. be H. 1 levare 1 A , who plea de n Oshay spendec 1 sente wo ycars less @ Crown Evi dence In court today Mr, Fleming sta- ted that the potatoes had been left yutside his store in an alleyway wer night and that in the nfornin they were gone. He said one of the s had a green band around it | ar to a band on one of the found in possession of the main witness for the mi was Ralph Burke, 636 Car- | negic Avenue, who testified that | about-five © 'clock in the morning.-of | (Continued on page 4) ASSAULT CASE IS HEARD IN COURT Medical Evidents Is Given in Charge Against Charles Dean YWhitby. Dee. 15.--His Honour ! Judeze Ruddy and a jury in Coun- ty Court lata yesterday afternoon made a start in hearing the evi- dence in the charge was 10r a pen Charles Dean of Oshawa who, it is i po! i 4 { "Garnishee", was ordered to attend | before | was not procecded with and stands assaulted Clarence Ellis | cn October 2, occasloning him ! actual bodily harm. The evidence of Dr. Glenn of the Oshawa Geén- eral Hospital and that of Ellis were heard before the adjourn- | | ment for the day. A. W. 8. Greer | appeared for the accused while the care for the Crown wag pro- | alleged. McGibbon. The evidence of Ellis was to the effect that he occupied part of the same house which was oc- cupied by Dean on William Street in Oshawa. On the evening { of October 1 he was invited to go to the premises occupied by Dean and his wife. While he was there drinking had taken place and at last some {ll fecling hed cent in. which resulted in a call being put in to the police. After he return- ed to his own rooms and locked th~ door, Dean came to the door and smashed it in, Gaining en- trance to the room Dean {is al- leged to have knocked Ellis down three or four times and to have kicked him several times. | The police then arrived a second { time and Dean was taken to the | police station and Ellis to the hospital. Dr. Glenn testified that he had examined Ellis on his admission when he found that he was sufl- fering from shock. He had a bruig> on the head and also un- der the left eye, He bad also found a tenderness on the left side of the abdomen which caus- ed the patient considerable pain. The blood pressure of the patitnt was low indicating . that there might be possible internal in- juries. There was no evidence of intoxication, Dr. Glenn asseried. Total of } Welfare Fund Now $33,670 Tha Weliare Fund has been growing glowly but steadily since the announcement of the total was made on Monday, weil over $500 having been added to it since the campaign was formally closed on that day. At noon today, the figures at Welfare Campaign Headquarters showad that the total of the fund naw stands at $33,670, and there are still some returns to be made in Greer | | finds itself, against | on December | days notice following the gecuted by Crown Attorney J. A. | issued by 3 oe REPRESENTATIVE MEETING OF CITIZENS ASSEMBLED TO HEAR DISCUSSION OF CIVIC AFFAIRS | ABOUT 250 REPRESENTATIVE MEN OF OSHAWA : BAND THEMSELVES TOGETHER IN ORGAN- IZATION IN EFFORT TO SECURE COUNCIL QUALIFIED TO RESCUE OSHAWA FROM ITS PRESENT FINANCIAL CRISIS AND RESTORE CONFIDENCE IN THE AFFAIRS OF THE COM- MUNITY, WITH GEORGE HART ELECTED AS PRESIDENT George W. McLaughlin Presents Exhaustive . Report Showing the Present State of Oshawa's Finances, and Pointing to Needs Which Exist If City Is To Be Saved from Default--- Committees Formed to Secure Consent of Qualified Men To Be Candidates for Municipzl Office, and to Help Give Oshawa Out standing Civic Government Banded together in a whole-hearted and serious-minded sffort to provide a civic government which will rescue the city irom the serious financial and economic position in which it two hundred and fifty representative citizens of Oshawa, representing a cross-section of the whole community, this year {met last night at the Hotel Genosha and organized the Oshawa | Civic Improvement League. The meeting, called as the re- sult of joint action by the Chamber of Commerce, the Retail Merchants' Association and the Property Owners' Association, | presented an inspiring picture as it filled the main dining room {of the hotel to capacity, every man present being intent on the {serious business of endeavoring to give Oshawa the type of | city council which is required to restore confidence in the city {in the eyes of the outside world 'and the financial institutions. The present situation facing Oshawa was placed before the meeting fairly and squarely by George W. McLaughlin, chair- man of a special committee which has for some weeks been | surveying and analyzing the whole financial position of Osh- | awa, and his words carried to the minds of his hearers the conviction that the present critical situation could only be met | by determination on the part of every citizen: of Oshawa .to ensure a city council in 1933 capable of grappling with the | problems presented. A canstitution for the new organization | was carried unanimously, and nearly two hundred of 'those present signed obligations "8f 'membership, and" pledged them- | selves to support its aims and objects. ' George Hart, president of' the. 7 Oshawa Chamber of 'Commerce, | presided over 'the meeting and | explained the steps which had | led to its being called. The first. steps were taken by the appoint- ing of a joint committee of three representatives from the Cham- ber or Commerce, the Retail Mer- GOAL JUDGMENT CASE ADJOURNED: CE ME Disposal of Case Waits For | since thor I meetings rad | Appointment of Trustee heey held to discuss the needs of . the situation. As a result, the in Bankruptcy | meeting last night had beer, cail- ---- ed, with the aim of making it representative of the community as a whole, The splendid at- tendance, said Mr. 'Hart, was ab indication that the people of Oshawa were seized with the ime portance of the situation, Aims and Objects The constitution of the orga: nization, as drawn up by a com- mittee which had been appointed in advance, was read by Lt.-Co. ('B. J. McCormick, and was vnani- mously adopted, as follows: "1. The name of thig organiza: tion shall be 'The Civic Improve ment League,' '2. The membership ghall b composed of taxpayers and. oth ers who 'have pledged their sup port to the following aims and objects of the league:-- (a) To arouse and sustain in terest in the affairs of thé city, especially with regard to its pre sent financial situation, (b) To induce suitable men to offer themselves for nominatic to civie office. ; (¢) To impress upon the elec torate the importance of esercis ing their franchise with care judgment, (d) To assist in gettin to ti polls, a larger percentage id th electorate. "3. The officers of the organt zation shall be as follows: -- sident, Vice-President, 2nd Vict 1 Hearing before His Honour Judge Thompson under the order issued 2, by which the Cor- poration of the City of Oshawa, as His Honour this morning, adjourned to be brought up on two appoint- ment of a trustee in bankruptcy to administer the distribution of the assets ~ of Mallet BPBrothers and Harry N. Mallett. It will be recalled that the order Judge Thompson named the M. A. Hanna Company, of Phil- adelphia, the McLaughlin Coal and Supplics Limited, the Robert Dixon Company Limited, and Canadian Fuels Linuted as "Judgment credi- tors"; Mallett Brothers and Harry N. Mallett as "Judgment Debtors"; and the Corporation of the City of Oshawa as "Garnishee". The order had the effect of attaching certain monics due from the city to the Judgment Debtors and also to Mrs. | Lillian May Mallett. An appeal from the order was brought at Osgoode Hall by Lillian May Mallett, but adjourned sine dic until after the appointment of a trustee in bankruptcy, similar ac- tion being taken this mornin by the local Judge. Automobile Firms ad Are Victimizea It is rumored that a party with more brains than principle has been succesful in during two au- tomobile sales agencies in the city. The manner in which the man works is stated to be that of en- tering the agency and telling the gales staff that he intends to pur- chase a car {rom them. Then he leaves the sales room and later returns to tell them that' the money with which he intended to pay for the car belonged to his wife and that in some manner it has been lost. He then asks for a loan in order to trace the money. In two cases in Oshawa, it is learned that the money was ad- vanced from the cash register, 3.00 in one cage and $2.00 in another, and the man left the premises never to return, ed that the car contest, which closes tomorrow night, will add a Substantial total to the fund. President, Secretary-Treasurer. "4, An executive to consis © the former named officers an the chairmen of tho five (8 standing 'committees, "5. The standing committed Shall be -- Publicity, Financ Resolutions, . Nominating °° a Election. * ; Officers Elected The chairman then appoints the following as a nominaun committee to bring in recon mendations as to officers: -- L. Mason, W. E. N. Sinelals, (Continued on page 6) I; thera bo a saving way, all, it is obvionsly this: Bups tute health 'and happiness f wealth as a world ideal; 2 translate that new jdeal into tion by. education from bag hood up. -- John Galsworthy.. Now it is ex-uiayor "Jimm: Walker's brother who is' oun to step out of New York's picture, These are hadi d connection with various events vet to be held. It is also expect- Times" Classified A Get Tes. for the Walkers of fotham. Toronto Globe.

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