Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Dec 1932, p. 9

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- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1932 107701 HL wa Yec tion want 4 ectio? t For Rent JANNIN, F. SWA.: 12, BARRIS , Selieltor, Notary Mouey to 11 Eing st. Fast, Phone . BRisideuce 798. 4 (17 feb tI» FONANT & ANN:S BAPRIE: Solicitors. Notaries Public. te. Conveyancing and gereral ctice fn Law. Office 7% Sim pe Street South,, Oshawa, Phone . G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. . Annis. B LL. N. E. N. SINCLAI £, K.C., BANK Commerce Building, SFPH P. MANGAN, L.A, BAR: Bo : Solicitor, Notary Public onvayaucer. Moaey ta loan Ot. Mee 14% King St. Eas, Oshawa hone 44G. Remdence phone R37 GB !ERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser Barristers, £tc. Bank of ommerce Bldg GREEK & HUMPHREYS, BAR: fstors, Solicitors, Fite. 241 Sim- » St. N. Phcne $180. Residence 3514 Money ta loan. 5. 4 BENNICK, B.A, DARRIS ez, 12% Simcoe St. South. Tee nhcne 3038565. «*°3 sont th Undertaking LUKE BURIA: CO. 6 KIiiG St. Fast. Anabniance. Residence 542 Simcoe oJ'reet North. Phone 216; and 210W OSHAWA BURIAL CO., M F Armstrong & Son. Proprieters Faneral and Ambulance Service day and nieht Thorne 1082W R7 Celina a (ate Architects C. C. STENHOUSE. GENERA! Architec' ural woric. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496 Reridence phone 209) Auctioneer PHONE 7162 W J SULLEY Auctioneer, 346 Simece St. S. Oshawa Special attention riven to household furniture sales and farm stock and {mnlements Your patrona~e solicited Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN. EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, cepa'r shop a 48 King Street West. Your patrcnave 1s solicited Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE Coleman's. 85 Bond Wes: Sger- falists in furniture moving Stor ggs warehouse and moving van eqninment Prone 82 Insurance ---------------- =. DAVI§ AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 Kine St. Wert, Oshawa The oldest Fire Agerey 'n Oshawa 30 repuatah'e Fire Companies Battery Service ERIES CHARCED 75. with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered Batteries $2.75 and up. Stan Rligdon. 20 Min St Phone 960 Radios Repaired RUSSELL WICKS. CERTIFIED Radio-Trician, servicing and re pair. work guaranteed [Highest quality tubes sold. Phone 1148M 44 Mary St. (23 dee c) ALL MAKES OF RADIOS RE palred. Prices reasonable. Jas Adams, 276 Grooms Ave Phone 1098W, (6 jan ©) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, EX- pert service on all makes of radios. Prices reasonable Tuhes tested In your home. Charles Wales. Phone 3350J. : (5 ian ©) PHONE NATIONAL RADIO Service, 2803M. equipped to lo- cate trouble on any set. Work nb old. Edaranteed. Tubes s ji deo Le SEE Shoe Repairing THE CHAMPION SHOE RE- pair does particnlar vork for particular people. Skates sharp ened a new and better way. mn stick. Goloshes repaired. We col lect and deliver. Phone 1216, 17 Bond East. (19 dec ©) "Female Help Wanted WANTED--WOMEN AND Gi1RLS to decorate greeting cards at home. $5 = hundred. No s-ll- ing. Montreal Art Shop, Box 363, Station "B". (1361) almist SBE MADAME BROWN FOR teacup and hand reading. Busi- ness private. 93 Louisa St. Phone 428 des 0) DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- _ sett's. Special attention to X-ray % work. Gas extraction. Nursc In 1tendance hone 959. House 2 Wanted to Buy ING MACHINE. GOOD condition. Box 15 Times, ba (137c) HEATER FOR. 1928 CHEVRO. let, Phone 1232M. (138a) 12 OR 16 GAUGE DOUBLE OR single shotgun, Apply 111 Col-, borne St. East. Phone 608W. (139¢) Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED TO SELL made to measure clothes direct. Good money to be made for ag- gressive men. Box 18 Times. (139¢) Men of 50 are the steadiest driy- ers, a survey shows, By that tine yon understand, they have found that i¢ is safer to keep only ore head on their shoulders at a time, DISNEY FOR RENTALS In Lewellyn, George, Rdward. 4 roomed modern apartments, Houses, flats, rooms, List with Dis. ay. Opposite Post Office. Phone 1550 (136tf) 7 ROOM HOUSE, ALL CON- veniences, garage, laundry tubs, brick fireplace. Low rental, Im- mediate possession. Apply 567 Simcoe St. North. © (137¢) BATHROOM FLAT AND GAR- '| ages for business men or bank- ers, Phone 1281W, Apply 108 Colborne East. (187th FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH- ed 5 rooxr brick bungalow. all conveniences, north end. Very cheap. Phone 2884M. (137¢) 3 UNFURNISHED UPSTAIR rooms, Apply 111 Prince St. Cen. tral, (137¢) 9 ACRE FRUIT AND VEGE- table farm. Cood house and stable, Close tn Oshawa. Apply W. J. Sulley, 346 Simcoe S. Phone 716. (1391) ONE FURNISHED BEDPOOM to rent, with or without h~ord, 152 Colborne St. Fast, Phone 608M. (139) 4 ROOMED APARTMENT. ALL conveniences, ready for ocenna- tion January 1st, Apply 44° Sim- coe South. (139¢) WE HAVE FOR RENT TWO new warm well built. two-storey brick houses on Sommerville Avenue, which we will decorate to suit tepant. all modern enn- veniences, rent 815 per month or if temant prefers tn take horses as thev are will rent for 812 a month. These houses would make a fine home for any- one 2nd can be hed for tha rent which the City Ra'ief Denart- ment will pay. Aoply Farris & Farris. 'Phone Aays--Mige Cav, 759. Evenings,' Mr. Tom H-rris, 32567. (139d) "Beauty Parlors GENGS IA HATRDRESSING EX perts--on all kinds of beanty enlture. Permanent waves ot.) =neefalty Finger wave anc chamnoo, $100: Marcell. 3fc Faclals, scalp treatments ane manicuring Coffee Shop 'en 'rance Phone 1973 (6 Juls 1 mn» PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON sneclaiizes fn permanent waving, finger wavin=., marce!line at low. est prices. 10 Prince. Phone 688 (18 dec ¢! PEMBERS BRANC:T HAIR dressine and Reau'y "uv.ture No 9 Bradlev Bidg., Phone 23, Osh wa, Ontario. 723 nov t* ""ORENE JOWNSON. HATR- dresser, 92 Church St. Finger weve 50¢. marcel! 25+ Phon- 2188). a (8 jan ¢) INTRODUCING BARROWS Permanent wave shop 25 Burk ! St. Croquinole Waves $2.75 up Finger wave and shamnoo 50¢ (168 dee c) NORMA'S BEAUTY PARLOR 31 King St and Tnesdav. R5¢. bhalarce of weeks 50c. Finer wavine 50 with shampoo 75¢. Phone 2525. (17 dec ¢) REDUCED PRICE3 FOR HAIR- dressing and beauty culture at vour home or 158 Roxhorourh Phone Violet McKenna 1230F. (30 dee eo) DAFFODIL HAIRDRESSING Shoppe, 311 Athol Fast. Finger wave 50c, marcel 40c. Mrs Rell, (1 jan e) Engineering H. V. ELLEGETT. REINFORCED concrete structural design and detailing. Mechanical and struc. tural draughting, Phone 103W. (30 dec ¢) VOICE PRODUCTION AND nlanniorte, Horner Smyth, from London, FEnglaid "chonl of Opera, now teaching at Harris' Music Store, 11 Simcoe St. South Free interview and advice given Tuesdays, 7 to 9. Phone 1490. (21 dec c) Cleaning and Dyeing FIRST CLASS SERVICE ON ALL our work. Fur coats cleaned and relined. Ask for prices. Gold Medal Cleaners. 21 Bond E Phone 863. (19 dec ¢) Roofing ing, caulking. chimney renairing, Free inspection and estimates. Phone 1643W. (May 21 33) Auto Loans AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE: financed. Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering a period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your car. Campbell Auto Finance Co. Ltd. Disney Block, King St. E. H, A. MacDonald, r e p r e sentative Branches throughout Ontario. (8 jan ¢) Lost CONTAINING PURSE $13.50 land receipts, etc., in Woolworth's Tuesday afternoon. Phone 1717TW, Reward. (13€b) LOST OR STRAYED FROM 408 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, on Wednesday afternoon a dark brindle colored Boston Terrier dog, white between front legs, with: white strip extending be- tween ears and down back of head and neck. Answers to name of Jigs. Anyone furnishin~ in- formation leading tn recovery will be rewarded. €, M, Mun~ 408 Simcoe St, North, Phonna 817, (139tf), | HARDWOOD | CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES, ' machines, $10 up. Payment: can Articles for Sale BODY HARDWOOD $3, ALSO softwood. Guaranteed full meas- ure. A. Wall, ¢92 Courcellette Ave. Phone 2491F, (16 dec ¢) WE SELL SLIGHTLY WORN suits and overcoats, also ladles' goods, at 148 Simcoe S.uth, We also buy clothing. (16 dec c) MAPLF, HARD AND soft slabs, body aemlock, good measure, prompt delivery, low prices, Phone 1716F, (21 dec ¢) BLACK'S FUEL--BODY HARD- wood, $3 3% cord Coke $9.00 ton. Slabs $2.25 % cord. All fuel under cover. Phope 233). (28 dec ¢) DRY HARD BODYWOOD % cord $3, mized 34 cord $2. Johns phone 1993M. (18 dec ¢) $3 3% CORD, kindling $2.25 3 cord Rednction on larger orders, Corson"s, Phone 1941M, (1 jan ©) READY MIXED MUSHROOM BODY manure, also fresh and well rot- ted. Some at $1.75 per load, also fresh spawns# Phone 53W, (3 jan e) BODY WOOD SLABS, $3. Mixe.. $2.75. Coke $9.50, Phone 2423W. Frank McQuaid, Cedar- dale. (8 jan ¢) reasonahle prices, Phone orders now. W. Borrowdale Phone 2712. (24 dec c¢) SALE OF SINGER SEWING Sewing Street. (1340) BOD MAP"%. HAED AND soft slabs, body hemlock, Phone 1716F. Mixed body wood $7 cord, (21 dec ¢! DRY BODY HARDWOOD, Viaple §3, Softwood and Coke. Evervthinz unZer eo #-. Phone 1°79W. Robert Christy. (13 jan ¢) ELECTRIC RADIO FOR CASH. State male and condition. No "ealers. Box 16 Oshawa Dally Times. (138h) 1929 CHEVROLET COACH. Al condition, Till sell cheap. Annly Elwood Wilber, Taunton Black. smith Shop. (139%) ELECTRIC RADIO. CHEAP FOR cash, Phone 762 from 8 tn 5. (1392) COFFIELD ELECTRIC COPPER Tub Washer, for avick sale, $25. Apply. Box 17 Times, Singer 18 Ontaric be arranged. Machine Co., (139¢) CEDARDALFE. COAL AND COKE Company. Coke $9.50 per ton. Guaranteed dry, stored in onr warehouse since September, We invite von to call and insnect this Coe Fefore placing order, Also all kinds cor). wood. G. Dav. idson. mana~er. Phore 1107, cor- ner Conant and Annis St. (15 fan ¢) WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY to buy brand new piann« at hnlf Bast Marcel Monday | HAYTON, THE ROOFER, ROOF- | 1 | i 'to arrange for the m~nufaetpre, nrice. We are sales Oshawa for nlanes now ished by the Oshawa Piara & Cabinet Camnanv, Frxtreordinary Farrain while they last. Sen our winAnw. The Jahne Plano S'~re. 80 Simcoe St. North. (139¢c) . Notice THE UNDERSIGNTN TAGTING for the owner of the following Canadian Potent. is emnawered or erant licences of the pafent- ad invention in Crnada, to ade- nuate'v sunnlv the demand thare for: Nn, 295.251, f{semed Dee, 2rd, 1929, far Plastia Materiel tn Simurd Ba. For furthar nar'isnl. ars, writen D, J. Smith Cn., Fed- oral Building, Hamilton, C~»~"n, (139a) ACED DOCTOR DIES I'm waiting for the NEW All Canada is waiting and watching for the new McTLaughlin-Buicks! Because McLaughlin-Buick has been Can- ada's standard of value for twenty-five years. Because the great army of MecLaughlin- Buick owners has its regiments in every province. Because, through a dominion-wide survey, thousands of Canadian motorists helped decide the features of the new 1933 McLaughlin-Buick . . . contributed the "driv- er's point of view" to moulding its design. This new McLaughlin-Buick is even smarter and roomier. It gives still finer performance, handling ease and riding smoothness. And it offers Fisher No-Draft Ventilation--the great- est health and comfort factor since the closed body! PRODUCED IN CANADA SEE TOMORROW'S PAPER FOR FURTHER DETAILS MOFFATT MOTOR SALES LTD. 88 SIMCOE STREET NORTH MIC PHONES 915-916 - Brakes . . It comes to our showrooms--soon! Decide now to see it and drive it. Decide to invest for savings and satisfaction in 1933--to own the car that gives More and Better Miles! 12 OUTSTANDING FEATURES Wind-Streamed Fisher Bodies (insulated against ccid, heat and noise) . . . New No- Draft Ventilation, individually controlled . . . All Models 2 inches Lower . . . New Safety Glass . . . Improved Automatic Clutch... En- gine Cushioned in Live Rubber, .. New Anti- Splash Fenders... Starter Button on Dash... More Durable X-Frame . .. Centrifuse-Drum . Multi-Beam Headlights . . . New Automatic Shock Absorbers. WHAT 30,000 MOTORISTS TOLD US This "Buyer's Guide" tells about our recent survey among Canadian motorists and provides information which you will find valuable in choosing your next car, Write for free copy to Customer Research Dept., General Motors, Oshawa, Ontario. | TIME TABLES | SOWMANVILLE OSHAWA & WHITBY (Eastern Standard Time) after 1 1932) Berrian SEUSLLESSRER TC POPEOSe &: 38BEsRABEE ES MESmo nents ons PRN neg 5E LJ "vpRUaPUeles 3a333333R8p8 f Pun sw: BERHS2ER H 3 oF a SUNDAY AND HOLIDs ¥ SCHEDULE (astern Standard Time) Ceing W Leave Leave Bowrsanville Oshaws Arrive Oshawa P=wmu.nvilk 9.40 a. 12.5p.m 3¥ om 745 nom NiCom GRAY COACH LINES (Effective Sept #5, 1932) (Eastern Standard' Time) LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM. P.M. AM, P.M. cl120 J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE Office Phone 703 Res. I'hone 2895 4"; Prince St., Oshawa Rose, Ames & Gartshore UDSON--ESSEX i 135 King 8t. W. Phone 1160 £5 En 3 EER typ Watches OUR SPECIALTZ If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair 21g make it tell the correct me D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Raliroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. PLone 189 4 REPAIRING Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Establisked 1880 The New Burtol Process Gives ULTRA-RAPID SERVICE IN DRY CLEANING PHONE 1707 We Call and Deliver d b2.31 jaily except Sunday; and holid only; Sunday only: ly except Sundays and holidays. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Tram Service Effective December 5. 1932 Eastern Standard Time EASTBOUND 45 a.m Dairy .59 pm Daily except Sunday. .42 p.m. Daily 22 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, 13 p.m. (Sunday only). WESTBOUND 5.29 a.m. Daily. sv J5 am Daily, 6.21 a.m. Daily. 412 p.m. Daly 6.58 p.m. Daily, 17? nm daily {~Flag stop only, i except Sunday, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS ' Effective December §, 1932 (Standard Time) Eastbound 9.45 a.m. Daily, 10.30 am, Trenton Local Daily, sunday. IR pm Daily. 12.22 a.m. Daily. x For Ottawa Montreal and East Flag Westbound 6.35 a.m. Daily. except ily, except Sunday. Hd m Torontc and West anlv---flag, SECURE CLUB ROOMS Picton.--~The local branch of the Canadian Legion has secured rooms abeve Adamas and VanDusen's storc and these are opening .his week, The veterans have lonz sought suitable premises, but owir« to financial reasons, have been un- =ble to outfit several suggested "So you remember way back to the Revolution, do you?" "Yasda. De Revolution and Gin'l Washington an' all of them." "Perhaps you were a witness of Brockville--Dr. Joseph N. Bishop, i cighty-eizht, nitive of Algonquin, Grenville Ceu ded in his Stam- | ford, Conn, i dir to word e-| scived by relatives here, - He had | practised medicine in New Yerk for | GIVES MIAUGHLIN BUICK MORE AND BETTER MILES more than firty years. { hut | drop!" the tall of Rome?" "Nossa, Ah didn't exactly see it, Ah recollect hearin' something H Tirhes' Classified Ads. Get Results. Ladies' JERSEY DRESSES $1.95 I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King St. W., Oshawa FOR QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND SATISFACTION Send your clothes to the OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED Mill St. Phone 2520 OSHAWA South American Yellow 10c per Ib. & Lytle, Ltd. Phone 208 mr ee rs | Hoge Insure Yonr House and Cone tents in Strong Companies through J. H. R. LUKE Ask about Burglary [Insure ance. You should carry ft. Phone 871 or 687TW Miss Bertha Keene and Miss Ella Tamblyn spent the week- end at their respecive homes in Orono. TILLIE THE TOILER- By Russ. Westaves (SOU MUST HELP ME, BUBBLES ~ MAC |S PEEVED BECAUSE | Ring UR MAC AND INVITE TDANITCHED HIS D'NNER DANCE TO SATURDAY pV AHAT AM | meres Sadia, Ine, Great Briain rights reserved THANKS, BUBBLES TO YOUR HOUSE SATURDAY NIGHT. WHY, SURE | CAN - ~ THANKS A LOT, BURBLES - NOW MAC HAS To COME TO THE DINNER DANCE THE ®08S § IS SWING HIM BECAUSE YOU'RE] GONNA CALL SOUR DATE wiiTH MAC OFF AT THE LAST MINUTE 'GOSH, TILLIE + NOURE A WONDER BRINGING UP FATHER . | THANK GOODNESS = I'M FEELIN BETTER THAN I DID LAST NIGHT: 1 GUESS LL GIT UP = | Pd frm FT I'LL TELL MAGGIE '™M FEELIN BETTER: SHE WUZ WCRRIED LAST TEA THIS AFTERNOON: OH DEAR! | HOPE JI1GGS 19 FEELING BETTER THI9 MORNING: + WANT HIM TO TAKE ME TO A ©1932 King Pesrures Syndicare Inc. Great Britain sight reserved. ' GUESS TLL STAY SICK-

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