THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1932 WHERE BUYER & SELLER MEET © .(iio: a FARNINT F. ow a: 07 BARRIS ter. Sclicitos, Notary Mouey to losa. 11 King gk Hany Phone ce 28%. Risldeu 0% tebth INIS BAVEI® Solicitors. Notaries Pablie be Conveyancing 8nd geperal practice fo Law. Otfice 7% Sim ene Street South, Oshawa. Phone 4 G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B. A F Annis, BA, LL.B WE. N. SINCLAI &, K.C., of? Commerce Building JOSF PH P. MANGAN, L.A, bil Solicitor, Notary Public Convavancer. Money ta loan ot: 'fice 14% Fing St. Eas, Oshawa . Phone 440. Residence phone 83 TERSON, CREL.G N _ Fraser Barristers. te. Bank of 'Commerce Bldg. NA GREER & , ggters, Solicitors, Ftc. 84 "ove Bt XN. Phene 3160. Roa 8514. Money to loan. S.J NNICK, B.A, ter, 12% Simcoe St. South. Tere phene 3038--HA65. Joe wt th ee ndertaking LUKE BURIA: CO. 61 KING st. Fast. Arsbuiance Residence 42 Simcoe Street North. Phone 210; and 210W oF OSHAWA BURIAL CO, 4 Ha. & Son, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night Phone ey, R7 Celina (4 Architects & Cc STENAOUSE, GBNERAL Architecrural work. Second floor Royal Bank Bullding. Phone 1496 Residence phonz 909). Auctioneer y LEY. PHONE 7163 W A SUL Auctioneer. 348 Simcoe st. 8S. Oshgwl. Special attention given to household furniture gales and tarm stock aad {mplements Your patrona-e solicited + Watch Repairing F. A VON GUNTEN. EXPERT Swiss watchmaker cepair shop 8 46 King Street West Your patrcnave Is solicited Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE Coleman's, 85 Bond West Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- ages warehouse and moving van equipment Phone 82 Sim- dence Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 Kine St. Wee, Oshawa The oldest Fire Agency 'n Oshawa 30 renatable Fire Companies SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM pany of Manada. Dominion Back Chambers. Alex. S. _Row, 8 5 : . Phone Byereon (15 oet tf) For Rent DISNEY FOR RENTALS Attractivse apartment in George and Llewellyn. Rooms, flats, houses all over. List your vacan- So oes ret Office. Phone 1550 8! 0st ce. one Phosite (132th) THREE ROOMED HOUSE TO rent in Oshawa. Electric lights and water. $5 month. Phone 15637. (133¢c) FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED or partly furnished rooms for light housekeeping, every con- venience. Apply 21 Warren Ave. (134¢) § ROOMED BRICK, HARD- wood floors, modern conveni- ences. Low rent, 8 rvomed house, modern, central, garage, immedi- ate possession. Phone 1408W. (134¢) LARGE HALL WITH GOOD kitchen over the Betty Cake Shop. Also two apartm. tg at bargain prices. Apply D. M. Tod. (135a) FOR RENT--G6 ROOM HOUSE, newly decorated. All conveni- ences, garage. $14 month, 216 Nassau St. (135¢) FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, Lights, water and heated. Apply 112 Celina St. Phone 2546W. (135¢; = Beauty Parlors GENOG3JA HATRDRESSING EX perts--on all kinds of beauty culture. Permanent waves our specialty. Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, 6Cc Facials, scalp treatments and manicuring. Coffee Shop eu trance. Phone 1973. (6 Juls 1 mo) PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON, speciaiizes in permanent waving, finger waving, marecelling, at low- est prices. 10 Prince. Phone 688. (18 dec ¢) PEMBERS BRANCH HAIR Aressing and Beauatly "u.ture No 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 28%, Osh awa, Ontario. TORENE dresser, wave 50c, (23 nov t* JOHNSON, HATR- 92 Church St. Finger marcel 35¢ Phone 21887. 188J. (8 jan ¢) INTRODUCING -- BARROW'S Permanent wave shop 25 Burk St. Croquinole Waves $2 75 up Finger wave and shamnoo 50c. oo Lu (18 dec ©) NORMA'S BEAUTY PARLOR 31 King 8t. Tast Marcel Monday and Tuesdav, 35c. balance of weeks 50c. Finger waving 50 with shampoe 75¢c. Phone 2525. (17 dec ¢) REDUCED PRICES FOR HAIR- dressing and beauty culture at your home or 156 Roxboroueh Phone Violet McKenna 1230F. (30 dec ¢ DAFFODIL HAIRDRESSING Shoppe, 311 Athol! East. Finzer wave 50c, marcel 40c Mrs Bell, 1442), (1 jan c) Battery Service BATTERIES CHARCED Tbe with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered .Batteries $2.75 and up. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mil St Phone 980 ; -- Radios Repaired RUTSELL WICKS, CERTIFIED Radio-Triclan, servicing and re pair, work guaranteed, Highest quality tubes sold. Phone 1148M Mary St. it Y (23 dec ¢) ATT MARES OF RADIOS RE paired. Prices reasonable. Jas Adams, 276 Grooms Ave Phone 1098W, (6 jan ¢) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, EX- pert service on all makes of radios Prices reasonable Tuhes tested In your home Charles Wales. Phone 3350) (5 jan ¢) PHONE NATIONAL RADIO Service, 2803M equipped to lo- cate trouble on any set. Work teed. Tubes sold. quaran (26 dee ¢) = --------§ Shoe Repairing THE CHAMPION SHOE RE pair does partienlar vork for particular people. Skates sharp ened a new and better way n( stick. Goloshes repaired. We col- leet and deliver. Phone 1216, 17 Bond East. (19 dec ©) PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. We call and deliver. Phone 672W_ Evenings 2624W. Jack Read, corner Colborne and Mary (10 dec ¢) ------ Palmist : §EE MADAME BROWN FOR teacup and hand reading Busi- ness private. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. (28 dec ¢) Engineering H. V. ELLEGETT, REINFORCED concrete structural design and detailing. Mechanical and strue- tural draughting, Phone 103W. (7° dec ec) Music Lessons VOICE PRODUCTION slannforte, Herner Smyth, 'rom London England ~chool of Opera, now teaching at Harris' Musie Store, 11 Simcoe St. South Free Interview and adviee riven Tuesdays, 7 to 9. Phone 1490. (21 dec ) ~~ Gas ROBO GAS. "WONDERFIT'L gas saver" Saves you money, more power speed and mileare Jacek Wilson, 266 Ritson North - (1 dec ¢) AND ! "Cleaning and Dyeing FIRST CLASS SERVICE ON ALL our work. Fur coats cleaned and relinéd, Ask for prices. Gold Medal Cleaners. 21 Bond BE Phone 863. (19 dec c) Roofing HAYTON, THE ROOFER, ROOF- ing, caulking, chimney repairing. Free inspection and estimates. Phone 1643W. (May 21 38) Found | STRAYED TO 118 EI.LDON AVE, black, female, police dog. Owner can have same for paying for rdv. (134¢) Notice oT SCHOOL BOYS WHO PLAY Hawaiian Guitar, wishing to join a Hawaiian orchestra, phone G33F for informatio. (134¢) Personal MADAME LAZORA, ENGLISH Palmist and Psychic will advise and help you in all affairs of life no matter what your trouble . ay be, She will help you when others fail. Be sure and consult Madame Lazora. Hours 9 a.m, to 10 p.m, daily, Be sure of right pumber 559 Bay St., Toronto. (1291) = Pets and Livestock CANARIES FOR SALE--CHOICE singers from three dsllar: up. Christmas special. Guaranteed singer, new cage and stand com: plete for six dollars. A, Henning, Oshawa Aviaries. 129 Colborne 8t. E. Phone 1916F. dus - 2ae) \ Dental DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett"s Special attention to X-ray wrrk Gas extraction Nurse In altandance. \ home, 969, Huse 1312, \ \ Auto Loans {AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE- | financed. Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering a period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your car. Cafapbell Auto Finance Co. Ltd. 1 Disney Bloek, King St. E. H, A. MacDonald, r e p r e sentative Branches throughout Ontario, (6 jan ¢) Work Wanted EXPERIENCED GENERAL wishes position, good references. + Phone 11187. (134c) Male Help Wanted HOW TO GET A GOVERNMENT job. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Ltd., Toronto (10), (129, 135, 141, 145, 151) tablished in Manitoba, 39 new lines have been added by existing indus- tries, and 6 concerns have enlarged their plants, sinte January, Tv Articles for Sale BODY HARDWOOD $3, ALSO softwood. Guaranteed full meas ure. A. Wail, 1923 Courcellétte Ave. Phone 24917. (16 dec ¢) Al.L KINDS OF D, PRICES right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert Phone 1079J. (14 Det. ¢) OD Li Bodywood 3% cord $3. Softwood 3 cord $2.25, Phone 2727TW. (10 dec c) WE SPELL SLIGHTLY WORN suits and overcoats, also ladies' goods, at 148 Simcoe S.uth, We also buy clothing. (16 dec ¢) A good low B MAPLP, R soft slabs, body aemlock, measure, prompt delivery, prices. Phone 1716F, (331 dec eo) BLACK'S FUEL--BODY HARD. wood, $3 3 cord. Coke $9.50 ton, Slabs $2.25 ¥% cord. AN fuel under cover. Phone 233J. (28 dec ¢) DRY HARD BODYWOOD ¥% cord $3, mixed 14 cord $2. Johns photie 1993M. (18 dec ¢) HARDWOOD 83% CORD, kindling $2.25 3% cord Reduction on larger orders, Corson's, Phone 1941M, (1 jan ¢) READY MIXED MUSHROOM manure, also fresh and well rot- ted. Some at $1.76 per load, also fresh spawn. Plone 63W, J (3 jan ¢) BODY: WOOD LABS, $3. Mixe. $2.75. Coke $8.50, Phone 3423W. Frank McQuajd, Cedar- dale. (6 jan ¢) CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES, reasonable prices, Phone orders now, W. Borrowdale, Phone 2712. (24 dec ¢) SIXTY-SEVEN PIECE SET Chinaware, "Wedgewood" pat- tern. Sixteen seventy-five, Two dollars dewn payment, balance monthly. Phone 1348M. (133¢) SALE OF SINGER SEWING machines, $10 up. Payments can be arranged. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 18 Ontaric Street. (1341) A GOOD BEATTY WASHER copper tub for sale theap. Bex 11 Times. (134d, 25 ROCK PULLETS FOR BALE. Apply Gordon Short Phone 1651 r 4. (135b) PHILCO § TUBE MANTLE type radio. $25. Phepe 488. (1352) BEATTY WASHING MACHINE, real chéap, also an electric mot- or. Anply 33 Arlington Ave. or 1909M. (138a) APPOINTED TO DAIRY BRANCH Dr. H. A. Derby of Torento, Ontario, has been appointed to the vacant position, €hief Divi- sion of Dalry Markets and Cold "torage, on the staff of this Branch. Dr. Derby was bern in Prescott County, Ontarle, and has had practical experience in the manufacture of cheese and butter. .He is a graduate of the Eastern Ontario Dalry School and obtained his degree of B.6.A, from the Ontario Agrieyltural College, Guelph, and the degrees {of M.S. and Ph.D. from the lowa "tate College at Ames, Iowa. Dr, 'erby will take up the duties of "is new position about December : Winnipeg's second manufacturer of men's neckwear, The Winnineg Neekwear Co, recently opened for usiness. Sipe ---- Tasty Foods, Ltd, manufacturers of chocolate bars, is one of Winpi: neg's newest industries. Ap exten- sive line of bars is being manufac- tnred for the Western market. The Nortliern Shoe Mfg. Co. is the latest additien to Manitoba's 'eather goods industries. The prov: 'nce now has 4 manufacturers of men's and boys' shoes. CANADIAN HOCKEY PLAYERS IN LONDON The Canadian Hockey team, on a playing Maple Leafs players were successful in ti in Eiverpool by 9 to 5. tour in England, is shown upon arrival in London. The heir first foreign cngagement, defeating an English team UNITED FARMERS SEEK PROTECTION OF FARM EQUITY Petitions Are Now in Cir- culation in Rural Dis- tricts of Ontario a Toronto. -- Petitions seeking support for proposed legislation to create a debtor's equity in foreclosed property are being prepared by the United Farmers of Ontario for circulation in farm districts throughout the province. Seek Urban Suppert Every effort will be made to gain support from "those who labor in the cities," R., J. Beott 5t Belgrave, president of the U. ¥.0., told the largely-atténded forum held in the Labor Temple, Church street, under the ane- nices of the Toronto Labor Party. The su~gasted legislation sought, be sald, to right the in- justice and rectify the tragedy repeatedly visited upon farmers and city home buyers alike when mortgage holders foreclosed up- op their farms or homes. Parti- cularly at present, he asserted, men who had pald off ome-third or even a half and three-quarters ARE RM, USED CARS We have an exceptionally fine stock of cars on hand and all are nriced low for quick sale, These are some of them. 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1931 Pontiac Special Sedan 1980 Austin Coupe 1920 Buick 20-478 1929 Ford Coach ARCHER MOTOR SALES Port Perry Phone 18 | of the purchase priee had every- thing taken from them and had nothing to show for what they had put into the property. He knew of one recent case, he re- ported, where a man had paid | $8,000 toward the purchase of a farm and was wiped out by fore- | closure of a $4,000 mortgage. | "It is time our legislative hod- | fes quit legislating for the finan- | clers and began legislating for the people of Canada," he de- clared, amid volleys of applause. United Action There was a great call today, he contended, not only for all citizens of Canada to sink their differences and press down the gingle pathway of the Co-opera- tive Commonwealth movement but for the nations to act in uni- son to avert International chaos. War debts and post-war re- construction debts had produced a situation serious enough, he said, but frem them had also come an outburst of retaliatory tariffs that had "produced the greatest age of mad nationalism the world had ever seen." There was bound to he a crash if the world kept on much longer with- out united international action to stabilize tariffs, monetary matters and the problem of ex- change. Perhaps the most vital problem, thourh {t was primarily a national one, was that of rafs- ing and stabilizing the purchas. Ing power of the great masses of the people. The man who labored, he as- serted, was cau~ht in a vise, be- tween the overcapitalization of Industry and the pressure of wage reduction effected to keep down the cost of production, so that national products might bat- ter compete In the markets of the world. At the same time, he re- marked, the workers saw wealth concentrated fn epproximately 'he same proportion as in the United States, where 8 percent of the peorle controlled 67 per- cent of the national income. "That can't go on, you know," he remarked. "The pressure of those who have goods or service to offer, and want to be paid a reasonable return for them, will eventually become too great." Mr, Scott also eriticizd the "woeful att mnts" of present members of legislative bodies to "represent all the economic in- terests in his constituency." He folt that there should be legisla- tive representation by groups. with proper representation for "those who labor." The meeting wag also address- ed by T. S. Keitht of Ncw Toren. to, who outlined some of the alms of the Co-operative Com- monwealth Federation. Funda- mentally, he sald, a change was sought to conditions under which human life and effort was of lit- tle more value than the child la- bor in England in the 18th and 19th centuries. Ideal Posture Is Thing of Past Says Professor New Haven, Conn. -- Prominent waistlines are not always a reflec. tion on a person's posture, nor are bulky muscles a sure sign of phy- sical perfection, Dr. Winthrop M.} Phelps and Robert J. K. Kiphuth, of Yale, have concluded after a fourryear study of postural defects. They termed "straight as an In- dian" an outworn phrase and asr scrted that there is no jdeal posture for all persons in reporting today the resylts of a study of students. Dr. Phelps, professor of ofthoped- ic surgery, and Kiphuth, Varsity swimming coach, said their investi- gation disclosed that ideal posture varies for different age groups, dif- ferent types of individuals and dif- ferent conditions of life, They reported that a flat abdo- men is a characteristic of good posture only throughout the young adult period. It is rare among chilr dren and in periods beyond the age of 35 years, but its absence in these veriods of life is not a postural de- fect, they said. They advise young men and ath: lotes to shift emphasis from mus- cle bulk te line and function. The adelescent age was given by them as the best period in life for corrective exercises. With the recent opening of the Nuality Suspender Mfg. Co.'s plant 'n Winnipe~ the city now has 2 manufacturers of men's suspenders. FOR QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND SATISFACTION end your clothes to the | OSHAWA LAUNDRY | AND DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED Mill St. Phone 2520 OSHAWA wl 5 EEEEEEL geubiss BES] FRRERRERRERD Peta SRRRRRRERRE ] 1st = fe Bp PR [ 4 B EE Pd PAN SAA TRRERRRR BE 8p D- SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE (Rastern Standard Time) Geaing Weat Leave Arrive Oshaw, reid vp] a, 6.30 FERRE BRE - = Stas 8 Swans vp Arrive Hospital 10.45, a.m. 43 p.m. 6.15 p.m. LE mn. 10 p 7.3 pou. 10.55 p.m GRAY COACH LINES (Effective Sept. 25, 1932) (Eastern Standard Time) LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM. P.M. AM, PM. ab.4§ a7.30 8.30 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Tram Service Efféctive December §, 1932 45 a.m. Dally. 59 p.m Dgily. emcept Sunday. .42 p.m. Daily. p.m. Daily, except Sunday. p.m. (Sunday easly). .20 a.m. Daily. os flag to oick up for Montreal Flig step only. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective Decembey 5, 1932 (Standard Time) 9.45 a.m. Daily. 10.30 a.m. Tyenton Local Daily, except unday. 4.18 p.m. Daily. 12.22 a.m. Daily. 2 For Otiawa Montres) and East Flag .. Westbound 6.35 a.m, Dal, 706 a.m Daily. an pm Diy 7 .m. ily, except Sunday. m8.55 p.m Baile. P y ® Terontc and Wea! nalv-flag, Two internationally known Unit- ed States manufacturers have re- cently chosen Winnipeg for their Western Canadian manufacturing operations, The Krank Co., of Min- neapolis, manufaeturers of shaving creams, face creams, etc., are now nacking their oroducts in Winnipeg for the Canadian market. The Kroehler Co., of Chicago, one of the world's largess manufacturers of furniture, will commence operations in their new Winnipeg plant late in December. J. C. YOUNG GENERA] plNSURANCE offi one 7908 Res, Phone g 4Y; Prince St, | DRAKES' ie HORSE RADISH SAUCE and BENGAL RELISH Sold Everywhere; Mage in Oshawa | One 1028 Chevroles Coach. | one 1928 Chevrolet Coupe, | Ross, Ames & Gartshore | HUDSON-- ESSEX i 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTE It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair ong make it tell the correct ime D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 189 Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South The New Burtol Process Gives ULTRA-RAPID SERVICE IN DRY CLEANING PHONE 707 We Call and Deliver AOMP DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver BN Ea pes Lime Rickey A Real Drink Sc and 10c Bottles At Your Grocers or Draggist at all Superior Stores Insure Your House and Con- tents in Strong Companies through J. H. R. LUKE Ask about Burglary Insure ance. You should carry fit. Phone 871 or 687TW os LAXO 5 Ib. Bag, 30c HOGG & LYTLE, LTD. For Cereal or Muffins Phone 2038 Ladies' JERSEY DRESSES $1.95 I. COLLIS & SONS 50-534 King St. W., Oshawa TILLIE THE TOILER- HEL y | Yo BE IV SAT DREAMIN OUGHT ANY MINUTE NOW 4 1 WENT OUT TO HER HOUSE LAST NIGHT » IY WAS TERRIBLE! SHE DON'T SAY TWO WORDS - JUST LL SH SOMEONE ON THE 'PHONE FOR. 'You, 1 TILL\E . You AFTER TEALOUVS \ GUESS. HBORRY FOR THE WAY | TREATE "THEE Sane - [UST AS By Russ. Westover BRINGING UP FATHER WELL: AT LAST: ME BON HAS GONE BACK TO COLLEGE- } WONDER. WHAT J ©1932, King Pearutes Syndicate, Inc., Grear Brinain rights reserved HTRUCK HI TO GO BACK? ii] [20 CL PT =} +n YES DADDY: HE LEFT EARLY THIS MORNING WE WAS 50 HAPPY: HE COULD HARDLY TALK: WE SAID \T WAS SOMETHING ABOUT THE FOOT BALL TEAM KNEW THEY DIONT INTEND TO MAKE WIM THE DEAN OF THE UNIVERSITY - 1 JUST RECEIVED a TELEGRAM FROM" SONNY, HE ARRIWED AT SCHEPL AND WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1! THINK WE PENT TUE TELEGRAM. CoLLECT: HE 19 GOING TO BE MADE "WATER BOY' ON THE FOOT BALL TEAM NEXT YEAR: 1ONT THAT I 12+/0