- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932 want ac u ant 49 fos § i in WHERE BUYER & For Rent ANNIN. F. 3w A012 BARRIS ter, Seclicitos, Notary Mouey to loaa. 11 Elog Pig Phone 5 i! ce 28% oi den 7 tb oft ANNI RIE "Solicitors. Notaries Pablie. SO onreyansing and gereral wractice in Law. Office 1% Sim ene Street South,, Oshawa. Phone 4..G.-D. Conant. B.A. LL.B.: A. Annis, B.A. LL.B N. SINCLAI &, K.C., BAN } Commerce Building. BET 5 . MANGAN. L.A, 3 ay Hon. Notsey Publis vavagcer. Money to joan J fry ¥i1g St. Fas, Oshawa e 445. Remdence phone R37 FH 8 ro oo is Fite. 24 Sim isters, Solicitors. Fite. . Baers x he ne $160. Residence $514 Money to loan. 4 BENNICK, B.A, BARRIS ter, 13% Simeoe St. South. Tere 3_K65. phene 303 3 emt th Undertaking BURIA: Cu. 6i KIC or iy "Arsbaiance. Residence 542 Simcoe street North. Phone 216; and 210W oh Er ---- DSHAWA BURIAL CO. ns & Son, Proprieters Faperal and Ambulance Service day and night Phone 1082W 87 Celina (an Architects GC SiENHOUSE. CERDRSL hiteor ural worit. Second flo Rosal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Residence phon? 009). Auctioneer PHONE 7163 W J SULLEY Auctioneer, 348 Simcce St. S.. awa. Special attention riven to household furniture sales und farm stock aad {mplements Your patronace solicited nd To Ry Watch Repairing "A. VON GUNTEN. EXPERT Swiss watchmaker. cepa'r shop a 46 King Street West. Your patrcnave ts solicited . DISNEY FOR RENTALS Attractivse apartment in George and Llewellyn, Rooms, flats, houses all over. List your vacan- cles with Disney. Opposite Post Office. Phone 1550 (182tf: SINGLE™ GARAGE. PRIV' TE drive on Dearborn Street. Phone 2415. (1542) ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOMED house, very close n, reasonable rent for desirable adult family. Bradley Bros. (132¢" $15 WILL RENT A 7 ROOMED house, centrally located. Apply Mr. Harris, 70 McGregor St. Phone 1522. (132¢) SIX ROOMED HOUSE, ALL modern conveniences, hardwood floors, built in cupboards, electric fireplace, garage, side entrance, completely decorated. rent ex- ceptionally reasonable, Phone 407J. (132¢) THREE ROOMED. HOUSE TO rent in Oshawa. Electric lishts and water. $5 month. Phone 1553). (133¢) FOR RENT--TWO KVRNISHED or partly furnished rooms for light housekeeping, every con- venience. Apply 21 Warren Ave. (1t4e) 5 ROOMED BRICK, HARD- wood floors, modern conveni- ences. low rent, 8 roomed house, modern, central. zarage, immadi- ate possession. Phone 1408W. (134¢) COENG3A HATRORESSING EX nerts--on all kinds of beanty enlture. Permanent waves 5.1 mecialty. Finger wave anc shampoo, $100: Marcell, 50¢ Facials, scalp treatments and maniearing. Coffee Shop en trance. Phone 12738 (68 July 1 mo) PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON. inecliaiizes In permanent waving, finger wavine, marcellinm, at low. est prices. 10 Prince. Phone 688 (18 dec c! PEMKERS BRANCI!! HAIR Aressine and Reaalv "u.ture No Y Bradlev Bldg., Phone 2%, Osh 'wa, Ontario. (23 nnv t* - Transportation GARTAGE AND STORAGE Coleman's. 85 Bond Wes: Sper falists in furniture moving Stor ages warehouse and moving van eaninment Prone R2 Insurance -- DAVIS AND SON INSURANCE 19 Kine St Wer:. Oshawa The oldest Fire Agerey 'n Oshawa 3( renatahle Fira Companies N LIFE 28SURAMCE coM Sy of ranada. Dominion BatV Chambers Alex S Ross. S. | Everson Phone 1834 (18 oct tf 1! Battery Service TTERIES CHARCED 15 with rental $1 00 Called for and delivered Batteries $2.75 and up Stan Blizdon 20 Mil St Phone 960 SE --_--T TEED Radios Repaired RUSSELL. WICKS. CERTIFIED Radio-Triclan, servicing and re pair. work graranteed Hizhest quality tubes gold. Phone 1148M ary St. Hoary (23 dec ¢) ALT, MAKES OF RADIOS RE paired Prices reasonable Jas Ad>me. 276 Grooms Ave Phone 1098W. gi {8 jan ¢) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE. EX- pert service on all makes of radios Prices reasonable Tuhes tested in your Dome Charles wo Wales. Phone tsa © PHONE NATIONAL RADIO Service, 2803M. equipped to lo- cate trouble on any set. Work . Tnbes sold. guaranteed 128 dee m---- ERT Ll) Shoe Repairing THE CHAMPION SHOE RE pair does particular vork for particular people. Skates gharp ened a mew and better way. nt stick. Goloshes repaired. We cole lect and deliver. Phone 1216, 17 Bond Bast. (19 dec ¢) PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. We call and deliver. Phone 672W. Evenings 2524W. Jack Read, corner Colborne and Mary (10 dec ¢) Hall for Rent WESTMOUNT PAVILION RENT- ed at reasonable rates for dances. euchres, private parties, etc. Fur- ther information apply 422 King West. (8 dec c) , Palmist wed SEE MADAME BROWN teacup and hand reading. Busi- ess private. 92 Louisa St. Phone 26367 (28 dec ¢) 'ORENE dresser, 50c. JOHNSON. HATR- 92 Church St. Finger marcel 25¢ Phone 2188J. (8 jan ©) 'NTRODUCING -- BARROW'S Permanent wave shop 25 Burk St. Cronuinole Waves $2 75 up Finger wave and shamnnn 50c. ; (18 dee ©) NORMA'S REAUTY PARLOR 31 King St. Wast Marcel Monday and Tnesdav, 356 bpalenece of weeks 50c. Finer wazine 50 with shampoo 75¢ Phone 2525 (17 dec © REDUCED PRICE3 FOR HAIR. dressinz and beauty cultnre at your home or 158 Roxhoronrh Phone Violet McKenna 1230F, (30 dee eo» DAFFODIL HATRDRESSING Shonpe, 311 Athnl Rast. Finrer wave 50c, marcel 40c Mrs Pel, 14427. (1 jan ©) Engineering H. V. ELLEGETT., REINFORCED roncrete structural design and 1etailing. Mechanical and strne tural draughting, Phone 103W. (" dec ¢ ava Music Lessons VOICE AND sjanniorte, Horner Smyth, 'rom T.ondon Enzlaad -chool of Opera, now teaching at Harris' Music Store. 11 Simcoe St. South Free Interview and advice given Tuesdays, 7 to 9. Phone 1490 (21 dec ¢) Dental ON. 8. J PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- tett"s. Special attentlon to X-ray work Gas extraction Nurse In 1'tendance "hone 959 House 1312 Gas ROBO GAS." "WONDERFUL gas saver". Saves you money, more power speed and mileage Jack Wilson. 266 Ritson North. . __(1 dec c) Cleaning and Dyeing FIRST CLASS SERVICE ON ALL our work. Fur coats cleaned and relined. Ask for prices. Gold Medal Cleaners. 21 Bond E Phone 863. (19 dec c) Roofing HAYTON, THE ROOFER, ROOF- ing, caulking, chimney repairing, Free inspection and estimates. Phone 1643W. (May 21 33) Found STRAYED TO 118 ELDON AVE, black, female, police dog. Owner can have same for paying for tdv. (134c) Notice Personal MADAME LAZORA, ENGLISH Palmst and Psychic will advise and help yon in all atfairs of lite np matter what your trouble 1.ay be. She wili help you when others fail, Be sure and consult | Madame 'Lazora. Hours 9'a.m, to 10 p.m. daily, Be sure of right number 559 Bay 8t., Toronto. (1291) Pets and Livestock TANARIES FOR SALE--CHOICE singers from three dollarc np. Christmas special. Guaranteed singer. new cage and stand com plete for six dollars. A, Henning, Ozha a 'vigries, 129 Colborne SCHOOL. BOYS WHO PLAY Hawaiian Guitar, wishing to join a Hawallan orchestra, phone 633F for informatio... (134¢c) Real Estate For Sale HOUSE AND 7 ACRES OF land to rent, corner of Ross- land and Ritson Rd. Apply 3rd 'house east on Rossland Rd. Alex, Davidson, (132¢) BRICK HOUSE, SIX ROOMS, modern, oak floors, garaze, north. Eighteen hundred dollars. Consider small clear house and cash. The best buy ever offered in Oshawa, Box 13 Times. (132¢) | ahle | rooms in north end of city Ap- i ply Box 9 Times. Articles for Sale BODY HARDWOOD $3, ALSO softwood. Guaranteed full meas: ure. A. Wall, $92 Courcellette Ave. Phone 2491F, . (16 dec ¢) AlL KINDS OF WOOD. PRICES right. Clavde McQuaid, 54 Albert Phone 1078). (14 Dec. ©) HARDWOOD LIMBS 1 CORD $2.50. Bodywood 1 cord $3 Softwood 3% cord $2.25. Phone 272TW. (10 dec c) WE SELL SLIGHTLY WORN suits and overcoats, also ladles' goods, at 148 Simcoe S.uth, We also buy clothing. (16 dee ¢) BODY MAPLF. HARD AND soft slabs, body aiemlock. good measure, prompt delivery, low nrices, Phone 1716F. (21 dec ¢) BLACK'S FUEL--BODY HARD: wood, $3 3% cord Coke $9.90 ton. Slebs $2.25 3% cord. Al fue! under cover. Phone 233). (28 dec c! DRY HARD BODYWOOD % cord $3. mived 3% cord $2. Johns phone 1993M. (18 dee ¢) HARDWOOD $3 3 CORD. kindling $2.25 1; cord Rednetion on lareer orders. Corson's. Phone 1941M, (1 jan ¢) READY MIXED MUSHROOM manure, also fresh and well rot- ted. Some at $1.75 per load, also fresh spawn. Phone 53W, (3 jan c) STORE FIXTURES IN GOOD condition, suitable for butcher shop. Apply Frederick's Store, 732 Albert St, Oshawa. (133h) BODY WOOD SLABS, $3. Mixe. $2.75. Coke $9.50, Phone 2423W. Frank McQuaid, Cedar- dale. (6 jan ¢) CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES, reasonable prices, Phone orders now. W. Borrowdale. Phone 2712. (24 dec c) SIXTY-SEVEN PIECE SET Chinaware, "Wed~ewood" npat- tern. Sixteen seventy-five, Two dollars down pavment, monthly. Phone 1348M. Ph (133c) BARN FOR SALE---40 x 27. ADP: nly to Roy VanCamp, Bowmanville. (130, 132, 134) | SALE OF SINGER machines, $10 up, Payments can be arranged. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 18 Ontarit Street, (1341) A GOOD BEATTY WASHER copper tub for sale cheap. Box 11 Times. (134h, Auto Loans AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE- financed. Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering a period up to twelve months to nay whi'e yon drive your car Campb2ll Auto Finance Co. Ltd. Nanev Black, King St, E. H. A MacDonald, r e p r e sentative "ranches threnrheut Ontario, (6 jan c) Work Wanted EXPERIENCED G ENV R AT, wishes noeitinn, good referenrros, Phone 111867]. (134¢) Wanted to Rent TWO OR THREE COMFORT- furnished nounsekeeping (133a) Sir Arthur Currie Congratulated on His 58th Birthday Montreal. ----- 8ir Arthur Cur rie, principal and vice-chanceicr of McGill University, entered his 58th year on Monday. His 57tn birthday was marked by a SEWING | halance | RR i | | Mortgage Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF. the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time o' the sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, at 19 Bond Street West in the City of Osh. awa, by W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1932, at the hour of 2 o'clock mn the afternoon, the following property, namely:--The :lamis and premises in the City of Osh- awa known as part of the south side of Bond Street ge- cording to J. B. Warren's "lan. On the premises are said to' be erected 2 blocks of stores hnlt of brick, [ : block of stores on Prince Street and known as Nos. 19, 21, 23 and 25 Prince Street, con- sisting of '4 stores and separ. ate apartments over the stores in a fair state of repair, and the other block on Bond Street and known as Nos. 19 and 21 Bond Street West, consisting of 2 stores and separate anartments over the stores fin first class shape. Each block of stores will be sold senaratelv ar hoth blocks will Fe sold en bloc. The propery will be sold subfect to a reserved bid. TERMS: --Ten percent of the purchase money is to he paid down at the time of the sale, and the hnlance to be naid with. in thirty davs thereafter "ir further particulars and infarma- tion apply to Louis S. Hyman, 16 Simcoe Street North, O=sh- awa. Ontario, Solicitor for the Mortgagee, (12% 134, 140) The Bankruptcy Act In the cstate of Harcy N, Mallett, trading under the name and style of Mailett Brothers, of the City otf Jshawa, in the Province of Ontario, .uthor.zed ass.gner. Nctce is hereby given that Harry +. Mallett, trading uncer the namie and style of Mallety Bros, did on i.e 2nd day of December, 1932, make an authorized assignment oi Jl his property ror the benefit of h's creditors, and that O. E. Lennox ficial recc.ver, has appointed me cbtor until the first meeting of cditors. Notice is further given that tlre ;st meet.ng of creditors in the the above estate' will be held in Room 1835, Oszcode Hall, Torento,! )atario, on Fr.day, the 16th day of | yecember, 1932, at 2.33 o'clock in the afternoon. Io entitle you to vote thereat, roof or your claim must be lodged th n.c befcre the meeting is held. P: x'es to be used at the mecting ust be lodged with me prior there- to. And fu:ilicr take nctice that at uch miceting the c¢ .ditors will el- cct a permanent trustee. And fu.ter tke notiic that you have any claim against the 'ebtor for whith ycu are entitled to ank, preef of sich claim must be iled with me or with the trustee w' ea anpointed, with'n thirty days if the date of this netice, otherwise he ~receeds of the debtor's estate, ill be d'stributed among the par- 'es entitled thereto, without regard your claim. Dated: at Toronto this 7th day o December, 1932. ) RUSSEL R. GRANT, f Grant, Godfrey & Co, 371 Bay St., Tcronto, Custodizn (1342) lengthy day concerned with Uni- versity business, beginning with an informal meeting at breakfus: with Dr. E. P. Keppel, preside: of Carnegie Corpora'). wo visited Montreal and Mell Uai- versity, Dr. Keppel was Sir Av thr's guest at breakfast. The Principal's morning mali brought many congratulatory greetings from old friends and acquaintances in various paris of the world. The arrival of another airth- day was not in the least denress- ing to the leader of Canafla s ex- peditionary force overseas, Sir 'rthur remarking during che Lot '3 on'| 2 storeys' high--one | | |to be custcd an of the estate of the i; | 1] BURGOS CATHEDRAL ONE OF SPAIN'S FINEST Burgos cathedral, .rexarded t"» most romantic and Spanish of all the cathedrals in the peninsula. One of the most renowned of all the {impressive Spanish churches is the cathedral in the fascinating oid town of Burgos [t ranks with the cathedrals at Toledo and Leon as the finest examples of Gothic architecture in Spain. Constructed white, of the marble-like limestone of Ontori-, | the cathedral was founded on July 20, 1221, by Ferdinand JU ("el Santo') and Bishop Maur. ie, an' En~lshman. So it origin- ated in Gothic style, althouzil it was nct finished for more timp 300 years. The ornate towers of the main facade were built and the rich above the crossine, similar to those found in. English cathed- | rals, was comnleted in 1547. Statues of Ferdinand III, Ailfon- 10 VI, Bishop Maurice and Blthop Asterlo de Oca adorn the orin- cipal entrance, a*ove whisk i= a larre rose window, + and still higher, two Gothic windowe Tie two smaller doors to the left and rizht are adorned with relleis of the Coronation of the Virgin and he Tnnecention. Rising to a height of 275 'eet the two mnin tawers dominate the city. set on the lower slopes of a hill, facing a broad and wiftly fin~ine river The interior of the cathedral whi~h is 300 fect long, {is re- markable for the lofty, spacious - "eours» of the morning tha: "1 feel better than I have fe't on several birthdays of the past.' GRADE MAYRKS QUALITY It 1s not the class but rather the grade, which mars the real 'uality of the egg' the year round in Canada. observes the "bi'f of the Poultrv Maret Tn- 'allf~enre Service of the Domin- fon Live Stock Branch. The word 'Tr-gh" is not more a guarantee of quality in ergs than the wor? "Storage'" as popularly accepted 's generally taken as a condemna- tion, The grodes of e~rs are "Special." "Extra," *"Pullet Ex- 'ra,"" "First" and "Second." Puy Yy grade for real sat'sfaction. Washington is busy these days trying to learn for sure whether 1 can eat: n= cake and have it, 'ro,=T ~""hHridee Herald, offect 'or its proportions. Most of tite old stained-glass windows | were shattered by a powder ex- | plosjon in the Castillo in | and since have bean replaced by | inferior modern glass. Fifteen chapels {| church unsymmetrically, all con- taining highly revered imares. One of the chapels, the GCapilla del Saontissimo © Cristo, is named from the "Cristo de Bur- 108," a very ancient image of the ernvecified Christ, popularly supposgl to consist of a dried pand 's'nffed human tbody, but {actually of br ffalo hide with hair from a human head. in 1442-58; | 'octagonal lartern | "Take No Clincess With 5ASSY STOMACH F. sa, Stoma-h Pres-ription Makes | Tks Mo-t Up:-t Stomach Strong and Hezlthy Aezin, « Did you. know that one tea- sonfu] of Bisurate1l Marnesia |in a rlags of water not only IN- | STANTLY 'relieves "ges pains, bloat and wards off indi~estion itteeks bet taken faithfully after | anch meal for-one week males | the stomach so robust--the di- | that | ! mestive systém so strong, von ¢an digest the henrtinst meal [ without the slizht~st distress. You ean juet het PBisuroted Ma~nesia fs different from other reme"jes but it's a splandid Ant- ae'd and Di~estant which COR- PROTS--its In~re?ianta are fav- orahly kndwn to phvsiclans and have he~n universnlly use? to tre~ewfully ovencome gas and in- dizestion tronhlers-- the stub- "orn, chronie kind! Blerate? Ma~resia drives out vag ard acid and he'ns keep it ant it ereates a NATURAY, ac- tion in your stomach and after a wee's when it nots your stomach 'n norma', perfect wotking shape --wateh how quickly nervous. ness, sleap'essness, constincotion and headaches disannear Bisur- ated Magnesia ATWAYS WORKS --it's scientifically compounded to do so, yet its cost is low In accordane~ with the times: Lead- ing drucgists everywhere, You want what's hest for your up<®t. enssv stomarh--so ask for and GET Bisurated Magnesia. FOWMANVILLE OSHAWA & WHITBY (Eastern Standard Time) 4 (Eictve gn red alter May, 1. 1932) pr uy ot 1.15 p.m. 2.15pm. Bapns oe SEEEIGUBDT a h-J 8 SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE (astern Standard Time) Ceing Wed Leave Leave Arrive Sowrsanville Oshaws Whitby sam "4am, 14aSan. 10am « LW0pm «S540 m x 9.15 p.m. 140 p.m Leave Tupm 10.55 p.na GRAY COAUH LINES (Effective Sept 25, 1932) (Eastern S rd Time) LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM. P.M, AM, P.M. 2.30 niCom a6.45 surround the | 80 | 1813 |° P.M. 12.30 1.30 | b2.30 11.30 | a--Daily except Sunday; b--Saturday, | Sunday and hclidays only; c--Sunday enly; { 4--Daily except Sundays and holidays. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS « lsam Service Effective December 5. 1932 Eastern Standard Time EASTBOUND 9.45 am Daity 1.59 p.m Daily 4,42 pm Daily 1.22 p.m Daily, except Sunday. 1103 p.m (Sunday only). £12.20 a.m. Daily, t--Stops on flag to pick up for Mcntreal nd East except Sunday. WESTBOUND 5.29 a.m. Daily. vJ5 am Daily. 6.21 a.m, Daily. 1.12 p.m. Daly i 4.58 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. 117 om dailv f--Flag stop only, CANADIAN PAUIFit RAILWAYS Effective December 5, 1932 (Stahdard Time) st 9.45 a.m, Daily. '10,30 am, Trenton Local Daily, except mday «418 nm Daly 12.22 a.m. Daily. x For Ottawa Montreal and East Flag est 6.35 a.m. Daily. 706 a.m Daily. $12 p.m Daily 6.40 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. mR.55 p.m Dail m Taronte and Wee anly -flag IRISH MUST NOT SELL BRITISH ALE Dublin, Irish Free State. Owners of public houses in al! parts of this city are under no- tice that they must stop selling British ale. Their notice came Saturday night when groups of young men who sald they were members of the Irish Republican Army told them they had orders to remind them of a boycott of British goodg inaugurated soon after the United Kingdom imposed special duties on Free State ag.icultura!l products when the Free Stite re fused to remil payment on land annuities owing the Bank of J. C. YOUNG . GENERAL INSURANCE Office Phone 703 Res. Phone 2898 4Y; Prince St, Oshawa DRAKES' gg" : Style HORSE RADISH SAUCE and BENGAL RELISH, | Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa One 1028 Chevrolet Coach. ff One 1928 Chevrolét Coupe, [f. Rose, Ames & Gart:hore [| HUDSON-- ESSEX fi 135 King §t. W. Phone 1160 OUR SPECIALT® If your watch is not givin satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correet time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Rafiroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 4 REPAIRING Fine Watch Hepairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. listablisted 1886 12 Simcoe St. South po ra Your Evening Gowns Beauti"ully ('leaned Hl x THE NEW BURTOL PROCESS PHONE 707 We Call and Deliver HOMP DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Nelives J hl aL Imperial Lime Rickey A Real Drink Scand 10c Bottles At Your Grocers or Draggist at all Superior Stores BASSETT" We buy 01d Gold ant. Sliver We repair anything bought in a Jewelry Store ! On Oshawa's Mazin (orner Jewelers a fT JERSEY DRESSES $1.95 I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King St. W., Oshawa England. iimes Classified Ads. Cer Results. TILLIE THE TOILER- By Russ. Westover YoU NEEDN'T TRY TO MAKE IGET THAT (F HADN'T BEEN FOR MAC PUT- TING SoU IN THE sures Syndicate, ine. G in UP AF TER You HAD ALL THOSE GIRLS HANGING ON. Your NECK + DON'T FOR = Come LISTEN, MAC - OUT To THE 1 "BUT HER WMIINN ING PLAY AND we ape. APPRECIATE Sou WIN, MAC - VM A HERO IN EVERYBODYS EVES 7a. 11 ON My THIS IS GETTING VE BEEN HERS THREE HOURS AND YOUWE NERVES - UP FATHER PAW- | NEED SOME CASH: YOu "St. E. Phone 1916F. f A .(133¢) Yn { T.met' Classified Ads. Get Results. NOT A CENT VLLNOT LISTEN TO You: "YOURE COMMENCIN TO LOOK LIKE THE DEBIT SIDE OF A LEDGER TO ME~ en 1 | WELL! GUESS THAT TALK WILL DO iM SOME GOOD- | WISH HE WUL7Z. BACK IN-SCHOOL~ HES GITTIN ON ME NERVES~ te Great Bian nglis reserved WHY WOULDN'T YOU LISTEN TO SONNY ? HE WANTED TO GET ENOUGH MONEY FROM YOU To BUY A RAILROAD TICKET SO AS TO RETURN TO COLLEGE- WHICH WAY DID