Re v pe hi » § PAGE EIGHT | US INSPECTION IS RECOMMENDED Eid tinued from page 1) ere completed. He was : 7 sure 'that he had made no mis- . 4 service was discontinued and | Sul eon hh 3 EN Se { tries, with a secuest that the ad to QUEBEC CITY where services could not be fine stand t for relier by the nie wi te Kept jnformed as locked the meter was taken out. | hoard. will .be dropped rom L he emp oyment of, Ty | Were sue owes ore discon | 1: Ts i Sele | nected he said the connection was | iving Partial Relle a 3 lem: relugy 1c FROM: WHITBY, Pliezed. 1h tho pase nad bot | In conmection with men who | wert sfpiorment "whens 1s H COBOURG and Intermediate | the custom to use steel wire 0 | are only on partial employment, | ro oe Probie ™ ud Points. zeal the shut off vais. nis jand. are not earning sufficient The major problem. of the | > ire, he coul e broken. | money to meet all th regquire= | St} ' " ing | GOING DECEMBER 2 | but only in cases where consid- | ments of their families for the ethos of Rudling ore 2) { J IL FROM I ONIREAL grade force wax brought to bear | necessities of lite PR ystem of ! length by (hey hoard lost Mont | oo t: First Clase Coaches Only, on the tap of the valve. Then j par 41 ie et nag Jaen f stablisi= | gollowing the qoee tpt of furtlie: Restaurant Cars on Special Trains the wire would break. But the | ed, and the work of the investi- COMA RI from the Rafi] present company was using the | ators has rest veg Mi se Ye; \1 | M:rehants' , A%sociation Many Yala lock method of closing of | cases being changed from a basis | nhage8 of food relief situ <8 HOCKEY services and this was absolute- | Of full relief to one of partial re-| {jon were Al but ay =~ §%. Montreal Maroons vs. ly fool proof. lief. Partial relief, however, will | tho hoard @journed at midnghi fl Boston "In the case of the Jacobi home | be bass d absolutely in accordance | no .qefinitd Kecision ; had een Bruins at Montzeal Forum the box had been sealed with the [an the amount of earnings and | ycgehed, #nd¥ it was decided to 9 December 3 wire as mentioned above but oh the number of persons in the | gefar the whole question: for an- | oR when ho and his assistant visit. | [2MilY, #0 that no family will be | gener wepk. | : allowed to go in want, ed the cellar, this was broken. | Refused to: Worl - -- For full information, consult | His assistant had turned off the | rp.0n Shain ° hig ot ve nearest Agent gas he said and placed a padlock | | moved from th rel f et r Ye Y Br: klx on the valve. cause of the refusal of the bread- a0 mn t CANADIAN e------------ re : fie to accept employment, it o'r . : Mr. Kangaroo: "Mary, where's | was reported to the board last Mr. .E. Olver, of Toronto, was - : the baby?" night by the relief administrator. | with his sisters at Miss Olver's NG PACIFIC Mrs. Kangaroo: "Good heavens, | In thes: cases, the industry offer- fon Sunday. | yA my pocket's been picked!" ing these men employment stat- Mr, Che's (Elliott, of Bobcaygeon, | ® 4 was homie this week, . Mr. Grant Ormiston is in Ot- tawa at the Winter Fair. : M nd' Mrs. L. Ross spent the eo wee} d in Hamilton. J Miss Bessie Garbutt has "been WN ith her aunt, Mrs. McKendry, in 0 miter bee Doris Batty spent a few 1 davs in Toronto last week. ( Mr. Oilie Kivell, of Toronto, was LH home for the week-end, Mrs. Norman, of Toronto, is with 1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeph- 1 son. 4 Mr. Débble, of Toronto, has been e] with MA and Mrs. A. C. Elliott, = Mr. Milton White and Mr. How- " ard Terrill, of Toronto, ware with 1 Mr. and Mrs. N. J. White on Sun- 1 day. & it . Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mackey and |. 4 Dr. and Mrs. Jas. Moore, were . among the guests at the Warden's ; Banquet held in Whitby on Thurs- -¥ day might. 7] Phe Annual Chicken Dinner and 3 Bazaar given by the Guild of St. Thomas' Church was a great suc- cess. Those assisting on the pro- | gramme were the Misses Colborne ' land Mr. Hutchison, of Port Perry. Miss Rote Doyd, Mr. and Mrs. C.§ 8. Thompson and Mr. Paul Chris- 4 tenson. A humorous skit was given by the Lade Brothers which was much enjoyed. The lucky numbers st for the gin and the doll were le drawn, and the quilt was won by Bi. Miss Hilda Bailey, and the doll by | Mrs. C. S. Thompson. Mr. George i Brown made a splendid auctioneer Pl in 'getting rid of a number of Ww e (74 U chickens, cakes and pies, IE Mr. W. Prapet arrived home last week and ' gaining slowly in strength. 5 4A How Mrs. Gascoyne was in Toronts 4, last week. « Mr. A. Lawrence & Sons, had take in turning off the water as he said he was aware of the fact that both gas and water pipes came into the house and knew which was which. He said thac it would have been easy for one not well acquainted with them to have made & mistake as they were situated only two feet apart and were much the same in con- struction. The light in the cellar was poor, he said. He said that he had not noticed any seal on the gas tap although after the tra- gedy he had noticed a small piece of wire attached to the gas shut off valve. He said the gas pipes were in the same condition as when he lived in the house abn two years ago. At no time dur- ing his tenancy had he used gas. -he said. Mr. White asserted that he had seen Jacobi last on Sunday night CANADIAN PACIFIC FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 $ 4-50 4 return to MONTREAL 50 return $ about six p.m. but had | the lights in the upper of the house burning early day morning. Evidence concerning hi ings on examination ¢. the was given by Dr. C. BE. WH who said he found slight a sions on the left side of the h and were such as might have been sustained by a person in a all. Constables McLellan and Spen- cer testified that they had been called to the Jacobi home at 12.- | 25 p.m. on Monday and that they found the doors closed but the back door was unlocked. The house was full of gas, they said and after making a search of the main floor found Jacobi lying on his left side at the foot of the stairs leading to the upper story. His head was at the foot of the stairs and his feet partly up the' stairs. His arm was thrown across his face. After calling the coroner and an ambulance a search of the house for the origin of the gas was made and it was found to be coming up through a hole in the kitchen floor where a pipe to connect a gas stove had been. The officers said the light ; Was still burning in the cellar as well as in the uppes storey of the house. i Arthur Rutter, 'a driver for the Oshawa Bakery stated that he visited the house shortly after noon and as he smelled gas strongly as he went in at the back door and could not raise anyone, he went to a neighbours and reported what he had found and asked them to call the police. Ross Smith, living next door, said that he saw Jacobi around | ! the premises on Sunday morn ing but not after that. He was in good health at that time, he ! said. The lights in the house bad been noticed burning aorund eleven-thirty on Sunday night. Russell Clarke, foreman of the gas department of the On-! tario Shore Gas Company, ex- | plained that it was the practice of the company to shut off the gas and put oh a yale lock when on the back of the left soulder:| ; + \ LV. TIT Tar men ANZ Thm ---------- iiaty a din BAILY TIMES, - THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 1,1932 . ROYAL GOLUVER IN IRELAND ODwrng his first visit to Ireland t cnough in his official duties to near Belfast, The royal golfer an [He is shown above with Col. A, F INVESTIGATIONS | LIKELY T0 BRING PROSECUTIONS | there I them. are (Continued from page 1) Think how easily you can spare a half-dollar GUARANTEED TO KILL EVERY ER m---- he vice of Wales paused long ny a roind of goM at Newcastle, Lis partner won in a foursome. ullertom after the match, ed thatthere was work available for tiem, but thet' they had re- fused 4t, the reason given in at I-ast dge ease beimg that the fam- ily would be better off' on relief. | These three famille vere at once | and | unless | rimovid from the relief lists, will romain off the listd the men can procure letters from th2 industry in question that ®. uo work available for Ligts of employees on relief heéing sent to all city indus- the misfortune to lose one of their valuable horses, which was: found Yond J the stable one morning re- cent The "Hard Times" Supper put this 'office, Charles L. Mackey, is| interesting talk on how Ottawa president, had charge of the meet-' expected to seek a fourth termt. [became the capital. Miss Rubyl|ing, and read the devotional leaflet. Cook gave a piano solo. After the|'The subject was: "Dorcas; the wo- meeting" had closed with the Miz- {man that was always wanted." The Myrtle pah benediction, an enjoyable minutes were read and adopted. period was spent in. games. After the business discussion the Mr, and Mrs. Pilkey 'and Mrs. |Pres. of Christian Stewardship Mrs. Chas. Pilkey entertained Jus, Cooper motored to Toronto on {read a paper on "How a Woman the Trail Rangers to a "weiner Monday. can tithe." A duet was sung by oast." - Did they have a good| Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Houston, of |Mesdames Harrison and Lane, and ine 7 Just ask the boys. Toronto, also Mr, and Mrs. Jas. |the Temperance secretary gave a Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Brice were |Beacock were Sunday guests of [splendid reading taken from Ber- visitors at Cobourg over the week Col. and Mrs. Jobb, of Oshawa. nard Shaw's speech at the World nd. M Ilan and daughters | Prohibition Federation in Tondon, Mr. Frank Harrison attended the Dorctos and Violet, \and their |Eng. He stressed the need of cease- 116th Battalion banquet in Toron- | friend, s Vervis, of Oshawa, (less education in temperance prin- rto last Saturday. were Sunday guests of Mr. and ciples. He believes that to make Mr. O. Downey made a business Mrs. Cligs. Pilkey. people ashamed of drinking is the trip to Toronto on Monday. The new grinder is now in work- 2k way "to abstinance, Mrs, The Young People's Society met [ing order at the elevator. Grinding [Chisholm was made responsible on Monday evening, with an at-|is being done at reduced rates in|for the watch tower for next meet- tendance of 18. Miss Reva Cooper ! ing. The meeting closed with col- took charge of the meeting. Rev.| The W MLS. meeting was held at [lection and a hymn, after which Mr. Totten gave the devotional |! onage last week, with a|refreshments were served by Mrs, topic and Mr. Moyer gave a very fair atten once. Mrs. Totten, the |Long and Mrs. Harrison pr Mrs. Rob, Chishglin Was " or to: Tozanito on Tuésday, % visit Almonds Mr, and Mrs. L. Green and Miss 2 Tash iY, Greenwodd, visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. J. Fothergill. Young People's meeting' on Tuesday evening, Miss Marion Richardson in charge. Mr. Geo. Ames has rented his farm to Mr. P. Lennon, of Whitby, Miss Marion Cornell, of Weston, spent the week end with Miss Elizabeth Fothergill, Mr. Hugh Leach, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. Lloyd Morcombe, Mrs. Norman Leavitt, of Bloom- fie eld, spent, the past 3 week with her ds in this" vieinity, / . « wy PE AYLMER CHOICE AYLMER BRAND AYLMER BRAND BRAND. auaniry NO. 4 Sieve ) | O- JUMBO No.2 Sieve 2.' CORN AS a 18¢ NO. % TINS 2:19: CANNED FOOD Farm fresh and garden fl to you the best of this year's shrewd housewives stock 1 up { again repeating our | for the w Made in Onlarlo's Finest Creamerics--Special This Week-End AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY WHITE NOTHER = OPFORTUNITY to make real worth- ¥ { : Due 1 while savings. Due to popular demand, we are AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY--Sliced or Halves SALE. PEAC NO SQUAT TINS HES MER CHOICE Qu. ALITY | | | TOA 2 5 : | D- It New. DP ius. ZIPPY, TANGY OLD 1b. 1@¢ r FRESH, YOUNG ROASTING % CHOICE KEIFFER PEARS Strawberry SHOULDERS ros AYLMER GREEN LABEL JAM A complete fruits and vegetables a BU x TR DAS x CHOPS { WHILE THEY LAST FRESH § ERT JU FRE 8 TO 12 SH KILLED LB, AVERAGE FANCY RRESH KILLED MILK-FED 4 TO 6 LB. Large Heads 40. / A fog -07Z. JAR ¢ assortment of domestic and ' imported wait your selection at A- & P. EXTRA SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK-END} FINEST QUALITY RED EMPEROR GRAPES ; i 2 Ibs. 19. NO. 1 GRADE ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 19: Br Ca? Wr FP Gg BS? CHICKENS. = 18: Bis hd iy ROASTING é FANCY SMOKED BREAKFAST STYLE iB ACON Sliced J, Ibs. 29: LB. 1c SOMETHING NEW--TRY ONE TODAY SPONGE CAKE out of this week's housekeeping money--less STAGE (8) MOTH WFE than a quarter out of each succeeding week for a few months! Small sums, aren't they ? Yet today (and for a few more days only) you can buy a Premier Spic-Span on these generous terms. And what immeasurable help you get. A cleaner that does the extra cleaning jobs that no other method can do =that cleans mats--mattresses--hangings--shelvings-- car and furniture upholstery--odd corners--simply dozens Moth damage is abe of places that clumsy, obsolete vacuum cleaner attach- ,oiuelsy prevented by ments never could reach ~and that also KILLS MOTHS She SpicSpan. 1s dis and DEODORIZES. : poy 2 Bipin used with Dichlori- cide; kills moths that "Truly this is an cpportuity you tat mie. Youcan't 55% Tar Cha damage. afford to. Place your order wra Electrie & Hardware Co. Simgoe Street Nord : Phone 1000 Oshawa dane a on by the Young People's League on Tuesday evening was 'a splendid success, with an attendance of a- bout, 150. The basement 'of the church. was, attractively decorated with coloured sheets of newspapers and evergreens on the tables. Hot meat and potato pies, apple sauce and tea biscuits, tea, and plenty of fresh apples, effectively banished all thought of hard times. The waitresses ware dainty house dresses and a number of the boys work clothes. . After the supper an interesting programme was rendered, with musical numbers by Paul @hristiansen, Misses Helen and Doris Love, Marjory Grice and Miss Boyd. Keist Webber caught the spirit .of the evening in his songs "Hard - Times" 'and Laney Days are Come', Again." The Ladé Brothers made a hit with their humorous skit "Scho: Days and Mr. 'Wm. Newnan, M,L.A., of | Lorneville,. gave a delightful ac- count of certain travels in North- ern Ontario. Mr. Levi .Arksey, President of the League higeided _ "The municipal pot in Whitby Ty is commencing. to boil with the close 2Pproach. o of the _mlections. Council Weir g@lpiounce: {or Fin he will be a ca) FRESHLY CHOPPED KIDNEY SUET 2-25: x CHOICE TENDER ROASTS OF A &P SELECTED BEEF Shouldern.8: Bladen. 10¢ A & P Health OUR FAMOUS ANN Fruit and Nut Loaf Loat?7e BREAD: 10- Biscuits 2 Ibs. 25¢ PAGE 3L 2107 AFED ee : ' SILVERBRIGHT SALMON =. Jn, 12¢ SHORT RIB - 12¢ | SMELTS uo 1.19 P RIME RIB - tb. 15 Salmon Snacks 1. 25 BEST PRICES PAl Y TO'PRODUCERS FOR EGGS. ASK OUR STORE MANAGER.