THE OSHAWA DALY Toe THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1932 Bowmanville Daily Times. €. K. BROWN, Representative Office Telephone No. 744 SCOTSMEN HONOR NATIONAL DAY Astnual Celebration At St. [Andrews Church Last Night Scotsmen and their friends gathered in St. Andrew's Kirk on Tuesday evening to honour thei patron saint of Scotland, St. celebra- | tion, held under the auspices of was voted by | Andrew. This annual the Sunday School, all present an unusually fine and varied program of Scottish sont and story. the superintendent of the S.8. oc- cupied the chair, ' The program opened with all joining in the | singing of the St. Andrew's hymn, "Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tumult," and following this Bowmanville"s well-known tenor soloist, Mr. C. S. Hallman, lighted all with "Mary of Ar- gyle." Out of town artists were Miss Jessie MacDougall, onto, and the Misses McNab, of Oshawa. Miss MacDougall's group of songs included 'Jock ©' Haydean," 'Glen Logie," Fond Kiss," '"Braw, Braw Lac of Gala Water," and "The Hil of Athol,"" and she was neva: heard to better advantage. was her ability to feel and enter into the spirit of those love songs and interpret them arigh! that endears her to her audience The Misses McNab excelled them- selves in "Ye Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon," "On Yonder Lee." "My Ain Wea Hoose," and "Gomin' Thru the Rye." Scotch concert could be complete without the bagpipes and Pipe: Stewart, a newcomer to Bow- manville, which included the: 42nd" and Lament," done with Scotland's national in- strument. The chairman in the speaker, Rev. Norman Me- Eachern, M.A., of Toronto, made reference to the fact that he was not only one of the foremost ministers of the Church but was also a most suc- cessful business man in that had succeeded in putting the church publishing house paying basis, . Mr. McEachern, while ing the fact that he was generation removed from the old land, spoke with the assurance of one who knew his subject intimately. He extolled the glories of Scotland' past, the proud and varied achievemen:'s of her sons and daughters, their love of home land, their hospi- tality, the absence of the brag- gart spirit hut a modest dealing "The March introducing on 1 mentio Mr. W. L. Paterson, | { men's wear--underwear, windbreakers or sweaters de- | Ae | No | in a group of selections | of | 'Lord Lovatt's | showed what could be | Presbyterien | he | the 3rd | moat. Rev. thanks After tional | present room Ww oatcakes to ihe Anthem | Syne, Piper Stewart way Ww. 10 su here the all with estalished facts. longed applause at the finish of his address paid tribute to the masterful dresesd his audience, J. Todd vote of thanks to the visitors, | expressing also hig own speaker. the singing of the Na- | and Auld Lang | those | in which and scones, moved led nday enjoyed The pro- ' he the arson Schoel coffee, WELFARE LEAGUE have be en and are EXPRESSES THANKS! We are grateful to those who knitting for | us, and once more we are askina for clot pants, hing. Th is 1f you are thinking of sending boots or garments, kindly time hoots. m that they are in serviceable con- dition and not entirely worn Mason's | Welfare surance from 11 room office, 10:32, over ope Thursdays n at Monday: and Fridays from 2 to 5 p.m. of Tor- | Women's Welfare | START PETITION At a meeting of those temper | ed in ance, held in Trin- AGAINST SALE OF BEER AND WINE peditionary interes | ity School room Tuesday evenin: a canvass tures to the Pro { our Pro Henry to gzive | Moderat ing for wines, that the T. BH. 1 WwW. C. | a canva committee and Ferguson was the appointed t town to secure signn- a petition sponsored by hibition yvinecial his He Go any ion League League, ad, vern concessions , whe asking Hon. ment 1 to the ) are the sale of beer and ligh A resolution was passed | Legion petition from Bowmanville sockhart w ssing comn be and Elmer ere presented Messrs. and appointed Cox littee CHOIR BANQUET AT TRINITY CHURCH choir of The are heir in eve I quet this sociation preciatic throughout pari in in the Sunday services, 1 active alone in other The I of Trini meeting | room on | good The Mrs. Mi mee 1g entertain the ning hy of the m the Sunday the Women's 'hure Trinity ed mi at a School room | As- | ap- | church barn- h, in for 18ie meeting: as well. ty Church in the Tuesday tte n dance uriel Symon > was in of charge group. AUXILIARY MET Young Women's Auxiliary | held @ suppér | Sunday evening with 2 School members, 0 mn Obituary SUDDEN DEATH oF NORMAN JEFFREY The news of the sudden death of Norman Jeffrey, was recelv- ed with sincere regret by his nu- merous friends in Whitby and Whitby Township. He was found dead in his barn early on Wed- ad- | for | see In- Com. | ask- ° Death LYTLE--Died In Oshawa, tario, Thursday, December 1, 1932, Eliza Watson, widow of the late William H. Lytle, age 69 years. Fuperal from Church, Lindsay, Saturday, cember 3. Service 2 p.m. Inter- ment: Riverside Cemetery, Lind- say, Ont. ' (127a) St. Paul's In Memoriam HURLBERT--In loving memory | Calvin | Hurlbert, who passed away on | of our dear father, Dec. 1, In our 1929. hearts lingers, Sweetly, tender, You have left father. I'lat no one else can fill but Sadly missed by sons and daughters your fond and a place, true; (127a) i The sell- made man, Ike a bad ezg, is all right until broke. For Christmas Children's "Scooter Skis" and Poles Just the thing youngsters! They're never too young to learn! 24" wood skis in natural finish with red trim, Rubber foot pads, complete with straps srectar, see $1.19 KARN'S Drug Store Next P.O. Phone 78 for the On- | De- | Memory | fitted and to pay t nearest camps i be the Thunder Bay dear | District, you, | ahd (Continued tained for have als i that heavy the 0 made winter from medical fund, arrangements clothing pa SINGLE MEN MAY i TO THE NORTH ge 1) We <0 ma { be obtained in the camps at much i reduced "We limited | Oshawa | see that { tation, ora you can half cen | way. You After of t { tions north, Ald. Kir to make transpor J vide the Hope Vice-pr I Rickard, |: Secreta Eyesight Specialist Thesday, Thursday and Satur- gs or by at all times, Executi manville; R. W. P The Street | fares. ple who tiong wit load in bonds. privilege | of now, might T meeting prices, be number if you they 0 are he and get a rate ts a mile f irs truly, receiving the men he by, will able f men prepared properly are heir or I rom the arrangements tation, wi ir outfits. | (Continued from ¢sident New castle . ry-treasurcr-- Mason, Be manville, ve;--T.'S, Harry hilp, Car are h the shape of living ile men's Welfare League will Hole: Elson, Nestleton, was presided over by William Meadows of Port Hope. Jaywalk Br: of then to page Law take a to would the and a the rail- WILLIAM FINLAYSON." applica- willing administrator board, along with Ald. to of 20 the Boddy and be a committee | to select the men to be sent and | for their | the Wo- DURHAM LIBERAL | ASSOCIATION HET IN CONVENTION 1) WwW. FP rence ite, Bow- Millbrook; 'So many people are struck by autos while alight- ing from street cars." Official: "Well, yes, hut those people have paid their It's this running over peo- waiting to get that makes me mad." on There's something to be said in favor of saddling future genera- part of our financial long-term They ought to pay for the instead from | out- transpor- | Ken- understand | of one pro--| | nesday morning, and Coroner Dr. { Charles F. McGillivray was noti- fied. After an investigation the ! coroner decided that an inquest Was unnecessary, The late Norman Jeffrey was 2 ! member of one of the pioneer { and best known families in this district. He had not been in good health for sme time, a fact i which was quite noticeable to his i friends. He was a successful farmer and highly regarded by all who knew him, He was a member of Whitby United hurch. The funeral will be held »n ing held at the Kingston home on Highway at 2.30, terment will take place in | Union Cemetery. Deceased is survived , brother, Hugh, and one Miss May Jeffrey, both at home Another brother, Inying, nths ag PHILIP After an illness of several months, Charles Philip Massing- berd passed away in the Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, Nov. 28th. My. Massingberd was fo {some years a resident Whitby. Born in England, in be had by one tied a few {CHAS. of 1891, resided in Canada for quite a long { cast of Simco time. Mr. Massingberd: served the 18th Bn. the Canadian force from April, 1919. is severely and {other injuries. He is {his widow, Mrs. Isobel {berd, and five small | Eileen, John, William, Marjorie |and Barbara Ann, of Whitby, and a brother in England. Mr. Massingberd was a member | Saints' Anglican Church, funeral was conducted itor, Rev. KE. Ralph by Rav, T. F. Be: : the Whitby branch of , on {and the Soldiers' tery in Ex- January, He was sustained | ved Massing- of 15, to urv 0 has n the hy Tuesday, November 29, body was interred in the Plot at Groveside Ceme- MRS. W, H. LYTLE The death occurred this ing of Eliza Watson, wite late William H, Lytle, years, Mrs, Lytle had been a re dent of this. city. for the past four years, having come here di- | rectly from Midland, She was a | resident of Lindsay for a num- er of years, prior to moving to Midland. Her husband, Wi 1 L. predeceased. her She Miss E of city, morn- the 69 of age ago, be one daughter, Lytle of the staff fon .Bank of this and one son, W. Lester Lytle, an ployee of Pedlar People Limited, { A service will be held at family residence, 237 Athol stréét east, Saturday morning aot 1.30 o'clock. Canon De Penclen will officiate, Upon the arrivai of the funeral corte n Lind service will he held in Anglican Chureh with Marsh conducting the ser- Interment will he made Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay FRANCO-RUSSIAN PACT T0 BF SIGNED Non-Aggression Treaty Negotiations Have Suc- cessful Conclusion the Domin~ on a a 1 Paul's Canon Vice, The long-delayed non-aggression to he fi 1thin Moscow, I'ranco-Russian | pact is expected Paris or Geneva | night, It is understood has heen tly altered | was initiated in August, with the commercial now eliminated. The pact lates France and never will undertake acts gression or declare war other, that each country maintain neutrality if a { power attacks one of them, and | that a method of conciliation be { devised for settlement I'ranco- Russian digputes. The non-aggression pact was have been signed at Geneva in October. Rumania's de- lay in concluding a similar treaty | with the Soviets prevented ' French from signing since ty was conditional on similar | Russian treaties with Poland and { Rumania. Polish Pact Signed that the pact since it 19321 Rus of ag on each ol to | early | | 'MASSINGBERD | Friday afternoon, the service be- | the ! In- § the | sister, | { | the by | children, | | (2 All| em- | | sending the | ¥ City a and District News- HAT, SCARF OR THREE TIES Will be cleaned free, with a suit, dress or coat at Aldsworth's, 36 Athol Street East. Phone 549. PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSN, Regular meeting will be held at Genosha Hotel, Friday even- ing, 2nd December. Important. Municipal matters to be discus- sed, Members are requested to attend, (127b) PRESIDENT WAS THERE In the report of the meeting held m King Streey Church, on Tuesday evening, The Times omitted men- tion of the tact that Mrs, A. C. P. Toms, president of the Mothers' Association, was on the platform along with the other officials of the Fathers and Mothers' Associations. | Elite START SOCIAL SEASON This evening the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Legion starts its winter of social functions for mem- bers of the Branch and its auxiliary, To-night's program will take the form of a play presented by the Dramatic Society of Albert Street United Church. Members | of the Legion and Auxiliary will be] welcomed at this event, there being no admission charge of any kind, BICYCLE DAMAGED Joe Emry, 104 Bloor Street east reported to the police yesterday that while in front of the A. & P. Store his bicycle was knocked over | doing considerable damage to it. The motorist did not stop. WHERE 1S 11? I'he Church 1 Wher t it Street, bl k and ; Slreet, ; ol 15 one north side the It 1s just FW haplz in of | | the Canadian | nice NEW PRESIDENT FOR GOOD COMPANIONS 5 1 nd dey Christy to tamilies up 1 5s {tithe | features stipu- will | third | the | their | J Poland and Russia have signed but the Thursday the Soviet pact. The French then decided to sign anyway. Franco-Russian ° experts their treaty, | Parliament are Rumanian | rejected | understood to he studying mutual | | markets and continuing negotia- tions for a trade treaty {in 1930. ey al of such tl | mercial French a treaty although Rus with ' total there relations purchases pared to Soviet purchases France of only 32,000,000, How shall I mend this run my stocking?" "By following the for success." "What do you mean?" 'Begin at the bottom ladder." in usual rule of "Jessie, T have. told you again and azain not to speak when old- er persons are talking, but wait | until they stop." "I've tried that already, They never do stop." mum. Pity the poor moths, having to live in an overcoat in the sum- mey and a hathing suit in the winter, . begun | The French are skepti- | ey would like to improye com- §# 185,000,000 francs annually com- | in |} the | | Mealed COTTAGE ROLLS Fancy Select OYSTERS . Jar Cooked PORK HEARTS .. Mild Canadian CHEESE 11%. eds 10¢ w 7c Ib. 15¢ 121/2¢ BEEF LIVER LAMB LEGS .......... - Pure Pork SAUSAGE KIDNEY SUET.. Ib. Fresh PORK Shoulder 7. 12 King E. late { nouncement your i rand representative, { the | Albany fered President, | | sident, president take office, new ciace will iat a de- having of busy pre- t the coming hurch on Dec, 8 paper chrysanthe You can't magi wi ligittful time we' We have b paring for be bazaar at our « have mun S ct balls wit! d been n very C our made pea and made ornaments meeting, Mrs 1S dus h make reand mty At our last ST bachelors AKETA wember 29 the Simcoe "St. ( Aketa of Helen Wild ( t hal to the ats | provide Whiz had arrived the meeting After this sisting ot cvent As © business quickly part adjourn ganes hairs, and pictures adv ic like We lunch after wi thank: was me tock wha meant, 4 ver ues rtised n ec Wild Cats enterfain- Bangs, meeting : : br Taps. the col regar cir lantern be gn December are looking forward to | support CAPTURED ?--YES. JAvewires of North W atch an ar meeting. We buns, dogs too, did "run fast". week away awful Until next «will take vhen our meet- of Mission EN 'AVANT' GROUP NORTHMINSTER CHURCH eet pened with the conducted by me, Living Races." We ha Future Wor- ur Sunday r wor- 1¢ hip Service the to services ool lessons build « around We close with "God Who Touch- with Beauty," The busi- meeting mnducted by the sident, who 1s taking our re- t to council for skating. After adjournment the business session. we spent the remainder of the evening practicing oui play for Xmas conce Service Earth as ¢ or KING STREET t week Mrs. Brown's group embled with the other groups d listened to Mr. McTavish: Af- adjourning to .ieir own groups held the regular business and closed with games, CHEERY CHUMS I'he Cheery Chums of Miss Mar- tin's group Church of All Na- tions, made their final plans to give Presidents and Representa- tives a good time Friday. They also received information about the family in the North that they in- tend to supply + with Christmas eting Of i Cheer the benefit of the President they state that Nations is on block east of For All one Church of Street, Simcoe Street, HARMONY The Harmony Group last week pent their activity period in mak- ing silhouettes. Miss Lick, a visiting leader of- to come out and give irls ten lectures in home for which they are very grateful, As part of their. Christmas cheer, thev decided to gather broken toys and mend them. The result of their election was: Ruth Tooley; Vice-Pre- Audrey Terwillegar ; Sec- retary, Gladys Sugden, Treasurer, | Leona Grills, Customer: "You have not been a galesman long?" Salesman: "How do you know, i madam Customer: "You still blush when you mention the prices." Wife (as husband awakened by burglar jumps nimbly out of wed)--Oh, Henry, you are =o brave, What are you going to do?" Husband--- Lock the door, i cookies | , that cocoa | 1 | sibility | | ters to give to | later the {CENTRE ST. UNI1ED CHURCH | to | | im TWO TORONTO MEN PLEADED GUILTY IN ROBBING CASE] (Continued from page 1) pursued it to Bloor Street where it turned west and then to Park Road when it turned north, At both corners the car travelled on two wheels and was driven in an erratic manner. After following the car as far as King Street the officer returned to the police station to report, as he consider- ed the men were drunk, It was later revealed on {investigation that the store had been broken Into. Statement Ruled Out Crown Attorney MeGibhon then called Sergeant O'Driscell of the Toronto police force avho said that he was at Claremont Street police station and asked Walters if he had anything to say and was told that there wae no state- ment. However after getting. a statement from Harold Walters who was also being held, the of- ficer returned to Russell Walters and read him the statement ob- tained. O'Driscoll testified that Walters agreed that it was true. Mr. Hall protested the admis- of the statement as dence and called Russell evidence. Walters stated he had told the ficer that that he obtained officer took him from his against the from him, but returned and ell and placed wall and shook { his fist in his face and told him that if he did not i he would "take it After considerable "come clean" out of him" wrgument on | the point His Worship ruled that and covered moth |; ail | | the | was | wanted his car | ronto. | | nd} eq { chased over a | police | 1 the | | | the | nursing | | open the store he the statement as evidence Brothers Testify William Walter, Sr.., of North Oshawa testified that early in morning of October he aroused from his by his brother who said he had walked from Bowmanville and to go back to To- given the car he was not to put p sles He was said, Harold Walters ed by the Crown recounted the happenings of the evening and said that prior to coming to Osh- awa George McBrien, Walters, William Walters, Petrie and himself had drinking and that they stole car with which . th came to Oshawa, On their arrival here all the men with exception of Wil- liam Walters and himself were asleep in the back seat, He stated that between them they broke and took the goods others only they were being rough road the motoreyele, He stated that they were arrested ° when 100% Russel Walters to his home. AMERICAN WOMAN FILMS HER WAY who was Hugh been the when and that up, by THROUGH RUSSIA Finds Movie Comers as Effective as Magic Carpet Sinbad the Sailor | his magic carpet to into far lands, but garet Bourke-White has found that her camera serves quite efficaciously to carry her to faraway land of the Soviets, Julia Blair in the New World-Telegram. Just back from her third trip to Rusia, the American rapher brings with her had carry modern him the Says York 20,000 TUXIS AND TRAIL RANGERS-- THE ELECTION Well, the election ig over for another year, and I am sure that the boys of the city join usin ex- tending to Wilbert congratula- tions. He did good work last year; and we expect bigger things this year. Stan put up a game fight, and gave Wilbert a run for his money. Stan is coming back another year, and you just wateh his smoke. THE NEW PREMIER Parliament made no mistake, when they elected John Hunter ag its premier. He sure is a busy man with his daily work, his par- liament duty, his own Trail Ran- ger group, and now we read that Premier John Hunter has a new office and it is no other than "writing mentor" of a new! formed Trail Ranger group im Newtonville, Quite hy accident he | boys evi- | Wal- | of- | here was no statement | call- | Russell | the |! waken- | ©" they | to have | Mar- | as | ran across group of leaderless one night in the Inn in which he was staying- result.--a new Trail | Broup with John as their or travelling mentor. a meeting writing EXPLORERS Georze Tre "Clean Liv- JOLIET Chief: Explorer presiding; theme, ing' ipture reading by Herb: hymn, "This "is. my Father's World"; discussion on Living', by Stan; closing of wor- vhip service in prayer by Herb. sise, Ranger | { lowing t | took considerable "Clean | song, led by Stan; Decided to invite St. group. . Business--Appointed for ban- quet. Exploring time to Dec. 13 Games led by Herb.; sing- practiced for Christmas concert; dismissed with the Mizpah benediction. Albert - KING 'sr. Ww . WHIZ-BANGS King St. Whiz-bangs will meet Friday when most of the evening will be.spent- on che mew project period foot-work under the lead- ership of Bill Eddie. Be sure and bring your. pocket knives along with yon fellows. JUNIOR TUXIS The Junior Tuxis went for a hike last Friday night. After that they gathered at the home of their mentor, Mr. M. Moffatt, | where refreshments were served, and a good time was had by all. | This week the 'boys are holding an invitation ceremony. ALBERT ST, CHEROKEE CAMP We held our' regular meeting Monday night with twenty-five boys prescut, . After the opening cere- mony x number of boys were initiat=- Jud ba Wilbur. McKinstry and his croup from - Cedardale. Manely lyris awas -clected as Chici Ranger, the fact that the initiation time of our eve- we had to close our meeting nt recreation, ning with Mentor. dictators aunts and uncles in Russian Georgia. ""Youreally have cient villa that 1 visited to realize just what the Five-Year Plan accomplishing," - Miss Bourke-White 'Down near Tui 1 pictur of old- world camel trains the street lages; but ancients | concrete. apartment built by the Russian Gove for workers." In Russian | Bourke-W hits the Georgian accompanied and seven to see the an- 2es aid took through of mud | for as Fckes were modern, houses being rnment th Georgia was the Government by of and, interpretet she on horseback, Zuest hie commiss €ight-day trip on the , tiniest, most horses she ever. saw Drank From Horns most difficult time country," an old est with a gorgeous old palace that is now a they were mak wine and cele- feasts "where 'they horns, My was i she ate, now a ~covered worker ing {| brating i drank home, vear' with out of "The trick was drink | whole ornful at 'one drguzht j and thet tip the horn upside for | the last drop to come out | Your fingernail, to show your preciation of the quality. I aged the first hornful. But they began to toast me, my ture husband, my father, my ther, his father, his mother, 111 our aunts, uncles, cousins. You can see how difficult a situ- ation I was in when the purpose | of my whole trip was to get good | pictures!" | She did succeed, however. For {here in these vineyards works an { old man, a magnificent, regal old fellow, who was a former duke, of the few old nobility still functioning Having befriended in Czarist days the man who now heads the sfate farm vineyards, this old duke was kept on {overseer of. the huge vineyards { that used to he part of his great their to a ap- man- then fu- mo- and { one as plodding | Her pictures of this hand- some old man are some of her most - treasured ones. Her most exciting time was the opening of the Dneiprostroy Dam, *1t was estate, like a huge Yuletide celebration, with the streets hung with red and green electric lights and workers, on holiday singing and rejoicing in the dam they helped to build. Those pictures rand the ones I got in Red Square, Miss | in the reviewing among my best." Stalin are with tand, CLUE TO MURDER took | kittish | IN MATCH STICKS Nibbled match. ends broke the nerve of Elmer Rabideau, who i confessed recently to the murder { mer of Cannon's |.to custody, | but denied him cigarettes. | omeg on | Bradley, retired .far- Corners, New They were found near the body .of the . vietim, evidently having been chewed when the murderer was, looking for valu- Police took Rabideau in= allowed him matches, He them in a similar wav confronted with the Bradley's body, eon- of Samuel York. ables. chewed and when from fessed, "These cues want tippin' bad- Iv," observed Sandy to the hil- liard-marker. "Yes, an' T know just how they feel!" Hear the HOME EVANGEL RADIO QUARTET T A CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH John and Centre Sts, Thursday, 7.30 p.m. A real treat for those who enjoy a bright, cheerful gospel service. Auspices Men's Bible Class Everyone Welcome Cor, photogz- | feet of motion pictures of out-of- | the new Rus- taken the-way places in sla--the first ever Soviet approval. Prospecting for pictures, Bourke-White strapped. her vy camera on to her slender back and invaded the rocky the little-known Russia Tiflis, riding tiny Cossack pon- ies, sleeping on the ground. On camel back she visited the vil- lages close to the Turkish bor- ders. Miss around with | i hea- | reaches of | She took pictures in the Baku | oil. country, where Russian men, still with their veiled, work fields. mother in palace, nox ment WoO- barefoot * in the the erstwhile a Soviet Govern- home, and several of the 5 x Too Late To Classify LOST---IN VIC INITY or gent Theatre, brown wallet, con- taining $20 and chauffeur's lic- ense, etc. Please return to Me- Laughlin's Farm. Reward. (127m) COMING EVENTS 8 Oents per word each in- sertion. Minimum charge fov each insertion, 85c. TO- ad- WESTMOUNT PAVILION night, special dance, 16¢ mission. Good music. (127a) CITY Armouries, Dec, (127b) BA- tea OSHAWA Club Dance, 2. 25c. CEDARDALE CHURCH zaar, sewing, cooking, served three to five, Dec. 7. (127a) COMMUNITY Whithy, every 1. Admission (12 DANCING IN Hall, Port Thursday § 156, to faces partly | She photographed Stalin's | royal | RE- | FOOTBALL | Bishop Bethune LADIES' COLLEGE Final windup consisting of bedroom furniture, stable equipment, tools, all odds and ends and all left overs. Friday, Dec, 2nd Sale starts at 2 p.m. sharp Ward-Price Limited W. J. Salley, Auctioneers CHOICE NY i 2 1 o Butter LOIN OR RIB Veal Chops 2 Simcoe North "One Pound § Po Liver Fresh Made Headcheese Pure 114 wn. Lard Container One Pound Mould 1b. 8c 1b. 15¢ FRIDAY SPECIALS AT The Centre Meat Market Phone 396 LEG OR LOIN Yeal Cutlets wm. 19¢ FRESH CAUGHT Mudcats Headless and Dressed ib. 15¢ One Pound Sliced Bre; rakiast Bacon All Three For 25.