[EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS| THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1932 , + PAGE TEN Mravelled In Style Belleville. -- "Could I have a {night's lodging?" asked E. T. 4 roy Bevoy, Vermont, at the police station here. "Certain- ly," said Chief Kidd. "Wait un- til I lock my car up," said Lane. As Lane was ready to proceed, | some doubt as to the ownership of tho car developed when a man from Welland appeared and claimed the car. Lane appeared in court and wag remanded on a charge of vagrancy, Held Confirmation Kingston. -- Rt. Rev. Joh: Lyons, Bishop of Ontario, held a confirmation in Trinity Church, Brockville, at the Sunday morn- ing service, 23 candidates being presented by the rector, Rev, § E. Morton. Tha Bishop preached { about 30 years. i as nine : night, but the official thermom- appropriately, a large congrega- | tion being present for the service. Conservatives Meet Brockville. -- J. F. Sowards. of Kingston, President, was urer; and Mrs. Lockett, King- ston, a Vice-President. Ice Bridge Forms Pembroke. -- The ice bridge across the Ottawa River betwee. Pembroke and Alumette Island formed Saturday night, and the regular ferry service was discon- tinued. If the weather keep< cold and service is not resumed it will be the earliest tie-up In Thermometers on Main Street registered as low below zero Saturday eter recorded two below. Entertains Veterans Almonte. -- At his home, "Old Burnsire," Major Mackntosh Bell wag host to more than 50 veter- ans of Almonte and district. [It has been an annual event for Dr. Bell to entertain tho returned | men at a social evening on a day | as near chairman of a meeting of the ex- | ecutive of the Eastern Ontario Liberal-Conservative Associa- tion here. Tt is planned to have the next meeting at Cornwall on the call of the president. In addition to the president there were present: W. I. Simpson. Napanee, secretary; W. B. Reyn- olds, Brockville, Vice-President; A, Brodeur, Morrisburg, Treas- Armistice Day as pos- sible. Last year, the "Muster" was not held, gince Dr. Bell was travelling in Manchuria, but this year the men were once again called together Attacked By Pig Kingston. Stanley | son of Michael O'Neil, a farme~ residing near Oxford Mills, was attacked by a large pig which serfously lacerated his left thigh. | It is understood that while at- gC i i ly Semet Solvay COKE $9.50 coo" Under cover, positively dry GENUINE WELSH Anthracite COAL:s13+ Lowest Retail Prices in Canada D & H CONE-CLEANED AMERICAN ANTHRACITE $13.50 Per Ton Cash Per Ton Cash 313 Albert St. ABOVE PRICES GUARANTEED UNTIL DEC. 15 Dixon Coal Co. Ltd. TEL. 262 (5 Lines) TONIGHT !! 7.00 to 11.00 MERCANTILE HOCKEY (No Skating) Admission 10¢ FRIDAY, 8.30 P.M. Intermediate Hockey Belleville vs. Oshawa General Admission 25c¢ O'Neil, | tending the pigs, one rushed at him and buried its teeth in his leg. Dr. G. D. Gordon, oi Kemptville, attended the man and used 29 stitches to close the WOUNA, vss sas sav ses swsss Store Destroyed Brockville. -- Fire on Sanday destroyed the general store at North Augusta, of George W. Chapman, together with a print shop and a garage at the rear. Two automobiles, the stock of the stores and printing equip- ment were destroyed, An ap- peal for aid was despatched to Brockville, Chief Hartley re- sponding. Glass was melted in the windows of nearby buildines but these failed to catch fire. The outhreak was confined to the Chapman premises. -- J Joint Deputation ¢ Kingston. Mayor Wright stated that arrangements had been made for a joint deputa- tion from the City Council, Chamber of Commerce and th2 County to go to Toronto on Wed- nesday night, so as to he present at a conference with the Minis- ter of Highways on Thursday morning to take up the question of the establishment of a high- way to link Highway No. 2 with Highway No. 7. Truck In River Russell, -- John Eastman of this place, is in a critical condi tion, suffering from injuries about the head and hack and hi: son John sustained a severe shaking up when the truck fin which they were returning home from Ottawa, skidded on the icv road and crashed down an em bankment of the Castor Riv breaking the thin ice and plunz- ing into the water. Sent To Reformatory William J, O'Callahan of Kars Ontario, was sent to the Ontarin Reformatory for a term of six months by Magistrate G. Russel! Boucher at County Police Court vesterday afternoon when he was found guilty of breaking and en- terinz the store of (Gerald Stew- art, in North Gower Township. When the store was entered, goods valued at over $10 were taken Badminton Tournament Morrisburg. -- Winning eight of the 12 games played, the Mor- risburz Padminton Club defea'- ed the Capitol Badminton Cinb of Ottawa on the local courts. It was an evening of splendid sport and thoroughly enjoyed by =zil members of both clubs, Kinsale On Thursday last the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. W. T. Stevenson, with about twen- ty present. A splendid paper was given by Mrs. Farndale and read- ings by Mrs. M. Hodgson and Mrs. J. Wagg were much enjoyed. Arrangements were made for a play to be put on by the young peoplé at the evening meeting in February, proceeds to help the Sunday School. The hostess served a bountiful lunch. Mr. Curtis is spending a few weeks with friends at Lake Sim- coe. Sorry to report Mrs. Roy Mow- bray under the doctor's care. At time of writing she is much im- proved. Mr. James Richardson and sons Bill and Douglas, of Oshawa, spent a few gays last week in our vil lage. * Mr. Alfred Bell spent: Sunday at liis home here. Alf. is now working on a farm near Whitby. Mr, and Mrs. Hadley, of Toron- to, spent the week end with R, V Mowbray and family. The annual meeting of the Mi sion Band was heldsat the hall last Saturday afternoon with the usual number present. The Band has just closed an unusually good year's iwork, the attendance, being espe {ially good. Eight boys attended ev- {ery meeting, thirteen others only [missed one or two meetings. The | I following officers were elected for | {the coming year: Pres, Eileen Bell; First Vice, Roxena Lidgett; Second Vice, Marion Sec., Eileen Parkin: Asst, Lidgett; Pianist, Florence Jean Mow- | (bray; Assistants, Muriel Bell and | f | Edna Stevenson; Treas, S { Stell, The lesson story wa Stell. The Wate was presented by Tom |ardson and Billie Gibson Music {was furnished by Muriel Bell and Edna Stevenson. Lunch was pro-| vided bv Mrs. Gormley, Mrz, R.| E. Mowbrav and Mrs. V. Parkin. Mr. and Mrz. F. M. Chapman, of | Pickering, called on C. J. and My; | Stevenson on Sunday. Tom and Boh Conk, who have | been working for Mr. Joe Parkin | and Mr. C. J. Stevenson for the | past two or three vears, have sail {ed for England to spend Christma Stanley |with their parents. They may stay jand [and Mrs. Fred Stephen. Stevenson; | 51st {cently |gond for the winter months, but intend returning to Canada next spring. The boys will be missed in our neighborhood. 'Mrs. Geo. Tripp and son Gordon are spending a few days with rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey and Eu- gene, of Brooklin, called on Clar- ence and Mrs. Richardson last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Lawton Sun- dayed with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pil- fey, of the Base Line West. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dunn will be pleased to know that they are both, getting along nicely at the Oshawa Hospital, and expect to be home by the end of this week. Ashburn Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leask and daughter, of Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. S. Switzer, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. M. Fisher. Ashburn Ladies' Bridge Club met at the home of Miss Hilda Hopkin on Monday evening, with twelve. members present, when a very enjoyable time was spent. Young People met on Tuesday evening last week, with the Liter- ary convener, Miss Dorothy Miller, in charge. A spelndid talk on the life and works of Lord Byron was given, also an explanation of one of his poems, "The Prisoner of Chillon." A solo by Mrs. Edgar Heron, piano solo by Lyle Sher- win, and reading by Mrs. H. Ash- ton were much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. William Heron and family, of Brooklin, spent Sunday | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. | Heron. Miss Mary spent the week end at her home. | Mr. H. Haxby, of Epsom, spent | the week end at the home of Mr. | Hopkin, of Whithy, | Utica Prayer meeting in the church, | Engom, has been withdrawn until | after Christmas, | Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wagg and | Merle, of Kinsale, visited with his | brother, Mr. Harlem Wagg, on Sunday. Miss Lillian Pickard, of Port | Gree2wood In spite of the wintry weather and icy condition of the roads, a good crowd turned out last Wed- nesday evening to the supper and drama at the church, The ladies, as usual, provided a tempting meal, which was 'enjoyed by all present. After all had been served the drama "His Best Investment" was presented by the Greenwood Young People. The story is full of inter- est, with gripping and intense mo- ments and amusing situations. All the players did their parts well. Between acts Mr. Maguire delight- ed his audience with songs and piano solos. Rev. F. Horton was chairman and at the close of the evening a vote of thanks was ten- dered to the members of the drama caste, together with Mrs. W, W. Gee and Mrs. N. Bie, and Mr. Ma- guire and all who had helped in any way to make the evening such a success. The Men's Bible Class and friends met at the home of W. W. Gee on Tuesday evening. A pleas- ant time was enjoyed by all, The Mission Circle met at the home of Miss Edna Green last Sat- urday afternoon. It looks now as if we are going to enjoy Indian summer after the squaw winter of last week. Baggottsville Mrs. Robt. Little, of Cobden, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Cowx, . . Mr. Joe' Cendric, of Toronto, spent the week end at his home here. { Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Willis and Oshawa little daughter visited friends on Sunday. The missionary meeting in Aud- ley church last Sunday evening was well attended. Mrs. (Rev.) Crozier, of Pickering, gave a very interesting talk on missions, Senator Capper cceived a letter from a Nebraska man the other day who wished to quit farming and go into business. He inquired the best way to apply for a job. "Would it be better," he wrote, "to make a written application or talk to the manager in privation?" Times' Classified Ads. Gey Results, FELT Jewelry For the Entire FAMILY Holds Any Selection sent a few days with her |H Mrs. Henry Skerrett, re-| Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard, and | ily, visited in Toronto recently, | s Marie Mitchell visited her » Mr. Henry nd ! family | rd Club met at the ith a 11, Utiea, { membe¢ rs Mrs. i n. and family, Toronto, vi ] tl Skerrett Friday. . J. W. Mitchell spent afternoon with Mr, 1 Catherwood. Pine Grove. Mr. Wilber Rusenell, ¢f Whitby, has returned hom fter spendi a wk with his uncle, Mr. ling | LE] Mrs. Bruee Simp on] f Toronto, are spending | : with her parents, Mr. | | | Davis, over the |B \ splendid group of Bracelet Watches, attractive Chromium 15-Jewel luminous cases, ed shapes. Complete with Bracelet, Our regular $10.00 to $12.50 Watches, Now Exquisite Men's dial in Assort- BROS. Christmas 135 JEWEL LADIES' WRIST WATCH Neat chrome plated cases in assorted shapes Matching open link em- bossed brace. lets with ad- justable clasp. Values to $12.50, Baguette Watches with exe ceptionally fine 17 Jewel movement, Slenderly made modern cases in assort. ed shapes, hand engraved. Regular $25.00 to $30.00. $17.50 a . -- Reliability and beauty are combined in f x these 15-Jewel Watches, Artistic Dials, neat Hand Engraved Cases with nar- recent guests of Mr. EE we Lilli gael asi IT LET'S SEE THROUGH ; becoming greater than ever. _and fuel. At no time has Oshawa experienced a more acute situation. fare of the city depends on ycur co-operation in helping to raise the Public Welfare Board's objective of $25,000. This year, every citizen who can MUST do his or her part. THIS YEAR-- IT IS YOUR DUTY Things are different this year--decidedly different this vear -- a contribution to the Public Welfare Fund is not a Gift to Charity--it is a bounden duty. The effects of the long economic and industrial depression continue, and are Right in our own city, thousands of men, wo- men and children look to you to provide them with food, clothing, shelter Be thankful that you can help those They must not look in vain. who are less fortunate. 1932 OBJECTIVE $25.000 The very wel. GIVE AS GENEROUSLY AS YOU CAN TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE FUND WORKERS ARE NEEDED IT IS YOUR BOUNDEN DUTY TO HELP CALL 25,000 ON THE TELEPHONE A CAMPAIGN DATES ~~ DEC. 6, 7 and 8 ND VOLUNTEER FOR SERVICE. BE READY WHEN THE CANVASSER CALLS AND Let's See [t Through THIS SPACE DONATED TO THE WELFARE BOARD BY THE OSHAWA DILY TIMES. Wage. | Skerrett and were in Toronto over the week end. Friends of Miss Hilda Claughton of Brookdale, whan was thrown from her horse while hurdle jump- ing. will be pleased to know she is ahle to bh» out of the hospital George | | iy | {and is eonvelescing at her sister's | home, Mrs. Jim r. and Mrs. E. Heron and Miss | 'eva Leach were guests of Mr. ard Mrs. A. Revnelds on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs, E. Skerrett and [ Mr. and Mrs. H. Wage visited on, riday last with friends in. Green ban, | Mizz Dorothy Medd ie¢ holiday- 'ne in Toronto this week, ¢ | Miss P. Jones is snendine a few | Tavs with her nicer. Mrs, Geer, he- {fore returning to Toronto for the winter, The voung nveople have heen !<kating on Mr. Teader's pond and enioving the spell of eald weather, Master Bert Mitchell was in To- 'ant on Monday. Mrs, FE. Heron visited home here for a few days. at 'her alsam Glad to say Mrs. R. Day is im- roving nicely from her recent illness of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson and | Lloyd visited one day last week with her sister, Mrs. W. Rusnell, Greenbank, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones spent | the week end with relatives in To- | ronto. | Mr. and Mrs. Levi Storry, of Chalk Lake, visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. B. Wilson. The Active Service Class enter- tained the Clover Leaf Class, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jones on Monday evening. Prospect The Young People's League met on Friday evening, under the lead- ership of Miss Maudie Smith, The theme of the programme was "How to make society Christian." Readings were given by Mae Bar- ber and Burnsell Webster, and a solo was sung by George Larkin, A spelling mateh conducted by Mr, Totten was won by the "blue" side. Church services were conducted here on Sunday by Rev. Mr. Little- wood, of Udora. Mrs. Wales, of Oshawa, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mre. Robert Vernon, Mrs. George Smith attended the Manchester W.M.S. meeting last Thursday afternoon. Miss Dorothy Bray was a guest at the dinner of the Kiwanis Club, held in the Genosha Hotel, Osh- awa, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 22. Alexander, in To- | Special tribute was paid to Miss Bray for her achievements, row link Watches, regular $17.50 to $20.00 LY) 7 EE EY L] Bracelets to match. Our Now . 17-Jewel Wrist Neat Shock proof Tonneau shaped hand engraved cases. Matching open link embossed Bracelets with safety clasp, Our regular £17.50 to $20 Watches, Now $10.00 Men's Watches. Silverware $2.95 $3.95 $1.73 Roger's Butter Dishes .. £3.75 Sandwich Plates £4.50 $5.00 Roger's Console Bowl ... £7.50 Flower Basket $10.00 Roger's Meat Platter ... £10.00 Roger's Entree Dish .... $12.50 Roger's Tea Sct Cream and Sugar .... GRUEN and LORIE WATCHES 1, PRICE AUSCO TOILET SETS Large scts of from 8 to 10. pieces. Formerly sold from $28.00 to $30.00 $13.50 4 3 Eo Gift Suggestions Gold filled fine quality Cuff Links. Beautiful new patterns. CUFF LINKS $1.00 Reg. $3.50. COMPACTS Imported smart, hard enamel, loose powder Com- pacts in the most attractive color com- $1 00 binations. Dainty French Beaded Bags Reg. $2.00 value. .......... BEADED BAGS CLE trimmed with tiny seed pearls and bugle beads in attrac. $1.49 tive designs. English Leather Hand Bags. Smart underarm style with burly Zipper. Values to $6.50. All colors. Your choice ASH TRAYS Enamelled nested Ash Trays, Cigarette Boxes and Lighters. Many of them sold from $2.00 to $2.50. Choice of this group 98¢c TABLE VANITIES Ladies' Dressy Table Vanities with compartment for Powder, Rouge and Li Values to $1.00 SANDWICH Chromium plated, electrically operated. both sides of Sandwich Special value ... CIGARETTE CASE AND LIGHTER Engine tumed chrome plated Case with Thornes Automatic Lighter,, hand- somely boxed. yap Anna Lospat ts Det DIAMONDS Stick. $1.95 Toasts 3.75 ASTERS evenly. new $4.95 Special value FI A Beautifully mounted perfect Diamonds that formerly sold from $40.00 to $45.00. Your Choice $25.00 $75.00 to $85.00 Lorie Diamond Rings in 18K French style of setting. Derfect blue white stones. $49.50 $100.00 to $125.00 Solitaire Diamond Ene | i gagement Rings in the latest 18K white gold settings EPOSIT | HOLDS ANY SELECTION UNTIL CHRISTMAS OPEN EVENINGS | $79.50