Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Dec 1932, p. 9

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PAGE NINE, [want 2 (on Wii TITY LSELLER HEE i. wi; Sect tion ge 0 fd [Y, ws BA A t estore. Notaries Publie. Bre Fina s and gederal oractice in Law. Office 7% Sim. coe Stree: South,, Oshawa. Shots ¢. G. D. Conant, B.A, LIB; A F. Annis, B.A, LL.B. w. TSINCLAIX, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building. JUSFPH P. ANGAN. L.A. BAR rister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyzacer. Muney to toan Of fice 14% Fing St. Eas, Oshawa Phone 440. Riidence phone 837 IERSON, *GHTON & Fraser ay Ete. Bang of Commerce Bldg, i GREER & HUMP PHREYS, Rr isters, Solicitors, Fite. 24% Sim- ede St. N. Phrne 3160. Residence 3514. Money te lag. . . o uN B ad iy Simcoe st. gi Tere phcne 3038--565. maa Undertaking " LUKE LURIA, CO, §i KING 4 Fast. Arsholance. Residence 542 Simcoe treet North. Phone 2105 and 210W. ne OSHAWA BURIAL CO. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. | Fupera) and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1032W For Rent Articles for Sale DISNEY FOR RENTALS Do you want an attractive apart- ment, house, flat? List your vacancies here. We rent quickly. One bright comfortably warm ApaTtinent in the George and Amylen DISNEY OPPOSITE P.O, 1550 (123tf) WE HAVE ONE OR TWO NICE- ly furnished or unfurnished apartments at Simcoe Manor or Victoria, equipped with every possible convenience. Bradley Bros. (7 dec ¢) FOR . RENT -- 5 ROOMED brick, hardwood floors, modern conveniences. Low rent, 8 room- ed house; modern, central, gare age, immedjate possession. Phone 1408W. (126¢) 158 CENTRE ST. APPLY AT 156. Adults, (126¢) FOR RENT--3 ROOMED BUN: galow. 238 Albert. Furnished or unfurnished. Immediate possaes- sion. Phone 833M. Lo (126) FOR RENT--5 ROOMED BRICK bungalow. 104 Bloor St. West. Apply A. G. Storle, (117, 120, 123, 126, 129) 37 ROOMS PARTLY FURNISH- ed, $5 month. Phone 1322. (127¢) FOUR ROOMED HEATED apartment, fifteen dollars. 6 roomed house, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, eighteen. Holden 371W. (127) 87 Celina. cate) Architects STENHO(SE, GENERAL Architectural wor: Second 0S Royal Bank Bullding. Phone 1496. Residence phon: 908J. Auctioneer PHONE 716). W J SULLEY, Auctioneer, 348 Simcoe St 8. Oshawa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and tarm stock aad {mplements. Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing i ¥. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop a! 48 King Street West. Your patrcoagze 1s solicited. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- falists {n furniture moving. Stor age wareboumse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. C. C. DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. Weei, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 raputable Fire Companies. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- pany of fanada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Alex. S. Ross, S. J. Everson. Phone 1834. (15 oet tf) Battery Service BATTERIES - CHARGED 7b¢c with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered Batteries $2.75 and up. Stan. Biigdon. 20 Mili St Phone 960 Beauty Parlors GENOA HATRDRESSING EX perts--op all kinds of beanty culture. Permanent waves our specialty. Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00: Marcell, &C¢ Faeclals, scalp treatments anc manieuring, Coffees Shop eu- trance. Phone 1973. (8 July 1 mo) PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON, specializes in permanent waving, finger wavinz. marcelling, at low- est prices. 10 Prince. Phone 688. (18 dec ¢) PEMBFRE BRANCH HATR dressing and Reaoty Juilure No 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 8%, Osb- awa, Ontario. 133 nov t*) JOHNSON, HAITR- 92 Church St. Finger wave §50c, marcel 85c. Phone 21887, (7 dee ¢) INTRODUCING -- BARROWS Permanent wave shop, 25 Burk St. Croquinole Waves $2.75 up. Finger wave aud shampoo 50c. e (16 dec ¢) NORMA'S BEAUTY PARLOR. 31 King St. Cast. Marcel Monday and Tuesday, 33c, balance of weeks 50c. Finger waving 50 with shampoo 75¢c. Phone 2823. oe a (17 dec ¢) REDUCED PRICES FOR HAIR: dressing and beauty culture at your home or 156 Roxborough. Phone Violet McKenna 1230F. (30 dec ¢) DAFFODIL™ HAIRDRESSING Shoppe, 311 Athol East. Finger wave 50c, marcel 40c, Mrs. Bell, LORENE dresser, Radios Repaired RUSSELL WICKS, CERTIFIED Radio-Trician, servicing and re- pair, work guaranteed, Highest quality tubes sold. Phone 1148M. 44 Mary St. (23 dec c) ALL MAKES OF RADIOS RE- paired. Prices reasonable. Jas Adams, 276 Grooms Ave. Phone 109°W. (5 dec ¢) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, EX- pert service on all makes of radios, Prices reasonable Tubes tested in your 'home. Charles Whales. Phone 33507. (4 dec ¢) PHONE NATIONAL RADIO Service, 2803M. equipped. to lo- cate trouble on any set. guaranteed. Tubes sold. (26 dec ¢) Work | 14427. 5 (1 jan e) Gas ROBO GAS, "WONDERFUL gas saver'. Saves yoy money, more power speed and mileage. Jack Wilson 266 Ritson North. : (1 dec ec) Dental DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. home 959. House 1812 Work Wanted EXPERIENCED MAID NOW open for engagement, general house work, accustomed.to child- ren. Apply to Box 1 Times Office. 6c) Engineering Shoe Repairing THE CHAMPION SHOE RE- pair does particular ork for particular people. Skates sharp- ened a new and better way, no stick. Goloshes repaired. We col- lect and deliver. Phone 1216, 17 Bond East. (19 dec c) PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. We call and deliver. Phone 672W. Evenings 2524W. Jack Read, corner Colborne and Mary. (10 dec ¢) Cleaning and "Dyeing FIRST CLASS SERVICE ON ALL our work. Fur coats cleaned and relined. Ask for prices, Gold Medal Cleaners. 21 Bond E. Phone 863. (19 dec ¢) Music Lessons VOICE PRODUCTION 2 pianoforte, Horner Smyth, from London, England, School of Opera, now teaching at Harris' Music Store, 11 Simcoe St. South, Free interview and advice given Tuesdays, 7 to 9. Phone 1490. (21 dec ¢) c) Palmist SEE MADAME BROWN FOR teacup and hand reading. Busi- ness private. 93 Louisa St, Phone , 2636F. (28 dec c¢) Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY--BABY CAR- riage, good condition, reason- able. Box 913 Times. (125¢) WANTED FOR CASH, , CHES- terfield suite fm good condition. Apply Box 3 Times. (127a) SMALL ELECTRIC RANGE OR rangette. Must be in good condi- tion. Phone 2340, (27), 4 AND H. V. ELLEGETT, REINFORCED concrete structural design and detailing. Mechanical and struc- tural draughting. Phone 103W. ihe ("9 dec c) Business Opportunities WE BELIEVE THAT SOME place in Oshawa there is a man who would go into business if he could see a chance for success. Let us explain a particular op- portunity we have. Bradley Bros. elias (1264) A WORTHWHILE BUSINESS opportunity awaits your investi- gation. Must have own car and $25 cash, Investment secured. Salary $25 and 5 per cent. com- mission weekly, Address Box 182 Stratford. (127a) For Exchange or Rent 10 ACRE FARM. GOOD BUILD: ings. Apply 52 Jones Ave. (126¢) | Saws FILED A' Female Help Wanted WANTED EXPERIENCED general housemaid. Apply Com- mercial Hotel. (126¢) WANTED--WOMEN AND GIRLS to decorate greeting cards at home, $5 per hundred. No sell- ing. Montreal Art Shop. Box 363, Station "B", (1261) HELP WANTED -- REFINED girl or woman as general in Mimico home, 'two adults and girl twd years, comfortable quarters, Give 'ull particulars incinding a recent snap shot. Box 2 Times. (126¢) Lost LOST--BETWEEN ~ ST. GREG" ory's Church and Brock E., blue crystal rosary. Please return to 163 Brock East, (127¢) Times' Classified Ads. Get Results. SOLID BODY HARDWOOD AND softwood. Guaranteed full meas- ure. A, Wall, 292 Courcellette Ave. Phone 2628F. ALL KINDS OF WOOD. PRICE™ right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert Phone 1079J. (14 Dec. c¢) BLACK'S WOOD, 79 JOHN ST. Phone 233) and W, Hardwood 3 Coke. Softwood from $2 25 to 2.50. (2 dec c) Stored under cover. Cedardale Cos]! & Coke Company. Phone 1107. (2 dec c) BODY WOOD, CEDAR, SLM, Poplar, Birch, seven dollars cord Four dollars half, cut, delivered. Phone 1716F. (7 dec c) HARDWOOD LIMBS $2.50. Bodywood 1 cord $3. Softwood 3; cord $2.25. Phoné 2T2TW, suits and overcoats, also ladles' goods, at 148 Simcoe S.uth, We also buy clothing. (16 dec c¢) BODY MAPLF, soft slabs, body nemlock, good measure, prompt delivery, low prices. Phone 1710F, wood, $3 14 cord. ton. Slabs $2.25 cord. tuel under cover. Phone 233J. (28 dec ¢) HOUSE FURNISHINGS, RADIOS, 1 terms. Phone 1348M, DRY HARD ~ BODYWOOD ¥% Garvey, phone 1993). HARDWOOD $3 4 kindling $2.25 14 cord Reduction an larger orders. Corson's, Phone 1941M. _ "(1 jan ¢) COAL RANGE, ALSO GAS range, good condition, for quick sale. Apply 56 Division 1966W. (12%7¢) ~ Hall for Rent ed at reasonable rates for dances. euchres. private parties, ete. Tur West. (8 dec c) (16 dec c) ! COKE $9.50 PER TON CARH. (10 dec c)= WE SELL SLIGHTLY WORN "HARD AND | (21 dec ¢) | BLACK'S FUEL--BODY HARD- Coke $9.50 All | stoves, dishes, washing machines, direct from factory to you. Easy (29 dec ¢) |} cord $3, mixed 1. cord $2. Johns | (18 dec c) | CORD, |; sacrifice WESTMOUNT PAVILION RENT- ther information apply 422 King | | | | t Happy as Wife Beats Hid Air Record Delighted in defeat was Captain James A. Mollison when, as pic #ured here, he was advised in his London hotel that his Lon- donsto-Capetown flight record had been broken by 11 hours by Amy Johnson, Dritain's ng woman flyer, who in domestic 'te is Mrs, James A. Mollison. Lands for Sale TOWNSHIP TREASURKR'S LY OF LAND FOR (NEARS OFF TAXES is hereby ziven that the ids now liable to be sold for 'Wrre ars of taxes in the Township of East Whitby has heen prepared and 1s being pyle lished in an advertisement 'in the Ontario Gazette upon the 10th, 17th and 24th days of Sep- mber and on the 1st day of ber, 1932. #L may be to me. Un default of payment of 1xes £3 thown on the said list | on or before Satutday day of December, 1932, at 10 o'clock in the foremcon | shall it the sald hour at Westmount school proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands or suc! i portions thereof as shall be nec- essary Lo pay such arrears, to- | gether with charges thereon. OTICE list of la For Exchange NEW SIX hardwood trim, 3 piece French doors, coal fire modern kitchen, divided cellar, laundry tubs, throughout. smaller property or acreage 4 Times. (127¢) Roofing HAYTON, THE IE ROOFER, | Free inspection Phone 1643W. (June 13-1 yr) Saws 'Sharpened AT 5S PRINCI (1272) The Kid--"Father, how I be old enough to do The Old Man---"1 d ' wy has ever lived that soon wil 't know, No- long yet "TROOMED RUG | brick house, residential district, | bath, place, furnace, decorated | Will exchange for Pox ROOF- - ing, caulking, chimney repairing, | Y and estimates. | * as I please?" A, J. HOWDEN, Treasurer. _Township of East Whitby. 63, 69, 75, 81, 87, 93, 105 111 117 123 129) Painful Piles 99, oT, piles at quick a ly be accom ernal médicine or supp : ! I n, ve out ck ut hea! and pre the ariécted parts, . 5. Leonhardt, 1 of study, found a real remed He calked ~ internal Pile is discove ry AUCTION SALE Saturday, Dec. 3rd at 2 p.m. 1930 . Pontiac Sedan Excellent Condition 17,000 Miles At Maroon Service Station Cor. Bond and Prince Sts. W. J. Sully, Auctioneer it for HE M-ROID, rescribed . over | { $000 patient M0 case Pile suff [ born their scrintiol | ge e Jo ! A tine on rem v about an tic & Lovell ite you his pre. external ~rera- and ai! ron to try! { HE" | tee of money refunded if they | not end vour Pile misery. do Times' Classified Ads. Copies of such | had upon application | the 10th! Go Quick--fNo Cuttig--No Salves® osSIto hi 8 ! r after years In "| fol back guar-| {-RON) tablets ; 7 with guaran | Get Results ' CHECK ON DIRECT RELIEF IS STARTED | Montreil Applications Must Bedt Verification $f City Inapectert -- :. 000 eal, Nov. 30, rived at the "@ey Hall distribution among the secretaries lopkinz af- oyment, A Mo forms for f¢ 35 w ter et ru forms. contain th E a0tkinas which all applicant r direct aid will be required anawe., under oath, to obtain rect re- letgpr to continue tovdraw it. e'affidavit is as (gR§qws: | fre he same | time *¥3 specially appginted in- specto. were stariggdto work | chec g direct r "Ti the undersigned, do herev® certi- | fy that to the best of nly knowl- edge, the declaration made in | this document contains », the truth, the whole truth and noth- ing but the truth, and that nefth- 4 er I nor any other member of my family have any other sourca of .| revenue other than herein ahove either I | mentioned, and that nor any member of wv family have an other gavings other than those declared and I hereby at thorize the representatives »2 the | city to make full inquiries as {0 the past or present emp! oynient from all emplevers, nds or relatives and to i bank representa such institution: | of the above declarations.' The applicant must gife the | name and address of the iast em- o Plover, date of last emplosmeat duration and salary per Week, Ee state how long he has been out of work. * ois another paragraph the fro- perty owned, with 5daresse; ya? l'alue and amount of morteagd : any is to be given. Then the am- | oyat of savings in bank cr elet- were must be given: Under the he ad of "debts," the wing must be glven--namés an® addresses of creditors, am- oum, for what money is owed. Under the sworn statement is | pace for date and names of wit- nesses and then follows the form | | of verification by the inspector, "I'verify the above factg and have found that they trudh with the | tions." Finally the form goes to the chief ingpector of relief who wiil confofm to the |} following excep- | on decide if the application fst rejected or accepted. The" inspectors will have t assistance of one of the city' Rh torneys. It js thought that with this system of checking direct aid, the city will be able to prevent the monthly total of nearly $1,009,- 000 from going higher than 860,000 per month for the next four months, "We don't care what you think; | we want to know what you know," remarked the lawyer, "Well, I may as well get off the stand then," said the witness, "I can't talk without thinking. I am no lawyer." art] Gk SELECT Tl R JJREM EATON GROC a ARE ALL READY FOR | 3 stmas WONDERFU L i I of CHRISTMAS | ENTS Let EATON'S Help You Prepare SPECIALS ON SALE DECEMBER 2 - 8 CETERIA wey lo Shop ORANGE 400: Once again we give you an Suistanding er, Jar EXTRA SPECIAL-- gatonia BRAND MARMALADE 22¢ PRUNES Sista and meaty, Just ight for your baking. 3 lbs. SPECIAL -- Small Size -- CALIFORNIA 21¢c FRY'S BAKING CHOCOLATE WALNUTS FOR THAT CAKE 14.lb. Pig. SPECIAL -- BROKEN SHELLED 1 C fn Glassine Bags. Tc [| "rie g 12 1b... - c %b.Tin 24C GLACE CHERRIES, RAISINS * You will Re need. Ryu wil be 2 Ibs. SPECIAL -- CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS 25¢ AUSTRALIAN : SEEDLESS RAISINS, Sultana style, 2-Crown. 2 for 27¢ ory POWDER, 1-1. tin.......... 26¢ SPECIJAL--CUT MIXED PEE ORANGE, 1b. Citron Phe 21c BAKING SODA, Cow rand. BE To. pkg. 2for 19c VALENCIA AL- ONDS, new crop, " Golden 2-1b. Hallowi Pkg. DATES SPECIAL -- Just Arrived -- NEW STOCK 17c SHELLED WAL. 13¢ NY Halves cu RRANTS--Aus- yratan. . 2 tor 29¢ GOOD QUALITY COFFEE bv. 2O0C ALoOND ICING-- Bowes, 1-1b. tin i2-1b. tin Mixeo PEEL-- Orange and Lemon. ; to the truth HERRINGS A delicious fish-- 7 tasty "at any meal. 2 Tins SPECIAL -- CONNOR'S -- Ia Temato Sauce 25¢ Drained caps. IB irri: 306 MINCEMEAT-- Safonia Brand. 30-0z. jar ..... 26¢ MINCEMEAT--Bulk. Sealtite Container. Lb. : 14c¢ BUTTER RING SHORT BREAD New Shipment Just Arrived CHRISTMAS CAKE Choice imported fruits and nuts, glaced pine. apple, French cherries, SPECIAL -- McCORMICK"S RICH Mouth - watering freshness--rich and kg. deliclous--give the T a treat, b.23¢ | MEAT Specials for Fri. and Sat. MIXED NUTS IN . SHELL. Lb. 17¢c KARAVAN DATES. I 2 for 36c EXTRACTS EATON'S Regular Vanilla and Lemon, 113 ozs. . 19¢ Aimend, 2 ozs. 286 English peel and an abundance of pecans, fiberte and walnuts, Choice Young BEEF Frosh Brisket 1b. Gc Cig ib. 8c Blade 2.10¢ Roast 1b. 13¢ xtra Special, large Heads Cabbage 2 for Sc MILD CURED BREAKFAST BACON =. Prime Rib SLICED OR BY THE PIECE AAPA Extra Special Naval Med. size Oranges. i 27¢ dozen Fresh PORK FV eo] Ke: TeX J T-1TY Roast Lt 10¢ Ib. 8c Picnic Shoulder Dep ALSE TEETH, Rock, Slide or Skip? ". Fasteeth, a new, greatly (m= proved powder to be sprinkled ou upper or lower plates, holds false teeth firm and comfortabie. Can not slide, slip, rock or pop~ out, No gummy, gooey pasty taste or feeling. Makes breaih sweet and pleasant. Get Fas- teeth today at any good drug store, J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE Office Phone 793 Res, Phone 2895 4%; Prince St., Oshawa . Two products worth trying DRAKES' Ad Englisb HORSE RADISH SAUCE and BENGAL RELISH Sold Everywhere; Made in Osbewa One 1928 Chevrolet Coach. One 1928 Chevrolet Coupe, Ames & Gartshore Rous, I UDSON--ESSEX i 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALIEZ It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair oi make {it tell the sorrest me, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Camatian National and Oshs ds wa Railroa 20 Rb St. 8. Phone 1890 Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1880 12 Simcoe St. South Fer Expert Workmanship and Service Phone 707 NEW SERVICE CLEANERS & DYERS Insure Your House and Con- tents in Strong Companies through J. HR. LUKE Ask about Burglary Insur. ance. You should carry ft. T'hone 871 or 687TW FOR QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND SATISFACTION Send your clothes to the OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED Mill St. Phone 2520 OSHAWA TILLIE THE TOILER- By Russ. Westover LISTEN, COACH -) \ GOTTA Go TONIGHT AND @ \ MIGHT GET CA OH, YEAH 2 WELL, PUT ON BILL BOLE'S MASK AND BE OUT (ON "THE BEACH ~ 'M LETTING HIM OF FE TODAY, UT NOBODY ELSE IT LOOKS LIKE UM GONNA HAVE "TO USE You Any MINUTE NOW, on BILL - TTAKE OFR THE MASK - KNOW YoU AND ISNT TT WONDER FUL. ON THE ATAIN, pL 2ff SOURE PLAYING TEAM BRINGING UP FATHER PARDON ME. Will "OI KINDLY DIRECT MW os THE FOOTBALL Rudin Bich BY GOLLY.) MUST LOOK LIKE AN INFORMATION SIX PEOPLE CAN POU TEW. ME WHERE ILL BIND

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