Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Oct 1932, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1932 ~ News of Nearby Places | Ashburn Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jones, of Glen Major, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hopkin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. JFelswander, »f Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Leask, »f Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ballard and son, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. M. Fisher. » Mr. and Mrs, Russell Lunney, and daughter, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Fish- er. Mrs. John Guy, of Almonds, and Mr. Gilbert Weir, M.P. for McDon- old constituency, Manitoba, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Richardson. W. M. S. and Ladies' Guild met at the home of Mrs. A. Rdss on Wednesday afternoon last. Wo Patte, of Toronto, is spend- a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ro Heron. Young people met on Tuesday evening last with the social com- mittee in charge. An old-time pro- me was given, each member also attired in an old-fashioned costume. The programme consisted of the following: solo, Mr. Wm. Burgess; reading, Mrs. H. Ashton; 1st prize recitation at Biool Jin School Fair, by Phyllis Goose; 1st prize speech at Brooklin School Fair by Lyle Sherwin; violin selec- tion, Mr. H. Ashton; duett, Misses Doris West and Mary Dunn; read- ing, Mr. Gordon Taber; solo, ys Walter Kerr; a talk by Mr. G. W An Excellent Remedy For Kidney Ailments Why Dodd's Kidney Pills Are | | one day recently. A So Popular They Are Invaluable as a Family Medicine As Well As a Preventive And A Help For All Kidney Troubles. Lorneville, Ont. (Special) --Brief, but point, is the following from Mrs. L. Cameron, a well- knéwn and highly respected resident of this place, She writes: "I used a lot of Dodd's Kidney Pills after I had typhoid fever and they certainly helped me a lot. I always like to keep some in the house." Dodd's Kidney Pills have be- come a family remedy all over the country because people have tried them and found them good. They are purely and simply a kidney remedy, that can be taken by old and young alike. If you suspect that your troubles are arising from faulty kidneys, turn at once to Dodd's Kidneys Pills. You e¢an do so with perfect confidence. The early symptoms of kidneys dis- order may be the fore-runner of a serious {llness. Ask your neighbors them. 20 the letter Oct, to about { Hall on § {called on West on "Reminiscences of Ash- burn;," solo, Vera Leach. There was a splendid attendance at this meeting, which we hope will con- tinue throughout the year. 4 Miss Barbara Miller, of Toron- to General Hospital stall, spent Monday at her home here. Mr. Edgar Smith spent the week end in Toronto. There was a splendid attend- ance at Mission Band on Saturday last, under the leadership of Mrs. Edgar Heron, an interesting pro- gramme being given, followed by refreshments. Kinsale Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davie have returned to Port Perry after sev- eral days' visit with their niece, Mrs. Clarence Richardson. Mr. Franklin Rogers has return- ed to Toronto after a month's stay with his aunt, Mrs. Fred Harbron. While here he assisted in shingling Mr. Joe Parkin's house. We are sorry to report Mrs. Dunn, Sr., not quite so well at time of writing. Mr. James Richardson and son, of Oshawa, are putting in a cement walk this week for Mrs. Annie Harbron. Mr. and Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Nes- bitt and Mrs. Sadler, of Brooklin, attended service here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harper and son Fred, Mrs. Robertson and Miss Sheila Barrow, of Toronto, called on Vic and Mrs, Parkin last Sat urday. There has been considerable thieving in our neighborhood late- ly, the last victim being Mr. C. J. Stevenson, who lost fifty of his hens. Miss Marion Curtis and friends, of Toronto, called on Mrs, T. Hirst sion Band met in the irday afternoon, with a Marion Stevenson story, and Edna : nd Iiileen Parkin gave piano solos. Lunch was provided by Mrs. Hooker, Mrs. Ww. Stevenson, The good attendance, told the ( Stevenson Mrs. Joe Parkin and Mrs. N. Gib- | son. | Miss Audrey Bell is visiting with | relatives in Toronto. | Mr. and Mrs. Cairns and son have returned to their home, afte r | a two weeks' stay with relatives in | | Galt. of Whitby, { Harbron last | Mr. and Mrs. 1.uke, Mrs. F. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mowbray and son George and daughter Mary, of Hamilton, and Mr. R. R. Mowbray, of Brooklin, called on R. V. Mowbray and family one day recently. The Misses Laura, Violet and Lena Sadler Sundayed with rela- tives in Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lidgett and son Donald, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lidgett, Mr. and Mrs. N. Lid- gett and daughter Fern, and Miss Martin, all of Oshawa, spent Mon- day with Chas. Lidgett and family. { Jost editorial. These tourists dre in. the habit of spending liberally on ucticles which by reason of 'price, quality' or style are not readily. ob- . tainable in their own country. Such jimponderable factors of taste { goods comprise the widest varictics of small luxuries, from toilet articles and sweets to china or sports gear, in the production of which Cana- dian manufacturers are as a rule interested to an insignificant extent, In short, it is: essentially a specciul- ity trade, dependent in the main on and unfamiliarity, This is a trade which offers a unique opportunity for the British exporter, says the Post, but which has hitherto received no.sys- tematic attention. Whenever any- one has been enterprising enough to follow it up he has found it a cuerous source of profit. Cheap- ness is an essential factor, sisce, bug for the, prohibitive walls, the trade could be directly catered for in. America itselt, and. here the Canadian preference towards the British exporter a virtually impreg- nable advantage. Canada, herself, adds the Post, has every inducement and is an- xiovs to foster a trade which pro- mises substantial gain to her shop- keepers as well as offering an: ad- ditional source of attraction to the tourist. "There are two things which keep the average man from being a good dancer," declares a wo- man writer. I know---hig feet. London Sunday Pictoria, The man who introduced the * When you are weak and out of sorts, a cup of BOVRIL will strengthen you and build you up. Try it once a day for a week cabaret to the United States died Every time some men open their the other day. The cabaret, how- | mouths they advertise the fact they ever, has been dead a long time. | ought to see a d £ . -- Detroit Free Press. porter, a ne NEV/S OF = _JOQXLIN- Mrs. A. Brommell is with her father, Mr. J. Routley. * L Ll Smithers, B.C.--An interesting ceremony took place at the home of Dr. R. B. and Mrs. Brummitt, (formerly Ialeen Moore, of Brook- lin) on Monday, Sept. 26th, when their second son was christened and received the name John Red- vers. Rt. Rev. Geo. A. Rix, Bishop |i of Caledonia, officiated, assisted by | Rev. L. J. Hales. { * * LJ Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Solomon, of Brighton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson. Fail Mrs. D. White and Miss Olver | received word last week of the] death of their niece, Mrs. George | Watson, of Parry Sound. | Mrs. Bundy, of Toronts, is visit- ing with Mrs. Dryden. "4. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Robinsor were in Brooklin on Saturday foi the sale of the household goods of the late Mrs. D. Robinson. | * * - 1] Yelverton, is| with Mr. Gar- Mrs. Wright, of visiting this week butt and Miss Bessie Garbutt. Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinney Jr., and Mrs. A. McKinney Sr, of Brampton, and Miss Elizabeth "Me- Kinney, of Toronto, spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, J. son cele brated the 25th anniversary of] their marrige on Sunday, when | they received their friends during the afternoon. The rooms were | beautiful with roses and chry thmums. Mrs. J. Heaslip, of - umbusg, and Mrs. J. Stack, of En- field, poured tea, while the niece of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson assist- ed in the serving. Thom ow | A meeting of Brooklin branch! of the Canadian Legion, called fe one evening last week by Secretar; J -- A MONEY-SAVING MEAL 1 ERE'S a delightful today, eating Shredded Wheat, Two biscuits in a bowlful of hot milk. Natural energy for you. All the wheat with all the bran energy elements! And a big boost for Canada's great wheat industry. Economical, too. There are twelve big biscuits in every package. It's a triple bargain--a treat for your appetite, a pleasure for your pocketbook, and a boost for Canada. Ask for Shredded Wheat--the natural energy food for all the family, all the year. way to help yoursclf. Start, and all the body-building and | while arrears | weeks | | McKinney. |f 12 f Mr. Scugog, E. Lee Sunday. Walton Alderson's and with Mr. alized that tourist traffic than any other coun- Shortridge, was not very largely attended, and a further effort to- wards re-organization for the sea- son will have to be made. The branch had about 30 members last year, but some have moved away. The secretary has tendered his resignation, LJ LJ * Tax notices are being delivered in Brooklin and other parts of the township for 1933, and show a re- duction for the year, which, need- less to say, is very welcome to the taxpayers. The tax collector, Thomas Hall, reports that all but three thousand dollars of this vear"s taxes has been collected, of last year have been fairly well paid up. of Col- home on spending a few J. Sutherland and Mrs. Robert Sutherland, umbus, returned, to her Saturday after with Mrs. grands ons Mrs. C. "Roberts son and daughter visited her mother in Uxbridge re- cently Miss L. Anderson is very much improved at time of writing. Miss P. Jones has returned to | Ashburn after spending a couple of weeks with her niece, Mrs. C. Geer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and amily, of Toronto, and Mrs. Pick- ett, of Sanford, visited at the home Harlem Wagg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ganton Webster, of Prospect, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds one day recently. W. Ackney spent a couple Mrs. an | days in Toronto with her daugh- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lakey visit- | ed at Harry Harper's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thoms, of Uxbridge, visited recently. A. Lambkin, of To- | | at the home of | at the home of Mrs. | Harper recently. wih from here vice at Seagrave on { ad te report Mrs. ronto lust week. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Spencer and , of Greenbank, were at her I dmother' he Blue Bird Club will meet at Lie home of Miss Dorothy Medd on Wednesday afternoon of this week o'clock. . and Mrz. R. Steer and fam- ited in the neighborhood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones, and family, of Brooklin, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham, and family, of visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Cartwright, and Toronto, were at Mr. recently. Mrz. Henry Skerrett is home af- and of Mr. family, ter spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. Pickard, Port Per- ry. Mr. Ed. Sprague and Miss Aud- rey, of Shelbourne, were at the Henrv Gibner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Luven family, of Toronto, visited Fred Ballard on Sunday. Mr. Horace Harington and Mrs. home of Mr. Hartford visited her son, Mr. Car- mon Hartford, Oshawa, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds were in Toronto on Tuesday night. Murs. Alf. Steer visited at the home of Mrs. George Mitchell re- cently. On account of there being mo church service here next Sunday choir practice Friday night is with- drawn. CANADA'S TOURIST TRAFFIC LARGEST IN WHOLE WORLD is not generally re has a larger London. --Tt Canada try in the world, says a Morning Dangerous Varicose Veins Can Be Reduced Never mind "what people say. attended | Geo. | ng. | Philp visited in Tord , Mrs. J. Bently, re- | | | | | | HIS week has been set aside as ONTARIO BR ATLAN' A = FARM PRODUCTS WEEK by the Ontario Department of Agriculture. The prosperity of our cities and towns depends upon the ONTARIO FARM PRODUCTS WEEK is organized to focus the attention of Ontario people on the high quality of Ontario farm products, and to stimulate the purchase of farmer. them throughout the Province. It gives us much pleasure to be associated with the Depart- ment of Agriculture in this worthwhile effort. fresh Ontario fruits and vegetables await your selection at Study the prices quoted, and avail your- self of the opportunity--to save money while helping along A & P Food Stores. a Province-wide plan to "Help the Farmer." "Ontario Farm Products Are Freshest and Best' & ONE OF ONTARIO'S FINEST PRODUCTS BUTTER OUR VERY FINEST SUNNYFIELD 2 ibs. 49- OUR OWN BRAND--PASTEURIZED CREAMERY SILVERBROOK 2 5. 4 A ¢ Extraordinary Savings This Week-End on Onfario Milled FLOUR GILT EDGE BRAND 53 BANQUET OR ATLANTIC BRANDS PASTRY 'ir 43 BREAD 24-LB. BAG DELICIOUS, TANGY, ONTARIO CREAMERY CHEESE ow EDDY'S BLUE RIBBON MATCHES 3 FAMILY SIZE PKGS. FOR A LOVELY COMPLEXION BROWN LABEL BLACK Salada Tea +23: nw. 45 RAISINS 2» 25: 2 ibs. 1 1. Comfort Soap 10535 Pkg. 1%7- FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE SAVE THE WRAPPERS THE HEALTH CEREAL SUNERA A PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CATSUP COCO HARD WATER KIRK'S TIGER BRAND CASTILE SOAP CHRISTIE, BROWN & CO. Carloads of 19: 23 CALAY Toilet Soap p TE | - 6:13 ] Cakes 25 ¢ FRESH YOUNG ROASTING PORK HAMS _ ~11- LOINS_ -15- ROASTS PRIME RIB 3 5 "BACON 15. fang Sas A & P QUALITY Mincemeat 2s. 25¢ FRESH BLUE PICKERE FILLETS SMOKED Finnan Haddie 1b.12¢ TROUT = 1b. 14ec BON! Jb, ROLLED 1b. 1 Re 2 tbs. 25¢ Ontario Farm Products Are Freshest and Best NO. 1 GRADE COOKING ONIONS 10m: 15. NATIVE TURNIPS 5b: 5¢ HAND-PICKED GREENINGS APPLES .3- 25 PICKED McINTOSH .:i: 33¢ CARROTS 15 SPINACH 3ms.15¢ NATIVE OUR OWN ENCORE 6-QT. BASKET MAYONNAISE CHOCOLATES =» 21: | 2: 13:229:749e BEST PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS FOR EGGS. ASK OUR STORE MANAGER. ATLANTIC ¢ PACIFI CIMITED OF CANADA If you have varicose or swollen veins and want to reduce them to normal, go to Jury & Lovell or any enterprising drug store and agk for an original two-ounce bottle of Emerald Oil (full strength). If he hasn't it, he can get it. Apply it to the enlarged veins as directed and improvement will he noticed in a few days. Con- tinue its use until veins return to normal size. Tt is guaranteed to reduce swollen veins or money bags . -- THE CANADIAN SRREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LID. Niagara Falls, Canada WHEAT M CANADA » BY, CANADIANS + OF CANADIAN WHEAT TEA CO. THE GREAT.

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