Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Oct 1932, p. 10

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bot cam Latte the QUALITY because of the Natural Flavour , which tells you that here is soup at its best! Only with the choicest Canadian vegetables could such a Qeliclons and appetizing flavour be obtained CANADIAN CANNERS, LIMITED = HAMILTON, CANADA AVIMER SOUPS "They frave thal Plalivial Flavoe: . Over 414 to 5 1s. 13 17 192 Northern, 50%. > Over 31% to 44 bs.11..15 17 Manitoba oats-----No. 8 C.W., Over 2% to 315 Ms. 09 13 15|27¢; No. 1 feed, 26c¢. Over 13 to 33 bs. 12 16 18 Manitoba barley--No. 3 C.W., Fatted hens, over 5 30%ec; No. 1 feed ecreenings, hs... i... 11 14 $10.00 per ton. | . x { Over 4 to 5 Ibs, . 10 13 South Africa corn, 55¢ to ar- "8 Over 3% to 4 hs. 09 12 rive, Over 3 to 3% Ibs, 07 10 Ontario grain, approximate 4 y 0 prices track shippin oint-- CATHEDRAL RESTORED Youre Srey, > u 17 24 Wheat, 44 to bros gnn.y P23 to {Generous Americans joined with Britons in financing restoration of All other welghts. 15 22 25c: barley, 38 to 40c corn, 45 to : he famous old Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln, England, shown here | , roosters, over b 46c; rye, 33 to 35c; buckwheat, "while the scaffolding was in place, Ps, 07 10 35 to 37ec. a ni stao AR 3 White ducklings, over London, England.---, Crowning stages of the west towers and a S10 18 TORONTO WHOLESALE the hill on the slopes of which | some of the gables are ascribed Ove ji to he 08 14 a : lies the town of Lincoln, 30 miles [to the late Norman restoration Corr ed 0B be. . VEGETABLES northwest of London, is the out- [after a fire in 1141. 2c per less : mn i while standing architectural treasure After an earthquake shattered Domestic rabbits, over Vegetables on sale at w : of the United Kingdom--Lincoln [the Norman cathedral in 1185, Ba, did ... 08 13 sale houses in Toronto are quoted cathedral. work: of restoration began at Guinea fowl, per pair (alive), Bs tollape: When, some five years ago, the [once and many additions were 90c per palr. Be ome st Ke 1 . 3.8 to 0:05 famous old edifice threatened to | made to the structure in succeed- + (Selling) eals, yeax, 1a % 18 Jo i crumble under the ravages of [ing centuries, From a combina- Toronto dealers: are offering Be Jie , 1 31340 3.23 time, Americans joined with Brit- | tion of Norman and early English | , .0quce to retail dealers at the ot se or "0.25 10 0.30 ons in a fund to finance an ex- |architecture, an edifice of pure || jowing prices: Carrots, doz. Lea 0.10 to 0.15 tensive restoration, now nearing | Gothic has been evolved in Lin- Eggs--Fresk extras, in car- Cauliflower, doz. * 0.50 to 0.75 completion. | coln cathedral. : rout. Rng | tons, 38¢c; [fresh extras, loose, Celery, doz. ....... 0.25 to 0.50 On a clear day, the cathed- | Like many other grea 'NE- | 36; firsts, 31c; seconds, 20c. 3 Cucumbers, 11 gts. . 0.15 to 0.25 ral's towers, rising majestically [lish cathedrals, Lincoln suffered | Butter--No. 1 creamery, prints do., gherkins, 6 qts0.65 to 1.00 above the fenlands, are visible | from vandalism. Henry VIII plun- | 25¢; No. 2 creamery, prints, 24c. |, thie: head, ert. 0.50 t0 1.00 for 30 miles. There are three of [dered its treasures, Bishop Hol-| Cheese -- New, large, 12ic: | Marrows, 11 qts. . 0.15 to 0.20 them, rising 180 feet. Originally | beach overthrew its shrines and | twins, 121c; triplets, 12] new | pumpkins, doz. ..... 0.75 to 0.00 spires reached up above them, |statuary, and Puritan zealots | tiltons, 14% c. Old, large, 171 c Peppers, green, 6 qts 0.20 to 0.30 101 feet higher. But the spire of | smashed the windows and tore | twins, 17%c; triplets, 18c. do. 11 qts. 0.50 to 0.6( the central tower was blown [up the brasses. But neither van- do red, 6 qts. C0.30 th 0.40 down in 1547 and the others were | dals nor the elements have erased WHOI SALE PR ov ISIONS do 11 ats, 3 "0.50 to 0.65 removed in 1808, : its imposing grandeur, atl : W holesale od ision orlers | Radish doz. bones. 0.15 to'U 20 Of the original early-Norman | 'In the central tower there sti e. quoting th Prices { spinach, hpr, . 0.40 to 0.50 church, erected about 1075-90, | hangs the grea five-ton bell, | to Jocal retail dealer - houl 1D doz, . there remain the central portion |'"Tom of Lincoln," orizinally cast L. Pork-<fie; 11 to 12¢; shoul-loyypnips, 11 gts. ... 0. 20 t0 0.00 of the west front and part of [in 1610 and recast in 1834, to|ders, 101; butt 12¢; 1 ' {Tomato outd'r 11 qts the first bay of the nave. The [call the faithful to worship as it 1 Bl n : Be ig _ | Onions, doz. bches.. three west doorways, lower | has for generations, 46 5 2 Tio; Lo; | en} 5) do 11 qte. he ; 10 DABS ... sou Sc, Shorts all clear, 17c¢; D.S Ao Bic} | | bellies, 14 to 20 s., 9c; middles. | o,1oyo, | 50 to 70 Ms, 13c. to ' PRODUCE PRICES | Lard--Pure, tierces, 10% « y new, bags { tubs, 113%c; palls, 11%c; prints, | wo. taperes . 6 qts. | 11 %e, tent Th aos te} Imported-- < : iy Shorteningr.--Tierces, 9c; tubs ynions. SDani ags 2 0 RONTO PRODUCE SI SOs, 240 0a 203 ot Lg Ye: pails, 9c: prints, 10c, lons, Spanish, bags 2.00 to 0.00 . D g 2am---ST¥ al, 21 | 1 4 . ro Ti a i430: } ; mo . Toronts. S208) \ivine [1h Zoe; Mo. 1. 00 to 31ey No 2, |, Shecial pastry--Tierces, Ite: | JORONTO HAY AND STRAW | produce at the following prices: 17 to 18¢, f.0.b, shipping points. | Ins, 1c; pa if | Toronto dealer are i paying for | yn rio 'd Cheese--No, 1 large, colored, |. . ATR vA Aree ria 1 TE) straw, baled, car lots, | Eggs--Prices to farmers and| iat) | TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS country shippers: Ungraded, paramned and government grad- | Following are yesterday's elos. | 3) 3, por ton: v.. eidbh cases returned, fresh extras, 31c: ' Ving quotations on Toronto grain | oO lothv Mr oe fresh firsts, 26c; seconds, 1é6c. Poultry-- Dressed | transactions for car lots, prices || wer grade hay .. 6.00 9.00 Graded, cases free, 32 to 33c, "A" Grade Alive Sel. M.F. | on basis c.i.f. bay ports | Wheat : yi "6.00 by 2%7e¢, 17c. Spring chickens, over Manitoba wheat--No, 1 hard Oat 5 6.00 i Butter--No. 1 Ontario cream- 5 8. ...n..v214 18 20'54c; No. 1 Northern, 523% c; No i A ke, | * Zion News A é od % e I} dirs, J.. W. Balson, Correspon- dent) ZION. Oct. 17..--~Mr. Frank coe had to destroy a work- FEE Buy ON | ARIO TES that took lockjaw last = eck just from a small cut. I] Mr. Leonard Morgan is having PRODUCTS This Week! _. Ne Nore os aris - = rthur Pierce. EE -- Mr. Arthur Pierce accompanied Mr. McEwen, trucker of apnles BARGAIN NEWS for OCTOBER 21-27 nd veget % 1d vegetables, to Ottawa last TT week, Extra Special! BIG SALE of FIVE ROSES Mr. John Ayre has left the farm and gone to reside with his =lb. laughter, Mrs. Charles Selby, )shawa. Bag 22¢ | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe | and baby, Jean, visited his uncle, | Mr. Jonathan Awde, and Mrs. 7 i ial! | Awde at Newcastle, recently. Combination Special! HABITANT Brand Sola Dinan Bigir 0 a EA & 0 U Large BOTH FOR Rownanyille Hospital, following A an operation recently Tin C Mrs James Sully accompanied her son, W. J. Sulley, of Oshawa CRACKERS "RB" Si to Tyrone, on Saturday, to visit 'S B" Size her cousin, Mr. Will Reynolds CHRISTIE'S . . . Package gin, Al 5 EXTRA-ASSORTED who 1s {ll EXTRA SPECIAL! For FRIDAY and SATURDAY HAMS ©. 13c 17c PORK i go 18c BEEF . 12¢ Liven 4 » 25 Peamealed Back . . BACON. Halt or Whole Blade Roast of BEEF @ SOAKS CLOTHES CLEAN . . C 4 i Pa 0 Large Package 19¢ CREAM-CENTRED Chocolates | } | Lv. 19¢ . « INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL . . | DR. JACKSON'S Roman Meal 19° COOKIES 3,.. Health . giving Roman Meal, made into delicious cookies Extra Special No. 1 Grade COOKING ONIONS SPECIAL! Fresh Roasted PEANUTS 2423¢ in the shell -- a treat for Sveryone this week-end... 5 Ibs. Je FEATURING... EXTRA! PALAWAN BLEND TEA Pkge. 39¢ HAWES' FLOOR WAX EMPIRE COFFEE 1b. Tin 35¢ SATURDAY MORNING FEATURE for the CHILDREN 200 BOXES ONLY---While They Last PEANUT BRITTLE | "rank H. The Women's Association held 1 very enjoyable meeting on Wed- nesday last, at the home of Mrs. Pascoe, with the presi- lent in the chair. The roll-call was answered by a reading on Thanksgiving. Miss Ettie Flin- toff read the 6th chapter of Luke for the scripture lesson. General business was conducted and let- ters of thanks for flowers were read. Mrs. Arthur Stainton and Mrs. Russell Stainton gave hu- morous readings and the meet- ing closed with a hymn and bene- diction. The group in charge Mrs, Thos. Martin, Mrs. Frank Pascoe, Mrs. Russell stainton, Miss Ettie Flintoff, Mrs. Melville Morgan and Mrs. John Balson, served a splendid supper of hot potato pie, hot biscuits, pickles, cake, tarts and tea, to which all did full jus- tice, as the weather was chilly. Mrs. Pascoe and group were ac- corded a hearty vote of thanks. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Lott and son-in-law and Mrs. Albert Lott, Oshawa, were visitors at J. . Balson's, recently. Mrs. Arthur Stainton enter- tained the Solina Women's Insti- 1-1b. 42 tute at her home on Thursday af- Tin C ternoon last week. Misg Norma Glagpell, Oshawa, is spending two weeks' holiday with her barents here. Hyacinth and daffodil bulbs One'b ; have been distributed through n ox to a "B | the Bible class and Women's As- Shild accompanied sociation members for winter early -- quantity growing. They each joined the limited. Hampton Horticultural Society. 14 1b. Box C Is ( Mr. 'Anson Balson took hig bro- thers, Gerald and Harvey Balson and Gordon Wilbur to a junlor farmers' judging contest at New- astle on Tuesday. Ontario is getting rid of some of the depression. It is proposed to abolish homework in i's schools to the relief of parents. --Brandon Sun, Scugog SCUGOG, Mountjoy and daughter, litlte granddaughter and Mrs, L, read the hymn the choir sang Sunday morning, ""O, Praise the King of Glory." At the end of each line each one present read a scripture verse to correspond Oct. 17.--Mrs. J. | with the line then all sang the Rose, | hymn which was very interesting. Clara, Mr. Later the call came to the dining Mountjoy of Nestle- |%om to the usual good things ton, were Sunday guests of the on the Hallowe'en decorated Mr. W, Sam- | taphle where we all had a social former's brother, ells, Mr. and Mrs, with Sunday Mrs. C. their friends service very much, The Lake Scugog townshp hall, J. Milner spent daughter, Heayn, of Prince Albert. Our young men's choir and a number of their over to Seagrave on Sunday even- ing to help with their Thank Of- fering services. went time together. Mrs. W, Jeffrey is visiting her sisters at Seagrave for a couple of weeks, Mr. and Mrs. O, Jeffrey, Clem and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pran- tice and daughters, Leona and Norma Kay, were Sunday guests All enjoyed the | of Mr, and Mrs. R. Hood of Son- 'a Junior mn- |' i stitute are holdng a two weeks' | Mrs. H, Demara was picking | course of sewing lessons in the | apples one day last week when heginning on Mon- [the limb ke was standing on 17, Hours frem 3 to 6 | broke and he fell to the ground day, Oct, p.m, teacher. Last Wednesday, Oct, 12th, we | Group No. 2 of the Centre Wo- | had our first snow storm and men's Association are Mrs, | frost which took most of the Milner, Mrs. 'J. Aldred, Mrs, W. | flowers. Dodsley and Mrs. G. Samells | The corner at Mr. T. Redman"s | held their monthly meeting at |is finished. There is plenty of the latter's home, which was well {room and a big improvement attended. The meeting was open- | now, When they get the ditches ed by our president, who gave a [opened up there will he a road very interes and hymns Quite a number the opening day as the older ones are invited as well as girls. McLaughlin of Toronto, is ting talk prayer Then attended Miss the on heautiful she crackinz three ribs. He is little easier since the Dr. him up. We hope he will be bet- | ter soon. that will be a pleasure to drive on, GRID IRON FANS REVIVE DEBATE ON AMATEURISH Rugby in United States Universities is Declared Professional New Yor.--Absorbed in a debate over whether or not the United United States football code is real- ly an improvement over the 1931 set grid-iron fans were hardly pre- pared for the slashing criticism of the game which has broken out again even more violent than last year, Several minor editorial. have ap- peared on the subject of profession- alism and commercialization amongst college players and 3 small college dean states football players of his institution would not be par aded before games like "horses" and that ho admission would be charged. Then the southern states were rock- ed by the slashing criticism in the University of Tennessee publication. Declaring "amateurism is a farce" the editorial suggested "a certain percentage of the gate receipts should be divided among the play- ers in proportion to their value to the team." Commenting on a ruling of the Southern Conference which declar- has strapped |, ed ineligible one, Nollie Felts, of Tulane, Ga., because he had played couple of professional baseball sames, the editorial states: "Certainly those who guide the lestinies of this gZroup of college teams ust possess an unusual sense of honor to declare ineligible on the one hand a. man who has violated a mere technicality of the amateur cade and, on the other and, to ignore either willingly or weeligently flagrant evils which have "en as the result of our so-called amateurism. "wi hether or not Mr. Felt is technically guilty, he deserves an y from these officials for be- censured for professionalism icularly when one considers all | orts of subterfuge are resorted to | rem: in within the letter of the law | which demands pure amateurism of jeoll llege athletes. TFootball, even in college, is a professional sport. The Jury & Lovell Save You Money Serve You Well Or BARGAINS THIS RL SEIDLITZ POWDERS for TABLETS 2 25¢ RUBBER BABY ¢ (limit 5) 4 ROSARIE SOAP .....10¢ LENGTHS INFANTS' DELIGHT SUNSET 2 tor 15¢ (10's) .... PANTS, per pair 4" 23¢ SOAP .......0.00 . 15¢ DYES... "25 Cc ABS. & C. PALMOLIVE SOAP SYRINGE 2 for 3 5 JC MAJOR FOUNTAIN SYRINGE ....... 2: A a 5¢ SEIS ree 5 Keep Your Money in Oshawa and Save with Safety at the REXALL STORES players get their pay--and rightl so. They earn it." chant Coke" To heat with SEMET--~SOLVAY Coke DUSTLESS Produced by the world's largest manufacturers of "Mer- --that is coke made and sold for consumer use (not for industrial purposes). Don't Just ASK for Coke INSIST on SEMET-SOLVAY And Cut One- Third off Your Fuel Bill Least Ash More Heat No Smoke Ontario Shore Gas Co. G7 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Order Through Your Dealer Canadian Fuels Limited HB Subsidiary of : Limited { PHONE 3300

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