PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1932 } \ Ontario and Durham County News - fAMPTON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MET Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Dis- trict President, Was x Jhe Speaker (Miss L. Horn, Correspondent) HAMPTON, Oct... 11.--- Mrs. Chas, Johns was hostess to the Women's Institute on Thursday afternoon, Oct, 6th. The Presi- dent took charge of the meeting. Following the business period, the program was left in charge of Mrs. W. G. Doidge, a mem- ber of the north group, which 'had charge of the program. Mrs. Kenneth Caverley and Miss L. Horn sang a vocal duet, "The Love Nest". accompanied hv N. Horn. The district President, Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Nestleton. was present to address the Institute at this interval. Mrs. Perrett gave a very interesting reading on "Gossip". by Nina Moore Jamieson. 'The Little Brown Church", was sung from the song sheet, and Mrs, Clayton gave a second reading. At the close refreshments of sandwiches, tarts and tea, were served by the group in charge of the pro- gram. Miss Olive Ashton, Missionary from Africa, Mrs. Wilfred Greenaway Thursday. Mr. Fred West, awa, also visited their home that day. : Miss Helen Virtue accompanied returned visited on Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Will Ranton and Margaret on a motor trip to Ar- thur, where they spent Thanks- | giving. Miss Nancy spent Ahanksgiving Monday with her mother, Mrs. E Johns, who returned te the city with her for a few days Mrs. Lorne Rabhin daughter, Pauline, visited sister, Mrs. Gertrude Virt Sunday and Monday Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Oshawa were Thanksgiving visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs Alvin Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Ceiph Mountjoy. Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of S. T. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs, O. M. Alger and daughter, Margaret, and Mr. and Mrs. Wray and son, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at the home of L. D. Sykes'. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Shaw from our vil- lage, who have taken up resid- ence in Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Crane, and jaughter, Toronto, were Thanks- | giving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Flory. Mrs. L. D. Sykes, Miss Jessie Toronto, | and | Johns, Sunday her | week with Mr { Wheeler Knox, Miss N. Horn and Miss Elinor Sykes, attended church at Tyrone on Sunday morning, the | latter 'assisting in the choir with a vocal solo. | The Women's Missionary ciety was held at the home of | Mrs. Theo. Salter on Sept, 20th. The President was in the chair. Mrs. 'Burns, group leader, had charge of the program, calling on Miss Reynolds, Mrs. § Wil- | liams, Mrs. Curtis, and Mrs Rackham, Mrs. Peters and Miss | M. Katerson to assist in the | Aterary part of the program. J. TAMBLYN Saves You Money SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK-END Purex Toilet Paper 3 for 29¢ | So- Red Circle Toilet Paper 4 for 25¢ WE DELIVER Phone 760 6 King St. E. R. R. V. Pierce, whose picture appears here, was a profound student of the medicinal quali- ties of Nature's remedies -- roots and herbs. For over fifty years Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery has been sold in the drug stores of Canada. If you wish to have pure blood, and a clear skin, free ron imples or annoying eruptions, try this RDacovery". T enriches the blood, aids digestion, acts as a tonic, corrects stomach disorders. eal advice, write $0 Fh nr NY, CHAPPED SKIN Dilute Misanf's with i MINARD'S Ra ING OF PAIS LinimENT Um SL XL ER oo A GENIUS oo Mr. and Mrs, Elroy Elliott, Toronto, visited at the home of John Colwill, Jr., on Sunday of last week. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Wood, and daughter, Allie, were Thanksgiving visitors at the home of their daughter, Mrs, George Armour, N. Osluava News (Mrs. T. Solomon, Correspon- dent) NORTH OSHAWA, Oct. 12.-- Mr. Addison Scott has entered the Oshawa Hospital where he will take a long rest to enable him to throw off the effects of a prolong- ed cold. Mr. Charles Lee" had the mis-¢ fortune to hreak a finger while cutting wood on his property here on Thanksgivinz Day. The church was pretty Thanksgiving decorations of and grain and flowers for Thanksgiving servieeg here Sun- day. The Junior League with their leader, Mrs. John Alexan- der, did the decorating and the voung ladies sang a pretty an- them during the evening s2rvice which was conducted as usual by Mr, Barnes of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haeaaslip returned Monday evening after a | pleasant motor trip to spend Thanksgiving Day with relatives | at Detroit. : Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and family, who Lave spent the sum- | mer at Bala, returned home this | week, with fruit the Mr. and Mrs, of Port Whithy, here, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Glover spent | Sunday in the city with Mr. and | Mrs. E. Hopkins, Oshawa Blvd. | Mrs. Solomon #pent a day last | Leo Keller, on | Vallant; relatives Joseph visited Cellege Hill | -- | Newcastle News (Miss C. B. Butler, Correspondent) NEWCASTLE, Oct. 11--~Mrs, D. J. Garbraith accompanied | Mrs Iren, of Bowman- and childr g Brantiord for 1 ville, 'motarc latter part of the Mr week Mrs. Horricks and 1 thei sed ¢ and rT KS er ( | anniversary Jack and Mrs. Stinson and Miss Frances Stinson of Toronto spent the holiday with their mother, Mrs, Geo, Kibeck. Miss Minnic Pearce of Toronto, was home for the week end, Mr, and Mrs, Regan and daugh- ter spent the week end with her mother, Mrs, John Douglas, Miss Gladys Matchett, Miss Salome Howard and Miss Nellie Garrodd were home from Toronto and spent the holiday with their respective parents. A large number of the young people of the district surprised Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner on Friday evening last. The bride and groom were presented with a handsome present and a very jolly evening was spent with cards and dancing. The Baseball club held the second oi their series of dances in the community hall on Friday evening last The "Canadians" Orchestra was in attendance and a fair crowd enjoyed themselves. Ashburn Miss Emma Fisher, of Toronto, spent the week end at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bundy and fam- ily, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Trull, Misses Ethel and Ruth Stutta- ford, of Toronto and Port Colborne, spent the week end at their home here. Misses Bernice and Betty Goose, of Whithy and Myrtle, spent Sun- day with their parents, Mr. and Mrz. R. Goose. Mr, and Mrs. G. W. West, Misses Marie and Doris West and Miss M. Pugh, of Glen Major, spent the week end at Niagara. Several from here attended the services at Brooklin Church on Sunday and evenings. D. Parrott and Mrs. H. Doble, attended the funeral of the late J. Dawson, Leaskdale on Saturday last. Young People met on Tuesday evening last for the first meeting of the season, when the following icers were elected for the year 14 Hon. Pres., Rev. D. A. Fer- guson; President, Miss A. O'Neill; Vice-President, Mr. Gordon Taber; Secretary, Mrs. H. Doble; Treasur- er, Miss G. Wilson; pianist, Mrs. United Monday Mr. of "| Edgar Heron, { Ds Several from here attended the induction service at Port Perry on Thur evening last, when .Rev. A. Ferguson was inducted into the pastoral charge of Port Perry, Ashburn and Utica. Rev. P. W, Me- Innis, of Leaskdale, had charge of the service of induction, Rev. A. G. Scott, of Alden, addressed the min- ister, Rev. J. C. Greer, of Lindsay, addressing the congregation, and Rev. D. Munree, of Bobcaygeon, aay of preachirg the sermon. School was closed on Thursday re LAURE HoCKpy { MATIED Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jackson, photographed following their mar- riage Got, 3, in St. John's Church, Miss Ldith Hutchison, daughter of Toronto. The bride was formerly Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Hutchison, of Oakville, The groom is the star left wing player of the Maple Leaf Hockey Team. WHEN MEXICO E The judicial proceedings pictured expulsion <f Archbishon eopeldo papal legate, from Mexico, Judge (extreme right. XPELLED POPE'S ENVOY here in Mexico City resulted in Ruizy lores («cated left), the Manucl Trejo is shown at the '4 bab \2 CROWN oWARDSBy, ~ CORN SYRUP A Treat Jor the whole Family- an Excellent Food, BRAND" Try it canaps Fhnon co. for GROWING CHILDREN / c4 s To-day and Friday, owing to Teachers' Convention being held at West- mount School, Oshawa. Miss Alma O'Neill spent the week end with her parents at Woodville. Mrs. Walter Trull, Misses Phyl- lis and Ruth, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lynde, of Bag- gotsville. Miss Marjorie Wilson, of To- ronto, is at her home here. Mr. Fred Crittle, of Stouffville, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Geo. Mole. Mr. and Mrs. H. Leask and daughter, of Uxbridge, spent Sun- day with Mrs. M. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leach and family, of Columbus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Leach. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peddie, of Glen Major, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hopkin. Miss Marion Spencer, of Toron- to, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Spen- cer. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Wm. Bright, of Raglan, on Monday afternoon. Kinsale October 10th--A helpful meet- ing of the W. M. S. held at the home of Mrs. Vie. Parkin last Thursday with the usual number | present. Mrs. Gee gave a very interesting talk on the missionary pioneers of Canada. Other read- ings were given by Miss May Brown and Mrs. C. O. Lawton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Heard, of Osh- awa, called on Albert and Mrs. Parkin last Tuesday. The school pupils have had a few days' holidays, while their teacher, Miss Draper, attended the Teach- | ers' Convention held in Oshawa. Sorry to report Mr. Taylor's under the doctor's care Mr. Wm. Lawrence and daugh- | ter, Maude, of Port Hope, and Mr. | and Mrs. T. Lewis, of Brooklin,| Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- | man Gibson. Mr. Win. Sadler, the Misses Laura, Violet and Lena Sadler and Miss S. Sadler spent Thursday | last with Mrs. Bruce Stark in To- | ronto, Mrs Mr. John Threlfall, Rogers, Fred Harbron, Miss Mabel, | and Mr. F ) I. Green, Miss Louise | Stevenson, of Greenwood; Miss K. | Green and Miss Slater, of Toron- | to; Mr. Russell Heath, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene wil | son and three children, of Oshawa, | and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Wells, all{ called on C. J. and Mrs. Stevenson last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fell and son, | Cline, and daughters Jean and | Rhoda, of Barrie, called on Herb and Mrs. Parkin on the holiday. Quite a few from here attended | the Harvest Home service held in | Brooklin United Church last Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. McDowell and daughter, and Miss Gladys Green- wood and friend, of Toronto, spent the week-end with their uncle, Mr. Victor Parkin. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Annand, Ottawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stevenson on the holiday. Mrs. Annand was formerly Miss Munro, who taught school here a short time ago. Miss Mabel Harbron, accomp- anied by Mr, and Mrs. J. Martin, of Inglewood, motored to the city of Guelph last Saturday. While there they visited the Ontario Ag- ricultural College. The Inglewood Public School rendered their chorus so favorably at the school fair, they have Yeon requested, along with five other schools of the Duf- ferin and Peel County to render a chorus at the Teachers' Conven- tion on Thursday evening, October 27th, at Orangeville. Their teach- er, Miss M. L. Harbron, will in struct them for the music, Mr. and Mrs. Vie. Parkin, Mr. and Mrs. McDowell, and Miss G. (Greenwood called on relatives in Claremont recently. Courtice News (Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Corres- pondent) COURTICE, Oct, 11,--Mr, and Mr. Howard Flintoff and Miss Florence, motored to Hamilton and spent Sunday and the holl- day with Mr. and Mrs, Mclvor. Mr. Jas. Hancock, Guelph Ag- riculture College, was home over the week-end and holiday. Miss Aura Brooks, Lockwood Clinfe, Toronto. spent the holi- day at home and her mother, Mrs, 8. S. Brooks accompanied her back to the city. | Thanksgiving $1 motored to Peterboro last | | sell Mrs. Cole and her daughter, Mrs, Thurston, and Master Doug- las, Lindsay, were with Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Nichols over the week-end and holiday. Mr. Roland Thorpe and Mr. John Dryden, Guelph Agricul- ture College, spent Sunday with Mr. Jas. Hancock. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Webster, Misses Gladys and Elinor and holiday with Mrs. A. I". Rundle. Miss Alice Arnold, Brooklin, was guest of Mrs. H. F, Hancock over the week-end and attended the wedding of Miss Frances Hancock. Miss Luella McCalpin, Miss Aleie Wilson and Mr. Ronald | Courtice, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. Hurley, Toronto, spent the | Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Courtice over the week-end .and holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Courtice and Miss Mabel Cleveland, Ot- fawa, are visiting. his mother, Mrs, W, E. Courtice and brother, Mr. K. E. Courtice and Mrs. Courtice, Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, was home during the holiday. Our Thanksgiving service on Sunday morning was well at- tended. Our pastor, Rev, H, C. Wolfraim, preached a very ap- propriate Thanksgiving sermon, and also told an interesting story of "Giving Thanks' to the boys and girls, The choir rendered Thanksgiving music and Mrs, G. F, Annis sang "Thanks be to God." The cast of our play motored to Hampton Thanksgiving night and presented the play, "The Minister's Birthday." The open- ing chorus in the play is a Thanksgiving anthem which was quite in keeping with the night. After the presentation of the play, Hampton people served re- freshments to the guests right royally and a social time was en- joyed. Our pastor called on Mrs, G. F. Annis directress Of the play when she thanked the Hampton friends for their splen- did entertainment by way of re- treshments in a few well chosen words. L] Enfield News ENFIELD, Oct. 12,--The La- dies' Afd held a pleasant anc profitable Thanksgiving meeting at the home of Mrs. Edwin Ormi- ston on the 11th inst. The attend- ance was small, but the thank- offering amounted to $6.71. The president, Mrs. Alfred Prescott. occupied the chair and conducted the opening exercises. The roll- call was answered by short mes- sages of thankfulness, The pro- gram as usual was of high order Miss Verna Ormiston read poem, and Mrs Smith gave an excellent paper on "What are. you thank- ful for?" After singing a closing liymn, the ladies enjoyed a born tifu} repast and an enjoyable go- cial hour, Mrs. Ormiston making I'red L | an ideal hostess Mr. and Mrs, Fred I. Smith re- ntly visited Mr. and Mrs, Rus- Robbins, Zion. Mr. and Mra. L. C Misses Helen and Bessie Pascoe enjoved the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Morrison, -Osha- wa, for tea on Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. David Ferguson, East Settlement, spent Thanks- giving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson Mrs. Thomas Bowman is suf- ferinz from an attack of sciatica Miss Ida MeCullough has re turned home from a pleasant vis- ft with the Hutchison and Beath familles at Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore and Master Ray, motored from Mt, Forest and were week-end guests Pascoe, { ond | Home service at a | | Mr | visited with of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Prescott. Mrs, William Montgomery, of Solina, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Laver, Bus- ter, Eddie and Margaret: Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Ormiston, Oshdwa; Mrs. Ben Palmer, Miss Elaine and Mr. Hoskin Palmer were Thanksgiving Day visitors at Mr ind Mrs, Arthur Ormiston's, Mr. and Mrs, Tarry Draith- walte, Toronto, spent the week- nd and Thanksgiving Day with "ter mother, Mrs. John Hobbs. Mrs. Cecil Branton, Oshawa, has been spending scveral days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Page. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Ross and Helen, Oshawa, re- cently visited Mr, and Mrs, Ce- cil Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston. OF INTEREST TO A JON ps ILLNESS AT BAY WOMEN --We are repeating, for a limited time Merle, Lois and Ivan were Sun- only, the offer of a Briti day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ayl- h-made, 13" al cooking spoon for the return of only 30 Oxo Cube Red Wrappers. OXO Limited, St. Peter Street, Montreal mer Beech, Enniskillen. Mr.'W, J. Ferguson, Enniskil- len, visited his son, Mr. Lloyd Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs." Albert Niddery and family, Toronto, spent the week-end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs, John Hepburn, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Laver and family, Toronto, are Thanksviv- ing Day dinner with Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Ormiston, Oshawa, were in the village on Sunday and were guests of Mr. oured citizens of thig their departure, Mrs. Page, althouzh years of age, braided mats so hardly see the braid. The school pupils chaperonage of are enjoying the mo Enniskillen. They have been hon- many years and everyone regrets They are both wonderfully smart for their age. makes fine one Miss Royal Theatre, Bowmanville, on Friday afternoon, the 14th inst., 2s guests of the Bowmanville Ro- tary Club. Automobiles, owned by the Rotarians, convey the children to and from the theatre, Miss Ella Tamblyn visited in Toronto last week. village for eighty-two beautiful can "Let us digest them; otherwise they enter our memory, but not our minds." --Seneca. under the Tamblyn vies at the and Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Mrs. Floyd Page, Enniskillen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ste- phen Page, recently. Miss Evelyn Stinson, of Toron- to, ig convalescing at her home here from an operation on her nose and the removal of her ton- sils. Mr, and Mrs, John Secpsic have | finally completed the removal of all their effects to Toronto, and the farm is at present yntenant- ed. Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Ross and Helen, Oshawa, enjoyed 'their Thanksziving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Prescott and family Mr. Arthur Ormiston has heen again confined to his bed for some time, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston and Mr. and Mrs, Hos- | kin Smith, Enniskillen, spent Sunday with him. Mrs. Ben Palmer, Miss Elaine Palmer and Mr. Hoskin Palmer, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston. Mr. 'and Mrs. Clarence Rahm, and Betty, Weston, Mr, and Mr. Walter Cochrane and Jean, Bow- manville Mrs. Sidney Pedlar, Toronto, were all Thanksgiving Dav gucsts of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Rahm. Mrs. Ped- lar is remaining for a week Mr. and Mrs, Frank Gilbert Betty attended the Harvest Burketon, on Silent Glow fits an cheap distillate oil. ECONOMICAL Sunday. I = linstalled @ SILENT GLO Mr. and Mr¢, Lloyd Ferguson ; Years gro. and daughter, Betty Helen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce \fontgomery, Solina. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rahm, and Mrs. Clarence Rahm and Betty motored to Mariposa and Mrs. H. Rahm's sis- | ter, Mrs. George Avery and Mr. Avery. Mr. and Mre. William Seully | and Master Billy, Toronto, spent | the week-end and Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs, W. J, Or- ! miston. | Mrs. Percy Langmald and Miss | Bernies. Oshawa, snent Thanks- ziving Day with Mrs. Fred L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. George Stinson and daughters. Velma, Greta, Merle, Doris and Ora, Dunnville; Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Stinson, daughter, Bernice, and twins, Oshawa, were Thanksgiving Dov visitors with their mother, Mrs, John Stinson. They also visited Mrs. Harry Stinson and other rel- | atives, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Page have moved to their new home in burned (Name on request.) Silent Glow model W Range Burner. Tested and approved by Home Service Bureau, conduc- ted by Canadian Home Journal, See the Silent fu. ete 0.3 ar Oats ont "ilar in the Emps AND CRACKELS- SEND TWO BOXES. THE CHILDREN LOVE THEM make of furnace. Burns Other models to fit any Quebec heater or kitchen range. I used to burn 7 ¢ Cont. The first year with Si ent i jd ll winter, 500 Y fliona a} 0 {and Jet IA lon, a saving of approximately pry a Makers also of Silent Glow camps, garages, large bo: Dog's Spend soothe hn stoking and fussing wil be Lied niin. y n At less than half what you would expect to pay the New Silent Glow Oil Burner con- verts your hot-air or hote water furnace into a clean, convenient oil heating unit: This simple, inexpensive oil burner will keep your home cosy and warm in any kind of weather and gives you a clean basement playground 8 for your children. Complete ly installed, ready for use, with 250 gallon storage tank and float feed, the New Silent Glow furnace burneronly.. $195 125,000 homes havechosen SILENTGLOW because of its exclusive features and efficients operation. W two MARK REG. IN CAN, AND U.S: PAT. OFF. MADE IN CANADA v Pilgrim Heaters for homes etc., and Silent Glow Power Burners fos mes, apartments, schools and other large buildings, TTD distin I 2 ow! Glow Ranger Burner demonstrated at Robert Simpson Gomer Order Office, 43 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. Telephone 2000 THAT'S SO. EVERYBODY'S ORDERING THAT NEW QUAKER CEREA Everybody loves L/ i : \ Cracks: ..NEW Crispest, Crunchiest of Cereals | RACKELS! Crispest . . . crunchi- est . . . most enticing cereal ever created! And the first really all-new cereal in years. Unlike any other in looks, in taste, in what itis. No wonder mothers say, "The children just love Crackels." Tiny sun-coloured pillows 3 : so light they float on top of your milk or cream . . . so crisp they stay crisp in milk till the last morsel is eaten . . . 50 good that children eat them by handfuls, like popcorn, right from the box. Not just one cereal, but a novel blend of the best parts of different grains . : ; wholesome, nourishing: "Oven-blended" by our own process to give distinctive flavour. Try Crackels at breakfast toe morrow. See how they entice drowsy morning appetites. Everye one will want more than one helping: Serve Crackels at any meal or whenever something extra light or extra delicious is called for. There is no easier way to tempt children to take all the milk and cream they need. Get a package of Crackels to-days' They're economical, for each age contains twelve' big helpings. QUAKER RACKELS --