Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Sep 1932, p. 10

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ccidentally Shot 1 A Vicho Richmond, Glenburnie, a guard at Ports- mouth penitentiary, is in hospital wounded in the chest, when he accidentally shot himself while duck-hunting on Colling Lake. More than 20 pieces of shot were removed from his chest, Doctors said he would recover, Richmond drove himself to the nearest doc- tor from the lake. Pioneers Organize Bellevijle.--Electing its of- ficers for the first time, a new order has come into being called the Bay of Quinte Pioneers, Mag- istrate W. C. Mikel, K.C., was elected president; J. A. Kerr, vice-presiderf, Dr. W. J. Kin- near, treasurer; and C. E. Ar- gue, secretary, Tt was decided to allow anyone whose family had resided in the Bay of Quinte dis- A NOTABLE CANADIAN Death claimed a cclourful figure in the military and the administrative circles of the British Empire re- | cently in the person of Sir Ed- ward Percy Cranwill Girouard, K. | C.M.G.D.S.0., veteran of the Sou- | dan campaign, the Scuth African | war and the Creat War. Sir Percy who was born in Montreal | in the year of Confederation, was | awarded the highest Loncurs that | the Mother Country could bestow on its brilliant sons. At one time | sn 1911, during th. absence of! Lord Grey, Governor-General of Canada, his fother, the late Hon. | Justice S. Desire Girouard of the Supreme Court, acted as deputy Governor-General of the Domin- ion of Canada, at the same time that the son was Governor of Bri- | i! tish East Africa, | [EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS| trict for two generations, or 25 years, to become a member, Also any person who served 'in the Canadian forces during the war and who lived in this district may become a member, Caught Big 'Lunge Tweed. --Tom Breen, who knows the haunts of the finny tribe in Soco Lake probably bet- ter than any other man in Tweed, landed a forty-one pound 'lunge near the West Branch bridge on Tuesday evening. The big fellow was on exhibition in = Tom Beatty's window and was later shipped to same of Mr, Breen's friends in New York, Lost Season's Crop Brockville.-- John Garreich, Kitley Township farmer, lost his barn, season's crop of hay and grain and six pigs, all destroyed by fire of undetermined origin. Farmers from the district helped fight the blaze put their efforts were in vain, Presbytery Meeting Tamworth.--The fall meeting of the Belleville Presbytery met jin Tamworth United Church on Tuesday, September 20 beginning at 9.30 a.m., with Rev. W. P. Woodger, B.A., of Napanee in the chair. There were forty-eight ministers, thirty-three laymen and a number of visitors present. Choir Is Rehearsing Kingston.--The first rehearsal of the Kingston Choral Society was held on Monday evening with a good attendance. It was de- cided that the chorus would do "Lochinvar," by C. S. Lang and three part songs "Hail to the Chief", "Hush Thee My Bohv." "Breathes There a Man With Soul Dead." These nnmbers will be given at the Sir Walter Scott centennial celebration to be held in' Kingston this fall So Zishon at Portland Brockwille.--Rt. Rev John T.vons. Bishop of the Diocose of was visiting hi: native Portland on Tuesday for the first time since his eleva. tion to . the The Bishop was tendered a last night by the mmanuel Chrrch and »d with an illuminated ad- 3, Mrs. Lvops received a hou- 1 from the Ladies' Guild » congregation, Ontario, narish of Enpisecopate. of being sold Y, at - are Koenigsberg nts each. reception | congregation | pre- | You're wrong if you do. : lish custom of the British Capitol, CHANGING THE GUARD From their grim march and serious mien you'd think these bovs were off to war or a riot or something, They're merely changing the guard at Buckingham Palace, London, an old Eng- PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS (Buying) Toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices: Eggs--Prices to farmers and country shippers: Ungraded, cases returned fresh extras, 23c; fresh firsts, 18c¢c; seconds, 12c. yraded, cases free, 23 to 24c, 19 to 20c, 13c. Butter--No, ery solids 22 21 to 214 ec. Churning cream-- Special, 20c; No. 1, 19¢; No. 2, 16¢c, f.o.h | shipping points, | 1 Ontario cream- to 22%ec; No, 2 Cheese--No. 1 large, colored | paraffined and government grad- | ed, 103% to 1lec. Poultry-- Chickens, over 4 lbs. Do., 3% to 4 lbs, Do., 3 to 3145 lbs. Do., 215 to 3 lbs, Spring broilers-- Over 41; lbs, each 14 Over 31% to 41; Alive A 'B bs, each 13... Over 214 to 314 lbs. each 12 .. Over 115 to 214 lbs. each il... I"atted hens over 5 lbs. each 12 15 Over 4 to 5 1bs. each 10 13 each 09 12 each 08 10 each 10 Over 4 to 5 lbs. each 08 Colored ducklings 2c Old roosters, over 5 lbs. Over 31% to 4 lbs. Over 3 to 315 lbs. Ducklings over § lbs. less each | 1.25 Peppers, green, 6 gts. 0.20 Do., 11 qts. +... 0.30 Pareley, doz. ...." 0.40 Radishes, doz. bunches 0.15 Spinach, hamper 0.50 Tomatoes, outdoor, 11 qts, 0.15 0.35 Turnips, 11 qts. Watercress, 6 qts. Vegetables, Imported-- Onions, Spanish, case cee TORONTO HIDE AND WOOL PRICES Toronto dealers in hides, wool and tallow are quoting the fol- lowing prices to shippers, for de- livery at local warehouses: City hides--Green, 4c; bulls and brands, 2%c, Country hides Green, 3%¢; do., cured, 3% to 4c. City calf, green, 4c; country calf, green, 2%¢c; do., cured, 119 to 413c, City veal kip 3c; coun- try veal kip, 3c; do., cured, 33% to country grassers kip, 2¢. Horsehides--No. 1, $1.30; No. 2, $1.00. No. 3, 65c. Wool --Flat, rejects included, per pound, . Tallow--No, 1 solids, 1% to 2c 3%; Ge pound; cakes, 2 to 2%c round. Horsehair--17¢ per pound. Country lamb skins, present take-offs, 10 to 20 cents each, N. Oshawa News (Mrs. T. H. Solomon, Correspon- dent) NORTH OSHAWA, Jop', 27.-- Mrs. Knox gave ar address on health at the Junior League 0° Friday evening. After Sunday 5.1951 on Sun- day, Miss Hazel DeGuerre, of Centre Street United Church, spoke to the young people on re- organizing a Senior League, It was planned to have an eiectlun of officers for Friday evening Lhe 30th, Mrs. A. Walker, Avenue, Oshawa, Walker and Miss R.N., of Toronto, guests of Mr. and Glover. Mr, and Mrs. Hambly and baby of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. Beckett, Mr. and Mrs, Heaslip and faa ily spent Sunday in Toronto Mr, and Mrs, Ernie Towus and family spent Sunday in Orono. Mrs. F. R. Kirby and children spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. E. Hopkins, on Oshawa Blvd, Mrs. John of Kenneth Master Bruce Jenny were Mrs. Suaday Bru .e Alexander visited Waiker with friends at Enfield for a few days, Mr, and Mrs, W. Barrett cele- brated their 26th wedding aun- niversary last week, Courtice News (Mrs, W. R, Courtice, Correspondent) COURTICE, Sept, 26--Mrs, Levi Brunt and Mrs. Etta Page, Ennis- killen, were recent visitors of Mrs. A. J. Scott. Mrs, S. S. Brooks is spending a week with her daughter Mrs, Mar- shall Soules in Toronto. Miss Estella Penfound, Toronte, was with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Penfound over the week-end, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Brent and family, Tyrone, and Miss Annie Al- lin, Bowmanville, were Sunday vis- it . at Reeve G. F. Annis, I'iss Evalene Holt, Toronto, was a recent visitor of her sister Miss Anne Holt, Mr, James Hancock has gone to Guelph to resume his studies at the Agricultural College. Mr, Kenneth Courtice, Mr, 'and Mrs. Hancock and Miss Frances Hancock motored to Guelph with James and had a most enjoyable trip. The monthly meeting of the Mis- sion Circle was held in the home of Miss Hazel Rundle on Thursday vening with Miss Sadie Muir's group in charge. The bible study was splendidly dealt with by Mrs, Frank Rundle, Miss Anne Holt gave a reading, Miss Hazel Rundle a piano solo and a very inspiring missionary address was given by Mrs. Rev, Boyce. After the meet- ing refreshments were served and a soclal time enjoyed. Mrs, Rundle and Miss: Hazel were thoughtful hostesses, The services on Sunday were well attended. In the morning our pas- tor, Rev. H. C. Woliraim preached a fine sermon. In the afternoon it being Rally Day service, the theme "Following Jesus today" was cai. ried out, One of the hynms on the program was nicely sung by the be- ginners and primary pupils and a story "Following Jesus to God's House" was read by Miss Florence Courtice. The story, "The Two Searchers", was given by Mrs. Rev. Wolfraim in a very impressive man- ner after which Mr. Friedli, of B anville, gave an interesting talk to the boys and "Following Jesus Today" dw ellinz on the word "Habit." | Minerva Mrs. W. E. N. Sinclair and Miss Sinclair, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Cecil Wor- den, Canadian Dollars WeacceptCanadian money and American at an hotel for Ca- nadian visitors. in payment of room oy Colton Manor is a favorite Atlantic City olton Manor Dollars Just Alike of One of the finest Hotels ti i Colton Manor is deli in Atlantic City PENNSYLVANIA AVENUES tful at any season, Nationally famous for its hospitality. You will enjoy the delight- ful "Ship's Deck". 250 Rooms. Overlooking the ocean. Sea Water Baths, Resident Physician. if desired. European Plan » v v 14 7 4 PAUL AUCHTER, Mansger A.C. ANDREWS, President Still At Large Pembroke.-- Frank Whitford, who it is claimed ran amok on Saturday with a high powered rifle in Connaught Settlement, is still at large in spite of an in- tensive search by provincial of- ficers Kenny and a posse of arm- ed men, Prices in Chile, are mounting. Manila, P.I., will beautity its port, 22% POLO STAR'S MOTHER TAKES THE REINS A famous sportswoman, and a sportsman's mother, Mrs, Thomas Hitchcock, Sr., here isgshown on one of her +f, ts ag she ded the annual running of the classic Meadowbrook Cup race at Westbury, Long Island. Mrs. Hitchcock is a polo fan and helped to coach her son, Tom- my Hitchcock, to stardom. i "LET'S GET TOGETHER!" MR. & MRS. THRIFTY BUYER We Introduce 10 Ramee SE SE RE LE NN ECW -- VICTORY FOR CANADA For the first time in the history United States, Canada captured the inter-club relay trophy, awarded annually for sportsmen pilots, through the participation of Sydney Nes- bitt, captain of the team, a member of the Mont: shown above, and three Toronto Sportsmen Mr. Nesbitt also won first prize in the sportsmen's pilot 21-mile free-for- all race, wif'ch is also the first time nadian. In the photograph are shown: Centre, tha inter-club relay tro- phy; on the laft and right the individual trophies which become the personal property of Mr. Nesbitt, together with a bronze medal. of the Nationzl Air Races in the Light Airplane Club, At the sama time this award has been won by a Ca- THIS 100% FOOD is 100% CANADIAN Two very good reasons why you should enjoy it--and it only costs a few cents. Start today with two Shredded Wheat Biscuits crisped in the oven and smothered in milk, hot Shredded Wheat is 100%, whole wheat --100% Canadian wheat. SHREDDE| MADE IN CANADA + BY CANADIANS + OF CANADIAN WHEAT ' 12 BIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX WHEAT or cold. | 9%e; | tubs, 15¢: TORONTO WHOLESALE FRUIT Apples, No. 1 Duchess, 07 (Selling) Toronto dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, tons, 3%¢; fresh extras, loose, 28c; firsts, 22c; seconds, 15c, Butter -- No. 1 creamery, prints, 26c; No. 2 creamery, prints, 24c. Cheese--New twins, 12%e; new stiltons, 16%c¢c; twins, 17c. Poultry--Broilers, 25¢ to 30c: chickens, 5 to 6 1bs., 25¢ 1b.: 4 to 5 lbs, 22¢; 3 to 4 lbs, 20c; under 21% 1bs., 28c; Hens, over 15 1bs., 20 to 23c; 4 to 5 1bs,, 18 {to 20c. Ducklings, 22 to 25c, TORONTO WHOLESALE PROVISIONS Toronto provision dealers are quoting the following prices to | local retail dealers: | Pork--Ham 123 shoulders, 10 to 1lc; loins, 18ec. Cured 70 ifn car- 2c: 12%¢ large, triplets, large, triplets, 1l4ec. 01d, 163%c; to 13%c: butts 13e¢; meats--"* Long clears bg. 915c; 90 to 100 Shorts all clear, 17c; bellies 14 to 20 Ibs., | middles 50 to 70 1bg., 13c. Lard--Pure, tierces, 10%c; tubs, 11e; pails, 11%c; | 11%. Shortening --Tierces, 9¢; tubs, palls, 9c; prints, 10e, Special pastry--Tierces, 1414¢; pails, 15%e, PRICES hamper ...... 0.50 Do., No. 2 0.40 Blueberries, 11 qts. Po. 6 qts. .... Cantaloupes, 20-qt. basket .. Peaches, 6 qts. .. Do., 11 gis, ... Plums, 6 qts. ... Do., 11 qts. Thimbleberries, Pint cee... Fruits, Imported-- Apples, hox ..... 2.75 Bananas, 1b. .... 0.061% Grapefruit, case 5.25 Lemons, case .... 9.50 Oranges, Cal. Val. 4.50 Pears, case ..... 3.26 Vegetables, Domestic-- Beans, wax, 11 qts. 0.20 Do., green, 11 qts. 0.20 Beets, doz, ........ 0.10 Cabbage, hamper 0.25 Carrots, doz. 0.1 Cauliflower, hamper 05 Celery, doz. Corn, doz. ...... Cucumbers, 11 qts. 0.20 Gherkins, 6 qts, 0, Lettuce, head, crate 0.50 Marrows, 11 qts. 0.15 Onions, pickling, 11 qts. 0.75 Onions, doz. bunches 0.15 Do., 11 gts. cov 10.25 Do., 100-1b. bags 9c; | prints, A NEW Economy Line CALLED THE 4 Square Line For twenty-five years we have served our Oshawa friends and customers most faithfully and with extreme diligence. Our prices have been the lowest possible, consistent with the quality of merchandise and the multi. tudinous services rendered, We have never been wndersold, and are determined not to be, nor are we curtailing any of our numerous services. Our policy has been to put into effect a price reduction immediately the wholesale price is lowered, and to offer free deals as soon as they are available. This week we agnounce a number of mew low prices, as well as an entirely new economy-line of household drugs called the FOUR SQUARE LINE. Be sure you examine this new line, as well as all these BARGAINS FOR THURS.. FRI, SAT. Rolls Razors $6.95 $8.95 Stag Cream 35¢ ~ Shaving LINSEED 4 SQUARE MEAL 12 @ Ce ENVELOPES 15¢ FREE! FREE! With 100 Sheets of Fine Parco 15¢ PENS 98¢c French Balm Large 4 SQUARE MILK OF MAGNESIA 16 oz. 29¢ VELLUM WRITING PAPER In Pad Form. Both for 25¢ a SE eA ROXBURY SYRINGE HOT WATER FITTINGS X-Bazin Cream or Powder 34c¢c 39¢ Bronchial Syrup Acts ing 10 " Velvo Sanitary Napkins 25c¢ Lorie Wave Set 35¢ BOTTLE Regular 75¢ Two quart Sizo Guaranteed aE uh Le ----.-- he minutes 50¢ Rexall Jad Salts 54c 4 SQUARE Norwegian COD LIVER OIL 16 oz. 43 69¢ COMBS Chamois Skins POCKET Res. 25s - "24. B Reg: 50c .. ...39¢ GENTLEMEN'S Reg. 75¢c ......54¢ Reg. $1.10 ....74c Reg. $1.50 ..$1.19 Reg. 25¢ ......ce0eeees18¢ Reg. 35c¢ edge Reg. $2.25 ..$1.49 BRR RA RRR Kidney Pills 50c Loose-Leaf Notebooks 19¢ Reudel Saltrates 39¢ Lysol s Pink- ham's Purse Cara Nome Face, Powder 25¢ 89, Compound Cutex 29¢c Blond®x Shampoo New Size 24c 4°7¢c 93¢c Conde Castile LADIES' Special Offer on Parker Pens as seni 9e ..18¢c We credit you with $1.25 for any old pen on a new $3.00 Parker, $2 allowed on any pen on a new $7. Parker pen or up to $8.50, $2.50 for any old pen on a new $10.00 Parker Duofold Pen, 75c allowed for any gold mounted pencil on a $3 to $3.75 Parker, $1. allowed for any old gold mounted pencil on a $4 or $5 Pencil. 4 SQUARE 15¢ size Pe _Boracic Acid i tr, ----, 4 SQUARE 4 SQUARE . A. S. A. Glycerine Tablets yo 25¢ 25¢ Chest 50c Rubber Gloves 39c¢ Salts 69c Kruschen For headache, Rosewater neuralgia, etc. Reg. 25¢ Fruitatives Rub 29¢ | '15¢ 19¢ | 43¢ ounce Boot's Meloids sto | 25e¢ Floor Wax POUND TINS 29¢ VAPURE Relieves Head Colds. 50c MUS- KEE- KEE Herbal Kleenex 23c 2 for 45¢ 4 SQUARE SHAVING CREAM '§50¢ 259¢ size Odcrono D&R Creams 32¢ 55¢ 8%¢ 23c¢ 43¢c 79¢ 4 SQUARE Tooth Paste 50¢ 2¢ size BEEF, Scribbler and WINE and Pencil 10¢ IRON 16 oz. 59c RUBINSTEIN BELCANO TOILETRIES ELIZABETH ARDEN JASMINE RARE JURY & LOVELL THE REXALL STORES Free Delivery SGxST.5 KING ST., E. PHONE 28 - TRUSSES ELASTIC STOCKINGS SURGICAL AND HOSPITAL SUPPLIES

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