ab aa PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1932 Farmers Should Avoid Unprofitable Practices While many unprofitable prac- tices are followed on farms through- out the country there would appear to be three that are outstanding that should lony ago have been cor- rected, observes J. B. Spencer, Di- rector of Publicity, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, These prac- tices are the thick sowing of corn or a fodder crop; the rotting down of farmyard manure; and the carry- ing on of dairy farming with cows the production of which is not de- termined by modern methods, It is manv vears since it becam generally understood that the thick planting of corn not only wasted soed, but resulted in a crop of low t has long been information ward manure the same rate Still these two permitted to | cause amongst particularty of who can ill is incurred. practices arc excuse for 2, housing so little in the produc- tnethods in this herds fitabl rofitable far at public that value about loses weight ices are 1c SSE€S rmers r vaste that mn as these more them teedin and milkinz cows that give as not to pav their own way herd. of ws for tion | 1 1{ which are the 1¢€ Federal within the past fiscal year under the Live Stock Branch cow testing policy, which operates in all the provinces except British Colum- hia, Saskatchewan and Ontario. That is to say of the more than 1,800,000 cows trouble was taken to weigh and test the milk and only 30,000 during sufficient ot' their lact- tation period to indicate the returns they were making through the milk pail. Of this number 13,180 cows averaged 5810 pounds of milk, con taining 230.77 pounds of butterfat; 2.350 cows gave 300 pounds of but- terfat and upwards. Three of the herds averaged more thaa 500 pounds of butterfat and 28 averazed 400 per cow. tested, The discovery by testing of the actual production of cows usually leads to several advanced steps in farming practice. The unprofitable producers are no longer maintained in the herd, and the better cows are greater care. More suitable and heavier vielding fecds are grown, and improvement hy the use of better sires is at once com- menced. - given having thei: twenty farmers in herds tested upwards of are employed by dairy promoters ! iricul To assist ty | | not the «¢ the Federal Department of Ag ! ture in encouraging and helping in testing nw testing were associations of there 204 Operating in wince Alberta, Manjtoba, and the three itime pro § Branch at and dir \dern { wit] n Cc the of SE vinces. Ottawa i dairy mers in lizing meth 1 determining whether are producing milk. in tities. ect € ds 1 ws au 1u HOW HOUSEWIVES ARE VICTIMIZED Ingenious Dodges Are Tried by Door to Door Racketeers racketewor them | housewife, the trusting She is offered a box of stationery for 10 cents or hal a dozen neckties for §1 Afte the salesman has left the door she discovers that, folding process she ha one sheet of paper aud velope, or one necktie wit 11 end pinned to the method .of muleting clever bought One © color bottom, scrap STORY BEHIND 'of De ter. | r ldo who Fas been polica, look ou nex: to de- r to her easy is one sually no ap- excited, io with FINE EXHIBIT Woman of 86 Wins Her First Prize for Needlework sord and recording of herds | or | Ther through a | SMALL INDUSTRIES WEATHER STORM Western "Canada Finds Small Plants Holding Up Well Time will show that centers in the Western States and in Western (Canada, where small industries predominate, will have made relatively greater progress during this depression than Eas- tern industrial centres in which large industries account for most of the output. "If it keeps fit, the little busi ness will stand up and win ont over many a big business,' said a prominent gpeaker at the gec- ond annual Conference of Small Industries, at Silver Bay, N.Y, recently. This js the day of the small in- dustry, 'Small plants, operating as a branch or as a separately or ganized "concern in which West ern capital participates, will ach ieve success more rapid and more substantial than that of biz en terprises loaded with overhead far beyond the requirements of the times Persistent, steady. up-bnilding of small industries, diversified to snit the needs of the market, is | creating in the City of Winnipeg an industral structure equalled by few cities of like size in Am erica, Winnipeg' in building for | permanence. A manufacturer en- | tering the field will find, as his neighbors, branches of many of | the leading industries of the | East and Western enterprises with half a century of progr behind them. And there are more than 60 of industrial indnst | sen Th wal 'ne mar alone sificat in the { pride in industrial Your i becoming ommun vestment more sub RAISING BACON HOGS CHALLENGE. + 10 CANADIANS Agriculture is Preparing to Take Advantzge of U.K. Ledger'sMen's Wear OSHAWA Bankrupt Buy Branded Merchandise From 25 p.c. to 50 p.c. Below Wholesale Cost 4-Big Specials-4 MEN'S 2-PANT SUITS Fine Worsted Materials in smart stripes, blue and brown, Some have rope shoulders. Pants ............oi iar TERR MEN'S GUARANTEED BOTANY SERGE SUITS 2 Pants, specially priced for quick clearance. Exceptional value, MEN'S SERGE AND WORSTED SUITS While they last MEN'S FINE SHIRTS |: Collars attached and two separate collars, Tooke, Arrow, Moneypenny, Kenmore. least double the mcney Next to Karn's Drug Store Ledger's Men's Wear | | Times Classified Ads Results neni 312.95 $14.95 lege, | Near the Post Office WOMEN WELCOMED AT LECTURES AON © Were Once | Prohibited Frond Attending Public Gatherings HEA ¢ ymrch | Edrthy's Transvaal names have been on the programs of the "B.A." for many rears, meet and listen to one another at the British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science gathering. Professor © Beatrice Edgell, of Jedford College, Regent's Park delivered the presidential address on Psychology. . Professor Dame Hel- en Gwynne-Vaughan, carried her own subject, "Fungi," a stage fur- ther than before. ; It is good to find .hat trees are receiving special attention from science, those who cut them down ruthlessly in their prime "to make a vista," and do not replant them when ill fortune has befallen them, may now' be induced to make a study of them. Miss M. M., Chat- taway, who is now working in the Wood Structure Department of the Imperial Forestry Institute, had a paper in this division of the Bo tanv section, Anthropology is favorite branch among women, evidently a very of science now Miss Gertrude Cat- on-Thompson spoke of "Recent Discoveries of Kharga Oasis," where this distinguished anthropol- ogist has been hard at work in conjunction with Miss E, W, Gar- ner, the geologist, also a lecturer. Dr. M. Murray, of University Col- I.oddon, lent diversity to the proceedings by talking about "The Roval Tail Festival in Ancient Ilgvot? (her favorite hunting rround) and Mrs. Robert Aitken Albert Halstead, American Consul General in London, at his desk in the Consulate in London after he had announced he would retire on September 19th, at the age of 65. He has been con- sul General In London since 1928 being Montreal where he was exceedingly popular. HALSTEAD RESIGNS is seen here previously stationed in the subject of the Kivas of the anthropological theme, Aitken said that the Kivs an fmnortant fer he villages of | Mexico fact, fulfil nnon Hano, Mrs, men's lodges, of social lite in tl Preblo Indians of Arizona, and, in purposes, that a club, of and of a worshin. Miss discourse, "The Tribes of Mocambiqua" is the result of wide experience as a m the ture the ind three | New of ssionary in Schoo; when a Temperance pre- | | gram will be given. Ferguson, present regular Rally will be carried out, Barnes, will be the speaker. Miss the we lumbus, chology is a rubber stamp upon a slippery dodging Mr. W. C. | pressed - Maxwell Bodenheim 3Jowmanville, will | ghost." - give a Temperauve . church service th 'Money hag never yet formed Day programme | 20 environment for anything; Rev, Joseph only genius or talent or what lies Oshawa, a former within you can do that."--Mary Garden. and At the pastor, oil is -not the source nf banks."---Henry "The wealth { Ford. rn the home spent spel Co- Lillian Dearhc ¢k-end at her Voor Grove (Miss Marion Snowden, Corres- pondent) GROVE, Sept. Mrs. Will Flora and son 0 ie and Mrs. Wes, Kerr, onto, visited their her Mr. R. D. Trimble, on Sunday. Mi 3 Susie laird, Prince Al-| rt. spent the week-end with her and Mrs. A, Laird Snowden visited on Sat rae) Wriz had | | ent bree public school on Fr 21, - Melean, Bruce, | To- APLE po Mr Mras Sam elatives in Cobourg Master Charlie misfortune to fa 3 arm at ninetv-siv at 1 also A the eo were 1] on Sunday ha en | Sunday here will at th Sun- | ! DEEP-CUT DRUG PRICES JURY & LOVELL'S Vacuum Bcttles (with cup-cap) Cees .28%c Absorbent Cciton, high-grade, lb. cress insO3C Genu'ne Thermos, quart size en .8119 Playing Cards, linen finish .. Dodd' s Kidney Pills . Ipana Tooth Faste, Castoria Minards Liniment . . Noxzeme, 25¢ size Prcbak Elodes, Mecca Ointmert, .. Palmolive Shaving Cream eats 37¢c and 73c ivan .49¢ 18, 2 for 35¢ .doz. 25¢ Floor Wax. Four Square, Ib. .... are s sa lBe er vee Be, 2 for 15¢ ..19¢, 2 for 35¢ reruns vi2BE Pepsodent Tocth Pacte .. Scotts' Emulsion Syringe Fittings iia Whisks, ring handle Velvo Sanitary Napkins, ........ Auto Strop Knives ........ Baby Pants, heavy, ines senes Fruitatives, 50c size ............. SAVE WITH SAFETY AT THE REXALL DRUG STORES PLZZLE: WHICH HORSE WOULD YOU BET ON? racers in this picture; but one is alive and winning and the other is a< inert as Can you tell which is which? All right, Questionnaire, with and at the right is the very dead Phar Lap, ridden by Jockey Bert of Australia, was sent to the taxidermist--where many a plater were, at the Empire City track, here two famous most of the Carroll vp is at he Iatter, © WGILL CREDITED | ".._ FOR ATOMIC WORK ~ CHANG Distinguished Scientist Says | SUNDAY, Sept. 25. | : | Pull information mow in hands of agents | Sr commit" | Ei Carian p ay National Pacific The BEST way to stop. CON STIPATION INothing like Fruit-a-tives 'TIME TABLE CHANGES picked to win, the left, wonder horse nags you've Jackey Crawford, should as it was mounted, Travel the King's Highway Change of Time Table 25th, Gray Montreal. First definite atomic transformation is attributed to McGill Univer by Lord Rutherford, physicist at Cambridg. University, Experiments carried out at McGill have ned up the way for tremendous ance mn physics, Lord Rutherford states in an article appearing in the McGill News. "Now that 30 years have passed | since the first dircet evidence obtained of the transmutation of matter, I think we can with | some perspective the gradual devel opient our ideas on this ject," Lord Ruthervord writes. "I would like to take this Oppor tunity to emphasize that the credit ior the first definite proof of atomic transformation belongs to McGill University. It was in the Macdon ald Physics Building in the vears 1902-1904 that Soddy (Professor Frederick Soddy, now of Oxford University) and I accumulated the experimental evidence that the | radioactive elements were unde; going spontaneous transformation, | The disintegration theory, advanced in explanation of 'the observations, has stood the test of time and has formed the basis of all subcequent | dzvelopments," proof of sity new time Coach Lines Commencing Sunday, September tables will be in effect on all routes, OSHAWA-TORONTO 25th. LEAVE TORONTO AM. P.M. a3.30 4.50 5.30 6.30 a7.30 8.30 20.30 10.30 11.30 "I wasin a very bad way with constipa« | tion, My stomach was off-colour and 1 kept having hear achsafter headache, Quite frequently I had severe painsin my joints and muscles, The gen- | eral effect was very depressing. Indeed, T felt 80 wretched that I was about to give up work. Today my health in excellent and I certainly feel that 'Fruit-as tives' played a large part in bring ing this abouts | They toned up my entire system.' was View of sub- Eastern Standard Time--FE(ffective Sept. LEAVE OSHAWA AM. P.M, Fruit-a-tives . . . all drug stores | RHEUMATISM Pour Minard's into a warm dish. Rub liniment gently in; then apply it according to directions . . and soon you'll get reliefi Sun. & Hol. only. o--dally except Sun, h--=Sun. only. a--Sat., REALLY KILL Dne pad kills flies 211 day and every 'ay for 2 or 3 weeks, 3 pads in each packet. No spraying, no' stickiness, Copies of the new time tables will be available at all offices and agencies, GRAY COACH LINES hone, 2825 It may take the return of the liquor traffic, a liquor orgy, he- fore they (the States) are con- | ro bad odor. Ask your Druggist, Grocery or General Store, 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? [HE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont, | MARCHING ON--TO OBLIVION OR RESTORATION? vinced that conditions are ht Thoug he approaches 76 years of age, the former Kaiser Wilhelm II strides forward with energy in this, nds of "Zandvocrt on the north seacoast of Holland, whee the under prohibition. br. Wi'- his latest picture. It was token on the sa | liam Hyde Russell, founder of formar. Al-Hinhest is spending a tion. The fo-mer Kaiser is in the centre with the white note Anti-Saloon League, | how completely his beard, moustaches and hair have greyedy Genosha Hotel, hawa vac: cap;