Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Sep 1932, p. 6

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A) ae 0 . : i 3 ir ¢) IL ---- eit Ne THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1932 ------ ' Wom en's Interests in the Home and the Con muni Social and Personal Readers are invited ta_sub- mit social and personal items for publication in this column, Kindly send 'or phone them .0 The Times office, Phone 35 or after office hours to Phone 2448. Mrs. Fred Smith and daughter Bernice, ofg Millbrook, were Sunday guests of sr. and Mrs, L, H. Dun- ford, McLaughlin Boulevard. Ed Mr. Paul Somerville, of Port Hope, and Mr. Lloyd Byam, Mill- brook, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dunford, McLaugh- lin Boulevard. L - Mr. Frank Prendergrast, advertis- inz manager of the Imperial Oil Company, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Ad * Mr. Donald Lewis, of Brockville, was visiting rclatives in Oshawa on Monday. . 0» Mr. and Mrs. W. M, Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. George Hart ar- rived home on Saturday after a ten days' trip to Temagami, in Northern Ontario, * Ld Ld Mr, and Mrs. W, A. Dryden of Brooklin, have gone south tc spend the winter in Texas. Ld . . Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wood, Sim- | have returned | home from a motor trip to Que- | coe Street North, bec and a week's visit to Fenelon Falls, » * ¥ Miss Hilda Ford, oque, is visiting friends city. of Ganan- in the LJ L - Mr. Mrs. A E. Aznes teenth terday. and St. LJ LJ Ll Miss J. C. Storrar and Miss Ann Storrar of Toronto, spent the week-end with. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLaughlin, 57 Colborne St. East, PAINT? NOT SHE! Pretty as a painting is Mlle. Ria Rubens (above), popular European dancer, And perhaps one of the reasons for it is that Ria is a descendant of Peter Paul Rubens, famed Flemish painter. No, she doesn't paint--not even her face! Baca HE., ¢! CAC! Lt ADDER TROL i. " SBE o 3087 iE PRY Only a memory now CONSTIPATION Once nearly crippled him "1 felt so wretch= ed and crippled by constipation headaches a dizziness that I was about ready to give up work. 1 tried Fruit-a- tives and got wonderful relief in a remarkably short time."--Mr. W, S., Westport, Ont. Fruit-a-tives, the great discovery of a brilliant doctor, stimulates FIVE vital organs to work naturally. Try it} It is positively without an equal for overcoming constipation, headaches, backaches and indigestion; also ill. standing, such as 5¢. and 0c, nesses of lon rheumatism, Fruit-a-tives : Shaw, | celebrated their fif- | wedding anniversary yes- | ] Mr, D. MacFarlane has return- ed home after his recent opera- tion in Oshawa General Hospital. . LJ A most enjoyable time was spent at Gamma Cottage, Bon- niebrae Point, last evening, when a number of the friends of Mr. J. H, Hurst made a surprise visit to wish him a happy birthday. The evening was spent in playing cards, etc., after which delight- ful refreshments were served by the visitors. Among those pres- ent were Mr. and Nrs. W, Med- land, Mrs. Powell, Mrs, W. Gor- don and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Opens New Season Last evening a large and ap- preciative attendance enjoyed the opening meeting of the Osh- awa Music Study Club, held at the very attractive home of Mrs, W. E. Davis, © 399 Simcoe St. North, who was a most gracious hostess, A unique friendliness was dis- played as each guest entered, a small slip of paper was pinned to their back on which was writ- ten the name of either a musical term, composition or composer and each asked questions until they could guess what was writ- ten on their own back. Mrs. Andison, continuing presi- ent, after a word of welcome, outlined the programmes for the year, after which the following very pleasing and delightful pro- gramme was presented: Vocal solo--(a) The Tree; (b) Mighty Lak' by Master Jack Coad. Piano solo-----Hungarian Dance, (McDowell) by Miss Mary Me- Brady. Vocal solo-- (a) Minuet, (Spencer), | Gray. Recitation---Solo of the Violin "y Mrs, C. M. Mundy. Vocal duyet--Tell Her 1 Love Her So (P. de Faye) by Mrs, A. Fisher and Miss L. Garrow, The prozram conluded with a contest, which included a vocal quintette by Mrs, J. Fleming, | Mrs. Bateman, Mrs. Daniels, | Misses Leah Garrow and Marion 108s, The very able | were Mrs, Baldwin, | bon and Mrs, Holden, Then followed a social hour in whieh dainty refreshments were served. Mrs, D. M, Tod thanking | all those who contributed in any way to the enjovable evening. The meeting closed with "God Save the King." What New York Is Wearing | LOVELY AND SMART AS | PAINT IS TODAY'S Apron With Its Modish Caped Neckline It is designed ty give the figure a slim line, The neckline is ex- tremely neat and trim, It's so simple and comfy 0 slip into when one finds it nec- essary to go into the kitchen with her "bestest" dress. You can bind all the edges with a contrasting colour It yon prefer. The buttons may match the binding. Pique, dimity, linen, percales, gingham and many rayons novel- ties are suitable for this model. Style No. 823 is. designed in sizes small, medium and large. Medium size requires 2 yards 36-inch with 7 3.4 yards binding. Lilac a Rose, (b) Leo Rain; by Mrs. accompanists Mrs. MeGib- Our Summer Fashion Maga- zine will help you economize. It includes styles for the miss, the stout, the matron and adorable models for the kiddies. Also modern. embroidery for the home, lingerie, pajamas, etc. Price of BOOK 15 cents, Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is prefer- red). Wrap coin carefully. : Address orders to: Pattern Editor, Oshawa Daily Times, MAKE AND KEEP YOU WELL a -- Oshawa, | little pool. 38c. Red Rose Tea ORANGE PEKOE z1b. Its Quality satisfies. There's By Thornton W. Burgess A SHY DRINKER When you find people extra shy Be sure there is a reason why, --Reddy Fox. It is not for nothing that Reddy Fox regarded as one of the smartest of all the people who wear fur and live in the Green Forest or on the Green M ..dows. Reddy 5 smart. Yes, sir, Reddy is smart. He has nced to be. A Fox who is not smart never lives to 0ld age, In- deed, he seldom lives to grow up. Taking note of httle things and not forgetting them is nnportant for everybody, but especially so for one of Reddy's family, Reddy is won-, derrully expert in this. Eyes, ears | and nose are const@atly working, and nothing is of such sceming hit! importance be overlooked. it is in this way that he learns mu { about his neighbors and their af | fairs. It would surprise of | them to lcarn how much Reddy | does know about them. It was early in Junc that late onc afternoon Reddy leit the Old Pas- | ture and entered the Green Forest, He had nothing special on his mind He was not headed for any place in particular. He was sunply out for | what he m.ght find where he might | happen to rom, As the Black | | Shadows began to creep' through the Green Forest Reddy found oth- ers astir. He niet .Unc' Billy Pos- sum, who grinned at him from the top of a stump. Over on the bank of the Laughing Brook he face to face with Bobby Coon, They were most polite to each other Each inquired after the health of { the other and then went on about his own business. Presently. Reddy came to a quiet le was hidden by fern he stopped and stood per- all that wa risk Is as to some Cane 1 As us 1.otly still so to be seen without running th of being himself by any cise who might happen to be near. "Nobody here," thought Reddy and | lifted a foot to take & step. He didn't put that root down, but with | it still llited stood motionless. Some | one was coming down to the vater! on the other side 0f that pool, Wit! dainty steps, waving her to catch every smallest sound, lift- | ing. her dainty nose to the Merry | Little Breeze for the scents it might carry, with her oreat soft eye searchin the Black Shadows, came | as to sec seen one bir ears Mrs, Lightfoot the Deer. Slowly Reddy put that foot down He had no special interest in Mrs. | Lightfoot, She was far too big to| have any cause for fear of him, He | really didn't carc whether she saw | him or not, Still, out of force of nabit he remained hidden, watching | to see what she would do, Down to the water's edge came Mrs, Lightfoot. For a moment or | two she stood perrectly still, look- | ing, listening and smelling. ' Then | she lowered her head and drank. It | { It was a beautiful picture but one that | Reddy had seen before many ties. | He was just about to step out to! say good evening wl... it occurred | to him that this was not Mrs. Lightfoot's usual drinking place He couldn't recall ever having seen her here before. Also, it struck him | that she was unusually shy. This | wasn't the dreadful hunting season, | Then why was Mrs. Lightioot so careful? Why w i; she so shy? What had she to fear? : Reddy puzzled over this as he watched Mrs, Lizhtioot finish her drink wnd steal away as cadtiously a; she had come. "Even in the hunting season T never saw her more careful." uttered Reddy, "It is perfectly plain that she didn't want to be scen by anyone. 1 won- der If Puma the Panther has been hunting f.r her or she had had an accidental meeting with Buster Bear and been given a fright. Anyway, she is nervous, She certainly is nervous, She"-- Reddy didn't finish, He abruptly sat down and grinned. "Babies"! he exclaimed under his breath, "She has babies hidden somewhere near here." (Copyright, 1932, T. W. Burgess) The next story: When a Ndse i Was Useless WHAT A MAN he's going to be! He rrLavs outdoors in the fresh sunshine. He sleeps like a top. And how he cats! Watch him as he dips lustily into his Rice Krispies and miitk and does his part towards building a strong body and rugged constitution. Kellogg's Rice Krispies are a cercal that fascinates chil- dren--and onc of the best they can cat! Crisp, nourishing rice bubbles that actually crackle in milk or cream. Serve for breakfast, fr lanch--for the evening meal. Kellogg's Rice Krispics are so casy to digest, they invite rest- ful sleep. How much better for youngsters than so many hot, heavy dishes. Always oven-fresh in the red-and-green package with the sealed inside waxTiTE bag. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Quality guaranteed. 9, INSURANCE District Alger Bldg. CELSIOR 1]11 rere Ml MW Plan now to have gold in your pockets when there's silver in your hair. J. W. McCLELLAN Manager, COMPANY OSHAWA | acempanied Mrs. LATEST MOVIE STAR "Irene Kichards', latest star in the British film firmament, better known in Canada as the wife of Sir James Dunn, Canadian finan- c¢ler who lives in London, is pictured above. Lady Dunn, before her first marriage, when she became Mzrchioness Queensberry, had some stage experience in musical comedy. With Sir James, Lady Dunn will spend several weeks at their Camp near Bathurst, N.B., and is to make another picture on her return to London, Says College Women Not Wanted as Wives Interviewing wo- | Winnipeg of the men | men on the subject :ollege women marry---or don't marry---a woman's page editor was given vatious opinions, | A wowan member of the Mani- toba univerzity staff, pointed oul that of the dozen or so Rhodes men residing in Winnipeg, a! birt four were married to college women, "It: is girl parades her she. spolls her chances," she added half-educated woman thu gensible man would fle true scholar usually 1s |e ionated than many a high schol girl." Statistics from the University Women's Club of Winnipeg also Jrove that slightly more than half their membership hay achieved matrimony, while 45 per cont. of the married group are wives of professional men "And no divorces or rumors ot divorees," the secretary The subject of discussion ar: se when Dr. Madge Hurlow Macklin, asgistant professor of embryology | it the University of Western On- tario, l.ondon, Ont. laid a com plaint against college men, who married year after vear women of inferior learning, the tendenc) being away from race progress She spoke in New York hefor the International Congress of Eugenics, HAMPTON LEAGUE OPENS FOR SEASON Rev. W. Rackham Gave Helpful Talk to Gather- ing of Young People only | knowledge thar matrimonial auy Tlie s-opin adds, (Miss T.. Horn, Correspondent) HAMPTON, Sept. 17, There was an attenddnce of about fitly at the opening meeting of the Young People's League on Friday night. Albart Rundle was the vice-president in charge of the meeting, The Bible Lesson was read by Jackson Wray and the devotiona| period taken hy rio» ence Burns, Mrs. George Bar- ron and Mr. Theodore Salter eang, "Let the Lower Lights be Durning." Rev. W. Rackham zave a very helpfu; talk to the voung people, Miss N. Horn fa- vored with a plano solo and also K, Caverley in her voea] solo, "To a Hil} Top." Mrs. Harold Salter contributed to the litarary part of the program with a reading entitled "Oppor- tunity." A contest was engaged in at the close followed by games on the lawn in the moonheht Mr. and Mrs. Rbbins, Burke- ton, visited at the home or here Maud Robbins, recently, Miss Grace Cunningham, Fen elon Falls, is visiting her grand- mother, Mrs. Crace Clatworthy. Mr. Clifford Allin, has purch- ased a new corn cutter, Miss Jessie Knox left on Tues- day to attend Normal School, at Peterborough. Mrs. Pirrie, Tronto, is visiting her sister. Mrs, Wilbert Craig. Mrs. W. W, Horn, and FOL Wallace, are spending a few days in. Buffalo, guests of Mr. and Mr. Milton Avery, A few of his schoo) associaies assisted in eelebrating Austin Barron's birthday on Friday night at hig home. Mr, Henry Clayton spent a few days in Toronto recently, recei=- ing medical treatment on his hand while in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Taylor and | the when a | "It is the | , eral days | Glen | place | and Mrs, E. | Ormiston, daughter, Mr. and Mrs, A. Russell and son, Oshawa, recently visited Mrs, of her The mother, Mrs. Hampton Women's Insti. tute enjoyed an afternoon with Nestleton and Janetviiie branches at Nestleton, on the Tti inst Raglan News (Misy Allie Avery, Correspon- dent) RAGLAN, Sept 16 Wm. Luke recently Mr, anl Mi visited | with relatives in Toronto, Thomas Hazzelwood of has been spending sev- here, visiting relatives and former acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morphct, of lockport, N.Y., Mr, and Mrs Hines of Buffalo, recently visited at the home of Mr, ard Mrs A. J. Grose, Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Luke and family of Detroit, recently visi- ted the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luke. A number from here attended Mr Chicago, | the interment of the lat» Mr. Ed, Holliday, at of Simcoe, which took Groveside Cemetery at Brooklin. The deceased resided in Raglan some years ago, Mr, and Mrs, Malyon and sons, and Mrs. Hart, all of Ux- bridge were recent guests of Mr. Tummonds and Mir Geo A. Malyon, Miss Elsie Wright of Oshawa. spent last week with her friend, Miss - Allie Avery. Mr. A, J, Grose was in Toron- to on Wednesday and took their "Mack" to the hospital where he is suffering from a bro- ken hip, which he received when he was accidentally hit by a car last week, Rev. Mr. of the service evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luke and Miss Susie Bray spent Sunday dog Denney took here charge on Sunday | with friends at Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Ormiston, Enileld, Mr, and Mrs. Everette Mrs, I. Densem and two grandchildren, Erie aud Florence Densem all of Bowman- ville spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm, Avery. The death occurred of the lste Thos. McKee, at the home of his daughter, Mrs, J. F. Evans here, on Mdnhday morning, The funer- al was held from. his late rea' dence at Manchester, on Wednes- day afternoon, interment being made at Pine Grove cemetery. The sorrowing family deepest sympathy of friends hero. His wife pre-deceased him two months ago. Mr, Ivan Moore is filling sil « with his tractor for farmers in Myrtle Taylor at the home | Aldon Trul' | Odds and Ends Will Accumulate | --But We Don't Keep Them The First Days of this Week we have set apart for the clearance of all odds and ends throughout the Baily Ny) 25c¢ IS THE PRICE 25¢ Look the list over--see the special Sale Windows----come to the store and pick up a few réal bargains fcr a "Quarter" Prime JAPARA KAPOK Ib. 25¢ CHICKOBEE Absorbent Cotton - Ib. 25¢ FRILLED MARQUISETTE, reg. 38c, per yard 25¢ Rayon Taffeta, plain & brocade, yd. 25¢ 36" CHECK DRESS FABRICS, reg. 75¢, yd. 25¢ SILKNIT PANTIES, values up to 49¢, ......25¢c Leather Handbags and Purses reg. $1 and up, ea. 25¢ Dress and Coat BELTS, reg up to 75¢. each . .25¢ Fine Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 5 for 25¢ Silk and Artsilk HOSE, up to 79c, pair ......25¢ Mesh HOSE, 1st quality, reg. 49c, pair Men's Fancy SOCKS, regular 49c, pair Women's Chamoisette GLOVES, reg 49¢c, pair 25¢ Misses' Fancy School HOSE, reg. $1.00, pair . Boys' GOLF HOSE, sizes 7 to 10, pair ..... Misses' 3; Mesh SOCKS, reg. 75¢, pair . .. 0.C.V.l. EMBLEMS, reg. 39c, each ...... Babies' RUBBER PANTS, reg. 39c¢ to 50c, . . Women's Balbriggan BLOOMERS, reg. 39c. .25¢ KOTEX (regular size) doz. 25¢ CLEANEX (reg. 25¢ size)2 for 25¢ 45 in. White TABLE OILCLOTH, yard .....25¢c Fancy Rayon and Voile Dresser SCARFS, each 25¢ have tio | FOUR SQUARE FLOOR WAX Made by a renowned Cana- dian manufacturer of pol. ishes and waxes. 29c¢c ONE POUND TIN At The Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell Simcoe S. hone 68 King E. "hone 2 i judgment. { In fact, the majority of dietitians and Linen Guest TOWELS, colored ends, . ...2 for 25¢ RD en this vicinity. The deepest sympathy is exten- ded to the bereaved relatives of the late Mrs. Blanchard. Tae deceased lived here for many vears but had been residing wich relatives at Whitby for the past few years, She had recently cel- ebrated her 90th birthday. Master Frank [Lowney of Myr- tle recently visited his cousin, Jack Bright. CUT OFF LOVER'S NOSE Lahore, India. ~~ The Lahore courts are considering the case of a woman who cut off her lov- er's nose. Pour years ago he cut hers off, and then, refusing to marry her as she requested, taunted her. She roped him to a bed while asleep, and equalized matters, : TO LIFT RADIO BAN ---- Politicians may soon have an opportunity of broadcasting their views from British Broadcasting Corporation stations. This means that the strongest British Broadcasting Corporation ban--that on politi cal controversy---would be lifted. It is understood that the Gover- nors are considering such a step in the autumn, London. l] Times Classified Ads. get results, Miss Jessie Marie De Both makes her delicious Apple Dumplings 'W REN a young housewife asks me what bak- ing powder she should use," says Miss De Both, di- rector of the fa- mous De Both Home Makers' Cooking Schools, "this is my advice: Use the best-- one that is pure, uniform and invari- ably dependable. You can't use second-rate baking powder and ex- pect first-rate results. "My experience with Magic has been particularly happy. I find that it never varies--that it is consist- ently reliable. And I know it is pure, and free from harmful ingredients." Statements by other well-known cookery authorities give whole hearted support to Miss De Both's cookery teachers throughout Canada © use and recommend Magic exclusively, with Magic Baking Powder Apple Dumplings 14 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter Sift into a bowl-flour, baking powder and salt. Rub in the butter. Add milk to make soft dough. Turn out roll intoa "CONTAINS NO ALUM." every Powder ls free will give from alum or any Five You harmful ingre- Thies etatement oD hor oh rd finsic Sarin bake at home, the new FREE COOK BOOK=When you x Magic Cook Book dozens of recipes for deli cious baked foods. Write to Standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. & Liberty Ste * Toronto, Ont

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