Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Sep 1932, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 193% See R.S. McL aughlin's Fine Horses at Oshawa Fair RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONTESTS AT THE 1932 OSHAWA FAIR the show ring when demanded. For animals under one year the name of the animal and the name and record number of the sire and dam will be. accepted when given in writing, In all breed- ing classes of live stock male ani- mals must be pure bred. - 12. Ages of beef cattle ani sheep shall he computed to the 1st day of September, 1932, dairy cattle to the 1st day of August, 1932, Ages of horses shal] be computed.to the 1st day of Jan- uary, 1932, 13. Exhibitors of horses and cattle must bring them forward without special call, according 1» a programme to be printed which will be strictly adhered to, other- wise they will not be considered. 14. No animal or article deem. ed unworthy ghall be awarded a premium, No premium shall be withheld merely because there Is no competition, but the Judge shall award the grade of prem- fum according to the merits of the animal or article exhibited. How Protests Settled 15. All protests will be settled by the Executive Committee. Any exhibitor lodging a protest must make it in writing, and it must be delivered to the Secretary within one hour of the time of making the award. It must state plainly the cause of complaint on appeal and must be accompanied by a deposit of $2.00, which sum shall be forfeited to the Asso- ciation if the protest he not sus- tained, but this provision shal not preclude the right of any Di- rector oy Judge to bring any case of fraud in on exhibitor before the notice of the Executive offi- cers for their consideration, and in which case the Executive Committee reserves full right to act in the premises as fully and to the extent as if a formal pro- test had been made and if any. one enter a protest from impre- per or malignant motives he shall be precluded from exhibit ing for two vears therefrom. 16. Decision of Judges he final, and no protest or appeal wiil be entertained excep! cages of fraud, deception or dis- honest practice in the prepara- tion or ownership, or in any mis- representation concerning anv For the benefit of exhibitors at the Oshawa Fair, and for the in- formation of the thousands who are planning to visit it, below are given the general rules and regu- lations governing the fair this Year:-- 1. The Fair will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day, September 12, 13 and 14th, 1932. Monday is exhibitors' day only. Tuesday and Wednesday are show days. 2. Competition will be open to all except when otherwise speci- fied in the Prize List. 3. The annual membership fee is $1.00, and each exhibitor must have a member's ticket before making entries, a registered firin being regarded as one exhibitor 4. In the Horse, Cattle and Sheep Classes, the entry must 1m every instance be made in the name of the bano-fide owner and unless this rule be observed no premium will be paid. If any person shall exhibit an animn! of which he is not the bona-fide owner, he shal) forfeit all prem- iums which may be awarded him, and be precluded from exhibiting for one or more years. Exhibitors will please note the special rulus at the head of each Departmert in the Prize List. These will he strictly observed by the society and are a part of these rules. 5. In all classes, fruits except- ed, entries must be made in the names of the producers or manu- facturers only, and by such pro-| ducers or manufacturers therw- selves in person or theéir proper- ly authorized agent. If any person shall exhibit any produce or manufactured article or ex- hibit of any kind in any of the Departments other than those named in Rule 4, of which he is not the bona-fide owner he shall forfeit all premiums which may be awarded him, and be preclud- ed for one or more years. 6. Except in live stock no per- son shall be gllowed to enter for competition more than one speci. men in any one section of a class unless the additional article be of a' distinct named variety or pat- tern from the first, Exhibits Ready Monday 7. All exhibits in poultry, bal- ter, cut flowers, plants, fine arts, ladies' work, grain and seed: roots vegetables, freit, miscellan- eous articles and merchants' ex- hibits must be in place on the grounds on Monday, September 12, 1932, by 6 p.m., and remain until the close of the Fair. All horses and cattle must be on the grounds by 12 p.m. on Tuesday, September 13th, ad remain unti! the close of the Fair. Exhibitors may stable horses off the grounds if there is no room thereon, bu: they must be on the grounds both days for show purposes, 8. No animal shal] be allowed to compete in more than one class or section, except in case of specials, sweepstakes, or when shown in pens or herds. 9. All articles intended competition must be in strict ac- cordance with the Prize List, Any entry disqualified under this rule should he so marked by the Chairman of the Department. An article so marked shall not com- pete or be awarded a premium. 10. All horses and cattle mus: he securely tied in their stalls or pens. Horses of all ages should be exhibited on the halter or in harness as required. Ca'. tle of all ages should be shown on the halter. Sheep shall be co- fined in pens. Owners shall com- ply with such minor regulations for their safe custody and fair and complete exhibition as the Chairman of the Department may order on the day of the Show. 11. The registration certificate of al] animals shown in the pure bred classes must be produced in ' sha'l may have affected, or attempted to affect, the decision of ths Judges, or upon the discovery o* any fraud or deception in making an entry, or entries, on the part of any exhibitor. The payment u! all prizes awarded te said exhi- bitor shall be withheld and they shall be prohibited from exhi't ing for one or more years. Any prize or prizes so withheld shall be awarded as though such exhi- bitor had not shown or exhibited, No Interference With Judges 17. Any person who attempts to interfere with or influence the Judges while in discharze of their duties, or at any time use: any contemptuous or abusiva language to a Judge, or within his hearing, in consequence of any award made by him, shall forfeit his right to al} premiuns to which he might otherwise he entitled, and be excluded from exhibiting for one year thereaf- ter, 18. The entry form which I= binding upon the exhibitor shall contrin a statement that all formation given and statemen': made by him are true and that ho agrees to he governed by the rules and regulations of the ex hibition. 19. No person or persons shall be allowed to display any badges or prize ticket secured at the fair until such time as the awards have heen made, 20. Grain must be the zrowth of the current Grass and clover seed may be the product for ine Car RELL. . - ee ---- ee ad OQ SEE THE NEW "Empire-Built"' Motor Coach _ ON DISPLAY | -- AT -- 'Oshawa Fair The fluid flywheel and epicyclic transmission are in- troduced -for the first time on this continent in the new Empire-built motor coaches placed in service by Gray Coach Lines a few weeks ago. One of these vehicles is included in Gray Coach Lines exhibit. GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Hotel--OSHAWA--Phone. 2825 In three more days our own der way, marking another year's progress. the Kinsmen Club I congratulate the directors and man- agement on their work, and I sincerely hope that their efforts will be crowned with success. RUSSEL STORKS, Good Luck from the Kinsmen Fair will be opened and un- On behalf of President Kinsmen Club. ~ Much credit should be given South On- tario Agricultural Society in promo- ting the 1932 Fair -- may the efforts of those responsi. ble be crowned with success. Dixon Coal Co. A. L. (Mike) BOUCKLEY Director of the South Ontario Agri- cultural Society. in | anima] or article exhibited which | | | DR. T. E. KAISER | Horiorary President and on of the | hardest workers of the South On. taio Agricultural Society. { of the current year or year 21. In ment no a | compets | awarded exhibition of this Association. 22. No animal or articie ex- hibited shall he removed from the grounds until 5 o'clock tu the evening of last day of th exhibition. All horses and catile winning prizes must be brought out and Parade hefore on Wednesday tember 14, 1932, entry ticket will he the Parade ticket. Exhibitors must present their tickets upon entering the parade. The prize money of any winning animal failing to show in the Parade wil] not he paid, This rule will he strictly en forced Driving on Grounds son shall he allowed to drive or ride a horse on the Show grounds faster than g walk, except within the exhibition ring, under the penalty of immediate removal from the Exhibition Grounds and automobiles shall not he driven on the Grounds ex- cept where directed. Work Depart- he allowed to ever heon Ladic ticle that ha the the Grand Stard afternoon, Sep- at 4 ppm. The 23. No per 24. Exhibitors whosa tickets have not been delivered therete- fore will find entry cards and members' tickets ready for them at the office of the Secretary, on the Fair Grounds, on the first day of the Fair, 25. Diligence will be used by the officers of the Association tn ensure the safety of articles sen: to the exhibition and to prevent injury or loss to animals, but the ; owners hemselves must take the | risk of exhibiting and should any | article he accidentally injured, lost or stolen the Directors will {render all the assistance in the'r | power towards its recovery, but | will not make any payment of I the value thereof or he otherwise | liable, 26. Exhibitors of animals, ma- chinery in motion and other ex- | nibits liable to occasion acci- dents, injury or damage to per. sons coming in contact with them | shall guard their exhibits and protect the public from coming in contact therewith and every such exhibitor shal] indemnify the As. sociation from and against all claims and demands, costs, charges and expense which ft may incur, suffer. or be put to hy reason of any accident or any such person being injured or suf- fering damage through or hy rea- son of such exhibit not' heing properly guarded or the public not being properly * protected therefrom, Gambling Barred 27. Notice is hereby given that the officers of the Association or Society prohibit and prevent mountebank performances, exhi- bitions or shows and no permits will be granted for the sala nf cheap jewellery or articles of a similar nature, and no games of chance or gambling will he per. mitted on the grounds or within 300 yards thereof. Nop peddling will be allowed on the Fair Grounds, The Association will also regulate the huckstering or trafficking in fruits, goods, wares or merchandise on Exhibition Grounds or within 300 yards thereof, and any person who, af- ok rn i | weight prizes ter due notice of such rules and regulations violates the same, shail he liable to he removed by the Officers, policemen or con. stables of the Association or So. ciety, and the Act representing Agricultural Societies, R.R.S8.0. 1927 "chapter 71" will be en- forced as to al] fakirs and shows 28. Donors of special prizes are requested to pay the sane only to the Secretary of the So- ciety, who will pay over the same to those entitled thereto Win- ners of such prizes, when the article is to be retained, must deliver the same to the person giving prizes In specials, must be stated all weighte, ete, In case of light must he retained and the donors are requested not to accept articles. Closing Dates For Entries en- | 19 King Street West, { ber previous | | Sept a prize at any previous | | Sth, a 9 p.m take part in the Grand | 29. The date for closing tries will ba Thursday, September Sth, 1932, at 9.00 p.m The Sec. retary-Treasurer, Chas, P of Oshawa, will ba in hiz office on Septem- and Sth, from 9 to and 7 to 9, to receive All entries received hy Thursday, 1932. "No entries wi'l after Thursday, Sept, THIS RULE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Al entries must he made on the pro- per entry forms furnished hy the Secretary and he signed hy th exhibitor, and must | panied by the 6th, 7th 12, 2106 3 sent in by must be Secretary Sth taken on or hefore ha hea accoms proper entry fee The entry fee will be charge! according to the notice at AY; "head of each department The Secretary will not have time to make entries after Thursdo) night and' urges all to observe this rule, so that there will bh. no disappointment, The Tariff of Admissions ADMISSION Admission hy ticket only and according to the following tariff: For each adult ry For each child under 12 . 10¢ For each vehicle . eR For each person in vehicle . 25¢ Admission to Grand Stand, 25¢ GEORGE HART President of the Oshawa Chamber of ' Commerce, and Honorary Di. rector of the South Ontario Agri- cultual Society, / W. D. DYER Of Columbus, Director of the South Ontario Agricultural Society, Davis, | | desired ll the | Adults .eoeseessvveseees 1De Children oc Membership tickets are not transferable and only the holder of such ticket is entitled to ad- mission upon presentation of same. All tickets issued admit one only. The entry tickets upon articles wily admit the person bringing them to the Show Grounds fur exhibition only, with such ani- mals or articles; afterwards such parties must be provided with | the proper admission tickets, { Membership Privilages 31. Members upon purchasing a membership ticket for 1932, or members whose fees are retained for prize money of 1931 will be permitted to make as many en tries as they wish, free of charg except in the case horse cattle and sheep, and where oth stated in the note at tlie head of any cl nthe Prize List in which case the membership ticket entitled wn exhibitor to one entry, free of charge, on hi whole list of entries on which the entrance fees are chargeable, excepting that all entries of light horses in harne will be charged | $1.00 for each entry irre pectiva | of membership fee Ioahihiton wil] please be carcful] to state Le class and section in they intend each different te compete and to sign their names, and all entry fees must he paid to the Secretary when making entries, No stalls or pens: rvo- served unless for animals entered for exhibition. Baled hay and grain for sale on the grounds, if the horse and cattle classes will par- ade in front of the grand stand oi Wednesday, Sept. 14, at four p.. This parade, it is announced, will be handled in a manner similar tc the great Scottish and English live sjock shows, and it is compulsory for the exiibitors of all prize-win- ning cattle and horses to have their animals in the parade, otherwise the prize money will be withheld, This rule will be strictly enforced Li order to make the parade of live Parade of |< irscion. irom the asic Livestock is tural standpoint, of the last day of Big Feature the fair. and the grandstand should he filled to capacity to view it, Visitors to the Oshawa Fair have always taken a keen interest in the 2 The Floral Hall and Fruit | parade of prize-winning live stock and Vegetable Building will be | an the atternoon of the last dav of cleared at 5.00 p.m. on the last [the fair T vear the directors day of the Fair. Tickets will ho | have agai, included this feature on the program, and have arranged Furnished hy the Secretary to ev. hibitors, which will admit them | {lat all prize winning animals In | to these buildings after 5.00 p.1a. | to remove their exhibits, | 33. Prizes will be paid by | cheque, mailed on or before Qc- | tober 31st, except in cases of prc- | test or dispute, 34. One dollar will he retained from all prize winners as meiu- bership fee for 1933. 35. The Directors will meet at | 12 noon each day of the Fair. | of erwise vhich article Rev. Duncan G. McLennan, D. D., of Calvary Church, South Pasadena, Calif, is visiting at his old home in Nova Scotia. Hi_ con- | gregation has been co-operating | in a summer evangelistic cam- paign, Rev, John M. Maclnnis, D.D., is one of the ministers who has supplied his pulpit in his ab- sence. ROSS MACKINNON Director of the South Ontario cultural Society. Oshawa Public Utilities Commission OPERATING The Electric and Water Distribution Systems Which are Owned by the Municipality and Serve a Population of Over 23,000 The Electric System comprising over eighty miles of pole line and the Water System over fifty miles of main carry, these utilities to over 6,500 satisfied customers. The rates have recently been substantially reduced and the more extensive use of these commodities will result in still greater savings. The Public Utilities' Commission join with the citizens of Oshawa and the South Ontario Agricultural Society in their welcome to the many visitors who will come next week to witness the 1932 Fair. se Your Utilities ana crease Your Benefits

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