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PAGE SIX A SN ties w A -- Ey ------ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1932 TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES St. George's Eliminated Niagara Falls by 8 to 1 Oshawa Tennis Club Matchts Prove Most Interesting Chicago Cubs Lost Pair and Lead is Cut Down " TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Oshawa and Whitby Golfers Do Well in Toronto Nationals Defeated Anglicans in Church League Play-offs Babe Ruth Is Threatened With Appendicitis Attack I Nationals Won First Play-Off Game From Anglican Close Game Was Decided By Two Hits Anglicans Appeared To Be in the Ninth enth, eighth and ninth, with only tive men getting on hase in those 5 A Far Cry Other Days|| Sport | napshots | The Harmsworth Trophy ani peed on water have becone Moody, Tigers of Hamilton hav re backed down on the proposition to come to Oshawa on Saturday to play a post season exhibition game Verral still and Sniderman another in the fourth and combined for fifth, A walk, three ¥alls errors, and hits by Snyder and Vgral, were turned into the quartet of tallies in the sixth. Close Games Mixed Doubles, Ladies Singles and Consolation Featured Tennis Club Matches Strike, 7-5, 7-5. (Third round). Miss London and 8, James de feated Miss Fleming and R, Me The Big Six O"Doul, Well Away Scoring Six in First Innings, But Were Held Scoreless in Last Five Frames--Each Team Collected Eleven Hits innings and no rung coming in, Nationas bunched four hits in the eighth to score and scored one run but pulled the game out of the fire in the ninth Siwakow- ski getting a single and P. Hervcia hitting to the club house for a home run, It was a tough break for Anglicans as two were ou! when the rally occurred. a Box Score Coming on strongly after spot- | Anglicans AB R H POA ting their opponents seven runs | Hughes 1b Hl T 0 in the first three innings, Ukrain- | Atkinson 3h 5 0 1 jan Nationals just managed to | Little, If a 2 1 edge out A.Y.M.C, last night at | Boneham 2b 5 39 1 the Motor City Stadium in the | Goring, rf 0 first of the Church League piay- | Spencer, ss t offs by a score of 9 to 8. The | Trott, ef 3 game was just as exciting as the | A. Parrish, ¢ 4 score would indicate and both | C. Parrish p 4 teams were so evenly matened that it was one of the real gamer | of the season, Anglicans looked to well away in the first frame when they scored' six runs and the side bat- ted around and things looked al} the better as Anglicans played good ball in the field in the first | three innings and only ten men |} went to bat in the three inninzs | A for Nationals Nationals M their first run the third with | Clampon, the aid of two hits, while 'aft r | XI. Rogers rf 1 Anglicans had got that one bach | in the fourth Nationals hack to score three on two error by Spencer and a hit by Y. Roz ers Nationals bunched four hits in | ly getting down to their stride as they scored another two tai lies in the fifth to make the score S to 6 for Anglicans. Ang lleans were not having any Llco | good time of {t, heing unabi ta get to Hercia's offerings con- sistently and went down almost in order in the fifth, sixth, sev- | with The Dukes, It was at first thought that' the game might be played but the Ambitious City aggregation found that they could not field a team for the trip and called off the arrangements. It is not known as yet whether there will be a game here or not but it is un- with view to synonomous in recent years, But it was not always so. With Gar Wood's Miss Amer! ca X and Kaye Don's Miss Eng- land IlT--each capable of speed above 120 miles ah hour--it is almost inconceivable to imagine that the trophy once changed hands with a speed of 15.48 miles an hour. Yet, it is true. Back in 1906, three years af- ter the late [Lord Northcliffe (then Sir Alfred armsworth) placed the trophy in competition. Lord Monagu of Beaubien and I. de Rothschild, of England," built a challenger, Yarrow-Napier and wen across the English Channel to France in an attempt to re- gain the trophy. It was in this same race that America made its first hid for the trophy, W. Could Brokaw, of New York, went abroad with a hoat he chose to call the Challen- ger On the trip across the A! i lantic, Challenzer lost her pro |"%'#n tecting hood. The boat was rac falrly good ed with eneines uncovered and |99-20 for a finished with only thres of he: cvlinders hitting, At that she heaten hy only two minutes |* was Yarrow-Na | Hutchison that completed the course a° | \f¢] aughliy imazing 15 miles a: Men's Singles Events Donald, 6-4, 6-2. (Third round) Miss Pickard and T, Harris de Were Played at Oshawa feated Mrs. Alger and §. Alger, Tennis Club Last Night | 6-2, 6-4 (Third round). Miss 8wail and Army Arm strong defeated Miss London and S. James, 6-3, 6-4, (Semi-final) Dodzers G. AB. RH PC. 132 11 196 .363 Foxx, Athletics getting a 138 518 dub derstood negotiations are being carried on " 189 first class team to come here, » 137 Alexander, Red Sox 105 317 received in the city this morning concerning the [V. Phils . 0 352 Belleville I'he 11 - ' his wecl | Ruth, Yankees afternoon, 'this weck commen- 128 443 Klein, Phillies . . 136 | : : Foxx, Athietics yractices, | + ; ; J practices | Yankees 40; Klein, Phillies, 45; Stimmons Athletic 32; ott, in all | Giants, 22: Yankees, 21; for the | Averill, Indians, 31, a coaching school under | The playing off of the club championship rounds at the Osh- awa Tennis Club was continued last night, with four matches be- ing played in the mixed doubles event as well as one match in the ladies singles and two in the consolation men's singles. The results of the games play- ed were as follows: Mixed Doubles Fighleigh and D. Miss Shelly x ¥ LJ 45 Davis, Ladies' Singles A. Kelly defeated H, Swai] 6-3, 6-1. (Third round), Definite word was the will be played in Ne playing of first game betwecy and Orono, game 41 Saturday weastle on 117 154 Men's Singles (Consolation) M. Corrin defeated R. Smith -8, 7-5, (Semi-final). C. Anderson defeated W., Hick -3, 6-4. (Quarter final), Times Classified Ads. get results, (standard time), ¥ ¥ cing at three o'clock * 79 547 al Ruth 6 (=9. Lindsay Collegiate arc in early with their rugby i) the first being held ight with a large number of can- 8 Conant and T. for the HOME GUARD OF THE BUDCET This couple have a plan. They have a budget and it works. They are not the only happy people either The reason they are comfortable is because they know how to buy. This knowledge is mo longer a secret. There Is an A & P store Just around the corner. Sixteen were Gehrig, Misg defeated didates for positions I warm up, for a hght who coached the team out past three Warre, Stevens at Varsity 5 practice years is back agai attending Totals 10 ¥ | Nationals AB | Rogers, 2h 4 { Shelenkoff 2h 5 Siwakowskj ¢ 4 P. Hercia 1h 5 Patterson, If be " 1 oe Oshawa and Whith) the Fifteenth Associat Annual Ca I'oronto vesterday R Whitby, R. S, McLaughlin in class B while Jascom, of Whitby had 97- 18 will 'he played Dr Ralnh Connab! Beattie of 1 h Seniors made a | A scored 105-20 for showing, class of 79, Dr. holes n red 16 for 81, Bascom net SC( The sec- R. A eR. S A, a net ot 85, Rogers u Hercia, np 1 va Starr cf | Starr, « ) land the w nd and final to-day and \ 1 with nto, whil vill i Toronto Po inner i rf in f | piel | the play wit luikie and speed of { Exans, all { hour That peeds, ago Winning tha Harms 220012 H mile an hour it Hike Har vhen vou look mon- | town Ww s Wond and Don are racing in lake Totals 37 In Sth Neore by Anglican Nationals Unipires Arnold Scorer cant 11 2% a far ery it from the pres- y ' . - but happened onl awa Ladie olding a ladies tour- | Innings Hn! no1 Blow vear , y starting at one o- | ut be 11 1 ) 1 100 0( worth at 15) rinks from « hould rinks sounds (Da } 01 1" | enter Entries mej the hv Saturday of this week if pe 1 lhe rst twent entered R. Bell Summary . Home Runs Little; t h pen hit Boneham and She / -- struck out--by Herel Ruth Threatened |. . Fish 4; bases on ball With Hiness [irdaussi Won -- St. Leger Classic Sept. 8. Babe Ruth, the | ---- cia 1, off Parrish + | Yankee pers home run hitting New York last | examined and treated an attack of ar's event in the 3 . Ci i 16 be accepted 1 at the club house a - event three second great the vear by quarter of a together with Tom Walls' as we'l a for the Derby months his of ago, | disaps | drop- | mile April Derby | | favorite for thi provided | pointment | ron our a \ GENUINE FRESH SPRING LAMB use: - 19 : th. 147. | from honie, the Fifth, winner, The Detroit York | candidate for | honors, left night to be fOr what he fears i | appendicitis. | He was seized with dominal pains and, without fying t Yankee manage hoarded a train with his wife New York The seriousness of his illness probably will not be known until hie reaches New York and is ex- amined by the club physician | | New nnial pt. 8 gcored England, Se Prince notable race yesterday. | and Doncaster India's sporting of the | cesses of his St nomination for 3-year-oids, the fifth last classic of the season, f when Firdaussi carried the Ag; {run over 1 mile § furlongs and I Khan's colors to victory in the ; 152 vards, It dates back to 1776, ola ide St. Leger Stakes before a land is worth more than $60,000 7 250,000 people His | The Aga Khan won it once be other horses finished second, | tore with his Salmon Trout in fourth and fifth, barely missing v1 1924. a clean sweep of the race Fits eon ot | Be capo] | nut eolt by Pharos out of Brown Record hylda, hung back until' the home | The Yankees. arrived voster- | streteh, finishing with a brilliant INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE ' Won Lost P.C day to open a series with the Ti- | run just ahead of Dastur, in the today Manager Joe MeCar fast time of minute 2-0 sec- | not with them but is e | onds Mrs. C. Rich's Silvermers was third Orwell, outstanding | .161 54. .652 | Buffalo ......0. 84 71° 5421 Baltimore ...... 34 70 .54) Rochester ... ve 32 73.5029 Montreal .... .81 14 521 Jersey City 69 86 Albany 66 88 Toronto 52 103 Wednesday's Scores Rochester 17-6 Toronto Newark .3-4 Jersey City xMontreal .6-5 Buffalo xPFirst game 10 innings, Baltimore ...7 Albany AMERICAN LEAGUE Won to Leger, a most career {one 18 evere ab- noti ment SLICED BREAKFAST for | BACON BREAKFAST--SMALL LINK SAUSAGE FRESHLY GROUND Hamburg Steak 3 25¢ FRESH COHOE ~ SALMON FINEST QUALITY A & P 2 Roasts ROUND =. § 5c SIRLOIN =. Steak or Roast Steak or Roast FRUITS and VEGETABLES Make your neighborhood A & P Store headquarters for domestic and imported fruits and vegetables, de- livered to all stores fresh daily. an ve 43 JEWEL BRAND Shortening 3 «25 AYLMER CHOICE PEAS oe SOAP CHIPS VINEGAR cu 33¢ LARD re wn « som ut $1.79 BEST PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS FOR EGGS. ASK OUR STORE MANAGER. ATLANTIC & PACIFI LIMITED OF CANADA yi ALWAYS! For Chantecler Cigarette Papers speed up the rolling of cigarettes : . : make ita quicker, easier, pleasanter job. Strong ..: thin: : and once you have tried them you'll use them ALWAYS! i pected he crowd of Rindless 120 leaves Jor 5c. wa BANKRUPT | vowars ress 445 4 By the Piece STEAKS, LB. 24¢ New York Philadelphia Washington Cleveland Detroit St, Louis Chicago Boston ves 84 20 ib. cone n 17 Final Clearance of Ledger's Men's Wear nly A Few Days Left sera c 3 19 Wednesday's Keores No games scheduled. NATIONAL LEAG Won seas 19 FP 2 Men's Underwear Spring Needle COMBINATION UNDERWEAR ....... "ite $1.00 Men's Sox | Entire Stock terns. Par 20C | Must be Cleared 15c§ Men's 2-pant =| SUITS luce and Brown Worsteéds, smart Pin Stripes. Every Suit is worth much more, Sizes 36 to 42. Some have roped should. crs. Real snappy models, $12.95 Children's BLUE REEFERS and Tweed SPRING AND FALL COATS ... $1 00 Chicago .... Pittsburg «... Brooklyn ... Philadelphia Boston St. Louis New York Cincinnati Wednesday's Scores Boston ...11-2 Chicago Pittsburg ..8-2 Brooklyn Philadelphia 6 St. Louis New York ...7 Cincinnati St. George's Beat Cataracts 8 to 1 vena 104.69 «v0.68 see. 64 tes:6] MEN'S and BOYS' REAL LEATHER BELTS MEN'S MOLESKIN PANTS ............ eins ATLANTIC OR BANQUET--PASTRY MEN'S POLICE BRACES Well reinforced BOYS' TWEED KNICKERS .............. i hale Boys' Mason Knit COMBINA. TION UNDERWEAR. 67 Size 26 to 34. C CHILDREN'S black and fawn. in the lot. Pair Hamilton, Sept. 8--Another Queen City entry progressed into the sec ond round of the playdowns for the senior O.B.A.A. championship here vesterday afternoon when St. George's laced Niagara Falls, 8 to 1, in the third and deciding game of their series. With. "Bunny" Kenney hurling two-hit ball against the Cataracts, the Saints gathered enough runs in the first six frames, They complet- ed their counting in the sixth when they bunched four. Kenney literally won his own came, for in addition to. striking out eight and allowing but a double and a single, together with six bases on balls, only ene of which proved fatal, he sent his team off in front, when he laced a hard triple the scoreboard in right centre with Harper and Hart, who had singled, scuring in advance. Those #ao rung were sufficient but nevertheless hits by Snyder and Harper, tégether with an error hy Kaminsky, formed another In the -. Men's Flannelette PYJAMAS. Sizes 36 to 42. Tc Pair ............ itanas EY Ibs. 1 ec NO. ? Men's Dark Blue SIZE TINS WORK SHIRTS .......... 29¢ Boys' CORDUROY BREECHES. ---------- th} MEN'S HEAVY WOOL Double seats and leather $1 10¢ WORK SOX. Pair ... MEN'S OVERALLS | MEN'S SHIRTS ooke, Arrow, Publix, Superba, Sus- - Ge Stnocks and Overall Pats made sex and other well.known brands. Col- terial. Size 34 to 46. ---- Cc lars attached and some with two Jibaate collars. Rep Sp to $1.95. ® 26 King Street East "og Xa ns Drug Store Near Post Office IXTURES FOR SALE MEN'S TWEED Bulk Bulk SPIRIT OR BLENDED EXCEPT SWIFT'S to TEA CO THE GREAT