. Ed / NJ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1932 PACE F' VE "Women 's Interests in the Home and the Community Social and Personal -- ' Readers are invited to sub- mit social and personal items for publication in this column. Kindly send or phone them lo The Times office, Phone 85 or after . office hours to Phone 2448. Miss Mildred Lea, has returned to Oshawa after spending the sum- mer at her parents' home in Fen- ella, . + Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Miller have been holidaying at Dundonald and Ottawa, * w Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Broomfield spent the holiday weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, Broom- field, Dundonald. . Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Douglas and son, Ronald, are spending a week's vacation with the former's parents at Markdale. . # Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ritchie and small daughter spent the holiday week-end with their parents at Markdale, * LJ] Mr. and Mrs. George Guy, of Montreal, have returned home af- ter visiting friends in Oshawa, Mrs. Harry Calver and children have returned home trom their hol- idays at Bay View. Ld Mrs. George Lewis, of Bay View and her grandson, Miller Lewis, of Mimico, have been visiting friends in Oshawa. . Mr. and Mrs. C. Schofield have been visiting Mrs. E. Vermilyea at Campbellford. - * Miss Fernice Joyce, of Campbell- ford has returned home after spending two weeks with relatives in Campbellford. + Mr. Arthur McKay and Mr, Fred Parry spent the holiday at Camp- bellford, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Joyce. . . Mr. Frank Hare has been spend- ing a brief holiday with friends in Grafton. . Mr. Albert Love spent Labor Day with friends at Grafton. - Miss Dorothy Buchaman has re- turned to her home in Dundonald after visiting friends in the city. «0» Mrs. J. Barnes has been visit- ing friends at Enniskillen. * LJ » Mr, and Mrs. B. C, Greenwood have been visiting friends at Kingston. LJ] * * Mr. J. H. Beaton and Mr. W. A. Coad were in Hamilton yesterday attending the funeral of Mr. E. MARY LOGAN BAKER, A.T.CM. Teacher of Piano Pupils prepared for Conser- vatory examinations, Telephone 1316 Studio 109 Lauder Rd. ---- W. BeSaw, president of the Flire- stone Tire and Rubber Company, who died suddenly on Labor Day. * Ld LJ Mr, and Mrs, Francis Thrasher and Miss Miriam Thrasher, of De- troit, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. George JVebb. Mrs. 0. J. Cit werthy has re- turned home after spending a holiday with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Love at Port Granby, LJ] Ld LJ Mrs. Ott, of Toronto, and Mrs. Lucy Switzer and niece, Martha, of Rochester, N.Y. visited wilh Mr, and Mrs. Walter Boon, Rit- son Road South, yesterday. LJ * L Miss Vida Langmaid has been spending a f°w days with her sister, Mrs. E. Mountjoy at Kedron. Ld] * » Master Douglas Gibson has re- turned home after a few days' visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedroa. Ld * ® Mr. and Mrs. Karl Cliff, Mrs, E. Gillard, Mrs, J. F, Goyne aud Mrs. Joseph Wallace, were in Hamilton yesterday, attending the funeral of Mrs, Margaret Wilkes. . LJ * Ald. Clifford Harman has re turned from a vacation spent at Glenwood Beach, Lake Simcoe, where he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, W. Smith, of Lansing, Ont., whose summer home is at Glenwood Beach. - » LJ An enjoyable function was held at the home of Mrs. Frank | Fleury, Summerville Avenue, on Tuesday evening, when Miss Isa- bel Munro was the guest of a group of her friends at a miscel- laneous sh'ower tendered her in view of her approaching mar- riage. Miss Munro was showered by a large number of useful gifts, presented to her along with the good wishes of her friends. Re- freshments were served by the hostess and a very enjoyable eve- ning was spent. - Dr. and Mrs. Grant Berry have returned to their home on Bond St. East, after spending the sum- mer at their summer home, ""Ag- grant," at the lake-front, Women's Meetings KNOX WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION Knox Women's Association held its first meeting of the season on Tuesday, Sept. 6th, with the president, Mrs. C. A. McDonald in the chair, Plans were dfscussed for the winter months. The sympathy of the as- sociation was extended to sever- al members who have heen re- cently bereaved. Following the closing hymn the president eclos- ed the meeting with prayer. New Wonderful Face Powder Prevents Large Pores-- Stays on Longer For a youthful complexion, use \| gap ' l'go to parties--why, you're wrong. here--all dressed up for a recent Hol | Jans and Monica Banpister. FILM QUEENS--ALL DOLLED UP AND SOMEWHERE TO co If you think screen stars spend all their time working hard on the film lots and never have time to No, Sir--don't let those press agents fool you! Helen: Mann, Lorena Layson, Alice And now you have a good idea of what actresses look like off the screen, llywood premiere. 'Left to right: Just see who we have By Thorton Where there's a will a way you'll find To bring about a change of mind. --Sunshine the Warble.. It was true that when Sally Sly left an evg in the nest of the Yel- low Warblers there were three egg of their own there, Now there were four lively young birds in the nest, but not one of them was a Cowbird. sir, there was no young Cowbird in that nest. There was no hulking young stranger to take the food from the very mouths of the always hungry little War- blers, - What had become of her egg was a mystery to Sally Sly, but not to Sunshine and Mrs, Sunshine, Sun ie, returning with. a worm fr f the babies, had caught a glimg of Sally' Sly sneaking away after her visit to sce if one of ber babies was in the nest. He dropped the worm into™one of the little mouths and then care- 1 s beautiful yellow trully dressed h le he waited for Mrs, Sun- No, 1e se coat whi shine, new wonderful MELLO-GLO | Face Powder. Hides tiny lines, | wrinkles and pores, New French | process makes it spread more smoothly and stay on 'onger. No more shiny noses. Purest face | powdes known. Prevents large | pores. Ask today for new, won- derful face powder, MEL Lo- | S10; that suits every complex- on. Going to the F Fair? We Clean and Press Men's SUITS and COATS You can depend on our work to the limit. WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER New Service Cleaners and Dyers 391; Simcoe St. North A NEW DISCOVERY FOR THOSE SUFFERING FROM Deafness and Head Noises Experiments and experience bring forth new lights on COATS Ete. | she | Friend the | dun 1] plied Sunshine admiringly. "We've had a visitor," was his seting as Mrs. Sunshine arrived, " she asked anxiously. Sally y," replied Sunshine. "You should have see,, her when pecped 'in the nest and failed to find a baby of her own here," Sunshine chuckled. "I hear t Chipper the Chipping pars at 9 Mrs, 'Chippy are bring up onc of her childrgn and that as a result their own chil- dren do not get enough to eat," said Mrs, Sunshine indignantly, "And | hear that the same thing is happening at the home of Little | Song Sparrow." replied sl nine, "Well it probably would be the same way here if 'we hadn't out- smarted Sally Sly," replied Mrs. Sunshine. "You mean smarted her, if you hadn't out- my dear. It was your doines. 1 never would have thought of it," replied Sunshine gallantly. "I wonder what she thinks be- came of the egg she imposed on us," "continued Mrs, Sunshine, "I don't think she has the least idea," replied Sunshine with con- viction, "I guess she would be the most surprised bird anywhere about if she was told that that egz still in this very nest." "She probably wouldn't it," snapped Mrs, Sunshine. "She thinks that she is smart because she imposes 0, those smaller than herself and people who think themselves smart very seldom are ready to believe that others are just as 'smart and perhaps a little smarter." "You certainly are, my dear," re- "When I came home and found that egg m 15 believe One of the Ww. Burgess couldn't think of a excepting to go off else and build a new . 11 you sent me after more material and told me to bring it here I though vou were crazy. I did for a fact, my dear. Even when you began to build over those | eggs I didn't quite get the idea for awhile. You see this is the first 8ouble 'story nest I ever have seen." "I was born in one," replied Mrs. Sunshine. "The same thing hap- nened to my mother and father that happened to us and they simply built a two-story nest. Of course, had to lose those first eggs of ours, but that didn't matter as I had not begun to sit on them, Sal- ly Sly may impose on others, but can't impose on me, I simply not stand for it. We have enough to -properly bring up out own children, Sally Sly is a diserace to the whole feathered race. Yes, sir, she is so and I don't care who hears me say it, Those Sparrows were foolish to let her impose on them in that way." "Their »gsts are not like ours and perhaps they couldn't put another story on as we could," replied Sun- shine. "In nest 1 do our thing to mewhe she will 1 | work that case I certainly would have built a new nest," retorted Mrs, Sunshine. (Copyright, 1932, by SIE What New York Is Wearing Most of us love to feel that we are meatly and smartly attired T. W. Bur. borrows its ideas from spectator sportg one that the sports or mode, Why wear a house frock that you have to apologize for when you have to answer a ring of the door bell? You can a couple of hours, cost is amazing. And it's the | prettiest thing imaginable, 80 entirely {flattering It's a linen in yellow ground with brown spots, brown binding and but- tons, Striped linens, cotton mesh, and pique are other sturdy sug- gestions, Style No. 872 sizes 36, 38, 40, 48 inches bust, Size 36 requires | 35% yards of 29-inch material with 38% yards of binding. Our Summer Fashion zine, will help you economize. It includes styles for the miss, (he stout, the matron and adorable models for the kiddies, Also modern embroidery for the home, lingerie, pyjamas, ete. Price of BOOK 10 cents, Price of PATTERN 15 cents in stamps or coin (coin is prefer- red). Wrap coin carefully, LEGION AUXILIARY MEMBERS GUESTS AT CORN ROAST Between sixty and members of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Legion spent a delight- ful evenig at the home of Lt. Col, and Mrs. R. B. Smith last evening, when a corn roast was held. The ladies went to Colum- bus by bus, and on arriving there were cordially welcomed by the host and hostess, A splendid program of music and dancing was given, as follows: Recita- tion 'and solo, Mrs. Langfeld; seng and dance, Mrs, W. Harmer; song, Mrs, W. Jarvis; dance, Mrs. Parrish; gong, Mrs, W. Lee; reading, Mrs. Gibbs; song, Miss Leona Ellegatt; recitation, Mrs, J. W., Clark; plano sblo, Mrs, Vickers; song, Mrs. Ella Plum- mer, while Mrs. G. Martin 'ac- companied at the piano. Following the program, de- lightful refreshments were serv- ed, and the rest of the evening was spent in dancing and gamos, Mrs, Foote, president of the auxiliary, on behalf of the guests, expressed the warmest thanks to Lt.-Col. aid Mrs. Smith for their hospitability, and for the very enjoyable evening spent at their home, make this model in Its small 872 is designed 'or 42, 44, 46 and | Magn- seventy NOW IT IS NARCOLEPSY Or all the genuine excuses given for traffic accidents, one of the most interesting is the irre- sistible impulse to sleep, which has often ended in disaster for the unluckly driver so afflicted To this ailment, Science has giv- en the name of Narcolepsy, Doses of ephedrine, a drug used in Chi. nese medicine as long ago as 4,- 000 years, are now said to he af- fective in cases of this kind, an4 one New York doctor had a case respond instantly to treatment after recurring attacks over a period of twelve years, in which the patient had several automj- bile accidents, FAST HORSES IN HALIFAX RACES Maritime, T Massachusetts and Maine Stables Send Entries for Three-Day Programme Halifax, N.S.--Some of the fast- est steppers from stables of Eastern Canada, Maine and Massachusetts are entered tor the three-day pro- gramme of horse racing to open in Halifax on Labor Day, The races will be held on the provincial ex- hibition speedway, Among the newcomers. to make their first appearance in Halifax are Darkey Grattan, which made 202% record at Lexington, and which had won $55814, i, prize money up to two years ago, and Nell Frisco, 203. Both these turf performers are in the free-for-all, Other newcomers include the Saint John entry, Star D, 2.09% the Halifax horse Star G. which reduced its record at Charlottetown from 2.14% to 2.1034 in a third heat; Addie McGraw, from Frederiston, a daughter of the famous Captain Aubrey, which won in straight heats at Charlottetow,, in 214; Beaton Grattan, 2.10, recently ime ported from Ontario; Heather Belle, owned by Brenton McInnes of Lynn, Mass,, formerly of Prince Edward Island, which at Charlotte- tow, took a new record of 211; the Stewiacke horses, High Tobey, Calumet City; Hush, owned by L, Hennessey, Charlottetown, which this season equalled the record for green pacing mares bred in the Maritimes; and the sensational Marjorie M., of North Sydney, which picked up more prize money at Charlottetown than any other | horse on the track. Times Classified Ads. get results, Low Daily Rates. Specie! Weekly. Fines Pood. Comfy Rooms. Relaxo. . tion. Homelike Comforts. Fine loco. tion, one Block to Ocean. Breathe Deep the Bracing Ocean Air. Cour. tesy, Politeness and Service are Yours for Less Than You Think Write now. MR. RAFFERTY, formerly of Oshawa and Toronto is now in attendance at the up-to-date MAYFAIR PARLOR 14%; King St. East. (look for Capitol Cafe) MADAM J. WINTERS, Proprietor. Ladies can be assured of first class work. Prices moderate. Phone 2020 for appointments. Note to out of town visitors: appointments not necessary We wish the dent, Directors clety a huge the 1932 Fair. Presi- and members of the South Ontario Agricuwitural Soe success with the presentation of It's a Treat to Tell the Story of New Fall Prices We know that you like us, will be enthused with the values that manufacturers have produced for the coming season. Quality has been maintained and in most cases improved while prices are down so drastically that buying will be a real pleasure. Count on this store with its years of experience to the right prices. J. C. WARD, have just the right goods for its customers and at range of fine felts we are small before. Cut in full fitting sizes. Special at .........connnirinin THE NEW FELT HATS Have an individuality of their own. See the wide showing at ............ $2.49 and $2.95 -- White Celanese (Angel Skin) Form Fitting Princess Slips 98c Fa PONE BEN INEAARIIIIRIIR IIR RR IRINE $1.95 ee -- WOOL JERSEY DRESSES Promise to be the popular dress for street and office wear. The newest and finest qualities are here at prices never so Celanese Brassieres In white or pink. Made with elastic at batk. All sizes, 25¢ Plain Rayon Taffeta In a very complete range of colors. A special low price, 29c¢ yd. i 27.INCH WHITE SAX. ONY FLANNELETTE A fine even weave with soft nap, September Sale, per yard ,. 10c 45-INCH WHITE TABLE OILCLOTH Makers' Second Quality. September Sale, per yard cc. ava 23¢ 12 by 4 WHITE IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 1st quality, 70 x 84 inches, white with pink or blue borders. September sale, ida $1.79 Made with button on white top, in sizes 6 to 14 years ,. 7 GIRLS' ALL WOOL NAVY SERGE PLEATED SKIRTS, 98¢ camsole 98¢c Note the size, 20 x 40 inches. ity. border in rose, blue, green, or gold. September Sale, SUPREME VALUE IN WHITE BATH TOWELS A beautifully deep napped towel with each ends. Colors green, See the qual. WOOLCOT SATIN BOUND BED COVERS A Plain patterns or plain colors with striped Exceptionally good size, '66 x 80 ins. Made from finest of cotton and wool yarns. and gold, Each (cov eescnieanns C-- nauve, rose, blue $1.95 helio "0 19¢ NEW FALL COATS First showing in Oshawa, Aids in the world. Fit ear without head band, Requires no attention. 'The use of this small aid will offset the greater part of your difficulty. By actual test you will know what can be done, you merely have to test it to know what this will mean to. you, FREE PRIVATE TEST HOURS: 10 a.m. Until 8 p.m. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th only Inquire at the desk for H. I, Dale GENOSHA HOTEL, Oshawa, smallest Hearing old subjects, and what was looked upon as the best wn Bg possible last year, is Suipassel today, Until recent years se suffering from dealness and their often accompany. ing aggravating Head Noises were the least bothered about. A trumpet or a large Susy Bid phone was the only h ; often isolation for the young, oiddle: aged, or old, That day is gone, We have opened t door to new bearing by means of our newest the the auditory system by natural , a method ined by eminent men, A nm to mankind, combining all the Deaf have ever wanted or he r. You forget your Deafness; remove strain and Hear all the world of sound, conver. sation, music, radio, talkies, etc. Equally beneficial to young and old. Thier for use by many professional men. ng in the outer JUST FOR THE SEPTEMBER SALE ALL $2.00 FULL FASHIONED HOSE Whisper, Grenadine, Heavy Service, In Orient Supersilk and Puritan $1 29 Maid. Selling at, per pair .... Ld Pure Wool Cloths, Luxurious Furs. Serge Linings, Sizes 16 to 44, $1 3 45 OER OR For the full story of this 'wonderful value, see these coats in the department. RS i ET a *te es oa 7 THREAD SERVICE WEIGHT, PURE THREAD SILK FULL WASHIONED HOSE An absolute: leader in value. All colors, all sizes. Per pair 8 69c WELL MADE WHITE DRILL MIDDIES Collars attached in navy or red drill,' trimmed with white braid. Sizes 6 to 14 years, 9 8c . for the busy morning hours. I don't mean of course expen- sively--just suitably, Your house frock should be The Great Londofi Hearing Aid Co., Ltd. 1112 Star Bldg., Toronto, On. Each io.