THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1932 PAGE NINE isit the Motor Show at the Oshawa Fair Grounds Willys-Overland Automobiles Will Be On Display At The Fair Next Week WILLYS.KNIGHT SIX COACH © WILLYS-OVERLAND SIX SPORT ROADSTER WILLYS-OVERLAND EIGHT VICTORIA COUPE ~~ ' WILLYSKNIGHT SIX SEDAN Model 95--113" wheelbase Model 6.90--113" whaslhaza Model 8-88--121" wheelbase : _ Model 95--113" wheelbase WwW S OVER AND MODE S | Lagi TE A she foie sting i TA HIBI S OF IVES OCK rs ox ¢ Ha ot, dees anning and even the making of || ] y - | 1 that the interiors are roomy and Doors are used instead of the £X f L | ters, Oxfords, H hi nd + 3 , ' me-made soap ) W s rreat Suffoks, and Dorset Horns and home-made; | with so £ | luxurious, Luxurious upholstery | conventiona ouvres. Distinctive : : ) a a variety of exhibits, the Women's x, je stylish appointments arc in | headlamps and fender parking WI ¥ Cheviots. This provides a wide : 3 5 : k ing with mogern trend. The s are full chro m finish LL BE OUTSTANDING wild ; Institute section should be one of ON DISPLAY AT OSHAWA FAIR (ii. igi ok EEE a Pi i, Tap tld Sn form fitting cush®ns are finished {as are the two bugle-type dri . . tl i . ) F's advance entries indicate The committee i,; charge is 'com- | with pleats ad button rather | carried under the lamps i . i s : wank Ah T there will be an exhibition of ( 4 hite C than the onventional plain cu-| ° Smart Interjors FEA URE OF OSHAWA FAIR 4 A 5 posed of Mrs, N. White, M rs. kL HA y E MANY FINE FEATURES : ; | Interiors of these smart cars sheep worth seeing. | Baker, and Mrs, W. A, S. McNeely. -- L J sn | - { shions. Metal fitments are brightly | | finished, which add materially to | have received many interesting ------------ + Se ---------- aps it i {the interior smartness. fonches of beauty which serve to . \ . f . : While it is generally accepted | mict attractive in the history of nlace them in a distinctive qual- Hundreds of Entries Are | hibition this year that there are |s, pecia asses | It is easy for a man to be patient that the modern motor car Is en- | tha company, and a splendid line | Roominess ef#tured ity class. Among the features are E ted . C titio | expectations of a splendid entry p | with a stupid woman if she is pret- gineered to give the owner Satis of Willys-Overland models is br The Mode! 95 Willye-Knight. | chrominm plates robe rail, heavy Xpec Ir Lompeliion | ,; "set; tans heep at the Osh- For Institutes 300 he fnt avried Ju hen factory performance, the matter ijng shown a the Ochawa Fair {the Iywest-priced, Knight engined a covered foot rail, highest Classes for Horses, Beef | 2a Fair. W. Glaspell, Bert Glas- - ag Df Iapreatante Js duotner JON Bont ee er : car ever built by Wilive-Overland; quality of mohair trim, deeper . jpell, J. W. Balson and Alfred ---- | The young Earl of Egmont has ; J Jal con naer Ne a Hys-Overls NIX ¢ also carries out the general |and wider cushions, arm rests, and Dairy Cattle, and, Ayre are the directors in charge The Women's Institutes of On. | ! mg Le X as eye of the discriminating buyer. | he Willys-Overlad Eight are - | theme of style and smartness. | acsist straps. smoking sets, ete. . ; Go, the sheep class and: sinsti14 and' Del : . N= married at the age of 19 and Miss This means that in the develob- |(inctive tor their long sweeping | Exterior lines are long and Free wheeling and safely glass Sheep Should Make This aii of thee men iB [Pro and, Lyon Lountics take a | Any Geraldine Moodie becortes the ment. of motor cars, the manufac. | ng craceful Yin ending | sweeping while the interiors fully | aye standard equipment in the y : b_ lod SHEER SOI Hi hee procn micrest an tic Oshawg Pale | cpyniees of, Bamont, . - We! fancy purer ues give careful sitention back from the trim re meet every requirement of the !ggD. Hydranlic shock elimina- Year's Fair a Gathering ||}, Bsr Sih en, His Sd o and there is a gcomnlete seston of | there are alot of girls in Canada to the design of cars thal wi tor to the smartly tailored rear | discriminating buyer. Like other yrs both frent an ear, i Bopp ol YO HE shoul ie competitions which are confined en-| 11 have heen glad to accent the have a distincive appeal from an | quarters. The design is harmoni- [ models in the 1932 line, roomi- ih ea Place for Farmers | ehiy misresting. All breeds of {tirely to members of these institu- Poke te em al aitiisin angle of beauty and be in keeping | ougly set off by the eolor « ress and comfort are also featur- ! operated from a convenient loca. i ---- | sheep Lois represented in tha | te; These classes include such arts| Hie di {iis ist, whieh shows competi- [is se ing, kniting, crocheting, tatt- | | it | i wih the modern trend of general |'hinations which are available . The wide tread of 08 1-4 {tion on the instrument 1, : : body design, interior 4 1ality, {either in light hade or the | inches, combined with the ample dy eh nt rane, : Ontario and Durham County | U0ns in Cotswolds and Lincolns, 1%, doll-dressing,: baking, cookin. luxury and comfort and -exter- more conventional darker colors. | wheelbase has enabled the body [of road conditions. livestock in competition at the ior color combinations. Each of : ; designers to provide ears that Every body type in the entire | biggest shows in Canada, have these details must be in perfect | Streamline Design lzive maximum leg and seat roam. | 1032 line of the Toronto manu- | Won a nation-wide reputation for | harmony. The radiator, which is of new de The Custom line of Willve ture: ix insulated against | their quality. This Ys true in | sign, is long and narrow which | Knight 66D models, has been de- | noise 'and draft, thus insuring | practically all classes of farm Shown at Fair lends an air of grace and speed | signed for those buvers who seal ' th ad enjovable motorin animals d ° air | o 4 . { I 108 A soak oothh ag T ké .] otor . 4 8, @ shawg ki That Willys-Oveland body design- The lines on back to the rear ai | the lost word in body craftsman- " bi i ajoyable x 8 dameie and at th o hae Fai | T % ers have fully complied with this | nicely streamlined, this effect he- | ship, style and smartness that is be laced ex! biti : Th demand for modernity 1s appar- | Ing aided by carrving spares in | nenally found only in cars that Windsor, Ont A practica 0 Wi ron Ai hy on, Xe | ent in the 1932 line of Willys- Ithe rear instead torward {fe [sell in much higher price r as. | nurse in the Border Cities for hata a. 'rly wi iy 0 if I Overland Sixes and Eights and jder we The double-drop frame | The' radiator is V-type with an over a perio yf 45 years, Mra bring together scores hors Ad Willys-Kight models. In each of land the smart wheels add to the | automatic winter fron. 'Apps a | Will itler formerly of cattle, sheep and other -livestock the cars comprising the entire | low swung appearance. [ance of he long. narow radia of Ny "85 died us the won RAYS ky. numerous line, no detail has been overlook- Details of smartness and stvle { enhas cod bv. the Winter esr . ar struck bva bi awards and championships at the Ee ths yar vie hug alls of ; I eno Le {enim eed Dy eat v BY ron hel A larger exhibitions, so that people arlernal.g - sirips Interested in farm animals need | only come to the Oshawa Fair to see the best in the country. Re- | ports from Secretary Davis point to keen competition and large' classes at the Fair thig year, par- ticularly in view of the added prize money, and there should be | great interest in.the judging in the live stock show rinzs Heavy Horses In the heavy horse classes, judging will be started -at one | o'clock Tuesday afternoon, and * | with twenty-two classes, includ- | ay | ing Clydesdales, draught horses, | Sm hate sn | THE STORE FOR MEN AND BOYS ons, the judging will probably Ta li TIE Ctl ----------_-----. Men's Fine P W Navy Blue 2 A T SUITS $25 listed in the heavy horse classes, continue on Wednesday afternoon, ie : fo and these should help to bring $ : | out a large entry list. Frank Wil- New Fall J IY : v ; coxon, Grant Innis, Mark Duff, erseys Men S Fall ; vie Fred T. Rowe and Thomas Hall ; dw form the committee in charge of | In V-neck and Polo Collar style. PCOATS y ' i p heavy horses, Zo 3 : : Light Horses aay J . . in The light horse classes are ® 3 ; 8 ing ARERR ii also expected to bring scores of : . to . gp splendid animals to the Oshawa : 3 Fair. These competitions, which Times Classified Ads. get results, The official prize. list states that . Ae \ all horses shown in the pure bred Y 5 : classes must he recorded in the e : 4 ek ER | Canadian records, or in reputable © 4 y i English and American records, . i : Jovi, will be judged on both Tuesday ' a 3 and Wednesday afternoons, in Y th St d P clude a wide range of classes. ou S or u ents - ant uits A number of special awards are / (0) Som e Luck La RY, at J There will be classes for carriage on : : Yorses, rogdsters, ponies, horses In fancy Tweed, Oxford Grey Worsteds and fancy Hair-lines. All with vest and ? v % | in harness and saddle horses. A two long. pants. Ages 14-15. number of classes of horses in Donated by vis i i sii me sani Vin ||| §12.50+815.00-$16.50-$19.75 an interesting sight to see these smart steppers, with their out- ° .» . : ; Retail Merchants Association of Ontario CAEL : 2 ng eigen ig BOYS' FANCY The original "Warren-Knit" Collegiate This beautiful clock will be given away absolutely free on September 14th, in front of the hg are as follows: Mae TWEED SUITS RIB PU LLOVER grandstand at the Oshawa Fair. 1st prize-- Cabinet of Flat- Some fortunate lady, who attends the Ontario County Fair, will take this clock home as a ' ware, 26-plece set of Rogers' With 'extra golf knickers. gift from the Retail Merchants Association. There is nothing to sell--There i i [ : 31 on, ' is nothing to buy. impire Pattern valued at $11.95, A ah The only condition necessary to qualify as the owner of this clock, is for bi og od ; ei? To T. Eaton Con Lh. & Q & 8 2 your p y which synchronizes with the numeral which will be ! 2nd prize--6 1-gallon cans of . . . . a Pp tary "coup selected by His Worship, Mayor Thomas Hawkes, who has a " . . ' ] g greed to be present at th - ' jan Mot Oils, donated pointed time. Some fortunate lady will then be declared by the Judges to be the Tawra oer A ig SA ea 0il Co., of this clock. ; Limited. MEN' RULES GOVERNING THE CLOCK CONTEST These classes will be super- EN'S OXFORD GREY HERRINGBONES AND FANCY Y vised by A. E. Grass, J. J. Or- x EVERY LADY who enters the Oshawa Fair Grounds on a purchased ck on either de miston, John Graham, H. Hayes Shadow 2 of the Fair, September 13th, or 14th, will immediately be given one complimentary coupon and George Brows. Stripe » is 25.00 : ef Ca an on. which will be printed a numeral entitling her to me ip i i : wil mbershi the F y with all She priviliges of the Clock Contest, and further, every lady A ore yl prihind Ontario and Durham Counties purchased ticket on either of these days will be given one additional li tary i Bagh gpg Bi which will also carry all the privileges of the Clock Contest. E : pon Yd? their beef cattle, and there these coupons will then take off the attached stub Fist ed E very lady Lhe seeciver onl u er sa a should be a splendid showing of BOYS' AND YOUTHS' FOR THE FARMER! located in a convenient place on the Fair Grounds for the : Shorthorns and other beef breeds y purpose. ; $ ¢ i is Ml the hour to be proclaimed by the Judges, His Worship, Mayor Thomas Hawkes, will in the show ring-on Tuesday LONG TROUSERS The famous "Headlight" Rivit Pant produce Tom the iron barrel, in which the coupon stubs have previously heen deposited, one afterncon. One of the ehist class. A and "Headlight" O rall poi i gg Wiles Will appar a numeral. This number will then be called from the stage 3 " . og Is that for herds oi hort. ge 10.18 Years. g ve . Piri] he 2 Toc dy a eh and falling Sesponay the Judges will choose another num- £4 A i A an ii Bid : » P in person, holding the number called i ded the clock. - i; 1ale and males, e 1 1 1 2 00 i 3» this somtest the Secivion, of the Judges in all matters will be final. The Judges on RE ; : hr one year old, and the prizes oF $ 50 S «75 S$ 95 ® per pair y the Directors of the Retai arian Auseation to conduct the Clock Club and Contest are: ; Yule sation, gre fon tod Si 2 URE ' has provided $25.00 for prize 9 re Young TO money in this vent. vw. we. ||} M@m's Fine Shirts || Boye Shirt Waists ....75c, 95c T. C. YOUNG. her, Russell Richardson, John » Baker. 1. 5. Bean, Dr thown- || J. Collar attached or separate. Boys' Shorts ........95c, $1.25 son, BE, [.. Chapman and Norman South Ontario Agricultural Society 2 fearitifal Grandfather . heii A Jue flare $1.39 Boys' Golf Pants ..$1.95, $2.50 is 6 feet 51n. high, Solid Walnut Dairy Cattle z 1 rg ai eds lairy Case, has a. Westminster Quarte The two main breeds of dairy OSHAWA Honr Chime. The AA ali cattle, Jerseys and Holsteins, mm i in the dairy cattle s - ¢ ive elie i are included CHET oc End vi peo | | competitions, and tn these lassen 9 Li Crvetal Bevelled Plate Glass, i be entries of J BE M Wind livery Fight Days, no keys 2 ¥e ; R, 12. 1 3 - 1 on. Tues. prin 4 ight Days, 10 key Sheep (lasses ) equired, Ca asse « 3 b i ire in be passed down Ontario and Durham Counties Wednesday through the family generations did go well in the sheep classes at the Canadian National Ex-