Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Sep 1932, p. 5

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eh { r, Notary, Money to fcitor, No . bora. 11 King St East, Phone 283. Residence o (17 feb 8) 5 E0Ra Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ftc. Conveyancing and general ?! fn Law, Office 7% Sim- coe Street South,, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. ; , B.A., LL.B. . &, K.C, Commerce Building,' rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convayaucer. Money to loan, Of fise 14% King St, Bast, Oshawa, | Phone 440. Residence phone 837. fn rt tn i 73 A 2 a 5G N Fraser. Barristers, Etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg visters, Solicitors, Etc. 343% Sim- coe St. N. Phcne 3160. dence 8514. Money to loan. ter, 12% Simeoe St. Sonth, Teie- phone 8038-5665. «*§ sept tf) Undertaking TC0., 67 KING St. East, Ansbulance. Residence 542 Simcoe Mtreet North. Phone 210J and 310W, BURIAL GOU., M. ¥. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. ° Funeral and Ambulance Service " dsy and aight. Phone 1082W. 27 Celina, -- (att) Architects . C. SE, Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Residence phons 908J. Auctioneer SJ, W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, 8, Oshgwa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and - farm stock aad {mplements Your "patronage solicited. Watch Repairing i Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 48 King Street West. Your patrenage is solicited. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec. falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82, Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. Wezt, Oshawa. The sldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 80 reputable Fire Companies. i A RANCE - pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Alex. S. Ross, S. F. Everson, Phone 1834. (15 oct tf) Dental Dis. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett's, Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. hone 959. House 1312. Roofing \ HAYTON, THE ROOFER, AS- phalt, cedar shingling, felt, gravel roofing, caulking, chim- ney repairing. Frees , inspection. Phone 1643W. (June 13-1 yr.) Motor Loans AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE. financed. Can be arranged at low. est prevailing rates, covering a period up to twelve months Ld pay while you drive your car. + Campbell Auto Finance Co. Ltd., Disney Block, King St. East. H A, MacDonald, representative branches throughout Ontario. (4 sept c) Marvelo MARVELO--D! ND STAINS o from Marvelo. Sensational iquid cleanser. Phone 1733M. Delivery Tuesdays, Fridays. (13 sept ¢) Room and Board $TWIN ROOMS DOWNSTAIRS Sor single room. Excellent meals. # Private home, centrally located; Phone 484W. (54c¢) TWO BOARDERS, ONE BLOCK from the Collegiate at reason- , able price. Phone 833M. Ld BEAN INANRATSROR A (52¢) FURNISHED ROOM IN PRI- vate home. Would suit teacher or high school student, 110 Colborne St. East, (53¢) BOARDERS OR ROOMERS, .ecomfortable room and board, cen- *trally located. Suitable for teach- ers or students. Phone 2371J. (54a) ; Motor Cars «CHEVROLET SPORT SEDAN, "1931. Excellent condition, Bar- #sain price, 462 Simcoe North. (B3¢) Shoe Repairing ¥OU WANT THE BEST IN SHOE repairing. Shoes called for and delivered. Phone 672W. Jack Read, corner Mary and Colborne, (31 sept ¢) . Palmist © ONSULT MADAMB BROWN, iPalmist, on all matters of im- ortance, 93 Louisa St, Phone 72636F. Business private, - (16 sept ¢) Tr Nuning _-- For Rent "FCONOMICAL, APARTMENTS Our apartments are equipped with electric Yefrigeration, stove, washer and dryer; constant hot water; effici- ont janitor service, Apartments at the George fror $30, Edward from $25, Llewellyn from $27.59, Amylene $36. DISNEY, PHONE 1550 (38Lf) GOOD SOUND DRY SODY HARD wood, Guaranteed full measure, 3, cord, $3.26, Mixed, $3. Soft wood, $2.25 A. Wall, 2902 Cour. cellette Ave. Phone 2628F, of (10 sept ¢) SLABS $2.25, HARDWOOD $3.25. Good measurement, H. Rk Stark, 386 Pine Ave, Phone 1727W. (12 sept ¢) NOW HEBE'S SOMETHING GOOD A nice Apartment for very little money--four and five rooms--modern, Come and let us show you about. You'll be surprised at tie low rent. Simcoe Manor and Victoria Apartments, aa (453) FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment, in business section. Pri- vate bath, electric and water. Suited for 1 person. Box 32] Times (46tf) FOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE all conveniences, newly decorated, hardwood floors, central locality, Apply 91 Ritson Rd. North, (25 Sept. ¢) --PRETTY BUNGA- low. All conveniences, Large lawn, Centre St. Small apart. ment, suitable for two people. Apply 74 Centre St, (52¢) BRIGHT, UNFURNISHED rooms, beautiful, iJorth Simcoe residence, shower bath, laundry tub, sink, hardwood electric heat- er. Phone 2415. (52¢) FARM FOR RENT--140 ACRES, good soil, creek, electric lights. 11% miles from Oshawa, J. A. Bickell, 430 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. (53b) 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, ALL conveniences. 137 Alice St. Phone 3225W. (53c) FOR RENT FULLY EQUIPPED newly decorated apartments of all sizes from $18 to $30. Furnished or unfurnished. Apply Apt, 2, 39 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. (53c) SIX ROOMED HOUSE, ALL conveniences, ten dollars. 5 roomed modern bungalo, $15, See Holden, 92 Simcoe North. (63h) § ROOM HOUSE. CONVENI- ences. 278 Haig St. Apply Box 424 Times. (54h) YOUR CHOICE SEVERAL water heated homes. Others with fire places, Reasonable rents. Reservations now. Others at ten dollars. Murdoch, 27 Warren. AT LAKE COMFORTABLE three room. cottage, ten dollars monthly, electricity, city water, sink, newly decorated. Mrs. Dickie, Bathing Pavilion, Lake. FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS, 1M- mediate possession on Yonge St. Box 314 Times. (53¢) HOUSE AT 114 ONTARIO Street, newly decorated, alsn two apartments, newly decorated, Ap- ply D. M. Tod or J. C. Younz. (54c) FOR RENT--FARM OF 60 acres. Conveniently located on main highway in Oshawa. City water, ample buildings, all un- der cultivation. G. DD, Conant, Oshawa. (54t1) FOR RENT--2 OR 3 ROOMS with kitchenette, furnished or unfurnished, Also single room. Conveniences. 94 William st. E. (54c) Beauty Parlors Permanent Wave $3.50 ug. "Cro- quinole and Spiral". Marcel 50z. Shampoo, Finger Wave and trim $1. Fixpert operators on'y. 79 Sim- coe St. North (note new ad- dress). Phone 2968, (8 aug tf) GENOS\{A HAIRDRESSING EX- perts--on all kinds of beanty culture. Permanent waves our specialty. Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, 50c. Faclals, scalp treatments anc manicuring. Coffee Shop eu- trance. Phone 1973. (6 July 1 mo,) SON, AIR- dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel ling 85¢ and finger waving 50c. Phone 2188J. : 418 sept c) PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON, permanent waves specialty $2.50 np. Finger waving L0c. Marcel- Ying 35c. 10 Prince. Phone 638. (15 sept c) PENBER'S CH HAIR dressing and Reauty Tuiture, No 9 Bradley Bldg, Phone 3%, Osh- awa, Ontario. (23 nov 2) MAYFAIR BEAUTY SALON. 143% King St. BE. Phone 2020. All branches hairdressing. First class hair cutter in attendance. (20 sept c) Music Lessons ANNIE McMASTER, AT.C.M. Teacher of piano, Studio, 17 Con- naught St. Phone 116F, (2rd Oct. ¢) Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 76¢c with rental $1.00. Called for and Solivered 2 eries $2.76 and . Stan. igdon, i . Phone 960. © Waa HUNDREDS OF GARAGES AND Service Stations throughout On- tario using Flash Charger, ¥am- ous Battery Rejuvenator. What about yours? Batteries charged, fifty cents, Super charged one dollar and quarter. Rebuilding reasonable. Rebuilds for sale, guaranteed. Unique Service De- velopments 41 Ontario St., Osh- awa, (hdc) RACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S Sreference, Maternity or genera! rsing over ten years expertence. harges moderate. Yhone 3033]. (25 Sept ¢) : Room and Board Wanted LADY DESIRES ROOM AND board in vicinity of Burk St. Ap- ply Box 503 Times, (53D) ALL KINDS OF WOOD, PRICES right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert. Phone 1079J. (12 sept ¢) Phone 3109). Slabs $2.25. Body Wood $2.50. Hardwood $3. J (16 sept c) FOR SALE--VANITY DRESSER. Walput dining room suite, elec- tric range, breakfast suite f\re place fixtures, tool chest, lawn hose, lamps, 304 William E. (b2¢) SEALERS FOR SALE. 60c PER doz. Phone 1964. (52) FOR SALE--1 COOK STOVE, 1 small heater, 5 Barred Rock hens, 5 Black Minorca hens. Ap- ply 83 Elgin St, West. (53¢c) FOR SALE -- GOOD USED washing machine, first class con- dition, $39. One dollar per week, John Meagher, 92 Simcoe N. (54a) FOR SALE-- GOOD BEDS, chairs, table, stove, mirrors, cabin trunk and assorted kitchen utensils. Cheap, Must sell. Phone 16566. (54c) Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED EVERY: where to sell the fast selling Empire series personal Christ- mas cards. Liberal commission, Write now, Kew Printing Com- pany, 131 .York St, Toronto, (64, 59) TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE made money last year selling "Imperial Art" Christmas cards; established 18 years: write Brit. ish Canadian Publishing Co., Ltd. 449 Patrick Building, To- ronto. (54, 67) the Familex Service in Oshawa Sub-agents should be appointed to distribute from home to home 160 necessities. Big profits to serious and capable man. Fami. lex Products, 4785 Ste Catherine East, Montreal. (43, 45, 48, 49, b1, Be) Times Classified Ads, get results. Rates For Classified Ads. First Insertion----114 per word. , Minimum charge for one in- sertion §0ec. , Each subsequent | tive insertion word. | Three consecutive {inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. Box number '0c additioual. Professional nr Busipess Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per morth for each additional word. PHONE 35 Ask tor Classified Ad Department aR SER cents consecu- le per BLACKS WOOD, 79 JOHAN 8. |° Auction Sale VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, household furniture and effects of the late Wellington® Foster, Esq., will be sold by public auc- tion at Newcastle, Ont,, on Wed- nesday September 14th, com- mencing at 12 o'clock noon, Household furniture consisting of furnishing of drawing room, dining room, bedrooms and kit- chen, pictures, books, bric-a- brac, dishes, carpets, rugs, etc. etc. 'Attention is called to this sale as there will be some valu- able walout furniture and an- tiques sold. Also on same date at p.m, Free-hold property com- sisting of solid brick residence containing reception room, dining room, 6 bedrooms, bathroom, at- tie, good cellar, hotwater heating and automatic oil burner, Ample grounds and garden and two-car brick garage, The property is situated in the Village of New- castle, and on the Kingston High- way, Terms of sale: on property a deposit of 1.3 of purchase price at fime of sale, 1-3 on getting possession, and 1-3 for a term on mortgage. On household effects, cash. Joseph Coulson, Auctioneer, Newcastle, Ont, (54) Male Help Wanted HOW TO GET" A GOVERN- ment job. Free booklet, The M. C. C, Ltd., Toronto (10). (hd, 69, 65, 71 --- TERE Furnaces GILSON FURNACES, AIR CON- ditioning Equipment, Coal Blow. ers and Oil Burners "Make Warm Friends." Cost less. Easy pay- ments. See your local Gilson Man or write Gilson Mfg. Co. Limited, 104 York St., Guelph. (54, 59, 65 71, 77, 83, 89, 95) ) =r Enniskillen News (Mrs. W. Stai , Corresp ) ENNISKILLEN, Aug. 31 -- Mr: and Mrs. Stuart Rodman, Scugog, visited at Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Ash. ton, Sunday. Miss Maud Ashton returned home with them for a visit. M. E. C. Ashton is under the doctor's care, ~ Mrs, R. Ashton, Toronto, is visit. ing her son, Mr. Lloyd Ashton and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey ind Clem and Lols Jeffrey, Scugog, vis- ited at Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Brut Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Willam Brown, Lindsay, , visited their daughter, Mrs. W. Ashton, Sunday, and Wil. ma and H:len Ashton returning to their home after their Loliduy, Quy school will re-oren on Tues. day, September 6, wth Miss M, Da'ion, senior and Miss S. Varcam) as junior teacher, Mi, and Mrs, Charlie Tamblyn, Ficen Bare and Theima Cowan, Woodbridge, visited at Mr, and Mrs. W. Stainton's, Si.urday. Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Trewin, Mr and Mrs, Stanley Malcolm, Nestle- ton, visited friends at Port Credit, Sui ay, Miss Vera Shackleton and Faro'd Wiison visited at Mr, and Mrs, J. Shackleton, Mr. Alymer Petli:k, 'Toronto, vis'ted at Mr. and Mrs, S. Pethick, Surday, Mrs. Pethick nd Howard returned home with him after thes veek's stay. ( ongratulations to M:. and Mrs, Wilson on the arrival of a baby girl. Miss Mae Lamb is stay- ing with 'her sister. Mrs. J. H. Freepora visited Mi, and Mrs, McLean, Brooklin, Sun- dav. Mr. and Mrs, spent Sunday at Frat k Bradley's. Mr. and Mrs, d Ceci! dradley and Murs, Lunes Mv. Walters, George i "ir. and Mrs. Aronld Walters, To- ronto, called on Mr, and Mrs, Levi Print, on Sunday. Mi. and Mrs. Wesley Oke visited My, and Mrs, J. Oke's, Clarke Un- ici, Sunday. | Mr, Mr, and Mrs. Claren ¢ Ferguson, Toronto, visited at Dr, and Mrs, H. Ferguson, Thursday, - Wilma and Helen Ashton enter- tained a number of school friends to an afternoon party cn Tuesday, Games and tea were enjoyed. A number attended the aniversary services at Salem on Sunday, and heard Rev. W. Millson, of 'foronts, Mr, and Mrs, Otto Virtue, fy- rone, Mrs, Storey, Toronto, visited at Mr, Nathan Byers. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hockaday, Mr. E. Hockaday, Hampton, Mrs. Wil- liam Oke and Miss Annie Oke vis- ited at Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Har. ris', Orono, on Sunday. Mrs, T, McGill and Miss Reva visited friends at Peterborough. Mr, and Mrs, J. T. Ormiston, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Cecll Rahm and family visited at Mr, and Mrs. Fred W, Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Turnbull and Jimmie, Peterboro, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGill, Sunday. On Sunday the school was well attended with 103 present after the session a short Temperance pro- gram was conducted by Mrs, A Werry, when Mrs, A. Prescott gave a splendid paper on the temperance question, also a solo was glven by Mrs, RB} Ormiston.\JIn the evening our pastor, Rev, J. M>Whyte spoke from Luke 2: 49, "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's bus iness" The choir added much to the service of song with Mr, Or card of Tyrone, and Miss Velma Orchard singing a duet also Miss Reva McGill favored with a solo | which was much enjoyed. | TIMETABLES | Sec!l.:na News { (Mrs. W, T. Baker, Correspon- dent) SOLINA, Aug. and Mrs, Johnston, staying with Messrs. Absolem Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Cutting and fan- and Miss Betcher, Rosevill and Mrs, A, Williams aad Miss Dorothy, Miss Betty Cook cf | Port Perry, visited at Mr, and Mrs, S. Howsam"s on Sunday. | Miss Holman, Miss Aura | Rundle, Miss Cryderman were | the guests of Miss Vera Baker on Momday evening. Miss Muriel Langmaid is ho'i- daying at Mrs. Roy McGill's, Eu- niskilien. Mr. and Mrs, O., Willamsou Millbrook, Mr, and Mrs, James McCurdy, Peterboro, Mr, and| Mrs. I. Luke, Master John Irwin, | Mrs. Hainer Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearce amd family, Newcastle, visited at Mr. Tho Baker's Miss Mary Hogarth and Mis R, Pascoe, Mrs. R, J. McKessock, Miss Ruth McKessock and Mr." A, I. Pascoe, visited Mr. and Mys, Ellis Pascoe at Brooklin, Master Nell Yellowlees spent a week with friends at Bramplcn and Mayfield. Sunday School at 89 present amd was held in the usual way with the Adult Bills Class reading the Jesson and Lhe session was: closed by praver by Miss Lena Tavor. In the after service Rey. Mr. Rackham used the 86th Psalm and as a second reading John 17:1-9 and as a text Rev, 1:8, I am Alpha aud Omega, the beginning and tue end which is and which was and which i#¢ to come the Almighty He also told a story of the man | in prison who heard to under- stand. Miss Lorraine McLaughlin, of Whithy, is visiting her uncle, My, H. A. Pascoe, Mr. James Smales having fal len off the barn, requires the aid of a cruteh, We hope for a speedy recovery. 24th, ----- Mr! U.S.A, -ar- John ano ily | Eldad had The modern girl makes hor elders sit up." Unless ghe has a latch key. Of course there's no connec: tion between the two, but tas day after several executions in Moscow the new Soviet internal BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY D Sa Time) (Ec e to and. shar May 1, 1532) K : Lea Bowmanville 6.20 a.m. 7.20 a.m, » 8 Se 8c REERERR F 7.45 pa, 8.00 10m 10.45 12.00 a.m. LH Brsnssor SG8E8G & p.m, p.m, a.m, 3 1 1.13pm, 130 745 p.m, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Di ht Sav Time) , oyights Wes Lei rive Arrive ave ta) x 3.10 p.m. A5pm. 7.30 pu. 3pm 1055nm 10pm 14pm OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE, LINDSAY AND BOBCAYGEON Note--Daylight Saving Time and Standard Time effective on aff Divisions on same dates as Oshawa and Bowmanville. Effective on and after June 10th, 1932 NORTHBOUND F leave Oshawa ... Bowmanville Hampton Emmiskillen Burketon Blackstock Nestleton .. Yelverton Janetville Andsay .. Pleasant Dunsford Ancona Pt. Bobcaygeon SOUTHBOUND Daily a.m, Set, Sun. and Hol, p.m, 6.45 Ancona Point... f 6.55 Dunsford ¥ 7.15 Pleasant Point, Lindsay {anetvitle elverion Nestleton Blackstock Burketon Enniskillen Hampton Bowmanville .,. ),50 9.40 Oshawa 11.20 10.10 Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Carefur Drivers T. A, GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Room, 6 Prince St. Phcae 2283 .30 8.45 R15 9.05 69,15 0.25 GRAY COACH LINES (Effective May 1, 1932) (Eastern Standard Time) EAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM. P.M. AM, PM, 5.00 a6.30 7.30 2.30 9.30 10.30 3 11.30 3 P.M, 9.30 12.30 " dio.20 1.30 a~Dally except Sunday. b--Saturday, Sunday and holidays only. d--Sunday only, --Except Sunday and holidays. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service Effective June 26, 1932 Eastern Standard Time LASTBOUND 9.45 a.m. Daity, 1.59 p.m. Daily, except Sunday 4.42 p.m, Daily, x5.08 p.m. (Sunday only). 10.10 p m. Daily. £12.02 a.m Daily, 12.12 a.m. Daily, f=Stops on flag to pick up for Montreal : and Mrs, '0 | home of Mr. and Mrs, Irvine Fos- 0 f ter, Raby Head, and spent the day | Visiting her daughter, Mrs. Foster, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective July 1, 1932, (Standard Fieme) 2.26 am, Daily. 10,30 a.m. Trenton Local Daily, except Sunday. 4 x4,18 p.m. 4 11.06 p.m, Daily except Sunday. 12.08 a.m x For Bi Dally Montreal and East only-- NEW STYLE GLASSES At Reasonable Prices J. W. WORRALL Eyesight Specialist JURY & LOVELL'S King St. E. Phone 3215 Flag, Westbound 5.52 a.m. Daily except Sunday, 6.30 a3,m. Daily. 3.12 p.m. Daily. Jib p.m. Daily, except Sunday, p.m. ly. m Tosonto snd West onlv--flag." a Ebenezer News (Mrs. B. Oke, Correspondent, EBENEZER, Sept, 1.--Mr, and Mrs. A. B, Werry and Miss Vera spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Wesley Werry, Salem, and attended the Harvest Home services, Misses Annie, Florence, Helen and Doris Wilkins visited with their Aunt, Mrs. Alex. Wilkins and cousin, Mrs. Richards, Salem, on Sunday and attended Harvest Home seryices, Manv from here attended the funeral of the late Leslie Snowden, which was held on Thursday .after- noon, Mrs, Ross Pearce acco ap mied by friends from Oshawa spe it Sunday at Sebright, and helped with her readings "in the service in the church and was late- entertained by Rey, and Mrs, Craze. Miss Dorothy and Master Tack Pollock returned with their father Rev. John Pollock on Wednesday, to their home in Wintechur:h after a pleasant week spend visiting their many relatives herd. Mrs. Richards, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Hagerman, Inda, and Ina and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Pogson and Mr. Will. Oke, Oshawa, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Blake Oke. Mrs, Snidey Nichols and Mrs. Sunday at the WwW. H. visited on with the former's sister, Mrs. S. Reynolds, Western Ontario, who 1s Misses Alice and Muriel Mont- gomery, who have been holidaying with. their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Nichols, have returned to their home at Scarboro. ; Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson, Oshawa, who took the service at Ebenezer on Sunday was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Worden. Mr. Chas. Nichols and son Arthur and chum, India, Head, and Mr. Ilovd Nichols, New Brunswick, have been visitors with the former's brother, Mr, Will, Nichols. Miss Edna Johnston, Oshawa, has been spending some holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Nichols. Miss Mary Found has been spending a short vacation the Muskoka district. Mr. Jack. Pickell, Detroit, called op, his relatives here when motor- ing through to Montreal. Several from here are attending the Toronto Exhibition and enjoy- ed the Maratho,, swims. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall were in Toronto on Wednesday tu visit the latter's mother, Mrs, Stew- art, who is indisposed. Our school opened on Thursday with Mr. Gordo,, Osborne as the new teacher, and we all wish him SUCCESS. There were several from' here attended the chicken-pie supper at Salem on Monday evening and re- port a good time, in Don't Think Insurance, Put it on in good strong companies with J. H. R. LUKE 51 King Street East A. NEW LOW. PRICES ROYAL YORK TEA Y2 1b. Pkg. © 23c¢ 1 Ib. Pkg. 45¢ at all Superior Stores | J. C. YOUNG ii GENERAL INSURANCE 4Y; Prince St., Oshawa Office Phone 793 Res. Phone 2895 BIG REDUCTION In GENERAL MOTORS FRIG- IDAIRES. Two years to pay. On show at Omtario Motor Sales, 86 King St. E, Two products worth trying DRAKES' Old English Style HORSE RADISH SAUCE and BENGAL RELISH Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa = 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan. '58 Chrysler Sedan. Ross, Ames & Gartshore | HUDSON--ESSEX i 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector fof Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 Tress BRUC STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 Phone 871--4687TW bond issue was oversubscribed. and East, TILLIE THE TOILER-- v2 SIVING THE Lob L. ©1992. King Pearures' Syndicate, the, Groat Boras nphus reserved. = TWO PEOPLE \ OF PROMINENCE MIGOSH | ARE REPORTED MISSING - THEY ARE FERGIE ROBINSON = SOM OF THE FAMOUS O\L RING -OND TILLE TONES, HIS BEALTIFUL FL COMPANION - REPORTED MISSING. BRINGING UP FATHER o By Geo. McManus | TOLD YOu FOR TIME THAT | WI ALL THE PEOPLE THAT YOU ARE TO APPOINT WHEN. YOu ARE ELECTED. THE LAST LL PICK OUT LOOK WHAT MAGGIE WANTS TO MAKE POLICE COMMISSIONER! WHY, MR, IGGSY YOU LOOK WORRIED, WHAT 1S IT? I'M WORRIED ABOUT THIS \9NT ANY DOUBT IT. YOu WiLL BE ELECTED. | TUT-TUT' THERE ELECTION FOR MAYOR. THAT'S JUST WHAT 1S WORRYIN'

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