PAGE EIGHT a a. -- PRODUCE PRICES _ TORONTO DUCE y (Buying Toronto dealers are buying troduce at the following prices Eggs--Prices to farmers and country shippers: Ungraded, cases returned, fresH extras, 21c; fresh firsts, 16¢; seconds, 11¢ to 2c. Graded cases free, 22¢, 17%c, 13e. \ ery solids 20%c to 20%c, No, 2, 193c to 19dc. ¢ Churning cream--=Special, 16 to 17¢; No. 1, 15 to 16¢c; No. 2, 12 to 13c, f.0.b. shipping points. Do, 3% 104s. 13 iis. Do., 3to 3% Ms. .. 12 ,. .. Do., 2% to 3 Ibs. .. 1} Jiv.. Cheese--No. 1 large, colored, parafined and government grad- ed, 10c. Dressed Poultry-- | AliveA B Chickens, over 4 Ms.. 15 .. .. Spring broilers, Rocks, Shs ....... HE | Do., Rocks, 21; to 3 Hs, ...eiriieeso 12 Do., Rocks, 1% to 23% Ds, J..v.vx 19 Do., Leghorns, 2c. less > seme Fatted hens, over 6 1bs. each Over 4 to 5 bs, each 10 Over 3% to 4 Ibs, Over 3 to 31% Ibs. each i 08 10 Ducklings, over 5 Ibs. each Cees 12 Over 4 to 5 lbs. each 10 .. . Colored ducklings, 3c. less Old roosters, over 5 Ibs. CALI or sisi cms 0710 (Selling) Toronto dealers are offering produce to retail dealers ar the following prices: Eggs--i#'resh extras, in car tons, 26¢; fresh extras, loose 25c; firsts 20c; seconds, 15c. Butter -- No. 1 creamery vrints, 23¢; No. 2 creamery, Gone To The Police Dog Bites Child . . . A great deal of publicity has been gained for our furry friend at the expense of the German Shepherd Dog. It seems mighty dif- ficult to state as surety that this companion of man who won unsung honors during the war and has made himself famous on the silver screen, is worthy of such condemnation, It is very rare that a wellbred, well-mannered and well*cared Tor dog gocs really bad. You count your dog as a personal member of your family and would miss him ag such if he were removed. Be good to your dog and he'll be good to you. He needs the same Constant care and attention as your child, Obtain your free copy of 'Sergeant's Dog Book." Study his whims and fan- cies, his ailments and treat- ments, There is a scientifically prepared SERGEANT'S DOG REMEDY for his every need. Prepar- ed and sold by lovers of dogs. Our stock is com- plete. When in need of Drugs "QUICKLY" 'Phone Jury & Lovell King E. Phone 28 Simcoe 8. Phone 68 | A large prints, 22e. Cheese -- New, large, twing 11%c; triplets 12c; stiltons, 13c. Old, large, twins 173c; triplets, 17%c. Poultry-- Broilers, 25c to 30c; chickens, d to 6 Ib.; 4 to 5 Ibs, 22c: 3 to 4 ds, 26c; under 21; ibs., 28c. Hens, over 5 Ibs. 2) to 23c; 4 to 5 bs, 18 to 20c Ducklings, 22 to 25c. TORONTO PROVISIONS Wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to local retail dealers: Pork--Ham, 1233 to 13¢; shoulders, 9% to 10c; butts, 11 to 11%e; loins, 18 to 18%c, Cured meats--Long clears, b0 to 70 dbs. 9%c; 90 zo 100 Ibs, 9c. Shorts, all clear, 17c; D.S. bellies 14 to 20 ™s., 9c; middles, 50 to 70 Ibs, 13c. Lard--Pure, tierces, 9c; tubs, 9c; pails, 10c; prints 93%c. Shortening--Tierces, 9c; tubs, 915c; pails, 9c; prints. 10c. Special pastry--Tierces, 14- 15¢; tubs, 15c; pails, 15%e. 11jc; new 17¢; TORONTO FRUIT PRICES Apples, No. 1. Duchess, hamper .... +... 0.7 No. 2., . 0.50 Blueberries, 11 qts. . 1.00 Do., 6 gis. ... ... 0:40 Cherries, sweet, 6 qts.0.30 Do., sour, 6 qts, .. 0.20 Do., 11 gts. ... .. 0.35 Currants, red, 6 qts.. 0.30 Do. gts. ........ 008 Peaches, 6 gts. .. .. 0.25 Rhubarb, doz. bunches0.15 Raspberries, pints .. 0.07 Do., black, pints .. 0.05 Thimbleberries, pint, 0.05 Fruits Imported-- Apples, box Apricots, case ... Bananas, Ib Gooseberries, Do., flats Grapefruit, case ... Lemons, case Melons, Honeydew, Crate ...... +s ss. Oranges, Cal. Val. .. 5.00 Peaches, case ...... 2.00 Pears. case ... .... 3.25 Plums ov 3 Watermelons, each .. 0.35 Vegetables, Domestic-- Beans, wax, 11 qts. . 0.25 Do. green, do., ... 0.30 Beets, dozen ........ 0.10 Carrots, doz . 0.1213; Cabbage, hamper ... 0.30 Caulifiower, hamper 0.75 Celery, dozen 0.25 Corn, doz. 06 Cucumbers, 11 qts. 2 Lettuce, leaf, doz..... 0.1 Do., head, crate ., 0.3 Marrows, 1l1qts, Mushrooms, Ih ...... Onions, doz. bunches... ... Do., 11 qts, 0 Do., 100 I, bags .. Peas, 11 qts. 0 Peppers, green, 6 qts. . 0. Srvc emma RD WoO VOSL TSOP Nec Ree o9ococoSooc mon 2 ooh a NU Amv Scochv co SWIM ad Ss cronen Sooo srooo~=ocoooe £2 nko kD Gotan. Brougham News (Mrs. T C. Brown, Correspon- dent) BROUGHAM, August 29, -- gathering of Brough- am residents and the nearby far mers, assembled at the Town Hail on Wednesday evening to honor = Mr. Domald Beer and bride.. Mr. Bert Harvey in his own happy way, took charge of a short program consisting of piano and violin duet by Mrs. Ei- licott and Mr. Hopkins; 2 songs by Mrs, Gannon; selections of music, Eddie Hiltz, Mr. White; music by Mr, Mann, and 'Mr, Har, vey kindly helped by singing two of his ever popular songs. Next Mr. and Mrs. Beer were called to platform to receive the wonderful display of presents donated DULY their friends, Mr. Beer fittingly thanked his neighbors for tui: expression of their good will, The young peole finished the evenicg with an hour's dancing. The August meeting of the W. M.S. was hela at the home of Mrs. John Phillips on Thursday afternoon with a full attendance. about 30 being present. Mrs, J. Miller, vice president, took charge of the meeting, assisted in devotional opening exercisss by Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Philip. Arrangements were made for bale packing on Sept. 6. Group D convenor Mrs. Brown, had charge of the afternoon's pro- gram which was opened hy the singing of a hymn. Mrs. Hoit- by led in prayer. Mrs. Brown read a review of home missions RUST PROOF! @® When you shave with the Gillette BLUE SUPER-BLADE, you get the exclusive advan- tage of specially tempered steel protected with rustless finish. The Blue Blade is made in addition fo the regular Gillette Blade sold in the green package. tion on my Name. FREE TRIAL COUPON GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO., LTD. 1085 St. Alexander St., Montreal, Que. Gentlemen: I'd like to try the Gillette Blue Si Please send ye one absolutely free and ads. 207CB Addr Et tl a -- -- « THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1932 is the best quality moderate price, | BLUE LABEL the tea for your table A favourite in thousands of Canadian homes because it at a Mrs, Dunn and Mis. Cassie read selections, In clos. ing all joimed in repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Philip and Mrs, W. Gray, hostesses, served a bountiful and tasty supper to the guests of the afternoon, Mrs. Cosgrave, of Toronto, spent the past week at the home of Bert and Mrs, Harvey, Grant and Mrs. Malcolm spent the week-end with their people, Miss Jean Malcolm accompanying them home to Galt for a short holiday. Miss Mary Malcolm fs a Toronto visitor this week-end. Miss Kate Brodie is with her sister, Mrs. W. Dobson, of Beav- erton, at present, The Misses Lepeer, of Toronto, are holidaying with Mrs. John Liscomb. Mr. Harvey Liscomb attended the funera; of his little grand- daughter at Coboconk on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Puddy, of Toronto called on B. and Mrs. Harvey om Sunday. Mr. Love and sons were with their people here on Sunday. Mr, Hanley, a visitor, helped materially with the Sunday ser- vice by singing a hymn, Mrs. Haywood and little daughter are spending the week- end with her mother Mrs. Bar- cley. Mr. and Mrs. Tuck and daugh ters, of Detroit, while touriug Canada, visited the cemetery herc and called on the Browns, seek- ing information about their an- cestors, Mrs, Tuck is a great grand-daughter of the late Wm Bentley, who built the corner brick house, her father being Wm. Vamzant, grandson of W. Bentley, and Mrs. Shepherd is a distant relative and was pleased to see them. Mr, Bentley, of Whitby, father of Mrs. H. Shea, died on Sunday Miss Muriel: Shepherd spent the week with Mrs. Moffat at the lake, Miss Bates, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, Hanley, of Stratford were week-end visitors of Miss Bate, Mr. and Mrs. Baldson, of Pick- ering visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Hamilton on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson and sons visited the Beer families on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Beelby, of Green- river, were Sunday visitors of the A. Gray tamily, in Canada. Port Perry Upper School Exam Results (Miss M. Cockburn, Correspondent) PORT PERRY, Aug. 27.-- Port Perry High School--Upper School Report--Beverley Smallmun -- Mod. Hist, 3, Geom. C, Trig. 3; George Tinsley--Eng, Comp. 1, M. Mist, C, Chem. C, Fr. Comp. C; Marion Tinsley--Engz Comp. 1, Eng. Lit. C: Enid Wallace--Eng. Comp. 1, Eng. Lit. 2,. Trig. 1; Robert Willan-- Eng. Comp. C; Robt. B. Cawker-- Eng. Lit. 3, Mod. Hist, 3, Geom. C, Chem. 2, Fr. Auth. 2, Fr, Comp. C; Lorena Currah--Eng, Comp. 2, Eng. Lit. 2; Floyd E. Corner--Engz. Lit. C; Geom. C, Trig. C, Lat. Auth. C, Lat. Comp. C; Mervin Currah-- Eng. Lit. C, Alg.-3, Trig. C, Fr. Auth. 3, Fr. Comp. 3; Donald Em- merson--Geom. 3, Trig. C; Ralph Emmerson--Eng. Comp. 3; Pauline Ferguson--Eng. Lit. C, Mod. Hist. Cs Alg. C, Geom. C, Lat. Auth. C, Lat. Comp C, Fr. Auth. C, 'Fr. Comp. C; Olga Lakey--Eng. Comp. 3, Eng. Lit. 'C, Trig. 1; M. Lucie Harper--Alg. C, Geom. C, Lat. Au. C; Marjorie Pyatt--Eng, Comp. C, Eng. Lit. C; William Lyle--Eng. Lit. 3, Trig. 3, Phy. C, Fr. Auth. 3; Robt. McMillan -- Mod. Hist. C; Hugh Nind-- Eng. Comp. 3, Eng. Lit. C, Mod. Hist. 3, Alg, C, Geom. C, Lat. Auth. 2, Lat. Comp. 2, Fr. Comp. 1, Fr. Auth, 2; Sylvia Nind-- Eng. Comp. 2, Eng. Lit. 2, Geom. 3, Triz. 1; Eric Nasmith--Eng, Comp. C, Eng. Lit. 3, Alg. 2, Ge8m. 2, Trig. 1, Phy, 3. Lat, Auth. 1, Lat. Comp. 2, Fr. Auth, 1, Fr. Comp. 1; Walter Phoenix--Trig. C, Chem. 2; Francis Raines--Eng. Lit, 3, Geom. C, Phy, C, Chem. 3, Lat. Comp. 2, Fr. Au. C, Fr. Comp. 3; Donald Shepherd-- Eng. Comp. 2; W, Thomas Harris --Alg. 1, Geom. C, Chem. C; Wil- liam Harper--Alg. C, Geom. C. Miss Marjorie Real of St. Michael's Hospital is spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Real, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gordon and family of Toronto, spent the week- end with friends in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs.' C. S. Stephenson and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Ver- non Thompson, Mies Enid Thomn- son and Mr, John Vance, Mr. and Mrs. Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Simpson, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sharpro, Mr. and Mrs. Ginsberg and three sons of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Harner of Landon and Mr. and Mrs, Nelsen Todd ~f Detroit. were among those who spent tha wantecand in Port Perry and at the Take front. Master Rohert Gordon. of Part Credit, is visiting at the home of his uncle Mr, J, C. Cockburn, The roany friends of Mr, Chas Wells will be glad to learn that ha is' improving after his severe fi). ness, We hope he will soon be completely recovered, Mrs. Downer is in Muskoka where she has been visiting friends for several weeks. Miss Frances Mellow of Toronto, was with her mother, Mrs, B, L. Mellow, for the week-end. Quite a number from here attend. ed the Dance at Caesarea on Fri- day night, Master Fred Middleton has re- turned home after a short visit with Toronto friends. Mr. and Miss Payne of Toronto, were fuests of Port Perry friends over the week end. Courtice News (Mrs. W. Courtice, Correspondent) COURTICE, Aug. 29, -- Mrs, C, W. Curran, Toronto, spent two weeks with her Aunt, Mrs. L. J. Short, Miss Helen Armour, Oshawa, was a Sunday gudst of Miss Ber- nice Gay. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Fitsimmons and Master Harry, Detroit, return- ed home after spending their holi- with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Bhooks. Mrs. Ross Pearce with her fath- er and mother, Mr. and Mrs, 1 G. Lanzgmaid and her sister, Mrs. Fos- ter Snowden, Oshawa, spent Sunday in Seebright. Mrs. Howard Flintoff and Miss Florence Spent Sunday in Toronto quests of Mr. and Mrs. Everest's. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Short and Mr. Jesse Short, Long Hill, were and Mr. L. J. Short's. ; Mr. Jack Pickel!, Mr. Glascoe and Mr. Coppin, Detroit, called on rela- tives here on their way to Mon- treal, Mr. Gardiner and Miss Elzabetli Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting at Mrs. A. F. Rundle's. Miss Katharine Minto, Clarkson, returned home after a happy holi- day at Mr. Archie Muir's, her grandfather. We are pleased to see Mrs. Char- lotte Annis home again atter a lengthy visit with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Brent, Tyrone, The public. school at No. 8, will on Thursday, Sept. 1st welcome m our midst again our teachers, Mr. Hopkins and Miss Dorothy Wiman and wish them every success mn their work of the coming year. Sunday was an ideal day, and our Pastor being away on his holidays, in the morning the Rev. J. S. L Wilson, Simcoe St. Church, Osh- awa, whe was a former Past the Courtice Circuit, and delivered a most address, on Prohibition. Union. Mr. Wilson's many friends here were delighted to have the privilege of hearing him azain, He was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden on Sunday. In the evening we list- ened to another splendid sermon Hy Rey. C. 1. Brown, Northminster Church, Oshawa, This is the first time Mr. Brown has occupied the pulpit hefe and he will be welcomed again at any future time. We were pleased to see Mr Bert Gav, Oshawa, in our service Sunday evening. Mr. Gay was one of our Courtice boys and was a member of the choir here for some time... He and Miss Evelyn Gay accompanied Rev. Brown Sunday evening. was enthusiastic CANADA'S WOOD PULP PRO- DUCTION Ottawa. --- It is usually ecor- sidered that a cord of wood w'll yield a ton of groundwood pu'n or half a ton of chemical pulp This is borne out by the figures of manufacture of wnod pulp for the year 1930, lately issued Ly the Dominion Bureau of Statis- tics, in co-operation with ihe Forest Service, Department of the Interior. These show that in making the 2,283,130 tons of groundwood pulp produced in that vear 2,241,296 cords of pulpwood were used and that 2. 168,886 cords of wood were re quired to make 1,076,804 tous of chemical fibre. The average Magnesia Best for Your Indigestion Warng Against Doping Stomach With Artificial Digestants Most people who suffer, either occasionally or chronically from gas, sourness and indigestion, have now discontinued disagree- able diets, patent foods and the use of harmful drugs, stomach tonics, medicines and artificial digestants, and instead take a teaspoonful of Bisurated Mag- nesia in a little water after meals with the result that their stom- ach no longer troubles them, they are able to eat as they please and they enjoy much better health, Those who use Bisurat- ed Magnesia never dread the ap- proach of meal time because they know this wonderful anti-acid and food corrective, which can be obtained from any good drug store, will instantly neutralize the stomach acidity, sweeten the stomach, prevent food fermenta- tion, and make digestion wasy. Try this plan yourself, but be cer- tain to get Bisurated Magnesia especially prepared for stomach use, production of pulp per cord of wood used was thus 2.037 poun-is of mechanical pulp, wood and 993 pounds of chemical] fibre. Harmony News (Mrs. H. Willson, Correspondent) were recent visitors with Mr, and Aureen Jackson visited with triends HARMONY, Aug. 27--Mr, and Mrs, William McGill, of Janetville, Mrs. J. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Jackson and in Port Hope on Sunday, Lillian Kelusky has been quite ill with pleurisy. Glad to know she is getting better. Madaline Marlow, of Nestleton, was a recent visitor with Greta Hunking. Miss Helen Hunking spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Mur- lowe at Nestleton, - Mr. and Mrs. C. Lugstin and Miss Jean Lugstin, of Moore's Park, To- ronto, have returned home after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. R. Lake, . ! Mrs, Herb Trull Ig zetting around again alter the accident. Ross Winter has been ill again and confined to his bed, We wish him a speedy recovery, trict, perty owners turned out in large numbers, and under the direction of Chief Arthur Lalande, managed first to keep the blaze from spread- inx, and later narrowed it down to the four buildings close to the point where it started. Won Many Prizes man, West Bridge Street, has not lost his love for a good horse and who yearly visits the fall fairs with a couple of good ones, Fair where he took down three .major awards and a third with his and a hackney. purchased the Zombro mare from Colonel ville about a year ago and she is one of the finest nieces of horse flesh in Eastern Ontario, having won first Eastern Ontario ~ News Superintends Utilities Deseronto. -- Robert Scott, of Campbellford has received the ap- pointment of superintendent of the Public Utillties Commission of Des- eronto, and assumed his new duties on Thursday morning last. Dies of Injuries Peterboro.--Entangled in a cir- cular saw which he was operating at a Norwood factory Harry Alfred suffered injuries here. He was rushed to hospital and blood trans- fusions prepared in an effort, to save his life but he succumbed shortly after admittance. Fire Threatens Village Ottawa.--Fire, which for a time threatened to sweep the lumber piles and residential section of the town of Rockland, was brought un- der control, and extinguished by a veritable army of fire-fighters from Rockland and the surrounding dis- Unemployed as well as pro- 8. P. Hager- Belleville.--Mr. who has returned from Picton Helen Zombro Mr, Hagerman two horses Urchman of Bowman- prizes at the Toronto r on| with us | recent visitors at Mr. Jack Short's | | day previous, Mr. family spent Bolster. John Laverty was taken suddenly We hope he will again, Stacey of the city, | been a recent visitor with his grand- mother, Mrs, J. Friends of Weese were {of Mr. and ill on Tuesday. soon be around Jackie Mrs. William Ferguson Sunday at Mr. They deepest sympathy to Mr. trice and Glenn Willson, are spend ing a diy with Mrs MW St. Catharines. A was held in the pr of the Sunday when dramatization also part of the took charge of the sen Kelusky read s-rinture 'ed in praver. reading interesting nary department School primary service, three scenes: First Moses, s2con hasket home Eileen Moses' ther thelr daughter: princess; All too! one enjoved it To Command Regiment Kingston Delora, has been promoted to' the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel command the Hastings and Prince Regiment, with regimental Trenton, Smith, Edward headquarters at Lieut,-Col. heen appointed ta command the 2nd (reserve) ment, their the river, ater Moses Rao~ers Mother: Moses Major H..J1 Battalion Greentree and areatly shocked to hear Weese's death, | operation for appendicitis about ten all extend their horse show, Promoted Brigadier Kingston.--Lieut.-Col. JY. A. Hope, D.S.0. M.C.. 'AD.C.., of Perth, formerly officer com- manding the Lanark and Renfrew Scottish (Black Watch), has been promoted to the rank of colonel and will succeed Col. J. A. Gillies, V.D., as officer com- | mantine the Sth Infantrv Brig- |ade with headounarters at Ottawa. Col. Gillies, who formerlv com- manded the Stormont, Dundas pirls A baby charge of Lorna Hinton gz The Mramet Ad. findins tril Ma? M:rie etty and five cirls parts well and everv- Some of the ladies of the bible class were ir to see it, AV and Glenzarrv Highlanders, pro- juenas to the Reserve of Officers. | | | Farm Buildings Bern Pembroke.--Fire which broke Wednesday night, about 10 destroved the outbuild- farm of Anthony Lanierre. at the foot of Allu- mette Island, to~ether with the season's cron of hay, some grain, and some farm machinery, The farmhouse was saved. Mr. La- pierre's loss will be about $4,000, partly covered by insurance, out o'clock, ings on the Fired At Police Belleville. --Firing 1t 1s al- leged at -the Provincial Police with a loaded rifle when they were about to investigate a do- mestic ouarrel, Nelson Miller of Hallowell Township, Prince Ed- ward County drove the police hack lonz enough to escape under the cover of darkness, To Hold Field Day Kingston. --- Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment are ar- ranging for a field dav to be held in Trenton September 21, Each company will do local train- ing prior to that date. Desnatches from Winnipeg indi cate that the costs of hicher educa- tion in Manitoba are likely tn be still higher.--Toronto Mail and Em- pire. Zion New Mrs. J. W. Balson, A ( probs , Correspon ZION, Aug, 29, -- Miss Ethe! Reinkoster, of Oshawa, has been visiting Miss Audrey Ayre for » week. Miss Florence Love, Kedron, and Master Glen Brooks, of Osa awa, were week-end guests of Mr, Jesse Arnott's. Mrs. Annie Harbron, of Kir- sale, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R., W. Ball. Mrs. Monterief and two daugh- ters, of Peterboro, spent a week at the home of Mrs, A. T. Stain- ton. Misses Marion and Jean Balsou are visiting their sisters, Mrs. Hoskin and Mrs. C. Ferguson Oshawa, for a few days. ! The girls' softball team and their boy friends, held a social evening outdoors in Mr. A. Stain- ton"s flats when a quantity of corn, rolls, weiners, ice cream and lemonade enjoyed around. ) games were also played. ~~ .: Rev. Mr, Rackham 'was in ki pulpit and gave us a splendid message on "I am Alpha an Omega," on Sunday morning. Masters John and Lloyd Stas ton are holidaying with aung, Mrs. Willis Gladwell, Toronto and 'attending' exhibition A few neighbors helped to ee brate the 80th birthday of M James Sulley, on Saturday even, ing, at her home by & friend; game of Lost Heir. We congra ulate Mrs, Sulley on her age, she does all her own farm hoy work alome. were very muc] . C A local man driving to Musk: over the week-end states he drove along the highway at 35 to 40 mil an hour, and was holding u~ parade. Every other car passed hi at anything from 50 to 70 miles: an hour,--Meatord Mirror, Times Classified Ads. get CANADIAN NATIONAL 26 INCLUSIVE hd 34 11:1hglel) TORONTO 1932 World Enterprise of Outstanding Prominence --- ecognized institution of Canadian life -- the big annual event looked forward 4 with keen anticipation anadians. by hundreds of thousands of PAGEANTRY RECREATION AGRICULTURE ART Besses-o'-th'-Barn Band Mr. Fred Royle, Mus. Bac., F.R.C.O., Director From Bandin Thirty Other Bands d--the oldest and finest Brass . Winners of 250 awards, MUSIC SCIENCE INDUSTRY EDUCATION "The Triumph" beautiful and dramatic t depicting rg % Heriem, 16% Performers on World's Largest Stage. pectacular i evening in front of the grandstand. Every FASHIONS TRAVEL SPORT g and Pacing Horses - Cattle - Sheep - Swing Poultry, Judgi iti Horti- culture, Tntertatlons Bog and Cat Shout 3 Trottin ces and Futugiti ons, $6000 ENGINEERING AUTOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION [J zation ERE ® oy et Mo, and ier Chg 14 2,000-VOICE EXHIBITION CHORUS This Internationally famous choral organi. be a by the LJ] WILLIAM INGLIS, President H. W. WATERS, Kaye Don with "Miss England III* Vickers § - upermarine Rolls Royce 8.6.B.! World's Fastest Seaplane _. : 1 General Manager MIDWAY'S MILE OF MERRIMENT Specially reduced rates on railroads during Exhibition. | | Consult local agents. § Is There a Boy or Girl Living in the Ontario County Fair Zone Who Would Like to Own This Pony? | This beautiful pony will be given away absolutely free on September 14th, In front of the grandstand at the Oshawa Fair, Some fortunate boy or girl, who attends the Ontario County Fair, will ride this pony home as a gift from the Directors of the Fair. EVERY KIDDIE 5 Y ' Will Have A CHANCE To Own This PONY Watch for Him YOU WILL SEE HIM ABOUT TOWN ONE DAY VERY SOON A Nice Pony