PAGE, THIRTEEN H RI ; : oney tu st," | Phone (17 teb't2) . Ts BARRIS iors, ; Notaries : Public. paveyancihg and general cs fn Law. Oftite 7% 'Sim- is i Sputh;, Oshawa, Buons Site: 0 nt, B.A. LLB.: An! BiA., LLB, (E.R. STNCLJ re; KO. BANE Coat rce Building - ; jy AN (3 N. z "Solicitor, vayancer. Muaey to loan, oF 14% King St. East, Oshawa. pe 445. Residence phone 837. TERSON, Ton ol r. Barristers, Ete. ank © merce ti S 5. feitor. Notdry, Morey to loan. (im oe 'Street North, Phone Residence BAW. [BER & HUMPH ak BAR- , Solicitors, Etc. Sim- St. N. Pheas 3160. I dence 4. Money. to loan. RENNICK, B.A, ,'125 Simeoe St. South, Tele Pie 3038--F65. +*3 sept tf) EE Sn Sn "Undertaking BURTA: CO. 61 KING IEast. Aribulance. Residence Simcoe utreet North. Phone p or 210W, IF BURIAL, CO., M. ¥. Bhre.z. & Son. Proprietors. neral and Ambulance Service and night. Phone 1082W. Celina. (4tf) '. Architects C. STENHOUSE, GE ENERAL hitéctural woric. Second floor val" Bank Building. Phone 8. Residence phon: 909J. Auctioneer [ON 16). W. J. SULLEY, ctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, S., yWa. Special attention given usehold furniture sales and n stock aad {mplements Your ronage. solicited. ee J Watch Repairing "VON GUNTEN, EXPERT s watchmaker, repair shop ai King Street West. Your penage 1s solicited. + * Transportation TAGE AND STORAGE. n's, 85 Bond West. Spec- | in furniture moving. Stor- ehouse and moving van Phone 82. JRIES CHARGED 78¢ nti] $1.00. Called for Ki Batteries $2.75 and . Bligdon,. 20 Mili St. Insurance Dp SON, INSURANCE, Wee:, Oshawa. The geycy in Oshawa. 30 "Pre "Companies. ASSURANCE ida, Dominion Bank lex." S. Ross, S. TF. =u corner Ash. All c. (26 aug ¢) 1 ER E attention to X-ray: raction. Nurse "in HE ROOFER, AS- cedar. phingling, felt, ing, caulking, chim. Fres indpection. (June 13-1 yr) ON, 4 Rep In ing. Shoes called for vered, Phone 672W. Jack ® ner' Mary and Colborne. 2 . (27 aug ¢) inced. Can be ies at or. {ling rates, covering u riod: up. to twelve months 15 ly' while you drive your car. wpbel] Auto Finance Co. Ltd. ey Block, King St. East. H. { MacDonald, representative ches throughout Ontarijo. i (4 sept c) Work Wanted TION WANTED AS HOUBH, er or would care. for an-in Box 501 Times. (44c) Palmist MADAME BR impist, . on zl] matters of im- pee. 93 Louisa St. Phone 67. Business private, (14 sept e) | For Sale ¢ or Kent 3 8 ENT PRACH ly new, solid brick home 1. of Jocality., Fuel-oil hot water ing, double brick garage, fiall up-to-date' modern con. jences including refrigerator sion at once, {f requiréd, y owner Box 217 Times. (45¢c) x Somme ian LO-----DIRT AND STAINS | from Marvelo. Sensational id cleanser. Phone 1733M. 3 # er INSULT 5 OWN, i For Rent "ECONOMICAL APARTMENTS . Our apartments ars equipped with electric refrigesation, stove, washer and dryer; constant hot water; efficl- ent janitor service. Apartments at the George trom $30, Edward from $25, Llewellyn from $27.50, Amylene $35. DISNEY, PHONE 1550 (38LD) NOW HERE'S SOMETHING GOOD A nice Apartment for very little money--four and five rooms--modern, Come and let us show you abeut. You'll be surprised at the low rent. Simcoe Manor and Victoria Apartments. (45a) MODERN HOUSE ON SIMCOE North,8 rooms, hot water hea!- ing, very warm, and pewly dec- orated, garage zccommodation, Rent reasonable, Phone £32J. (44¢) FOR RENT-- ELEVEN ROOM house, hot water heating, all eon. veniences, Immediate possession. Phone 309. 76 King St. W (44c) ONE FLAT FURNISHED OR UN. furnished, all conve ces, ceu- tral, also two bedrooms furnished or unfurnished. Phone 1201M. (44.) A LARGE, TURNISHED BED. room, suit two, twin beds. All conveniences, Central. Phone 23233W, (45¢) Com & Bunion Remedies YOU NEED NOT SUFFER--From Corns,. Callouses, Ingrown Toe- Nails or even Warts, Apply CRESS CORN SALVE and take a new in- terest in life. And if it's a Bunion, CRESS' BUNION SALVE will surely help you. -- At/ Jury & Lovells. . pees Wanted to Rent MOTOR CARS -- WANTED 10 rent sedan or coach for Sept. 3, 4 of car and price wanted per day or mile to:box 324 Times. (46¢) Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE --TO BE moved. from lot at $0 Bond 8" West. Cajl at Dominion Garage. (442) Wanted to Buy EGGS WANTED, ANY QUAN- tity. Highest price given, Wri': tirst tor particulars. 1528 Dundas St. West, Toronto. (45d) "Female Help Wanted WANTED -- YOUNG WOMAN for general housework, to sleep out. Apply stating age and ref erences to Box 404 Oshawa Daily Times. (45¢) WANTED --- EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, 'Sta'e age 2nd wages expected, refer- ences. Box 225 Times, (46¢) TO RENT MODERN APART ments, three and five rooms w bath, Attractive prices, 161 King E:st, Phone 847TW, (48c) FURNISHED ROOM FOR LIGHT housekeeping or room..285 Celina St. a (46h) FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment, in business section. Pri- vate bath, electric and water. Suited for, 1 person. Box 321 Times (46th) FOUR UNFU RNISHED ROOMS on bath flat. Apply 299 Division St. (46¢) FOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE all conveniences, newly decorated, hardwood floors, central locality. Apply 91 Ritson Rd. North, (25 Sept. Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, Permanent Wave $3.50 ug. *'Cro- quinole and Spiral". Marcel B0c. Shampoo, Finger Ware and trim $1. Fxpert operators on'y. 79 Sim- cos St. North (note new ad- dress). Phone 2968. [] (8 aug tf) GENOS1IA HAIRDRESSING EX- perts--on all kinds of beauty culture. Permanent waves our specialty. Finger ware and shampoo, $1.00; ° Mareell, B0e, Facials, scalp treatments and maniearing. Coffee Shop en- trance. Phone 1973. (6 July 1 mo) COREND : SON, IR. dresser, ec) 93 Church St. Maree): ling 36¢ ans finger waving &0c. Phene 2133 (16 sept ¢) PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON, permanent waves specialty $2.50 up. Finger waving 00c. Marcel- Ying 35c. 10 Prince. Phone 6388. (15 sept ¢) id 1 dressing and Beastly Cuiture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 3%, Osb- awa, Ontare. (33 nov tH MAYFA AUTY SA 134% King St. E. Phone 2020. All branches hairdressing. First Class hair cutter in attendance. mi sept ¢) "Articles for Sale B00D SOUND DRY 80ODY HARD wood. Guaranteed full measure, 3% cord, $3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft wood, $2.25 A. Wall, 202 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 3623F, (10 sept e) LABS 2.28, A $3.25. Good measurement, H. R Stark. 356 . Pine Ave. Phone 1727W. (12 sept ¢) ALL KINDS OF WOOD. PRICES right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert. Phone 10797. Hl sept ¢) '| vate home for ] '8 , ¥ N ST. Phone' 3109]. Slabs $2 295, Body | Wood $2.50. Hardwood 33. (16 sept ¢) | "SALE--WALNUT [4 room suite, William's piano, bed- room suite, Singer sewing maca- ine, electric range, breakfast suite, Plymouth '30 sedan. 304 William East. (44c) USED ELECTRIC REFRIGER. ator, hermetically sealed unit, 60 cycle, seven cubic' feet storage space, a real bargain, Heintzman & Company, Limited, 195 Yonge St., Toronto. - (46¢) PHOTOGRAPHIC MATE Rn, Wratten's dark lantern with special light filters. Developing dishes, len- ses," chemicals, etc, Dell, 267% Sim- coe South. (46¢) PLAYER PIANO WITH BENCH, cabin 't, two hundred rolls. Terms. Tnauire 1437] or A. Gordon, Balsam, Ontario. (46¢) Room and Board T A 5 1 furnished rooms, refined home, board it desired. Phone 454W, (44c) ROOM AND BOARD IN PRI. business people. Convenient to High School. Apply 110 Colborne St. E. (44¢) FURNISHED ROOMS FOR BUS- iness people, or room and bresk- fast, board optional, conveniences, 14 Yonge St. oc) " Pets and Tivestock REGISTERED CHESEPEAK irery Tuesdays, Fridays. 4 Bay dog pups ior sale, Apply Box h [lah PL) WANTED -- EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply Commercial Hotel. (46b) Lost LOST-HAWKEYE NO. 2, FOLD- ing, Tuesday evening, August 16, please notity G. Overend, 170 Rus- holme Rd.. Toronto. (46b) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE DOCTOR'S reference, Maternity or general nursing, cover (... years experience. Charges moderate, Phone 3033). (25 Sept ©) An information booth for the free distribution of descriptive literature on the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition and a directory of approved private homes for visitors has been opened at 5 Front Street East, Toronto, We were dancing the young nephew on our knee when Le sald: "Uncle, I had a ride on a rea; donkey yesterday." --- Que- bec Chronicle-Telegraph. Rates For Classified Ads. First Insertion--115 cents per word. | Minimum charge for one in- sertion" 30c. Each subsequent tive {asertion word. Three consecutive inser. | tions for the price of two first {insertions * (three | cents 8 word). Minimum charge for three | * {issertions 60c. | Box number '0c additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per morth for each additional word. PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad consecu- | le er | va & 5, for trip. Reply, stating make |} | the late Mrs. | al took place en Monday of this FOOL THE MOTH Absolute protection for your woolens, other clothes from ravages of the disastrans moth '--=no fuss, no bother--permanent, Aeromatic Red Cedar Lining For Closets, Chests, etc. For Particulars TELEPHONE 2821 furs and Seagrave News (Mrs. L. Scott, Correspondent) SEAGRAVE, Aug. 22. -- The services on' Sunday were well ate tendéd, Sunday school having about the average: attendance, with Sapt. Mr. J. Mark and near- ly all of the teachers present, The evening .wervice was in charge of Mr. Smallman of Port Perry, his address being very inspiring and much appreciated. Bethesda male quartette rendered a number of pleasing selections, which were enjoyed. The local choir led ,in the singing of hymns. The serv- ice throughout was a delightful one. .On Sunday evening, August 28th, a treat is in store for all who attend this service. Rev. Mr. Feever of Toronto Baptist church and his quartette will conduct the service. Those who heard them Bere. Jabt vear were delight- ed with the wervice . A fall house | should greet them this fear. Mr. W. Frise and Mr Stone's threshing machines busy these days. Some of the far- mers are threshing their grain from the field this vear. - Anyone vieiting our village six evenings a week can enjoy a free | exhibition of horseshoe pitching. in which old and young men seem to take great pleasure in doing lately, They must be practicing to play at Port Perry and Oshawa fairs. Miss Holdershaw, at Uxbridge, | is visiting her brother, Mr. Holhershaw and Mrs. shaw, Miss Maud Watson, of York, and Mise Marion Watson, nf Creswell, were visitors tives in the community Mr. James Mark and Mr. An- drew Robinson, of Lndsal, visited relatives, om Sunday. "Mr. and Mrs. Tait, Mr, Blight and Miss Lizzie Blizht, Toronto, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. J. Blight. Mrs. A. MacLean, Rose and Reta spent Sunday at Manilla with relatfves. Mr. "and Mrs, Philip Ripley, Oshawa, were visitors at hame of the latter's sister, A. Tannér, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker, Stouffville, visited on Sundav with the latter's parents; A. I. Orchard. Congratulations to Reynolds in passing school examinations, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding were in Toronto last week, . Sympathy for Mre, William O'Neil in the death .of her mother, Mark, whose funer- M. Edwin of cf the Mes. Miss her Bi week. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mark, Miss Gertrude Martin apd Mr Bert Wanamaker spent Sunday af- ternoon at Musselman's Lake and other points. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Ewen was. the scene of a happy band of merry makers recently, when a social evening was held under the auspices of Quadrata Girls' Club. After games were en- joyed, a wealner roast took place in which all had a part. A nice sum was realized which goes to the wrok of the club. The serv ce in 'the United church 'on Sunday evening last had to be withdrawn, owing to a supply not being available. The pastor, who is enjoying a mnnth's holiday with his family is visit ng relatives in Toronto and other points. Sunday school in the morninz was held as usual, and. had a splendid attendance. The superin- are | Joe | Holder- | New | of rela- | Mr. and Mrs. | J to cut sunflowers when they are tendent, Mr. J. N. Mark, and his staff of willing workers feel much encouraged at the interest taken in the Sunday scheol, Quite a number 'attended the garden party held at Sonya, an Wednesday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. C.. W, Clarke, Harvey and baby Jack, accom- panied by Mrs. E.° Neibel, of Thessalon, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott motored to Peterbero re- cently and spent the day with relatives. Mrs. Roy Moon and two chil- dren, of Richmond Hill, visited at the home of Mr .and Mrs. C. W. Moon last week. ~ Mrs. Edgar Nefbel, who has spent the past three weeks with her niece, Mrs. C. W, Clarke, and other relatives, left on Sunday lon. Mr .and Mrs. Joe Smyder, Mrs. 'Wilson and Mr. Wilson, all of New York, spent the past week with the former's parents, Mr. {and Mrs. A. Snyder. | Mrs. Roy Moon and two ehil- dren, of Richmond Hill, were vie- | itors last week of Mr. and Mrs. | C. W. Moon, | Mre. Dave Nairn and two ehil- | dren, nf Toronto, visited for a few | days at the home of Mr. aod Mrs. | W. Rogers. Mrs. Rov Seott spent Thursday | last with relatives at Myrtle Sta- | Mrs. Marshall, of Richbrey. | Montana, was guest last week of | Mrs. J. Shunk, Mr. Roy Moon, of Richmond Hill, «pent Sunday with his par- | ants, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Moon. NEW POTATO BEST Cooking authorities agree that | tor salad 'making new potatoes | dre far the best. In addition to | their sweet, delicate flavor which | make them so appetizing, new po- | tatoes are. firm and not tod iued- ly, and for this reason they can be cut into cubes without danger | of breaking down when combined with other ingredients of the sal | ad. Potato salads are easy to pre- [-pare, putritious, economical and | a rich source of emargy. It is good fat any time, -- Dominion 'Fruit | Branch, Hw HEN To cur SU NFLOWERS "It is generally recommended 50 to 60 per went. In h [bi som," states B. 8. Hopkins, Dominion Field Husbandman. "At this stage they eontain more dry matter than at earlier stages and are more easily handled than at other stages. If the heads are allowed to firm until the seed is in the dough stage the stocks be: come top heavy and difficult to cut and handle in the field, and difficulty is also experienced in getting the larger heads to pass through the throat of the ensil- age cutter." about | Times Classified Ads, get results evening for her 'home at Thessa- |. FOR QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND SATISFACTION Send your clothes to the OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED Min st. Phone 2520 OSHAWA 1 | | BE BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY Daylight Saving Thee) ¢ { alight 743 ) 12.4 pm. Re®ug, BEAn sealed PIPPI ORON as 233333383338 SONAL RNG --- 1. 15 pig 10.35 p.m. OSHAWA, .55 p. )! 40 p.m. BOWMANVILLE, LINDSAY AND BOBCAYGEON Note--Daylight Sav Time and Standard Time effective on all Divisions on same dates as Oshawe and Bowmanville. Effective on and after June 10th, 1952 NORTHBOUND "HY bwe Sepimpeg » sa? Leave Oshawa Bowmanville Hampton , Enniskilien Burketon Blackstock Nestleton ,, Yelverton ., Janetville .. o ONE35585S S000 ommmmN wd '| '5 Pa imimba = Sin AANA, tate "3a 10.25 10.40 10.50 11.08 Dunsford Ancona Pt Bobcaygeon SOUTHBOUND Daily am, Sos Ses, and , p.m. Bobea:genn i 6.45 Ancona Point. 5 Dunsford . Pleasant Point. Lindea: Tanetville vane Yelverton .. Nestleton Blackstock Burketon . Enniskillen Hampton Bowmanville Oshawa 258353 na ba Le ra 38535 'ni Pp 3388s 10.50 11.20 Special Busses For AN Occasions vm sle Rates and Carefus Drivers T. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONES 012 or 348 Oshawa Waiting Roem, § Prince St. Phrae 22 GRAY COACH LINES (Effective May 1, ny (Eastern Standard Time JEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE "TORONTO AM, P.M. AM, P.M, 2.3 1.30 4.30 5.30 he.30 7.30 ba.3e 9.30 Loo 1 30 t Sunday. b--Sa funday and hol ays only. d--Susday only. --Excopt Sunday and ye. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service Effective June 26, 1932 Eastern Standard Time EASTBOUND f~Stops on flag te pick up for Montreal and East, 'family of ily. m. oily except Sunday, .m, Sunday only. m. Daily. 3 to August 2 only. CANADIAN - PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective hive July 1 | 11 2.26 a.m, Daily. 10.30 a. pi Trenton Local Daily, Sunday, FAT fm. Daily. 2 11.06 pm m. pany except Sunday. 12 on "Oitawa, Montteal and East only-- Flag; Westbound excépt NEV $TYLE GLASSES At Reasonable Prices J. W. WORRALL i Eyesight Specialist : JURY & LOVELL'S fing st. E. Phone 3218 ah $2 a.m. Daily, except S y .30 a.m. =m Tosonto and wet onlv--fag Raglan News Avery, dent) RAGLAN, Aug, 24.--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beath and Miss Ruth of Brooklin spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Art. Rham and Burketon and Mrs, Brown, of Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Slute. Mrs. ldris Stacey and son, Mrs. D. Macken and son were recent visitors at the home of the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grills, at Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hall and (Miss Allie Correspon* .| daughters of Brooklin called on Mr. and Mrs. William Avery, on Sunday. Miss Florence Heaps recently visited friemds in Port Perry, Mrs. E. Tummonds and daugh- ter, Inez, recently visited the former's mother, Medd at Port Perry. Mrs. Maye, of Goodwood, visiting with her daughter, A .Pilkie. Miss Rozena Grills, of Colum- bus, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Idris Stacey. A number from here attended the street dameeé at Port Perry one night last week. Miss Donnelley, Whithy, cently called on friends here. Miss Violet Towns, of North Oshawa, spent her vacation with bér grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Heaps. Miss Hazel Grose. of Toronto, ie spending her. vacation at the heme of har parents, Mr. amd Mrs. A. J. Grose. Quite a number of farmers have finished harvest in this vici- nity and some have finished threshing, The heavy rains of last week hindered the farmers a great deal Miss Lorna Evans is at the home of Mr. 'and Llnvd McKee. Manchester, Mr. Thos. McKee, of Manches- ter, id visiting with his daughter, Mrs. J. Evans. Chureh service will be held Sunday afternoon. Aug. 25th. at 3 o'clock, Rev. Totten will take charge of the service. It was for. merly announced for service at 7 p.m. but has since been changed. Mrs. P. Morrison and son, Ro- land. of Oshawa, were vigitors at the homa of Mr. and Mrs. Morlev Cook on Tuesday. Miss Doris Cook returned home with them for a vacation. Mrs. George Hepburn and Miss Florence, of Beathton, were re- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Cook. Mrs, is Mrs. re- Politician -- Can you give my friend a job on vour railway, Railway Manager -- But cannot talk English. Politician -- Well then give him a job calling out trains. he Football Coach (to players--- 'And remember that football de- velops individuality, (initiative and leadership. Now get in thers NEW LOW. PRICES ROYAL- YORK TEA + Ib. Pkg, 23¢ 1 1b. Pkg. 45¢ at "all Superior Stores i C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE 4'/ Prince St., Oshawa Office -Phone 793 Res. Phone 2895 rir ath WANTED--TWO SALESMEN To sell Chevrolet and - Olds mobile cars. Must be honest and energetic. Commission only. Apply to J. N. Willson, ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 86 King St. East visiting | Mre. | Two products worth trying DR AKES' Old English Style HORSE RADISH SAUCE and BENGAT, RELISH Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa Tams 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan. ] '58 Chrysler Sedan, | Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON--ESSEX 135 Ring | st. Aud Phone 1160 Don't Think Insurance, Put it on in good strong companies with J. H. R. LUKE 51 King Street East Phone 871---4687W Repairing Watches : OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we 'can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian: National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 189 FAOMP. | BRYS STORE 'PHONE 22 - 10 Simcoe St. 8. WE DELIVERY We Deliver 4REPAIRI - Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established. 1888 1 Simcoe St. South PUTTING § ON THE, opr HOW ABoUTA HERE'S SOME \N\ CE ~CAVIAR TON TOAST - Wp: FEED-BAS ; 'By. Russ. Westover AND WHERE'S BOME SHRIMP LLOO\K AT THUS \ CAKE ITH CREAM BRINGING UP. FATHER 17'S TOO BAD ABOUT BAY, JIGGH PEOPLE ARE BEGINNIN TO TALK ABOUT THE NEGLIGENT WAY IN. WHICH YOU ARE ACTIN IN RUNNIN FOR | MAYOR: ALL OF US ARE WORKIN LIKE DOGS TO ELECT YOU I'M GWIN' EVERY. MINUTE OF MY TIME TO T= 1 LET NOTHIN INTERFERE WITH IT: *M WORKIN MY FINGERS orn THIS SLECTION, AN'-1=EgR-AM" AS . WAS HAVIN w= YEA! WHAT WZ YOU BAYIN'? ©1932, King Fearares Syndicme, Lo, Gres Britain aghts amesved. HOW HARD YOURE