THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1932 PAGE SEVEN 7 HY 7) 07% 2m a Z = Hi fh i: f E111 ER DB inh [ANNING 7. SWARLZ, Bx RRIS- Notary. Money to m Bolton Ce Bast, Phone pan. 11 : ce 7908. 83. Residen (17 feb th) ONAN ANNIS BARRIS ! Solicitors, Notaries Public. jte. Conveyancing and general stice fn Law. Office 7% Sim- oe Street South,, Oshawa, Phone . G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. Annis, B.A, LL.B, N. SINCLAI%, K.C., BANK y 'Commerce Building, . MANGAN, P.A,, ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. hbonvayancer. Muney to loan. Of- Meo 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 440. Residence phone 837. NBIERSON, >REIGHTON ger. Barristers, Etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg, OUTS ©. f , pifcitor, Notary, Morey to loan. 6 Simcoe Street North, Phone 7. Residence 2544W. FREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- sters, Solicitors, Etc. 243 Sim- koe St. N. Phcna 8160. Residence 514. Money to loan, © BENNICK, B. B.A., BARRIS er, 12% Simcoe St. South, Teie- bhone 3038--565. ("5 sept tf) . MICAL APART Our apartments are equipped with electric refrigeration, stove, washer and dryer; constant hot water; effici- ent janitor service. Apartments at the George from $80, Edward from $25, Llewellyn from $27.50, Amylene $35. DISNEY, PHONE 1560 (38tf) BED SITTING ROOM TO RENT or single room near Motors, Phone 1910J. (43h) TO RENT--6 ROOM HOUSE, al] conveniences, rent $15 per month, 636 Summerville Ave, N. Key next door, (43¢) $18 RENTS SEVEN ROOMED house, conveniences, garage, cen tral, sublet upstairs, immediate possession, pay from 1st Sept. Box 709 Times. (432) MODERN HOUSE ON SIMCOE North,8 rooms, hot water hea!- ing, very warm, and newly dec- orated, garage accommodation, Rent reasonable. Phone 432J. (44¢) FOR RENT-- ELEVEN ROOM house, hot water heating, all con. veniences, Immediate possession. Phone 309, 76 King St, W, (44c) Undertaking UK? BURTA} CO. 67 KING Bt. Fast. Arsbulance. Residence 542 Simcoe treet North. Phone 10J and 210W. ; SHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F. rmstrong & Son, Proprietors. uneral and Ambulance Service lay and night. Phone 1082W. 7 Celina. (att) Architects TC. STENHOUSE, GENERAL rehitectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building, Phone 1496, Residence phon: 909J. Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W., J SULLEY, uctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, S., Dshgwa. Special attention given o household furniture sales and arm stock and implements Your patronage solicited Watch Repairing TA. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Bwiss watchmaker, repair shop at 8 King Street West. Your patrecnage 1s solicited. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. oleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- alists in furniture moving. Stor- ge warehouse and moving van quipment. Phone 82. ONE FLAT FURNISHED OR UN- furnished, all conveniences, ceu- tral, also two bedrooms furnished or unfurnished. Phone 1201M. (440) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, Permanent Wave $3.60 ug. "Cro- quinole and Spiral". Marcel 50c. Shampoo, Finger Wave and trim $1. Expert operators on'y, 79 8im- coe St. North (note new ad- dress). Phone 2968. (8 aug tf) GENOS)IA HAIRDRESSING EX- perts--on all kinds of beauty culture, Permanent waves our specialty. Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, 50c. Facials, scalp treatments anc manicuring, Coffee Shop eu trance, Phone 1973. (6 July 1 mo) CORENE JOHNSON, HAIR: dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel ling 85¢ and finger waving 60c Phcne 2188J. (16 sept ¢) PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON, permanent waves specialty $250 up. Finger waving 050c. Marcel- ling 85c. 10 Prince. Phone 688. (15 sept ¢) PEMBER S BRANCH HAIR dressing and Beauly Tuiture, No 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 3%, Osh: awa, Ontario. (23 nov to) Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢ ith rental $1.00, Called for and flelivered Batteries $2.75 and pp. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mili St. Phone 960. MAYFAIR BEAUTY SALON. 141; King St. B. Phone 2020. All branches hairdressing. First class hair cutter in attendance. (20 sept ¢) Articles for Sale Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 9 King St. Wee!, Oshawa. The bldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 eputable Fire Companies. wood. Guaranteed full measure, 1, cord, $3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft wood, $2.25 A. Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave, Phone 2628F, - (10 sept ¢) SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- pany of Manada, Dominion Bank hambers, Alex. S. Ross, S. F. verson. Phone 1834. (15 oet tf) Barber Shop US BANK'S BARBER SHOP, 80 Celina St.,, corner Ash. All aircutting 15c. (26 aug ©) ntal ett's. Special attention to X-ray ork. Gas extraction. Nurse in ttandance, hone 959. House 312. SLABS $2.25, HARDWOOD $3.25. Good measurement, H. Rk Stark, 386 Pine Ave, Phone 1727TW, (12 sept ¢) ALL KINDS OF WOOD. PRICES right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert. Phone 1079J. (12 sept ¢) BLACK'S WOOD, 79 JOHN ST. Phone 3109). Slabs $2.25. Body Wood $2.50. Hardwood $3. (16 sept c) FOR SALE --- WASHED PEA gravel for drive ways, Phone 1142. (42¢) FEATHERSTONE SAFE, NEW. Cheap for cash. Phone 3090 and see, (42¢) Roofing HAYTON, THE ROOFER, AS- halt, cedar shingling, felt, ravel roofing, caulking, chim- ey repairing. Fres inspection. Phone 1643W. (June 13-1 yr.) Shoe Repairing OU WANT THE BEST IN hoe repairing. Shoes called for FOR SALE--Mc¢CLARY ELEC- ric range, $12, at Harry D, Wii- son Hardware, 23 King St. W, (440) FOR SALE---WALNUT DININ: room suite, William's piano, bed- room suite, Singer sewing mach: ine, electric range, breakfast suite, Plymouth "30 sedan. 304 William East, (44c) _Marvelo nd delivered, Phone 672W. Jack ead, corner Mary and Colborne. (27 aug c¢) | Machine Shop DSHAWA ENGINEERING AND elding Service, 49 Bond West. hone 764. Expert advice on hachine and welding work. (22 aug c) Motor Loans UTO LOANS AND CARS RE. inanced. Can be arranged at Jow- st prevalling rates, covering a eriod up to twelve months Lo ay while you drive your car ampbell Auto Finance Co. Ltd, Disney Block, King St. East. H. . MacDonald, representative ranches throughout Ontario. (4 sept c) Wanted to Rent VANTED TO RENT--5 OR 6 oomed furnished house. Must be podern and reasonable. Bux i038 Imes. (44a) Work Wanted PERIENCED™ WOMAN Di- res housework or care of child- en or clerking. Whole or purt me. (Husband unemployed). pply Box 313 Times. (43b) MARVELO--DIRT AND STAINS go from Marvelo. Sensationa) liquid cleanser. Phone 1733M Delivery Tuesdays, Fridays, (13 sept ¢) For Exchange FOR EXCHANGE ON FARM two clear houses, very central. Apply Thos. Farrow, 298 Kings- dale Ave., Oshawa. (42¢) "Real Estate For Sele HOUSE FOR SALE -- TO BE moved from lot at 80 Bond St West. Call at Dominion Garage. (442) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO young gentlemen, separate rooms, $6 per week or bed sitting room Phone 2928W. (43¢) TWO BXCEPTIONALLY WELL furnished rooms, refined home, board if desired, Phone 484W. (440) ROOM AND BOARD IN PRI- vate home for business people. Convenient to High School. Apply 110 Colborne St. E. ' (440) OSITION WANTED AS HOUSE. eeper or would care for an in- lid, Box 601 Times. (44c) Palmist MADAME BROWN, Imist, on all matters of im- Prtance. 93 Louisa St, Phone B86F. Business private. ONSULT Auction Sale THERE WILL BE SOLD BY Public Auction at the Capitol Cafe, 614 King St. East, Oshawa on Wednesday, August 24, 1932, one Nationa) Cash Register one show case, one combination gram ophone and radio. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash, W. J. Sulley, Aue- (16 sept ¢) tioneer, (44a) GOOD SOUND DRY 80DY HARD Corn & Bunion Remedies FOOT TROUBLES VANISH-- Quickly, safely, surely if you use the famous "Rub On" Salve-- CRESS CORN SALVE for Corns, Callouses, Ingrown Toe-Nails-- CRESS BUNION SALVE for pois- onous Bunions--Let Jury & Lovell supply you with real comfort. Mortgage Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the powers contained ip a certain Mort. gage, which will be produced at tie time of the sale, there will be offer- ed for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION on Thursday, August 25th, 1932, at the hour of Three o'clock in the afternoon, (D.S.T.), at the prem- ises, 316 Ritson Road North, in the City of Oshawa, by William J. Sul- ley, Auctioneer, the following pro- perty, viz: ALL AND SINGULAR .ha: ecr- tain parcel or tract. of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, and being composed of that part of Lot Number Nin: in the Second Concession of said City, more particularly described as fol- lows :~Commencing at the Easterly limit of said Lot Number Nine at the of the Concession Line, thence South sixteen degrees East aluig the Eastern limit of said lot, ane hundred and twenty-elgnt ret (128) to the place of beginning, thence South seventy-four degzrecs West one hundred and eighteen feet four and one-half inches (118 413") thence South sixteen degrees liast thirty-two fect (32') thence North seventy-four degrees East to eastern limit of said lot one huu- dred and eighteen feet rour and one-half inches (118' 412") mor less, thence North sixteen degress West thirty-two feet (32') more or less to the place of beginning. On said premises is said to be a brick veneer and :tucco house in a reasonable state of repair, TERMS :--Ten per cent of the purchase price to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance to be paid within thirty days from the date of sale, The property will be sold subject to a reserve hid, For further par ditions of sale aj to W. F. XN Sinclair, K.C,, Oshawa, Ont, W., Sulley, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa, Ont, Dated at Oshawa this 8th day of August, 1932, (32, 38. 44) ot 1 lars and con- The Canadian National Exhibi- tion, Toronto, is the world's largest annual exposition, held from Aug. 26 to Sept, 10, exclud- ing Sundays, Fa | Rates For | Classified Ads. i First Insertion--11% cents per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30c. Each subsequent tive insertion word. Three cousecutive {inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), | | Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. Box number 'Oc additioual. Professional nr Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per month for each additional word. 'PHONE 35 Ask for Claseified Ad Department consecu+ le per | TEACHER GIVEN DAMAGES AGAINST SCHOOL TRUSTEES Breach of Contract Action Succeeds After Dis- rhissal Edmonton, Alta, -- Holding that the board of trustees of Beaver Ridge school district committed a breach of contract, Mr. Justice H. W. Lunney, in an oral judgment delivered at the last sittings of the supreme court in Peace River judi- cial district, awarded $310 to Mrs. Naomi E. Riedel, former school teacher. She was engaged by the rate- pavers as teacher of the Beaver Ridge district school at the com- mencerert of the 1930 term, at a salary of $1,200 per year. Accord- ing to the terms of the contract the agreement could be terminated by either party only after written Notice of 30 days had been given together with the privilege of at- tending a meeting of the ratepayers at which the matter would be dis- cussed, The plaintiff continued as teach- er until the school closed Dec. 19, 1930. At a meeting of the rate- payers in January, 1931, it was de- cided to engage a male teacher at a reduced salary, The plaintiff had met the board of trustees shortly after this meeting and had pointed out that the notice of dismissal given her was not in accoidance with the terms of her contract, She had been given to understand that she might be retained tor aNother term at the meeting, the plaintiff testified, HONEYMOON TRIP OF SEVEN YEARS Bavarian Couple Married in 1925 Still Enjoy - Wedding Trip (By Percy Whiteing, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) Tokyo, Japan,--A young couple who are Now in the seventh year of their honeymoon journey around the world expect shortly to arrive n Canada tor a leisurely trip across the Dominion, Lhey are Mr, Franz Hecker and wife, Ernestine Hecker, who Munich, Bavaria, on August 1925, a few days after they were married, and have been travelling ever since, by bicycle, Lhey have just arrived in Tokyo, from Nagasaki and Kobe. Their most pleasurable experi- ences throughout their whole trip so far, Mr, Hecker said, have been in India, but they are looking for- ward to enjoying a trip through ( nada, and spoke enthusiastically of what they have heard of its wonderrul scenery--at its best in summer for travellers such as they are they think. They also expect to tour parts of the United States. Though their travels so far have been replete with encounters with brigands, wild animals, head-hunt- ers, and obstinate officials, the young couple thirst for more ad- venture, and they are hoping to be able to obtain a seaworthy motor- boat by which to cross the north Pacific, skirting Hokkaido, the Kuriles, the Aleutians, Alaska, and the west coast of Canada, IFailing a motorboat, they hope to get hold of a motorcycle, with which to see more of Japan, and then use it, after crossing the Paci- fic by steamer, to continue their bles in North America. his left 2 After leaving Bavaria, the Heck- ers cycled through twenty-four countries before reaching Japan: Austria, Italy, France, Belgium, TIME TABLES Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Rumania, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, Belu- chistan, Burma, Siam, Federated Malay States, Java, Bali, Celebes, Thilippines, and China, They learned six languages, "Lut kish, Arabic, Greek, Spanish, Italian, and English while doing this, the latter during the two years they spent in India. They expect to be another two or three years on the road before they return home, Then they intend to write a book des- cribing their decade of travel, util izing the vast quantity of photo- graphs and notes they have ac- cumulated, and also to give lec- tures. While travelling they sup- port themselves by such mofey as they can earn and help they re- ceive from friends. During their journeyings, the Heckers have eaten monkey stew, been eaten by leeches, captured by brigands, chased by Bulgarian fron- tier officials, dined and taken on tiger hunts by an Indian rajaha, and ordered out of Persia because the bride wore no veil, In Japan they have received many kindnesses from country peo- ple, as well as from German and other foreign residents, OLD LADY RECALLS PIONEER DAYS London Women Tells of Days When Wolves Roamed Western Ont. London, Ont.---Mrs. W. Blach- ford, aged 86, in reminiscences given to the Free Press says she can remember when her mother had a quilt hung over the door- way bf their log cabin, before the door was finished for it, and uf hearing the wolves outside. at |( jhights, The clothes worn were home- | made of flannel yarn which was | «spun at home, dyed and sent to the weaver to be made into cloth. Boys and girls in those days mittens and stockings patiently knit at home by their mothers. The women of those days work- ed out inthe harvest fields, often laying their babies by a shock of grain: while they worked. Barrels of maple sugar were made. Wild goosebearries, wild plums and wild raspberries were the fruits pre- served, and these were picked |] through the bush One ghurce of moneymaking was the manufac. ture of black salt. Leachos were made by building V-shaped slabs of basswood. Then the men burnt down a lot of trees and gathered up the ashes and filled this bass- wood trough. They poured water on the ashes until lye was made. Then the lye was put in ecaldron kettles and boiled down untii a thick black mass was made. This was then taken to Londen with a team of oxen, and a sled and sold {0 make baking soda. It was called saleretus, They used to sell maple syrup at St. Marys. On Sundays all the families wept to church at the little bog schoolhouse called Holy Cross. Ministers also went through the ush on horseback with their saddle bags. The first minister Mrs. Blachford remembers was a Mr. Kershaw. He always sang "When I Read My Title Clear" when he was coming through the woods, and as children they would hear the somg and run to tell their mother that the minis- ter was coming. IN PRACTICE Senator Buzz: "Do you think that going into politics improves a man's disposition?" Senator Duzz: "Yes. He has to look pleasant often enough to have his picture taken for cam- paign purposes."--Pathtinder. Note--Daylight Savin, Time Bowmanvill Hampton . Enniskillen Burketon Blackstock Nestleton : Yelverton wore [anetville Pleasant Pt Dunsford. .... Ancona Pt. ...... Bobcaygeon Bobcaygeon .... Ancona Pleasant Point Lindsay ... {anetvile Nestleton . Burketon Enniskillen ..... Oshawa ... junday and heli - und BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY Time) May (Daylight Sa (Effective on "and. sites Showa ODDIE #ps8 PSone FoasRis x FON " Sein ocudikdk $ Sst - germ? a CPTTY vossPas BAN B3233 pIaatae Sona Fe tr] SHER - - SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE (Daylight Sav Time) Maint Wess ive ArT Whitby 3.45 a.m, 45 an. 1100 a.m, 9.40 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 3¥ om. 7.5 pom. 11.10 p.m. OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE, AND BOBCAYGEON Time and Standard effective on all Divisions on same dates as Oshawa and Bowmanville. Effective on and alter June NORTHBOUND if ff if i ; i Leave Jshawa --- bp z8 Lindsay ttt ERSNE2z3EN SOUTHBOUND Dally a.m. Set., Sun. and Hol 8 Point... = Junsford 88 elverton nee Shean Blackstock SO55500vomnn® 33-3 {ampton .. Bowmanvill '~ S pecial Reasonable T. A BOWMANVILLE PHONES Oshawa Waiting Room, 6 P Pheae 28 RTON, PROPRI GRAY COACH LINES 1, 1932) (Eastern St: Time) EAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM, M. AM, PM, Effective Ma: 1.30 d10.20 Except Sunday and holida ------ CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service Effective June 26, 1932 Eastern Standue Time EASTBOUND 12.12 a.m. Daily, {Stops on flag to pick up for Montreal and East. uses For All Occasions . Rates and Caretws Drivers 412 or 340 rince St. 1.30 30 a~Dally except Sunday. b--Saturday, ays only. ! d--Sunday only. ys. ) 1, 1932) Arrive Hospital 4.00 p.m. 815p.m 11.40 o.m LINDSAY 10th, 1933 i i} Luo Lepimes SRERNSES? ARs RnRina; EL URI . pom, POCEBEBR ANNI enamine akong N= Dine RnR nR on a == ETOR WESTBOUND ,50 a.m. Daily. .10 a.m. Daily, 8.57 a.m, Daily. ,06 p.m, Daily. 01 p.m. Daily except' Sunday, ; p.m. Sunday only, p.m. Daily, s--From July 3 to August 28 only, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective July 1, 1932 (Standard Time) Eastbound 2.26 a.m, Daily. 10.30 a.m. Trenton Local Daily, except Sunday, 4.18 p.m, Daily, 11,06 p.m, Daily except Sunday. 12.05 a.m. Daily, x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only~ Flag, Westbound 5.52 a.m. Daily except Sunday, 6.30 a.m. Daily, 3k p.m. Daily. Sund 43 p.m. , except Sunday, m8.54 p.m, Dally. m Toronto and West onlv--flag, NEW SOURCE OF HELIUM FOUND Port of Spain, Trinidad.--A new source of helium has been discovered by a planter, W, Fitzwilliam, who qwns a cocoa estate near here, I'tzwilllam was drilling for ofl un his estates He struck the gas at various d:pthz under 90 feet. A sample was sent to the United States for a test and now it is reported that he has received the reply of the experts definitely identifying the gas as helium, Helium was first detected in 1868 by Lockyer in the spectrum of the sun's chromosphere -dur- ing an eclipse; but it was not known to occur in terrestrial matter until in 1895 Sir William Ramsay, while searching for ar- gon in certain minerals, obtained he helium spectrum, Next to hydrogen, helium is the lightest known gas. Being non-inflam- mable, it is extremely valuable for use in lighter-than-air craft. Hitherto the only place in the British Empire where helium ap- peared in any quantity was Can- ada. The United States, on the other hand, produces large quan- tities of the gas. : Glasses broken again. Phone 3215 for prompt repairs | JURY & LOVELL I Optical Dept. Phone 3215 8 King St. E. | FOR RENT, $25 8 Room Brick Veneer House. All conveniences on Dearborn Ave, J. H, R. LUKE | | | | | | | | | Phones '871 or 687TW THE DRUGGIST . FOR SERVICE , [PNONE §78." NEXT THE POST OFF ID) FOR QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND SATISFACTION Send your clothes to the OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED Mill St. * Phone 2520 OSHAWA Fit ---- Amm---- NEW LOW PRICES ROYAL YORK TEA % 1b. Pkg, 23c 1b. Pkg. 45¢ at all Superior Stores J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE 4Y; Prince St.,, Oshawa WANTED--TWO SALESMEN To sell Chevrolet and Olds. mobile cars." Must be honest and energetic. Commission only. Apply to J. N. Willson, ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 86 King St. East Two products worth trying DRAKES' 014 English Style HORSE RADISH SAUCE and BENGAL RELISH Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa 1928 '58 Chrysler Sedan, i Roms, Ames & Gartshore i UDSON---ESSEX { 135 King §t. W. Phone 1160 Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can. repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 OMIP. DRYO STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Delives Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 - 12 Simcoe St. South Spa SLE re A i 5 \ DON'T BELIEVE SORE GOING, ew YOU WNOW WHERE DoN'T BF SILLY WE SHOULD SEE REEF POINT LIGHT ANY MINUTE htt nal THERE'S THE LIGHT- HOUSE NOW =! TAKE MACH ATHE ; GLASSES, BRINGING, UP FATHER THEY. WANT You're MAKE A SPEECH. ISNT IT JUST WONDERFUL? Ll. BE 90 PROYD WHEN YOU ARE MAYOR. TIRED. I'VE ALL DAY. SEN WORKIN' YOU'RE NOT ONLY GOING TO TALK TO THEM, BUT You ARE GOING To READ THIS SPEECH (VE WRITTEN FOR YOU, TO THEM. GET OUT THERE AND DO AD | DAY. 'LL MAKE 'YOU MAYOR \N SPITE OONT WANT TO GO OVER AN' FURTHERMORE, LADIES AN' GENTLEMEN, | WILL OE FEARLESS (F ELECTED Ar' NOT LET ANY ORGANIZATION OR CORPORA § ) TELL ME WHAT To 00. ATION a