Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Aug 1932, p. 6

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"THE 'OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY AUGUST 12, 1932 Boia bf TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Whitby Lady Tennis Players Visit Oshawa Tonight Chicago Cubs Move Into First Place Ahead of Pirates SPORT PAGE " TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Falcon Ladies Play in Whitby Tonight Against Rovers Dodgers Won First Play-off Game From S. & A., 17 to 5 Port Hope and Orono Frhe Play-off Tomorrow a Dodgers Won First Play-off Game Fr om The S. and A. | Winners Rallied In Last Five Innings To Win Game . Parfitt Blanked Dodgers in ¢ First Four Innings, But Weakened Losing Lead -- Whiteley Worked Well, Allowing Five Hits and Getting a Home Run and a Double --Second Game Will Be Played Saturday Eve- ning In the first game of a two out of three game series to decide the championship of the South On- tario Softball League, the Dodg- ers won out by the score of 17 to 5 at Alexandra Park last night after trailing the S. & A. for five innings. Parfitt for the S. & A. team pitched wonderful ball for the first five innings, but he weakened in the sixth when the Dodgers scored three runs to be followed in the seventh by eight' more. S. and A. Billiards played great ball in the field and in spite of the fact of the big score, the game was a real one to watch, many fine plays being made by each team. Whiteley for the Dodgers pitched a nice game of ball allowing but five hits, striking out five and issuing only two bases on balls, Three of the five runs scored against him were unearned, being the re- sult of two errors. The leading Jitters for the Dodgers were D. Cornish and Hall, each having three to his credit. Whiteley was the leading extra base hit- ter with a home run and a two- bagger to his credit. Every mem- ber of the Dodgers xot a least one hit. Shelenkoff for the S. & A. zot the only extra base hit for his team, banging out a long triple to deep centre field. The S. & A. opened the scor- ing in the first inning by getting two runs on a hit and two er- rors. In the fourth they added another on a hit by Naylor and an error at first base, On two safe hits they added another in the fifth and secured their final of the game in the seventh when Whiteley. wavered for a moment and walked two men, one of which resulted in a run. This finished the scorinz for the S. & A. and brought their total up to five. The Dodgers went out in order in the first four innings. In the fifth they Zot one run when Whiteley hit a mammoth homer to left field. In the sixth they began to find themselves, and on five hits and a sacrifice hit scored three runs to tie the score, 4-4. [In the seventh the Dodgers went on a batting spree, and before the side was retired, twelve men had gone to bat, and eight runs had crossed the home plate. In the eighth they added two more and in the ninth brought their 'otal up to 17 by adding three more on two errors and two hits, The second game of this play- off series will be played at Alex- andra Park on Saturday night beginning at 7 p.m. A third game, if necessary, will be play- ed on Monday evening. Box Score DODGERS AB R Trott, rf .. 5 D. Cornish ss 6 Claus, 2b, . 4 Hall, 3b.... 6 Daniele, 1f.. 6 6 5 Qo CR 1 POO Hh, E. Cornish cf Whiteley, p. a I ry BI 0d 19 20 po ca = TY SS o~oon > MOTORING TO TORONTO HOTEL WAVERLEY HAS ALWAYS BEEN POPULAR WITH MOTORISTS BECAUSE OF ITS FINE ROOMS~TASTY INEXPENSIVE FOOD AND PARKING FACILITIES, THE GARAGE IS ONLY ONE MINUTE WALK. ATTENDANTS TAKE CARS TO GARAGE AND RETURN THEM WHEN RE- QUIRED. PLENTY OF CURB PARKING SPACE. Single $1.50 to $3.00 Rates Double $3.00 to $5.00 € R POWELL, Pep. HoteL WAVERLEY Spadina Avenue and College Street 4 Write for Folder + . Weekly. Finest ood. Comfy ton. Homelike Comforts. Fine loco- tion, one Block to Ocean. Breathe Deep the Bracing Ocean Air. Cour- tesy, Politeness and Service are Yours for Less Than You Think Write now. ily | Coleman, Sr., Kitchen, c... 4 Haley, 1b... b CO -- oo 2 1 0S Totals S. & A. Branton, Goodall, Major, c. Shelenkoff ss Naylor, 3b, . Price, 1b. .. Reeves, 2h, . Parfitt, p... Richards, If. 3 z= ny te o ef.. rf.. - SPoompoool® | CO a ae acolo i CP OH umm TN =P ooo HT | ort = 00 ti 0 tn 1 1 \ | on we -3 -- ve 38 innings -- 000 013 823--1 200110 100-- Summary hit--Trott, Stolen Two base hits-- Three base Home run -- Totals Score by Dodgers S. & A. se 1 velo oPwoancoocoy» R 5 Sacrifice bases--Naylor, Whiteley, Daniels. hits--Shelenkoff, Whiteley. Bases on balls, off Whiteley, 2; off Parfitt, 3. Struck out, by Whiteley, 5: by Parfitt, 3. Umpires--Arnold, , plate; P. Kellar, bases. T and D Tennis Tourney Unique A record entry list is anticipated for this year's Toronto and District Lawn Tennis Tournament which will be played on the courts of the Toronto Cricket Club, Armour Heights, Toronto during the week of August 20th, to '27th. [Present indicafions are that last year's entry of nearly 400 will be exceed- ed by fully twenty five percent, The T.'& D. tourney is unique in that it provides competitive tennis during an otherwise "dead" period of the local tennis season. Revived last year as a late-season fixture after a lapse of some years, it has also proved . particularly popular with the younger players who ap- preciate the opportunity it offers for match play after a full season of training, Complete Schedule A complete schedule of events has been arranged includine Men's singles, Ladies' Singles, Men's Dou- bles, 'Ladies' Doubles, Mixed Dou- bles and Junior Singles for both boys and girls. Juniors to quality have to be eighteen or under as at January 1st. last, It is expected that last champion Grant (Pinky) McLean will defend his title, and the cali- bre of the other players who have already signified their intention of enterinz is such as to ensure a week of keenly contested matches Officials in charge of the arrange- ments have spared effort to make the tournament a success. The Cricket Club's clay courts have been re-surfaced 'and are mow in better condition than ever before. Ar- rangements have been made to pro- vide transportation from the city limits to the club house, and locker space will 'be available for those players who require it. Oshawa And Whitby Do Well Peterboro, Aug. 12.--BeginniLg in a dizzle of rain that delayed the start for two hours, the third annual open tournament of the Peterborough Lawn Bowling Club, in which 36 crack rinks from a wide district competed, was concluded abruptly at 10 o'clock Wednesday night in the downpour of a thunder sioim. Four rinks, winners of their respective groups, had just uice- started the semi-fina} round when the storm broke, It made the greens so wet, that the tour- nament committee decided un- animously that further play must year's no ! he postponed to another day. I"ri- day evening was fixed as the ! date for the deciding rounds. The winning rinks were com- posed of: Oshawa--C, Stenhouse, (skip), T. Johns, W. Browley and E. tioodman. Whitby--Albert E. (skip), Norman Thomas, Pringle and George Robb. Group 1 1--Alpbert E. Sturgess, ofr Whithy; with three wins for 6 noints, plus 560; 2--E. Guillett, of Cobourg; with three wins for 6 soints plus 47; other rinks--1WV J. Oke, Peterborough; C. W. 'leath, Bowmanville; G. PF. Cairns, Peterborough; G. W. Peterborough; J. Foster, of Toronto; and Andrew Brown of Peterborough. Group 2 1--H. Stenhouse, of Oshawa; with four wins for 8 points, plus 75; 2--A. J. Brennan, of Lindsay, with three wins for 6 points, plus 56; other rinks--D, B. Cutcliffe, Norwood; George Gimblett, Pet- erborough; R. Hendry, Peter- borough; James Skinner. Peter- borough; J, E. Atwood, Toronto; J. E. Smith, Peterborough. Suurgess H,' 1a. There comes a time in many things when patience uses to be a virtne.--~Henry 1,.. Doherl;. If I'm guilty of anything, it# guilty of being a sap.-- Maurice Maschke, G.0.P, "boss" of Cleve- land, indicted in county treas- ury shortage. Hamilton Crew Are In Finals Long Beach, Cal, Aug. 12.-~ Leanders of Hamilton, fighting gians who function under big Bub Hunter's direction as Caada's Olympic eight-oared crew, late vesterday drove their long, slen- der shell into the final for theo Olympic Games championship, Beaten on Wednesday by the Golden Bears of California, Lean ders came back with a spectacular performance to whip Germany and Japan and pull up beside the United States, Italy and Grea' Britain, Crews from these four countries row over the 2,000- metre course here Saturday to decide Olympic supremacy, Joe Wright, Jr. Toronto singles sculler, was third to Biil Miller of the United States, and Guillermo Douglas of Uruguay, losing his last chance to get into the finals with Bob Pearce and Dick Wouthwood, Halifax Mic- macs, in 'the four-without-cox- swain class, were third to Ger- many and the United States. Ottawa To Have Strong Team Ottawa, Aug. 2.--"Predic- tions that the Ottawa Hockey Club will operate in the Nationa! Hockey l.eague next Winter may be borne out in a few days," the Journaj says in a newspage story 'It is now believed that the Sen- ators will be recalled to the capi- tal and play under the manage- ment of T. P, Gorman,' the paper continues, "While no official statement was available from the Ottawa Hockey Club jt is be- lieved that the club has inti- mated its intention of operating next Winter, Play-offs Start on Saturday first play-off game in the Intermediate League will take place in Port Hope on Saturday afternoon between the Ontariog and Orme Gamby's Ramblers. The return game will be played in Newcastle on Mon- day at 6.15 p.m. Saturday's game is called at 3.35 D.S.T. Orono finished in second place in the league standing and Port Hope in third, The teams will play only two games to decide a winner. In the event each team wins a game, a coin will be tossed to decide who will meet Oshawa in the finals, the first game of which will be played either in Port Hope or Newcastle on Tues- day night next at 6.15, The second game will be played Thursday. night. The reason that the play- off games are crowded into such a few days is that a winner must be declared by Thursday night next. The lakeshore Canadians Leave Olympic Village l.os Angeles, Cal, Aug. 12.-- '"'('fanada Street" in the Olympic vilage ig becoming a littie-usnd thoroughfore, lined with empty red huts. After nearly three weeks of Dominion, here for tha Olympic ing its popularity. More than half team is en route home after clashing with the world's best men in track and field, cycling, wrestling and fencing. Only a {:w who have finished competing re- main in residence at the little town where athletes from 40 countries. have lived during the games, Cyclists have been straggling out of Los Angeles for home fou several days. Wrestlers, with the exception of one or two, a homeward bound. Some of .the fencers are on their way, Only one point winner, Danny McDon- ald, of Toronto, was included in this combination, and the welter- weight wrestler who won second place in his division, was one of the first to start for Canada. Eight Canadians Selected Chosen to represent the British Empire in the relay track meot against the United States Sun- day, eight Canadians left last night for San Francisco to get in a few days' training before the meet. » They are Bert Peerson, of Hamilton: Buster Brown and Harold Wright, of Edmonton, ai! sprinters; Phi; Edwards and Ed- die King, of Hamilton; Alex, Wil- son and Les. Wade, of Montreal middle-distance runners, and Tom Coulter, of Winnipeg, hurd er. It is expected this ig the only engagement the Canadian ath- letes will be represented in, in- vitations to appear at Chicag> and other Uniter States cities having been declined, Several gir] stars, Hilda Strike. Lillian Palmer, Mary Prizzel] and Betty Taylor also will compete at San Francisco, taking part in exhibition races. Swimmers are through compet- ing but oarsmen, yachtsmen and boxers will be busy until the end t of the week, Sport Snapshots into the ranks of their rivals. pitching and were shutout, batting on his own. LJ » Whitby Club entertained the Whitby. 3 ¥ ¥ League. LJ Ld at 4 o'clock. be back in time. Gow, Cuncliffe, Donaldson, Ld LJ needs. another game. proper attitude, and will fight hard for the chance. will commence at three o'clock. S. & A. lost out in their game with Dodgers last night at Alexandra Park, but not before they had thrown a real scare In the first four innings Parfitt pitched great ball and Dodgers could do nothing with his However, in the fifth inning, the Dodgers secured a run and later went on the rampage, run- ning in seventeen in the last five innings. best for Dodgers allowing five hits and doing some real healthy The second game will be played to-mor- pw evening at Alexandra Park, Whiteley was at his » LJ The Ladies' section of the Oshawa Ténnis Club will be hosts this evening to the ladies of the Whitby Tennis Club at the courts of the local club. Friendly games will be played between the two clubs during the late afternoon and evening. Tea will be served by the members of the Oshawa Club. The Oshawa players last week in LJ] LJ The team held a workout last night at the Motor City Stadium in preparation for the game and all the players were in the best of spirits and felt they will win the game tomor- row and go on to win more games. One of their most cherished ambitions is to stack up against the champions of the C.O.B.L so that they may clear up some of the doubt which seems to exist in some circles as to the calibre of the West Toronto The Dukes feel that they are the team to instil the The game > Ld Oshawa City travel to Toronto on Saturday to play Ken- woods in a Major League game at Earlscourt Park. Kenwoods have always made things interesting for the City boys and on their last appearance here gave the fans plenty of action, so the Oshawa boys will have to attend to business if they wish to keep up their good work. Smart and Fairley are away at present and it is doubtful if they will Lobban is also on the sick list. hoped that he will recover so as to be fit for Saturday. the following players be at Prince and Bond Sts. at 1.15 sharp --Munro, Lobban, Speirs, Collison, Grant, Bailey, Braiden, Rodgers, Dunstall. Kick-off It is to be will Smart, Fairley, All eyes will be turned toward the Motor City Stadium tomorrow afternoon when the Dukes will engage in the second of their play-off games with New Toronto. down by a 5 to | score last week at Goodyear Field, in what was perhaps the biggest upset of the season, the game to-mor- row will see either the end of Oshawa hopes in senior ball; or a new lease of life until, a week from Saturday. LJ * After being set On their showing during the season the Dukes should win the game and the championship. They have won more games from New Toronto than they have lost and have been able to bat both Jepson and O'Neil consistently on other occasions. What the local team needs tomorrow is first class pitching to turn back the heavy hitters on the opposing team and a clean cut brand of fielding that will give the pitcher the heart he As was pointed out last week the team cannot afford to spot New Toronto a single run as Jepson may be right for ER Ra Harness Horse Association HORSE RACES Wednesday Next Best from East and West OSHAWA, 2.30 p.m. | Admission, 35¢ Autos, 23¢ || harboring the best athletes in the | games, the street is rapilly los- | tie Canadian | Today and Saturday "REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM" With MARIAN NIXON RALPH BELLAMY Mickey Mouse in "GROCERY BOY" Chapter 1 Heroes of the West Comedy = News Revival - TONIGHT 10.80 p.m. NORMA SHEARER "Let Us Be Gay" BE te -- -- NEW MARTIN SATURDAY--MONDAY RIN TIN TIN in "THE FATAL NAME" Comedy "SHIP A HOOEY" TOY TOWN TALE FATHER NILE LAYT TIMES TODAY "Roadhouse Murder" ll Canadians Are In Semi-Final Toronto, Aug, 12.--One 'of the semi-final matches of the Cana- dian amateur championship of 1925, that held at the Royal Otta- wa Club, will be re-staged to-day at the Lambton Club in the next to-the-final round of the current tournament when C. Ross Somer- ville of the London Hunt Club, the defending champion, and Jack Cameron of Mississauga, will battle it out. The reward will be the privilege of entering the final against either Will Gunn of Wallingford, Pa., the sole survi- vor of the four United States players who qualified on Monday, or Gordon Taylor of Kanawaki, the up-and-coming star from Montreal. Somerville earned his place in the semi-final round for the eighth time in the nine years he has competed for the title, by coming from behind to eliminate Frank Ryan of Birmingham, Mich., 3 and 2, Cameron advanced because he was the victor in a re- play of the first round match in the Mississauga club champion- with Bill Eckhardt, Cameron winning 6 and 4, Gunn was given a big scare in the afternoon by Jack Nash of London who cut off the American's lead of five holes at noon to one with four holes to play before losing 3 and 2, while Taylor turned back the final chal- lenge from the Pacific Coast when he won from Stanley Leonard of Vancouver, the B.C. champion, by 7 and 6. Cricket Notes Oshawa are at home to Consum- ers' Gas, on Saturday next, the 13th inst. The team to oppose the visit- ors will be seleced from the follow- ing: --G. Mann, Moore, F, Larmouth, G. Dewbery, B. Anthony, W. Sargant, W. Pearce A. Sargant, L. Clapp, F. Ashworth, J. Chappell, E. Chappell, and E. George. All players 'are requested to be at Lakeview Park at 2 o'clock. Game called for 2.30, "From David thanks in Taylor. learn to give everything." -- Jeremy "What is the best government? That which teaches us to govern ourselves." --Goethe. N. Merrick, W. Port Hope Win In Newcastle (Port Hope Guide) In a six-inning postponed game played between showers, Wednes- day evening, Port Hope defeated Newcastle in the highway village by the score 'of 10-2, The game had mo bearing on the league standing as Port Hope were safely established in third place before the game was played. Newcastle had more or less of a pick-up line-up and Port Hope had little difficulty in disposing of them. "Pat" McMahon pitched the first four innings for Port Hope, struck out six, and allowed one hit and one run. Bill Broc- kenshire finished the game allow- ing one hit, one run and striking out four. Stan Graham did the flinging for Newcastle and was touched for nine safe hits. He fanned four. Port Hope were leading 5-1 at the end of the fifth and put the game in the bag ifn the sixth with a five-run splurge on four hits and four hits and two errors, In the last of the sixth Newcastle filled the bases with no one out but were only able to score one run 'on a bad throw to third base by Brockenshire. The Teams Port Hope -- McElroy, 2b; Brown, ss; Ough, 1b; Rowcliffe, c¢; Hagermann, If; Devine, rf; Phillips, cf; Harwood, 3b; McMa- hon, p; Brockenshire. Newcastle -- G, Graham; gs; Thackeray, 3b; A, Graham, 1b; 8. Graham, p; D. Butler, 2b; M. Butler, If; Record, cf; R. Brown, rf; T. Brown, c. R. H. E. 010 215--10 9 3 010001-- 2 2 9 Port Hope .... Newcastle .... Baseball Record INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Wo, lost PC. weivion IB 44 639 .68 54 557 Baltimore +vuvv...66 16 541 Montreal .63 56 529 Rochester ........ 65 59 524 AIDanY ..eeveeee.34 68 443 Jersey City . 5 73 A430 Toronto. ...ovsv4s. 80 Newark Buffalo Thursday's Scores Toronto Newark xAlbany xSecond game 10 innings Jersey City. ..12-2 Buffalo .... NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Chicago vei sg Pittsburg Bosto,, Brooklyn Philadelphia St. Louis New York .. Cincinnati PL. 551 545 S18 514 500 486 472 Al7 Thursday's Scores Chicago. ........3 Pittsburg . (10 innings). Philadelphia. ....7 Boston Only games played. AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost 75 P.C. 682 600 591 555 S533 A450 .340 241 New York Philadelphia Cleveland Washington Detroit St. Louis sexes. Chicago Boston ses Thursday's Scores Cleveland 3 Detroit «sveess 0 St, Louis..... ve2 6 Chicago seve 3 Only games played. FISHERMEN NOT MAKING HONEY Revenue Less Than Ex- penses on Coast of Nova Scotia (By the Canadian Press) Hubbards, N.S. -- Fishermen along this coast are not making expenses these days. The fish are plentiful but prices are unreason- ably low, At the beginning of the season tuna found a ready amd fairly profitable market in Bos- ton, but lately the men who find those big fish in their traps pre- fer to release them, They can get only four cents a pound in Bos- ton and it costs more than that to ship them. There is a run of small-sized mackerel here now and they are selling fresh at 50 cents the hun- dredweight, or half a cent a pound. Some are sent to Lunen- burg for cold storage, but most of them are salted with the hope that they may bring better prices later in the season--at least enough to pay for the labor and cost of wear and tear on the fish- ing goar. A representative of a Saint John firm brightened the horizon a little recently when he said he might buy mackerel for shipment to Hayti and the West Indies. ""He enjoys much who is thank. fu) for little. A grateful mind is a great mind."--Secker, > Christ Church Northminster Christ Church Lost All Their Games to North- minster in Series B. -- Christ Church Won Three Out of Five From Oshawa Tennis Club -- Race' for Honours Still Being Closely Fought ed tomorrow in the Oshawa Tennis League. In series A, Christ Church will play Northminster, and St. An- drews against The Oshawa Tennis Club, I, series B, St. George's will play against Christ Church and Holy "I'rinity against Glen Ellyn, It is noticed in the standing of the teams herewith that the games played last week served to allow the leaders to materially increase their lead. However ij, series B, to- morrow the second and third place teams will have a chance to battle it out with'a chance tor an improve- ment in position possible to both teams, In series A the leading teams will play against teams lower in the standing and should on their previous form add to their total. The results of games played last Saturday together with the games for tomorrow are as follows: A Series Oshawa T. C. vs, Christ Church, The former winning Ladies' singles, Miss Pickard vs. Miss Sweet, 6-3, 6-3; Gents' singles, Mr, Harris vs. Mr. Morrison, 1-6, 6-3, 6-3; Christ Church won remainder, Misses Pen- nell 'and B, Hobbs vs, Misses Ger- mond and' Colpus, 6-2, 6-1; Messrs Alowinckle and Drummond vs. Messrs Cameron and Hicks, 6-2, 6-3; Mr. and Mrs. Metcalfe vs. Mr. Skoug and Miss Mason 6-2, 6-1. St. George's vs Northminster, St. George's winning Men's singles, Mr, Gibson vs Mr. Ewins, 6-0, 6-0; Men's doubles, Messrs Barker and Dodwell vs, Messrs C, and G, Per. kins, 6-3, 6-3; Northminster won Ladies' Singles, Miss McLaren vs. Miss Smith, 6-4, 6-4: Ladies doubles Misses Richer and Dunsford vs. Misses Smith and Bull, 6-4, 6-3: Mr. Watson and Mrs, Forsythe vs. Mr. Norris and Miss Winstanley, 6-1, 6-0, League Standing Played Oshawa T, Ci: sesees St, George's .. 24 Northminster . 2 St. Andrews ! 8 . 13 Christ Church vs, Northminster; St. Andrew's vs, Oshawa T. C, B Series Holy Trinity vs. St, George's-- The former winning Ladies' Dou- bles, Misses 'Barker and Arnvey vs Misses Pearce and Keenan, 6-4, 6-4; Gents' doubles, Mr, Pryce and Mr. Cowl vs Messrs. Jeffries and Hele, 6-4, 6-3; St. George's won re- mainder Mr. Evans vs Mr, Atters- ley, 6-4, 6-1; Mr. Smith and Miss Walker vs Mr, Lowers and Miss Fitches, 6-2, 6-1; Ladies' singles by default, ' Northminster vs. Christ Church-- Northminster winning all events. Mrs. Melley vs Miss Flet:her, 6-4, 6-4; Mr, Bond vs Mr, Pennell, 6-1, 6-0; Misses Coulter and Copeland vs. Misses Gibson and P. Hobbs, 6-3, 6-0; Messrs Kelly and Harding vs. Messrs Payne and Corben, 6-5, 6-2; Mr. Russell and Miss 'Farrow vs. Mr. W, Corben and Miss Cowan, 6-2, 6-3. League Standing Played Points eeenee 0 44 5 32 24 14 Points 40 20 teen Northminster St. George's ..cenese Christ Church . iS Holy Trinity sseseees 4 And Christ Church Increased Lead Glen Ellyn .,....... 4 6 Schedule for Aug. 13 St. George's vs, Christ Church; Holy Trinity vs. Glen Ellyn, C.0.B.L. HAVE : \ SOME GAMES YET The Petes and Belleville hoti won their senior games Wednes.- day night, and both have only two games now to play. The Petes must win their two whils the Nats are losing their two for these two teams to finish tied fo: second place, as the Petes are now two games hehind Bellevilia, Kingston is due to play in Peter- horo on Saturday, with Belle- ville in Cobourg, and the Pates wil] play in Belleville next week to wind it up, Following is the standing to date: Team . Kingston .... Belleville Peterhorough Cobourg » 1. TP. FACE PORES ® are filled with dirt , The pores of your skin are like a net. They catch and hold dirt, bringing black-. heads and skin eruptions. Ifyou think soap and water alone) will remove pore-dirt, try this; ' After washing and shaving rub' Pompeian Massage Cream into you skin--around the nostrils--. in the crease of your chin. Pink!' when you start, it soon rolls out in tiny 'pellets--dark grey with dirt. Result: A clean skin --clearly lighter--the healthy skin of the athlete in the pink of condition. You can buy a jar of Pompeian Massage Cream for only 60c. Or you can have a Pompeian Massage after your shave at any first-class barber shop. Sales Agents : Harold F. Ritchie & Co. Ltd. = 10-18 McCaul Street, Toronto, Ontario. Insist on the Genuine M¥ POMPEIAN The Original Pink Roll-out MASSAGE CREAM 0 Final Clearance of Kiddies' Wash Suits

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