I SW AZ1Z 7 BARBIS. Phone aE 17 I tf) tors, Notaries "Public. gi neing . and general oractice fn Law. Office 7% Sim- ractige '# 'South,, Oshawa. Phone Conant, B.A, LL.B; A. Annis, B.A, LL.B. Fie. 4, "6 F. Ann CK merce Building, rister, Solleitor, . Notary Public. Counvayaucer. Money to loan, Of- fice 14% King St, Bast, Oshawa. Phone oF Residence phone. 837. teaser. Barristers, Etc. 'Bank of oti Bldg, OTS ©. Scuicitor, Notary. Morey to loan, 16 Sim'oe Street North, Phone 67. Residence 2544W. iste i. E) a A Solicitors, Etc. coe St. N. Phene 3160. R i Fain 3514. Money to Joan. ter, 1234 Simcoe st. ir Teio- phone 3038--565. ("8 sept tf) tr) ==e= |'Permanent waving LUKRK BURIAS 67 St. Fast. Argbutance. Residence B42 Simcoe street North. Phone 210J and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. TF. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. . Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W, 87 Celina, REEL Architects Cy USE, Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Bullding. Phone 1496. Residence phons 909J. Auctioneer 6J. fg A ' 'Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, S., wa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and stock and {mplements. Your = solicited, Watch Repairing Swiss watchmaker, repair sho 48. King Street West. patrenage 1s solicited. Ur, Transportation TAGE AND STORAGE. 's, 85 Bond West. Spec- alists in yg Tor rw moving. Stor. age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. Battery Service our Beauty Parlors " Permanent Wave $3. 50 ur. "Cro- quinole and Spiral". Marcel B0c. Shampoo, Finger Wave and trim $1. Expert o tors on'y. 79 8im- coe St. North (mote new ad- dress). Phone 2968. (8 aug tf) GENOS\IA HAIRDRESSING EX- .perts--on all kinds of beauty Permanent waves our Finger wave aud $1.00; Marcell, 50c. Facials, scalp treatments and manicuring, Coffee Shop ev- trance. Phone 1973. (6 July 1 mo.) culture, specialty. shampoo, bl + dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel- ling sic and finger waving 80c. Phone 2188J. (15 aug ¢) PRINCBLLA BEAUTY SALON, permanent waves specialty $2.50 up. Finger waving 00c. Marcel. ling 35c. 10 Prince. Phone 688. (14 aug ¢) PEMBER'S BRANCH HAIR. dressing and Beauty Tuiture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg, Phone 3%, 'Osh- awa, Ontario. (23 nov to) MAYFAIR BBAUTY SALON, 14% King St. East, Jean Winter. All branches of beauty culture. a specialty. Phone 2020 for prices, (19 aug ¢) J. NELSON DAY METHOD UF Permanent Waving, $2.75 up. Phone Miss McKenna 1230F. 166 Roxborough Ave, (13 aug ¢) MARCELLING, CUTTING - AND finger waving at your home, Mrs. Winifred Aikman. 67 Patricia, Phone 2490W, (15 sug ¢) Articles for Sale GOOD SOUND DRY 80DY HARD wood. Guaranteed full measure, 3% cord, $3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft wood, $2.25 A. Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 2628E, (9 Aug. ¢) ¢) 148 SIMCOE SOUTH -- NEAR Loblaw's, Second hand clothes bought and sold, slightly worn. Sale starts now. Come and see us, (5 Aug. cb FOR SALE--COLUMBIA BER- ries, fresh picked. T. Andersou. 144 Park Rd. North, Phone 13377. (26¢) Motor Loans AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE- financed, Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, coverinz a period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your car Campbell Auto Finance Co., Ltd, Disney Block, King Street East. H. A. MacDonald répresentativa. Branches throughout Ontario, (2 Aug. ¢) 76¢c BATTERIES CHARGED with rental $1.00. fated, for and 75 and delivered. ' 20 Mil St up. : Stan. Bligdon, Phone 960, Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. Weei, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 reputable ied Ait dd CE COM- pany of Ly Doan Bank Chambers. Alex. S. Ross, S. F. Everson, Phone 1834. (15 oct tf) Summer Resort PLEASANT VALLEY -- IDEJL spot for picnics, swimming, usa- ing, camping. Booth on ground. 1 mile south of Pickering Village. "Pascoe Bros. (2 Aug. 32) : Barber Shop GUS BANK'S BARBER SHOP, * 180 Celina St., corner Ash, All haircutting 15c. (26 aug ¢) 'Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING A SPECIALTY, embroidéry, dressmaking, altera- tions, The Dell Shop, 2615 Sim- coe S. Phone 1656. (12 jly-1 mo) Nursing NURSE, TWO YEARS HOBPI- tal training, ten years' practical experience. Phone Oshawa 1504J. Whitby 350. (12 aug ¢) Tents for Rent TENTS, COTS, CAMP STOVES, complete camp equipment for rent. G. Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West, (16 aug ¢) Work Wanted YOUNG WIDOW WITH INFANT desires position as housekeeper. Apply Box 316 Times. 24c) For Rent POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG lady with 21; years' experience in dental office, Reference:. Phone 3033J., (26¢) Palmist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist, on all matters of im- portance. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Business private. (4 Aug. c) a Dental D7. 8. J PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett's, Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. home 959. House 1312. STL Roofing HAYTON, THE ROOFER, AS- phalt, cedar shingling, felt, gravel roofing, caulking, chime ney repairing. Free inspection, Phone 1643W. {Jaze 13-1 yr.) Shoe Repairing For Sale or Kent HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT, and apartments to rent, Apply 297 King St. W, Phone 972 (24c¢) FOR SALE OR RENT--6 ROOM- ed house, all conveniences, gav- age, chicken pen, 202 Tresane. Phone 1827 ring 14. CAR LEAVING FOR NORTH end Ferguson highway. Passen- gers wanted, Return in one week. Box 319 Times. (24c¢) Wanted WANTED--CAR OWNER TO IN- struct in driving, State terms. Box 326 Times. (26a) il Lost ToT WANT 1 THE BEST IN shoe . repairing. Shoes called for and delivered. Phone 672W, Jack "Read, corner Mary and Colborne. (27 aug c) . Agents Wanted 'RELIABLE _ MAN FOR HUN: dred store route; this county; experiénce unnecessary; no seils ing; distribute and = collect. Should net seventy dollars weejk- ly. Shamas Mfg. Company, New Toronto, Ont, (2, 8, 14, 20) om Wo THWHILE = BUSI. unity awaits your Lag Must have own car and cash to secure territorial , Salary and commission. ren Box 182 Strattord. (263) ae 3360 #; LOST--PURSE ON SUNDAY evening, between Oshawa Blvd. King and North Oshawa. Reward Phoné*1506J. (26a) LOST -- BETWEEN SIMCOE North and Elgin East, Mondas, change purse containing money and cheque, Kindly phone 3350J. Reward. (26D) Machine Shop OSHAWA ENGINEERING AND Welding Service, 49 Bond West. Phone 764. Expert advice on machine and welding work, (22 aug ¢) = Female Help Wanted WOMAN WITH HOTBL BX- perience wanted for bedrcom work and assist in dining room. Phone 2214, Commercial Hotel. (25h) gy rg ey HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION, Bt. North. Rent reasonable or 'will sell at sacrifice price. Apply Box 420 Times. (24c). » Poet: "After my death the world will realize what I have "Oh, well, you don't need to worry; you'll be out of danger then," (26¢) | ECONOMIC-EXCLUSIVE At the Edward apart- ments; in exclusive resi- ential district' on South Simcoe Street; we have an exceptional mnewlr decorated three room suite. Furnished if you desire. Blectric refrig- eration, stove, plenty of cupboard space, steam heated, electrical wash- ers and dryers, storage space. Just consider that rent covers all expenses ex- cept electric stove and lights then you will ap- preciate the real saving you can effect by rent- ing this apartment, Reasonably priced, See Mr. Dyer. DISNEY--PHONE 1550 (25t1) SIMCOE MANOR, VICTORIA Apartments are in first class condition, furnished or unfor- nished, Summer rates now in ef fect. Janitor will show you through. (13 aug ¢) TO RENT--SIX ROOMED BRICK house, paved street, garage. All conveniences, immediate posses- sion. $18. Phone 1215M. (24¢) FOR RENT --- TWO APART- ments on Prince St., also Welch's Parlors. private entrance, above Betty Cake Shop and a storeroom on Bond St. Apply J, C. Young or D. M. Tod. (24¢) SEVEN ROOMED MODERN home, 113 Lauder Road, with every convenience including blinds, electric fixtures, linoleum in bathroom and kitchen. Apply Louis Hyman Barrister, Phona 67. (26a) SEE SIGNS OF INOREASE Certain conclusions may be ar- rived at from a study of the cattle data presented in the twelfth annual report on the Origin and Quality of Commer- cial Live Stock Marketed in Can- ada in 1931, {issued by the Do- minfon Live Stock Branch. In- | tentions to Increase production are indicated, not so much in the fact that store cattle purchases were some 10,000 more than in the previous year and the heavi- est since 1928, but more because of a very marked curtailment to the liquidation of cows and heif- ers. Despite an increase sale over the previous year of some 23,400 cattle of all kinds, there was a decrease in the number of cows and heifers of 33,655 head, or of approximately six per cent. | Rates For Classified Ads. , First Insertion--115 cents | per word. | Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30e. Each subsequent tive insertion word. Fhree consecutive {nser- | tions for the price of two | first insertions (three cents a word). | Minimum charge for three | insertions 60c. | Box number 'Uc additional. | Professional cr Business | Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 | cents a worq per month | for each additional word. ' PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department consecu- | le per | yigitorg- at Mr, | sheep has been | ing been put through for Mr, | Ris. {Tt Harmony News (Mrs. H. Willson, Correspondent) HARMONY, July 29.--r, and Mrs. Moffatt and Mr, Malcolm Moffatt are spending holidays at Montreal and New Brunswick, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Jackson and baby Aurenc spent Sunday. with relatives in Toronto and Hamilton, Misses Joyce and Joan Allan, of Thornton's Corners, spent Wednes- day with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Oke, Mrs. Geo. Smith, of the city, vis- ited Mr, and Mrs. Howard Will son on Thursday, The community exend their deep- est sympathy to Mr. and Mrs, Roy Winter and family and Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Winter and family in their recent sad bereavement. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Go. do.. Robinson op the gift of a daughter on Friday. Mr. H. Hunking is spending this week at Williamsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gimblett and Billy Gimblett, Mr. and Mrs, H. Willson, Misses Gladys Oke and Beatrice Willson, Stanley Cook, Roy Fleming and Glenn Willson spent Sunday at Orono. Those who did not see the ball Kame at Alexandra Park on Wed- nesday evening between Trinity and Harmony surely missed a treat, The boys seemed all in unison on their toes, and were successful in winning by 21-5. Everyone was hoping they would carry on the good work but on Friday night they were defeated by the National Ukrs by 21-8. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Spafford, of Sydenham, spent the week end with Mr. and Mr. W, Found. Mr. and Mrs. F, Gabourie spent the weekend with relatives at Tweed. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. | L. Laverty on the gift of a son onj Thursday. Zion News ZION, July 29. -- Mr. Murray McKitrick, Orangeville, is visit- ing his aunt, Mrs. McMaster and her family. The football boys played at fo- lina on Wednesday night and won 1-0, It was a good game and crowds were there from il directions. The baseball girls played "at Newcastle on Thursday night aud were beaten. They have now uniforms, green with white "Z" on sweaders, Miss Pear] Leach, of Harmony, spent Wednesday afternoon. at home, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miss Doris, and Master John, Toronto, were guests of Mr. ant Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, The Women's Association will | entertain Kedron ladies at fhe / church next Wednesday -after- noon, August 3rd, when the) hope for a good attendance from | Grooms, of of | both societies, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson aia daughters Marion and Jean, were | and Mrs, W. J. | Trick's Oshawa, on Wednesdu: The little girls stayed for a few days' holidays. | J. W. Balson's dipping tank for | well patronized this week, about 200 sheep hav- Len Morgan, Beath farms and Bal son's, Mrs. McMaster entertained several ladies on Monday afte:- noon to' a quilting for Ther daughter, Miss Jean, Miss Marguerite Martin is suf- fering from an attack of Tonsil. Mrs. Reed (with newspaper): says here that a woman in Omaha has just cremated h-*r third husband." Miss Willing: that just the way? can't get one and other have husbands to burn.' "Helgho! Isn't Some of us women Times Clawsified Ade. ot results. | GAELIC SERVICE. FOR CENTENARY Planning Unique Celebration Woodstock.~~The staunch Scots pioneers who built the first Pres- byterian church in Zorra and opened it for service 100 years ago sang the Psalms of David in the Gaelic. Their descendants wil] do the same at the centenary ser- vice to be held at the old log church cemetery near Embro village next Sunday afternoon, Not only is Willlam Munro, | noted Hamilton precentor, to be present and lead the singing at a Gaelic service to be conducted by Rev. Alexander McLean, of Embro, but he has arranged for a Gaelic choir. Some of the mem- bers will be from Hamilton, where there is an excellent or- ganization, and others from Nor- wich and other parts of the dis- trict where the ancient tongue survives. BOYS FIND BONES OF GREAT AGE Discovery of "Interest to Scientists and Arch- aeologists Cave City, Ky.--Preliminary examination of a "cave of bones' discovered near here last week by four boys discloses evidence of three cultures of antiquity, and that the mammoth and mas- tb>don were contemporary with man, Prof. William S. Webb, head of the department of archaeology of the University of Kentucky, announcing that bones were found imbedded in onyx below more than 100 feet of !Imestone, sald "formation bf a deposit of onyx like that takes tens of thou- sands of years." Prof. Webb will lead a party which will explore the cave. Skulls of human beings were found in the same strata with animal bones five feet long and eight inches in diameter, Prof. Webb said he expected to find bones of the sabre-tobthed tiger, the Arctic fox and the polar bear. GHOST WALKS SINGS HYMNS Armed Watchers Wait But Spirit Fails to Appear Joliet, 11l.----Joliet housewives claim to have been frightened by a ghost which, wearing a white shroud, wanders about the 1,000 graves in the old convict ceme- tery singing 'Rock of Ages" in a | dismal voice, { "Just a silly notion' was the opinion of Sheriff Oliver Flint, who, with 75 possemen, spent a night in the graveyard ready to discourage the hymn - singing ghost with shotguns and clubs. Until early in the morning, the party kept a careful but fruitless watch on the grounds, Terrorized neighbors reporied that just after the men had left the white-clad figure again appeared to keep its vigil with the dcad criminals, Housewives say that the ghost is that of a conviet who was hang- ed for a murder he did mot com- mit. | TIME TABLES | iE BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY i iS p.m, To --- = 7.15pm, EoNnomawus S822 SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE ht Sav! Time, (buylig ine, ) 8.30 a. 8.45 1045 wa: 100 s.m. 215p.m, 23pm. 245pm. 615p.m. 60pm. 645p.m. 9.45 p.m. 10.05p.m. 10.20p.m. 1210p 1. 12.30 p.m, East Leave Oshawa 9.40 a.m. 12.15 p.m, 3% o.m, Arrive 10,45 a.m. 12.45 p.m, 4.00 p.m, 7.45 p.m, pe 1.10pm. J 10.35 p.m, oskAwA, 3 BOWMANVILLE. LINDSAY D BOBCAYGEO NolwDavocn ht Saving Time on Standard Time effective on all Divisions on same dates as Oshawe and Bowmanville. Effective on and after June 10th, 1932 NORTHBOUND » 'wd "poly pue 'ung "Jeg 'I°H ¥ 'ung Amo Lepimeg Jeg ydedxe Aueq "ov OH pue 'ung KERBLNERNS ER? Leave Oshawa Bowmanville .... Hampton Enniskillen , Burketon Blackstock Neatiekca Yelverton anctville BRANNAN LSS atte] OPO ov ommmeN 'wd SDSUBSVEARLS ALN Tn Sin ! S8GES Wn 82 Bobcaygeon . 4.40 Bobcaygeon .... Ancona Point.. Dunsford Pleasant Point, Lindsay ,, ' anetville (elverton Nestleton Blackstock Burketon Enniskillen Hampton Bowmanvill Oshawa .. 11. Special "Busses For All Occasions Reajundble Rates and Carefws Drivers GARTON, PROPRIETOR soWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or 34 Oshawa Wall Aing Room, 6 Prince St, Phone 22I GRAY COACH LINES AE Nstive May 1, 1932) St ime) Ave OIMAWA LEAVE TORONTO P.M. AM, PM A M. 5.00 18.30 «6.30 1.30 1.3 8.30 8.30 2.30 2.30 10.30 10.30 11.30 11.30 *M, P.M, 2.30 12.30 1.3% 1.30 s~Daily a Sunday, b--Saturday, junday and holidays only. §-~Sunday only, ~--Except Sunday and bolidays. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service Effective June 26, 1932 Eastern Standud Time EASTBOUND 9.45 a.m, Dairy. 1.59 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. 4.42 pan, Daily, x5.08 p.m (Sunday only). 10.10 p.m. Daily, £12.02 a.m Daily, 12.12 a.m. Daily, Hn on flag to pick up for Montreal an enemy and one which is possible o {dian alsike equally come to be inferior and generally be expected to command a ready CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective July 1, 1932, Standard Time) a.m, Duk. 45 Tr Ba al Daily, except Sunday, nm, ily, p.m. except Sunday, am, Daly, or Ottawa, Montreal and East edly-- PRICES ROYAL YORK TEA, % 1b. Pkg. - 23¢ 1 1b. Pkg. 45¢c | at all : Superior Stores - 5.52 a.m, Daly Sunda a. a) 6:30 a.m. Daily, 7 3.12 p.m. Dai 732 pa D. y: except Sunday. m Toronto and West onlv--fag, ARE EXPERT AT ENTERTAINING Soviet Wives Skilled in Fine Points of Hos- pitality Moscow.--The nature of their husbands' work make the wives gf the highest officials in the _FOR RENT, $25 8 Room Brick Veneer House. All conveniences, . on Dearborn Ave, J. H, R. LUKE Phones 871 or 887TW Chevrolet Qapriolet, Model. Looks runs new car. Price rid ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 86 King St, E. Phone 900 De, sg BOC A OP l\Mh 1920 like commissariat of foreign affairs especially active socially. The eti- quette of diplomatic intercourse obliges these women to do a cer- tain amount of entertaining and to accept invitations from for- eign plenipotentiaries, Mrs, Ivy Lityinoff, as wife of A Treat for Your Table DRAKES' 2 costish Horse Radish Sauce Try a Bottle Today the commissar of foreign affairs, frequently acts as hostess at grand receptions to the diplomat- ic corps or visiting officials from friendly countries. English by birth, well educated and a fine linguist, she is entirely in place in that role. The wives of the vice-commis- sars of foreign affairs, Mrs. Nich- olag Krestinsky and Mrs. Leo Karakham, similarly have social duties to perform. Mrs, Krestin- sky's interests, however, are by no means social, She is especially active in child welfare work. Mrs. Karakhan seems to fit more easily into her diplomatic role. She is slender, blonde, strikingly pretty and an excellent dancer, Mrs. Semion Budemny, wife of the Russian general, is a young and very pretty brunette whom he married a few years ago af- ter the death of his first wife. Although she is 100 per cent. proletarian--at the time of her marriage to the popular cavalry leader she wag a ticket-seller in one of the theatres here--she is completely at home among the women of the diplomatic corps. WATCH SEEDS IN ALSIKE A statement just issued by the | Dominion Seed Branch calls at. | tention to the importance of watching weeds in the stands of alsike clover intended for seed purposes, In particular, Bladder Campion and Catch fly should be rogued from the crop, as seeds from these weeds are very difficult to separate from alsike. Black Medick is another common to rogue out of the crop. It is pointed out that in re- cent years the market for Cana- seed has decidedly fallen off. While this is in large measure due to the tariff barrier applied by the United States, an important reason is that Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa One 1927 | PONTIAC LANDAU Sedan in perfect condition. . | Ross, Ames & Garishore HUDSON------ESSEX y St. W. Phones 1160 Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY® ; It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can ro and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Cavatian National and Osh- a Railroads . 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 "el Rove WE DELIVERY 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver REPAIRING Bh Fine Watch Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South alsike seed has in quality owing to infestation with weed seeds. Only seed of high purity fine quality may much of our . C. YOUNG ENERAL INSURANCE %; Prince St., Oshawa Office Phone 793 Res. Phone 3895 NEW STYLE GLASSES At Reasonable Prices J. W. WORRALL Eyesight Specialist JURY & LOVELL'S King St. E. Phone 8315 TILLIE THE TOILER-- By Russ, Westoveg LOOKS LIKE HE'S IN pp A TROUBLE f NOT THAT GUY. HE'S JUST SHowIN' n Or / Grew Britain tights resened Lie GET OUT f oi King Pearures Shi ne BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McMann rm TO TELL YOU WHAT THIS G MAN HAS DONE FOR QUR EVERY MAN, woman AnD CHILD i) x] A AND GENTLEMEN! | DO NOT HAVE COUNTRY. HE 19 LOVED BY REAT I'D NEVER WHERE WOULD WE BE TO FOR THIS GREAT MAr, WHOSE NAME | WiLL SOON MENTION? DAY IFAT WASNT VSNT THAT KNOW IT, A MARVELOUS INTRODUCTION FOR MY HUSBAND? NOTHING CAN BE SAID OR DONE TO EVER REPAY THIS GREAT MAN, IT GIVES ME GREAT PLEASURE TO JUST MENTION THIS GREAT MAN «= HUSBAND A LOT OF VOTES FOR ------ GEORGE WASHINGTON"