ud: r. Barristers, Ete. Commerce Bldg, » Solicitor, Notary. Morey to loan. rg ah Street North, Phone 67. Residence 2544W. & S, =isters, Solicitors, Etc. 243 Sim- cde St. N. Phene 8160. Residence 3514. Money to loan. N Bank of i , B.A, 'ter, 13% Simcoe St. South. Teio- phone 3088--HK65. TARY (8 sept tf) BR. B J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- and Surgeor special atten- ven to X-fay work and Oftice, Disney s open 9 pm. Residence 421 Rm, | King Street East, Phone 3416. y TAY. CO. 67 St, East. Arvbulance. Residence 543 Simcoe Street North. Phone '2107 and 210W, Beauty Parlors U BEAU ' BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, Permanent Wave $3.60 ug. "Cro- quinole and Spiral", 'Marcel B0c. $1. Expert operators on'y. 79 Sim- coe St. North (note new ad- dress). Phone 2968. ih (3 a 'GENOSHA HAIRDR - perts--on all kinds' of beauty culture, Permanent wayes our eclalty. Finger wave shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, 50c. Facials, scalp treatments and manicuring, Coffee Shop eun- trance. Phone 19§3. : ad (6 July 1 mo.) dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel- ling 36¢ and finger waving 50c. Phone 2188J. ss (14 july ¢) PEMBER'S CH dressing and Beauty Tuiture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 3%, Osh- awa, Ontario. (23 nov t?) PRINCILLA BEAUTY ON, permanent waves specialty, $2.50 to $10. Finger waving b0c, marcelling 35c. Phone 688. (9 july ¢) MISS McKENNA'S' PERMAN- ent wave specials for month of June. J. Nelson Day method from $2.75 upwards. Other lines of beauty culture, Moderate prices. Phone 1230F for appoint- ments, (11 july c) MAYFAIR BEAUTY SALON, 14% King St. East, Jean Winter All branches of beauty culture. Permanent waving a specialty. Phone 2020 for prices. (18 july © MODERNISTIC WAVE SHOP, Permanent waves from $2.75, $3.50, $4.00 up to $10. ¥none 709W. 105 Celina St. (23 july ¢) 3 URIAL CO. M. ¥. "Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day. aight. Phone 1082W. 3 lina. (42) ; Architects *STENBOU . ; ey G EINER tectural worl. Second. floor . Bank * Bullding. Phone Residence phone 909J. . Auctioneer | PH 6J. W. J. Y, ~ Auction ve 346 Sigeoe a, 8. » ecial at on given ors hos furniture sales and farm k aad {mplements. Your | patr solicited. 3 1496 : TEN, watchmaker, repair shop at | 46 King Street West. Your jo 1s solicited. - 3 D STORAGE. 'Coleman's, 85 Bond West, Spec- 'falists in furniture moving. Stor- { ! and moving van t. Phone 82. Servi CHARGED 7bc 'vental $1.00. Called for and ered Batteries $2.75 and Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St. 9 Eds i Cae hgh : AR BATTERIES barged 11 for and delivered * Electro plate refinished, ehromium plating, nickel plating. EW. H. Platt,~ 817 Celina. St. Phone 15567. (15 july ¢) Insurance S A SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. Wezi, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 reputable Fire Companies. BUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Alex. S. Rost, S. F. i Everson. Phone 1834. (15 oet tf) Summer Resort i SUMMER RESORT AT OSHAWA * Brookside Park, offer summer ' camping, catering picnic parties, { bathing. Canada's most natural 5 7 had 1808 ring 5, Wesley oskfll, (25 july ¢) PLEASANT VALLEY -- IDEAL spot for picnics, swimming, usa- ing, camping. Booth on grouad. ¥ 1 mile south of Pickering Village. i Pascoe Bros. (2 Aug. 32) ¥ * I i I # 0 Articles for Sale GOOD SOUND PRY s80ODY HARD wood. Guaranteed full measure, 3% cord, $3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft wood, $2.25 A. Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 2628F (8 july ¢) FOR SALE -- ORNAMENTAL shrubbery and fruit trees, etc. Agents for Stone & Wellington, Toronto. Order now for fall and spring planting. Phone 25. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (14 july c) FRESHLY PICKED STRAWBER- ries delivered to all parts of Osh- awa. Phone 631. F. Shaw, 74 Park Rd. South. (18 july ¢) FOR SALE -- BODY wool, beech and maple, $3.00. Mixed hardwood slabs, $2.75. Dry soft wood slabs, $2.50. Claude Mec- Quaid, 54 Albert street. Phone 1079J. (24 july ¢) MOTOR OILS AND GREASLS3 delivered anywhere in Oshawa and vicinity at wholesale prices. Best grade Sunoca Motor Oil, 83c gallon, Pressure gun grease 20c 1b. tin, 5 1b. tin, 85¢c. Claule Wilson, 313 Colborne St, East. Phone 1707M, (2n 148 SIMCOE SOUTH -- NEAR Loblaw's, Second hand clothes bought and sold, slightly worn. Sale starts now. Come and see us. (5 Aug. ¢) ONE KITCHEN CABINET, FOUR chairs, two burner coal oil stove, two beds, one baby carriage, one table, two floor coverings, Phone 15086). (5¢) FOR SALE -- TWO BURNER electric plate in good condition. 3-way switch. Two dollars. 129 Colborne St. East, Phone 1916F. (6h) FOR SALE HEINTZMAN piano, in good condition, for cash. Phone 2105. (6c) FOR SALE -- AUTO TRAILER, $10. Apply 87 Rosehill Blvd. (65) FOR SALE -- GURNEY ELEC. tric range in first clase condition for $59. Was $129 new. Terms $5.90 per month, John Meagher, 92 Simcoe North. 16a) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S references, maternity or general nursing, assists housework. Charges moderate, For iaforma- tion phone 3033J. (8 july ¢) Motor Loans ' BEWDLEY, RICE LAKE--SUM- * mer cottages, rooms. Electric i light, well furnished, overlook: - ing lake. Good fishing. App'y { Jean Ruth Cake Shoppe. Phone © 1420. . (4c) i er ; Barber Shop ; GUS BANK'S BARBER SHOP, | Celina, corner Ash. All haircut- 4 ting, 15c. Children (under 12 : years) Mondays and Tuesdays : 10c. Three barbers. Quick 3 Barvice. (25 Jly ¢) Roofing HAYTON, THE ROOFER. asphalt and wood shingle roofs, free inspection. 185 Arthur. Phone 1643W. (June 13-1 yr.) Palmist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist, on all matters of im- nee. 93 Louisa St. Phone 4 636F. Business private. i (4 Aug. c) Awnings and Service may i ----------------rs AWNINGE;, TENTS, FLAGS TARPAULINS, everything ia canvas. + Phone 2104, George Reid, 66 Bond W. J. J. Turncr & Sons, agent. (303J1yc) AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE- financed, Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering a period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your car. Campbell Auto Finance Co., Ltd. Disney Block, King Street East. H. A. MacDonald representative, Branches throughout Ontario, (2 Aug House" for Exchange STUCCO HOUSE, SIX ROOMS, stable and hen house in Oshawa, free of encumberance. Will ex- change for farm with or without' stock and implements. Jas. Ryan, Cannington, (4c) Motor Cars FOR SALE --- 1929 PONTIAC Coach, will take small car trade. 274 Verdun Road. (5c) HUPMOBILE SEDAN IN GOOD condition, cheap for quick saie. 655 Sommerville Ave. (ac) For Sale or Exchange : CHEVROLET "26 LANDAU IN good condition. Will sell or trade on coupe or roadster. Phone 2525, (5c) Dental reer : Dew Worms FOR SALE -- ANY QUANTITY packed in moss. Phone 1420F, DRS. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in 301 French Street, . (22 Julyc) attendance, Phone 959. House 1312, Shampoo, Finger Wave and trim | HE ) . LOW ren ey. phone 1550. (1 june tf) Te T A , tables, ladders, electric cleaners | 'and waxers. Phone 25. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (14 july ¢) FOR RENT--306 DIVISION ST. 6 roomed, all conveniences, new- ly decorated, hardwood floors, immediate possession. Reat, twenty dollars, Phone 2604W. (28Jly¢) FOR RENT -- IMMEDIATE possession, large 8 room brick house, paved street, central. Bradley Bros., or Murdoch, 27 Warren Ave. (5c) FOR RENT ~~ CENTRALLY located serdice station in Osh- awa. Immediate possessicn, reasonable. Apply personally to Murdoch, 27 Warren. (5¢) FOR RENT -- FIVE ROOMED house, all conveniences, hot wa- ter heating, wired, garage, Ap- ply 145 Burk St. Phone 854. (50) FOR RENT -- 2 MODERN SIX roomed houses, also 4 roomed cottage in Westmount. Apply 260 Athol St. East, (6c) FOR RENT ---- BOAT FOR FISH- ing, mounted on trailer; also good temt for sale, 104 Celina St. 292). (62) FOR RENT -- 4 ROOM BUX- galow, all conveniences, on pav- ed street. Possession immed!- ately. Apply 161 Alma Street. (6c) FOR RENT SIX ROOMED house, all conveniences, App'y 3 'Nassau Street. Telephoiic 18903. (6c) Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS AND STANTYD Chicks, bred to lay strains (Bloodtested). Nine and ten cents, Phone 1337J. (9 july ¢) Repair ¢ Service REPAIR SERVICES--AWNINGS, Radios, Washers, Lawn Mowers, Electric appliances, ete. Laying linoleum a specialty. When your roof leaks phone 25. Cleve Fox, | Oshawa. (14 {uly c) Work Wanted ALL ROUND CARPENTER:S-- will work cheap or do any kind of work. Phone 1406J. (3-e) HECTOR DAY, JOINER, CAB: fnet maker, store and office fix- tures, general wood work. Esti mates given, Phone 1292F. (42) Transportation REGENT CARTAGE AND MOV- ing. Low rates. Prompt service. | Calls M. "F.- Riordan. Phone | 1716F. (27 July c) ! Bicycles for Sale BOYS', GIRLS" BICYCLES, TEN dollars up. Tires one dollar. Tubes 60c. Accessories and re- | pairs. 12 -Richmond E (21 july ¢) For 'Exchanga WANTED -- A SUMMER COT- tage on six roomed house in Osl- awa. Apply to Box 227 Times (4c) Wanted to Buy SMALL COOK STOVE-- PHONE 1477TW. (5c) Personal Notice PARTY MOTORING TO WINNI- peg -- passengers wanted. Leav- ing anytime, Phone Gladstone 0966, 55 Galt Ave. Toronto. (5¢) . Auction Sale THERE WILL BE SOLD BY public auction on Saturday, Juiv 9, 1932, at the yard, 82 Royal St., a quantity of furniture, rab- bits, lumber and scantlan, a quantity of toois and car parts. Sale at 4 p.m. - Terms cash. W. J. Sulley, auctioneer. (Gay Classified ~ Ads. First Insertion--1 3% cents per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30e. Each subsequent tive insertion lc word, : Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of two - first' insertions (thres cents a word). 'Minimum ¢barge for three . insertions 60e. Box :number °c additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents. a worq per month for each additional word. PHONE 35 consecu- per Lost STRAYED FROM NORTH OSH- awa -~ grey milking cow. Any- one knowing whereahouts pleas: call Fred Conlin 1654 r 1-4. ' (5¢) LOST ~-- PURE BRED JERSEY COW. Concession 5, Darlington, color, years old, with Please notify Gordon Hawnton, R.R. No, 1. The Bankwptcy Act In the matier of Vie witli ed assignment Supply Company Fawn hors. Hardy, (6c) " ° Viz Limited of t've City of Oshawa and Province o! Ontario. NOTICE IS HEREBY that Oshawa Motor Supply Com- pany Limited of Oshawa did on the 5th day of July 1932, MAKE AN AUTHORIZED ASSIGNMENT of all their property for the bene fit of their Creditors, and that O. E. Lennox, Esq. Official Receiv- er, has appointed me to he custo: dian of the estate of the debtor until the first of the creditors. NOTICE is further given that the first meeting of creditors in the above estate will be held a' the office of the Official Receiver, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, on the 19th thay of July, 1982 at 11 co - clock In the forenoon (daylight meeting | saving time). TO ENTITLE you tn vote thereat, proof of your claim must be lodged with me before thc meeting is held. PROXIES to be used at the meeting must be lodged with me prior thereto, AND FURTHER that at such .meeti tors will elect trustee, AND 'FURTHER take notice that if you have any claim against the debtor for which yon are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with me, or with the trustee when appoint- ed; otherwise the proceeds of the debtor's estate will be distributed among the parites thereto with- out regard to your claim, DATED - AT TORONTO 7TH DAY OF JULY, 1932. 3 F. M. MOFFAT, CUSTODIAN, 25 King Street West, Toronto, Ont: (6a) the the" permanent THIS Mabel--"I'm going to get mar- ried next momth, Lizzie, if Jim can get a wéek off from his job. f think he'll be able to. Yer see, it isn't as if 'e was asking for a vacation to have a good time." DECORATION DAY AT CLAREMONT Dr. T. E. Kaiser of Oshawa Took Leading Part in Ceremony CLAREMONT, July 7.--Many local citizens as well as a large number from outside places gath- ered at the Union Cemetery last Sunday afternoon for the annual Decoration Day Bervices, G. M. Forsyth, president of the Ceme- tery, Board, occupied the chair. Dr. Kaiser, of Oshawa, Supervis- or of Cemeteries, was present and gave an interesting address on the work that is being accom- plished along the line of improv- ing the neglected cemeteries throughout the country, where rest the remains of many of Can- ada's worthy pioneers, An im- pressive address was also given by Rev. A. R. Park, of Torcmto, who was a former Baptist minis- ter here. A male quartette com- posed of Messrs. Barber, Jas. Coates, M, Pugh and E, Ward, with Mrs. W. R. Evans at the piano, provided the musical part of the program. The meeting closed with all joining in the singing of "Blest be the tie that binds." United Picnic The Baptist and United church Sunday schools held their annual picnic at Port Bolster, Lake Sim- coe, on Saturday, July 2nd, Al- though the weather was mot ideal for this purpose on account of the heavy rainfall the day before, it Disappeared from Lot 22 | | sch%ol of Oshawa Motor | GIVEN | take notlie | credi- | had little effect o tne attehnd ance for both schools were well represented, Motor cars and a large truck provided by each conveyed the picnickers to their destination. The water was found to be too cold for much | bathing so games of various sorts provided the chief diversion, and the day proved to be one of real enjoyment despite weather con- tions. WVeath of Mrs. IV. Spofford Aftey a lingering illness from heart {rowhle, Lavina Law, wi dow of the late Frank Spoffard, passed away at her wame here | early Saturday morning, Jun 2, in her seventy-second year. Mia | Spoffard was an only daughter of | the late Joseph and Mrs. Law {and a life-long and highly re- | spected resident of Claremont. 'She took an active interest in church work until ill-heaith pres | vented, and for many years, prior te Union, was organist of the Methodist Church and later of the Presbyterian Church, She was also a much beloved teacher | of the Primary Class in the Unit- | od Church Sunday School for rev- eral vears, The funeral was held ion Monday afternoon from late residence to Bethel Ceme tery. Services were conducted hy her pastor, Rev. A, McLellan beautiful floral offerings bore te timony of the esteem in deceased wag held. She is survived hy | Leslie, of Toronto daughter," Annie, at one and home, who de- pre- ago. community in the loss of a { voted mother. Her husband { deceased her several years Park Board Election Park Board, held recently in the Community Hall, the following officers were elected: President, N.. F. Goddard, of Balsam; Vice- Direc- A. tary-Treasurer, A. Pretty, tors---Dr, Tomlinson and C. Overland. Rev. A. R. Park, of Toronto, a former pastor of the Baptist Church, was welcomed by a num- ber of old friends, when he con- ducted services -in that church, on Sunday, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed by the con- gregation of the United Church, last 'Sunday morning. The even- ing service wae dispensed with. on account of the Memorial ser- vice at the Union Cemetery, in the afternoon. A few weeks ago the farmers { motored | his mother, I reports the crop outlook en nroute | very | | | | | of this district were becoming an- xious on account of the lack of moisture in the grounds but dur- ing the past week they are begin- ning to worry about the over- supply, as the frequent heavy rains are proving detrimental to the earlier prospects of a fine hay crop. Mrs, McIntyre, Sr., of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with her son, H, G. and Mrs. Mclatyre, and the Misses E. and M, McIn- tyre, also of Toronto, were here over the week-end. Miss Hildred Paton, of Toron- to, is the guest of Mrs. M. Raw- |, son, this week. Miss Edith Hopkings, of Mid- land, spent a few days over the week-end with her friends, Miss Annie Spoffard. Stewary Graham and family, of Prospect, and Orrie and Mrs. Mowbray, of Whitby, were guests of Mrs. T, Neal and daughter, on Sunday, James Young and son, Bob, of Brooklin, visited the former's sister, Miss J. Young, on Sunday. Mrs. Rankin and Mrs. Oliver and family, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Bennett, on Thursday last. Mrs. D. A, Scott is holidaying \vith relatives at Jackson's Point, Mrs. (Dr.) Tomlinson and daughter, Miss Grace, spent a few days last week with relatives at Midland. R. and Mrs. Bryant and daugh- ter, Murray Forgie and children, and Miss Cairns, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the Misses Forgie. Mrs, Nichols, of Toronto, was a week-end guest with her friend, Miss Margarey Graham. Mrs, Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. Proctor, of Aurora, visited Lyman and Mrs. Pilkey, on Sun- day, and attended Memorial Ser- vices at the Union Cemetery, Frank and Mrs, Cunliffe, of Windsor, were the guests of the latter's brother, Rev, A. McLel- lan, and daughter, for a few days this week. Miss Adelaide McCullough has accepted a position as teacher of public school near Creemore, for September 1st, Prof. D. 8S. Rawson, of Saska- toon University, Saskatchewan, to Claremont to visit Mrs. M, Rawson, He promising and the weather | ideal during his trip. Dr. and Mrs. Bagshaw, of Sagi- naw. Mich, have bean guests of W. G. and Mrs. Scott during the Past week. Mrs. Bishop, of Uxbridge, has rented hér home there and has come to Claremont to live with her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Gregg. The W.MS. of 'ha Mrs, (Dr.) Tomlinson at 3 pw, Thursday, - July 14th, when the members of Brougham W.M.S, will be its guests, Miss Duff, of Toronto, will give an address and tea will be served after the meet- ling her The | which | { to buy son, | one | | have the sincere sympathy of the | } | | those At a meeting of the Memorial | SIGN OF THE TIMES {Kingston Whiz-Standard) United | i church will meet at the hame of BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY Weeks Day Schedule (Daylight Saving Time) (Effective on and alter May 1, ost Arrive Whitby 210 a.m. 8.20 a.m, 9.20 a.m, 10,45 a.m, 1932) Le Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa tal 620a.m. 6.55 a.nn Flag, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS ' Effective July 1, 1932. (Standard Time) Eastbound 4.26 3.m, Daily, 2.45 Trenton Local Daily, except Sunday, Rr: To eset Sond B m, al . 12.05 Li Daily, except Sunday. x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only= . Westbound ' .52 a.m, Daily except Sunday, .30 a.m. Daily, / 12 p.m. Daily, 5.5; 6. 3.1 7.32 p.m. Daily, except Sunday mé.. m 52 30 2 2 8.54 p.m. Daily Toronto and West only--flag, 12.25 p.m, 2.00 p.m. 3.10 p.m. 8.15 a.m, % 10.00 a.m. 12.35 p.m, 2.15p.m, 4,40 p.m. 5.40 pm, $40 p.m, 8.15 p.m, 0. 1 a dey - TOPIVoeDY CONS eAnRG a ww 1.15 p.m, ERE a brah 745 pm, 10.00 pom. 11.30 p.m, Sona She TUES sp83a 822058 BEa3aZ SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE (Daylight Saving Time) Geing West arrive Whitby 8.45 a.m, am, p.m, pm, 5 1 p.m, 11.40 p. 1 p.m, East Leave Leave Arrive Hospital Oshawa Bowmanville 9.40a.m, 1045 12,15 p.m. 330 p.m, p 7. ¥ 7.45 p.m, 10.35 p.m. 10.55 o.m. 1L10p.m. 11.40p.m OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE, LINDSAY AND BOBCAYGEON Note--Daylight Saving Time and Standard Time effective on all Divisions on same dates as Oshawa and Bowmanville. Effective on and after June 10th, 1932 NORTHBOUND 4 Arrive Hopital 1 245 p.m, 6.45 p.m, 10.20 p.m. 8 0. ) ) 9, 1 100 2.30 6.30 0.U5 2,30 2.50 p.m, 15 p.m, vf B' E If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair erin make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Officizl Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 180 PRG STENT PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Delives OH ¥ 'wag 'Jeg 3doxa Aypeq Leave Oshawa .... Bowmanville Hampton ... Enniskillen . Burketon ... Blackstock Nestlcton . Yelverton , Janetville . Andsay ... Pleasant Pt, Dunsford Ancona Pt. . Bobcaygeon 10.15 10.45 11,00 11.10 11.20 11,30 11,40 11.50 12.05 12,40 12.55 1.10 1.25 1.35 SOUTHBOUND Daily a.m, Sat, Sun. and BIR 53855 S388 PPOo0VNXL NNN BAAN NN niin AST tote 4 = Swo Bobcaygeon .... Ancona ' Point... Dunsford . Pleasant Point. Lindsay Janetville , £40 a.m 018 9.45 0.3% Celverton , Nutleton Blacwuock 10.16 Burketon | 10.20 i Enniskillen." | 16.) H i Hampton 10.40 Bowmanville 10.30 Another sad sign of the times | disposition of newly-weds a one-seated ear. i# the SCENTED BUSES (Christian Scienee Monitor) The fact that buses in England | are scented to spare the passen- gers the usual odors of gasoline still may nat altogether satisfy who would like to go "down to Kew in lilac time." LIKE HEALTHY HEN (Torcunto Telegram) Electrical machine now in use | President, W. M.. Palmer; Secre- | turns out 442 bulbs per minute, which almost equals the record of a healthy hen let. loose in the garden, THE BRIGHTER SIDE (Milverton Sun) Despite the temporary draw- backs there are still many sources of happiness. Think of the auto- mobile for example. Every bright Sunday it takes the family where | half of them don't want to go. Customer (wamting a loan): "Do vou remember the old saving, 'A friend in need is a friend in- deed' ?"" Banker: "Yes, stranger." Special B s For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Carefur Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Room, 6 Prince St. Phone 2283 | Oshawa ... 11.20 1 | |] i GRAY COACH LINES (Effective May 1, 1932) 4 (Eastern Standard Time) -EAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM, P.M, AM, P.M. 15.45 ©5.00 16.30 a6.30 7.30 7.30 8.30 5.30 9.30 9.30 0.30 10.30 11.30 P.M, 12.30 1.3 1.30 a--Daily Shet Sunday. b--Saturday, junday and bolidays enly. d--Sunday only. --Except Sunday and idays. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service Effective June 26, 1932 Eastern 'Standard Time EASTBOUND 1.30 2M. 2.30 d10.20 9.45 a.m; Dairy, 1.59 p.m, Daily, except Sundays 4.42 p.m. Daily, x3.08 p.m, (Sunday 10.10 p.m. Daily, 12.02 a.m. Daily, 12.12 a.m, Daily, {Stops on flag to pick up for Montreal and East, WESTBOUND 4.50 a.m. Daily, 5.10 aim. Daily, 5.57 a.m. Daily, 4.06 p.m. Daily. 7.01 p.m. Daily except Sunday, 28.59 p.m. Sunday only. 9.17 p.m. Daily only), \ INQUIRE about our Free Washing and Greasing. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 86 King St, E. Phone 900 Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South Vv Ra A reat Yor fouk Tabre™ DRAKES' ie" Horse Radish Sauce Try a Bottle Today Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa We buy Old Gold ana Silver We repair anything bought in a Jewelry Store BASSETT'S Jewelers J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE | 4% Prince St., Oshawa ! i ii Wl i Office Phone 798 Res. Phone 2805 Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop Here Always x--From July 3 to August 28 only, TILLIE THE TOILER-- ie You \NERE LUCKY To geT HORN To PROMO YOUR VALETERIA, A, HA-HA- HORM SEEMS To CRAMP \WALLY'S | STYLE y/o0m YEAH - THEYRE Too MUCH WHERE : 1 a Pro. Ae "e By Russ. Westover i BOY. «HERES TAKE FOUL TO LTHER CLEANSE BRINGING UP FATHER MR-TCM MATTO 15 (N f THE PARLOR TO SEE NOU = WHAT LLY ig HIM, DAUGHTER ? Ct | CANT STAND teapgr, 4 Y/ TELL HIM iM OUT HED DRTES TABLE: foi! THATS TOO BAD | | THAT YOUR DAUGHTER 'S OUT-HMOWEVER: VO LIKE TO SPEAK TO YOU =I'M JUST CRAZY ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER - ALWAYS THOUGHT 90, BUT NEVER KNEW WHAT CALSED 'T- DO YOu KNOW, MR~ JIGGS, ' BELIEVE YOUR DAUGHTER THINKS A LOT OF