Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1932, p. 5

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tary. Money to East, Phone ? (17 feb tf) ANNIS BARRIS Notdries Public. : and general vw. Office 7% Sim- Solfeitor, Notary. Morey to loan. 6 Simcoe Street North. Phone | 67. Residence 3344W. "ter, 123% Simcoe St. South. Tele- phone 3038--565. . (*§ sept tf) Medical - BR. B J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, special atten- « tion given to X-ray work and Electrotheopy. Office, Disney . Block. Phone 2050. Office open "9 am 9 pm. Residence 421 King Street East. Phone 3416. 35 TA). CO., 67 KI ® St. East. Arnsbulance. Residence " B42 Simcoe Street North. Phone 210) and 210W. " OSHAWA BURIAL CO., M. F. _ Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. . Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (42) % 3 A hit $ + Cy GO, » Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Residence phone 909J. : Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W. J. SULLEY, © Auctioneer, 3846 Simcoe St, S., > Oshgwa. Special attention given * to household furniture sales and farm stock aad implements. Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing "A. GUNTEN, EX Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at '46 King Street West. Your patronage is solicited. Hemstitching STITCHING, 17 CENTS ON embroidery © work, alterations, dressmaking, etc. The Dell Shop, 261 Simcoe S. Phone 1656, (5 flv 31) Transportation CARTAGE. AND STORAGE. Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- 'Jalists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. Battery Service . BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢ .-with rental $1.00. Called for and wdelivered Batteries $2.75 and p. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mil] St. Phone 960. RADIO OR CAR BATTERIES recharged. Call for and delivered (15 july c) Insurance 'DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 ¥ reputable Fire Companies. §SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- 'pany of Canada, Dominion Bank ¢ Chambers. Alex. S. Ross, S. F. } Everson. Phone 1834. TTY LOU BEAUTY PA Permanent Wave $38.50 ug. "Cro- quinole and Spiral". Marcel 60c. Shampoo, Fingeg, Wave and trim $1. Expert operators on'y. 79 Sim- coe St. North (note new ad- dress). Phone 2968. (8 aug tf) GENO SH A HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall. experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger wave and shampoo $1.09. Marcel 60c. Fac- las, scalp treatments and msai- cures. Coffee Shoppe entrance. Phone appointments 1973. (156 may 1 mo) CORENE JOHNSON, HAIR- dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel- ling 85¢c and finger waving b50c. Phcne 2188J. (14 july ¢) PEMBER'S H AIR- dressing and Beauty Cuiture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg. Phone 38, Osb- awa, Ontario. (23 nov t*) PRINCILLA BEAUTY SALON, permanent waves specialty, $2.50 to $10. Finger waving 50c, marcelling 35¢. Phone 688. (9 july ¢) APARTMENTS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. Low rentals. Disney, phone 1550. (1 june tf) FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH all conveniences. 137 Simcoe North~Phone 1236W, ! (1191) FOR RENT-- TENTS, CHAIRS, tables, ladders, electric cleaners and waxers. Phone 25. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (14 july ¢) FOR RENT--306 DIVISION ST. 6 roomed, all conveniences, new- ly decorated, hardwood floors, immediate possession. Reat, twenty dollagg, Phone 2604W. (28 Jly ¢) BACHELOR furnished, centrzl, private, low rental. Apply Box 231 Times, (152-t1) $15 RENT FOR 7 ROOMED home, good location and garden. $25 rents 6 roomed home, hard- wood up and down, just off Sim- coe, garage. Apply Bradley | Bros. ; (1532) HOUSE TO RENT HARD- wood floors, garage, all conveni- ences. Apply 233 Dearborn Ave. (153¢c) FOR RENT apartment, TO RENT---FLAT UNFURNISH- ed or partly furnished, all coi- MISS = McKENNA'S PERMAN- ent wave specials for month of June. J. Nelson Day method from $2.75 upwards. Other lines of beauty culture, Moderate prices. Phone 1230F for appoint- ments. (11 july ¢) MAYFAIR BEAUTY SALON, 143% King St. East, Jean Winter. All branches of beauty culture. Permanent waving a specialty. Phone 2020 for prices. (18 july e) veni Use of house part of summer, . Apply 194 Division Street. (1b3c) FOR RENT -- FIVE ROOMED house, all conveniences, hot wa- ter heating, wired, garage. Ap- ply 145 Burke Street. Phone 854. (153%) TO RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE, all conveniences, hardwood floors,, French doors, kitchen cabinet, Rent, $18 for month 6368 Somerville Ave. (153 ) MODERNISTIC WAVE SHOP, Permanent waves from $2.75, $3.50, $4.00 up to $10. rnone 709W. 105 Celina St. (23 july ¢) Articles for Sale GOOD SOUND DRY 80DY HARD wood. 'Guaranteed full measure, 1% cord, $3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft wood, $2.25 A, Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 2628F. (8 july ¢) BLACK'S WOOD YARD, 79 John St. Phone 3109J, Slabs $2.25, Body hardwood 3 y cord. (4 Aug. ¢) FOR SALE--BODY WOOD AND soft wood, mixed slabs, Call W. H. Thompson, 507 King West. Phone 742J. wl (7 july e) FOR SALE --- ORNAMENTAL shrubbery and fruit trees, etc. Agents for Stone & Wellington, Toronto. Order now for fall and spring planting. Phone 25. Cleve Fox, Oshawa, (14 july ¢) FRESHLY PICKED STRAWBER- ries delivered to all parts of Osh- awa. Phone 631, F, Shaw, 74 Park Rd. South. (18 july e) FOR SALE -- BODY woch, beech and maple, $3.00. Mixed hardwood slabs, $2.75. Dry soft. wood slabs, $2.50. Claude Me- Quaid, 54 Albert street. Phore 1079J. $ (24 july e¢) RE-CONDITIONED QUEBEC cook stoves and gas ranges, for sale by Harry D. Wilson, Hard- ware. (1b) MOTOR OILS AND GREASLS delivered anywhere in Oshawa and vicinity at wholesale prices. Best grade Sunoca Motor Oil, 83c gallon, Pressure gun grease, 20c¢ 1b. tin, 5 1b. tin, 85¢c. Claule Wilson, 313 Colborne St. East. Phone 1707M. (2f) Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in Sltendanes. Phone 959. House 12. TO RENT -- 299 LESLIE ST,, ¢ roomed and small sewing rvom, electric water heater, window shades, linoleum. This house is clean and in splendid condition, Phone U. Jones, 1962J. (153¢) TO RENT - DOWN STAIR flat, hardwood floors, all cou- veniences, partly or unfurnish- ed, electric range and. garag- Reasonable. 93 Alexandra SMALL HOUSE TO RENT, CON- veniences, garage. Cheap rent. BABY CHICKS AND STARTED Chicks, bred to lay . strains (Bloodtested). Nine and ten cents, Phone 1337J. (9 julv ¢) Repair Service REPAIR SERVICES--AWNINGS, Radios, Washers, Lawn Mowers, Electric appliances, ete. Laying linoleum a specialty, When your roof leaks phone 25. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (14 july ¢) Agents Wanted RELIABLE MAN FOR HUN- dred store route, this county; ex- perience unnecessary; no selling: distribute and collect, net geventy dollars weekly. Shamas Mfg. Company, New Tor- onto, Ont, EXPERIENCED WOMAN LOOK- ing for position as cook or fuli charge house keeping or any kind of work. Phone 2731M. (28) YOUNG GIRL OPEN FOR POSI- tion--several years' experience mn housework; 1st class reference Phone 493, Bowmanville. (2¢) Palmist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist, on all matters of im- portance. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Business private. (4 Aug. c, For Exchanga Marvelo WANTED--SERVICE STATION and few acres of land, also a farm on highway for exchange on Oshawa property, well located and priced right. Apply Brad- ley Bros. (153¢) MARVELO---DIRT AND STAINS g0 from Marvelo. Sensational liquid cleanser of all time, Phone 1733M. Delivery Tuesdays, Fri- days. (143L) Shouid | Rates For : Classified Ads. First Insertion--1% cents per word. Minimum, charge for one in- sertion 30c. Each subsequent tive insertion word. Three consecutive inser- tions for tae price of two first - insertions (tbre# cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. ox number (0c additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worg per month for each additional word. PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department consecu- lc per Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S references, maternity or general | nursing, assists housework. | Charges moderate, For informa- tion phone 3033J. (8 july ¢) [ER WALLET, Fairgloth, "in Finder please (1 ) LOST -- T with name R. T. gold on inside. phone 2011F ve LOST -- SATURDAY noon, pix dollars, on Athol, "Albert or Bruce: Streets. | Finder kindly return to Box 124 | Times. (20) Re Pets and Livestock FOR SALE -- 4 MILK COWS, one due to freshen Aug, 16. Ap-| ply Sam Burgoine, Five Points. | North Oshawa (1e) Harmony News (Mrs. H. Willson, Correspondent) HARMONY. June 29.--Mr. and] A. Pecling and family of the Mr. and Mrs. A ne with who ) Hunking has Rc Nestleton to spend the holiday his Mr. Marlowe, lives on a farm there. The lacrosse game at Stonehaven with the Red Wing Orchards, on Tuesday night, was a real good game. The score, 5-3, in favor of Harmonv. This is the third sched uled game plaved and Harmony has been fortunate in winning all three. The next game will be played here on Saturday with Port Perry Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Albert Tong on the gift of a baby bov on Saturday, June 25. Glad to see Mrs, M. Swect able to be out and around again after a sickness, Vera Saturday from has been for several Lockwood Clinic, We soon be much: better. Garbage collecting started through this vicinity this week. It will be a great help to a large num ber as it 1s quite a problem to dis- of the garbage personally all We are sure the majority will be mor 1 severe Miss home. where weckg in hope she will returned Toronto Gimblett on she he pose the time. of residents pleased. Ihe tourists are not as plentiful this year as previously but still the] lodge keepers are getting a few. | Mrs. Hunking had several last week, The primary department held a business meeting at the home of the superintendent, Miss G. Oke, last week, A busv business period was conducted and plans made for the summer months, in supplying extra help for the vacancies by holidays. The Willing Workers purchased fifteen chairs for the department, these are greatly appreciated as the number of scholars far exceeded the number of little chairs. The 'aver- age attendance is sixty. A letter of thanks is to be sent tn the associa- tion for same. After the close of the business, a dainty luncheon was served which brought the evening to a close. : Mr. H. Hunking spent las{ weck dat Williamsburg. Sunday service in the Primagy department was agala event for the "children. Thé two youngest beginner classes having promotion as those classes were larger than the teachers could ably handle. The school room was prettily decorated with" flowers. The little white gates that the children were to pass through were also decorated with flowers twined around them and two large baskets of flowers at the sides, The service opened with music followed bv remarks by the superintendent, Miss G. Oke. Call to worship followed by prayer by. Mrs. P. Timmins. Welcome song to visitors and birthday song. The offering was taken by two primary girls and boys, Miss Helen Lander's class was the first to go through the gates, a little girl and boy holding the gates open, while the rest of the class marehed through to the music Then they sang "Jesus Loves Me"! Miss Beatrice Willson was there to welcome the ones who were going into her class. Then Beatrice Will- son's class went through the zates as they were opened by and bov" from their number they sang "Whisper Song." Mrs. Tin mins' class of girls then passed through as gates were opened by two girls, and sang "Giving Day by Dav." The girls leaving B, Will- son's class were welcomed by Mrs vins and Mrs, Milling 2 the class' for the months. Mrs, K. boy passed a girl and on Fim taking holiday class of last who 1§ summer Fletcher's hrough sang "Tell Me as Mrs. from Beatrice's Zates and Stories of. Jesus," welcomed the | class to hers, story "Making § The two primary class n a Little Child Like There were sixty-two present "in 'the de partment and they all enjoyed the service xreatly, Mrs, Solomon of visited Mrs day. If vou have a time piece needs attention, why not phone 2037W Fifteen vears' experience. Best ref neces. Charges moderate, WOMAN KILLED ON WAY T0 OSHAWA (Continued from page 1) and make the return journey ear- ly last night, 'Car North Oshawa J. Terwilligar on Tues Daughter Lives Here The news of the accident ana tragie death of Mrs. Avey created a profound sensation at the Osh- awa Missionary College, where the camp meeting for which the party was bound, was heing held. Two daughters of Mrs. Avey were in attendance gt the camp meeting, one of them being Mrs, Clara Abrams, who lives at the college, and the other belng in attendance from Brantford. This morning ' Mrs, Abrams, accom- panied by the Brantford pastor, Rev. E. A. Bevan, left for Brant ford to make arrangements for the funeral. Mrg. Avey was well- known to a large number of those in attendance at the camp meet- ing, and the news of her tragic death was received with the deep- est of regret, reference to the | tragdy being made at the closing I geseion last night. Plymouth Colony remained an i dependent republic for 70 vears al ter attaining its patent The grosc tonnaee of the US 1930 was 13,940 R40 leading with 20.438 144, Gireat Cay aleymen returning sia brought the came favor in England in 1871. Britain | L our . "| that day; and not to me only, but the | the | Fletcher | ! preached at a joint service of the | two congregations. in King Streat 'i United Church, REV. A. D. ROBB Bowmanville News BEGINS MINISTRY (Continued from page 1) ° rugged mountain peaks and in the hurricane that lashed the trees of the primeval forest avd finding in them an echo to tne tempest of human emotions that raged within his own breast. "Something or some one spoke to the darkened soul and he erected his first alter to a Power unseen and utterly uncompre- hended," said Mr. Robb. "But gradually the darkness drifted and a God of beauty and genercs- ity revealed himself in the fruit of field and forest until as the African chieftain expressed the murmurings of his spirit, 'We know that some one goes by in the 'trees at night but we neve speak of Him.' RE "And so, continued Mr. Robb, NEW MEMBERS JOIN TRINITY CHURCH A large congregation was in at- tendance at Trinity United church Sunday morning when the pas. tor, Rev. E. F. Armstrong, deliv- ered a' communion address the theme .of 'Passing The Cup," using the text Matt. 26.27, Those received into fellowship by certi- ficates from other churches were: James Rundle, Frank Rundle, Louis apd Helen Rundle, of Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. G. A. McTaggart, Barton McTag- gart, Mrs Geo, Clarke, Miss Vio- let Clarke, and Mrs. G. K. Brown, Geo, Ken- neth; and on profession of faith, Oswald Anderson. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was admin- on Mr. J. Russell, Mrs, Mr. "whene'er a song is sung, a pic- | istered by the pastor, assisted by ture painted, a poem written that | ten members of the session. kindles a flame on the altar of hearts, we faintly hear the whispering in the trees at night and 'know that God is passing bv, PERSONALS Mrs. Higginbottom and daugh- ter, Barbara, of Toronto, are vis- "As ve go, preach to the heait- | iting the former's sister, Mrs. J. sick and sin-weary world, for by you alone can my work be done is the divine behest that bids us forward even though may lie with Paul through a con- jum of scourges, an Athens of de- |! rision or a Rome where dwells the heasts of the eolosseum, and the utter loneliness and despair of the prison of the Mamartincs, that we may say like Paul, 'I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, IT have kept the faith. Henceforth there laid up for me a crown of righteous- ness, which . the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at to all them also that love His ap- pearing'." In the Mr, evening Robb OSHAWA SONS OF ULSTER BAND WON TORONTO CONTEST (Continued from page 1) presented. Bandsman [Langford and Bandsman Shearer proposed the vote of thanks to the execi- rangements for the band, and president W, MeClimond and past president G. M.' Thompson ex- pressed the hope that this work would continue and at the Can- adian National Exhibition test would bring home to Oshawa the leading honors for the Dn minfon of Canada, Tha officers the Sons of Ulster Band are: President, Ww McClimon<; Vice-President R. "McClimond; Secretary, W. Goodwin: Treasur- er Alex Martin: "executive, G. Thompson, T. Allen and Bang- master J. Foster. Juvenile Contest In the juvenile contest, the Oshawa band was just nosed out for first place by the Prince of Orange band of Toronto, The Oshawa bhovs, however, gave ° great exhibition in the drill tes. led hy James McCulloch, and wes highly commended on its march- ing and drill. = Little Teddy Mor gan at the head of the band, at- tracted a great deal of attention, The band of Re-Echo Lodge, Oshawa was also high in competi- tion taking.second place in their The band was under the of Chester Follis. ¥ con- 1 t t of 8 F I 8 I 1 1 t class, direction Pomona was a beautiful wood nymph in Roman mythology who presided over gfruit trees The trifling amount of alkaloid poisoninz 'contained in the skin of a potato escapes during cooking. he our path | hill, Mr. and Mrs. G, K. duties at the London, two weeks with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, which warn him when he neared the field boundary, Club badges, president, also perfect attendance KB. A. perfect BUSY AT LAKE spite of the O'Neill. » * » Miss Ruth Penhale, of Park- who has been the guest of Brown, re- urned home yesterday. * * hd R. O. Brown returned to his Bank of Montreal, to-day, after spending G. K. Brown. UNDERTAKERS PROTEST (Hamilton Spectator) Toronto undertakers propery are protesting a proposal that a licenser embalmer be added 'o the staff of the General Hospital. Here, all the time, we've been harboring the notion that hospi- tals were maintained to ° keep husiness from the morticans. ( apt. Albert F. Hegenberger, of the U.S. Army Air Corps, recently made the first "blind" solo flight, seeing nothing but the instruments before him from take-off to landing He used radio to guide him into the field tn mark for him the point at to begin his glide and to The International Reliability Tour which is t, take place over most of the countries of Europe, will be held hetween August 11 and 28. Planes will be limited to two groups I ; $ of light sport craft, and each pilot tive for its entertainment ana ar- | must have complete liability insur- ance effective in all countries flown over, and Mrs. | GEN. 41; P e St., Oshawa Office Phone 793 Res, 2895 ICE REFRIGERATORS Your choice of Three at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN . THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8S. Phone 189 re ern RUG STORY PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliv -- INQUIRE about our Fre Washing and i : ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 86 King St, E. Phone 900 Fine Watch Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 | 12 Simcoe St. South BADGES PRESENTED Seven members of the Rotary who have completed the ast twelve months with an endance record of 100 per cent, oday received 100 per cent. given by the retiring S. J. Phillips. The even men who were present to M. receive their badges were George art, A. V. Swail, Dr, W, .J. angmaid, Allin F. Annis, Rus- ell Weir, Jack Ferguson and A. ~ Bouckley. Others who have for the year . were W. M, Gilbert, Lovell and Dr. S. J. Phil- ips. while George Ansley has had attendance since joining he club a few months ago. ast Yesterday again saw a great crowd of visitors at the Oshawa lakefront. In busses, trucks, and, cars, people came flocking from various neighbouring centres, particularly from Toronto, and in rather cool atmos- phere, the crowds seemed to be enjoying the outing thoroughly. There was quite a sprinkling of bathers in the water during the afternoon, although the water was too chilly to attract as large prumbers as would have gone In h had there been more warmth, at- | Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop AL INSURANCE [| in a Jewelry Store BASSETT'S ROYAL YORK TEA. V2 Ib. Pkg. 24¢c. 1 Ib. Pkg. 47¢ at all i (15 oct tf) § ~ Summer Resort Bicycles for Sale : SUMMER RESORT AT OSHAWA * Brookside Park, offer summer camping, catering picnic parties, f'bathing. Canada's most natural park. Phone 1808 ring 5, Wesley "Hoskin. (25 july c) BOYS', GIRLS' BICYCLES, TEN dollars up. Tires one dollar. Tubes 60c. Accessories and re- pairs. 12 Richmond E. (21 july e) Dew Worms TENNIS RACKETS RE-STRUNG : $2.50 and up, repairs reasonable. Work guaranteed. Phone 3193W. (1521) EASANT VALLEY -- IDEAL 'Booth on ground. ile south of Pickering Village, Pasgoe Bros. (2 Aug. 32) : : Transportation wetE NT CARTAGE AND MOV- ing. Low rates, Prompt service. Call Ww F. Riordan. Phone 1716F. (27 Julyec) FOR SALE -- ANY QUANTITY packed in moss. Phone 14207 301 French Street. (22 July e) Motor Loans AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE- financed, Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering a period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your car Campbell Auto Finance Co., Ltd, Disney Block, King Street East. H. A. MacDonald representative, Branches throughout Ontario. (2 lye) Barber Shop "GUS - BANK'S BARBER SHOP, Celina, corner Ash. All haircut- iting, 16c. Children (under 12 years) Mondays and Tuesdays Three barbers. Quick (25 Jly ¢) WN MOWERS, SHAR nd repaired, called for and de- Lawns rolled, cut and eways filled. Bros. Phone 3193W. ¢ ? (31 june c) HAYTON, THE ROOFER, phalt and wood shingle roofs, inspection. 185 Arthur, (June 13-1 yr.) i ok Awnings and Service AWNINGE, TENTS, FLAGY TARPAULINS, everything ia canvas, Phone 2104, George Reid, 66 Bond W, J.J. Turner & Sons, agent, (30Jly ¢) Motor Cars Slater - FOR SALE -- 1927 TRUCK, good for general purpose, in good condition, 350 Eulalie Ave. (lc) Personal OFFICE GIRL WOULD LIKE room and Board in cottage with family on lake shore, within a hundred miles of Oshawa, begia- ning July 25, for period of one or two weeks, Box 220 Times. 2b) Ah TILLIE THE TOILER-- ~ By Russ. Westover THIS FELLOW Horm THE PROMOTER, 1S CERTAINLY PUTTING THE VALETERIA OVER WE SUST HAD THE GRRANDEST LUNCH AT 'THE CASINO Ie EAH - - « THAT GUY HORN, | SUPPOSE 7 MINT H andl -- WHY, MAC © Mi2., [ \'S | A \WONDERFU J { PromoTER © 1882 King Features Syndicate, Ine.. Great Bs ain rights reserved? = ™ wl HORN LL. "THE BEST THING THATC \F GUY DOES \S TO PROMOTE DATES WITH You DADDY- THAT HORRID MR- BiLL O'FARE 1S CALLING~ WILL YOU GET RID OF HIM?! DONT WANT TO EVEN LOOK ) CANT SEE HIM EITHER: ILLGIT HIM OUT HES JUST IN THME FER A CERTAIN RADIO TURN ON THE RADIO TO AMUSE YOu - ME DAUGHTER 19 NOT HOME YET- 0 vil. HOUR- WE CAN BURY You FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. # WHY WAIT? Comg TO QUR PARLORY, NOW- WE EVEN FURNISH THE JULES 74 _ ©1932, King Features Sjadica: + THOUGHT THAT WOULD SEND HIM ON IS \WAN Superior Stores ,

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